2016 Annual Report On MINISTRIES

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Transcript of 2016 Annual Report On MINISTRIES


2016 Annual Report On MINISTRIES St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church Albuquerque, NM https://www.canterburyabq.org/

We are a reconciling community of Christians nurtured at the Lord's Table, grounded in the truths of Scripture and the traditions of the Church, and sustained through prayer.

Liturgy Report, page 2-4 Adult Education Report, page 5 Children’s Education Report, page 6

We are called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to: • Celebrate the joy of God's presence

Household Report, page 7 Organ Report, page 8-9

• Feed the hungry, heal the wounded, and welcome the stranger

Pastoral Care/Newcomers Report, page 10-11 Outreach Report, page 12-15 Communications Report, page 16 Building and Grounds Report, page 17-18

• Cherish diversity while striving for unity as one family in Christ • Engage in active ministry to the UNM & CNM

Campus Ministry Report, page 19-20

• Honor God in all Creation

Case Report, page 21 Finance Report, page 22 Vestry, page 23 Milestones & Thanks, page 24



Contact: Sylvia+ Sylvia.miller.mutia@gmail.com, 505-247-2515

PURPOSE: Liturgy is at the center of our life together. It is in the liturgy that we are nourished, stretched, and strengthened for all our ministries and work in the world. The liturgy is the work of all the people of God. We encourage people of all ages to take their place in the work of the liturgy, serving in various capacities: as greeters, readers, intercessors, acolytes, chalice bearers, bread bakers, altar guild members, and more! Thanks to the Following People for their significant support of this ministry in 2016: ALL greeters, readers, intercessors, sound system folks, sermon videographer folks, bread bakers, altar guild members, acolytes, musicians, chalice bearers, oblaters, and counters who make our liturgies happen each week! Thanks also to our prayer leaders: Larry Malick (Contemplative Prayer), Anne Marie Werner-Smith (Intercessory Prayer), Joe Lane & Dennis Kane (Morning Prayer.) Highlights from 2016:

o Launch of new Intercessory Prayer Group (Wednesdays at 11AM) by Anne Marie Werner Smith o Launch of new Contemplative Prayer Group (Tuesdays at 7PM) by Larry Malick o Growth of Daily Morning Prayer Group (Mondays-Thursdays at 7:30AM) with Sylvia+ o Growth of weekly Monday Meditation Group (Mondays at 6PM) with Lisa Seepaul o Launch of new weekly TODOS Service (Sundays at 6PM): Multi lingual, Multi generational, Multi

sensory Holy Eucharist, preceded by potluck supper & fellowship o Special Good Friday service (Noon-3PM) with 7 lay preachers o Special Lenten Taize Service with special musicians from Canterbury

Hopes for 2017:

o Continued growth of all our prayer groups and liturgies—in breadth, depth, and participation! o Increased participation of the entire community in our liturgical ministries. We need ALL members—

newcomers and experienced, young and old—to help us “make church happen” each Sunday! o Increased participation in all our Holy Week services by all members of Canterbury o Create short intro videos for all our liturgical ministries

Ways YOU can get involved in 2017:

o Sign up on the ROTA in the entryway to help with a Sunday service. If you need more info or training—just ask! Don’t be afraid to try something new! Learning is an essential aspect of the spiritual life!

o Invite a friend who might be seeking a spiritual practice or spiritual community to come to church! o Deepen your own prayer practice through regular participation in liturgy and prayer in whatever ways

work best for you—in person, online, in solitude, or in community.



MINISTRY REPORT: ALTAR GUILD Contact: Janet Steele, jmwsteele@gmail.com, 505-294-1846

Purpose: To be responsible for purchasing, setting out, cleaning, and housing items needed for worship by St Thomas of Canterbury including all vessels, supplies, linens, and items needed and to keep the sacristy as a space for doing the needed work. Thanks to the Following People for their significant support of this ministry in 2016: Carole Klossner for funding the purchase of a Tabernacle to house the Blessed Sacraments and funding the crèche set for the Mother's Chapel Ruth Meredith for designing the Tabernacle and shepherding its construction. Pat Eads for leading the Altar Guild in my absence and for washing and ironing the linens All members of the Altar Guild: Diana Melendres, Lucy Maki, Pat Eads, Bob Eads, Joe Lane, Anne McCormick, Ruth Meredith, Nancy Rogers, Dick Steele, Janet Steele Bread makers: Ann Murphy, Ettajane Conant, Susan Patrick, Nancy Rogers, Janet Steele Highlights from 2016:

o The purchase of the new Tabernacle

o Purchase of a small crèche set for the Mother's chapel o Doing our jobs on a weekly basis by helping each other and being collaborative.

Hopes for 2017

o Purchase new linens for festival services and for weekly services

o Purchase silver pitchers for our silver altar service set.

o Purchase a point of service hot water heater for the sacristy

o Purchase oil advent candles.

o Add to our numbers Ways YOU can get involved in 2017:

o Join us as we set up and clean up after services

o Join us as a bread maker (make bread for a month of services)

o Donate to the Sacristy Fund



Contact: Fritz Frurip, jffrurip@gmail.com, 505-248-0521 PURPOSE: To provide a range of appropriate topics to widen and deepen individual faith THANKS TO: The Men's Group for their hospitality and faithfulness; Ettajane Conant HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2016:

o Warren Smith on early Christian writings: Justin Martyr, Gospel of Thomas, influence of Stoicism on St.

Paul's theology, esp. his view of sin.

o Movie: "Traces of the Trade"

o Presentation on the life of Thomas Becket with Fritz Frurip

o Advent Series on Advent Hymns with Fritz Frurip

o Three groups met weekly (Sunday mornings, Wednesday mornings, Tuesday evenings) to read and

discuss “Radical Welcome” by Stephanie Spellers

o Sunday Morning Lenten Series on the English Reformation with Fritz Frurip, Anne Fuller, and Ettajane


o Tuesday Evening Lenten Series with various presenters

o In May we completed a 10 month “Couple’s Class”; 3 Campus Ministry couples participated in the 10

session course.

o Two presentations with guest speakers from the Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico

o In October we launched a group meeting monthly on Tuesday evenings to read and discuss “Rising

Strong” by Brene Brown

o Three presentations with guest speakers from Contemplative Outreach of NM

o 20+ members of Canterbury shared a visit to the local Turkish Muslim Center to share Ramadan

Iftar—a festive meal and educational presentation about Ramadan


o Find ways to utilize "The Wired Word" –a resource for spiritual reflection on current events—to support

reflection, conversation, and learning at Canterbury.

o Offer a Lenten Course/Book Study on the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Ways YOU can get involved in 2017: o Suggest a class topic

o Teach a class

o Attend a class


MINISTRY REPORT: CHILDREN’S EDUCATION Contact Pat Eads, peads4@msn.com, 505-884-6037

PURPOSE: Our Children’s Ministry team strives to nurturing children and families in the household of Canterbury to develop a spiritual identity, build community relationships, and express God’s love through our actions of service.

Thanks to the following people for their significant support of this Ministry in 2016: Special thanks to Eileen Lambert who has served as the Christian Ed Committee chair for many years. Many thanks to Julie Downs and Anna Cummings for their endless time and support. A special thanks to Courtney Angermeier for doing a fantastic job leading and facilitating the Parents Retreat. Highlights from 2016:

Palm Saturday/Holy Week event hosted by

St. Chads

Easter Egg Hunt

Vacation Bible School hosted by St. Marks

Parents Retreat

Lunch and Children’s Chapel Training for the

older children

Launch of Children’s Chapel

New Canterbury Kids Newsletter

New Canterbury Kids & Family Resources on

our website

Weekly “Song and Storytime” for kids &


Participation in the Big Church services

through reading, lighting candles, streamers,


Halloween Party/Parents’ Night Out

St. Nicholas Day event hosted by St. Chads

Annual Pancake Fundraising Breakfast

Holiday Parents Day Out

Decorate Becket Hall for Christmas

Participation in Albuquerque-wide youth

events including a holy hike, the Corn Maze,

casserole prep party and movie night hosted by Canterbury

Hopes for 2017: Host activities to raise funds for the Operating Fund and to purchase Godly Play supplies and training

Introduce Godly Play lessons into the Children’s Chapel

Hold 3 Parents Days/Nights Out

Ways YOU can get involved in 2017:

o Observe and assist in Children’s Chapel

Volunteer to help with Vacation Bible School, Palm Saturday, or the Diocesan Youth Activities

Become better acquainted with the children of Canterbury!


MINISTRY REPORT: HOUSEHOLD CELEBRATIONS Contact: Ettajane Conant, ejconant1@gmail.com, 505-296-4781

PURPOSE: To help the household of Canterbury “celebrate the joy of God’s presence” by providing food and leadership for community celebrations for baptisms, graduations, farewells, Easter, Christmas, new members, etc. Highlights of 2016:

o Annual Meeting & Potluck Lunch (January)

o Easter Brunch (after the 5:30AM Vigil) and Easter Luncheon (after the 10AM service)

o Bishop’s Visitation and Confirmations (in June)

o Good bye party for the Down’s Family (June)

o Christmas Eve Potluck & Celebration

Notes: Generally, our biggest expenses and our biggest celebrations are the Easter Brunch and Luncheon. They were, as usual, well-supported and festive. The next biggest event this year was the welcoming of new Episcopalians at the June confirmation. Other outlays were thank-yous for outgoing members of vestry and search committee. Other events, like the annual meeting and holidays, depend upon contributions from the congregation, and they are always very generous. Hopes for 2017:

o Addition of an Annual Potluck Lunch Celebration and “Semi-Annual Meeting” (to allocate Canterbury

outreach dollars) on Pentecost

o Annual Newcomer Welcome Luncheon (or other Gathering)

Notes: I trust that this generosity will continue and that if there are suggestions for other activities, they will be brought to the attention of those who can implement them. (And Dorothy says cake every Sunday wouldn’t go uneaten!)

Ways YOU can get involved in 2017: o Bring food to potlucks!

o Help wash dishes! (For a dishwasher tutorial, contact Don Partridge, don@partridgepatrick.com, 505-


o Contact Ettajane if you would like to organize or help out with a Household Celebration

Notes: For those looking for a place to serve—there’s always the kitchen! That’s said half in jest, but there are some faithful dishwashers at the big events, but these people aren’t jealous of their positions as cooks and bottle washers. Come in and join the fun!



Contact: Fritz Frurip, jffrurip@gmail.com, 505-248-0521 Keep up-to-date on our organ project at: https://www.canterburyabq.org/organ-project.html

PURPOSE: To help the household of Canterbury “celebrate the joy of God’s presence” in our liturgies with high quality music Highlights of 2016

o NEW CONSOLE: The new console was delivered to the church campus. To the best of my

knowledge, the new console (which was custom-built for St. Thomas) is the only terraced pipe organ

console in New Mexico. The cabinet is built of solid “American” Cherry and North American Black

Walnut, the stop knob terraces are built using two types of Padauk (African which has the richest color

Burmese which is lightly less colorful – the Burmese Padauk was donated for this project), the console

scaffold is built of Clear Yellow Poplar, the support structures for the manual keyboards are built using

red oak, the sharp keys are ebony, the pedal keys are solid maple with ebony caps for the sharp keys,

the console platform planking is “American” Cherry, the heavy framing is Clear Yellow Poplar mounted

on six castors rated for more than 500 pounds each. The organist’s bench currently being used with

the electronic instrument was also built in our shop using North American Black Walnut and African

Padauk. Console and platform can be moved by a single adult with ease. Replacement value of the

console is no less than $70,000.00

o NEW PIPES: Using old growth Poplar salvaged from old organ pipes (timber is at least 100 years old)

and “American” Cherry for caps, we built new pipes to complete the Great Division flute 4’ and new

pipes to complete the Swell Division principal 8’. Pipes for the principal 8’ are in the church; pipes for

the flute 4’ are in my living room and in the way. (A word about “American” Cherry: our local supplier

offers boards as red cherry – there are numerous species of red cherry timber and American Cherry

has become sort of the generic appellation for many suppliers. In other words, there is a certain small

variety in color and figure in this timber – makes pieces more visually interesting.)

o TOWERS: Most of the elements for the five towers which comprise the main organ cabinet pipe display

are ready for assembly – dovetail joinery is used for certain elements. This kind of joinery is decorative

and offers a fiercely strong cabinet joint. The tower frames at the extreme ends of the upper cabinet

(North and South towers) are North American Black Walnut; the three interior frames are being built

using “American” Cherry.

o WINDCHEST: Work on windchests continues. It may be possible to engage the helpful efforts of

volunteers in this effort. (See below….)

o PLANNING & PARTICIPATION: Attended a most productive meeting with the rector and the chair of

the organ committee. A very serious program offering work contributions by parish volunteers will

make completion of the organ feasible in 2017. As recently as yesterday a brief investment of time and

strength moved the project into a new phase, thanks to Don P.


Ways YOU can get involved in 2017:

1) PRAY daily for our organ builder, Mike, for his health and work, and for the swift and successful

completion of the organ at Canterbury.

2) LEARN more about pipe organs so that you can better understand the scope and nature of the

project, and watch for regular video updates on the organ project on our Organ Project Webpage

3) SHOW UP for Volunteer Organ Workdays and lend a hand polishing pipes etc! (TUESDAY

AFTERNOONS, 1-2X PER MONTH; see Canterbury Communications for details on upcoming



MINISTRY REPORT: NEWCOMERS & COMMUNITY Contact: Janet Steele, jmwsteele@gmail.com, 505-294-1846

PURPOSE: Canterbury’s Newcomer & Community Team strives to support and nurture the Household of Canterbury, extending Christian hospitality to visitors and newcomers and facilitating new members’ integration into the life and community of Canterbury. Thanks to the following people for their significant support of this Ministry in 2016: Janet Steele, Committee Chair and organizer of summer Foyer groups; Laura Hughes, provider of visitor gift bags and their contents, creator of name tags, and co-chair of the Mother’s Day Tea and the Canterbury Art/Crafts Fair; Kate Bolintineanu, for graphic support of special events; coffee hour hosts—Eileen Lambert, Laura Hughes, Nancy Rogers, Kate Bolintineanu, Adrian Perez, Sheila Hard, Susan Patrick, Amanda Don. Highlights from 2016:

Distribution of gift bags to adult and child visitors

Weekly coffee/social hour following the 10:00 service

Epiphany soup suppers at the Miller-Mutia home

Summer Foyer groups

Mother’s Day Tea

Newcomer welcome at All Saints and Pentecost

Canterbury Art/Crafts Fair

Hopes for 2017:

Expand rota of coffee hour hosts

Encourage greater congregational participation in, and increased attendance at, annual fundraising


Promote regular wearing of nametags by both oldtimers and newcomers

Establish a rota of parishioners to make follow up calls/visits to visitors

Annual Newcomer Welcome Meal and/or Retreat

Ways YOU can get involved in 2017: o Volunteer to call or visit folks soon after their first visit to Canterbury

Add your name to the coffee hour host rota

Wear your name tag EVERY Sunday, and make a point of greeting and welcoming visitors and



MINISTRY REPORT: PASTORAL CARE Contact: Sylvia+ Sylvia.miller.mutia@gmail.com, 505-247-2515

PURPOSE: Just as the work of welcoming and hospitality to strangers is a ministry that belongs to the whole community, so too the work of caring for the needs of our members is a ministry that belongs to the whole community. Just as members of our Greeters & Newcomers Team serve to model best practices of welcoming for the community, and invite others to share more fully in our work of welcoming strangers, so too members of our Pastoral Care Team serve to model best practices of caring for the community, and invite others to share more fully in our work of caring for members. Thanks to the following people for their significant support of this Ministry in 2016: Wednesday Prayer Group & Email Prayer Group, Warren Smith (Phone Calls & Rides), Janet Steele & Kate Bolintineanu (Funeral Receptions), Eucharistic Visitors (Nancy Rogers, Dick & Janet Steele, Joe Lane), Men’s Group (assistance to Connaught Lemond), Assisting Clergy for Pastoral Care (Pat Masterman, John Barton, Don Denoon) Highlights from 2016:

o Prayer: The members have devoted themselves to pray for not only those on the weekly prayer list,

but also for special requests made during the week. Prayer is the key to healing and a deep presence

of God’s love for those we know personally, as well as those we have never met. This year we

integrated prayer requests from St. Martin’s into our weekly prayer list.

o Eucharistic Visitors: Our clergy and lay Eucharistic visitors made many home, hospital and nursing

facility visits to bring Communion, prayer and God’s presence to those experiencing illness, impending

death and their families.

o Hosting Receptions: The Household of Canterbury pulled together to support grieving families with

beautiful funeral liturgies and receptions, sometimes with very little notice.

o Meals/Visits to the Homebound: Whether someone was recovering from surgery or a long-term

illness, members of Canterbury (often at the invitation of Janet Steele) have brought meals, emotional

support and God’s love to many of Canterbury’s members during the year. Often a phone call lifted the

spirits of those who may have felt isolated during recovery. Reaching out to our members as well as

those who are not regular service attendees, can be a healing balm for those who may have felt


Ways YOU can get involved in 2017:

o Join the email prayer list, to receive a weekly list of prayer requests from members of Canterbury. Just

email Sylvia+ and ask to be added to the group!

o Become a Eucharistic Visitor—bring communion to those who are sick or homebound!

o Join Warren Smith (warrensmith0@gmail.com, 505-869-9133) in making a few phone calls each week

to members of Canterbury to check in and invite their prayer requests.


MINISTRY REPORTS: OUTREACH Contact Anne McCormick, aomcc.abq@gmail.com, 505-639-4513

Purpose: To support efforts by the church and individual congregants to reach out beyond our walls to serve and be present in the larger community; and to address the root causes of homelessness and poverty in Albuquerque. Thanks to the following people for their significant support of this Ministry in 2016: George Bach, Sally Barlow, Amy and Larry Malick, Pat Masterman, Susan Patrick, Dick and Janet Steele, Mary Steele, Warren and Anne-Marie Warner-Smith, Emily Wirth, Nori Highlights from 2016:

Formation of Canterbury ACTIVATE, a team of parishioners committed to understanding issues surrounding homelessness and coming up with meaningful ways for us as a congregation and individuals to address them;

Linked ACTIVATE with CONTEMPLATE as a way to connect prayer and action;

Provided volunteers in ESL to Encuentro, a local immigration organization;

Kept up the PB&J ministry of donations to food pantries;

Supported Nob Hill Clergy Association’s commitment to local Habitat for Humanity;

Built relationships with the LGBTQ community, including two community forums

Stood up for Standing Rock with a roof top drum circle and inside prayer service;

Presented “Dorothy Day/Thomas Merton Dialogue” as both fundraiser and consciousness-raiser

Hopes for 2017:

Continue to support the St Martin’s ministry by expand the number of people involved, whether through brunch preparation or other avenues of service

Continue to support the immigrant community w/ ESL tutors

Formation of one or more ‘care teams’ to work one-on-one with a person in transition to permanent housing

Continue to be present in the larger community by o Networking with individuals, other Episcopal churches, interfaith groups and other

community organizations; o Providing Canterbury facilities for community building activity; o Supporting other faith communities, such as the Muslims

Present ‘St Francis Face to Face’ sometime around October 4. Ways YOU can get involved in 2017:

o Join the ACTIVATE group that meets on 2nd Tuesdays at 6 pm

Participate in St Martin’s brunch ministry or volunteer at St Martin’s

Decide on an individual action and tell others in the congregation about what you’re doing



OUTREACH REPORT: Sunday brunches at St. Martins Contact Eileen Lambert, klambert@swcp.com, 505-265-2269

Purpose: To serve a Sunday morning meal to Albuquerque’s homeless and near homeless population at St. Martins Hospitality Center Thanks to the following people for their significant support of this Ministry in 2016: Dick & Janet Steele, Pat & Bob Eads, Ken Summers, Warren Smith, Anne Marie Werner-Smith, Anne McCormick, Amy & Larry Malick, Don Partridge, Susan Patrick, Emma Hart, David Tod, Emily Wirth, Sally Barlow, Pam Brown, Joe & Alexis Artery, The Thomas Family, John Sigda, Becky Rogers, Ettajane Conant, Pat Masterman, John Barton and Sylvia Miller-Mutia. Highlights from 2016:

At the end of 2016, the Activate committee proposed that Canterbury donate enough socks so that each person who attends our January 8, 2017 brunch receives a new pair of socks. Janet Steele kicked off the effort by buying 200 pairs of socks. Socks were collected over the Christmas season and placed near the crèche – our own gift in honor of the Christ child.

Monetary donations to Canterbury’s St. Martin’s fund continue to be strong, enabling the coordinators to purchase dry goods and fill in the gaps of food donations.

The Albuquerque Area Episcopal Churches Youth Group met at Canterbury in November and assembled 30 “breakfast burrito casseroles”, which were served at our November St. Martin’s brunch.

Due to a reduced number of people donating food and volunteering to serve, Canterbury has reduced the number of days we will serve brunch in 2017 from 6 per year to 4 per year. Our 2017 dates are: January 8, May 28, July 23 and November 26.

Hopes for 2017: Open up opportunities to volunteer for this ministry by having casserole prep parties at St. Thomas, at

which Canterbury volunteers can assemble and cook casseroles for our Sunday brunches. This way, people who may not be able to serve at St. Martins and who do not directly donate food can still participate in this outreach.

Train 3 or 4 new people to lead and coordinate the Sunday brunches, so that there is a “back-up plan” in the event of illness or scheduling conflicts.

Assist St. Martins in re-establishing a Sunday worship service. The Sunday worship services were discontinued at the end of 2016 at this facility, which receives federal and municipal funding to operate. At the present time, Amy Malick is exploring several possibilities for resuming the Sunday service, which is a very important part of the morning’s activities for many people at St. Martins.

Ways YOU can get involved in 2017:

Learn the current process for coordinating our Sunday brunches and volunteer to coordinate on one of the Sundays in 2017.

Review the sign-up sheets when they are posted, to see whether you might be able to help prepare casseroles, or donate food, or serve on site at St. Martins.

Include a monetary donation to St. Martins in your pledge. Each time we serve, we need to purchase plates, bowls, cups, napkins, and utensils in addition to food.

Take part in organizing and subsequently participating in the worship service that accompanies our Sunday brunches. We are confident that we can find a way to resume these meaningful services, and all ideas for doing so are welcome.


OUTREACH REPORT: Collecting Aluminum for Education and the Environment

Contact Sally Barlow, pambsalb@yahoo.com, 505-235-2356

Fifteen-year-old Michael, the beneficiary of Canterbury's collection of aluminum cans and containers, continues to do well in school in Jos, Nigeria. He is Pam Brown's and Sally Barlow's godson. The money generated by this project goes into a fund for his higher education, but last year it was necessary to send $300 for his school fees when his parents had not been paid for months due the collapsing oil-based economy. Thank you for continuing to put your aluminum in the blue container in the NE corner of the atrium. In 2016 Bob Eads added a new element: he recycles aluminum at his workplace and donates the proceeds to the Michel's Fund. This project helps not only Michael but also the environment by saving energy, raw materials and waste.

OUTREACH REPORT: Helping Support Faith Alive Hospital Contact Sally Barlow, pambsalb@yahoo.com, 505-235-2356

Members of Canterbury continued to donate medical supplies and money to assist Faith Alive Hospital in Jos, Nigeria, and to pray for its success in caring for its approximately 6200 patients living with HIV. Dr. Chris Isichei, the inspiring Nigerian physician who began Faith Alive Clinic with $333 he received during a 1996 visit to Albuquerque, joined Canterbury's Wednesday Prayer Group while here in May. His hospital provides a unique service: free medical care to impoverished Nigerians in Jos and at several satellite clinics in surrounding states. It has struggled to maintain services and salaries as the U.S. Government reduced its support for HIV treatment and the country experienced severe consequences of falling oil prices, huge drop in the value of its currency, Islamist and tribal violence, and corruption. In spite of it all, Dr. Chris remains optimistic and faithful, because "God is in charge."


MINISTRY REPORT: COMMUNICATIONS Contact: Joe Lane, jlane@unm.edu, 505-839-4310

PURPOSE: The communications team supports Canterbury in reaching out within and beyond our walls to minister to

people at home and on the go through the intentional use of signage, print and digital communications.

Thanks to the following people for their significant support of this Ministry in 2016: Joe Lane, Anna Cummings, Mary Steele, Larry Malick, Sylvia+ Highlights from 2016:

o We designed and purchased several attractive Outdoor Banners to advertise special services, events,

and seasons at Canterbury to passersby.

o We bought a new video camera for videotaping events and sermon.

o We continue to develop our website as a tool for both inreach and outreach: Our homepage includes

recent sermon videos, a visitor welcome video, seasonal music resources, and more. Mary Steele

posts weekly newsletters to our Newsletter Archive, Joe Lane posts weekly sermons to our Sermon

Page, Anna Cummings posts monthly news & resources for Children and Families, Larry Malick is

developing a page for the Contemplative Prayer Group, and Sylvia+ continues to populate the site with

a wide variety of resources for prayer, education, and spiritual formation as well as mundane practical

resources like the church calendar and directory. (PASSWORD: Canterbury)

o Joe Lane, Anna Cummings, and Sylvia continue to upkeep postings to Facebook.

o We boosted a Christmas advertisement for about $28. I did the 25-mile radius of the

Albuquerque area. That is when Facebook posts our advertisement and that demographic

group of people will eventually see it. I think, through visual observation we got about a 10%-

25% increase in the Christmas services. (See supplemental report for more facebook stats)

Ways YOU can get involved in 2017: o “Like” our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CanterburyABQ/

o “Like”, “Share”, and “Comment” on our facebook posts

o Familiarize yourself with our increasingly awesome website: https://www.canterburyabq.org/

o Subscribe to our weekly email newsletter, Canterbury Communications—and make time to read it each



MINISTRY REPORT: BUILDING AND GROUNDS Contact: Don Partridge, don@partridgepatrick.com, 505-256-1320

PURPOSE: Maintaining our buildings and grounds as a place of beauty, safety, and sanctuary for all members of the household of Canterbury and the surrounding community. Thanks to the following people for their significant support of this Ministry in 2016:

Joe Artery (everything), Fred Chreist (everything), Jo Ann Chreist (gardens), Courtney Angermeier (backyard mural), Sam Beard (front yard prayer boards), Don Partridge (B & G Notebook) Bob Eads (heating/cooling) Highlights from 2016: In the early part of 2016 most of the focus of time and energy was spent on trying to stay ahead of the mess that was being produced in the back area of the Church grounds. For the sanity of Fred Chreist, we were happy to solve that problem with two projects Backyard Lighting

o Kimbrough Electric donated the labor and AMG donated the material to install an LED flood light that

produces an enormous amount of light at the back door.

Backyard Fencing o The Vestry with the recommendation of a committee on homeless voted to install a fence closing off the

back area.

Backyard Beautification o Not only did the fence solve the problem we were having with safety, security and health of the

homeless and members of our household, but the back area of the Church has been transformed by

many volunteers, including local artist Courtney Angermeier and a youth group from Colorado.

Front Yard Beautification o Lenten Art Installation of Stations of the Cross by Ruth Meredith

o Installation of 3 Community “Prayer Boards” by Sam Beard

o Community Day of the Dead Art Installation/Shrine by Ruth Meredith

o Season ribbons, banners, and decorations by Sylvia+

Miscellaneous Achievements Repair and addition of electrical outlets in the kitchen & Repair of the refrigerator Countless hours on the garden Plumbing repairs in the bathrooms and kitchen Hired a sexton

Retirement of our Valiant Chairman

o We have had the benefit of Fred Chreist's behind-the-scenes service of keeping an eye on the building

and grounds for many years. It is time to relieve Fred of this responsibility and to do so we put together

a Buildings and Grounds Notebook and established a rota of on-call volunteers. Sam Beard, Bob

Eads, and Don Partridge will be sharing responsibilities as on-call volunteers for 2017 with the hopes

that between all three we can cover the responsibility that Fred has quietly assumed for years.

Building & Grounds Notebook o The notebook includes detailed floor plans with locations of smoke alarms, thermostats, etc.; relevant

phone numbers; a calendar of annual jobs; and outlines of chores for spring and fall work days. Each

of the volunteers has a copy of the notebook along with copies for the vestry buildings and grounds

person, the sexton, and the office.


Ways YOU can get involved in 2017: o Come pitch in at our Parish Workdays! (Next Workday is Saturday, April 1st)

o Do your part to clean up, straighten up, and help out whenever you’re at church

o The main challenge for 2017 will be finding a reasonably priced replacement for the maintenance of the

swamp coolers. Bob Eads has taken on this major task every spring and fall. Bob has decided it’s time

to get off the roof and the ladder, and we are very grateful for the years of work he has put into it. If

anybody knows a handyman, or would like to take on the start-up and winterizing of the swamp coolers,

please contact the new Vestry.


MINISTRY REPORT: CAMPUS MINISTRY Contact: Sylvia+ Sylvia.miller.mutia@gmail.com, 505-247-2515

PURPOSE: Welcoming students and other members of the University Community into a dynamic, inclusive, intergenerational community growing through spiritual practice and service.

Thanks to the following people for their significant support of this Ministry in 2016

Adrian Perez

Aidan Ashley

Alvaro Ulloa, Jessica

Morales, and Gabriel

Anne McCormick

Anne and Mark Miller

Anne Marie and Warren


Carol Klossner

Chloe Jenkins

Dennis Kane

Dan, Kate, and Gabriel


Dick and Janet Steele

Miller-Mutia Family

Marcie Hromas

Faith Holland

Heather Jim

John+ Barton

Kathy DeBlasio

Lorenzo, Moriah, and

Spock Baca

Nick Tollardo and Victor


Pat+ Masterman

Preston Jones

Rahel Fikre-Selassie

Sarah Laine

Vicki Kelsey

Highlights from 2016”

Mass on the Grass @ the UNM Duckpond every Wednesday in Eastertide

Camp Stoney Retreat, Spring 2016

Couch to 5-Pray, Tuesdays & Thursdays, Summer, 2016

PRIDE parade & picnic, June 2016

Relay for Life, June 2016

Welcome Back BBQ, August 2016

Table at UNM Welcome Back Days, August, 2016

Campus Coffee Stop @ UNM every Tuesday afternoon, Fall 2016

New TODOS program: Multilingual Service, Meals, and Programs, September 2016

Hopes for 2017:

Continue connecting with UNM students, staff, and faculty and providing pastoral care at weekly

Canterbury Coffee Stops on Campus

Grow our Sunday Night TODOS community

Ways YOU can get involved in 2017:

Pray for the growth and flourishing of TODOS

Sign up to serve as a meal host for TODOS

Join us for TODOS, Canterbury Coffee Stop, ASHES TO GO or any other Campus Ministry event!



MINISTRY REPORT: CASE (CANTERBURY FOR A SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT) Contact: Don Partridge, don@partridgepatrick.com, 505-256-1320

PURPOSE: To lead the household of Canterbury in environmental stewardship and care for creation. The major effort of CASE this year was to investigate installing PV panels on our roof. Gina Dennis, Sheila Hard, and Sally Barlow spearheaded an investigation of the possible routes that we might take with input from NMIPL, St. Mark’s, and the First Unitarian Church. These included options ranging from outright purchase of panels to various forms of lease. Unfortunately, none of these options appeared to be feasible given the shortfall in the overall parish budget. We feel that having PV panels is an important commitment to stewardship and are hoping to revisit going solar again in the near future. Other ongoing CASE efforts are recycling bins that are provided and maintained by Joe Artery and collection and recycling of used batteries by Don Partridge. Susan Patrick provided the parish with glass plates for use at coffee hours in the hopes of discouraging the use of disposable paper and plastic products for parish functions. We were reminded of our responsibility for environmental stewardship in liturgies throughout the year, but especially in the Season of Creation, Earth Day, and the Feast of St. Francis. CASE would like to remind all of us, especially in the current political climate, that we all have a commitment as Christians to the stewardship of God’s creation.


MINISTRY REPORT: FINANCE Contact: Dorothy Treadwell, dtreadwellcpa@gmail.com, 505-554-6347

PURPOSE: The finance committee serves as an advisory committee to the Vestry. (Per church canons, the vestry holds ultimate fiduciary responsibility for the parish.) The finance committee is open to all members of Canterbury--no particular financial expertise is required to share in this work! The finance committee is responsible for: * Supporting the Treasurer and Vestry in developing an annual operating budget for the parish through a collaborative process that invites the participation of all ministry leaders and members throughout the year. * Monitoring parish cash flow (income & expenditures) * Developing recommendations to support required cash flow * Overseeing parish investments * Providing financial input on long term planning to the vestry Thanks to the following people for their significant support of this Ministry in 2016: Committee members Sylvia Miller-Mutia+; Don Partridge, Sr. Warden; Nancy Rogers; Dick Steele; Ken Summers; Dave Tod and Dorothy Treadwell, co-chairs. The Committee also thanks Sheila Hard for her help in discussing investment strategies, and Vicky Kelsey, a committee member who moved away from Albuquerque and resigned from the Committee. Highlights from 2016:

Development of a balanced 2017 budget after all congregation members had the opportunity to

participate in the budget process

The National Church obligation is paid In full and several designated offerings were disbursed to the

organizations specified (i.e., Habitat for Humanity; St. Phillips, Belen)

Investment policies are in process and the Committee provided guidance to the Vestry about

alternative investments.

Hopes for 2017:

Complete the investment policies begun in 2016

Complete the Treasurer’s job description requested by the Rector In 2016

Continue to review the budget process and recommend any changes

Obtain a purchase card to be used instead of issuing many small reimbursements

Ways YOU can get involved in 2017:

Attend any Finance Committee meeting. Meetings are typically held on the second Sunday of every

month and are publicized in Canterbury Communications.

Participate in the budget process (i.e., budget town hall meetings

Read the financial information as it appears in Canterbury Communications


2016 VESTRY-Thank you for your Leadership!

Class of 2016 Maddie Carrell, Campus Ministry Edwina Beard, Newcomers, Pastoral Care, Liturgy & music Joe Artery, Jr. Warden, Buildings & Grounds

Class of 2017 Dorothy Treadwell, Finance Fritz Frurip, Organ, Adult Ed Joe Lane, Communications Don Partridge, Sr. Warden

Class of 2018 Pat Eads, Children’s Ministry Anne McCormick, Outreach Dave Tod, Household


Kate Bolintineanu Kate was born and raised in the Midwest and received her BA in Art and M Ed in Education from the University of Minnesota. She is the proud mom of two boys under two and loves being active with her family- in the mountains or at the park! In addition, Kate enjoys drawing, painting, and dabbling in digital art. She is interested in welcoming new families, especially our brothers and sisters of color, to the table at Canterbury. Eileen Lambert I am Eileen Hart Lambert. I am a structural engineer working about 3/4 time in the structural department of a large architectural company. I have been married to Kevin for 23 years and we have two sons: Kelsey (21) and Tobin (18). I started attending Canterbury with a cousin in 1982, and attended sporadically until getting married here in 1993, after which time we began to attend more regularly. Both of our sons were baptized and confirmed here. I am running for the vestry because I believe that it is critical to boost membership and to solve the financial problems that have plagued our community for several years now. We cannot help others if we don't keep our doors open and our lights on, and we need more hands to do the work we want to do.

Dick Steele I am running for a Vestry Position at St Thomas of Canterbury because I believe that Canterbury is poised to feed the hungry, heal the wounded, and welcome the stranger. I am a cradle Episcopalian and have worshiped with 14 different congregations. I served on the Vestry of Saint George's! Belleville, Illinois, and St Thomas of Canterbury where I also served as Junior Warden. As a member of the Household I want Canterbury to be a place that not only reflects God's love inside the church but also takes God's love outside to our neighbors. We need to increase our presence at UNM, CNM, and throughout Albuquerque. This will require all of us to work together and with God's help we will do it.



Baptisms Elliot Artery Sidney Ostrander Troy Ostrander Gina Dennis Confirmations Nick Tollardo Victor Torres Kate Bolintineanu Tobin Lambert Gina Dennis Marriage Lorenzo & Moriah Baca Burial Cathy Stanke Perk Murphy Kirby Lewis Julia White Farewells Downs Family (MN) Sheila Hard (CA) Pat Masterman (Santa Fe) Sigda-Rogers Family (TX) Jessica, Alvaro, and Gabriel Ulloa (PA) Anne Fuller (St. John’s Cathedral) Roberta Innan (St. John’s Cathedral)

Newcomers The following people have become active participants in worship, and/or some other important aspect of our common life at Canterbury, during the past year: 8:00 Cliona Waller 10:00 Fr. Jim & Candy Porter Fr. Jack Russell Jennie Cayaditto Johanna Littleman Linda Spiess Kay & Barney Iorio Lynn Barbour & Tammy August TODOS Aidan Ashley Marcie Hromas Faith Holland Other Lenore (Norie) Baeli Wang (Contemplative Prayer) George Bach (Outreach) Judy, Louise, and Nancy(Atria) Nina Chambers (Part time Resident) Hugo (Chloe) Jenkins (Campus Ministry)

Special Recognition and Thanks

Our “retiring” Vestry members: Maddie Carrell (Campus Ministry) Edwina Beard (Newcomers/Pastoral Care) Joe Artery (Building & Grounds) Our “retiring” Ministry Leaders Fred Chreist (Buliding & Grounds) Eileen Lambert (Sunday School) Other Bob Eads (Building & Grounds) Ettajane Conant (Cakes & Celebrations) Janet Steele (Funeral Receptions) Ruth Meredith (Stations of the Cross) Carole Klossner (Tabernacle) Lifetime Achievment Award

Sam Beard