2016 Annual Meeting - St. James Episcopal Church | Dillon ... · The Reverend Susan Eades, Rector...

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Transcript of 2016 Annual Meeting - St. James Episcopal Church | Dillon ... · The Reverend Susan Eades, Rector...


St. James Episcopal Church P. O. Box 1374—203 E. Glendale St.

Office(406)683-2735—Cell (406)-925-3290

Email: stjamesdillon@live.com

Website: stjamesdillon.org

On the last day of the festival, the great day, while Jesus was

standing there, he cried out, ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come

to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the

scripture has said, “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow

rivers of living water.”’ John 7:37-38

2016 Annual Meeting

January 22, 2017

Rt. Rev. Dr. Franklin C. Brookhart, IX Bishop of Montana

The Rt. Rev. Carol Gallagher, Bishop for Native American Ministries

& Assistant Bishop

The Reverend Susan Eades, Rector

The Reverend Steve DeHart, Deacon


Katie Bump, Sr. Warden

Mary Jo O’Rourke, Jr. Warden

Dorothy DeHart, Treasurer

Kathryn Hatch, Clerk of the Vestry

Maralyn Kailey

Alma Nye

Kay Roach


Martha Winford


1. Opening Prayer

2. Minutes from 2015 Annual Meeting

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. Sr. Warden’s Report

a. Capital Campaign Report

5. Jr. Warden’s Report

6. Altar Guild Report

7. Creative Liturgy Committee Report

8. Hospitality Committee Report

9. Vine & Branches Report

10. Sunday School Report

11. Outreach Ministries

a. Wood Bank Ministry Report

b. Food Bank Report

c. UTO Report

d. Military Prayer Service Report

12. Deacon’s Report

13. Rector’s Report

14. Statistical Reports

15. Nominating Committee Report

16. Vestry Elections

17. Old Business

18. New Business

a. Election of Convention Delegates

19. Recognition of and Decommissioning Service for retiring Vestry


20. Thank You’s

21. Adjournment


2016 Annual Meeting Minutes St James Episcopal Church January 24, 2016

Meeting called to order and opened in prayer at 11:52 a.m. Sunday, January 24, 2016.

2015 Annual Meeting Minutes were accepted as printed in the meeting booklet.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Dorothy DeHart. The 2016 budget was reviewed and

received as printed in the meeting booklet. Income, projected expenses and individual items were

explained. Profit and loss/budget performance documents were received as presented. The

process by which budget work is to be done by finance committee and Vestry, approved by the

Vestry than received, not approved by the congregation as a whole was clarified. Congregation

members were encouraged to bring their budget concerns and suggestions to be heard at Vestry

meetings. Financial assets report sheet, covering investments, brokerage and bank accounts was


Katie Bump presented the Finance Committee and Capital Campaign reports, as included

in the meeting booklet.

Rev. Eades moved to defer oral reports from those committees and individuals whose

written reports were included in the meeting booklet.

As the Jr. Warden’s report was not included in the written meeting booklet, it was given

orally by Mary Jo O’Rourke. She reviewed the many projects which have been accomplished in

2015, both large and small, ranging from repairs to interior and exterior property maintenance.

The Annual Meeting focus then shifted to a project-oriented focus. Church programs and

activities were identified in a congregation-participant format based on the SWEEP model

(Service, Worship, Evangelism, Education, and Pastoral Care). Table discussions centered on

identifying ministry needs in Dillon and the surrounding area. Small-group ideas were presented to

the congregation present, with volunteers being recruited for various suggested projects, such as a

time capsule, Capital Campaign, Grace Camp outreach, community service opportunities and

resource awareness, community Vacation Bible School involvement, lectionary discussion groups,

after-school tutoring, and involvement with the community ministerial association. Many great

ideas were discussed and further congregational involvement was encouraged. Emphasis was

placed on a model of thinking first about ministry rather than just church growth.

Deacon Candidate Steve DeHart spoke to the congregation about the role of the Deacon

and how that role differs from that of the Priest. Using the “Examination of the Deacon” section of

the Book of Common Prayer, which outlines the role of the Deacon, and Isaiah 58, which speaks

of the prophetic call and its involvement among the needy of the world, he emphasized the focus

of diaconal ministry to those in the community, within and outside of the formal church. As an

example of this Diaconal work and as an encouragement to the parish, Steve spoke of the work he

has been doing in the community in the area of military veterans’ needs and services and the

efforts of the “Joining Community Forces” group which is now focusing on developing ways to

provide assistance to individuals reintegrating into civilian life after military service or war. This

group operates in conjunction with the Dillon’s Human Resource Network to assist those veterans’

physical, medical, behavioral, educational, financial and faith-based needs. As part of this work,

Steve proposed that St. James host a monthly Veterans’ Lunch, in conjunction with the Joining

Community Forces group, as a new ministry focus for our church. This would be a service-

oriented rather than an evangelistic outreach

The Nominations Committee report was presented by Katie Bump. Katherine Hatch and

Martha Winford were presented as nominees to the Vestry. There were no nominations from the


floor. It was moved, seconded and passed that Katherine Hatch and Martha Winford be elected

by acclimation to the Vestry of St. James Episcopal Church.

In a prayerful Decommissioning Service, Alan Zetler and Louise Volkening were released

from duty as Vestry members, pursuant to the completion of their elected terms. They were given

certificates of recognition and appreciation for their service on the Vestry.

Dorothy DeHart and Katherine Hatch were elected as Delegates to the October 2016

Diocesan Convention, to be held in Great Falls. Meeting was adjourned at 2:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Mary Alice Jones

THE TREASURER’S REPORT For Members only, please email the priest if you

are a member and would like a copy






It has been my privilege to serve as the Junior Warden for the past year. Below is a small sample

of what the Junior Warden does during the year.

Community Thanksgiving dinner. St. James prepared relish trays and individual

parishioners helped with setup, preparation and serving of the meal and other tasks. Over

600 people were served at this community meal.

Eric Ostergard has been contacted to do snow removal. The bill for this will be sent to the


Recyclables have been taken to the recycling center

Basement pews have been moved away from walls/wall heaters to prevent a fire hazard.

Talked to Lewis Christian about mowing and lawn care; everything is set to go for the

coming season with no change in rates. He will submit bills to Dorothy.

Hired temporary cleaning people for the church and Guild Hall due to injury of Janice

Hayes, beginning January 12, 2016. Need temporary help for approximately 8-12 weeks

Will transition Janice back to cleaning church and Guild Hall beginning the first week of

April. (keys & task list)

Facilitated change and repair of spotlights inside church

Facilitated the replacement of the leaky garbage disposal in the kitchen, the treasurer will

receive a bill from Matt Vinson for this work.

Changed the light bulb on the west pole light in front of the Guild Hall and cleaned both

pole lights. The special light bulb was provided by NW Energy

Facilitated and participated in the repair and re-installation of rain gutters on the Guild Hall

and church.

Facilitated and participated in the cleaning of the Narthex and back part of the church

when the Narthex project was complete. A big Thank you to the four Challenge cadets who

helped with this project. It took five of us six hours to clean the area.

Purchased new, easier to manage, vacuum cleaner. I worked with Janice on her resuming

the cleaning of the church and Guild Hall.

Arranged for a new person to mow the lawn and negotiated terms and completed paper


Reset the sprinkler system– Again!

Arranged for Ken Schuetz to complete the remodeling of the doors in the downstairs of

the Guild Hall.

Worked on the sprinkler system, again.

Helped clean up Art and Flower rooms in the downstairs of the Guild Hall

Purchased light bulbs and worked with Eric to replace the ones very high up close to the

ceiling in the church.

Took many loads to the recycling center.


As Altar Guild members, we have many responsibilities that we do each week through out the

year. Contact any Altar Guild member for information about our organization.

Weekly, we prepare the Altar for the Sunday Eucharist and any other special Services that are

scheduled during the year. We order the Altar Flowers that we deliver to Individuals, the Rest

Home or the Assisted Living Facilities after the Sunday Church Services.


Altar Guild also prepares the Church for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. We order

Poinsettias for the Christmas Services, Palms for the Palm Sunday Service, Easter Lilies for the

Easter Services. We decorate the Altar for Thanksgiving and help with decorating the Church for


This year, Altar Guild held its annual Meeting after the Church Service in the Guild Hall on

Sunday, Dec 04, 2016. The 2017 Monthly Altar Duty Schedule was assigned. The next Altar

Guild Meeting will be scheduled in the Fall of 2017.

Respectively Submitted By: Jane Howard


The Creative Liturgy committee was inactive this last year. With God’s help, every effort will be

made in the coming year to revive and renew its record of generating creative ideas to enliven our

worship and stir our faith in innovative, expressive and energizing ways.

The Reverend Deacon Steve


The hospitality committee meets about every 2 to 3 months at the church the 3rd

Sunday of the

month to discuss anything that we need to be involved in.

We have a schedule of the monthly greeters and welcomers that we receive in January. When

you are assigned a month it is up to you to find a substitute if you can’t be there on your Sundays.

We would welcome new members to join and be greeters and welcomers. We also do

refreshments for special times of the year and would welcome help there also.

When we have pot luck dinners we need to have members set up and clean up. Most people are

good about helping with that.

We always help with the potato supper. Also the Pancake supper. When there are special things

at the church, such as the open house that we had this year, we are asked to bring cookies or other


In October we host the birthday party at the Parkview. We furnish the cake and cards and

balloons for the people having birthdays in the month of October, and serve the refreshments.

As you can see, it is not a hard job, but only a few do it and help would be appreciated. This is a

good ministry for members of our church.

Marilyn Begin and Jane Howard Co-Chairmen


In 2016 we published 6 Vine & Branches newsletters, one every other month starting in

February. It takes us about 3/4 of a day to produce each edition. We send it to Sue+ for a final

review, and she sends it out via email and in paper to those who request it, with help from Virginia

Nelson. Extra copies are available in the narthex and the church office, and you can read it on the

web site. This year we limited our format to 4 pages to facilitate printing (just 2 pages double-

sided). We thank everyone for the pieces they contributed throughout the year.

Gerta Mular and Katie Bump Newsletter Editors


Sunday school for children has demonstrated a wonderful greater consistency with attendance.

We have utilized both the “Godly play” curriculum as well as “Lesson plans that work” a


curriculum put out by the Episcopal Church that follows the liturgical calendar and lectionary

readings. We are blessed with four Sunday School teachers; Katie Bump, Kay Roach, Louise

Volkening and myself. Thank you for your support and encouragement of our youngest


Dorothy DeHart Sunday School Superintendent





The last Sunday of each month we bring our donations to the Food Bank and they are

presented and blessed during worship. We also celebrate Souper Bowl Sunday on the day

the Super Bowl is happening and people are asked to bring food and cash donation for the

Food Bank and they wear their favorite team jersey.


The United Thank Offering was collected once during the 2016 calendar year. A

"Thankfulness Calendar" was distributed in the Sunday bulletin at the end of September.

Parishioners could use the calendar that gave suggestions for giving each day of the month.

The ingathering was held on Sunday October 30th, culminating a month long practice of

thankfulness via the Thankfulness Calendar. Total offering gathered from St. James

Episcopal for 2016 was $241.30. Thank you for your generous giving last year.

Kay Roach, UTO Coordinator


Services honoring military personnel who have provided a peaceful nation for all of us have

been held on the first Wednesday of each month at noon. These services will continue in

2017. The military personnel honored may be active or veterans, living or deceased, at

home or abroad. All are welcome to attend; families, friends, military personnel, members

of our congregation and anyone else who would like to thank and pray for all of the Armed

Forces of the United States.

I provide a form for people to use to add names for military personnel to be added to our

prayer list. On average the attendance has been 5 people.

The dates of the services offered in 2016 are as follows:

1/6, 2/3, 3/2, 4/6, 5/4, 6/1, 7/6, 8/3, 10/5, 11/2, 12/7.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Meacham, Licensed Worship Leader



My formation as a vocational deacon finally came to an end this past year. I completed the

Diocesan Deacon School in May, 2016. On June 25, I was ordained at St. Peter’s Cathedral in

Helena by Bishop Brookhart to the Holy Orders of the Vocational Diaconate in the Diocese of

Montana. I am thrilled this arduous part of my life journey is over. I am most grateful for the

sustained interest, long patience and generous support the people of this church gave me along the

way. I am also grateful to The Reverend Sue Eades for her persistence in pushing me on when I

was tired, her listening ear when I was discouraged and her assistance with each new demanding

project and task. Finally, I am indebted, once again, to my helpmate, Dorothy, for her belief in

me, my Call and in what I do. She made countless personal sacrifices these past five years, and

still does without complaint. In so many ways, Dorothy was ordained that day in June as much as


After ordination, I hit the road running. I came back to St. James and resumed my ministries in

earnest. And soon, I found new ones. Upon ordination, Bishop Brookhart appointed me


chairperson of a Diocesan Task Force and Bishop Carol asked me to be a Task Force committee

member on another. I was elected to the State Board of Directors for the Montana Association of

Christians, the State Coalition for the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Montana, and President of

the Board of Directors for the Women’s Resource/Community Support Center here in Dillon.

My local community ministries are many crossing widely differing ages, groups and needs, from

facilitating a weekly middle school boy’s group to assisting at the Senior Center’s Congregate Meals

program. Within a couple of months following ordination, I became actively involved in

generating a local Chapter of PFLAG. This is a national organization of Parents, Friends and

Allies of our LGBT community that advocates for the full recognition, acceptance and civil rights

of all those who identify themselves having alternative sexual orientations. I am a part of the

Beaverhead Equality Campaign that is lobbying to pass a non-discrimination city ordinance in

Dillon that guarantees the protected civil liberties of all people whatever their race, faith, social or

economic status. I am a board member of Joining Community Forces in Beaverhead County

initiative as well. This statewide project helps to maximize our communities social support delivery

to local military service members, Veterans and their families. In addition to all this, I am present

at every Sunday morning Worship Service performing whatever diaconal liturgical tasks Mother

Sue requests and specified in our Book of Common Prayer. Together, this is a sample of what I

do as a Deacon. There is much more.

To say the least, I am visibly busy striving to fulfill a special ministry of servanthood here at St.

James, in our community, our Diocese, and in our state. I believe this to be my vocation, but

more importantly, my Baptismal Call.

The Reverend Deacon Steve


On the last day of the festival, the great day, while Jesus was standing there, he cried out, ‘Let

anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has

said, “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.”’

John 7:37-38

I begin this year’s report by expressing my joy and thanks for being given the honor of serving

among you as we begin our 7th

year together. Thank you!

Above is the Scriptural theme from 2016. This Scripture reading opened every worship service,

was printed in every bulletin. This was the theme behind our Stewardship Campaign as well. As

you likely have figured out I like to have a theme for each year as a focus. It has been well accepted

and understood by many. I thank you for being attentive to them and their focus in our annual


We have once again had a busy and fulfilling year together. This year we seemed to hit the road

running. We began the process of turning the Wood Bank ministry over to the Community by

electing a great Board of Directors and God has seemed to provide wonderful workers and

volunteers. Katie and Bob have continued to hold valuable roles in the ministry and also have

continued to allow their land to house the wood yard. Thank you so much Bob & Katie.

Ash Wednesday came so early in the year, Feb. 10th

, so we hardly had time to catch our breath and

we were preparing for the our Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. The Board of the Wood

Bank came and helped with it and then stayed and washed dishes. Rick Hartz and Geoff Roach

were great, I hope I haven’t left anyone out. As always this was a fund raiser for the Wood Bank

and we are so honored to be a part of this ministry in this way.


Our Narthex renovation was beginning to come to its conclusion and we were getting excited for it

to be done and the dust to settle down.

Bishop Brookhart made his visit the first Sunday in Lent and we welcomed Sharon Morehouse

officially to our fold as she was officially received. We celebrated Cliff Shipp’s birthday with him

after worship on Feb. 21st

which was great.

Our Lenten Study this year entailed a discussion of Henri Nouwen’s book; “Life of the Beloved”.

It was so incredible to contemplate Nowwen’s words during Lent. Holy Week brought a week of

Nonday services with several individuals taking on leading them. Of course our Maundy Thursday

and Good Friday evening service were blessed. Every year the Easter Vigil is a wonderful coming

together of the old covenant and the new, it is incredible to see so many readers and participants.

For many Easter would not be Easter without that service. I must say the crowd is much bigger

when there is a baptism. LOL

This year Steve and I attended a retreat with the Lutherans where both denominational Presiding

Bishops were the guest speakers. Bishop Curry is delightful and he was present at St. Andrew’s in

Livingston so member of the Diocese could come and meet him, which several folks did.

This year I invited Fr. Gary Waddingham to come and be a guest preacher and then to stay and

talk with us about same sex marriage. Gary, as always was great. He is so knowledgeable it is just a

joy to listen to him.

Carol Meacham continued to offer her Military Prayer service and in fact with Deacon Steve’s

work with the Joining Community Forces organization in Dillon word about this service continues

to spread. Carol is so thoughtful and purposeful in the planning of this service and it is a ministry

that means a great deal to her. Thank you Carol.

Deacon Steve of course continues his Monthly Morning Prayer service. Sadly attendance is small,

but it is always informational about a particular saint. Steve does such a nice job of this service and

those who do attend are devout. Thank your Steve. Steve also has continued to bring together a

Taize` service occasionally. That is a service that is also incredible and wonderfully contemplative.

George and sometimes Bob Hutfles and great about playing for it. This year Steve is working on

inviting others to help set up the service, which is quite time consuming.

There were two huge events in the life of our parish this year. The completion of our Capital

Campaign project in the Narthex and the ordination of our Deacons. Sadly Mary Alice and Jim

Jones have been assigned to assist with Anaconda. We enjoyed their presence for quite some time

and yet, we always knew St. James was too small to accommodate 3 Deacons. We were there to

present them for Ordination and we continue to pray for their health and their ministry.

The Altar Guild continues to be in capable hands with a number of talented and committed

people sharing in the ministry. I know they are always willing and eager to incorporate new

members so if you are interested please see Jane Howard. Thank you all for your valuable service

in preparing the holy vessels of worship.

The Greeters and Welcome Ambassadors have been very busy this year. We have had a lot of

visitors and they always greet them with grace and dignity. Thank you for your ministry among us.

The Hospitality Committee continues to provide whatever need we might have in welcoming or

celebrating. This year they have chosen not to meet as regularly, but I don’t think the good they do

has been diminished at all. Thank you so much for all you do.

We have several unsung heroes too. Of course Bob and Katie are priceless and they work so hard

and diligently without thanks or often anybody even knowing what all they do. They shovel the

walk when it needs it and the snow guy has not shown up yet, they put things that are broken back


together, they change light bulbs, they bring the Christmas tree. Katie was the chair of our Capital

Campaign and has worked tirelessly for years as the Stewardship person. Katie works with Gerta to

bring our Vine & Branches to reality, she is often the brains and artist behind various projects here

at St. James. She has served as Sr. Warden for several years and stayed in that position when I

asked her to see us through the Capital Campaign. I am not certain we always appreciate what she

and Bob do for us and maybe most don’t even have a clue! Katie also serves on the Altar Guild

and as a Sunday school teacher, lector and chalice bearer. Bob serves on the Building and

Grounds Committee. Thank you Bob and Katie!!!

Mary Jo has served as Jr. Warden now for several years and has diligently seen to the needs of this

old building with its peculiarities and needs. She not only cares for the building, calls plumbers

electricians etc. when needed; she also takes our recycle items to the right place. She too does

much that no one ever really sees. Mary Jo also serves on the Altar Guild and as a lector. Thank

you Mary Jo for your valued contribution to the people of St. James.

Dorothy has been our treasurer now for quite some time, taking many evenings and Saturdays to

be at the church doing our books. She has also continued to do the books of the Wood Bank.

Most never know what she actually does and the time it consumes, and she does this without much

thanks or recognition. Dorothy also serves as Sunday school coordinator and teacher, acolyte,

lector and chalice bearer. Thank you Dorothy

Gerta has worked on the Vine & Branches for many years and we are so blessed by her

contributions. Thank you Gerta. The next time you see these folks please be sure to let them

know you appreciate the work they do in the name of our Lord and on your behalf!

Currently there is work being done to accommodate a nursery. Kay Roach has volunteered to fund

that project and many have worked at getting the space ready to be pained etc. Thank you Katie,

Mary Jo, Kathryn and Kay for all the work that has went into this incredible soon to be ministry.

Thank you Kay for recognizing we need a nursery.

Many volunteers stepped forward to assist in the Annual Potato Dinner fundraiser. Thank you to

you all. We continue to have Bible Study each week and special studies during Lent and Advent. I

would like to thank Debbie for always giving us a generous discount on the books for these various

studies and Marilyn Begin for lending her home, and Carol during the summer months.

This has been a year of almost tragedy and some sorrow and also of great joys. Sadly, our beloved

Clifford had to move into assisted living, a decision that was difficult, but necessary. Our hearts go

out to Mother Jane as they have had to adjust to their new reality. When Andrew fell off his roof

this summer we all were so thankful for the miracles God facilitated for this family. We were

thrilled to learn we would have two new babies in our congregation in 2017. So God just continues

to bless us and to comfort us too when we need.

As you can see, the living water has flowed out of the hearts of the believers at St. James in varied

and powerful ways. Living water comes in all shapes and sizes so please make the effort to be

aware of the blessed work that is happening here and the ministries to which God has called the

good folks of St. James, of which you are one.

The theme for 2017 is: Jesus said to his disciples, “You are the light of the world.

...let your light shine before others,

so that they may see your good works and give glory to God.”

—Matthew 5:14-16

Light is the theme this year: LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!!!

Love Illuminates God’s Holy Tasks. Prayerfully submitted, Mother Sue+



Ecclesiastical work of the church for 2013 - 2016 (numbers of services held, etc.)

2013 2014 2015 2016

Sunday Holy Eucharist 53 53 51 49

Sunday Morning Prayer 2 4

Baptism 5 1 1 3

Morning Prayer WD 14 25 11 12

Prayers for Military 38 16 13 11

Prayers for Sick/Annoint 15 16 8 10

Private HE 24 8 16 12

Taize` 7 5 6 3

Last Rites 3 2

Burial 1 4 4 6

Outdoor Worship 1 1 1 1

Pet Blessing 1 1 1 1

Camp Marshall 1 1 1 1

Easter attendance 65 74 63 73

Christmas attendance 82 94 66 75

Special Services 5 10 11 11

Average Sunday attend. 36 35 31.82 29.61

Average Web visitors 179.4 381.62 293.33 280.70

Friends on Facebook 53 83 90

Parochial Information for the past 16 years.

Year Members


/on our

















under 16


who are


2000 106 0 3 161 57 10 8

2001 160 4 75 89 53 17 6

2002 89 1 5 85 57 3 1

2003 85 14 4 95 35 3 3

2004 95 7 19 83 42 4 4

2005 83 5 3 85 36 2 4


2006 85 4 26 63 36 2 6

2007 63 3 4 62 40 2 2

2008 62 3 3 62 37 0 4

2009 62 0 2 60 34 0 2

2010 60 0 3 57 33 0 8

2011 57 6 2 61 61 3 12

2012 61 3 1 63 59 8 12

2013 63/109 5 3 61 61 9 12

2014 65/115 10 8 67 65 8 10

2015 56/124 6 10 56 56 7 11

2016 55/110 4 6 58 55 7 12 Cont.


Year ASA Easter


Baptism Confirm/R


Total S/S


Do you have Reg. Educ


2000 20 31 0 0 9 No

2001 16.9 30 0 0 6 Yes

2002 16.6 82 1 0 0 No

2003 21.442 71 1 0 9 Yes

2004 26 105 4 7 6 Yes

2005 26 73 1 3 9 Yes

2006 29 94 1 0 0 No

2007 29 77 1 1 0 No

2008 26 63 0 3 0 Yes

2009 25 42 0 1 0 No

2010 26 56 0 0 0 No

2011 30 93 7 9 2 Yes

2012 33.6 79 2 1 5 Yes

2013 36 65 5 3 6 Yes

2014 35 52 1 0 8 Yes

2015 31.82 63 1 2 5 Yes

2016 29.61 73 3 1 7 Yes








Retiring Vestry Members: Maralyn Kailey & Katie Bump


You were called by the people of God, to serve as members of the Vestry of St. James, and you

answered their call. You have been faithful in attending meetings. Katie, you have served faithfully

as Clerk and Senior Warden over the years, Maralyn you have served graciously as a member of

the Vestry. You both have led by example, being present during worship services and always

generous with your time, talent and treasure. And, you have brought up others to follow in your

footsteps. You have done all this, with God’s help.

As you leave the vestry, we thank you for your service, saying, as Jesus did, “Well done, good and

faithful servant.” We ask you, even as you move on in the service of our Lord, to reaffirm your

commitment to this parish, as a capstone to the duty you have so faithfully discharged.

Maralyn & Katie, do you reaffirm your commitment as members of this congregation?


Will you seek new ways to serve Christ in his church, and continue to support the work of his

parish with your time, talent and treasure?


Will you lend your wisdom and experience by offering advice and counsel to the next vestry when



Will you respect the confidentiality of the new vestry’s deliberations, and keep confidential those

matters that were entrusted to you in confidence during your tenure on the vestry?


Will you trust the Spirit to work through our newly elected leaders to guide this parish and all its

members and continue to pray for this parish, its members, its clergy and its vestry?


O God, help your servants, Maralyn & Katie who have been faithful members of the vestry of this

parish, and have found new ways to exercise ministry and leadership in your church. Help them to

keep the promises made here today before you. Grant that they—free from the burdens of the

vestry—might discover anew the joy of our Christian faith. Inspire them to be supportive of and

helpful to those who are taking their places on the Vestry. And grant that they, along with all good

and faithful stewards within your kingdom, may enter your joy, in this life and hereafter.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen




Love Illuminates God’s Holy Tasks

How has LOVE illuminated the Holy tasks to which you have

been called?

Please remember our next Potluck will be Feb. 19th

when our Bishop makes his official visit.

The following Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday and we need a VOLUNTEER to chair this Wood

Bank fundraiser.

February 28, 2017