20150630 나pm17회 조직의민첩성정리_오민정

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 20150630 나pm17회 조직의민첩성정리_오민정

Min Jeong Oh

나는 PM이다 2015. 6. 30

Rigorous change management to better adapt to shifting market conditions

More collaborative and robust risk management

Increased use of standardized project, program and portfoliopractices

A Competitive Edge

• McKinsey survey

• Economist Intelligence Unit

• Massachusetts Institute of Technology

One-half of all CEOs and CIOs agreed that rapid decision-making and execution are not only important, but also essential to a company’s competitive standing.

1. Implement change management best practices

Monitor and act on external environment

Standardize change management

Organize to best leverage change management

2. Implement risk management best practices

Monitor and act on external environment

Standardize risk management

Organize to best leverage risk management

3. Standardize portfolio, program and project management practices

Conclusions and Implications