2015 NWR Seminar Outlines

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Transcript of 2015 NWR Seminar Outlines

Great Commission Seminar 12015 NWR

COMMITMENT TO CHRIST’S MANDATEMathew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 24:47, 48.

Christ came to the world with a Mission and Mandate to redeem the lost world of sinners through His love and sacrifice, by shedding His precious blood on the cross of Calvary. Romans 3:23-26; 5:6-12; Galatians 1:4; Ephesians 1:7.

Christ, while on earth specifically spoke about His Mandate and demonstrated it to His disciples when He said “for the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” Luke 19:10.His mandate was to preach the gospel to the poor and save them Luke 4:18, 19.

The salvation of souls was the mandate of Christ on earth and He was committed to it with zeal and passion. We heard Him saying “I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh when no man can work.” John 9:4. “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work. John 4:34.” And Christ after fulfilling His mandate, He transferred the mandate to every believer and the entire church and He said; “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15.” This mandate demand our total commitment to fulfill it.


Mathew 1:21; Mark 1:14-17; Luke 2:8-11; 4:18-19, 43; 19:10; Romans 3:23-26; Romans5:6-8; Galatians 1:4; 1 Timothy 1:15.

Jesus Christ came to the world purposely for redemption of sinners and He lived and worked day and night to fulfill this singular mandate with great commitment, leaving us an example of commitment to follow in fulfilling His mandate. Christ’s mandate of which He was committed includes the following:1. He came to save His people from their sins Mathew 1:21; 1 Timothy

1:152. He came to preach the gospel to the poor and to heal the broken hearted

Luke 4:18,193. He came to set the captives free Luke 4:184. He came to seek and save that which was lost Luke 19:105. He came to give us life and life more abundantly John 10:10Christ demonstrated His commitment to His mandate and fulfilled it by doing the following:1. He went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching

the gospel of the kingdom,… Mathew 4:23; 9:352. Whenever He saw the multitude of sinners He was moved with

compassion to minister to them Mathew 9:36-38

3. He went everywhere the sinners were to save and to heal and to do good to them Acts 10:38

4. He sought sinners deliberately till He found and saved them Luke 19:1-10; 5:32

5. He paid so much sacrifice for the sake of lost souls, He had nowhere to lay His head, He abandoned His food, He prayed day and night and finally sealed man’s redemption with his own blood. This is the same mandate He has given to us.


Matt. 4:18,19; 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 24:47,48; John 20:21 Acts 1:8

Christ, after He called His disciples, He saved them and trained them to be fishers of men Mathew 4:18-22. He led them through towns and villages of their time and demonstrated commitment and consecration to seek and save the lost sinners. Thereafter, at the end of His ministry, He commissioned them with the GREAT COMMISSION to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15; Mathew 28:19,20. As He called the disciples then, so He has called us today, trained and commissioned us to carry on the mandate of preaching the gospel to every creature to save the lost.

We must understand that the mandate of Christ, evangelism and soulwinning is every believer’s ministry John 14:12; Mark 5:19,20; John 4:28-30

The great commission which is Christ’s mandate is the one singular assigned duty of Christ to the entire church and we must be committed to fulfilling our commission.


Mathew 28: 18-20 Mark 16:15-20 Luke 24:47,48 John 9:4 Acts 1:8; 8:4 Romans 1:14-16 1 Corinthians 9:16,17

Without any doubt we have been called and commissioned to carry on Christ’s mandate and fulfill it. Christ demands our consecration and commitment to this mandate, without it we can do nothing.To fulfill this mandate:

1. We must consecrate and commit ourselves to the mandate John 9:4 Romans 1:14-16; 12:1, 2 1 Corinthians 9:16,17

2. There must be willingness to preach the gospel Romans 1:14-16 1 Corinthians 9: 16, 17

3. Praying daily to renew our consecration and commitment, praying and interceding for souls Acts 6:4; 4:31-33 Mark 1:35-38 Romans9:1-3; 10:1

4. We must like the early church go everywhere we are scattered preaching the word Acts 8:4; Luke 9:1-6 Mark16:20

5. Seek for lost sinners to save them through the preaching of the gospel Luke 19:10

6. Commit your whole life, time, talent and resources to saving of souls7. Be consistent and remain occupied in evangelism and soulwinning till

Christ comes. Luke 19:13


Matthew 28:18-20

Evangelism is the presentation of God’s good news of salvation to sinners. It is the Great Commission that the Lord has given to the Church. It is a daily duty for every believer. It is the ministry of every child of God. Every responsible man or woman will normally have a means of livelihood that might keep him or her busy every day. Yet, no Christian for that reason will be justified for neglecting daily evangelism. Of course secular engagements do not exempt believers from observing daily quiet time. Organised Church outreach is good just as organised Church prayer meetings but we don’t wait until it is organised before we pray. Daily personal evangelism is as important as daily personal quiet time. The believer who observes quiet time every day but does not evangelise until it is organised is spiritually as healthy as an individual who eats three square meals every day but will not go to toilet until it is organised for the community. The much talk about evangelism will not make any impact on us until we realise that neglecting it for a single day is more serious than neglecting the brushing of our teeth and taking of our bath for the day.

1. DUTY AND PARTICIPATION OF EVERY MEMBER Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:20; 20:1,3-7; Luke 9:26; 11:23; 19:13; Acts 2:41,42; 5:42; 8:1,3-4)

Christ commissioned His Church to preach the gospel and to teach those who believe the gospel to carry on with the same commission He gave them. To claim that we believe the gospel and be unconcerned about obeying this aspect of the things He commanded is to deceive ourselves. The Lord does not expect any of us to stay aloof or be “idle in the marketplace”. His query still goes to believers who are not evangelising daily “why stand ye here all day idle?” Some of us are probably ashamed to preach the gospel. Have we forgotten that the Lord will be ashamed of every believer who is ashamed of witnessing for Him? Some are ashamed because they are too educated to do personal evangelism. Others are ashamed because they are too illiterate to approach their neighbours. Some feel they are too wealthy while others are hiding under the cover of their poverty. If we fail to participate in the Great Commission every day, we are taking sides with those that are against Christ. Evangelism is every believer’s ministry. A ministry is a profession to which we are called, a duty binding on us. We must be occupied with it daily until the Lord comes. The Early Church taught and involved all members and converts in personal evangelism. “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ”. Even persecution could not stop those who were scattered abroad. They went everywhere preaching the word.

2. DAILY PREPARATION FOR EFFECTIVE MINISTRY 2 Timothy 2:15; Mark 1:35; Ezekiel 3:1-4,17; Isaiah 50:4-7; Ecclesiastes 12:9-11; Malachi 2:5-7; Acts 5:42

Daily preparation is necessary for believers to be effective and successful in daily personal evangelism. A serious error has been committed by most of us. We include singing studying and supplication in our daily devotions and omit soul-winning. No believer will make do with a quiet time that gave no room for prayer

or reading of scriptures, but we don’t feel that something is lacking when we leave the presence of God in the morning without a sermon for the sinners we will meet during the day. To prepare for fruitful and effective soul-winning each day the believer will need to rise up a great while before day to pray. There is need to feed on the word of God first for ourselves and then to be able to feed others. If truly we are hearing from God we will not be able to close our mouth from warning the sinners we meet during the day. For prophets like Isaiah the preparation for soul-winning was morning by morning from day to day. He relied on the grace of God for help him not to be disobedient to the heavenly vision. Difficulties and persecutions were there. But he said,” For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed”. Before concluding the quiet time the believer should wisely seek out and set in order short sermons for the day’s evangelism and pray that God will use them to bring sinners to repentance. If the law of truth is in our mouth, and iniquity is not found in our lips, if we walked with God in peace and equity, we will turn many away from iniquity. “For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts”. Soul- winning becomes part of us and we become more effective when we observe necessary preparations and practice it every day. Daily in the temple, and in every house, believers in the Early Church ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.

3. DYNAMIC PRESENTATION OF THE EVANGELISTIC MESSAGE John 5:33, 35; Matthew 3:1-2,5-6; Luke 4:14-15,22; John 7:31-32,45-46; Acts 2:14-15,22-24,36-38,40-41; 14:1-3;18:24,26-28; 17:6; 24:25)

The gospel is good news. It needs to be properly packaged. Good products may not sell if they are poorly packaged. The presentation of evangelistic messages must be well managed without compromising standard. John the Baptist was a fearless preacher, a burning and shinning light. We are told that “In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea ... Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan, And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.” His messages were pungent and to the point and yet he pulled crowds. Jesus Christ is our perfect example. “And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son?”. The Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to take him. “Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said unto them, Why have ye not brought him? The officers answered, never man spake like this man.” A single message effectively presented by Simon Peter on the day of Pentecost led about three thousand to Christ. A well presented evangelistic message can do exploits for the kingdom of God. The following points should be noted when witnessing:

1. Do not fear to talk to anybody about Jesus.2. Do not wait for an impulse, impression or feeling before witnessing to

someone. 3. Create opportunity to touch the life of every sinner you meet even if it is

just by giving out a tract. 4. Be Polite in your presentation, in your comments and approach.5. Do not exalt or advertise yourself even if you are better privileged. 6. Do not condemn the sinner but endeavour to bring him under conviction.7. Do not give up too soon and do not be in a hurry. Speak with faith, love and

yet with authority.

And above all, the baptism in the Holy Spirit will greatly transform us into fruitful and effective soul-winners (Acts 1:8).

Great Commission Seminar 32015 NWR POWER OF PRAYER IN EFFECTIVE SOULWINNINGMatthew 28:18 – 20; Isaiah 2:16,7; 66:7 8; II Corinthians 4:3,4; Acts 4:31

The mandate of soulwinning which is the heartbeat of the Father cannot be done or achieved with the arms of the flesh but with prevailing prayers of faith borne from a heart of compassion.

The soulwinner who will be effective must know that he is commissioned to pray and preach. The work of soulwinning is incomplete if he does not do both well. Red-hot prayers for souls are needed these days to battle Satan and his cohorts who are duty bound to hinder precious souls from being saved. Unless we rise up and travail in prayers, no sinner will be saved “..for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children” (Isaiah ).

We toil and labour with no souls won to the Lord because of lack of effective prayers.“The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because they knoweth not how to get to the city” (Ecclesiastes 10:15). Until the fire falls through powerful prayer, soul winning will just be a routine and unexciting.

Finney tells us that he had no words to utter, he could only groan and weep when pleading with God for a lost soul. “I have pleaded with God this day for hours in the wood, for souls, He will give me.”

Soul winning is not done by the use of gimmicks or gadgets but through the channel of powerful prayers. “…and he that winneth soul is wise” (Proverbs 11:30).

1. THE PURPOSE OF POWERFUL PRAYER IN EFFECTIVE SOULWINNING) - Isaiah 66:7,8; Ephesians 6:12, 18, 19; Romans 9:1,2,3; I Timothy 2:1 – 4; Romans 10:1 – 3; I Corinthians 2:,5; Acts 4:31; Ephesians 6:4 – 6

Soulwinning is a spiritual business that requires spiritual power through powerful prayer. Can a new baby be born on earth without pain? God has ordained that for any new convert to be born into the kingdom, it must be through effectual or fervent prayers of faith. “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance” ( II Peter 3:9). “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shall break them with a rod; thou shall dash them in pieces like the potter’s wheel”(Psalm 2:8 – 9).

The power of prayer in effective soulwinning is of paramount importance because:i) God wants all men to be saved (II Peter 3:9).ii) A lot of sinners are descending into hell today (Isaiah 13:14).iii) The heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9).iv) Satan has blinded the heart of sinners not to be saved (II Corinthians 4:3

– 4).

v) The cares of this life and deceitfulness of riches have preoccupied the minds of sinners (Mark 4:14 – 19).

vi) There is deterioration in life style (II Timothy 3:13).vii) There is gross spiritual ignorance and self-righteousness (Romans 10:1 –

3).viii) Man is sold into spiritual bondage (Romans 7:23 – 25). Therefore, there can be neither substitute nor equal for the power of prayer in effective soulwinning; it stands alone as the greatest spiritual force; and this force must be innate and active.

Prayer is our formidable weapon, prayer honours God and to execute this great work, the power of prayer cannot be over-emphasized.

2. THE PATTERN OF POWERFUL PRAYER IN EFFECTIVE SOULWINNING Genesis 32:24 – 28; Job 22:27, 28; Isaiah 62:6, 7; Matthew 16:19; Luke 6:12; 9:8; 22:41 – 44; Acts 20:19; Ephesians 6:18 – 19; James 5:16 – 18

The type of prayer that will be effective to liberate sinners and backsliders from the hand of Satan must be red-hot power packed prayer. The Lord Jesus Christ stressed the necessity for importunity in prayer if one is to prevail in soulwinning. Importunity is the persistence in prayer until God answers the prayer. It is a determination to hold on until answer comes (Luke 18:1 – 5).

Our pattern of prayer must affect the three planes of prayer (i) Asking plane (ii) Seeking plane (iii) Knocking plane (Luke 11:9 – 10).“Ask, and it shall be given you.”“Seek, and ye shall find.”“Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”“I have set watchmen upon thy walls...keep not silence. And give him no rest, till he establish and make Jerusalem a praise in the earth” (Jeremiah 62:6 – 7). To be effective in soulwinning:a) We must wrestle with God all day long, not just for a short period (Genesis

32:24 – 28).b) We must wrestle by all prayers (Ephesians 6:18 – 19).c) We must have fervent prayer of faith (James 5:16 – 18).d) We must have a united prayer of faith (Acts 4:31).e) We must travail in prayer with fasting (Isaiah 8:6).

3. THE PEOPLE OF POWERFUL PRAYER IN EFFECTIVE SOULWINNING Ezekiel 22:29, 31; Esther 4:15 – 17; Nehemiah 1:4 – 7; Acts 4:31 – 32; 6:4; Luke 6:12; 9:8; Romans 10:12; Galatians 4:19; II Thessalonians 3:8

Today, God is looking for wrestlers who are commissioned to pray as well as to preach the gospel with results; men who can decree on their knees for perishing souls and achieve mighty results for God. “The character of our prayer will determine the character of our preaching. Light praying will determine light preaching; prayer makes preaching strong, gives it unction, and it sticks” (E. M. Bounds).

There were a lot of saints of old and in this our contemporary time that witnessed great breakthrough in soulwinning through the power of prayer.

They were not wishy-washy men but men with strong backbone who had the following spiritual attributes:a) Great burden for souls (Acts 17:16).b) Vision of eternity (Revelation 22:7).c) Knowledge of the value of souls of men (Matthew 16:26).d) Burning zeal and compassion for lost souls and backsliders (Romans 9:1 – 3;

10:1, 2; Galatians 4:19).e) Spotless conduct (I Timothy 3:2; 6:14; 5:7).f) Soberness and sensitivity to the Spirit (I Timothy 3:2).g) Contented life style (I Timothy 3:3; Acts 20:33).

Paul the Apostle was so addicted to prayer; no wonder God crowned him a great apostle, which was proclaimed even in his time. “…These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also” (Acts 17:6).

Paul was the chiefest of the apostles as he was chief in prayer. Comments of people who experienced power of prayer in effective soulwinning: “God enabled me to so agonize in prayer that I was quite wet with perspiration, though in the shade and the cold wind. My soul was drawn out very much from the world, for multitudes of souls” (David Brainerd).“Near the middle of the afternoon God enabled me to wrestle ardently in intercession for my friends. But just a night the Lord visited me marvelously in prayer” (David Brainerd).

“I find it necessary to begin at five in the morning and to pray at all opportunities till ten or eleven, at night” (Wina Bamwell).

“If you spend several hours in prayer daily, you will see great things” (John Nelson).

“Brethren, if we will do God’s work in God’s way at God’s time with God’s power, we will have God’s blessing and the devil’s curses, when God opens the windows of heaven to bless us the devil will open the door of hell to blast us. The man who can get believers to praying would under God, usher in great revival that the world had ever known” (Why Revival Tarries - Leonard Ravehill).

Great Commission Seminar 42015 NWR

FOLLOW-UP OF CONVERTS AND DISCIPLESHIP TRAININGJohn 13:1; Acts 14:19-24; Acts 15:36; Mark 13:13-14; Galatians 4:19.

A disciple of Christ is at once a product of effective Soul-winning and evangelism, an exhaustive follow-up process and conclusive discipleship training. It is this complete linear process that produces the brigade of Christian disciples who in turn breed other disciples. The example of our Lord Jesus Christ is worthy of emulation here, “having loved His own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end”. John 13:1b. In other words, the Saviour left nothing to chance. He did not limit his husbanding of His eventual disciples to the first meeting alone. He was single-mindedly committed to their growth, development and steadfastness. Even where they wavered and temporarily slipped off-course, as they did in John 21:1, he was there to lead them back to the right track. In glory, He yet followed up the seven churches, commending those standing, while upbraiding others standing below par. Crucial as the follow-up of converts and discipleship training is to the Great Commission, the adherence is sadly observed in its breach. Most Christians assume that once a convert is made, he or she should be able to find his feet. Experts submit that an initial assent to the gospel by a willing inquirer does not amount to more than a mere twenty-five percent in the discipleship process. The remaining seventy percent, to make a wholesome disciple, must be gotten through a diligent follow-up process and life-transfiguring discipleship training. This is consistent with the Lord’s immutable dictate in Matt 28:19-20 “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, teaching them to observe all things”. A thorough-bred disciple is not made until the life of Christ has been overwhelmingly translated into him through prompt follow-up and discipleship. Paul the Apostle put it more aptly in his wake-up call to the Galatians: “My little children of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you” Galatians 4:19

The failure to fully exhaust the gamut of the discipleship process, has unfortunately produced a swam of religious zealots and proselytes in the Church, as against real Christian disciples. This act of omission and even commission, has seriously compromised the power, possibilities and the prospects of the gospel. How we need to return the gospel drawing board, and learn afresh from the Master on his willing and obedient disciples. “He ordained twelve that they should be with Him and that He might send them forth to preach”. Mark 3:14. He who has not been properly weaned in the Lord, cannot make the marks of a true disciple.

A baby not well breast-fed, might ultimately be emotionally unstable. A child without sufficient parental dictates, will lack a firm control over his impulses. A convert without proper guidance and parental mobilization, might end-up a mere nominal and religious person after all.


1. The Importance Of Follow-Up Of ConvertsLuke 10:1; Matthew 4:18-22; John 21:15; Matthew 28:20: Acts 2:41-47; Acts 11:25; Acts 14:19-22; Acts 15:36; Galatians 4:19

The follow-up process is the aftermath of soul winning and evangelism. It is as it were, the act of teaching the convert basic Bible truth such that he

eventually graduates from being a babe in Christ to a reproductive Christian. He is well schooled and groomed in the Christian faith and doctrine till he becomes a defender of the faith, freely teaching others to receive Christ. The Lord followed-up his initial contact with several of his disciples as recorded in John 1:37-49. In the second encounter in Luke 5:4-11, it is thus recorded “…And when they have brought their ships to the land, they forsook all and followed him”. The disciples easily renounced all, not just because of the miracles He performed, but also because they saw in Him “a good Shepherd (who) giveth his life for the sheep” John 10:12.

Also, in the execution of the tasks He assigned the disciples, He engaged the follow-up process “………sent them two and two before His face into every city and place, wither Himself would come”. Matthew 10:1. When Peter and six others momentarily backslid, the Lord quickly followed them up to keep them in the fold.

Having been properly weaned at the feet of the Master, the disciples followed up the new converts won with unremitting zeal. “And they continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meal with gladness and singleness of hearts”. Acts 2:46. It is a challenge to us today how the initial 120 converts at Pentecost, single-handedly husbanded 3000 converts such that they became active members of the church and the kingdom.

Barnabas followed up Paul up to Tarsus and brought him to Antioch from whence a dispensation of the gospel was committed to him. “And for a whole year, they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people and the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.” Acts 11.26. Barnabas and Paul knew that following-up converts and eventually discipling them cannot be a hurried process. They engaged the Converts’ follow-up for twelve months, until their lives attracted the fruit of their alignment with Christ.A cursory review of the ministry of Paul, revealed a life anchored in the unflagging pursuit of souls for the Lord, replete with the follow-up process and appropriate discipleship training. He undertook repeated missionary journeys to confirm, strengthen and multiply disciples.

For the follow-up process to be a effective, the following considerations are essential.

1 Provision of nourishment. John 21:152 Protection from ravenous wolves. John 10:10,123 Priority must be given heartfelt encouragement Act 15:364 Pin-point instructions and guidance. Matthew 28:19&205 Penetrating husbandry and requisite training. Proverbs 22:66 Prevailing prayers with intercession. Galatians 4:197 Primacy of fellowship. Acts 2:42,46The follow-up process is essential to the prosecution of the great commission. Without it, a wholesome disciple cannot be made. Care must be undertaken however, to ensure that the converts are properly born again with the assurance of salvation. A well cultivated convert will make the task of discipleship easier with multiplication of souls engendered.

2. The Imperatives Of Discipleship TrainingJohn 1:37-42; Mark 3:13-14; Matthew 11:28, 29; Matthew 16:24; Mathew 28:19, 20; Acts 1:1-3; Acts 2:41-47; Acts 5:41-42; Acts 11:22-26; Acts 18:24-28.

Who is a disciple? A disciple is one who has not only surrendered to the Lordship of Christ, but has also accepted His yoke and burden, (Matthew 11:28), takes up his cross, (Matthew 16:24), follow the Lord (Mark 6:1) and

lives a life of self-denial. A product of grace through evangelism and an effective follow-up process, he is one who labours in word and doctrine, win souls, serves in definite capacity(ies) and finds pleasure in pleasing His Savior always. He no longer lives to please himself; on the contrary, he lives to please the Savior who loved him so much to have taken his place on the Cross.

A disciple is neither a random error nor an accident of history. He is carefully nurtured, trained and mentored, through a well-laid out process, culminating in his becoming a disciple, ready to live a sacrificial life of service and commitment to the Lord. It is instructive that the Lord took time to repeatedly nurture His disciples “And seeing the multitude, he went up into a mountain, and when he was set, His disciples came unto Him. And he opened His mouth and taught them saying…” Matthew 5:1,2. The Lord made a careful distinction between the multitudes and His disciples. He spoke deep words and interpreted parables to His disciples. He wasted no time on cynics and skeptics. His training model spanned the entire period of His earthly sojourn “until the day in which he was taken up, after that He through the Holy Ghost has given commandment unto the apostles whom He has chosen,” Acts 1:2.

Having therefore been well husbanded, the disciples clearly understood what it meant to reproduce others. “And they continued steadfastly in apostles doctrine and fellowship and breaking bread and prayer.” Act 2:42. “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” Acts 5:42. Why did they not limit the teaching to the temple alone? Why undergo the rigors of visiting thousands of homes? It is simply because the task of making disciples must be wholesome with a strong human element.

Barnabas and Paul in Antioch raised many disciples during their one year sojourn in Antioch. Paul provides us with the art of discipling converts through the various followers he raised in his missionary journeys. Aquila and Priscilla did not just leave Apollos as a theoretical exponent of John’s baptism. They mid-wifed him fully in the way of the Lord Acts 18:26. Beyond instructions and training however, the more appropriate and most poignant mode of producing disciples is through the transference of one life to the other by visible and demonstrable practices. Life begets life and examples are better than percepts. Although, there must be a well-laid-out discipleship training programme, this cannot obliterate the place of emotional attachment and personal dealing between a devotee and his mentor.

Jesus made the greatest impression upon His disciples not only in the life-transforming teachings He gave, but also in the life-given spirit He engendered. His initial set of disciples slept with Him in His abode the first day they met Him. John 1:39; He provided for all their needs. He healed Peter’s mother-in-law to prevent any distraction. He paid his taxes and those of His disciples. He stood with them when they made mistakes. He emphasized the importance of their being mentored by Him above rushing out to preach. Mark 3:13-14. He loved them till the very end. He proved in action more than in words, the affectionate Savior He declared himself to be. It requires a combination of precepts and examples to properly produce disciples who will go the extra mile to fulfill the demands of the Great Commission.

An effective discipleship training must include but not limited to1 A manifest instruction on the Lordship of Christ, the Redeemer. Matthew

16:13-20; Philippians 3:102 A clear mastery of basic doctrines and articles of the Christian-faith. Jude

3; 2 Timothy 3:16-17

3 Admonition on the entire consecration of the believer to Christ as a token of gratitude for the Lord’s sacrifice. Luke 17:10; 1 Cor 9:16

4 Impartation of the life of the disciple through personal examples unceasing intercession, spirit of sacrifice and sacred commitment to the gospel. 2 Cor 12:15; 2Timothy 2:1-2

5 Basic and fundamental instruction in leadership skills, Christian living, prayer and worship. Luke 9:1-6; Luke 10:1-11

6 Practical demonstration of following the Lord, Cross-bearing, self denial and renunciation of the world. Mark 6:1; John 21:20-22

7 Mentoring, role-modeling and raising disciples. 1 Corinthians 11:1; Philippians 4:9

3. The Importunity Of The Engaging Discipler And MentorJohn 13:1 Matthew 28: 19&20; Luke 11:5-13; Acts 11:25&26; Acts 14:19-22; John 21:

The making of a disciple though demanding, is not burdensome. Those who cherish their salvation and are grateful to God, take it in their stride to reach out to others and mentor them. They know that a life is successful only as far as God’s grace in a life finds ocular expression in others. This, in essence, means that one life should be a channel of blessing to others. Discipling others through training and mentoring requires (1) Entire Consecration (2) Sacrifice (3) Faithfulness (4) Selflessness (5) Christ-likeness (6) Healthy burden for souls (7) Seeking to please the Lord always (8) Patience (9) Long-suffering nature (10) Bearing and forbearing (11) Kingdom Sensitivity (12) A deep awareness of the divine control of human destiny (13) Total yeildedness to the high and princely calling of the Lord. (14) Hospitable spirit.

“…….He loved His own unto the end “John 13:1. “…… I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:20b. “Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus for to seek Saul …… he brought him to Antioch” Act 11:25-26. May the Lord raise-up more disciples for the sacred work of the kingdom. Amen.

Great Commission Seminar 52015 NWR


Power, by scientific definition, is the ability to act and produce an effect. Essentially, it is the ability to do work and get results. When there is power, then meaningful work can be done. Realistically, little power leads to little work, much power leads to much work and no power at all means that no work can be done.

There is presently much work to be done in the task of evangelism, the greatest and most available area of God’s service, which the Lord Jesus Christ has given to the whole Church as contained in the Great Commission (Mark 16:15, John 4:35, 1Cor 9:16). That work is still waiting for every believer and is actually increasing by the day. And yet, time for it is fast running out. We cannot do it alone by ourselves: we urgently need God’s power in Holy Spirit baptismal measure. It will take very little time to accomplish very much when the power of God is used to do the work.

1. Effects of God’s Power on His Work2. Pursuit of God’s Power for His Work3. Preaching with the Spirit’s Power

1. Effects of God’s Power On His Work

God’s power has a great effect when it is applied in doing His work. Doing God’s work with our own power leads to very frustrating results. It amounts to the labour of the foolish (Ecclesiastes 10:15). But great effectiveness comes with the power of God. Compare cutting down a large iroko tree using a hand axe to doing same using a machine saw. Or compare travelling to another city by foot to doing same with a car. Or compare fetching water using a bucket as against using a water tanker. God’s power makes all the difference in his work.1Kings 18:36-39, Jonah 3:4-5, Acts 2:37-41, 8:5-8,34-37, 14:1, 26:24-28

When God’s power is available in the life of a servant/child of God, he will preach and sinners will get converted, backsliders will be restored, believers will be edified and strengthened in the spirit, there will be numerical growth in our church and joy in the kingdom of God. There will be all-round progress of the Church. This is still possible today. And you can be that empowered child of God that will do exploits.

2. Pursuit of God’s Power for His Work

Though the power for exploits in God’s service is readily available, it will not come upon just any one. It is for only those that will pay the price of getting it by seeking God with all focus and

determination. Many have not yet received the power of God because they have not yet devoted the required time for seeking Him for it as they should. Jere 29:13

Those that want to get God’s power must be genuine children of God who must be living a daily life of righteousness. 2Tim 2:19. Such must also be truly sanctified (2Chronicles 29:5, Acts 15:8), separated from sinners (Heb. 7:25), regularly searching the scriptures (2Tim 2:15), being in constant communion with the Lord (Acts 9:11), with heaven as their goal (Colossians 3:1-2).

Having met the conditions, those that truly want the power of God must seek him for it at all times, until they receive. Importunity is vital in receiving power for service and exploits. Luke 11:5-13.

We must however avoid going to extremes in a bid to get the power of God. It will be unscriptural to start running from one prophet or prayer house to another ministry or church in a bid to get the power quickly and by all means. It is also not advisable to start looking for power books and other materials from uncertified sources, nor delving into spiritism in a bid to get the power anyhow. God’s power will come upon us as we patiently but fervently seek his face in prayers, while living the Christian life and doing his work.

3. Preaching with the Spirit’s Power

The power of God is meant for the work of God and so must be deployed to it as soon as it is received, especially in the area of evangelism and preaching. It is in the course of preaching and ministering that we have opportunities to do exploits with the power of God received. We must therefore get down to the business of preaching with power once the power is received. Preaching becomes much more effective and enjoyable once the power is there. 1Cor 9:16, Micah 3:8, Acts 4:31, 8:4-5, Mark 16:20

Every believer must be involved in preaching the gospel. So every believer must seek and receive the power of God. There is so much work waiting to be done and, while many appear to be doing something, most are not actually getting any results whatsoever. Yet all hands must be on deck to move the work of God forward. We must all be involved and not leave it for a faithful few. The onus is on us to wake up and begin to seek God for His power to enable us play our role of preaching in these last days. Matthew 9:35-38, Joshua 13:1, John 9:4, 4:34-36, Habakkuk 2:1-2

God can anoint us with His power today and making a real difference in our service for Him. We can truly and effectively do all things with the power of God upon our lives.

Acts 10:3

Great Commission Seminar 62015 NWR


Matthew 16:18;28:19, 20; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 4:14-19; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4, 37-41; 4:31-33; 6:5-8; 10:38; Romans 15:19

Evangelism is the heart-beat of the Almighty God. He desires the countless but lost souls to be snatched out of the jaws of the horrible dragon. Soul-winning by any means is the snatching of those perishing souls away from Satan and hell. Jesus did it while on earth, and He commissions us to carry on this unfinished task, occupying till He comes back: Luke 19:13. Captive multitudes reside in rural, urban and sub-urban communities. They are goalless, roaming randomly about like dead, dry leaves carried downstream by the currents of a languid river. They must be liberated. Soul-winners must apply powerful, Spirit-directed evangelistic strategies that will saturate the whole land with the gospel. Souls must be won, leading to the planting of living, healthy churches. Whether the devil likes it or not, when hell is sorrowful and fights, Jesus will reign from coast to coast, and from shore to shore wherever we find the sun in the universe.

Satan has turned this long-suffering world into a terrible wilderness, and he has destroyed the cities thereof; he opens not the house of his prisoners (Isa. 14:17). But Jesus came to give us abundant life. Through His power, His disciples today can turn the table around against Satan by setting the oppressing task-master’s captives free, and turn this wilderness of a world into a vibrant, spiritually conducive environment for the liberated souls to dwell joyfully in through power evangelism, and so prepare transformed multitudes as a bride for the coming Bride-groom at the rapture!

However, effective evangelism that will lead to Church planting must be really power-packed evangelism–soul-winning by people who have had an encounter with the power of God in the baptism with the Holy Ghost. By such select vessels, anointed to do signs and wonders, many souls will be won to the Lord leading to the planting and strengthening of many churches in our diverse communities. Right from the time of John the Baptist, even until now, the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force: Matthew 11:12.

Why do we need power evangelism? Jesus said that except people see signs and wonders, they will not believe: John 4:48.

1. The Pentecostal Power Experience In Evangelism And Church PlantingMark 16:15-20; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4, 37-41; 4:31-33; 6:5-8; 10:38;20:20

Evangelism comes from the word evangel which means good news: this is the gospel. We as spiritual journalists (Isaiah 53:1) are the carriers of the good news to a languishing world. We give hope to the hopeless through the gospel of the Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord Who has mandated us to DISCIPLE A WHOLE NATION for Him in every country where we find ourselves.

Pentecostal power is a great experience for saints who henceforth operate in a new realm of performance of achievement and doing exploits after the

encounter with the Holy Ghost. It is an entirely new, joyous experience that marks a new level for every believer in serving God. The initial evidence that one has received this third work of grace as a gift is speaking in an unknown tongue, a language that was never learnt before.

However, there are conditions that must be fulfilled before one can be immersed in the flowing river of spiritual, divine fire: fire is the ensign of the Holy Spirit: Matthew 3:11; Acts 2:1-4. When the conditions are fulfilled, then the person will be enrolled as a recruit with other ready, equipped soldiers of the cross in the united, power-filled army of the Lord.

Conditions for Receiving the Power

Salvation: Acts 2:37-39. There must be genuine repentance and faith. Sanctification: Acts 2:1-4. This was the unity Jesus prayed for in John 17. Separation: John 14:17. Total consecration from the world to God is a

must. Solicitous thirst: John 7:37-39; Isaiah 44:3.There must be a hungry desire. Seeking God in prayer of faith: Luke 11:9-13.Prayer brings answers.

To saturate the communities with the gospel, the soldiers of the cross will march out as a ready army to win other souls and disciple them to also become new recruits in the army of the Lord through discipleship. They are then trained to also be soul-winners to go out in power to win other souls. These must be accommodated in conducive environment, hence the necessity to plant churches. We move out as the Lord’s army under the banner of Jehovah Shammah, the Captain of the hosts of the armies of heaven, the Man of War.

Effective Saturation Strategies in the EVANGEL

Engage willing, passionate, anointed manpower. (Acts 13:1-4).Visit after survey (Neh. 2:11-20). We make enquiries and research.Apply two-by-two strategy of Jesus Christ (Luke 10:1).Never allow procrastination slow down your action (I Samuel 21:8).Gird your loins and mobilize the membership to win souls (Luke 12:35).Expand your coast through Cooperative Evangelism: internal/general.Launch out into the deep (Luke 5:4). Catch multitudes and prepare them for the Master. He is coming back for them. Occupy for Him: Luke. 19:13.

2. The People With Power Enduement In Evangelism And Church PlantingJohn 7:45, 46; Acts 8:1-8; 10:38; 6:5-8; 10:38; 18:9-12; Romans 15:19; I Corinthians 2:4, 5

Every Christian must endeavour to pay any price to have an encounter with the Holy Ghost for empowerment to do exploit in his own generation. We will be remembered by what we have done. God is looking for a willing man today: Jeremiah 5:1.Only those who are anointed with the Holy Ghost and power can do signs and wonders during power evangelism. We have many examples of people endued with power, who won souls and planted churches in the Bible. Some of them are mentioned below:

Christ was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power. We are called to do greater works than Jesus did: John 14:12.

Stephen did wonders through the Pentecostal power: Acts 6:5-8.

Barnabas was full of the Holy Ghost and faith: Acts 11:24.God used him mightily with Paul in planting many churches: Acts13-15.

Paul did unforgettable exploits for God: Acts13:9-12. Disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost, and preached

the word of God with great daring and solid boldness: Acts 4:31-33;13:52. Many souls were saved and many churches planted at their time.

3. The Profits Of Explosive Evangelism And Church Planting

Psalm 126:5, 6; Proverbs 11:30; Daniel 12:3; II Timothy 4:7, 8

Sowing the seed of evangelism by various means, strategies and methods with God’s power and divine wisdom enhances the numerical increase and spiritual growth in the church. When the truth covers the whole land as the waters cover the sea, there will be widespread and lasting revival, increase of godly men and the planting of vibrant, firebrand churches in various communities. There will be the reality of the long-sought peace even in high places of governance and a freer atmosphere to worship God and carry out continual evangelism with trained workers.

Analysis of Acts of Power and the Profits: Acts 1:8

Preachers become church planters for God: Acts18:9-12. Outstanding outreaches into formerly unreachable nations: Acts19:10. Witnesses’ words weightier: Paul was a firebrand witness: Romans

15:19. Effective evangelism by God’s heart-touching power: I Timothy 6:11. Reaching out frequently: to closed communities: I Corinthians 16:19.

Crowns await the obedient, wise and active soul-winners in heaven: I Thessalonians 2:19; II Timothy 4:8; James 1:12; I Peter 5:4; Revelation 2:10. We are well able to do it!!!

Great Commission Seminar 72015 NWR


John 4:5-30; Matthew 10:16; James 1:6

Through the subtlety of the devil taking advantage of the carelessness and gullibility of man, the whole race of man has been sold into the captivity of sin, being dead and hopeless in sins and trespasses. But the unfathomable love of God led to the fashioning of a way out of the bondage of sin for man, which is by the sacrificial death of the only begotten son of God on the cross of Calvary. This provision having been made, the news needed to be conveyed to all and sundry, so they can learn about this only way of avoiding eternal punishment for sin in hell fire. This is what the GOSPEL is all about. Hence the GOSPEL is: Good news; Only way; Supernatural intervention of God; Power of God unto salvation; Escape route and; Love of God in action. No one can escape the eternal anguish in hell without the Gospel. And since God is “...not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9b), He wants, and commanded all those who have benefited from the provision to “preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15b). Of course, the Lord knew that those to whom the message is sent will be diverse in their attitude, disposition and reaction. While there are those who will be friendly and readily receive the gospel without much effort, there will also be those who will be resistant to preachers having been prejudiced already against the faith and life of the righteous, just like the Samaritans were to the Jews (John 4:9). However, since all are lost and needed rescue, the Lord wants all to be reached. It therefore becomes a task that must be done for all those who have been reconciled (2 Corinthians 5:18, 19), especially as we know that there is no impossibility with our God. All we need do is release ourselves into God’s hands to fashion us into His effective tool, and look up to Him for the wisdom required to discharge this unavoidable responsibility of ours to all, especially the resistant and prejudiced.

1. Our Urgent Task Of Warning Everyone Including Resistant And Prejudiced NeighbourJohn 4:6,31-35; 9:4,5; Ezekiel 3:17-19, 8-11; 2:3-7; Jeremiah 1:7,8,17; Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15,16

For us who have genuinely encountered the saving grace of our merciful and loving God, the primary purpose of God leaving us here on earth after our redemption is to work for the rescue of those who are still lost in sin and are unreached. This includes every one of them without exception and no matter their attitude and reactions towards us. As Christ our Lord showed us by His example, this task is to be accorded the greatest priority in our lives. Prophets of old like Ezekiel and Jeremiah were clearly instructed by God to ensure the message gets to all those they have been sent, whatever their looks or reactions may be. In the New Testament also, Paul the Apostle got it right from the Master and he said “For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. To the weak became I as weak, that I might

gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” (1 Corinthians 9:19-22). In the same vein, we have been sent to everyone within our circle of reach to warn them of the impending judgment of God for sin, and we cannot exclude anyone on the ground of their attitudes, reactions or dispositions to us. Hence, ‘ere someone goes to his grave, speak a word his soul to save’ says the song writer. And we cannot just do it casually out of compulsion just to fulfill all righteousness as did Jonah to the Ninevites (Jonah 3:3, 4), but conscientiously and out of compassion, expecting a positive outcome by faith in the omnipotent God.

2. Our Unavoidable Training And Equipment To Win Resistant And Prejudiced Neighbour

Matthew 4:18, 19; Luke 12:47-49; Acts 1:8; Matthew 10:16; James 1:5

Though all genuinely saved believers irrespective of how long they have been converted can, and are called to, witness to other unsaved souls and win them to the Lord. There are some cases and instances of soul winning that require spiritual maturity, experience, training from the Lord as well as empowerment by Him for efficiency and effectiveness. One of such cases is the one under consideration – witnessing to the resistant and prejudiced neighbour. The need for every Christian to go through the Training School of the Lord cannot be compromised. There are some things that if they are missing in one’s life, the individual cannot do much in evangelism. Such things as understanding of peculiar situation and circumstance, wisdom for right approach, patience and endurance, spiritual shock absorber, supernatural discernment, spiritual authority and power over situations and circumstances, and the likes are very vital and indispensable in such advanced witnessing as sharing the gospel with the resistant and prejudiced neighbour. This is what Christ intends to induce and impart when He said “...Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19). We follow the Lord as we daily read, meditate on, and carefully observe to do according to His word. And as we continuously and consistently wait upon Him in prayer, we get endowed with the promised Spirit’s Power and endued with the gifts of the Spirit for outstanding and matching result in evangelism.

3. Our Unsurpassed Tact In Evangelizing And Winning Resistant And Prejudiced NeighbourProverbs 4:7; Matthew 10:16; James 1:5; 3:13-18; John 4:7-29

The Scriptural statement “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” (Proverbs 11:30) implies that when you see souls being won, great wisdom must have been put into action. This is an infallible truth, especially as it concerns ‘difficult souls’ like the resistant and prejudiced neighbour. A lot of things could have been responsible for their prejudice and sealing up of their minds, ranging from the disappointment they have encountered in the past from some acclaimed Christians, the unscriptural holier than thou attitude of some Christians, unpalatable experiences of life, heart hardening by the devil and the likes. Such was the case of the Samaritan woman who had been under the prejudice of the apathy between her tribe the Samaritans and the Jews. Our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated a great tact worthy of emulation to win the woman over. Tact, the ability to be careful about what you say or do, so that you do not upset or embarrass other people, is simply a demonstration of WISDOM. This is why the scripture counsels everyone to get wisdom, not the carnal worldly wisdom, but the one from

above. This divine WISDOM is unsurpassed and can be utilized to share the gospel with resistant and prejudiced neighbour as follows: W = Winsome character and Worthy walk. I = Integrity and Innocence in our dealing with them. Investigate their

area of Interest. S = Saintly, Sincere Supplication on their behalf to God. D = Dare to communicate with them and Don’t attack their habits or sins

directly. O = Openness to them. Opportunities should also be sought to cash on. M = Make a clear difference between interaction for gospel’s sake and

unequal yoke.

In conclusion, we must understand that as human being we don’t have the power to save any soul. It is reserved to God alone. Also the decision making belongs not to us but to those we preach to. The part given to us as soul winners is clearly and well defined in the Scriptures, so let us play our own role faithfully and diligently and allow God as well as the targets to play their parts. Then eternal rewards of joy unlimited and crowns of glory, life and righteousness that fadeth not await us.

And the man increased exceedingly, and had much cattle, and maidservants, and menservants, and camels and asses” Genesis 30:43

Christian Workers’ Life Seminar 1 2015 NWR


Genesis 39:2—6; Daniel 1:8, 15-21

The contractual obligation that binds the Christian servant to his or her employer also binds the unbelieving servant. If your organization values the workmanship and contribution of unbelievers more than yours, you have a negative testimony.

Ephesians 2:10 It is interesting to know that the grace of God places a Christian at advantage of usefulness over others. Christians add economic value to their respective organizations by their dutiful, creative and innovative conducts. No wonder, they are soon recognized and elevated above their contemporaries.

Philippians 2:15; Matthew 5:13-16The work arena, popularly called the “Market Place” is a veritable ground for the light in us to outshine all forms of dark practices, there by attracting men and women to Christ. There are popular codes of conduct unwritten but celebrated amongst the unbelieving workers and servants.These codes are denoted in all deceivableness of unrighteousness.

Idleness, Lateness to work, uncompleted jobs and assignments, delayed reports, unholy associations, un earned over time pay, falsification of age and marital status, seared conscience, fraud, petition writing, browsing of dirty websites, worldly dressing, alcoholism, lying to escape discipline, cheating of subordinates, insubordination, inconsiderate termination of junior officers for flimsy reasons, delaying the salaries of subordinates, surcharging staff for unsubstantiated reasons.

We mirror the lives of 2 Israelites in foreign land who were under employment but through dint of hard work and integrity got promoted to the highest attainable positions at their times.

1. Joseph, A Godly Slave Servant Promoted To Limelight

Jehovah’ Servant: Genesis 40: 5-13 His commitment to his God and righteous lifestyle gave him divine insight to the perfect interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream. His promotion came after he interpreted the dream. From the dungeon to dignity. He became the number 1 civil servant and next in rank to Pharaoh. Have you worked so hard to enjoy promotion in your office? Don’t blame it on god-father-rism but are you economically viable and useful to your organization? Obedient: Genesis 39:4His master promoted him for the umpteenth time as head of his house hold servants. Josephus informed us that Portiphar actually doubted his wife’s account therefore, refusing to implement the recommendation of death penalty

for Joseph. How innocent are you. A fraud takes place at the office, can nay one vouch for you Submissive: Gen 47:1-6, Joseph did not take undue advantage of his office; he conferred with Pharaoh in the choice of the place his Father would stay. Many professing Christian MDs. CEOs and Managers today would not get approval but would give themselves loans, buy cars and build houses but would use fictitious means to write off the money, are you a Christian? Why did banks go down? why do some organizations go under?. Some employees too would collect excess stock items and surprisingly, their und Uncles are home would be using those items, their children and wives and husbands would be using what the company acquired for their customers. Where can we find the Christian executive or servant?

Enduring: Genesis 39:18-20 His 20 years life mingled with slavery and imprisonment were endured in the fear of God1 Peter 2: 11-25, A Christian writing petition? a Christian taking his company to court?, a Christian fighting for his right?, a Christian contesting his transfer. A Christian carrying placard? A Christian fighting his manager? NOT JOSEPH.

Productive: Genesis 41:25-40 Can you believe that the secrets of God are only revealed to the lowly and humble? the prayerful and God fearing?. Joseph’s formula changed the history of Egypt. Egypt became the world super power in Agriculture and Food supply. All other nations in the east at that time depended on Egypt for food and grains. Do you know that prior to Pharaohs dream; there was not position like “PRIME MINISTER” of Egypt. See, See, see, a new title is awaiting you, just be righteous and God fearing. Think about it, there are some workers whose title has changed. Instead of MD, staff members call him, “Baba Redundant”, no idea again, no impetus for change. As a staff, the manager calls him “Mr. Salary Only”. Let me tell you, no one can be useful in the office beyond routine responsibility that lacks relationship with God.Humble Enduring Suffering- Genesis 40:14-15Christianity does not indemnify the saints against suffering, false accusation, misrepresentation, misunderstanding, character assassination, libel and even assassination. But we have to follow the footsteps of our Lord and master Jesus. Rev. 3:9-10

2. Daniel, From The Court Yard To Presidency

Daniel was favoured beyond comprehension because his devotional and meditative lifestyle brought him closer God. Daniel was never late to work and could never have gone to work, not having prayed to his God. He was quiet and calculative, survived and witnessed 4 successive Kings of Babylon and Medo-Persia. (Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius, and Cyrus)

1. Dutifulness- You could not have withstood Daniel to a fault in his official responsibilities. If you are a Christian worker and you have not enjoyed promotion after 3, 4, 5 years, quickly ask yourself. Am I adding Value?

2. AttentiveCan you imagine a man writing every minute detail of the revelations and visions he got without missing a word? Many Christians are so impatient,

showing poor listening skills, they do not listen properly. “This is not what I want”!!!! Then you are unlike Daniel.

3. News Agent of Heaven: The interpretation of dreams and his bold application of the details on even Kings such as Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar distinguished him as a rare man of God. How courageously are you declaring the word of God in your place of work? Mark 16:15-20

4. IntegrityNo one could have accused Daniel of any misconduct. He was an epitome of trust. During your last performance appraisal, what rating did your manager give you on Integrity? Stealing? deceiving?, meddlesome?, false accuser and carrying placard?

5. EbullienceHis relationship with his superiors and subordinates was electrifying. Can you believe that the King did not sleep when Daniel was in the Lion’s Den. Do people associate with you because of your truthfulness?

6. LoyaltyDaniel was loyal to his nation and leaders. Can you imagine a 1st Vice President, serving concurrently under 4 successive Kings? He was dependable and reliable. No once accused Daniel of plotting a coup against his masters. How about Christians that carry placards against management people? Or some who keep malice with their superiors? Others exhibit “holy anger”

3. Godly Conduct: A Panacea For Growth & Successful Workmanship 1Peter 2: 11-19, 21-25

The bible is replete with men and women who had grown from the lowest rungs on the ladder to positions of greatness. Such men were Jacob; his cattle outnumbered Labans cattle, Isaac in a strange land of the Philistines greatly multiplied in Camels, Asses, Cattle and Men servants, Joseph got promoted to the Pinnacle of glory in Egypt. Esther became the Queen of Persia through her obedience and courage to follow instructions, Rehab the Harlot was promoted to the grand savior of her entire family when Jericho was broken down. The following are recommended ways of working life for Christians at the workplace.

1. Prayerfulness- Show your total dependence on God and not just skills2. Dutifulness- Ensure to contribute to the progress of your organization3. Integrity- Let all men see it, including your management. A Ghanaian

driver returned an envelope containing 36,000 USD to the owners. It’s on the internet

4. Creativity- You should develop yourself to merit being co-opted into many committees

5. Interpersonal Skills- get closer to people and court a mutually beneficial relationship

6. Evangelism- Don’t be a secret disciple in the market place, let the management know your stance and others also.

7. Moderation- Don’t be a fashion star. 8. Borrowing money frequently in your office will project you in a bad light.9. Endeavour never to retaliate offences against you. God will not spare you

for their ignorance.

Christian Workers’ Life Seminar 2 2015 NWR


Mathew 5:13-16, 1 Thessalonians 1:6-10

Christ had lately called the disciples, and told them that they should be ‘Fishers of Men’, here he tells them further what he designed them to be _ _ _ _ _ _ the ‘Salt of the earth’ and ‘lights of the World’, that they might be indeed what it was expected they should be.

All Christians are lights of the world in the Lord and must shine as lights, but ministers in a special manner. Christ calls himself the ‘Light of the world’ (John 8:12) and we are workers together with him and have some of his honour placed upon us.

The Disciples of Christ were obscure men before he called them, but the character he put upon them dignified them.

As believers, we must exalt Christ by our lifestyles, must be burning and shining lights for others to see and thereby glorifying our Father in heaven.

This is the kind of life the believers in Thessalonica led to spread the ‘good news’ of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1. The Foundations Of An Exemplary Christian Life(1 Corinthians 3:11 2 Timothy 2:19, Psalms 11:3, Acts 17:30-31, Acts 20:20-21, 26:20, 2 Corinthians 7:10, Acts 19:18-19)

The foundation of Exemplary Christian life is the new birth experienced through repentance and Faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the foundation that is sealed with the Stamp of heaven.

No Preacher or Denomination can change it. We build our Christian lives on shaky foundation when we depend on Church membership, religious duties, activities and Church ordinances like Infant baptism, Confirmation and the Lord’s Supper to usher us to Heaven. The ‘new birth’ experience is the indestructible foundation of Christian life. To experience the new birth, you need to:1. Have knowledge of your personal sin.2. See those sins as God sees them.3. Have Godly sorrow for your sin as Jesus felt the pain and agony when he

was nailed on the Cross for your sins.4. Have a heart that is set against all your past sins.5. Confess your sins to God with deep sorrow of heart.6. Turn away from them and separate completely from every sin.7. Destroy all the objects of sins and anything connected with your past


2. The Facts About Exemplary Christian Life(II Corinthians 5:17, I Thessalonians 1:6-7, Romans 6:1-17, I john 3:9, Mathew 5:14-15)

The facts about an exemplary Christian life, is that a great transformation has taken place in his life both inwardly and outwardly. There is a radical change of mind about God and his word.

Before conversion, he had resisted the word of God but now that he is converted, he holds the word of God as his guide and Jesus Christ as the Saviour of his life and endeavor to exalt him on daily basis through his lifestyle. He no longer desires the pleasure of sin. He desires to obey God and His words even at a great cost to him.

Other facts above an exemplary Christian life is that he does not delay to make restitution of all things stolen to the rightful Owner, of wife or husband wrongly married, pay back any debt owed.

Another fact is his love for God and the things of God. He has a thirst and hunger for intimate fellowship with God. He finds no satisfaction in anything that God does not approve of, rather he seeks to know God’s mind to ensure he is always in His ‘Will’. Not only does he love God, he also loves fellow Believers and indeed every Soul created by God including his enemies and those who despitefully use and persecute him.

3. The Fruits Of An Exemplary Christian Life(Mathew 5:16 I Thessalonians 1:7-10, I Peter 2:9, I Thessalonians 2:3-11)

The Fruits of leading an exemplary Christian life is that Christ is exalted and God is glorified

Christ led an exemplary life of Humility to build Disciples up in Faith. Christian Leaders should therefore emulate Christ’s life of humility and gentleness of Paul the Apostle and his Team among the Brethren at Thessalonica which resulted to great Revival in the Church.

As we follow the exemplary life of Jesus Christ and the Apostles, many Souls will be won to the Lord and Believers will be edified in the faith.

Christian Workers’ Life Seminar 32015 NWRFAITHFULNESS IN THE MARKET PLACE

1Corinthians 4:2 Hebrews 3:5

Christianity goes beyond a mere profession of faith and involvement in regular church activities. It is a Christ-like way of life. This kind of life style should be visible at home and the market place. The scriptures enjoin all believers to extend and apply Christian principles and virtues to our business transactions and relationships.

Christian businessmen and women, corporate executives are stewards of the Lord in the market place. Therefore, we are expected to be faithful. What matters to God is not eloquence in words, brilliance in thinking or charismatic in appearance but day to day faithfulness.

The word faithfulness has 3 components. 1. Fidelity-loyalty to a person or belief .2.Honesty- representing an image or event exactly as it is.3. Diligence - Doing what you are expected to do satisfactorily whether anybody is watching you or not.

1. Principle of Non-conformity with the world in the market place2. Pattern of fidelity in the market place3. Portrait of Diligence in the market place

1. The Principle Of Non-Conformity With The World In The Market Place

1COR 4: 1-2,Rom 12:2,Lev 19:35-36, Dt 25:15, Prov. 11:1, Rom 12:17; 13:8; Prov. 20:14; 21:6 Hosea 12:7

In Our text, Paul and Apollos were stewards of the mysteries of God. A steward (Oikonomos) was literally a “house manager”. Often he was a respected and efficient slave to whom the businessman or landowner had turned over the management of the estate. A true Christian must accept the principle of divine ownership. We are under obligation to please our master in the market place. We cannot be running the business without following scripturally laid down procedure. The bible commands believers not to be conformed to the world. It implies we must not follow the worldly business principles. To conform to the world in the pursuits of business is a contradiction of the pledge that Christians made when they enter the kingdom. Some of the worldly business norms include the following:

1. Injustice, oppression 2. Perverted/ unscrupulous measurements3. Faking/substandard goods4. Do or die competition5. Excessive price, black marketeering6. Owing and not paying, deliberate default in meeting financial

obligations.7. Gain by lying8. Violence, striving9. Kickbacks, Extortion10. Illegal and ungodly businesses such as smuggling, bunkering , 11. Fetish practises and idolatry

12. Backstabbing, greediness and covenant breaking.If Christians would turn the table over and do business on gospel principles, they would shake the world.

2. Pattern Of Fidelity In The Market PlaceRom 12: 2, Phil. 2:4,Eph 6:9,Dt 24 :15,Job 31:13, Gen 39: 6, 2kg 12: 15, 2chr 34: 11-12, Neh. 13:13, Dan 6:4

Worldly business is governed by supreme selfishness. Businessmen in the world seek their own interests and benefits. The norm is to seek all that will advance their interests regardless of the loss to others. Conformity to this worldly goal is one of the greatest stumbling blocks in converting sinners. Believers are expected to copy the example of Jesus who did not bargain for his advantage. We must consider the benefits and welfare of stakeholders- God, employees, government, customers.The objective of the gospel is to raise men above the love and influence of the world and place them on higher ground. When sinners see professing believers acting in the same way as others in the market place, how can they understand the true gospel principles such as heaven-mindedness, self-denial and benevolence? Christian’s business people must ensure they do the following:

1. Give to God what is due to Him2. Prompt payment of wages3. Consideration of employees4. Pay taxes, duties, rates etc.5. Ensuring that customers’ interests are adequately protected.6. Must not seek to be rigid

3. Portrait Of Diligence In The Market Place.Eph. 6: 5-8, Col 3:22,1Tim 6:1; Tit 2:9,1Pet 2:18, Rm 12:11

As stewards of the mysteries of God, employees are enjoined to discharge their responsibilities faithfully avoiding worldly practices. They are first and foremost servants of Christ at the work-place. Christian employees must:

1. Work hard to justify their pay2. Not competing with their employers3. Obey their masters4. Avoid eye-service5. Shun all kinds of vices such as stealing, fraud, gossip,6. Be Loyal to their employers.

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WORKING WITH ETERNITY IN VIEWGen 215 Prov. 1423, Eccl. 910 Eph. 428

God enjoined everyone to work but our attitude to work, the way we work, our character at work and the type of work, matters in eternity. Therefore as employee be: 1. Obedient – Eph. 65 2. Faithful – Col 322 3. Respect your masters – 1Tim

61 4. Desire to please – Tit 29 5. Be patient in hard places – 1Pt 218 6. Be hardworking Eccl 910 7. Be holy – 1 Pt 115-16

. Therefore as employers or masters please note that the following matters very much:

2. Prompt payment of wages – Dt 2415 Lev 1913 3. Consideration for employees-Job 3113,14

4. Refraining from threats – Eph. 69 5. Just dealing expected – Col 41

6. Sinful exacting service without wages – Jer. 2213

7. Failing to pay a living wage is sinful – Mal 35 Ja 54.Whatever we are doing for God, for ourselves and others we should consider its effect on our eternity.

1. Walking With Eternity In View Jn33, 1 Pt 115-16, Jos 18 Mt 513-16 COL 31-3

There is no way one can successfully work with eternity in view without a good relationship with the God of eternity. 1st and 2nd degrees of the Christian experience are very vital to possess i.e. salvation and sanctification experiences. If not one will only work but not spend eternity in God’s paradise!

2. Working With Eternity In View Mk 1615-20

, Mt 2819-20

, 1 Tim 118 612 , Ps 1265, Mt 619 , Lk 1234 , 1 Tim 617-19.

It is not labouring for praise or popularity but labouring for the glory of God and for what Christ counts as important such as Evangelism, intercession, work of mercy, love, caring for one another and living holily by representing Christ well on earth inspite of hatred and persecution.

It is warring for the souls of men that can suffer loss in eternity if not rescued. It is highly valued by God, highly appreciated by heaven that there is joy in heaven if a sinner is saved and God will reward soul winners too. It is worth working for, dying for and setting the pace for. God also is keeping the record and watching over such labourers.We should dedicate and commit ourselves to reaching the unreached. There are diverse areas of spiritual investments. These include:-

1. Buying Christian literature-tracts, magazines, messages on cassettes in different languages for distribution in offices, hospitals, bus stops, prisons, airports, seaports etc. (1Tim 618-19).

2. Giving money for missionary work. 3. Sponsoring village evangelistic outreaches through the provision of items

like drugs, foodstuff, mosquito repellant, clothing, etc. 4. Voluntary work in the church. 5. Buying musical instruments and hymn books for church use.

6. Sponsoring the education of students who are facing persecution. 7. Establishing small scale business for needy members of the church.8. Caring for the widows and orphans.Whatever the Lord has given to us in terms of riches, wealth and material possessions are divinely intended to be used for the glory of God, for the expansion of His kingdom and to improve the lot of fellow believers (Eccl 5:19, Dt 8:18).

3. Worthwhile Reward For Faithful Workers Dan 12:3, Mk 9:41, Rom 2:10, 1 Cor. 3:14, 1 Cor. 15:58, Heb. 6:10, James 1:25, Eph. 6:8

Blessings abound as we live righteously and draw sinners to the Lord through our lives and Christian conduct. Such blessings are:-

(a) Eternal life and glory (b) Crown of life (Rev 2:10)(c) Heavenly mansion (Jn. 14:1,2) (d) Incorruptible crown (1 Cor. 9:25)(e) Crown of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8)(f) Crown of glory (1 Peter 5:4)


James 1:22-25; Titus 2:1-14

The best life a man can live on earth is the life lived in the light of God’s Word. The Word of God defines, establishes, controls, and determines what a man’s life should be. To live away from, or out of the confines of the Word is to live worthlessly. The Word is Life and Light to all who live and walk by it. (John 1:4). There is no darkness at all in the Word, so, living by the Word is living a life void of darkness. The Word is perfect and without error. Therefore living by it means living a life that is perfect and without sin. It is the life that pleases the Almighty God who created, and desires that man be perfect and upright. To live by the Word is to have solution to all life’s problems because the Word has solution to all problems that man may face on earth. As rightly put by Apostle James, if any man looks into the Word, which is “the law of liberty”, and live by it or do it, such a man is blessed in all his ways.

Believers’ hope does not end in this world. There is a “world to come”, a world with God and without end. Only those that live presently by the Word of God and look diligently for the coming of Christ shall live eternally with Him. "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me..." "Blessed are they that do His commandments..."

1. Washed And Won Through The Scriptures James 1:21; Ephesians 5:21-27; 1Peter 1:22, 23; John 15:3; Ezekiel 36:25-27

The Word of God is the agent of transformation available to mankind. Ordinarily, the natural man is good for nothing in the sight of God. However, the Word of God, which is “the Power of God unto salvation”; if allowed, transforms worthless, dirty, and graceless man into a gracious and glorious saint. It is the Word of God that opens the eyes and the mind of a sinner, making him to see himself as God sees him. It is the same word of God that shows him the step towards forgiveness through repentance. The same Word cleanses and makes man fit into God’s Family. The roles of God’s Word in making a saint out of a sinner include:1 As hammer, breaking the sinner's stony heart2 As arrow, piercing the sinner’s heart to make him realize his sinful state 3 As water, washing his sins away4 As fire, purifying the life of the penitent sinner5 As light, guiding his steps6 As bread, satisfying his Spiritual hunger7 As mirror, showing him exactly as he is

2. Warring And Winning By The Scriptures Ephesians 6:12, 13, 17; Hebrews 4:12; Deuteronomy 8:3; Revelation 12:11; Mathew 4:1-10 Romans 8:35-39; Joshua 1:8.

The life of a believer is a life of warfare. Satan and his cohorts are always on his heels to cause distraction in his journey. This therefore calls for readiness at all times to fight and keep the enemy at bay. The arm of flesh cannot

guarantee victory for the believer. The sure and certain source of victory in the believer’s warfare is the SCRIPTURES. “For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and Spirit…” This is the description of the potency of God’s Word. No military weapon fashioned in this world could match the word of God. King Jehoshaphat realized this when faced with the army of a great heathen king; he resorted to the word of God and all the enemy soldiers, with their chariots were destroyed without Jehoshaphat lifting a needle.(2 Chronicles 20:1-23). God's word is a sure weapon against temptations, persecution, antagonism, worldliness and all distractions.

3. Waiting And Watching For The Saviour1Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1:9,10; Luke 12:35-37; Mark 13:34-37; 1 Peter 4:7 Revelation 22:7, 12-14.

There is the need for every believer to be fully persuaded that the coming of the Lord is sure and certain. This reality must therefore stir a strong desire and adequate preparation in him for the Lord’s coming. Believers should understand that:1 The coming of the Lord shall be sudden and unannounced2 The coming of the Lord may be at any time (morning, noon, or night).3 The coming of the Lord will usher them into the life of bliss without end.4 The coming of the Lord will spell sorrow, regret and doom for the

backsliders and the careless.5 The coming of the Lord will spell disaster and shame to the unprepared.

We should therefore:1 Wait and watch in prayer every day2 Walk in the light of the word of God constantly3 Live as pilgrims having no permanent stay in this world4 Serve the Lord as if this is our last chance

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BEAUTY AND BLESSEDNESS OF HOLY LIVINGMatt. 5:8; Leviticus 11:44-45; Hebrews 12:14; 13:12

Holy living is living daily to please God. Enoch was a man of like passion, he walked with God and God took him because he had the testimony that he pleased God (Genesis 5:24). Holy living is made possible through a definite experience of sanctification. This is an act of God’s grace that makes a believer free from sin and set him apart for God’s exclusive holy use and pleasure. Holiness is the nature of God and His demand from every heaven minded child of God: “I am the Lord your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy” (Leviticus 11:44a).

God is holy and the Bible says He created the man in His own image. The expectation of God on man is holy living and total loyalty unto the Creator. The devil came and enticed the man/woman, they fell and the once holy beings became defiled and made unholy. They were driven out from the holy Garden of Eden, from the place of beauty and blessedness into the waiting arms of crises, crimes, corruption, sufferings, sicknesses, sensuality and death.

Psalm 15:1-2; 29:12 show clearly the qualification for abiding in the presence of God and that the Almighty God can only be worshipped in the beauty of holiness. Heb. 12:14 identifies holiness as the key that ushers us into the presence of God. Prophet Isaiah living among people with unclean lips and himself not totally free from unclean lips pronounced woe upon himself when he saw the vision of the glory of the holy God (Isaiah 6:1-5). Unregenerated man cannot stand within the holy presence of God; this explained why Christ came to die for all (I Corinthians 15:22; Rom. 5:14-19). Christ paid it all. Humanity owed the debt they could not pay and Christ paid the debt He did not owe.

1. Perfect Provision For A Holy Living Hebrews 13:12, 13; Luke 1:74-75; Hebrews 11:5; John 17:17, 19; Hebrews 10:10,14; Ezekiel 36:26

A definite experience of sanctification is the only means by which a man in his fallen nature can be transformed to conform to the nature of God. It is an experience that empowers a believer to love God and cleave to Him without any desire to go away from the Lord. This experience is made possible through the sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. Christ is God’s perfect provision for our sanctification: “Wherefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate” (Hebrews 13:12). Many so called believers think it is not possible for a mortal man to live a holy life; but if it were not possible, God will not demand us to be holy as a condition for entering heaven. If it were not possible it means no man will enter into the kingdom of God; then Christ’s death is in vain and Christianity is vain. But all glory be to God because by His grace it is possible to live a holy life; our faith in Christ’s vicarious death on the cross is not in vain. There is hope of eternal life for us if we hold fast the profession of our faith to the end in holiness and righteousness. Examples abound in the Bible of men and women who lived a holy life and are now in heaven. The various means by which God has provided for our sanctification includes (i) the blood of Jesus (Heb. 13:12, 13); (ii) the word of God (John 15:3); (iii) our faith in the Lord; (iv) the Spirit of God; (v) God Himself (I Thessalonians 2:23).

2. Personal Preparation For Radiant Life And Holy Living Leviticus 11:44; Hebrews 13:12-13; I Thessalonians 5:22-24; Romans 12:1-2

God’s gracious election of sinners to become saints always involves responsibility and not just a privilege. Every believer is expected to appropriate all divinely approved means and provisions for his sanctification. It is only for those who appreciate and value it. You must not only appreciate and value it, you must thirst and hunger for it. Every sincere seeker must:

(i) Be genuinely saved from sin – Definite Salvation Experience – (Titus 2:11-14; 2 Tim. 2:19)

(ii) Be totally separated from the world and all its evil practices – (I Thess. 5:22; 2 Cor. 6:17, 18)

(iii) Be hungry and thirsty (desire) for entire sanctification – Matt. 5:6(iv) Be entirely consecrated to God – Desire for entire Sanctification -

(Romans 12:1-2) (v) Persevere in prayer and supplication of faith – Hosea 10:12(vi) Depend on Christ’s Finished work for sanctification –

Acts 15:9

The above steps lead to a definite experience of sanctification or being made holy. This experience of sanctification transforms our hearts and lives. The transformation produces a desire to live Godly life. There is an aversion or deep dislike for anything ungodly or unrighteous. The desire for sensual indulgence or worldly pleasure is replaced with the perfect love for God and His righteousness. The fleshly enjoyment of those who do not know God holds no interest for those who have tasted the grace and goodness of God in holiness experience.

The following characterises the radiant beauty of life in anyone with this experience:

(a) Clear conscience – I Tim. 1:5; Acts 24:16; 2 Cor. 1:12(b) Correct conduct – I Thess. 2:10(c) Clean Character – I Sam. 12:3-4(d) Constant craving for more holiness (e) Christ-like love for saints and sinners(f) Compassion and forgiveness for others

3. Purpose And Profit Of A Holy Living Hebrews 2:9, 10; I Peter 2:9; Matthew 5:8; Hebrews 12:14

The purpose of holy living is to glorify God: “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.” (Isaiah 44:21). The profit of holy living is unquantifiable; it is both in life and eternity. Your life will be an encouragement to others and a blessing to people around you; God will be glorified, heaven will rejoice because of you and at the end of your journey on earth a crown of glory and righteousness is awaiting you in the kingdom of God. Heaven is too precious to lose and hell is too horrible to enter.

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Romans 12: 1-2; 1 Kings 20:4; Hebrews 5: 12-14

The word consecration is often used to express ordination into a sacred office (Exodus 29: 29; Numbers 3:3) or commission into religious usage. When used relative to one’s spiritual walk it speaks of a voluntary act of self-dedication to the service and glory of God. It implies the giving up of ourselves unreservedly and whole-heartedly to God. It is saying to the Lord in grateful yieldedness, what King Ahab said to King Ben-Hadad in capitulating fear: “My Lord according to thy saying I am thine and all that I have…” (1 Kings 20:4). An essential element of consecration lies in the voluntary adoption of that which is not expressly commanded or mandatory, but which is perceived to be salutatory to God’s purpose and glory (1 Corinthians 9: 11 – 12). Consecration is the fruit of the compulsion of God’s love as perceived by the believer. Apostle Paul’s exhortation to the Roman church in Romans 12: 1-2, was a call to a form of consecration based on the compelling mercies of God. “I beseech you therefore, brethren by the mercies of God…” The mercies of God, more deeply revealed, understood and experienced will naturally command our consecration to God.

Carnality on the other hand is concerned with shallow, selfish and fleshly consideration to the extent that the glory of God is hindered. It has its roots in the lack of basic understanding that “whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 16:25).

1. THE BASIS OF OUR CONSECRATION(Romans 12: 1-2; 5:8; Psalm 34:8; Exodus 21: 6; 1 John 4:19; John 10:18).

Since consecration is driven by the perceived love of God, it follows that none can press towards consecration who has not tasted the love of God (Psalm 34:8). Like the Hebrew servant who would not go out free (Exodus 21:6), our voluntary acts of consecration should be an expression of our appreciation of the love that God in Christ has manifested towards us “We love him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). The excellency of the love of Christ for mankind goes infinitely beyond that of the most committed lover. The life Christ laid down for miserable sinners was infinitely more worthy than the lives of men for who it was laid down. Moreover this was done while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8). Only those who are genuinely born-again can begin to know the weight and compulsion of divine love. Only they (saved souls) can willingly and joyfully give up certain liberties and take up extra concerns in the service of, and for the glory of the Benevolent Saviour. Christ’s own condescension to death on the cross being perfectly voluntary and unsolicited by its beneficiaries represents the highest act of consecration (John 10:18).

It is the deeper appreciation of the love of Christ for him that leads the blood-washed child of God to the door post of a consecrated life, to have his willing ear bored through (Exodus 21:6). By it he declares His love for His master in toiling, endurance and hearty obedience.

2. THE BANE OF CARNALITY(1 Corinthians 3:1-4; 2 Peter 3:18; 1 Peter 2:2; James 1:25; 1 Corinthians 1:10-13)

In the Corinthians church we discover some, who though born again, were manifesting evident lack of growth and showing defective conduct (1 Corinthians 3:1-4). The express will of God is that once born again, we should “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Spiritual growth is an antidote to the selfish, divisive thoughts and mundane affections that define carnality (1 Corinthians 1:10-13). Spiritual maturity and deeper insight into doctrines of Christ do not come automatically, merely by the passage of time. A person may be long in the church and yet remain carnal, a spiritual baby. A baby who does not desire (and sometimes cry out for) the mother’s milk will hardly grow properly (1 Peter 2:2). Carnality is often the result of indifference to and neglect of the word of God. A carnal mind is not easily affected by the deep truths of God’s word and is easily satiated with “the first principles of the oracles of God” (Hebrews 5:12). Apostle Paul gave their little proficiency in the knowledge of spiritual things as reason he could not teach the Corinthians deeper spiritual truths (1 Corinthians 3:1-2). Thus we learn that if we do not deliberately pursue spiritual growth we may consign ourselves to the shallow waters of carnal Christianity. Carnality thrives by prolonged preference for the first principles of the oracles of God, “the milk of the word”, and a distaste of ‘strong meat’. For everyone that useth milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:13, 14; John 6: 66-68). Just as it is natural for babies to grow into adults, it is equally abnormal and unacceptable to God, for believers not to grow in spiritual stature and become adults in Christ. Every believer can be delivered from the bane of carnality by prayerful study and appropriation of the word of God into our lives (James 1: 25).

3. BENEFITS OF CONSECRATION AND FREEDOM FROM CARNALITY(1 Timothy 4: 8; 2 Corinthians 4:2; Hebrew 5:12-14; Matthew 5:25)

Whereas spiritual growth predisposes to greater consecration, carnality’s hallmark is spiritual stagnation and lethargy. Those who by their willing consecration desire to do more for Christ are readily given the means to do so by the Lord. The more they do, the more they are enabled to do. (Matthew 5:25). Conversely the carnal person runs the risk of losing what he already has. We usually lose what we do not use. Spiritual atrophy is the reward of spiritual lethargy and indolence. Those who remain in carnality run the risk of losing that only good thing committed unto them by the Holy Ghost (2 Timothy 4: 14).

Consecration results from seeking God with all one’s heart and all one’s desire. Such did King Asa and all Judah, “and the Lord gave them rest round about” (2 Chronicles 15: 1-15). The pursuit of “godliness is profitable unto all things” (1 Timothy 4:8). Only those who are sincere and purposeful in their walk with Christ and in their service to Him experience the fullest pleasure and comfort of Christ. Such persons consecrate more and more unto the Lord and are careful to renounce the shallow things of carnality (2 Corinthians 4:2).