2015 IEDRC ROME CONFERENCES SCHEDULE - ICSEP …icsep.org/history/Prog-2015.pdf ·  ·...

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Transcript of 2015 IEDRC ROME CONFERENCES SCHEDULE - ICSEP …icsep.org/history/Prog-2015.pdf ·  ·...




Rome, Italy

May 15-16, 2015

Co-Sponsored by





May 15-16, 2015, Rome, Italy

Novotel Roma Eur hotel


Day 1:



May 15

10:00-17:00 Registration

Day 2:



May 16


09:30—09:40 Opening Remarks

09:40—10:30 Keynote Speech 1(Prof. Gordana Jakic)

10:30—11:00 Coffee break& Group Photo

11:00—11:50 Keynote Speech 2(Prof. Vilmante


Restaurant May 16

12:00-13:30 Lunch



May 16


13:30-15:40 Session 1 (13 papers)

15:40–16:00 Coffee break

16:00-18:00 Session 2 (12 papers)

Restaurant May 16

18:30-21:00 Dinner Banquet



Registration: May 15, 2014 (Friday)

Novotel Roma Eur hotel


10:00 – 12:30

13:30 - 17:00

Arrival and Registration

(Venue: Lobby)

(1) Please print your registration form before you come to the conference.

(2) You can also register at any time during the conference.

(3) Certificate of Participation can be collected at the registration counter.

(4) Please tell the conference receptions your paper ID.

(5)The organizer won't provide accommodation, and we suggest you make an early reservation.

(6)One Best Paper will be selected from each oral session. The Certificate for Best Papers will be awarded

in the Welcome Banquet on May 16, 2014.

Full Schedule

Conference: Morning, May 16, 2015 (Saturday)

Venue: Mediterranean

09:30-09:40 Opening Remarks

Professor Donald Chang

School of Business Metropolitan State University, USA



09:40-10:30 Keynote Speaker Speech 1

Prof. Gordana Jakic

University of Belgrade, Serbia

Title: Communication at risk - language use in and between cultures


Language as a powerful means of expressing people’s own personal or cultural


Culture influences language particularly with verbal and nonverbal encoding

and decoding processes

Case of international English

Semantic problems


Cultural stereotypes

Communication ethics

Diversities and cultural bias


Coffee Break & Photo Session

11:00-11:50 Keynote Speaker Speech 2

Prof. Vilmante Kumpikaite-Valiuniene

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Title: Migration‘s Flow and its Impact: Case of European Union

Abstract: European Union has created one economic and free movement of



workers space. It has not only opened the borders providing the opportunity to

travel, study, work and live within European Union (EU) for more than 500

million citizens of EU member countries, but also faced the problem areas that

require solutions. Due to increased opportunities of labour market mobility

organisations are able to search for the most competent and suitable employees,

but, at the same time, actual or potential employees use opportunities to move

within the EU. As Baycan-Levent and Nijkamp (2009) present, Central

European countries including Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Benelux

countries, and France have been the most important immigration countries as

well as traditionally the port of entry of many labour migrants in Europe.

However, since the 1980s, the Southern European countries such as Italy,

Greece, Spain, and Portugal have also become immigration countries, receiving

people from Northern Africa, the Balkans, and the Eastern Mediterranean,

mostly through illegal immigration due to the proximity to these regions, the

geographical features. The factors that lead individuals to migrate, in turn, are

motivated and sustained by three major types of influences – demand-pull

factors in the destination area, supply-push factors in the origin area, and

network factors that link origin and destination (Martin, 2003). There are as

many reasons for migration as there are migrants, but most individuals who

cross national borders do so for economic reasons. One of them, for example is

difference in salaries. For example, according to the difference in wages,

rewards, and benefits among countries some countries, especially new EU

members cannot offer high salaries for highly skilled

professionals. Differences of minimum salaries among majority of EU

countries (some of countries as Germany or Italy do not have fixed minimum

salaries) are presented in Figure 1.

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch

Afternoon, May 16, 2015 (Saturday)


Venue: Mediterranean

Session Chair: Professor Donald Chang



Time: 13:30-15:30

ID Title+ Author’s name



Presenter only

Characteristics and Models of Effective Professional Development in Qatar

Abdullah Abu-Tineh

Associate Professor, Qatar University, Qatar

Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of effective professional

development and the effective models of professional development as perceived by Qatar school

teachers. This study is quantitative in nature and was conducted using a survey methodology.

Means, standard deviations, t-test, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were utilized to

analyze the collected data. Findings of the study revealed that school teachers in Qatar perceived

the proposed characteristics of effective professional development to be highly effective. Further,

school teachers in Qatar perceived mentoring model as the most effective professional development

model and online training programs as the least effective professional development model. Finally,

results showed that there are no significant differences among school teachers in perceiving the

proposed characteristics of effective professional development and in perceiving the most and the

least effective professional development models that are attributed to their gender, years of

experience in teaching, and school level.


Ethics of Undergraduate Students: A Study in Malaysian Public Universities

Shazaitul Azreen Rodzalan and Maisarah Mohamed Saat

Lecturer, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Abstract: This paper aims to determine the ethics of undergraduate students in four aspects of

moral processes; awareness, judgement, intention and behaviour. It further explores the impact of

gender and academic disciplines on these four moral processes. A total of 2000 undergraduate

students from six public universities in Malaysia involved in this study. Data were collected

through survey consists of 14 ethical statements developed based on previous studies. Descriptive

analysis (such as mean), t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were employed for the data

analysis. Overall, results reveal that student’s ethical level was mixed. The results also demonstrate

that engineering students have low level of ethics, as compared to social science and science

students. In terms of gender differences, female students appear to have higher level of ethics than

their male counterparts. The findings of this study provide some educational and theoretical



Sense of Place and Science Achievement in the Place-based Science Curriculum

Huei Lee and Chia-Ling Chiang

Associate Professor, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan

Abstract: The increasing gap between children’s life experience and school science is a worth

noting phenomenon in science education. To narrow the gap, the place-based education (PBE),

which promotes learning to be rooted in what is local, has been undertaken and emphasized

recently. In PBE, students' local community is one of the primary learning resources, so that

students’ sense of place is an important factor for learning. This study is the first article to explore

students' science learning from the sense of place point of view in Taiwan. By using a one-group



pretest-posttest design, this study explored students’ sense of place and their learning achievement

in place-based science teaching. Participants included 21 fifth-grade students of a suburban school

in Eastern Taiwan, and the fifth-grade students of other schools in the same township also finished

posttest for reference. The results show that the place-based science teaching could enhance not

only students’ sense of place but their science learning achievement. Besides, students’ sense of

place is connected with their involvement in community. The longer the students live in the

community, the higher their sense of place is. Moreover, the more students participate in

community activities, the higher their sense of place is.


The Effect of Project-Based Learning on Learning Motivation and Problem-Solving Ability of

Vocational High School Students

C. L. Chiang and H. Lee

Assistant Professor, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan

Abstract: Due to pay too much attention to pencil-and-paper test, lacking of learning motivation

and problem- solving ability are quite popular for the vocational high school students in Taiwan.

This study developed a project-based curriculum for the vocational high school students majored in

food and beverage, and examine the effect of the curriculum on students’ learning motivation and

ability of problem solving by means of quasi-experimental method and qualitative analysis. The

objects of this study are the students majored in food and beverage from two vocational high

schools in Taiwan, divided into treatment group and control group. The treatment-group students

are given project-based teaching method and control group students are given traditional teaching

method during four week period of courses. Research questionnaires consist of learning motivation

scale and problem-solving ability questions and answers. The questionnaires, “Learning motivation

of vocational high school students” and “Problem-solving ability of vocational high school

students”, were conducted to both treatment and control group students. The research results

showed project-based learning not only could enhance vocational school students’ learning

motivation, but facilitate their problem-solving ability. The contribution of the research is to the

vocational education, especially to give the teachers a real exemplar of PBL.

EP00044 Entailment Issues to Integrate Learning Theories with Educational Technologies

David Prata, George França, and Marcelo Lisboa

Professor, Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, Brazil

Abstract: Learning technologies intrinsically pervade education via Internet, encouraging teachers

to conform their pedagogical practices. However, this information era imposes an interdisciplinary

and multidisciplinary approach for applying instructional strategies to technology. In this work, a

knowledge engineering case is described to represent the knowledge design entailment issues when

integrating learning theories with information technology. The systematic and procedural language

of computers in scene illustrate the challenge task of instruction design to develop customized

content and to assess students’ learning. Underlying these reasons, this work create awareness for

the long trip to deal with pedagogical technology intricate issues in order to cause students to learn,

and not only to use technology tools.

EP00048 College Costs, Freshman Enrollment, and Student Quality: Evidence from an Urban State




Su-Jane Chen

Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver, U.S.A.

Abstract: Thisresearchexamines the impact of rising college costs onfirst-time, full-time resident

freshman enrollment and quality at alarge, urban,public teaching universityin the time period

2001-2013. Test results show that freshman enrollment reacts significantly negatively to full-time

tuition and fees, withthe price elasticity surpassing unity in 2012 and 2013.The steadily increasing

education cost has priced out a majority of incoming freshmen who are in the bottom quarter of

their high school graduating class, student quality raised from punishing presumably the most

economically disadvantaged group. This study also investigates how the university’s freshman

enrollment responds to tuition and fees charged by its two peerslocated on the same campus, a state

research institution and a community college. No competitive threat comes from the research

institution, suggesting that the two universities are in different market enclaves. In contrast, a weak

substitution effect is documented between the target institution and the community college. Thus, it

is important for the teaching institution to monitor the community college’s price as well as its own.

In light of President Obama administration’s intention to make community colleges virtually free of

cost, this realization could not have come at a more critical point.


Present only

Psychological Capital and its Effect on Performance among Teachers in Malaysia

Sarah Waheeda Muhammad Hafidz, Muhammad ZulfaizMohdYusoff, and Wan Shahrazad Wan


Lecturer, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

Abstract: Psychological capital (PsyCap) is a positive condition owned by an individual and it is

important in influencing and contributing to job performance. Through psychological capital,

employees can form various positive aspects of emotional, cognitive, attitudes, and behaviors; and

this can subsequently lead to better job performance. Teachers in Malaysia have been known to face

a high workload, and therefore the existence of psychological capital would enhance their job

performance. Therefore, this study aims to examine the influence of PsyCap on job performance

and organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB).A total of 628 teachers were chosen as respondents

using purposive and convenient sampling technique. The measurement tools are (a) demographic

information to assess the characteristic of respondents, (b) Psychological Capital Questionnaire

(PCQ) to measure psychological capital through four dimensions: hope, self-efficacy, resilience and

optimism, (c) Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Scale (OCB) to measure positive

organizational citizenship behavior, and (d) Job Performance Scale to measure the employee’s

performance. The results showed that PsyCap influences organizational citizenship behavior and

job performance positively and significantly. This findingindicates that PsyCap plays an

important role in helping employees to perform effectively; and that employers should encourage

the development of the dimensions of PsyCap.

EP00019 A Study on Trends in Iran: A Closer Look at Democracy, Education, Fertility, Divorce, Nutrition

Transition, and HIV/AIDS

Farzad Rastegar

Doctoral Candidate, University of Tehran, Tehran

Abstract: In this study we look into the socio-political trends emerging after the 1979 revolution in



Iran. The development of democracy, education, and health network system are remarkable

achievements in the Islamic government. However, since economic factors in a society work in

harmony, an integrated view about emerging trends results in more achievements and better future

planning. This study seeks to bring a set of relevant trends to attention and present a

multidimensional picture of Iranian society.


Identifying Learning Styles in EFL Classroom

Sadia Zamir and Huda Al Qunayeer

Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia

Abstract—This research aims to identify students’ perceptual learning style preferences in EFL

classroom on the basis of VARK learning style model. The VARK questionnaire version 7.1 has

been used as a data collection tool. The study also gives the comparative analysis between the

male and the female students studying at the same level. The data analysis highlights a considerable

difference between the boys and girls learning preferences. It concludes that female students are

found to be Aural learners (i.e. prefer to explain new ideas to others, discuss topics with other

students and their teachers, attend lectures, and discussion groups). Whereas, Boys are found to be

Kinesthetic learners (i.e. prefer field trips, doing things to learn them, hands-on approaches, using

their senses). The study asks for better teaching methods and strategies, keeping in view students’

unique ways of learning. The study suggests that the teachers should modify their teaching

strategies in accordance with their students learning preferences. The awareness about students

learning preferences increases the teachers’ efficiency of their classroom orientation.


Teaching Vocabulary Items using Moodle: Do They Learn Better?

Yiğit Savuran and Halil Elibol

Lecturer, Anadolu University, Turkey

Abstract—In this case study, the effectiveness of using Moodle on the learning of vocabulary items

is examined. In the experimental group, Moodle is used as a supplementary system on which lots of

activities are carried out. Uploading the daily vocabulary items on system is one of these activities.

The teacher of the experimental group compiles all the vocabulary items and uploads them on the

system. In the control group, such an online system is not used. Therefore, it is aimed to analyze the

efficiency Moodle on student’s success in learning new vocabulary items. The researchers created a

vocabulary test consisting of the target vocabulary items, which occurred in the course book used in

the institution. They applied this test to both experimental group and to the control group. The

analyses showed that the mean of the students in the experimental group was significantly higher

than that of the control group.

B009 The Effect of intermediate level short story Reading on Developing the Grammatical Accuracy of

EFL students in Shahab English Institute of Mahabad, Iran

Mohammad Mohammadi and Bayez Enayati



Professor, Urmiah University, Iran

Abstract—The aim of the study was to determine the degree of the effect of short story reading on

developing grammatical accuracy of EFL Students in Shahab English Institute of Mahabad . The

students were homosexual, so the sample consisted of 60 male students in two groups: The

experimental group and the control group; each group consisted of 30 students. The two groups

were randomly selected as representatives of the whole population which includes ( 182) new

comers where all of them were students in grade two of high school. The subjects in the two groups

were given a writing test in which a short paragraph was required to be written. Then the researcher

started to assign several short stories at the intermediate level at various topics. These short sorties

were read and summarized in written forms by the subjects in the experimental group. After a

period of six weeks, ( 20/5 – 10/7) in Summer semester of the academic year 2013 /2014 , the

subjects in both groups were given the same test in which they wrote a short paragraph about the

problems they may have during their teenage years. The two tests ( pre and post ) were corrected

and the researchers compared their results in order to measure the effect of the treatment, which

was intermediate leveled short story reading, on the student’s writing grammatical accuracy. The

scores’ mean value and standard deviation in each group were calculated. The study yielded the

finding that short story reading had a positive impact on enhancing the grammatical accuracy of

students in grade two of high school in Shahab English Language Institute of Mahabad.


Children Schooling Achievements in the Course of Early Education and Their Cognitive


Natalia Józefacka-Szram

Ph.D Candidate, The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education, Poland

Abstract: The study show connections between educational achievements and efficiency of basic

components of executive functions (EF) understood as short-term memory, inhibition control and

set shifting. Particular research topics are concentrated in development of executive functions issue

in view of age (5-, 6 years old). Study based on two groups of children from preschool class (N=96)

and first grade (N=97), both levelled in terms of gender. This project takes into consideration

relationship between EF – school achievements, controlling socio-economical status and age.

Confirmatory variation analysis indicates good correlation of all investigated factors. In the second

step, execution of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) confirms that all three EF factors have

significant influence on school achievements, also assumption about age finds confirmation in the

data. Hypothesis about influence of sex and SES on school achievement was found insignificant.


Religious Structure of Child Education Policy in Germany, Poland and UK

K. Heland-Kurzak

Ph.D Student, The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education, Poland

Abstract: European countries differ tremendously in terms of religious education. The presence of

religion in school is determined by the relationship between the state and church related. This

article traces the contemporary differences in religious education in Germany, Poland and the UK.

Intensive work on religious education in the UK led to compulsory religious education, but

differently comprehended than the traditional teaching of religion, because it focuses on the basics



of different religions and traditions. Germany with two main religions necessarily create an

environment to give the young person choice in the educational process, meaning the specific

nature of religious education, its scope, form and dutifulness. In Poland there are various religious

communities, and they have the right to religious education, despite the fact the Polish schools are

mainly of the Catholic religion, as approximately 88% of Poles are Roman Catholic.

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break


Venue: Mediterranean

Session Chair: Prof. Vilmante Kumpikaite-Valiuniene

Time: 16:00-18:00

ID Title+ Author’s name

Economy and Management


Analysis on the Impact of Seasonality on China’s Soybean Import Allocation

Lin Da-yan, Zhu Jing, Yang Fan, Aniah Dominic Avea and Wu Guo-song

Lecturer, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, China

Abstract—As the largest importing country of soybean in the world, China's import allocation may

be affected by seasonal export ability of soybean of imports-sources. Based on exporters’

decision-making behavior, this paper analyzed the impact of seasonality on a country's import

allocation theoretically and empirically, using monthly data of China and three major soybean

exporters from the year 2010 to 2013. Empirical results show that seasonality is an important

determinant of import allocation, one country's market share in China’s soybean importation is

significantly higher in harvest seasons than in non-harvest seasons. Changes on soybean import

allocation are the result of dynamic development of soybean’s comparative advantage of export

countries. Adapting to this, China can make full use of seasonal complementarities and comparative

advantages in both hemispheres, integrate world resources effectively and achieve stable domestic

supply of food and long-term food security.


Automated Creation of Navigation-First REST Services Based on REST Chart

Li Li, Tony Tang and Wu Chou

Principal Engineer, Shannon IT Lab, Huawei, USA

Abstract—As REST architectural style gains popularity in various areas, there is an acute need for

a REST toolkit that can automate the process of generating service implementations from the

service descriptions. Despite that we can generate SOAP service implementations from WSDL

files, there is a key distinction between REST services and WS-* services: the former is navigable



by hypertext whereas the later is not. Conventional REST toolkits tie the REST API navigability

with service actions, such that the navigability can only be achieved at the expense of additional

data models and programs. To address this problem, this paper proposes Navigation-First Design to

make a REST API navigable before implementing any service actions. A Java REST toolkit has

been developed to realize the benefits of this approach through automated generation of JAX-RS

compliant Java resource and message classes based on the Hierarchical REST Chart, a Petri-Net

based service design framework for REST API. The toolkit can transform REST Chart XML files

into a navigable REST API prototype, build and deploy it without the developer writing one line of

code. The preliminary experiments show that the approach is feasible and promising


Supporting technology commercialization for SMEs: A new service model to support idea

generation in the product development process

Heejin Choi, Jiyoun Lim, Jongjun You, Woonseob So and Jisung Jung

Researcher, ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), South Korea

Abstract—This study proposes a research model based on a Governmental initiative that aims to

increase the success of commercialization for technology-oriented SMEs. It particularly focuses on

supporting the identification and development of innovative product ideas. Although the success of

a new product is dependent on the customers’ satisfaction, technology entrepreneurs often pay

significantly less attention to their commercialization strategy as opposed to their technological

innovation. This paper considers crowdsourcing as an effective method to overcome this. Based on

this assumption, customers can aid the development of an idea for a new product through their own

needs, ultimately driving successful commercialization. Furthermore, the paper provides some key

insights to support small and medium sized firms and proposes a new service model with an open

platform that facilitates crowdsourcing. It particularly focuses on the early stage of the new product

development process, indicating how such a platform, with Governmental support, can be used in a

variety of business areas.


Contesting Income Tax Rules in Romania

Adrian Doru Bîgioi

Lecturer, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

Abstract—The application of tax law may make it hard both tax authorities and taxpayers. This is

determined by a number of factors, among which: imprecise definition of tax rules but participants

in the legal and fiscal trend to interpret the law in their interest. By doing this, there were various

situations in practice, which has been shown that the taxation authorities interpreted the law in

order to charge higher fees as and taxpayers – to pay fees as low as possible, the latter activity

being called tax optimization. Based on these considerations, this study aims to determine which

tax rules on income tax which have a high degree of challenge from taxpayers in Romania and

identify the causes of these complaints. To achieve these results, were used official data published

by the Romanian tax authorities and the analysis was made for a period of 10 years. Finally, were

issued a number of conclusions and some recommendations were made, among which: stability of

the tax legislation but also more precise definition of the terms of the authorities, while respecting



the principle of legality by taxpayers.


A QFD-Based Decision Model for Ship Selection in Maritime Transportation

Zeynep Sener and Ece Ozturk

Assistant Professor, Galatasaray University, Turkey

Abstract—Maritime transportation is a cost-effective method which enables companies to transfer

an international cargo between two seaports. With its need to trade-off multiple criteria, selecting

the most suitable ship among multiple alternatives is a complex multiple criteria decision making

(MCDM) problem. This paper presents a decision approach based on quality function deployment

(QFD) methodology for ship selection in maritime transportation industry. The proposed decision

model takes into account company needs and ship attributes and also the relations between them.

The simple additive weighting (SAW) method is used to obtain a final score for each ship



The Concept of Death as Depicted in Fairy Tales

Koutsompou Violetta-Irene and Kotsopoulou Anastasia

Postgraduate, Akmi Metropolitan College, Greece

Abstract: As times are changing and death is becoming increasingly a taboo matter, children’s

literature is exempted by a series of fatal events that happened predominantly a time ago within

many stories. This article’s main purpose is to analyze and demonstrate under psychological lens

the concept of death in classic fairy tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Snow White and the

Sleeping Beauty as well as in modern fairy tales like The Little Prince and The Happy Prince. As a

conclusion, we can say that in a world, where death is a common fate of all and the only sure fact of

life, children's books often find the words and colors to describe it. And it is a great comfort that

the palette of death includes the whole spectrum of colors. Just as with life itself.


Depression, Loneliness and Cognitive Distortion Among Young Unwed Pregnant Women:

Implications for Counseling and Psychotherapy

Rohany Nasir, Zainah Ahmad Zamani, Rozainee Khairudin,Wan Shahrazad Wan Sulaiman, Mohd

Norahim Mohd Sani and Aizan Sofia Amin

Professor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Abstract: Inability to meet the demands and challenges resulting from the rapid social and

economic growth brought about social and psychological problems among youths and their

families. One of the problems that are faced by young women is unwed pregnancies. Unwed

pregnancies bring about negative social and psychological effects. The objective of this quantitative

study is to ascertain the relationships among depression, loneliness and cognitive distortion.

Subjects for this study were 150 young unwed pregnant women whose age ranged between 14 and

29 years old who were placed in shelters for unwed pregnant women run by the Social Welfare

Department and various non-governmental agencies throughout Malaysia. Four research

instruments were used namely: Information on the respondents’ background, UCLA Loneliness

Scale, Reynolds Adolescents Depression Scale (RADS) and Cognitive Distortion Scale (CDS).

Results of the study showed that there were positive significant correlations between depression

and loneliness, depression and cognitive distortion and loneliness and cognitive distortion. This

paper also discussed the implications of the research findings on counseling and psychotherapy for



the unwed pregnant women. Counseling and psychotherapy should focus on giving strength and

hope for the young women to rebuild their life.


Validation of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) in the Malaysian Context

Wan Shahrazad Wan Sulaiman and Nur Aisyah Zahoni

Associate Professor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,

Abstract: Individuals’ performance at work is determined to a certain extent on how engaged they

are with the work they are doing. Hence a reliable and valid instrument must be used to accurately

measure work engagement. This study aims to test the validity and reliability of the Utrecht Work

Engagement Scale (UWES) in the Malaysian culture. The scale consists of three subscales which

are vigor, dedication and absorption. This study involved 205 respondents who worked as

salespersons in urban area in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They answered the

UWES and three other questionnaires that assess job performance, turnover intention and job

meaningfulness. The analysis showed that the validity using exploratory factor analysis managed to

extract three factors. However, the factor structures of these three dimensions were slightly

different than the original version. Reliability of the scale was satisfactory. The findings also

showed significant relations with other criteria namely job performance, job meaningfulness and

turnover intention. This study provided initial evidence that the instrument that can be used to

measure work engagement in Malaysia. Some limitations and suggestions were recorded for the

purpose of improvement for future research and guidance to organizations in developing effective

work engagement.

B010 Counting and Numbers in German, Roman and Arabic Languages

Abdulkerim Uzagan

Assistant Professor, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversity Van Türkey, Türkey

Abstract—Counting and Numbers in German, Roman and Arabic languages

In our survey we'll compare and give examples how the ancient people count before they had

arabic-indian numbers. Only german and arabic count same. The Armenian latest alphabet "k" has

the value of nine thousand. The longest in romanic was 3888 (MMMDCCCLXXXVIII).


Technology in Online Learning

Stan A. Lindsay

Professor, Florida State University, USA

Abstract—This paper places technology primarily under Kenneth Burke's Pentadic term Agency

and discusses the Act of learning as it is influenced and motivated by the Agencies of technology

within the emerging Scene of Online Learning Systems. Using as a paradigm a newly-developed

online course, Rhetoric of a Global Corporation, in which students study the rhetoric in the music,

films, and religious expressions of the Walt Disney Corporation, this paper analyzes the impact of

various forms of technology on the learning process. It applies the Roman rhetorical canons of



heuristics, arrangement, style, mnemonics, and delivery to the act of online teaching and learning,

and considers the various learning styles in the process.


The Spatial Dimension in Michelangelo’s Last Judgment

Sonali Vijay Rode

Assistant Professor, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati, India

Abstract—Spatial form theory is the perception that a degree of spatiality may be achieved (in

narrative) through leit motif or extended webs of interrelated images. In spatial form narratives, the

reader is “confronted with an open ended array of thematically interrelated factors he must weld

into a picture- into a spatial form” (David Mickelsen)

A work of art is a complex, idiosyncratic system of time and space construction: ‘the text is always

one of a kind, unique. Place, space and displacement are the word which contain various meanings

and interpretations varying from person to person. The variety of meaning makes these terms

ambiguous and complex. People describe place through various things like drama, lyrics, story,

pictures or performances thus creating a space among them, narrative space refers to any space in

which a narrative can take place. This space is not always physical but it can be emotional or

psychological or even space between two worlds, thoughts, etc.


Structure determining factors of business organization

Adam Kalowski

Associate Professor, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

Abstract-This paper presents key factors for organizational structure change of business enterprises

that influence the process of successfully change on the global market. The research enabled the

author to identify the most important factors for organizational structure change of the Polish

business organizations in the period of 2013-2014. On the one hand the research results were in

keeping with the assumed hypotheses about domination of the external factors in the process of

formulation a new structure in business organization. On the other hand the research also revealed

that a significant group of business organization from the sample was paying attention on internal

factors, especially: development strategy, type of activity and market, qualifications of employees

and managers, inefficient current organizational structure.


The Mediating Role of Self-Objectification Explaining Links between Relationships with Parents

and Peers and Appearance Satisfaction

R.Garckija, R. Erentaite

Mykolas Romeris University, Institute of Psychology, Vilnius, Lithuania

Abstract: Bodily self is becoming more topical issue in the various aspects of adolescents’

development. Prevailing view on what an ideal body should look like induces the objectified view

on one’s body that is the body becomes something to be physically changed to make it attractive

and socially acceptable. Existing research covers diverse negative effects of self-objectification on



physical and mental health, satisfaction with appearance and other aspects of psychological

functioning and well-being. Much less is known about potential antecedents of interpersonal

differences in self-objectification. One of the variables, considered important for the formation of

high self-objectification, is low quality of the relationship with mother (Katz-Wise, et al., 2013).

The role of a wider parental context (e.g. role of relationships with fathers) and the emerging

significance of peer relationships for individual differences in body objectification and appearance

satisfaction have to be further examined.



Ingrida Gabrialavičiūtė, Saulė Raižienė, Renata Garckija

Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania

Abstract: Current theory and research suggests that engagement in structured out-of-school-time

activities promotes positive developmental outcomes (Mueller et al, 2011). The developmental

systems-based positive youth development (PYD) perspective (Lerner et al., 2010) has been

successfully used to examine the effectiveness of such youth activity programs.

EP00037 Civic Engagement Intentions and School Environment in Late Adolescence

Saulė Raižienė, Renata Garckija, Ingrida Gabrialavičiūtė, Rimantas Vosylis

Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania

Abstract: The development of civic engagement is emerging as an important field both in the

developmental science and community psychology (Youniss & Levine, 2010). Civic engagement

can be defined as the feelings of responsibility toward the common good, the actions aimed at

solving community issues and improving the well-being of its members and the competencies

required to participate in civic life (Lenzi et al., 2013). Since adolescents do not have access to the

full range of political participation opportunities yet, their intention to take part in these forms later

on can be seen as the closest proxy-indicator that is available to measure this outcome (Benton et

al. 2009). Therefore it is critical to understand which factors can promote civic development during

adolescence.It is still not quite clear how schools can contribute to the development of civic

engagement however in the most recent literature it has become customary to emphasize the impact

of an open classroom climate and a democratic functioning of the school itself (Hahn 1998; Hess

2009; Torney-Purta et al. 2001; Torney-Purta 2002). Another factors contributing to the

development of civic engagement is attachment or feeling of belonging to school which is being

consistently correlated to various aspects of adolescents’ wellbeing. Summarizing it can be assumed

that open class room climate and feeling of belonging to school facilitates the formation of

students’ civic and political identities and preferences. Quintelier and Hooghe (2013) suggest that

the school climate has an impact on the attitudes of pupils, but a reverse causal logic is also

plausible, and more longitudinal observations are clearly required to gain more insight into the

direction of causality.



Listener list

Listener 01 Yeidy Sorani Montenegro Camacho

PhD student, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Listener 02 Debora Fino

Associate professor, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Listener 03

Dali Kankava

Lecturer, PSP New Hospitals, Georgia

Listener 04

Khatuna Sitchinava

Neurologist, PSP New Hospitals, Georgia

Listener 05 Lisa Suhonos

Consultant, Suhonos’ Occupational Services, Inc. USA

Listener 06 Laszlo Sonnewend

Head of HR and Payroll Division, HungaroControl Hungarian Air Navigation Services Pte. Ltd.

Co., Hungary

* Listeners can go any conference listed above.

May 16, 2015 18:30

Closing Ceremony




Instructions for Oral Presentations Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer:

Laptops (with MS-Office & Adobe Reader)

Projectors & Screen

Laser Sticks

Materials Provided by the Presenters:

PowerPoint or PDF files (Files shall be copied to the Conference Computer at the beginning of each


Duration of each Presentation (Tentatively):

Regular Oral Session: about 10-15 Minutes of Presentation 2-5 Minutes of Q&A

Keynote Speech: 30- 35 Minutes of Presentation 5-10 Minutes of Q&A

Conference Venue:

Novotel Roma Eur hotel


Viale Oceano Pacifico 153, 00144 ROMA, ITALY

Tel. (+39)06/592801

Fax. (+39)06/52208441

Email: H9299@accor.com



The Novotel Roma Eur hotel was completed in 2010 and has 116 rooms, 3 meeting

rooms, a bar and a restaurant serving Italian specialties and international dishes.

It is located in Rome's EUR business district, 9.3 miles (15 km) from the Fiumicino

and Ciampino airports, 1 mile (1.6 km) from the PalaLottomatica sports and

entertainment arena and the EUR Palasport metro stop, which links the hotel to the Colosseum and the Termini

railway station. The Novotel Roma Eur has a private car park.

NOVOTEL ROMA EUR: From Fiumicino Airport: toward Rome, follow the signs for the Grande Raccordo

Anulare ring road (GRA), toward Pontina/EUR/Laurentina; continue along the GRA until exit 26 EUR, toward the

center. From Ciampino Airport: take Via Appia toward Rome, then take the GRA ring road toward

Pontina/EUR/Laurentina, exit 26 EUR, toward the center. From Termini train station: take Metro Line B, Eur

Palasport stop, then take the 777 bus line for 3 stops.

Accessible by public transport

Railway Station

TERMINI (11.60 km / 7.21 mi)‎

EUR PALASPORT (1.70 km / 1.06 mi)‎




FIUMICINO (22.20 km / 13.79 mi)‎

CIAMPINO AIRPORT (16.30 km / 10.13 mi)‎

Upcoming Conferences

Upcoming Conferences

Jul 03-04,2015 Place Submission

2015 International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering

(ICIBE2015) Bangkok, Thailand Apr 20,2015

2015 5th International Conference on Financial Management and



Bangkok, Thailand Apr 20,2015

2015 4th International Conference on Society, Humanity and History

(ICSHH2015) Bangkok, Thailand Apr 20,2015

Jul 20-21,2015 Place Submission

2015 International Conference on Literature and Linguistics

(ICOLL2015) Paris, France May 15,2015

2015 2nd International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences

(ICHSS2015) Paris, France May 15,2015

2015 2nd International Conference on Economics, Society and



Paris, France May 15,2015

Aug 10-11,2015 Place Submission

2015 2nd International Conference on Education and Training


(ICETT 2015)

Singapore May 25,2015

2015 6th International Conference on Construction and Project


(ICCPM 2015)

Singapore May 25,2015

2015 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Innovations

(ICSSI 2015) Singapore May 25,2015

Aug 25-26,2015 Place Submission

2015 6th International Conference on Education and Management


(ICEMT 2015)

Hong Kong Apr 30,2015



2015 4th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Society

(ICKCS 2015) Hong Kong Apr 30,2015

2015 International Conference on Economics, Business and Trade

(ICEBT 2015) Hong Kong Apr 30,2015

Sep 07-08,2015 Place Submission

2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management

(ICIEM 2015) Toronto, Canada May 30,2015

2015 6th International Conference on E-business, Management and


(ICEME 2015)

Toronto, Canada May 30,2015

2015 5th International Conference on Humanities, Society and Culture

(ICHSC 2015) Toronto, Canada May 30,2015

Sep 24-25,2015 Place Submission

2015 5th International Conference on Business and Economics Research

(ICBER2015) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil May 10,2015

2015 5th International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation

(ICERI 2015) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil May 10,2015

2015 International Conference on Leadership and Management

(ICLM 2015) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil May 10,2015

Oct 14-15,2015 Place Submission

2015 2nd International Conference on Management Sciences and



Barcelona, Spain May 20,2015

2015 International Conference on Law and Social Sciences

(ICLSS2015) Barcelona, Spain May 20,2015

2015 International Conference on Marketing, Business and Trade

(ICMBT2015) Barcelona, Spain May 20,2015

Oct 26-28,2015 Place Submission

2015 International Conference on Marketing Business and Economics

(ICMBE2015) Beijing, China Jun 05,2015

2015 5th International Conference on History and Society Development

(ICHSD2015) Beijing, China Jun 05,2015

2015 3rd International Conference on Media and Film Studies

(ICMFS2015) Beijing, China Jun 05,2015

Nov 14-15,2015 Place Submission

2015 2nd International Conference on Business, Marketing and

Management Dubai, UAE Jun 15,2015




2015 2nd International Conference on Distance Education and Learning

(ICDEL2015) Dubai, UAE Jun 15,2015

2015 2nd International Conference on Identity, Culture and Communication

(ICICC 2015) Dubai, UAE Jun 15,2015

Nov 25-26,2015 Place Submission

2015 International Conference on Culture and History

(ICCH2015) Hong Kong Jun 30,2015

2015 2nd International Conference on Marketing, Business and



Hong Kong Jun 30,2015

2015 2nd International Conference on Education and Social Sciences

(ICESS2015) Hong Kong Jun 30,2015

Dec 14-15,2015 Place Submission

2015 4th International Conference on Business, Management and



New York, USA Jul 20,2015

2015 4th International Conference on Humanity, Culture and Society

(ICHCS2015) New York, USA Jul 20,2015

2015 3rd International Conference on Behavious, Education and



New York, USA Jul 20,2015

Dec 30-31,2015 Place Submission

2015 6th International Conference on Economics, Business and



Tokyo, Japan Aug 10,2015

2015 5th International Conference on Languages, Literature and



Tokyo, Japan Aug 10,2015

2015 4th International Conference on Sociality and Humanities

(ICOSH2015) Tokyo, Japan Aug 10,2015


Jan 09-10,2016 Place Submission

2016 5th International Conference on Government, Law and Culture

(ICGLC2016) Penang, Malaysia Jul 30,2015

2016 7th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, Penang, Malaysia Jul 30,2015



E-Management and E-Learning


2016 5th International Conference on Economics Marketing and



Penang, Malaysia Jul 30,2015

Jan 26-27,2016 Place Submission

2016 3rd International Conference on History and Culture

(ICHC 2016) Pattaya, Thailand Aug 20,2015

2016 3rd International Conference on Culture, Knowledge and Society

(ICCKS2016) Pattaya, Thailand Aug 20,2015

2016 3rd International Conference on Economics and Business



Pattaya, Thailand Aug 20,2015



Welcome to the official website of the 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management - ICIEM 2015,

will be held during September 7-8, 2015, in Toronto, Canada. ICIEM 2015, organized by IEDRC and Wilfrid Laurier

University, aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their

experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of Industrial Engineering and Management, and discuss the

practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Industrial

Engineering and Management and related areas.


All accepted papers will be selected and published according to the paper theme in the following Journal: Journal of Industrial

and Intelligent Information (JIII) ISSN: 2301-3745 Abstracting/Indexing: EI(INSPEC, IET), Google Scholar, EBSCO,

Engineering & Technology Digital Library and etc.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline May 30, 2015

Acceptance Notification June 20, 2015

Registration Deadline July 10, 2015

Conference Date September 7-8, 2015



Welcome to the official website of the 2015 6th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics - ICEME

2015, will be held during September 7-8, 2015, in Toronto, Canada. ICEME 2015, organized by IEDRC and Wilfrid Laurier

University, aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their

experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of E-business, Management and Economics, and discuss the

practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

All accepted papers will be selected and published according to the paper theme in One of the following Journals:

International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance (IJTEF) :

ISSN: 2010-023X

Abstracting/ Indexing: Engineering & Technology Digital Library, EBSCO, ProQuest, Crossref, Electronic

Journals Library, DOAJ and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (IJEEEE)

ISSN: 2010-3654

Abstracting/Indexing: Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, Electronic Journals

Library, QUALIS, ProQuest, EI (INSPEC, IET).

Important Dates

Submission Deadline May 30, 2015

Acceptance Notification June 20, 2015

Registration Deadline July 10, 2015

Conference Date September 7-8, 2015



Welcome to the official website of 2015 5th International Conference on Humanities, Society and Culture—ICHSC 2015, will be

held during September 7-8, 2015, in Toronto, Canada. ICHSC2015, organized by IEDRC and Wilfrid Laurier University,

aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new

ideas, and research results about all aspects of Humanities, Society and Culture, and discuss the practical challenges

encountered and the solutions adopted.

All papers for the ICHSC2015 will be published in the IJCH (ISSN: 2382-6177) as one volume, and will be included in DOAJ,

Google Scholar, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref, ProQuest

International Journal of Culture and History ISSN: 2382-6177 Frequency: Bimonthly

Abstracting/ Indexing: DOAJ, Google Scholar, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref, ProQuest

Important Dates

Submission Deadline May 30, 2015

Acceptance Notification June 20, 2015

Registration Deadline July 10, 2015

Conference Date September 7-8, 2015





