2013 VN Pocket Reference Book Low

Post on 17-Oct-2015

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A reference book for market researcher.

Transcript of 2013 VN Pocket Reference Book Low




  • AN UNCOMMONSENSE OF THECONSUMER.Understand what people watch, what they buy and how they see you on l ine . We measure over ha l f of a l l g loba l advert i s ing. Prov ide TV rat ings for 30 countr ies around the wor ld . Track 80 percent of a l l internet usage. Scan b i l l ions of puchases every year.

  • household income classification 3

    We aRe nielsen

    Whether youre eyeing markets in the next town or across continents, we understand the importance of knowing what consumers watch and buy. Thats our passion and the very heart of our business.

    We study consumers in more than 100 countries to give you the most complete view of trends and habits worldwide. And were constantly evolving, not only in terms of where we measure, or what we measure, but also in how our insights can help you drive profitable growth.

    So lets put our heads together. Well bring our insight to your business and help you grow.

  • household income classification4

    We KnoW Vietnamese consumeRs

    Established in Vietnam since 1993, Nielsen has become the countrys leading provider of marketing and consumer information, offering strong capabilities and local knowledge across qualitative, quantitative, media and retail measurement led by teams covering FMCG, Consumer Products, Automotive, Finance, Pharmaceuticals, Telecommunications, Industry and Manufacturing, Real Estate and Tourism.

    Nielsen Vietnam conducts over a quarter of a million interviews annually and has a continuous monthly retail audit service covering over 90% of the urban population as well as regular rural measurement since 2004.

  • household income classification 5

    ouR solutions

    segmentationWe analyze billions of data points from a host of sources, and from that, we can help show you consumers as they really are: unique segments instead of opaque lines on a spreadsheet or points on a map. We create custom segments to reach consumers that live between, or across, demographic segments.

    innovationIt might seem like a simple question, but the truth is, consumers often dont know themselves. Our innovation approach identifies not only what consumers say they need, but also needs that havent yet been articulated. Thats where breakthrough product opportunitiesthose with true potential to achieve sustainable growth for your businessreside.

    consumeR insiGhts foR smaRteR decisions

    comPRehensiVe end-to-end consumeR insiGhts foR fasteR,smaRteR, BetteR decisions to helP YouR Business GRoW.

    identifY desiGn communicate distRiBute







    audience mea



    tmaRKetinG effectiVeness

  • household income classification6

    marketing effectivenessWe collaborate with manufacturers, retailers and media companies so you can evaluate your marketing strategy from every angle. Our shared goal is to make the critical connection between your marketing and sales. Did your most profitable audience see your message? Did consumers respond positively? Did your activities influence them to buy your product, watch your show or sign up for your service? Which of your messages and media delivered the best results?

    socialWere on top of social media because we know its intensity and immediacy cant be overestimated. Our social media gurus have the inside track on the billions of social media conversations happening right now. By diving into the sea of digital chatter, we can provide you with real-time data to help you fine tune your market research. Well also help you uncover new customer segments, track brand health and advance your messaging.

    shopperThats where Nielsen comes in. Not only will we help you understand who your shoppers are, but well pinpoint what theyre buying, where and when and why. Then, well help you reach them. Understanding shopper attitudes, motivations and behaviors is crucial in creating a roadmap that funnels traffic in your direction. With this complete picture, well help you reach your shoppers effectively and improve the performance of your stores, categories and brands.

    audience measurementOur audience measurement data and advanced solutions provide a comprehensive picture of how, when and where your consumers are connecting with content. With this insight, you can create programming that viewers love, which will make you a hit with advertisers.

  • household income classification 7

    nielsen Vietnam tRacKed cateGoRies


    Beer Biscuits & Pie

    Hair Conditioner



    Fabric Softener

    Milk Powder Syndicated



    Baby Diaper

    Spoon Yoghurt

    Sweetened Condense


    Facial Tissue

    Household Cleaner

    Laundry Products


    Household Insec. Aerosol

    & Coil

    Household Insec. Lotion

    Facial Care Products

    Feminine Protection

    Mouth Wash

    Personal Wash




    Body Cream Lotion

    Bouillon MSG

    Chili Sauce

    Cooking Oil


    Instant Noodles


    Meal Maker



    Energy Drink

    Fruit Juice

    Instant Coffee

    Packaged Water

    RTD Tea*

    RTD Milk*

    RTD Coffee*

    Sport Drink

    Tea bag

    Tonic food Drink



    CareMilk Based



  • household income classification8

    md note

    Its extraordinary how much the Vietnam landscape has changed since the first edition of the Nielsen Pocket Reference Book back in 2006, and the hunger for more information in Vietnam continues to grow. The last 12 months have certainly been very challenging for many companies in Vietnam, but we must remember for the most part, we continue to live in one of the most dynamic, volatile and exciting markets in the World. With this, the need to understand the changing landscape becomes increasingly more important. Equally, the companies that continue to succeed in Vietnam will be those that increase investment, increase innovation and most importantly, increase their understanding of the consumer.

    The use of technology continues to grow in Vietnam and as a result we have consumers and shoppers that not only are more informed about products and services, but they are also more demanding than ever before. This consumer is not only sourcing information from traditional formats such as TV and print, but they are accessing the internet and doing this more on the go, via mobile phones and tablets. With one of the fastest growing middle classes in the world, the thirst for innovation and exciting propositions will only grow. As a result, we are confident that Vietnam will continue to be a major destination for investment.

    Welcome to the 8th edition of the Nielsen Pocket Reference Book. This years version is a compilation of Nielsen findings over the past year, and our hope is that it helps you to identify trends in Vietnam and serves as a first stop reference when you have questions about the market and your specific area of interest. We have again included our own proprietary research as well as figures from the Vietnam Government Statistics Office.


    Vaughan Ryan

  • household income classification 9

    Whats in the BooK?

    1. intRoduction 03 Company profile 04

    Tracked Categories 07

    MD Note 08

    2. nielsen insiGhts - at a Glance 10 Vietnam Consumer Confidence Survey Q4 2012 12

    Business Barometer Survey 2nd half 2012 23

    Vietnam Grocery report 35

    Personal Finance Monitor study 45

    3. Vietnam Retail oVeRVieW 52 Shopper Trends 2012 54

    4. household income classification 58

    5. Vietnam BY the numBeRs 62 Demographic 64

    Economy 81

    Industry structure 83

    Output and Trade 90

    Statistics by key cities 99

    Health and Living Standards 109

    Key international economic data 121


  • 2

  • 12 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    nielsen GloBal consumeR confidence suRVeY

    Concerns and Spending Intentions Around Asia Pacific in Q4 2012

    The Nielsen Global Consumer Confidence Survey is conducted online in Europe, Asia Pacific, North America and the Middle East about consumers confidence levels and economic outlook. The Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index is developed based on consumers confidence in the job market, status of their personal finances and readiness to spend. The survey is conducted quarterly across 58 countries. The following results are from Quarter 4, 2012 survey.

    Australia auChina cn

    Hong Kong hKIndia in

    Indonesia idJapan JP

    Malaysia mYNew Zealand nZPhilippines PhSingapore sGSouth Korea sG

    Taiwan tWThailand thVietnam Vn

    asia Pacific (aP) countRY aBBReViations

  • 13nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    2007 2012 Vietnam consumeRconfidence indeX

  • 14 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    ReGional consumeR confidence

  • 15nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    PeRcePtions of local JoB PRosPects oVeR the neXt 12 months - Vietnam

    Q3. Do you think job prospects in your country over the next 12 months will be:Base : All respondents n=10110

    Base : All respondents n=10110

    PeRcePtions of local JoB PRosPects oVeR the neXt 12 months

  • 16 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    PeRcePtions of state of PeRsonal finances oVeR the neXt 12 months

    Q4.:Do you think the state of your own personal finances in the next 12 months will beBase : All respondents n=10110

  • 17nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    PeRcePtions of state of PeRsonal finances oVeR the neXt 12 months

    Base : All respondents n=10110

  • 18 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    PeRcePtions of Good / Bad time foR PeoPle to BuY the thinGs theY Want and need oVeR the neXt 12 months

    Q5. Considering the cost of things today and your own personal finances, would you say at this moment the time to buy the things you want and needBase : All respondents n=10110

  • 19nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    PeRcePtions of Good / Bad time foR PeoPle to BuY the thinGs theY Want and need oVeR the neXt 12 months

    Base : All respondents n=10110

  • 20 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    hoW to utiliZe sPaRe cash afteR coVeRinG essential liVinG eXPenses

    Q6. Once you have covered your essential living expenses, which of the following statements best describes what you do with your spare cash: I spend onBase : All respondents n=501

  • 21nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    maJoR conceRns oVeR the neXt 6 months

    Q7a. What is your biggest concern over the next six months? / Q7b. What is your second biggest concern over the next six Base : All respondents n=501

  • 22 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    comPaRed to this time last YeaR, haVe You chanGed YouR sPendinG to saVe on household eXPenses?

    Q11. Compared to this time last year, which of the following Base : All respondents n=7014

  • 23nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    CONNECTWHEREVERPEOPLEWATCH.We can he lp you nav igate the var ious screens and dev ices they use in and out of the home, making sense of the re lat ionsh ip between each, and def in ing the best channels for you to d i rect your messag ing or content .

  • 24 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    HEAR THE VOICE OF THE V IETNAMESECONSUMER.For the growing Vietnamese market , where the on ly constant i s change, understand ing the duynamic consumer i s cr i t ica l . Integrat ing data f rom purchase and reta i l measurement sources w i th off l ine and on l ine consumer research, we are ab le to detect what inf luences and impacts people s dec is ion .

  • 23nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 23nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    Business BaRometeR 2nd half 2012

    How businesses think about the economic environment in Vietnam

    The Nielsen Business Barometer is an online survey designed to gauge Vietnams business leaders sentiment. Topics include advertising spend, growth forecasts and among other current hot topics. The online survey is conducted twice-yearly and covers companies from various industries throughout Vietnam. The first wave is conducted April/May and the second wave is conducted September/October.

    GettinG ahead of the chanGinG consumeRVietnam is still growing and in some cases world leading growth despite poor recent PR over 40% of companies performed better than expected1Inflation is less of an issue and now its down to competition and expansion2Growth of the middle class and opportunities3Creating value-based pricing proposition4Its about access to internet, not about the hardware5Distribution is still king 6We all know about AEC, but little action has been undertaken7

  • 24 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance24 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    desPite economic challenGes, moRe comPanies manaGed to Beat theiR Business taRGet this YeaR

    Business performance compared to overall target

  • 25nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 25nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    siGnificant shift in BehaVioR is foRcinG us to Be moRe moBile than eVeR BefoRe

    But aRe ouR conceRns aliGned With consumeRs?top 5 supplier / manufacturer concerns top 5 consumer concerns

    Q12: Which of the following issues concern you in terms of the impact they may have on your business? Rank the top three (3) issues that concern you where 1=most concerned, 2= second most concern and so on. Source: Nielsen Business Barometer

    Base: Respondents in Auto, FMCG, Telco, Travel, Pharma Base: All Sample

    Which of the following issues concern you in terms of the impact they may have on your business? Rank the top three issues that concern you where 1=most concern, 2=second most concern, etc...Source: Nielsen Business Barometer & Global Consumer Confidence survey Q412

    1) Competitive pressure/ activity/ growth 1) The economy

    2) Inflation 2) Increasing utility bills (gas, electricity, water...)

    3) Low GDP growth 3) Job security

    4) Labor force skill shortage 4) Increasing food prices

    5) VND devaluation 5) Health$


  • 26 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance26 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    diffeRent shoPPinG BehaVioR eXists acRoss cateGoRies

    household care55%: Buy bigger packs to save money50%: Purchase more on promotion36%: Trade down to cheaper products32%: Change channel to save money

    Personal care41%: Purchase more on promotion27%: Buy bigger packs to save money27%: Change channel to save money

    food & beverage36%: Change channel to save money36%: Purchase more on promotion32%: Buy bigger packs to save money27%: Purchase more local/ Vnese brands

    milk41%: Purchase more on promotion27%: Buy bigger packs to save money27%: Change channel to save money27%: Purchase more local/ Vnese brands

    tobacco27%: Not buy some non-essentials23%: Buy less / smaller packs of the same products23%: Change channel to save money

    Q16b.Over the next 6- 12 months, how do you anticipate Vietnamese consumers will change their purchasing behavior towards each category below?

  • 27nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 27nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    miXed outlooK toWaRds Business conditions in Vietnam, With moRe than one thiRd feelinG less oPtimistic aBout the conditions in the neXt 6-12 months

    expectations on business conditions

    Q7,: Over the next 6 to 12 months, do you believe that business conditions in Vietnam & your industry are more likely to improve or deteriorate?Base: all respondents


  • 28 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance28 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    neVeRtheless, moRe than tWo thiRds of Business leadeRs still looK foRWaRd to douBle-diGit GRoWth

    expected company growth rate

    Q11: What do you think your company growth rate will be for the next 12 months? Base: all respondents\


  • 29nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 29nielsen insiGhts at a Glance















    oRGanic GRoWth continues to Be the dRiVeR of most of ouR success, But hoW lonG is this sustainaBle?

    expected 3 key factors of company growth

    Q11b: What do you think are the 3 key factors of growth for your company for the next 12 months? Base: all respondents

  • 30 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance30 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    asia continues to Be the GRoWth enGine

    asean economic communitY (aec)

    the aec changes are fast-approaching, but little action has been undertaken

  • 31nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 31nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    oVeR the Past ten YeaRs the middle class consumeR RePResents the fastest GRoWth in household eXPendituRes

    and Vietnam is set to see an enoRmous Rise in its middle class consumeR seGment and sPendinG

    Sources: Nielsen Analysis, World Bank World Development Indicators (average 1999-2008)

    * OECD Development Centre (middle class defined as households with daily expenditures between US$ 10 and US$ 100 per person)


  • 32 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance32 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    Whilst GettinG eXcited aBout eXPoRt and inVestment oPPoRtunities uPon JoininG the aec, comPanies aRe oBViouslY conceRned aBout incReased comPetition PRessuRes

    What do you think will be the biggest benefits & the biggest challenges for Vietnamese companies once Vietnam joins the AEC?

    5. More FDI (6%)

    5. More FDI (6%)

  • 33nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 33nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    thailand, indonesia and mYanmaR aRe consideRed the toP thRee BiGGest thReats to Vietnamese PRoducts and seRVices

    Q27. Which member country do you consider to be the biggest threat to Vietnamese products/services? Q28. Why did you select this country?

    The biggest threat to Vietnamese products/service the biggest threat to Vietnamese products/service

  • 34 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance34 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    in the lead to aec inteGRation, comPanies haVe imPlemented Plans aRound uPGRadinG laBoR sKills and stRenGtheninG Business comPetitiVeness domesticallY



    Business actions from now until 2015 aec integration

    Q32. What actions have your company/will your company take from now until the 2015 AEC integration?

  • 35nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 35nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    HIT T ING THE R IGHT PRICE.Hitt ing the pr ic ing sweet spot requ i res a deta i led ana lys i s of not on ly your compet i t ion , but a l so emerg ing economics and consumer t rends . We can he lp you opt imize your pr ic ing and promot ion st rategy to a l ign w i th brand and prof i t goa ls for your ent i re product portfo l io .

  • 36 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    CAUSEAN EFFECT.Our Market ing Effect iveness pract ice g ives you thecomparab le metr ics andins ights you need to ensurethat your messages are go ing through the r ight channels and p lat forms; that they re reach ing and resonat ing w i th the r ight people and gett ingthe r ight react ion .

  • 35nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 35nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    Vietnam GRoceRY RePoRt - 2012

    Nielsen Vietnam introduces the annual update of the Grocery Report which gives an overview and food or thought on the FMCG industry and covers consumer insights and new trends on the horizon for Vietnam.

    a challenGinG 2012 But GoVeRnment foRecasts aRe ceRtainlY imPRoVinG and inflation has Reduced as an issue

  • 36 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance36 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    Vietnam is still the fastest GRoWinG fmcG maRKet

    hoWeVeR, Retail sectoR is still attRactiVe to foReiGn inVestoRs desPite total fdi decReases

    Value growth rate vs. LY

    Source: Foreign Investment Agency - Ministry of planning and investment

  • 37nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 37nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    acRoss most cateGoRies, PaRticulaRlY BeVeRaGes

    %FMCG (Inc. Beer)

    %Household Care

    %Milk Based Product

    Personal Care

    %Food (excl Milk Base)

    %Beverage (Inc. Beer)

    1 %Cigarette

    1 %

  • 38 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance38 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    tRaditional tRade dominates in sea But modeRn RetailinG is eXPandinG its foot PRint. Vietnam has BiG Room to GRoW in teRms of mt stoRe densitY

  • 39nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 39nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    tRaditional tRade is still the dominant channel in Vietnam While modeRn tRade sPeeds uP oPeninG stoRes esPeciallY in hanoi

    Notes: Modern Trade contribution ( inc. Saigon Co.op, exclude Metro)Based on 36 largest urban areas in Vietnam : 4 Cities includes Haiphong, Danang, Cantho and Nhatrang

  • 40 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance40 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    suPeRmaRKets imPlement a Wide VaRietY of PRoGRams to Build loYaltY and attRact consumeRs


    How do you change your shopping habits to adapt to the price increases?






    87 43 79 27 59








    r Con









    29 11

    56 36

    8 15 18 27 22








    r Con







    Change in Volume of consumption

    Change in Pack size purchased

    More amount

    Less amount Same amount

    Big pack

    Small pack Same pack








    87 43 79 27 59








    r Con









    29 11

    56 36

    8 15 18 27 22








    r Con



    62 67




    38 33 29 55 26








    r Con



    Change in Volume of consumption

    Change in Pack size purchased

    Change in Brand purchased

    More amount

    Less amount Same amount

    Big pack

    Small pack Same pack

    Cheaper brand

    Expensive brand Same brand

    How do you change your shopping habits to adapt to the price increases?






    87 43 79 27 59








    r Con









    29 11

    56 36

    8 15 18 27 22








    r Con



    62 67



    38 33 29 55








    r Con

    Change in Volume of consumption

    Change in Pack size purchased

    Change in Brand purchased

    More amount

    Less amount Same amount

    Big pack

    Small pack Same pack

    Cheaper brand

    Expensive brand Same brand

    Source: Consumer Omnibus Vietnam, Sept 2011

  • 42 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance42 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    nestinG consumeRs aRe headinG BacK to theiR house



  • 43nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 43nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    consumeRs also seeK Value thRouGh uP-tRadinG to moRe PRemium PRoducts and oR BuYinG BiG PacKs oR Pouch to saVe moneY

  • 44 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance44 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    92% of Vietnamese consumeRs aRe moRe liKelY to tRust Recommendations fRom PeoPle theY KnoW*

  • 45nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 45nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    FIND THOSEYOU SHOULD BELOOKING FOR.We know where they are ,what they re look ingfor and how they choose.Our Market Structure &Segmentat ion pract ice hasthe ins ights and the qua l i tydata to he lp you def inewhich customers are r ight(and ready) for you, and thebest ways to reach them.

  • 46 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance46 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    BE MORESOCIAL .We l l he lp you l i s ten andlearn what they rea l ly va lue ,and turn up the vo lume onyour own soc ia l bus inessstrategy so your brandexper ience shows consumersthey re be ing heard . Andstart contr ibut ing to theconversat ion .

  • 45nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 45nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    PeRsonal finance monitoR

    This syndicated study looks at consumer behavior towards personal finance, such as current satisfaction with banks, attitudes towards credit card and lending internet banking usage and more. The study is conducted monthly (n=600) in HCMC and Hanoi. This study utilizes random sampling and face to face surveying.

    eXecutiVe hiGhliGhts

    Concern for the economy is the top concern since 2011 Consumers have less cash, less options and more worries

    Deposit/savings the safest bet for most Vietnamese consumers Interest rates and Trust/ Security are key influencing factors Whilst consumers tend to self-rely on making investment decisions, Peer

    influence is also critical

    Bricks and mortar banks still the main preference for consumers Customer experience should remain a higher priority On-site is the key channel to drive new initiatives such as online banking

  • 46 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance46 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    PeeR Recommendation Becomes moRe cRucial, also imPactinG consumeR PeRcePtion toWaRd BanK imaGeRY

    and this is a similaR factoR influencinG non-useRs and theiR tRust toWaRds BanKs

    Source: Nielsen PFM; Those aware of banks in each quarter (n=663, 685, 793) in Q21 & Q107

    Source: Nielsen PFM; Q61 Non-banked respondents in Q212 (n=1007)

  • 47nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 47nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    Besides inteRest Rates, tRust/secuRitY is Vital foR connectinG With consumeRs saVinGs; Whilst PRomotion aPPeals to less RisK adVeRse consumeRs

    Source: Nielsen PFM; Nielsen QualiXpress Groups (Aug12)

  • 48 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance48 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    unliKe theiR GloBal counteRPaRts, Vietnamese Women maY Be a BiGGeR souRce of GRoWth foR BanKs

  • 49nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 49nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    Yet, still limited usaGe and theRefoRe, consumeRs inteRactiVe education is KeY to encouRaGinG moRe tRial

  • 50 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance50 nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    safetY and tRust aRe cRitical to atm/ deBit caRd acQuiRement With consumeRs

    Source: Nielsen PFM; Q40; Q126 ATM/ Debit card users in Q212 (n=673)

  • 51nielsen insiGhts at a Glance 51nielsen insiGhts at a Glance

    cash is KinG But PaYment Via cRedit caRd Remains a Good oPPoRtunitY, But need to addRess safetY and tRust

    food foR thouGht

    Consumers are really concerned about the economy

    Trust and security are vital to our banks success How do consumers really feel about us in this area?

    And interest rate but how much control do we have over this? Customer experience should remain a higher priority On-site is the key channel to drive new initiatives such as online banking

    In-store banking is still critical to our success How do we measure success in this area? How do we maximize in-store communications?

    Where to next? Online, mobile

    Source: Nielsen PFM; Q10 Those aware of credit card in each quarter (n=399; 473); Nielsen Global survey on Investment (Q212)


  • 3

  • 54 Vietnam Retail oVeRVieW

    shoPPeR tRends 2013 Vietnam

    The retail environment is highly competitive and retailers and manufacturers need to compete for the share of wallet to serve the needs of increasingly knowledgeable consumers. The Shopper Trends Report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the retail environment by answering questions around retailers, shopper satisfaction and their habits.

    The fieldwork process starts in Q4 of each year and spans across HCMC, Hanoi, Can Tho and Danang with 1,500 respondents interviewed.

  • 55Vietnam Retail oVeRVieW

    shoPPeRs aRe still tiGhteninG theiR Belts, althouGh conceRns oVeR RisinG food PRice did eased doWn

    note that shoPPeRs aRe GettinG moRe cautious this YeaR, desPite BeinG oPen to neW BRands/ PRoducts

  • 56 Vietnam Retail oVeRVieW

    shoPPeRs aRe still VeRY Reluctant to Visit RetaileR WeBsites, But When theY do, a PRomotion seaRch is the oVeRWhelminG Reason

  • 57Vietnam Retail oVeRVieW

    KNOW WHATTHEY REALLYTHINK.We know the best ways tomix and measure your productportfo l io whi le eva luat ingyour brand equ i ty. To he lpgrow your brand, we prov idethe a l l- important look aroundthe corner by ident i fy ingatt i tudes and behav iorsthat are not yet mainstream.

  • 58 Vietnam Retail oVeRVieW

    HAVE THEMCHECK YOU OUT.Working w i th the b i l l ions of annua l t ransact ions we measure , our Reta i l andShopper Market ing pract ice integrates a l l the inte l l igence you need to make consumers not on ly s top, but shop.

  • 57Vietnam Retail oVeRVieW 57Vietnam Retail oVeRVieW

    eVen With the RanGe of PRomotions offeRed, shoPPeRs aRe noW seeKinG those sPecificallY cateRed foR BRands theY aRe familiaR With

    conVenience stoRes seRVe as a destination foR unPlanned, QuicK PuRchases


  • 4

  • 60 household income Bands

    hiB definition unit: Vnd

    a5 150,000,000 or higher

    a4 75,000,000 - 149,999,999

    a3 45,000,000 - 74,999,999

    a2 30,000,000 - 44,999,999

    a1 15,000,000 - 29,999,999

    a 15,000,000 or higher

    B 7,500,000 - 14,999,999

    c 4,500,000 - 7,499,999

    d 3,000,000 - 4,499,999

    e 1,500,000 - 2,999,999

    f 0 - 1,499,999

    household income classificationHousehold Income Band (HIB) Classification System Overview.This classification system is based on gross monthly income.

  • 61household income Bands

    Viet nam hiB

    Source: Nielsen database 2012


    VietnamuRBan RuRal total

    A2 1% 0% 1%

    A1 11% 3% 6%

    A 12% 4% 6%

    B 33% 15% 21%

    C 40% 37% 38%

    D 13% 30% 25%

    E 2% 11% 8%

    F 0% 2% 2%

    hiB of uRBan ha noi and uRBan hcmc

    Source: Nielsen database 2012



    hanoi hcmc hcmc & hanoi

    uRBan uRBan uRBan

    A2+ 1% 3% 2%

    A1 18% 16% 17%

    A 20% 19% 19%

    B 41% 36% 38%

    C 33% 34% 34%

    D 6% 10% 8%

    E 0% 1% 1%


  • 5

  • 64

    PoPulation BY PRoVince in Vietnam 2000-2011

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics

    ReGion/ PRoVince 2007 2008 2009 2010 Prel.2011

    total Vietnam 84,218,500 85,118,700 86,025,000 86,932,500 87,840,000

    Red River delta 19,228,800 19,473,700 19,618,100 19,803,300 19,999,300

    Ha Noi 3,228,500 6,381,800 6,472,000 6,588,500 6,699,600 Ha Tay 2,773,700 Vinh Phuc 1,174,100 993,800 1,000,400 1,007,600 1,014,600 Bac Ninh 1,009,400 1,018,100 1,026,500 1,041,200 1,060,300 Quang Ninh 1,122,500 1,135,100 1,146,100 1,154,900 1,163,700 Hai Duong 1,694,700 1,700,800 1,706,800 1,712,800 1,718,900 Hai Phong 1,806,500 1,824,100 1,840,400 1,857,800 1,878,500 Hung Yen 1,121,300 1,126,200 1,128,600 1,138,300 1,150,400 Thai Binh 1,783,900 1,782,700 1,783,100 1,784,800 1,786,000 Ha Nam 788,400 786,900 786,200 786,300 786,900 Nam Dinh 1,829,700 1,826,100 1,828,400 1,830,000 1,833,500 Ninh Binh 896,100 898,100 899,600 901,100 906,900 northern midlands and mountain

    11,004,200 10,997,300 11,073,500 11,177,000 11,290,500

    Ha Giang 704,900 716,200 725,100 733,700 746,300 Cao Bang 508,600 510,500 511,200 513,100 515,000 Bac Kan 291,800 293,600 294,600 296,600 298,700 Tuyen Quang 719,400 723,500 725,200 729,900 730,800 Lao Cai 598,300 606,500 615,800 626,700 637,500 Yen Bai 731,600 737,500 741,700 751,300 758,600 Thai Nguyen 1,113,000 1,120,300 1,125,400 1,131,300 1,139,400 Lang Son 728,200 730,700 733,200 736,300 741,200 Bac Giang 1,548,800 1,554,600 1,556,900 1,564,400 1,574,300 Phu Tho 1,305,600 1,311,500 1,316,600 1,320,200 1,326,000

  • 65Vietnam demoGRaPhics

    Dien Bien 466,000 479,300 490,800 501,200 512,300 Lai Chau 364,400 367,900 371,400 380,500 391,200 Son La 1,050,800 1,067,200 1,079,200 1,099,000 1,119,400 Hoa Binh 872,800 778,000 786,400 792,800 799,800 north and south central coast

    18,729,100 18,797,900 18,855,700 18,943,500 19,046,500

    Thanh Hoa 3,417,300 3,408,800 3,404,300 3,405,900 3,412,600

    Nghe An 2,905,200 2,912,100 2,914,500 2,928,700 2,942,900

    Ha Tinh 1,239,000 1,234,000 1,227,800 1,228,200 1,229,300

    Quang Binh 838,500 843,500 845,000 848,600 853,000

    Quang Tri 594,100 596,700 598,600 601,700 604,700

    Thua Thien Hue 1,081,000 1,084,900 1,087,600 1,090,900 1,103,100

    Da Nang 847,500 868,800 894,500 926,800 951,700

    Quang Nam 1,413,900 1,417,800 1,423,000 1,427,100 1,435,000

    Quang Ngai 1,214,800 1,217,000 1,217,200 1,218,600 1,221,600

    Binh Dinh 1,482,300 1,485,600 1,487,400 1,492,000 1,497,300

    Phu Yen 850,300 856,700 862,400 867,200 871,900

    Khanh Hoa 1,137,500 1,149,300 1,158,200 1,164,600 1,174,100

    Ninh Thuan 555,800 560,700 565,800 568,200 569,000

    Binh Thuan 1,151,900 1,162,000 1,169,400 1,175,000 1,180,300

    central highlands 4,948,000 5,036,700 5,128,800 5,207,400 5,282,000

    Kon Tum 408,100 420,500 431,800 442,100 453,200

    Gia Lai 1,225,500 1,251,300 1,281,000 1,301,600 1,322,000

    Dak Lak 1,696,600 1,715,100 1,735,700 1,754,400 1,771,800

    Dak Nong 457,300 474,400 491,000 505,200 516,300

    Lam Dong 1,160,500 1,175,400 1,189,300 1,204,100 1,218,700

  • 66 Vietnam demoGRaPhics

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

    POPULATION BY PROVINCE IN VIETNAM 2000-2011 (continue)

    south east 13,266,400 13,683,600 14,149,000 14,545,900 14,890,800

    Binh Phuoc 838,300 858,000 875,000 888,200 905,300

    Tay Ninh 1,053,000 1,060,500 1,067,200 1,072,700 1,080,700

    Binh Duong 1,307,000 1,402,700 1,512,500 1,619,900 1,691,400

    Dong Nai 2,372,600 2,432,700 2,499,700 2,575,100 2,665,100 Ba Ria - Vung Tau 970,200 983,600 998,500 1,012,000 1,027,200

    TP.Ho Chi Minh 6,725,300 6,946,100 7,196,100 7,378,000 7,521,100

    mekong River delta 17,042,000 17,129,500 17,199,900 17,255,400 17,330,900

    Long An 1,417,900 1,428,200 1,436,300 1,442,800 1,449,600

    Tien Giang 1,661,600 1,668,000 1,672,800 1,678,000 1,682,600

    Ben Tre 1,264,800 1,259,600 1,256,100 1,256,700 1,257,800

    Tra Vinh 997,200 1,000,800 1,003,200 1,006,700 1,012,600

    Vinh Long 1,022,800 1,024,000 1,025,100 1,026,500 1,028,600

    Dong Thap 1,654,500 1,662,500 1,666,600 1,669,600 1,673,200

    An Giang 2,134,300 2,142,600 2,147,600 2,148,900 2,151,000

    Kien Giang 1,654,900 1,672,300 1,688,500 1,699,700 1,714,100

    Can Tho 1,172,000 1,180,900 1,188,600 1,195,100 1,200,300

    Hau Giang 754,700 756,300 758,000 760,400 769,200

    Soc Trang 1,276,300 1,285,100 1,293,200 1,297,500 1,303,700

    Bac Lieu 835,800 847,500 856,800 863,300 873,300

    Ca Mau 1,195,200 1,201,700 1,207,100 1,210,200 1,214,900

  • 67

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  • 68

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  • 67

    PoPulation BY PRoVince - uRBan/RuRal - 2011

    ReGion\PRoVince total uRBan RuRal

    total Vietnam 87,840,000 27,888,200 59,951,800

    Red River delta 19,999,300 6,179,000 13,820,300

    Ha Noi 6,699,600 2,893,500 3,806,100Vinh Phuc 1,014,600 233,500 781,100Bac Ninh 1,060,300 276,000 784,300Quang Ninh 1,163,700 606,700 557,000Hai Duong 1,718,900 376,400 1,342,500Hai Phong 1,878,500 870,700 1,007,800Hung Yen 1,150,400 144,600 1,005,800Thai Binh 1,786,000 183,800 1,602,200Ha Nam 786,900 82,400 704,500Nam Dinh 1,833,500 329,500 1,504,000Ninh Binh 906,900 181,900 725,000northern midlands and mountain 11,290,500 1,911,400 9,379,100

    Ha Giang 746,300 112,200 634,100Cao Bang 515,000 87,600 427,400Bac Kan 298,700 48,400 250,300Tuyen Quang 730,800 96,000 634,800Lao Cai 637,500 136,000 501,500Yen Bai 758,600 147,900 610,700Thai Nguyen 1,139,400 296,600 842,800Lang Son 741,200 142,200 599,000Bac Giang 1,574,300 156,300 1,418,000Phu Tho 1,326,000 276,700 1,049,300Dien Bien 512,300 76,900 435,400Lai Chau 391,200 56,100 335,100Son La 1,119,400 158,500 960,900Hoa Binh 799,800 120,000 679,800north and south central coast 19,046,500 4,999,600 14,046,900

    Thanh Hoa 3,412,600 380,500 3,032,100Nghe An 2,942,900 392,200 2,550,700Ha Tinh 1,229,300 196,800 1,032,500Quang Binh 853,000 129,300 723,700

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics

  • 68

    Quang Tri 604,700 174,200 430,500Thua Thien Hue 1,103,100 570,200 532,900Da Nang 951,700 828,700 123,000Quang Nam 1,435,000 277,600 1,157,400Quang Ngai 1,221,600 178,900 1,042,700Binh Dinh 1,497,300 415,300 1,082,000Phu Yen 871,900 202,600 669,300Khanh Hoa 1,174,100 584,200 589,900Ninh Thuan 569,000 205,200 363,800Binh Thuan 1,180,300 463,900 716,400central highlands 5,282,000 1,525,300 3,756,700Kon Tum 453,200 156,400 296,800Gia Lai 1,322,000 399,900 922,100Dak Lak 1,771,800 426,000 1,345,800Dak Nong 516,300 78,300 438,000Lam Dong 1,218,700 464,700 754,000south east 14,890,800 9,065,800 5,825,000Binh Phuoc 905,300 152,100 753,200Tay Ninh 1,080,700 169,100 911,600Binh Duong 1,691,400 1,084,200 607,200Dong Nai 2,665,100 897,600 1,767,500Ba Ria - Vung Tau 1,027,200 512,100 515,100TP.Ho Chi Minh 7,521,100 6,250,700 1,270,400mekong River delta 17,330,900 4,207,100 13,123,800Long An 1,449,600 258,000 1,191,600Tien Giang 1,682,600 265,400 1,417,200Ben Tre 1,257,800 126,100 1,131,700Tra Vinh 1,012,600 158,800 853,800Vinh Long 1,028,600 159,200 869,400Dong Thap 1,673,200 297,200 1,376,000An Giang 2,151,000 672,700 1,478,300Kien Giang 1,714,100 466,100 1,248,000Can Tho 1,200,300 791,800 408,500Hau Giang 769,200 176,000 593,200Soc Trang 1,303,700 339,300 964,400Bac Lieu 873,300 234,700 638,600Ca Mau 1,214,900 261,800 953,100

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics


  • 69

    household BY PRoVince - uRBan/RuRal - 2011

    ReGion\PRoVince total uRBan RuRal

    total Vietnam 22,609,558 6,724,596 15,884,962

    Red River delta 5,607,143 1,637,286 3,969,857Ha Noi 1,797,833 733,516 1,064,317Vinh Phuc 271,081 60,722 210,359Bac Ninh 285,194 67,306 217,889Quang Ninh 318,500 160,206 158,295Hai Duong 517,212 98,788 418,425Hai Phong 541,676 249,713 291,964Hung Yen 332,706 40,923 291,783Thai Binh 557,500 55,193 502,308Ha Nam 238,303 23,354 214,949Nam Dinh 553,424 97,956 455,468Ninh Binh 257,171 46,034 211,138northern midlands and mountain 2,773,800 443,808 2,329,992Ha Giang 161,556 19,387 142,169Cao Bang 125,000 21,500 103,500Bac Kan 75,718 12,266 63,452Tuyen Quang 186,538 24,063 162,475Lao Cai 146,405 31,038 115,367Yen Bai 190,615 36,026 154,589Thai Nguyen 331,588 84,887 246,702Lang Son 183,275 35,372 147,903Bac Giang 410,579 39,416 371,163Phu Tho 365,750 58,154 307,596Dien Bien 107,174 16,290 90,883Lai Chau 77,375 11,065 66,310Son La 246,318 34,238 212,080Hoa Binh 197,250 29,982 167,268north and south central coast 4,965,895 1,196,781 3,769,114Thanh Hoa 896,053 93,189 802,863Nghe An 768,211 96,795 671,416Ha Tinh 351,514 52,376 299,139Quang Binh 212,000 32,012 179,988Quang Tri 149,800 41,345 108,455

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics

  • 70

    Thua Thien Hue 272,175 98,255 173,920Da Nang 228,333 198,422 29,912Quang Nam 384,108 71,444 312,664Quang Ngai 329,514 48,438 281,075Binh Dinh 402,432 111,876 290,556Phu Yen 227,105 49,736 177,369Khanh Hoa 289,925 115,100 174,825Ninh Thuan 137,976 49,809 88,166Binh Thuan 285,780 112,598 173,183central highlands 1,249,976 347,493 902,482Kon Tum 103,071 34,838 68,233Gia Lai 297,116 84,975 212,141Dak Lak 412,643 92,845 319,798Dak Nong 120,000 17,760 102,240Lam Dong 304,949 115,576 189,373south east 3,709,395 2,118,064 1,591,330Binh Phuoc 225,000 37,800 187,200Tay Ninh 280,974 44,394 236,580Binh Duong 482,935 144,398 338,538Dong Nai 655,605 217,661 437,944Ba Ria - Vung Tau 262,342 130,646 131,696HCMC 1,837,231 1,528,576 308,655mekong River delta 4,303,350 981,164 3,322,186Long An 378,553 66,247 312,306Tien Giang 440,500 60,789 379,711Ben Tre 358,800 35,880 322,920Tra Vinh 251,100 38,418 212,682Vinh Long 271,000 41,734 229,266Dong Thap 416,925 71,711 345,214An Giang 524,195 148,871 375,324Kien Giang 401,881 108,106 293,775Can Tho 290,146 190,916 99,230Hau Giang 189,500 37,332 152,169Soc Trang 315,415 61,506 253,909Bac Lieu 195,091 51,309 143,782Ca Mau 287,381 58,913 228,468

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics


  • 71

    PoPulation, aRea and PoPulation densitY BY PRoVince 2011ReGion/ PRoVince PoPulation (thous. persons)

    aRea (Km2)

    PoPulation densitY (Person/Km2)

    total Vietnam 87,840.0 330,957.6 265

    Red River delta 19,999.3 21,068.1 949Ha Noi 6,699.6 3,328.9 2,013Vinh Phuc 1,014.6 1,236.5 821Bac Ninh 1,060.3 822.7 1,289Quang Ninh 1,163.7 6,102.4 191Hai Duong 1,718.9 1,656.0 1,038Hai Phong 1,878.5 1,523.4 1,233Hung Yen 1,150.4 926.0 1,242Thai Binh 1,786.0 1,570.0 1,138Ha Nam 786.9 860.5 914Nam Dinh 1,833.5 1,651.4 1,110Ninh Binh 906.9 1,390.3 652northern midlands and mountain 11,290.5 95,264.4 119Ha Giang 746.3 7,914.9 94Cao Bang 515.0 6,707.9 77Bac Kan 298.7 4,859.4 61Tuyen Quang 730.8 5,867.3 125Lao Cai 637.5 6,383.9 100Yen Bai 758.6 6,886.3 110Thai Nguyen 1,139.4 3,531.7 323Lang Son 741.2 8,320.8 89Bac Giang 1,574.3 3,844.0 410Phu Tho 1,326.0 3,533.4 375Dien Bien 512.3 9,562.9 54Lai Chau 391.2 9,068.8 43Son La 1,119.4 14,174.4 79Hoa Binh 799.8 4,608.7 174north and south central coast 19,046.5 95,838.0 199Thanh Hoa 3,412.6 11,131.9 307Nghe An 2,942.9 16,493.7 178Ha Tinh 1,229.3 5,997.2 205Quang Binh 853.0 8,065.3 106Quang Tri 604.7 4,739.8 128Thua Thien Hue 1,103.1 5,033.2 219

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics

  • 72

    Da Nang 951.7 1,285.4 740Quang Nam 1,435.0 10,438.4 137Quang Ngai 1,221.6 5,153.0 237Binh Dinh 1,497.3 6,050.6 247Phu Yen 871.9 5,060.6 172Khanh Hoa 1,174.1 5,217.7 225Ninh Thuan 569.0 3,358.3 169Binh Thuan 1,180.3 7,812.9 151central highlands 5,282.0 54,641.0 97Kon Tum 453.2 9,689.6 47Gia Lai 1,322.0 15,536.9 85Dak Lak 1,771.8 13,125.4 135Dak Nong 516.3 6,515.6 79Lam Dong 1,218.7 9,773.5 125south east 14,890.8 23,597.9 631Binh Phuoc 905.3 6,871.5 132Tay Ninh 1,080.7 4,039.7 268Binh Duong 1,691.4 2,694.4 628Dong Nai 2,665.1 5,907.2 451Ba Ria - Vung Tau 1,027.2 1,989.5 516TP.Ho Chi Minh 7,521.1 2,095.6 3,589mekong River delta 17,330.9 40,548.2 427Long An 1,449.6 4,492.4 323Tien Giang 1,682.6 2,508.3 671Ben Tre 1,257.8 2,360.6 533Tra Vinh 1,012.6 2,341.2 433Vinh Long 1,028.6 1,496.8 687Dong Thap 1,673.2 3,377.0 495An Giang 2,151.0 3,536.7 608Kien Giang 1,714.1 6,348.5 270Can Tho 1,200.3 1,409.0 852Hau Giang 769.2 1,602.5 480Soc Trang 1,303.7 3,311.6 394Bac Lieu 873.3 2,468.7 354Ca Mau 1,214.9 5,294.9 229

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics

  • 73

    female PoPulation BY PRoVince in Vietnam 2006-2011ReGion/ PRoVince 2007 2008 2009 2010 Prel.2011

    total Vietnam 42,771,200 43,162,600 43,501,600 43,946,400 44,395,200

    Red River delta 9,796,800 9,929,000 9,968,200 10,044,400 10,127,000

    Ha Noi 1,610,200 3,256,900 3,292,000 3,340,200 3,385,200

    Vinh Phuc 592,700 501,700 506,200 510,000 513,500

    Bac Ninh 518,000 520,100 522,600 528,700 537,400

    Quang Ninh 554,000 557,200 561,100 563,900 566,600

    Hai Duong 867,000 869,400 871,700 873,500 876,500

    Hai Phong 913,600 921,000 927,800 936,200 946,300

    Hung Yen 579,200 581,900 575,700 579,100 583,700

    Thai Binh 926,700 923,400 922,300 923,000 923,500

    Ha Nam 406,200 404,500 402,300 402,300 402,600

    Nam Dinh 937,100 939,100 933,800 934,500 936,300

    Ninh Binh 455,200 453,800 452,700 453,000 455,400

    northern midlands and mountain

    5,534,900 5,538,200 5,555,600 5,601,000 5,661,300

    Ha Giang 355,900 361,600 362,000 367,100 373,600

    Cao Bang 258,900 259,900 257,500 258,600 259,700

    Bac Kan 145,700 145,900 146,100 146,700 147,400

    Tuyen Quang 363,100 366,000 361,900 364,300 364,800

    Lao Cai 299,100 302,000 305,900 311,100 316,300

    Yen Bai 367,900 369,800 371,000 375,600 378,800

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics

  • 74

    Thai Nguyen 556,700 561,900 568,900 572,400 576,600

    Lang Son 366,200 366,900 368,300 369,400 371,400

    Bac Giang 783,000 782,700 785,100 785,100 793,000

    Phu Tho 663,800 665,300 669,300 668,000 672,100

    Dien Bien 232,200 238,800 245,300 250,500 256,000

    Lai Chau 181,200 181,400 181,500 185,900 191,200

    Son La 522,400 537,500 536,600 546,700 557,100

    Hoa Binh 438,800 398,500 396,200 399,600 403,300

    north and south central coast 9,522,200 9,528,900 9,532,600 9,572,400 9,621,000

    Thanh Hoa 1,742,100 1,721,100 1,722,000 1,722,800 1,726,300

    Nghe An 1,480,600 1,473,700 1,467,700 1,475,000 1,482,300

    Ha Tinh 623,800 641,600 620,700 621,000 621,700

    Quang Binh 420,800 422,000 421,700 424,100 426,300

    Quang Tri 300,400 300,700 303,200 304,400 305,600

    Thua Thien Hue 550,000 551,100 550,200 550,700 557,100

    Da Nang 437,600 441,700 453,300 469,700 482,300

    Quang Nam 729,300 728,800 729,700 730,700 733,700

    Quang Ngai 618,700 618,500 617,200 617,700 619,100

    Binh Dinh 759,500 760,300 762,300 764,700 767,400

    Phu Yen 428,300 429,600 430,800 433,200 435,500

    Khanh Hoa 572,800 578,900 586,300 588,800 593,000

    Ninh Thuan 280,900 282,300 283,800 283,900 283,200

    Binh Thuan 577,400 578,600 583,700 585,700 587,500

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics


  • 75

    central highlands 2,456,200 2,510,200 2,538,100 2,568,700 2,597,100

    Kon Tum 203,100 211,000 213,100 214,500 216,100Gia Lai 601,800 626,600 637,800 644,400 650,800Dak Lak 840,800 849,100 859,400 868,800 877,600Dak Nong 230,500 237,200 235,800 240,400 243,400Lam Dong 580,000 586,300 592,000 600,600 609,200

    south east 6,778,400 6,991,700 7,253,800 7,480,500 7,675,200

    Binh Phuoc 411,300 422,000 430,700 439,900 448,400Tay Ninh 535,000 535,500 536,200 540,100 545,200Binh Duong 681,000 727,700 785,000 841,800 877,800Dong Nai 1,195,600 1,223,700 1,261,700 1,304,000 1,353,900

    Ba Ria - Vung Tau 484,200 490,600 499,400 506,200 513,800

    HCMC 3,471,300 3,592,200 3,740,800 3,848,500 3,936,100

    mekong River delta 8,682,700 8,664,600 8,653,300 8,679,400 8,713,600

    Long An 713,300 718,700 723,000 726,300 729,700Tien Giang 855,000 853,300 852,100 852,100 853,100Ben Tre 649,500 644,100 639,800 640,200 640,900Tra Vinh 503,500 505,800 509,100 510,900 513,800Vinh Long 525,600 522,700 520,500 521,000 521,900Dong Thap 847,000 833,000 835,900 837,600 839,500An Giang 1,085,100 1,083,000 1,080,700 1,080,900 1,081,400Kien Giang 838,900 838,200 836,300 845,600 852,500Can Tho 594,400 597,300 598,900 599,900 600,200Hau Giang 381,100 378,800 376,600 377,500 381,600Soc Trang 654,200 653,800 650,500 652,600 655,800Bac Lieu 429,400 434,500 429,500 432,900 438,800Ca Mau 605,700 601,400 600,400 601,900 604,400

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics

  • 76

    male PoPulation BY PRoVince in Vietnam 2000-2011ReGion/ PRoVince 2007 2008 2009 2010 Prel.2011

    total Vietnam 41,447,300 41,956,100 42,523,400 42,986,100 43,444,800

    Red River delta 9,432,000 9,544,700 9,649,900 9,758,900 9,872,300

    Ha Noi 1,618,300 3,124,900 3,180,000 3,248,300 3,314,400Vinh Phuc 581,400 492,100 494,200 497,600 501,100Bac Ninh 491,400 498,000 503,900 512,500 522,900Quang Ninh 568,500 577,900 585,000 591,000 597,100Hai Duong 827,700 831,400 835,100 839,300 842,400Hai Phong 892,900 903,100 912,600 921,600 932,200Hung Yen 542,100 544,300 552,900 559,200 566,700Thai Binh 857,200 859,300 860,800 861,800 862,500Ha Nam 382,200 382,400 383,900 384,000 384,300Nam Dinh 892,600 887,000 894,600 895,500 897,200Ninh Binh 440,900 444,300 446,900 448,100 451,500northern midlands and mountain

    5,469,300 5,459,100 5,517,900 5,576,000 5,629,200

    Ha Giang 349,000 354,600 363,100 366,600 372,700Cao Bang 249,700 250,600 253,700 254,500 255,300Bac Kan 146,100 147,700 148,500 149,900 151,300Tuyen Quang 356,300 357,500 363,300 365,600 366,000Lao Cai 299,200 304,500 309,900 315,600 321,200Yen Bai 363,700 367,700 370,700 375,700 379,800Thai Nguyen 556,300 558,400 556,500 558,900 562,800Lang Son 362,000 363,800 364,900 366,900 369,800Bac Giang 765,800 771,900 771,800 779,300 781,300Phu Tho 641,800 646,200 647,300 652,200 653,900Dien Bien 233,800 240,500 245,500 250,700 256,300

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics

  • 77

    Lai Chau 183,200 186,500 189,900 194,600 200,000

    Son La 528,400 529,700 542,600 552,300 562,300

    Hoa Binh 434,000 379,500 390,200 393,200 396,500

    north and south central coast 9,206,900 9,269,000 9,323,100 9,371,100 9,425,500

    Thanh Hoa 1,675,200 1,687,700 1,682,300 1,683,100 1,686,300

    Nghe An 1,424,600 1,438,400 1,446,800 1,453,700 1,460,600

    Ha Tinh 615,200 592,400 607,100 607,200 607,600

    Quang Binh 417,700 421,500 423,300 424,500 426,700

    Quang Tri 293,700 296,000 295,400 297,300 299,100

    Thua Thien Hue 531,000 533,800 537,400 540,200 546,000

    Da Nang 409,900 427,100 441,200 457,100 469,400

    Quang Nam 684,600 689,000 693,300 696,400 701,300

    Quang Ngai 596,100 598,500 600,000 600,900 602,500

    Binh Dinh 722,800 725,300 725,100 727,300 729,900

    Phu Yen 422,000 427,100 431,600 434,000 436,400

    Khanh Hoa 564,700 570,400 571,900 575,800 581,100

    Ninh Thuan 274,900 278,400 282,000 284,300 285,800

    Binh Thuan 574,500 583,400 585,700 589,300 592,800

    central highlands 2,491,800 2,526,500 2,590,700 2,638,700 2,684,900

    Kon Tum 205,000 209,500 218,700 227,600 237,100

    Gia Lai 623,700 624,700 643,200 657,200 671,200

    Dak Lak 855,800 866,000 876,300 885,600 894,200

    Dak Nong 226,800 237,200 255,200 264,800 272,900

    Lam Dong 580,500 589,100 597,300 603,500 609,500

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics

  • 78

    south east 6,488,000 6,691,900 6,895,200 7,065,400 7,215,600

    Binh Phuoc 427,000 436,000 444,300 448,300 456,900

    Tay Ninh 518,000 525,000 531,000 532,600 535,500

    Binh Duong 626,000 675,000 727,500 778,100 813,600

    Dong Nai 1,177,000 1,209,000 1,238,000 1,271,100 1,311,200Ba Ria - Vung Tau 486,000 493,000 499,100 505,800 513,400

    TP. Ho Chi Minh 3,254,000 3,353,900 3,455,300 3,529,500 3,585,000mekong River delta 8,359,300 8,464,900 8,546,600 8,576,000 8,617,300

    Long An 704,600 709,500 713,300 716,500 719,900

    Tien Giang 806,600 814,700 820,700 825,900 829,500

    Ben Tre 615,300 615,500 616,300 616,500 616,900

    Tra Vinh 493,700 495,000 494,100 495,800 498,800

    Vinh Long 497,200 501,300 504,600 505,500 506,700

    Dong Thap 807,500 829,500 830,700 832,000 833,700

    An Giang 1,049,200 1,059,600 1,066,900 1,068,000 1,069,600

    Kien Giang 816,000 834,100 852,200 854,100 861,600

    Can Tho 577,600 583,600 589,700 595,200 600,100

    Hau Giang 373,600 377,500 381,400 382,900 387,600

    Soc Trang 622,100 631,300 642,700 644,900 647,900

    Bac Lieu 406,400 413,000 427,300 430,400 434,500

    Ca Mau 589,500 600,300 606,700 608,300 610,500

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics


  • 79

    numBeR of foReiGn VisitoRsto Vietnam 2006 2011 (thous. VisitoRs)

    2007 2008 2009 2010 Prel.2011

    total 4,229 4,236 3,747 5,050 6,014

    By main purpose of journey

    Tourism 2,606 2,613 2,241 3,110 3,651

    Business 674 844 742 1,024 1,003

    Visiting friend & relative 601 511 518 574 1,007

    Others 349 268 247 342 353

    By means of transport

    Air ways 3,301 3,283 3,026 4,062 5,032

    Water ways 225 152 66 51 46

    Roads 704 801 656 938 936

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics

  • 80

    aVeRaGe eXPendituRe PeR domestic VisitoR in 2008 (thous. Vnd)

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2008 - General Statistics Office

    aVeRaGe amount PeR VisitoR aVeRaGe amount PeR daY VisitoR

    average amount 1,771.8 506.2

    By some provinces

    Ha Noi 2,597.8 538.8

    Hai Phong 1,576.5 461.3

    Lao Cai 1,957.1 455.4

    Lang Son 1,528.2 638.4

    Quang Ninh 1,810.9 591.8

    Thanh Hoa 1,234.6 379.6

    Nghe An 1,524.7 375.3

    Quang Binh 1,723.9 470.7

    Quang Tri 828.3 234.3

    Thua Thien Hue 2,114.4 408.0

    Da Nang 3,438.4 601.0

    Quang Nam 2,192.6 408.7

    Binh Dinh 1,990.1 437.2

    Khanh Hoa 2,306.4 444.4

    Gia Lai 1,209.1 299.4

    Lam Dong 1,840.9 496.6

    Binh Thuan 1,748.1 609.7

    Tay Ninh 1,020.0 295.7

    TP. Ho Chi Minh 2,795.3 520.6

    An Giang 911.5 307.7

    Can Tho 1,437.3 440.9

    Vietnam demoGRaPhics

  • 81

    consumeR PRice indeX (PReVious month = 100)

    Vietnam economY

    month 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

    January 101.1 102.4 100.3 101.4 101.7

    February 102.2 103.6 101.2 102.0 102.1

    March 99.8 103.0 99.8 100.8 102.2

    April 100.5 102.2 100.4 100.1 103.3

    May 100.8 103.9 100.4 100.3 102.2

    June 100.9 102.1 100.6 100.2 101.1

    July 100.9 101.1 100.5 100.1 101.2

    August 100.6 101.6 100.2 100.2 100.9

    September 100.5 100.2 100.6 101.3 100.8

    October 100.7 99.8 100.4 101.1 100.4

    November 101.2 99.2 100.6 101.9 100.4

    December 102.9 99.3 101.4 102.0 100.5

    Monthly average index 101.0 101.5 100.5 100.9 101.4

    December of report year compared with previous year 112.6 119.9 106.5 111.8 118.1

    PREVIOUS YEAR = 100 108.3 123.0 106.9 109.2 118.6

    YEAR 2000=100 146.3 179.6 192.0 209.6 248.6

    YEAR 2005=100 114.5 140.8 150.5 164.3 194.8

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

  • 82

    Retail sale as a % of Gni and final PRiVate consumPtion 2011

    Vietnam economY

    Unit: Bill. DongsSource: 2011 Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam

    Year Retail sales at current Prices % of Gni% of final Private


    1995 121,160 53% 72%

    1996 145,874 54% 72%

    1997 161,900 52% 72%

    1998 185,598 53% 73%

    1999 200,924 51% 73%

    2000 220,411 51% 75%

    2001 245,315 52% 79%

    2002 280,884 53% 81%

    2003 333,809 55% 82%

    2004 398,525 57% 86%

    2005 480,294 58% 90%

    2006 596,207 63% 97%

    2007 746,159 67% 109%

    2008 1,007,214 70% 108%

    2009 1,238,145 77% 99%

    2010 1,614,078 85% 90%

    Prel. 2011 2,004,361 83% 90%

  • 83Vietnam industRY stRuctuRe

    aVeRaGe emPloYed PoPulation in state sectoR BY Kind of economic actiVitY(thous. PeR)

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

    2008 2009 2010 Prel. 2011

    total 5059,3 5040,6 5107,4 5250,6

    Agriculture, forestry and fishing 193,2 187,0 184,1 182,6

    Mining and quarrying 98,1 94,4 96,6 102,4

    Manufacturing 588,2 649,4 635,4 652,0

    Electricity, gas, stream and air conditioning supply 90,4 92,4 101,2 112,8

    Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 31,1 31,7 33,7 35,6

    Construction 422,0 437,8 435,2 435,1

    Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 87,8 88,1 82,7 85,0

    Transportation and storage 199,1 200,4 199,7 209,2

    Accommodation and food service activities 38,6 40,1 38,3 43,3

    Information and communication 28,4 29,3 32,6 34,8

    Financial, banking and insurance activities 80,5 76,1 78.0 80,5

    Real estate activities 3,2 3,2 3,0 3,3

    Professional, scientific and technical activities 71,2 72,1 69,4 72.0

    Administrative and support service activities 26,6 26,8 30,6 32,3

    Activities of Communist Party, socio-political organizations; public administration and defence; compulsory security

    1604,2 1503,8 1523,6 1541,2

    Education and training 1205,2 1213,8 1251,3 1280,3

    Human health and social work activities 229,1 230,0 244,4 271,5

    Arts, entertainment and recreation 28,2 29,6 29,7 33,4

    Other service activities 34,5 34,7 37,9 43,3

  • 84 Vietnam industRY stRuctuRe

    industRial outPut Value at cuRRent PRices BY PRoVince (Bill. Vnd)

    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

    Whole country 1,199,139.5 1,466,480.1 1,903,128.1 2,298,086.6 2,963,499.7

    Red River delta 270,355.4 358,992.1 470,019.9 554,517.9 709,979.3

    Ha Noi 92,168.3 116,096.4172,330.7 200,349.2 239,265.3

    Ha Tay 15,925.6 20,173.5Vinh Phuc 29,904.0 43,070.3 48,894.7 54,266.4 74,709.3Bac Ninh 15,896.1 22,446.6 31,491.4 42,627.0 76,117.4Quang Ninh 26,859.0 38,180.6 54,551.8 64,853.8 80,347.6Hai Duong 14,700.2 19,629.2 26,056.8 32,309.9 44,032.1Hai Phong 32,773.5 43,190.3 58,912.5 64,583.0 76,533.6Hung Yen 18,117.6 25,675.3 33,272.7 39,853.7 48,626.0Thai Binh 6,835.3 8,847.7 12,895.6 16,177.2 22,200.5Ha Nam 4,382.0 5,618.3 8,444.2 10,804.0 14,401.8Nam Dinh 8,700.4 11,295.0 15,217.8 18,443.5 21,065.9Ninh Binh 4,093.4 4,768.9 7,951.7 10,250.2 12,679.8

    northern midlands and mountain areas 29,979.9 39,344.1 55,316.3 61,985.4 85,637.5

    Ha Giang 367.8 505.1 735.7 693.7 946.9Cao Bang 745.0 949.8 1,317.8 1,301.6 2,317.0Bac Kan 309.1 413.3 363.9 671.1 903.7Tuyen Quang 815.5 1,064.2 1,414.4 2,023.9 2,334.3Lao Cai 1,521.2 1,851.1 4,063.7 4,055.2 6,259.9Yen Bai 1,255.6 1,568.5 2,420.0 3,307.5 4,397.9Thai Nguyen 8,963.0 13,405.1 17,002.2 17,938.6 24,928.8Lang Son 941.7 947.0 1,431.9 1,836.8 2,186.4Bac Giang 3,014.6 3,859.4 5,723.0 6,485.2 10,904.2Phu Tho 9,579.0 11,621.7 16,222.5 17,601.4 22,427.7Dien Bien 491.1 589.4 837.4 1,049.4 1,330.8Lai Chau 142.3 180.2 245.2 347.0 639.0

  • 85

    Son La 692.4 1,059.3 1,804.3 2,263.7 2,968.3Hoa Binh 1,141.6 1,330.0 1,734.3 2,410.3 3,092.6north central area and central coastal area

    79,697.9 95,101.6 125,533.9 165,164.3 277,012.9

    Thanh Hoa 11,061.1 12,588.0 17,440.3 20,216.1 27,720.5Nghe An 5,627.3 6,544.2 8,967.3 10,057.6 13,744.2Ha Tinh 1,777.9 2,332.8 3,084.3 3,840.2 4,776.6Quang Binh 2,523.9 3,016.9 4,249.3 4,708.5 5,866.0Quang Tri 1,252.0 1,575.5 2,250.6 2,850.2 3,364.2Thua Thien Hue 4,709.7 5,882.6 7,232.0 8,853.5 13,524.1Da Nang 11,837.0 12,813.7 16,350.3 18,914.2 23,943.0Quang Nam 6,333.2 9,183.8 12,490.6 15,816.4 20,639.5Quang Ngai 3,326.7 4,291.6 6,041.9 25,505.3 98,467.7Binh Dinh 7,389.7 9,445.8 11,645.7 13,044.0 16,639.7Phu Yen 3,065.2 4,232.9 5,360.0 7,286.3 8,560.5Khanh Hoa 15,514.3 16,790.8 21,864.9 24,812.8 28,046.6Ninh Thuan 1,211.5 1,320.2 2,057.4 1,836.8 2,367.1Binh Thuan 4,068.4 5,082.8 6,499.3 7,422.4 9,353.2

    central highlands 8,993.0 10,906.2 15,121.3 17,889.2 22,743.1

    Kon Tum 601.8 869.1 1,046.2 1,276.1 1,586.5Gia Lai 2,071.5 2,871.7 4,456.7 5,417.5 6,774.5Dak Lak 2,595.0 3,036.9 4,047.1 5,133.2 7,342.7Dak Nong 956.6 1,021.6 1,493.7 1,860.6 2,187.0Lam Dong 2,768.1 3,106.9 4,077.6 4,201.8 4,852.4

    south east 662,994.9 779,945.3 994,235.7 1,199,505.6 1,483,036.3

    Binh Phuoc 2,415.1 3,420.4 6,130.8 7,633.3 12,157.9Tay Ninh 6,885.7 8,953.6 11,359.0 14,154.4 21,019.2Binh Duong 100,395.0 130,603.4 176,091.5 203,584.1 258,083.1

    Vietnam industRY stRuctuRe

  • 86

    Dong Nai 141,738.8 160,663.7 203,535.0 237,289.0 313,974.8Ba Ria - Vung Tau 134,215.3 148,206.2 190,423.1 227,013.3 281,565.6TP.Ho Chi Minh 277,345.0 328,098.0 406,696.3 509,831.5 596,235.7

    mekong River delta 106,564.8 135,172.5 187,466.4 229,287.5 297,829.0

    Long An 15,419.8 20,063.7 27,546.6 37,132.2 51,480.7Tien Giang 7,465.7 9,221.3 12,461.6 15,271.3 24,343.0Ben Tre 3,841.6 4,434.5 5,679.7 7,363.8 8,961.0Tra Vinh 2,826.5 3,429.2 4,584.0 6,086.7 7,459.5Vinh Long 3,605.0 4,922.6 7,296.2 8,937.9 10,529.9Dong Thap 8,502.9 11,377.9 17,057.7 23,160.9 29,062.0An Giang 10,358.1 12,902.8 18,030.3 20,398.0 24,651.1Kien Giang 8,583.0 10,323.2 13,075.3 15,243.8 18,949.8Can Tho 17,429.2 24,712.5 39,599.7 42,957.0 58,818.0Hau Giang 3,949.9 4,995.7 6,154.9 6,722.8 8,058.3Soc Trang 7,287.3 7,554.1 9,444.8 12,194.0 13,743.8Bac Lieu 3,505.9 4,187.0 5,156.1 6,373.5 8,603.8Ca Mau 13,789.9 17,048.0 21,379.5 27,445.6 33,168.1Nec. 40,553.6 47,018.3 55,434.6 69,736.7 87,261.6

    Vietnam industRY stRuctuRe

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011


  • 87Vietnam industRY stRuctuRe

    industRial outPut Value at cuRRent PRices BY oWneRshiP

    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

    total 1,199,139.5 1,466,480.1 1,903,128.1 2,298,086.6 2,963,499.7state 265,117.9 291,041.5 345,278.3 420,956.8 567,108.0 Central 207,964.0 232,495.7 286,593.7 352,573.5 497,407.4 Local 57,153.9 58,545.8 58,684.6 68,383.3 69,700.6non-state 401,869.6 520,073.5 709,903.3 885,517.2 1,150,867.3 Collective 4,650.3 4,910.3 6,640.9 8,730.3 10,926.9 Private 306,967.0 407,537.2 572,723.3 722,550.9 962,409.4 Households 90,252.3 107,626.0 130,539.1 154,236.0 177,531.0

    foreign invested sector 532,152.0 655,365.1 847,946.5 991,612.6 1,245,524.4

    total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0state 22.1 19.9 18.1 18.3 19.1 Central 17.3 15.9 15.0 15.3 16.8 Local 4.8 4.0 3.1 3.0 2.3non-state 33.5 35.4 37.3 38.5 38.9 Collective 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 Private 25.6 27.8 30.1 31.4 32.5 Households 7.5 7.3 6.9 6.7 6.0

    foreign invested sector 44.4 44.7 44.6 43.2 42.0

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2010

  • 88 Vietnam industRY stRuctuRe

    outPut Value of aGRicultuRe at constant 1994 PRices BY Kind of actiVitY

    Years totalof which

    cultivation livestock serviceBill. Vnd

    1990 61,817.50 49,604.00 10,283.20 1,930.30 1991 63,512.10 51,247.50 10,294.50 1,970.10 1992 68,820.30 55,132.60 11,651.00 2,036.70 1993 73,380.50 58,906.20 12,309.10 2,165.20 1994 76,998.30 61,660.00 12,999.00 2,339.30 1995 82,307.10 66,183.40 13,629.20 2,494.50 1996 87,647.90 70,778.80 14,347.20 2,521.90 1997 93,783.20 75,745.50 15,465.40 2,572.30 1998 99,096.20 80,291.70 16,204.20 2,600.30 1999 106,367.90 86,380.60 17,337.00 2,650.30 2000 112,088.20 90,858.20 18,481.90 2,748.10 2001 114,961.80 92,907.00 19,254.80 2,800.00 2002 122,116.90 98,060.70 21,166.60 2,889.60 2003 127,611.40 101,786.30 22,867.60 2,957.50 2004 132,840.40 106,422.50 23,391.00 3,026.90 2005 137054.9 107897.6 26050.5 3106.82006 142642.6 111613.0 27838.9 3190.62007 147764.7 115374.8 29114.1 3275.82008 158108.3 123391.2 31326.3 3390.82009 162593.1 124462.5 34627.5 3503.02010 170215.0 129779.2 36823.5 3612.3Prel. 2011 178537.3 135882.2 38924.6 3730.5

    index (Previous year =100) - %1990 101.6 101.4 102.4 102.4 1991 102.7 103.3 100.1 102.1 1992 108.4 107.6 113.2 103.4 1993 106.6 106.8 105.6 106

  • 89

    1994 104.9 104.7 105.6 108.0 1995 106.9 107.3 104.8 106.6 1996 107 107 105.3 101 1997 107.0 107 107.8 102.0 1998 105.7 106.0 105 101.1 1999 107.3 107.6 107.0 101.9 2000 105.4 105.2 106.7 103.7 2001 102.6 102.3 104.2 101.9 2002 106.2 105.5 109.9 103.2 2003 104.5 103.8 108.1 102.3 2004 104.1 104.6 102.3 102.32005 103.2 101.4 111.4 102.62006 104.1 103.4 106.9 102.72007 103.6 103.4 104.6 102.72008 107 106.9 107.6 103.52009 102.8 100.9 110.5 103.32010 104.7 104.3 106.3 103.1Prel. 2011 104.9 104.7 105.7 103.3

    Vietnam industRY stRuctuRe

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

  • 90 outPut and tRade

    eXPoRts and imPoRts of Good

    Year totalof which

    exports imports Balancemill. usd

    1990 5,156 2,404 2,752 (348)1991 4,425 2,087 2,338 (251)1992 5,122 2,581 2,541 40 1993 6,909 2,985 3,924 (939)1994 9,880 4,054 5,826 (1,772)1995 13,604 5,449 8,155 (2,707)1996 18,399 7,256 11,144 (3,888)1997 20,777 9,185 11,592 (2,407)1998 20,860 9,360 11,500 (2,139)1999 23,284 11,541 11,742 (201)2000 30,119 14,483 15,637 (1,154)2001 31,247 15,029 16,218 (1,189)2002 36,452 16,706 19,746 (3,040)2003 45,405 20,149 25,256 (5,107)2004 58,454 26,485 31,969 (5,484)2005 69,208 32,447 36,761 (4,314)2006 84717.3 39826.2 44891.1 (5,065)2007 111326.1 48561.4 62764.7 (14,203)2008 143398.9 62685.1 80713.8 (18,029)2009 127045.1 57096.3 69948.8 (12,853)2010 157075.3 72236.7 84838.6 (12,602)Prel. 2011 203655.6 96905.7 106749.9 (9,844)

    index (Previous year = 100) - %1991 85.8 86.8 84.9 1992 115.7 123.7 108.7 1993 134.9 115.7 154.4 1994 143.0 135.8 148.5

  • 91outPut and tRade

    1995 137.7 134.4 140.0 1996 135.2 133.2 136.6 1997 112.9 126.6 104.0 1998 100.4 101.9 99.2 1999 111.6 123.3 102.1 2000 129.4 125.5 133.2 2001 103.7 103.8 103.7 2002 116.7 111.2 121.8 2003 124.6 120.6 127.9 2004 128.7 131.4 126.6 2005 118.4 122.5 115.0 2006 122.4 122.7 122.12007 131.4 121.9 139.82008 128.8 129.1 128.62009 88.6 91.1 86.72010 123.6 126.5 121.3Prel. 2011 129.7 134.2 125.8

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

  • 92 outPut and tRade

    Retail sales of Goods and seRVices at cuRRent PRices BY Kind of economic actiVitY (Bill. Vnd)

    totalof which

    trade hotel, restaurant tourism and services

    Bill.Vnd1990 19,031.2 16,747.4 2,283.8 1991 33,403.6 29,183.3 4,220.3 1992 51,214.5 44,778.3 6,436.2 1993 67,273.3 58,424.4 8,848.9 1994 93,490.0 74,091.0 11,656.0 77431995 121,160.0 94,863.0 16,957.0 93401996 145,874.0 117,547.0 18,950.0 93771997 161,899.7 131,770.4 20,523.5 9605.81998 185,598.1 153,780.6 21,587.7 10229.81999 200,923.7 166,989.0 21,672.1 12262.62000 220,410.6 183,864.7 23,506.2 13039.72001 245,315.0 200,011.0 30,535.0 147692002 280,884.0 221,569.7 35,783.8 23530.52003 333,809.3 262,832.6 39,382.3 31594.42004 398,524.5 314,618.0 45,654.4 38252.12005 480,293.5 373,879.4 58,429.3 47984.82006 596,207.1 463,144.1 71,314.9 61748.12007 746,159.4 574,814.4 90,101.1 81243.92008 1,007,213.5 781,957.1 113,983.2 111273.22009 1,238,145.0 983,281.0 139,897.3 114966.72010 1,614,078.4 1,254,152.0 180,633.3 179293.1 Prel. 2011 2,004,360.9 1,553,913.2 233,182.0 217265.7


    1990 100.0 88.0 12.0 1991 100.0 87.4 12.6 1992 100.0 87.4 12.6 1993 100.0 86.8 13.2 1994 100.0 79.3 12.5 8.21995 100.0 78.3 14.0 7.71996 100.0 80.6 13.0 6.4

  • 93

    1997 100.0 81.4 12.7 5.91998 100.0 82.9 11.6 5.51999 100.0 83.1 10.8 6.12000 100.0 83.4 10.7 5.92001 100.0 81.5 12.5 62002 100.0 78.9 12.7 8.42003 100.0 78.7 11.8 9.52004 100.0 78.9 11.5 9.62005 100.0 77.8 12.2 102006 100.0 77.7 12.0 10.32007 100.0 77.0 12.1 10.92008 100.0 77.6 11.3 11.12009 100.0 79.4 11.3 9.32010 100.0 77.7 11.2 11.1 Prel. 2011 100.0 77.5 11.6 10.9

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

    outPut and tRade

  • 94 outPut and tRade

    Retail sales of Goods and seRVices at cuRRent PRices BY oWneRshiP


    of which

    state non-state foreign invested sector


    1990 19,031.2 5,788.7 13,242.5 1991 33,403.6 9,000.8 24,402.8 1992 51,214.5 12,370.6 38,843.9 1993 67,273.3 14,650.0 52,623.3 1994 93,490.0 21,566.0 71,478.0 446.0 1995 121,160.0 27,367.0 93,193.0 600.0 1996 145,874.0 31,123.0 112,960.0 1,791.0 1997 161,899.7 32,369.2 127,332.4 2,198.1 1998 185,598.1 36,083.8 147,128.3 2,386.0 1999 200,923.7 37,292.6 160,999.6 2,631.5 2000 220,410.6 39,205.7 177,743.9 3,461.0 2001 245,315.0 40,956.0 200,363.0 3,996.0 2002 280,884.0 45,525.4 224,436.4 10,922.2 2003 333,809.3 52,381.8 267,724.8 13,702.7 2004 398,524.5 59,818.2 323,586.1 15,120.2 2005 480,293.5 62,175.6 399,870.7 18,247.2 2006 596,207.1 75,314.0 498,610.1 22,283.02007 746,159.4 79,673.0 638,842.4 27,644.02008 1,007,213.5 98,351.2 874,824.5 34,037.92009 1,238,145.0 162,599.6 1,042,425.6 33,119.92010 1,614,078.4 228,608.7 1,342,988.0 42,481.7Prel. 2011 2,004,360.9 292,520.7 1,661,770.1 50,070.1


    1990 100.0 30.4 69.6 1991 100.0 26.9 73.1 1992 100.0 24.2 75.8 1993 100.0 21.8 78.2 1994 100.0 23.1 76.4 0.5 1995 100.0 22.6 76.9 0.5 1996 100.0 21.3 77.5 1.2 1997 100.0 20.0 78.6 1.4

  • 95

    1998 100.0 19.4 79.3 1.3 1999 100.0 18.6 80.1 1.3 2000 100.0 17.8 80.6 1.6 2001 100.0 16.7 81.7 1.6 2002 100.0 16.2 79.9 3.9 2003 100.0 15.7 80.2 4.1 2004 100.0 15.0 81.2 3.8 2005 100.0 12.9 83.3 3.8 2006 100.0 12.7 83.6 3.7 2007 100.0 10.7 85.6 3.7 2008 100.0 9.8 86.8 3.4 2009 100.0 13.1 84.2 2.72010 100.0 14.2 83.2 2.6

    Prel. 2011 100.0 14.6 82.9 2.5

    outPut and tRade

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011

  • 96 outPut and tRade

    Retail sales Value of Goods and seRVices BY PRoVince (at cuRRent PRices) (Bill. Vnd)Region/ Province 2007 2008 2009 2010 Prel. 2011

    Whole countRY 746,159.40 1,007,213.50 1,238,145.00 1,614,078.40 2,004,360.90

    Red River delta 171,585.00 237,424.50 282,715.70 388,642.60 481,687.50

    Ha Noi 67,987.90133,312.00 157,217.80 228,992.60 283,971.40

    Ha Tay 24,509.10Vinh Phuc 7,291.60 9,997.40 11,896.30 16,479.50 20,731.20Bac Ninh 6,680.40 9,888.20 13,520.80 17,335.60 20,456.20Quang Ninh 14,087.40 18,557.70 20,486.40 25,127.30 31,461.00Hai Duong 6,532.00 8,690.70 9,757.50 12,340.60 15,349.30Hai Phong 17,740.40 22,493.50 27,496.20 34,503.80 42,515.20Hung Yen 5,271.70 6,645.50 7,919.10 9,914.20 12,318.80Thai Binh 6,695.60 8,835.50 10,995.90 14,326.40 17,968.50Ha Nam 4,037.50 4,452.60 5,786.70 7,145.30 8,771.00Nam Dinh 6,103.00 7,906.30 9,406.30 11,821.60 14,672.80Ninh Binh 4,648.40 6,645.10 8,232.70 10,655.70 13,472.10northern midlands and mountain areas

    38,015.80 50,541.00 62,460.70 78,019.90 97,079.50

    Ha Giang 1,347.20 1,788.20 2,101.90 2,530.00 3,077.40Cao Bang 1,868.40 2,374.90 3,288.10 3,714.90 4,484.00Bac Kan 936.60 1,202.20 1,528.00 1,766.20 2,200.00Tuyen Quang 2,908.60 3,601.50 4,493.20 5,844.20 7,154.00Lao Cai 2,639.20 3,581.00 4,415.90 5,624.60 7,135.00Yen Bai 2,390.90 3,253.00 4,021.40 5,344.10 6,497.80Thai Nguyen 5,018.70 6,379.30 7,642.80 8,880.60 11,537.80Lang Son 4,081.90 5,984.70 7,403.80 9,280.90 11,606.50Bac Giang 3,881.40 4,714.90 5,996.20 7,489.80 9,539.70Phu Tho 4,898.30 6,997.50 8,146.40 9,911.30 11,918.60

  • 97

    Dien Bien 1,428.40 1,921.70 2,386.20 3,325.20 4,090.50Lai Chau 683.40 885.60 1,135.40 1,362.90 1,531.20Son La 3,654.00 5,072.90 6,314.50 8,083.20 9,998.50Hoa Binh 2,278.70 2,783.60 3,586.90 4,862.00 6,308.50northern central area and central coastal area

    119,845.00 156,810.40 194,927.10 249,144.00 313,766.30

    Thanh Hoa 10,638.30 14,301.70 17,780.00 23,835.30 30,523.40Nghe An 12,491.10 16,155.70 19,914.10 27,680.20 34,825.50Ha Tinh 5,755.80 8,985.30 11,471.90 14,639.40 18,956.40Quang Binh 4,280.90 6,024.60 7,273.60 9,563.00 11,995.60Quang Tri 4,568.80 5,685.70 7,311.10 9,493.80 12,253.90Thua Thien Hue 7,980.40 9,275.00 10,960.60 14,583.80 17,583.80

    Da Nang 14,817.90 18,435.20 26,867.00 34,103.20 43,976.10Quang Nam 6,208.50 8,956.20 11,154.60 14,179.20 17,490.20Quang Ngai 8,286.70 10,713.10 13,400.00 17,229.70 21,539.00Binh Dinh 11,772.20 15,835.60 18,797.30 22,525.40 28,130.20Phu Yen 4,499.70 6,151.40 7,495.40 9,362.70 11,814.10Khanh Hoa 15,459.20 20,039.30 23,390.10 29,048.20 37,211.90Ninh Thuan 3,260.50 4,223.20 5,106.90 6,416.30 7,873.60Binh Thuan 9,825.00 12,028.40 14,004.50 16,483.80 19,592.60central highlands 27,870.10 40,170.90 52,575.20 68,400.50 86,913.50

    Kon Tum 1,566.20 2,188.60 2,790.60 3,680.60 4,750.00Gia Lai 6,079.80 8,229.90 10,069.50 13,106.00 16,580.60Dak Lak 8,395.70 13,271.40 19,115.80 26,134.90 33,056.60Dak Nong 2,583.00 3,344.50 4,184.60 5,213.20 6,663.90Lam Dong 9,245.40 13,136.50 16,414.70 20,265.80 25,862.40south east 244,059.10 336,668.20 420,436.30 541,686.00 672,323.10Binh Phuoc 5,692.80 7,834.10 9,380.80 12,225.70 15,586.30

    outPut and tRade

  • 98 outPut and tRade

    Tay Ninh 13,465.30 19,111.40 22,286.40 30,209.60 37,261.90Binh Duong 18,126.30 26,344.40 33,699.90 45,503.30 58,506.80Dong Nai 26,116.80 37,720.80 45,230.50 57,221.00 71,705.70Ba Ria - Vung Tau 12,723.70 14,050.50 18,808.60 23,356.40 29,062.30

    TP.Ho Chi Minh 167,934.20 231,607.00 291,030.10 373,170.00 460,200.10

    mekong River delta 144,784.50 185,598.50 225,030.00 288,185.40 352,591.00

    Long An 9,038.80 11,579.50 14,077.10 17,937.00 22,466.80Tien Giang 13,002.30 15,413.60 18,060.10 21,498.80 27,498.70Ben Tre 8,261.60 10,878.20 12,587.00 15,547.50 18,589.40Tra Vinh 5,669.20 6,798.80 7,549.70 8,573.60 9,661.40Vinh Long 8,763.10 11,361.60 13,784.40 17,028.60 20,970.60Dong Thap 12,781.90 16,891.00 21,678.20 26,745.00 34,448.40An Giang 23,665.70 28,396.20 32,135.00 49,075.70 57,625.10Kien Giang 15,582.70 19,546.30 22,567.20 29,871.30 34,542.50Can Tho 14,918.60 20,520.60 27,173.70 32,501.50 40,436.30Hau Giang 4,890.30 6,961.80 9,389.80 12,067.90 14,712.30Soc Trang 9,090.40 12,337.00 15,608.10 21,734.50 25,752.70Bac Lieu 7,154.00 9,448.60 11,600.00 11,854.50 15,156.00Ca Mau 11,965.90 15,465.30 18,819.70 23,749.50 30,730.80

    Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011


  • 99statistics BY KeY cities

    KeY statistics in hcmc 2007-2011

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

    administrative units (units)

    Urban district 19 19 19 19 19 Rural district 5 5 5 5 5 Ward 322 322 322 322 322 Town under rural district government 5 5 5 5 5

    Commune 58 58 58 58 58 Population (thous. pers.) 6,650,942.0 6,810,461.0 7,165.2 7,396,446.0 7,521.1

    By sexMale 3,184,175.0 3,262,901.0 3,445.7 3,531,557.0 3,618.8 Female 3,466,767.0 3,547,560.0 3,719.5 3,864,889.0 3,902.3 By residenceUrban 5,640,288.0 5,789,904.0 5,964.0 6,060,202.0 6,149.8 Rural 1,010,654.0 1,020,557.0 1,201.2 1,336,244.0 1,371.3 Population density (Person/km2) labour

    3,175.0 3,251.0 3,420.3 3,530.0 3,589.0

    Labour in state sector (Thous. Pers)

    426.0 435.6 437.2 392.2 391.6

    Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.2

    Industry and construction 198.1 202.5 203.4 147.1 173.7

    Services 225.7 230.8 231.6 243.0 334.9 Average monthly income per labourin local state sector (Thous. VND)

    2,415.20 2,658.0 2,774.5 2,974.3 3,954.1


    GDP at current price (Bill VND) 229,197.0 287,153.0 334,190.0 418,053.0 512.7

  • 100 statistics BY KeY cities

    By domestic economic sector 182,948.0 223,159.0 255,947.0 325,663.3 386.6

    By foreign invested sector 51,494.0 63,994.0 78,243.0 92,389.7 126.1

    GDP at constant 1994 prices (Bill VND)

    112,189.0 124,303.0 135,063.0 150,943.0 166.4

    By domestic economic sector 90,246.0 98,691.0 106,288.0 117,722.0 128.3

    By foreign invested sector 22,012.0 25,612.0 28,775.0 33,221.0 38.2

    Structure of GDP at current price (%) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

    By domestic economic sector 77.5 77.7 76.7 77.9 75.4

    By foreign invested sector 22.5 22.3 23.3 22.1 24.6

    Index of GDP at constant 1994 prices (%)

    112.6 110.7 108.8 111,8 110.3

    By domestic economic sector 109.9 109.1 105.1 108.4 115.7

    By foreign invested sector 119.1 116.4 112.3 115.5 114.5

    Postal service and telecommunication

    Number of telephone (piece) 2,385,700 2,436,100 2,458,300 1,804,700 1,505,900

    Turnover of postal service (mill VND) 4,279,800.0 4,551,600.0 4,997,000.0 5,623,900.0 5,449.3


    Retail sales of domestic sector (Bill VND)

    185,748.0 234,079.0 280,894.0 372,152.0 461.6

    Source: Socio - Economic Statistical Data of 64 Provinces and Cities

    KEY STATISTICS IN HCMC 2007-2011(continue)

  • 101statistics BY KeY cities

    KeY statistics in hanoi 2007-2011

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

    administrative units (units)

    Urban district 9 9 10 10 10 Rural district 5 18 19 19 19 Ward 128 143 154 154 154 Town under rural district government 6 22 22 22 22

    Commune 98 412 401 404 404 Population (thous. pers.) 3,150 6,382 6,472 6,562 6,699.6

    By sexMale 1,576.2 3,124.9 3,187.6 3,235.2 3,314.4 Female 1,573.6 3,256.9 3,284.6 3,326.7 3,385.2 By residenceUrban 2,056.8 2,596.4 2,641.6 2,709.9 2,893.5 Rural 1,093.0 3,785.6 3,830.6 3,852.0 3,806.1 Population density (Person/km2) labour 3,416.0 1,826.0 1,955.0 1,962.0 2,013.0

    Labour in state sector (Thous. Pers) 468.5 592.2 595.8

    Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2.1 7.1 7.1

    Industry and construction 227.9 201.0 198.5 Services 238.5 384.1 390.1 Average monthly income per labourin local state sector (Thous. VND) 1,416.5 2,202.3 2,751.7 3,125.8 3,633.0


    GDP at current price (Bill VND) 137,935.0 178,605.0 205,890.0 228,537.9 241,998.8

    By domestic economic sector 114,785.0 148,893.0 171,539.0 193,108.8

    By foreign invested sector 23,150.0 29,712.0 34,351.0 48,890.0

  • 102 statistics BY KeY cities

    GDP at constant 1994 prices (Bill VND) 55,704.0 61,635.0 65,747.0

    By domestic economic sector 46,108.0 50,906.0 54,209.0

    By foreign invested sector 9,596.0 10,729.0 11,538.0 Structure of GDP at current price (%) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

    By domestic economic sector 83.2 83.4 83.3 74.1

    By foreign invested sector 16.8 16.6 16.7 25.9 Index of GDP at constant 1994 prices (%) 112.5 110.7 106.7

    By domestic economic sector 110.5 110.4 106.5

    By foreign invested sector 123.5 111.8 107.5

    Postal service and telecommunication

    Number of telephone (piece) 1,380,000 2,276,200 2,496,700 1,841,800

    Turnover of postal service (mill VND) 3,725,500 3,798,000 3,900,000 5,171,400


    Retail sales of domestic sector (Bill VND) 103,458 133,312 157,494 201,963

    Source: Socio - Economic Statistical Data of 64 Provinces and Cities

    KEY STATISTICS IN HANOI 2007-2011(continue)

  • 103statistics BY KeY cities

    KeY statistics in dananG 2007-2011

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

    administrative units (units)

    Urban district 6 6 6 6 6 Rural district 2 2 2 2 2 Ward 45 45 45 45 45 Commune 11 11 11 11 11

    Population (thous. pers.) 806.7 868.8 890.5 926.0 951.7

    By sexMale 393.3 427.1 439.2 456.7 469.4 Female 413.4 441.7 451.3 469.3 482.3 By residenceUrban 699.8 747.9 773.5 805.2 828.7 Rural 106.9 120.9 117.0 120.8 123.0 Population density (Person/km2) labour 642.0 640.6 656.6 722.0 740.0

    Labour in state sector (Thous. Pers) 374.7 374.9 383.2

    Agriculture, forestry and fishing 37.8 37.8 38.7

    Industry and construction 118.9 119.0 121.6 Services 218.0 218.1 222.9 Average monthly income per labour in local state sector (Thous. VND)

    - 1,727.1 2,315.2 2,315.6 3,430.1


    GDP at current price (Bill VND) 15,284.0 20,818.7 22,115.7 30,754.8 39,021.7

    By domestic economic sector 14,472.3 19,956.4 21,200.2 35,344.7

    By foreign invested sector 811.7 862.3 915.6 3,677.0 GDP at constant 1994 prices (Bill VND) 7,545.4 8,302.1 10,274.0 11,826.6 13,114.9

  • 104 statistics BY KeY cities

    By domestic economic sector 6,992.0 7,656.4 9,520.4 10,680.4 11,801.9

    By foreign invested sector 553.5 645.7 753.6 1,146.2 1,313.0 Structure of GDP at current price (%) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

    By domestic economic sector 92.7 92.2 92.1 93.4 90.6

    By foreign invested sector 7.3 7.8 7.9 6.7 9.4 Index of GDP at constant 1994 prices (%) 111.3 110.5 106.3

    By domestic economic sector 106.4 101.6 101.4

    By foreign invested sector 110.2 119.3 119.1

    Postal service and telecommunication

    Number of telephone (piece) 1,550,715 2,860,066 2,903,300

    Number of postal service (mill VND) 2,766,000 3,315,000 3,481,000


    Retail sales of domestic sector (Bill VND) 41,649.0 47,910.0 50,894.0 69,926.0 88,833.0

    Source: Socio - Economic Statistical Data of 64 Provinces and Cities

    KEY STATISTICS IN DANANG 2007-2011(continue)

  • 105statistics BY KeY cities

    KeY statistics in cantho 2007-2011

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011administrative units (units)Urban district 4 4 5 5 5 Rural district 4 4 4 4 4 Ward 33 33 44 44 44 Town under rural district government 6 6 5 5 5

    Commune 32 32 36 36 36 Population (thous. pers.) 1,159.0 1,180.9 1,189.6 1,197.1 1,200.3

    By sexMale 571.2 583.6 590.7 596.2 600.1 Female 587.8 597.3 598.9 600.9 600.2 By residenceUrban 601.5 615.5 783.1 798.5 791.8 Rural 557.5 565.4 406.5 398.6 408.5 Population density (Person/km2) labour

    827.0 842.8 849.0 854.0 852.0

    Labour in state sector (Thous. Pers) 520.7 530.8 656.0 680.7

    Agriculture, forestry and fishing 262.0 263.2 265.1 235.7

    Industry and construction 91.1 95.6 98.9 116.8

    Services 167.6 172.0 292.1 202.5 Average monthly income per labour in local state sector (Thous. VND)

    - 2,070.4 2,284.9 3,027.1 3,534.4

    GdPGDP at current price (Bill VND) 22,484.1 31,958.2 37,202.4

    By domestic economic sector 21,335.9 31,222.1 36,417.9

    By foreign invested sector 399.2 736.1 784.6

  • 106 statistics BY KeY cities

    GDP at constant 1994 prices (Bill VND)

    11,544.7 13,292.7 15,029.4 17,289.0

    By domestic economic sector 11,306.8 12,994.8 14,722.4

    By foreign invested sector 237.9 297.9 307.1

    Structure of GDP at current price (%) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

    By domestic economic sector 94.9 94.4 94.7

    By foreign invested sector 5.1 5.7 5.3

    Index of GDP at constant 1994 prices (%)

    116.3 115.1 113.1

    By domestic economic sector 115.7 114.8 113.3

    By foreign invested sector 117.2 125.2 103.1

    Postal service and telecommunicationNumber of telephone (piece) 1,101,987.0 1,817,000 2,224,000.0 2,088

    Turnover of postal service (mill VND) 843,300 955,300 1,003,700

    tradeRetail sales of domestic sector (Bill VND)

    15,968,184.0 16,195,400 17,111,800

    Source: Socio - Economic Statistical Data of 64 Provinces and Cities

    KEY STATISTICS IN CANTHO 2007-2011(continue)

  • 107statistics BY KeY cities

    KeY statistics in haiPhonG 2007-2011

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011administrative units (units)Urban district 7 7 7 7 7 Rural district 8 8 8 8 8 Town Ward 70 70 70 70 70 Town under rural district government 10 10 10 10 10

    Commune 143 143 143 148 148 Population (thous. pers.) 1,827.7 1,824.1 1,841.7 1,857.8 1,879 By sexMale 882.0 903.1 913.2 921.6 932 Female 945.7 921.0 928.5 936.2 946 By residenceUrban 740.7 815.9 849.1 858.8 871 Rural 1,087.0 1,008.2 992.6 999.0 1,008 Population density (Person/km2) labour 1,202.0 1,212.0 1,223.0 1,221.0 1,233

    Labour in state sector (Thous. Pers) 972.5 970.6 979.9

    Agriculture, forestry and fishing 315.5 314.9 317.9

    Industry and construction 270.6 270.1 272.6 Services 386.4 385.6 389.4 Average monthly income per labour in local state sector (Thous. VND)

    - 2,292.6 2,381.4 2,785.2 3,239

    GdPGDP at current price (Bill VND) 31,265.1 34,751.2 38,625.9 47,108

    By domestic economic sector 26,385.1 29,327.0 32,597.0

  • 108 statistics BY KeY cities

    By foreign invested sector 4,880.0 5,424.1 6,028.9

    GDP at constant 1994 prices (Bill VND) 17,827.4 20,133.2 21,633.0

    By domestic economic sector 14,650.9 16,245.8 17,478.4

    By foreign invested sector 3,176.5 3,887.4 4,154.6

    Structure of GDP at current price (%) 100.0 100.0 100.0

    By domestic economic sector 82.2 80.7 80.8

    By foreign invested sector 17.8 19.3 19.2

    Index of GDP at constant 1994 prices (%) 112.8 110.3 111.2

    By domestic economic sector 101.6 110.1 109.2

    By foreign invested sector 113.1 111.9 119.1

    Postal service and telecommunicationNumber of telephone (piece) 491,100 598,200 572,700 452,200

    Turnover of postal service (mill VND) 564,500 787,600 858,200

    tradeRetail sales of domestic sector (Bill VND) 17,087 24,310 27,469

    Source: Socio - Economic Statistical Data of 64 Provinces and Cities

    KEY STATISTICS IN HAIPHONG 2007-2011(continue)

  • 109health & liVinG standaRd

    numBeR of health estaBlishment

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

    total 13,438 13,460 13,450 13,467 13,506 Hospital 956 974 1,002 1,030 1,040 Regional polyclinic 829 781 682 622 620 Sanatorium and rehabilitation hospital 51 40 43 44 59

    Medical service units in communes, precincts 10,851 10,917 10,979 11,028 11,047

    Medical service units in offices, enterprises 710 710 710 710 710

    Others 41 38 34 33 30

    total 101.6 100.2 99.9 100.1 100.4 Hospital 105.9 101.9 102.9 105.7 103.8 Regional polyclinic 97.9 94.2 87.3 79.6 90.9 Sanatorium and rehabilitation hospital 100.0 78.4 107.5 110.0 137.2

    Medical service units in communes, precincts 101.7 100.6 100.6 101.0 100.6

    Medical service units in offices, enterprises 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

    Others 83.7 92.7 89.5 86.8 88.2Source: Statistical Yearbook 2011 Excluding private establishments

  • 110 health & liVinG standaRd

    numBeR of health estaBlishment undeR PRoVincial dePaRtment of health in 2011 BY PRoVince (unit)

    total hospital Regional polyclinicsanatorium and

    rehabilitation hospitalmedical

    service unitWhole countRY 12,679 971 600 31 11,047

    Red River delta 2,752 212 68 7 2,454

    Ha Noi 650 40 29 575 Ha TayVinh Phuc 162 14 8 1 139 Bac Ninh 139 11 1 126 Quang Ninh 216 19 10 186 Hai Duong 293 21 5 1 265 Hai Phong 251 24 2 1 224 Hung Yen 179 17 162 Thai Binh 310 22 1 286 Ha Nam 131 12 2 116 Nam Dinh 248 18 1 229 Ninh Binh 173 14 12 1 146 northern midlands and mountain

    2,944 193 221 7 2,517

    Ha Giang 211 15 20 176 Cao Bang 235 16 20 199 Bac Kan 133 9 2 122 Tuyen Quang 167 12 13 1 141 Lao Cai 214 13 36 1 164 Yen Bai 214 14 19 180 Thai Nguyen 213 15 13 1 181 Lang Son 264 14 24 1 225 Bac Giang 250 16 3 1 230 Phu Tho 295 17 1 277 Dien Bien 143 12 18 112 Lai Chau 122 10 14 98 Son La 240 16 18 1 204 Hoa Binh 243 14 21 208

  • 111

    northern central area and central coastal area

    3,286 225 132 11 2,912

    Thanh Hoa 687 36 12 1 637 Nghe An 529 26 22 1 479 Ha Tinh 292 17 12 1 262 Quang Binh 174 8 6 1 159 Quang Tri 157 10 5 1 141 Thua Thien Hue 180 13 13 1 152

    Da Nang 69 12 1 56 Quang Nam 277 24 9 244 Quang Ngai 208 18 8 182 Binh Dinh 183 17 6 1 159 Phu Yen 130 12 7 1 109 Khanh Hoa 170 13 15 1 140 Ninh Thuan 80 6 7 1 65 Binh Thuan 150 13 10 127 central highlands 848 71 49 2 722

    Kon Tum 121 9 13 1 97 Gia Lai 256 20 14 222 Dak Lak 2