2013 ALA Keynote

Post on 28-Oct-2014

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Everyone knows why libraries matter. And yet, some people are questioning our role and value in the 21st century. How do we share the excitement for how libraries are evolving and innovating as a community institution? In this keynote, you’ll learn storytelling strategies specific to the unique opportunities and challenges faced by libraries today. For the last year, our presenter, Michael Margolis, CEO of Get Storied, has collaborated closely with both the California and Pennsylvania State Libraries around this issue. Come learn why it’s important to tell your story, how to do it right, and some simple ways to get storied. Your story matters.

Transcript of 2013 ALA Keynote

@GetStoried 1

Storytelling Mojo: Creating the 21st Century Library Narrative

Michael MargolisCEO, Get Storied

@GetStoried 2

@GetStoried 3

Re-Framing the Story

Innovation Examples

Story Strategies


@GetStoried 4


@GetStoried 5

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing reality obsolete.”

― Buckminster Fuller

@GetStoried 6

Inventor/Scientist Artist/Teacher

@GetStoried 7

@GetStoried 8

@GetStoried 9

@GetStoried 10

@GetStoried 11

@GetStoried 12

“What used to be the purview of the shamans,

elders, and priests, is available to us all.”

- Grant McCracken

@GetStoried 13

@GetStoried 14

Keepers of Scrolls Storytellers

@GetStoried 15

Everybody has a story worth telling.

Everybody is a storyteller.

@GetStoried 16

“Those who tell the stories rule the world.”

- Hopi Proverb

@GetStoried 17

@GetStoried 18

“In order to create real change, we will need to deepen and go beyond  historical relationships, rethink how we leverage technology to best serve readers, and even shift paradigms — for instance, from repository to creator...”

― Maureen Sullivan, ALA President

@GetStoried 19

Exercise1. Find a partner2. Two roles: Teller/Listener3. How is your library evolving?4. Coming from? Going to?5. Repository or creator (or both)?6. What’s the new emerging story?

@GetStoried 20





Innovation Matrix

@GetStoried 21





Innovation Matrix

Maker Space

Digitize Local History

Learning Hub

Digital Literacy


@GetStoried 22


@GetStoried 23

Why Innovation Fails1. No common story (competing storylines)2. Change is framed as a judgment of past3. People can’t find themselves in story4. Self-validation overshadows authenticity5. Culture, identity, emotions are underestimated6. Big promises are not made real and tangible7. Story is lost in translation

@GetStoried 24

@GetStoried 25

CA State Library

Fold-out Story Map

Future Vision Story

Use Cases of Innovation


@GetStoried 26

Reinvention is Reality

@GetStoried 27

@GetStoried 28


Role/Value of Libraries is BIGGER

@GetStoried 29

@GetStoried 30

www.bit.ly/CAStoryMapDownload the Story Map

...also go to Pinterest

@GetStoried 31

“The future already exists -- it’s just not widely distributed.”

― William Gibson

@GetStoried 32

@GetStoried 33

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@GetStoried 35

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@GetStoried 39

@GetStoried 40

@GetStoried 41

@GetStoried 42

www.bit.ly/CAStoryMapDownload the Story Map

...also go to Pinterest



PasadenaDigital History Collaboration


Boston is bringing the library to where the people are. Experimenting with a model from retail’s "pop-up stores” where libraries are like storefronts.

Adds more foot traffic and exposes their wares to new audiences.


PasadenaDigital History Collaboration


Brooklyn Public Library moved a section of paperbacks to make way for what it calls an "information commons." Full of computers and a recording

studio, but the most important room may be the classroom, where they offer classes in everything from Adobe Premiere to using e-readers.


PasadenaDigital History Collaboration


Give patrons and community members a chance to have hands-on interaction with a variety of tablets and e-readers. In the library’s meeting

room, 12 different devices are available to try out with a librarian on hand to explain their features and detail the differences between various devices.


PasadenaDigital History Collaboration


Take an active role in preparing public to survive and recover from inevitable coastal hurricanes. Library teamed up with county and state emergency mgt

to offer public workshops, as well as disaster game simulations, Web 2.0 communications, oral-history video interviews, digital storytelling, and

creation of digital collection of historic hurricane photographs.


PasadenaDigital History Collaboration


A sophisticated database-driven web application and virtual reference that connects people in need of government and non-profit public

services with the appropriate public services.


PasadenaDigital History Collaboration


4th Floor of Chattanooga, a large public library loft space operating as a flexible community makerspace and event space. Transformation of an

overcrowded storage space. Library environment for hosting talks, exhibiting student coursework, encouraging collaboration and creativity,

and gathering data from visitors about their thoughts on libraries.


PasadenaDigital History Collaboration


Example of using the library as a community hub. Partnered with Public Works Dept and others to develop ECO Iowa City, an educational program

providing residents with demonstration projects and up-to-date information on sustainability, particularly storm water management, local foods and

compost, smart waste disposal, and energy efficiency.

Impact: 10,000 residents participate in educational programming, 300 rain barrels distributed to public, 13,011 pounds of e-waste recycled, 260 pounds of expired pharmaceuticals collected and safely disposed.


PasadenaDigital History Collaboration


A Texas county is set this fall to open one of the nation's first entirely digital public libraries, an information storehouse where

people will be able to check out books only by downloading them to their own devices or borrowing electronic readers.


PasadenaDigital History Collaboration


Developed a partnership with Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. Trunks feature ungulates, bears, owls, creepy-crawlies, water, and tracks.  Each includes btw 15 – 20 books on the subject, puppets; Growing Up Wild curriculum guide; and wildlife resources, such as grizzly hides, elk antlers,

deer hooves, etc.  There are now 30 of trunks circulating throughout our state. 


PasadenaDigital History Collaboration


“Kids can submit their ideas and place them into a crazy collection contraption and once the ideas are collected, they will go online where

people can vote or rank each idea. Staff will work on which ideas we can actually fulfill. Taking big ideas and turning them into something real and

tangible is what the idea box is all about!”


PasadenaDigital History Collaboration


Discovering and illuminating Pasadena’s rich historical heritage. The mission of PDHC is to assemble, digitize, and make web-accessible

historical documents and artifacts that represent Pasadena’s heritage for the benefit of both the local community and researchers world-wide.

@GetStoried 66


@GetStoried 67

@GetStoried 68


People don’t buy the product, object, or brand.

They buy the story that’s

attached to it.


@GetStoried 70

Time to Get Storied1. Motivations: In Service to Whom? 2. Audience: What’s on My Mind?3. Stakes: Why Should I Care?4. Trust: How Can I Believe You?5. Emotion: Does This Feel Good?6. Resonance: Do I Belong in this Story?

@GetStoried 71

Do I belong in this story?

@GetStoried 72

< HOW to tell the story

> Having a story that’s

WORTH telling

@GetStoried 73

What’s the #1 secret to telling your story?

@GetStoried 74


PasadenaDigital History Collaboration

91% say public libraries are important to their community


53% of Americans age 16 and older visited a library or book mobile in the last year


80% say borrowing books is ‘very important’ service of libraries


Americans feel they are aware of ‘all or most’ of the services and programs their public library offers1 in 5


77% say free access to computers and internet is ‘very important’ service of libraries

@GetStoried 80

@GetStoried 81

Walker Library of the History of Human Imagination

@GetStoried 82

“We are continually faced with great opportunities which are brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems.”           

― Margaret Mead

@GetStoried 83

Michael Margoliswww.getstoried.comwww.bit.ly/CAStoryMap@getstoried