2012 nov-01 family-cornerstone_overview-4-ymca-et-al_sjr

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The Family Cornerstone

Sustained Healthy Lifestyle Program

Builds healthy communities around the family dinner.

A Wellness Program from Pangea Health Solutions LLC

Steve Reichenstein , CEO

250 Ridgedale Avenue, Y-3, Florham Park, NJ 07932

s j r . m b a . u s s a @ g m a i l . c o m 7 3 2 - 2 3 6 - 3 7 4 6

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-37462

March 2013

Parents recognize the challenges and struggle to restore the family dinner.

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-3746

Remember the family meal? Bonding, playing, relaxing.

Before the meal, some played, some cooked, and some set the table.

When we sat down to eat, first, we thanked the cooks and setter-uppers ... andGod … for this food, this companionship, this experience.

At the table we shared stories, discussed current events, and told jokes.Sometimes just parents and kids. Sometimes with grandparents, even cousins.

Afterwards, we cleaned up and went back to playing with everything andeveryone … or, if we had homework, studied together.

I learned by the examples and words of my parents, grandparents, brother,cousins – about food, playing, the world, and life – around the family meal.

The Family Meal became the Family Cornerstone.


Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-3746

I compared my family’s meals to friends’ families in the neighborhood and at school ...

We swapped stories. I brought what my friends liked back our family dinners.

Over the years, I’ve looked back at when my father insisted that every nightshould be a family meal in some way and it should look and feel special. Later,he told me that was mainly how he stayed connected to our lives while he wasworking very long hours, and often weekends. He connected other ways too,but daily dinners and holiday family meals were the best memories, he said.

Now older, when I see it in other families all over the world, I realize that …

Family Cornerstones build Community Cornerstones.


Family Cornerstone

Healthy children. Healthy families. Healthy communities.

At the beginning of each of my son’s karate classes, Master Nick asked the students to focus their eyes, focus their minds, then focus their bodies.

Master Nick also started each class by sharing a poem, a parable, or a story to firmly connect karate to the rest of their lives. They cannot separate their karate lives and the rest of their lives. He taught them that karate values are individual & family values … core values.

The karate teacher made his classes into family meals … and it worked. My son blossomed into 2nd degree black belt karate teacher and scholarship student.

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-37465

Family Cornerstone and YMCA

share a common mission

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-3746

“The Big Idea”

Stress is a killer. Living in a constant state of high stress strengthens the influence ofunhealthy behaviors and decreases the drive towards healthy behaviors.

Family Cornerstone creates consistent opportunities for healthy behaviors aroundnatural family fun & bonding. We focus on parents building ‘Norman Rockwell’memories with their children and the foundations of tradition and values for theirchildren to enjoy good lives. They think family, we ensure healthy foods & exercise.

Family Cornerstone contrasts with fast-food, video games, rushing, tension, so parentsfeel & recognize the difference ... And recognizing the problem starts the solution.

Family dinner environment restores parents’ sense of control … over their own livesand their kids’ lives … control they felt slowly slip away as constraints piled up.

The family meal attracts & contrasts, not push & lecture.


Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-3746

The Business Concept

The Family Cornerstone builds on parents’ interest in family dinners; employers’ interestin more & better wellness programs; and experts’ support for family dinners.

1. Family Cornerstone starts with employers acknowledging the severely limitedresources of time & money available to their employees and providing these resources

2. Family Cornerstone attracts employees by tapping existing drive for more family lifeemployer’s desire for clinical results – pull, not push – and this drives participation

3. Family Cornerstone gets employers, employees & clinical professionals into the samecar and drives them all on the one road that gets them all to their desired destinations

Functional families. Productive employees. Lower health costs.


Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-3746

The Business Concept

The Family Cornerstone also works for Medicare seniors, survivors, and disabledlooking for safe, active, family surroundings; good-tasting, healthy meals that they canafford and are not overwhelming to prepare. Many seniors might also see this asactivity with their grandchildren.

1. Medicare also searches for long-term cost savings through wellness and prevention,especially under the Affordable Care Act.

2. Seniors and survivors face financial and physical challenges to good meals, gettingout, and finding affordable activities to enjoy with grandchildren and other couples.

Less Stress & Depression. Active Seniors. Lower health costs.


Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-3746

Key Elements of the Family Cornerstone Wellness Program

Bring families together for a traditional family evening around a family meal at an established, respected, convenient facility, like YMCA, 2x -3x per week.

Bring families together with a certified dietician to plan, prepare, and eat a tasty & healthy meal. Dieticians purchase the food and guide the meal event.

Bring families together, before & after the meal with trainer to exercise in the swimming pool, basketball court, machines, and floor games, or outdoors.

Bring each parent together with a certified family counselor 1x per week for a 15-20 minute private meeting where the parent decompresses & discusses stuff and the councilor helps & screens for degree of distress … and stress.

Restore, Refresh, Reset, and Recognize the difference.


Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-3746

Operating Elements of the Family Cornerstone Wellness Program

• Employers sponsor a full membership for employees’ to the YMCA.

• Plus employers pay a supplemental (single, couple, or) family membership to the Family Cornerstone wellness program that covers the costs of food & materials for the family meals. (Recommend: Cost plus performance fees.)

• Employees (and their families) enjoy a free family meal of modestly priced, easily prepared, delicious-yet-healthy food; family members participate in cooking with dietician (2x – 3x per week).

• Employees enjoy a free full membership to YMCA and attention from a staff recreation coach (trainer) to identify, encourage, and guide appropriate play.

Restore, Refresh, Reset, and Recognize the difference.


Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-3746

We approach employers & health plans to sponsor

We establish the case for replacing the usual wellness program push with the draw of evolving into healthy living … and ask pilot programs at YMCA’s.

We calculate & prepare projected costs vs. health -related savings algorithms for both company & employee plus the program details , timelines & budgets.

We get audit endorsement from Disease Management Purchasing Consortium, which has already endorsed the concept.

We present the concept & supporting data to large employers and plans to get a pilot program started in some representative sample YMCE locations.

Prepare the case. Pick-up endorsements. Present to clients.


Family Cornerstone

Simple Rationale

They say that you can boil a frog alive by placing it in water and slowly turning up the temperature. We say that explains how families, parents, have come to accept & acclimate to faster pace, less time, and less income to “afford” a healthy family lifestyle. The family meal, especially the dinner table, exemplifies the foundation and the change.

By now, families might not realize how unhealthy and unhappy they have become because they have distanced, lost, and forgotten how good the healthy lifestyle feels – physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s like feeling neck pain so long that, essentially, you become, in every way, numb to it.

The Family Cornerstone wellness program reverses this trend … undoes the damage.

To repeatedly experience lifestyles they miss or have never known that, instinctively feels great, draws families into adopting healthy lifestyles.

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374612

Family Cornerstone

Messaging Overview

If this program … any wellness program … looks, sounds, smells like wellness program in words or tone, then employees will run for the hills!!

Another lecturing, scolding, nagging, informing program… an order with a smile … likely will add stress and stress-induced unhealthy behaviors.

Change the message to change the response ...

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374613

Family Cornerstone

YOUR employer gets it …

and will help you fix it.

“Your employer recognizes the everyday stresses facing your family and the limited time and money available for you to deal with family stresses … and that hurts productivity.

“Your employer agreed to sponsor for you and your family a unique opportunity you to regain your control over your destiny, regroup with your family, restore your sense of security, and rebuild your optimistic outlook … to just feel good, look good, and have more family fun … with a full family membership to your local YMCA and a full family membership to the new YMCA family meal club.

The message?? “It’s about time!”A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-3746


Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374615

Financial executives are recognizing the facts

“Nine Reasons Why Wellness Works”, Larry S. Chapman

CFO.com Health Benefits | January 04, 2013 | CFO.com | US

Reason #9: Few employers spend more than $500 per year per employee, while the average health-benefit plan cost per employee per year is more than $12,000. Some have estimated that for an average company, the combined cost of health plan, sick leave, workers’ compensation, disability insurance, and presenteeismamounts to more than $35,000 per employee per year. Five hundred dollars is about 1.4% of $35,000.

Wellness is cheap.

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374616

The Logistics – Staffing

We plan for staffing available for 5 hours per day – 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM – for each family schedule option, which would be:

• Initially, at 2x per week – either Monday & Wednesday OR Tuesday & Thursday – we project 1 dietician and 1 social counselor, each at 20 hours onsite per week plus an estimated 2 hours per week for prep & reporting for a total of 22 hours paid time each … or about 3/5 of f/t each

• If successful enough, so that both employers and employees agree to add a third day to each schedule option, the 3x per week options would be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday OR Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday; and the total staffing costs scaled up by half (50%) each

• We estimate dietician = $85,000 f/t and a licensed social worker = $87,000 (Salary.com); hence $167,000 combined f/t basis and $10 per plate food , so the more members the lower the per-member cost to these meal overhead costs.

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374617

The Logistics – Families

• We allow the family evening to be somewhat flexible around family’s schedules to recognize and accommodate after-school activities, jobs, commutes .

• We offer the families, or members of participating families, the opportunity to arrive as early as they like – after all, they are YMCA full members

• We invite families or members of families, on all of their program days, to join with the dietician in planning and preparing the actual family meal

• We require families, as a rule to spend a least ½-hour at the dinner table during the meal and 1-hour doing other activities onsite after the meal –guided by YMCA physical trainer, sport, swim, workout, walking, …, something moving … if had afterschool sports, then can do homework, etc.

• We require at least the parents, individually and/or together as a couple, to spend 10-20 minutes with the counselor once per week, every week

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374618

The Logistics –

Food & Materials

Dietician(s) will guide planning and preparation of all foods as well as the other materials required . Dieticians are uniquely qualified to know:

• Meals should comply with plenty fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and other nutritional requirements of a healthy & energetic dietary lifestyle

• Meals should take into account food & other related allergies; tastes & cultural preferences; physician restrictions; and be delicious & feel fully satisfying

• Meals be reviewed & authorized by each member’s primary care physician … with notation of any foods & materials restrictions required … and that the dietician(s) have reviewed and complied with these restrictions

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374619








Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374620

Some facts & statistics …

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374621

The Main Message …

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374622

“Boost Employee Health & Wellness with Behavioral Economics” Copyright © Towers Watson. All rights reserved. TW-NA-2010-191134

“Overeating, sedentary behavior, and cigarette smoking cost employers billions of dollars in healthcare expenses and lost productivity each year* …

“More important, by contributing to preventable chronic diseases and early deaths, these behaviors exact an enormous economic and emotional toll on employees and their families …

We Americans are the last frontier in achieving better overall health at lower cost of healthcare … without lowering prices to providers of healthcare

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374623

“Periods of disability due to job stress tend

to be much longer than disability periods for

other occupational injuries and illnesses.”

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374624

Employers are recognizing the facts & factors

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374625

$1,598 per person per year with

hypertension in hypertension-

attributable cost

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,

Division of Diabetes Translation

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

– Trogdon (2007) based on

2000-2003 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374626

Disability-Adjusted Life Years Lost to Disease

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374627

Proven to save employers big money … every year

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374628

Wellness programs will be enhanced under the HealthCare Affordability Act.

“The Affordable Care Act creates new incentives and builds on

existing wellness program policies to promote employer wellness

programs and encourage opportunities to support healthier workplaces.

“The Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor and

the Treasury are jointly releasing proposed rules on wellness programs

to reflect the changes to existing wellness provisions made by the

Affordable Care Act and to encourage appropriately designed,

consumer-protective wellness programs in group health coverage.

“These proposed rules would be effective for plan years starting on or

after January 1, 2014.”

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374629

“Constant stress puts your health at risk”

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374630

“Stress effects your body, feelings, behavior.”

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374631

“Learning how to react to life’s stressors in a healthy way ”

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374632

Employers: Health Care + Lost Productivity = Total Cost for Heart Disease & Stroke

Total =

$18,618 per

patient per

year 2002

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374633

What Employers are hearing from consultants and current Employer Strategies

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374634

What Employers are hearing from consultants and current Employer Strategies

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374635

“As organizations seek to do more with less, strategies for maximizing workers’ contributions are critical.”

– Towers Watson, 2012

“Companies need to remove barriers to getting work done …

“The Power of Three: Taking Engagement to New Heights.” Copyright © Towers Watson. All rights reserved. TW-NA-2011-18532

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374636

“These and other workplace

problems can hinder

employees’ productivity.“

– Towers Watson, 2012

“Many factors can lead to employee frustration ...

“The Power of Three: Taking Engagement to New Heights.” Copyright © Towers Watson. All rights reserved. TW-NA-2011-18532

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374637

“We found highest levels of net profit

margin in companies with high levels

of both engagement and enablement ...

Enabling employee performance thus

increases the positive impact of

engagement on company success.”

– Towers Watson, 2012

“In a study of 10 global companies …”

“The Power of Three: Taking Engagement to New Heights.” Copyright © Towers Watson. All rights reserved. TW-NA-2011-18532

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374638

Positive well-being generates energy, supports sustained effort

“Our study of a large multinational organization illustrates how well-being contributes to sustained employee engagement.”

– Towers Watson, 2012

“The Power of Three: Taking Engagement to New Heights.” Copyright © Towers Watson. All rights reserved. TW-NA-2011-18532

Figure 1: The impact of well-being

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374639

“Health improvements are well within the reach of many employees, but too few workers pursue them, especially in today’s post-recession environment. Continued job insecurity and ongoing financial pressures mean fewer employees are placing an high priority on their health and wellness.”

“Towers Watson research found that, between 2008 and 2010, the percentage of employees who considered managing their health a top priority dropped 10 percentage points, from 69% to 59%.”

“… Percentage of employees who took action to significantly improve their health declined 65% to 59%”

“Boost Employee Health & Wellness with Behavioral Economics ”

Copyright © Towers Watson . All r ights reserved. TW-NA-2010-191134

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374640

“Employers encourage changes in provider

strategies … based on their value-added.”

Changes to employee healthcare strategy

planned by mid-sized and large employers

Towers-Watson 2011 “Changes Ahead


“Value-based, Reference-based Providers”

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374641

Changes to employee healthcare strategy planned by mid-sized and large employers

Towers-Watson 2011 “Changes Ahead Survey”

“Value-based, Reference-based Providers”

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374642

Commonly used health management program tools.

… top down, one-offs

Towers-Watson 2011 “Changes Ahead Survey”

Changes to employee healthcare strategy planned by mid-sized and large employers

Family Cornerstone

A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative Steve Reichenstein, CEO sjr.mba.usa@gmail.com 732-236-374643

“… All that changes is the sizes and prices of their toys.”

… New ways to attract and connect. Yet, perhaps, today, face-to-face connection is more needed than ever.

Changes to employee healthcare strategy planned by mid-sized and large employers.

Towers-Watson 2011 “Changes Ahead


Family Cornerstone

Steve Reichenstein, CEO

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Family Cornerstone

Steve Reichenstein, CEO

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Family Cornerstone

Steve Reichenstein, CEO

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The Path to Success

Family Cornerstone

Steve Reichenstein, CEO

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Family Cornerstone

Steve Reichenstein, CEO

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Family Cornerstone

Steve Reichenstein, CEO

s j r . m ba . u sa @g mai l . c o m

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Copyright © 2010 A Pangea Health Solutions LLC Initiative

Steven J. ReichensteinChief Executive Officer




Pangea Health Solutions