2011 NABJ Salute to Excellence Awards Program

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Winners and special honorees at the 2011 NABJ Salute to Excellence Awards during the NABJ Convention and Career Fair in Philadelphia, Aug. 3-7

Transcript of 2011 NABJ Salute to Excellence Awards Program

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Schedule of Events...................................2

NABJ Board..............................................3

NABJ Staff................................................4

Special Honors.........................................6

Newspaper Finalists................................18

Magazine Finalists...................................22

Radio Finalists.........................................24

Television Finalists...................................28

Digital Finalists........................................34

Public Relations Finalists..........................35.

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2 National Association of Black Journalists | The Power of Now: Claiming Our Destiny

Special Honor Awards

Welcome and Introduction

Lifetime Achievement Award, Acel Moore

Emerging Journalist Award, Kimberley Martin

Patricia L. Tobin Media Professional Award, Sheila Brooks



Legacy Award, Claire Smith

Best Practices, ESPN’s 30 For 30

Journalist of the Year Award, Jacqueline Charles

Tribute to President & President’s Address, Kathy Times

President’s Award

President-Elect’s Address


Schedule of Events

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PrESiDENTKathy Timesindependent Journalist

ViCE PrESiDENT/PriNTDeirdre M. ChildressThe Philadelphia inquirer

ViCE PrESiDENT/BrOADCASTBob ButlerreporterKCBS radio

SECrETAryroland MartinAnalyst TV One/CNN/Essence

TrEASurErGregory LeeThe Boston Globe

PArLiAMENTAriANTonju FrancoisCNN

rEGiONAL DirECTOrSregion i Director Katina revelsThe Associated Press

rEGiON ii DirECTOr Charles robinsonMaryland Public Television

rEGiON iii DirECTOr Ken KnightThe Tampa Tribune

rEGiON iV DirECTOr Keith reedESPN Magazine

rEGiON V DirECTOr Cindy GeorgeHouston Chronicle

rEGiON Vi DirECTOr Lisa CoxKTLA-TV Los Angeles/Tribune

ASSOCiATE rEPrESENTATiVEAprill O. TurnerPartnership for Working Families


NABJ Board

4 National Association of Black Journalists | The Power of Now: Claiming Our Destiny

EXECuTiVE DirECTOrMaurice Foster

FiNANCE MANAGErNathanial Chambers

SENiOr ACCOuNTANT Lambert Fleming


CONSuLTANTLorraine Settles

MEMBErSHiP MANAGErVeronique Dodson

MEMBErSHiP COOrDiNATOrPhillipa Mould

PrOGrAM MANAGErirving Washington

PrOGrAM MANAGErJannice Hodge

EXECuTiVE ASSiSTANTNatalia Prakash


PrOGrAM ASSiSTANTJonathan BlakelyGeorge Washington university

PrOGrAM ASSiSTANTMorgan Hardinguniversity of Mary Washington

PrOGrAM ASSiSTANTBrittany MarshallNorthwestern university

PrOGrAM ASSiSTANTTerry Cryeruniversity of Oklahoma

CONVENTiON CHAirMANrod HicksAssociated Press, Philadelphia



PrODuCTiONSrB Communications, inc.

NABJ Staff

STE Production

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Special H




In his interview for The History Makers Acel Moore says, “There are two types of people: those who are and those who wish they were from Philadelphia.” His quote could have easily been, “There are two types of journalists: those who report the types of stories, which change lives and those who fail to make such an impact.”

Moore is a legendary columnist, writer and senior editor, who has had an

amazing impact on American journalism for more than 5.0 years. Much of that time has been experienced in his native Philadelphia. He began his career with The Philadelphia Inquirer as a copy clerk, then became an editorial clerk and worked his way up through the editing and reporting ranks to become editor emeritus. Moore won the Pulitzer Prize in 1977 for local investigative reporting for a series on the abuse of inmates at Fairview State Hospital.

Another of his crowning achievements, Moore is one of the three original founders - with Claude Lewis and Chuck Stone - of the organization that became National Association of Black Journalists. They created the Philadelphia chapter in 1973, and it became NABJ’s first chapter when it was founded two years later.

Moore, who once oversaw recruitment and training at The Inquirer, always honored the responsibility of giving back and mentoring

Lifetime AchievementAcel Moore

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others. So he created the Journalism Career Development Workshop, which has trained dozens of Philadelphia high school students. The program is now named in his honor.

“From the moment I met Acel Moore nearly 37 years ago, he encouraged me to reach for the highest journalistic goals possible. He has always been an advocate for diversity; inspiring many young journalists along the way. I am very proud of Acel being selected for this honor. While he continues to inspire others, he also has been a trailblazer in the industry, setting the standard for many to follow,” said Sandra Long, fellow NABJ Founder and former Vice President/Editorial Product Development for Inquirer, Daily News and philly.com.

Given his influential role in establishing NABJ and his stellar professional accomplishments, NABJ proudly honors Acel Moore with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

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Special H




It’s often said that one mark of a truly good writer is a writer’s ability to transport you to another time or place. Since the devastating earthquake struck Haiti in January 2010 readers have depended upon the reporting of The Miami Herald’s Jacqueline Charles to put them on the ground inside the battered country.

The Haitian-Turks Islander who has long specialized in reporting stories out of the Caribbean continues to gain accolades for her coverage of the earthquake’s aftermath and of the on-going recovery.

In light of her role as a lead reporter on one of the most significant stories of 2010, NABJ is proud to recognize Jacqueline Charles as its Journalist of the Year.

Charles began her career with the Miami Herald in 1986 as a high school intern. Upon completing her degree at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, she returned to the Herald as a full-time journalist. Although still relatively freshly minted as a working professional, her first international story had global significance: the return of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. She has continued to cover triumphs and tragedy in Haiti and other island nations with unrelenting energy to tell stories that not only impact but also educate and encourage change.

Journalist of the yearJacqueline Charles

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Her colleagues view her as an expert in the region and if there’s a need to know what’s going on there she is the first call of many.

“Jacquie has done more to focus the world’s attention on the tragedies and triumphs of Haiti than any other reporter, sometimes at great personal risks,” said John Yearwood, World Editor of the Miami Herald and co-chair of the NABJ World Affairs Task Force along with Djibril Diallo, who nominated Charles for the honor. “Haitians tell me all the time that they owe her a debt of gratitude. This recognition is well-deserved.”

Charles’ example of exemplary reporting in a place of great hardship is an example for journalists around the world.

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Special H




When it comes to the career of ESPN’s Claire Smith, she has steadily been confronted with people who tried to strike her out, but instead she kept running the bases, and scored the type of home runs which proved to be game changers for scores of sports journalists who came after her.

A member of the Baseball Writers Association of America, Smith has written

about sports for more than 25. years, for the Philadelphia Bulletin, Hartford Courant, New York Times, and Philadelphia Inquirer. For over 20 years, her beat was Major League Baseball. In July 2007, Smith started in a new direction and new medium when she joined ESPN as a news editor, working with the production teams on MLB game broadcasts. She is also the author of “Don Baylor: Nothing But The Truth, a Baseball Life,” an autobiography of a great baseball man.

There is one very important defining moment in Smith’s life and career. It came in the 1984 National League Championship Series between the Chicago Cubs and San Diego Padres when she was physically removed by players from the Padres clubhouse after Game One. While the situation was eventually resolved, thanks to Baseball Commissioner Peter Ueberroth, it left scars for a number of years.

Legacy AwardClaire Smith

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Commissioner of Baseball Bowie Kuhn, who once fought to keep women sports writers out of major league clubhouses, later called Smith, “the best baseball writer in America.”

She stood strong so others could walk into clubhouses and locker rooms and get the stories which needed to be reported. Her courage under fire, grace under pressure, and above all her steadfast commitment to excellence the precise reasons NABJ proudly recognizes her as this year’s recipient of the Legacy Award.

Garry D. Howard, editor in chief of Sporting News, notes Smith’s contributions to the field of sports journalism.

“Claire Smith epitomizes what a great sports reporter and editor should be,” said Howard. “She has been a role model in this business for me, personally, and so many others. She taught me patience and excellence, and helped me understand that perseverance would be needed to reach any goal in the often difficult sports journalism field. I owe her so much for that sage guidance.”

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Whether it’s on the court, field, or track when Kimberley Martin shows up at work she comes to play at the exact same level as the professional athletes she covers. In the eyes of her peers the level of desire, discipline, and dedication she demonstrates is unmatched particularly when it comes to telling compelling and interesting stories about the sports news of the day.

Martin has been with Newsday since November 2007. As a sports reporter, she has covered everything from major league baseball to professional football, and even NASCAR.

Martin’s selection as Emerging Journalist of the Year recognizes her career achievements thus far, mindful that this is just the beginning. The excitement surrounding her being honored as a young journalist resembles the same excitement one might see when watching a game winning play in any sports stadium or arena.

Hank Winnicki, Assistant Managing Editor of Sports said, “Kimberley has become an indispensable part of the Newsday team. This is a prestigious national award, and everyone at Newsday is thrilled for Kimberley, she’s a terrific writer and reporter and has handled every challenge thrown her way. This honor is well-deserved.”

Emerging JournalistKimberley Martin

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Before moving to Newsday, she covered sports for The Record in New Jersey where she had also served as an intern. Martin began her career in sports journalism after earning her master’s degree in magazine, newspaper and online journalism from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. While on campus she was a sports staff writer for the school newspaper The Daily Orange. She also earned a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and African-American Studies from Wesleyan University.

“I have watched Kimberley develop since the start of her career. She embodies what the spirit of what this award means. I see her doing greater things in the sports journalism industry,” said Gregory Lee, Senior Assistant Sports Editor, The Boston Globe and founder of the award.

In a field still in many ways dominated by men the fact that Kimberley’s talents are fully on display will certainly inspire the next generation of female sports reporters.

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Special H




Sheila Brooks is a pioneer. Long ago before a changing media landscape called for journalists to become entrepreneurs, Brooks started her own media company. Capitalizing on decades of experience as a broadcast journalist, Brooks founded a company which remains a go-to full-service media and communications agency and post-production facility.

SRB Communications, which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary, offers programming for television and radio, broadcast-quality video production; event production; as well as creative, branding and strategy for advertising, marketing and public relations campaigns. Brooks is also an Entrepreneur in Residence at the John H. Johnson School of Communications at Howard University. In this role, she provides consulting services in strategy, branding and media outreach for the newly established entrepreneurial incubator for students and emerging business owners.

Prior to starting her firm in 1990, Brooks built a distinguished television career as a news director, reporter, anchor and documentary producer at the CBS, NBC, PBS and Fox owned-and- operated and affiliate TV stations across the country.

Pat Tobin AwardSheila Brooks

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She has also been inducted into the Silver Circle, a Hall of Fame honor recognizing more than 25. years of excellence in journalism from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

In light of all her accomplishments as a journalist and entrepreneur, NABJ is recognizing Brooks with its inaugural Pat Tobin Media Professional Award.

NABJ member Pat Tobin of Los Angeles passed away in 2008. Tobin was president and CEO of Tobin and Associates, a prominent minority, woman-owned public relations firm. She was a dedicated activist for causes that impacted minorities, women and youth, and was co-founder of the National Black Public Relations Society.

“There is not a better fit for this award. Sheila Brooks embodies the namesake of this award, Pat Tobin, to a tee,” said Aprill O. Turner, NABJ associate member representative and founder of the award. “Sheila’s commitment to NABJ, her heart for service, and her willingness to help show others the ropes of how to be a successful entrepreneur, hits the mark on all cylinders for this inaugural award. We commend her, she is truly deserving of this honor.”

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Special H




Some view sports as entertainment. Others see it as just a business. And then there are others who consider it a religion. What is undeniable is that sports is a very important part of American culture. Whether attending a live event, watching highlights or reading in-depth analysis of what went wrong or what went right in a game, fans the world over are emotionally invested

in the winners and the losers. They also now more than ever want the backstory on the events, which once strictly inhabited the back pages.

ESPN’s “30 for 30” documentary series stands out as an exemplification of the very best in not only sports journalism, but also long-form journalism. Edgy, entertaining and enlightening, the films put the stories of the trials and tribulations, successes and failures of some of the country’s and the world’s most celebrated champions front-and-center.

The series, which premiered in October 2009 and concluded last December, chronicles 30 stories from the “ESPN era,” each of which details the issues, trends, people, teams or events that transformed the sports landscape since the sports network was founded in 1979.


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The production in totality represents something never seen on TV before through a team of diverse storytellers. The series includes the saga of how the Allen Iverson trial impacted the Hampton Roads, Va., community, the personal family story of running back Ricky Williams in “Run Ricky Run,” to “One Night in Vegas” on the night of a Mike Tyson fight and how Tupac Shakur never made it to the after-party. African-American directors John Singleton and Reggie Rock Bythewood had the opportunity to lead some of these stories. Additional contributors to the series include Ice Cube, Spike Lee, Morgan Freeman and Kirk Fraser among others.

“ESPN’s collection of documentaries on these 30 riveting stories from over the past 30 years provides quality in-depth reporting to give viewers the complete versions of these events that often went untold,” said NABJ Treasurer and Sports Task Force Chair Greg Lee. The series offers a different perspective of these stories that previous news accounts could not provide.”

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spaper Fin


News - Single Story“Trial by Fire” Joel Warner Westword “Tears of a Town” Nicholas PhillipsRiverfront Times News - Series“Tough Times: Akron’s Black Community at risk” David Knox, Colette JenkinsAkron Beacon Journal News - Feature: Single Story“Kevin Jackson Wrote the Book on How to Win White Friends & Influence Black People” Aimee LevittRiverfront Times

“Mystery record” Emily KaiserCity Pages “LAX and the City” Joel Warner Westword News - investigative“Taken for a ride” Joel Warner Westword News - Feature: Series“Brother, Can you Spare Some Time?” Jamaal Abdul-AlimYouth Today

News - international“Dr. Peanut” Aimee LevittRiverfront Times News - Specialty“On the Down Low” Lisa RabNew Times Broward/Palm Beach “Paco’s 2nd round” Mark KramPhiladelphia Daily News News - Sports“Fifth Ward Saints” Chasen MarshallHouston Press “Why 35?” Darnell MayberryThe Oklahoman News - Photography: Single image“Dominican Parade” Sarah J. GloverPhiladelphia Daily News

150,000 and Under

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er F



News - Single Story“The Ghost of Public Housing” Maudlyne IhejirikaChicago Sun-Times

“Still No Justice for Civil rights-era rape Victims” Errin HainesThe Associated Press “race in richmond: The Next Chapter reconciling Our Past, Seeing Our Future” Glenn Proctor, Michael Paul Williams, Karin KapsidelisRichmond Times-Dispatch News - Series“Wrongful Conviction of Malenne Joseph” Anthony ColarossiOrlando Sentinel “The Shirley Sherrod Story” Mary Clare JalonickThe Associated Press News - Feature: Single Story“Black Flight Hits Detroit” Alex P. KelloggThe Wall Street Journal “One Man’s Agonizing Wait” Theola Labbe’-DeBose, Wil Haygood The Washington Post “HELA: Cancer Cells Killed Henrietta Lacks, Then They Made Her immortal” Denise W. BattsThe Virginian-Pilot

News - Feature: Series“Master of Cuisine, Slave of Washington”Craig LaBanThe Philadelphia Inquirer “race in richmond: The Next Chapter - Tourism” Glenn Proctor, Katherine CalosRichmond Times-Dispatch “Capital Culture Columns” Jesse HollandThe Associated Press “Working for a Chance at a Job; Hoping to Make Work Last” Theresa VargasThe Washington Post “Free to Fight” Kate WiltroutThe Virginian-Pilot News - investigative“Education inc.” Daniel Golden, John Hechinger, John LauermanBloomberg News “Who Killed Leon Jordan?” Mike McGraw, Glenn E. RiceThe Kansas City Star “FBi Shooting Death of imam Abdullah” Niraj WarikooDetroit Free Press “Alaska” Robert O’HorrowThe Washington Post

over 150,000

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spaper Fin


News - international“The Chronic Disease Dilemma” Derrick Z. JacksonThe Boston Globe “War on AiDS Hangs in Balance” Michael AllenThe Wall Street Journal “Abandoned Children” Rakmini CallimachiThe Associated Press “Haiti” Ridgely Ochs, J. Conrad WilliamsNewsday News - Specialty“The Boy was Called 50 Tyson” Corey MitchellStar Tribune “He’s a Simple Surgeon from rural Virginia” Elizabeth SimpsonThe Virginian-Pilot “Michigan’s Most Polluted Zip Code” Tina LamDetroit Free Press News - Sports“A record That Didn’t Make History” Aaron ApplegateThe Virginian-Pilot “NCAA Fouls on Grad-rate Commitment” Derrick Z. JacksonThe Boston Globe

“A Warrior’s New Fight”James E. CauseyMilwaukee Journal Sentinel

News - Business“Meet the Women who Helped Keep Hugo Boss in Town” Olivera Perkins, Debra Adams SimmonsThe Plain Dealer News - Commentary “Wrongful Arrest of Edwin McFarlane” Mike Thomas Orlando Sentinel “Phillip Morris, body of work” Phillip Morris, Debra Adams SimmonsThe Plain Dealer “Education: A Choice and a Voice” Rochelle RileyDetroit Free Press “Facing the AiDS Threat; it’s Not Just That ‘Gay’ Disease; young Black & HiV+”James E. CauseyMilwaukee Journal Sentinel News - Special Project“A Portrait of Hunger” Alfred Lubrano, Sharon Gekoski-KimmelPhiladelphia Inquirer “Saving 17,000 Kids” Joe Robertson, Rick Montgomery, Eric AdlerThe Kansas City Star

over 150,000

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er F


istsNews - Art & Design: Page Design

“King’s Court” Emmet Smith , John Kuntz, Debra Adams SimmonsThe Plain Dealer “race in richmond: The Next Chapter” Glenn Proctor, Jeremy Glover Richmond Times-Dispatch News - Photography: Single image“Looting Aftermath” Ramon EspinosaThe Associated Press News - Photography: Multiple images“From Long island to Haiti” J. Conrad WilliamsNewsday “Surviving Haiti” Eva RussoRichmond Times-Dispatch “Apollo Kid” Marvin JosephThe Washington Post

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azine Fin


Magazine - General reporting“Assignment Detroit: The Toughest Woman in Detroit” Angela Burt-Murray, Tatsha Robertson, Rosemarie RobothamEssence Magazine “The Coal Miner’s Wife” Kevin ChappellEbony Magazine Magazine - Single Topic Series“Ebony Education Special” Amy DuBois BurnettEbony Magazine “Teaching Our Children (3 Part Series)” Angela Burt-Murray, Tatsha Robertson, Rosemarie Robotham, Cynthia GordyEssence Magazine “The race issue” Angela Burt-Murray, Bob Meadows, Wendy L. WilsonEssence Magazine Magazine - investigative“Black Girls for Sale” Angela Burt-Murray, Jeannine Amber, Rosemarie RobothamEssence Magazine Magazine - international“Sister Soldiers in Afghanistan” Angela Burt-Murray, Abigail Hauslahner, Jeannine AmberEssence Magazine

“The Third Man” Charlayne Hunter-GavitThe New Yorker

Magazine - Specialty“Watering The Food Desert” Adrienne Samuels Gibbs, Amy DuBois BarnettEbony Magazine Magazine - Sports“Giving Kids a Lifeline” Andrew LawrenceSports Illustrated Magazine - Business“The Power Package” Angela Burt-Murray, Tanisha A. SykesEssence Magazine

Magazine - Commentary / Essay“is Black Leadership Dead?” Amy DuBois BurnettEbony Magazine Magazine - Art & Design: Page Design“Ebony 65th Anniversary Covers” Amy DuBois Burnett, Dudley Brooks, Keith Major, Mario WilsonEbony Magazine Magazine - Art & Design: Graphics“The Ebony Lists of 65” Amy DuBois Burnett, Lynnette Galloway, Ebony StaffEbony Magazine

Over 1 Million

232011 Salute to Excellence Awards | August 6, 2011 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



e Fi


istsMagazine - General reporting

“Correcting Corrections” Trevor W. Coleman, Lori S. RobinsonB.L.A.C. Magazine

“We’re Healthier Than you Think” Yanick Rice Lamb, Kendra Lee, Sheree CruteHeart and Soul Magazine Magazine - Single Topic Series“State of Our Girls” Yanick Rice Lamb, Kendra Lee, Denene Millner, Eisa UlenHeart and Soul Magazine Magazine - investigative“Stolen Futures” Angela Caputo, Kimbriell KellyThe Chicago Reporter Magazine - Specialty“Cleanse Craze” Yanick Rice Lamb, Kendra Lee, Robin StoneHeart and Soul Magazine Magazine - Business“Where Entrepreneurs Need Nerves of Steel” Steven GrayFortune Magazine Magazine - Commentary / Essay“Heart to Heart Columns” Yanick Rice LambHeart and Soul Magazine

“Pain & Promise: An Essay on the Politics of Detroit” Trevor W. Coleman, Lori S. RobinsonB.L.A.C. Magazine Magazine - Art & Design: Page Design“Spa Special” Yanick Rice Lamb, Kendra Lee, Debra MooreHeart and Soul Magazine

Under 1 Million

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io Fin


Market 16 and Belowradio - News: Short Form“Haitian Creole” Leoneda IngeNorth Carolina Public Radio - WUNC FM radio - Documentary“Curtis Mayfield - Keep on Pushin” The Midnight Ravers WBAI-NY 99.5 FM Radio - Public Affairs: Program“Freedom Plow: The Michael Eric Dyson Show” Michael Eric Dyson, Davar Ardalanwww.dysonshow.org Radio - Public Affairs: Interview/Discussion“Maya Angelou: The Michael Eric Dyson Show” Michael Eric Dyson, Davar Ardalan, Teria Rogers, Carlos Olazagastiwww.dysonshow.org radio - Feature“North Carolina Mutual” Leoneda IngeNorth Carolina Public Radio - WUNC FM radio - Sports“Black ice, Gold Mettle” Phil FarrarAM 600 KOGO San Diego radio - News: Long Form“Chicago Still Not up To Speed With New Gun Law” Robert Wildeboer, Cate Cahan Chicago Public Radio - WBEZ FM Chicago

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Top 15 Marketradio - Sports“Chlorine and Curls” Jenna FlanaganWNYC Radio - New York City

radio - News: Short Form“Transgender Woman Fights Public Housing Discrimination” Natalie Moore, Julia McEvoy Chicago Public Radio - WBEZ FM Chicago

radio - News: Long Form“Back to the Middle East” Alexis Gordon, Courtney Stein, Marianne McCune, Kaari PitkinWNYC Radio - New York City “Deconstructing Chicago youth Violence” Natalie Moore, Julia McEvoy Chicago Public Radio - WBEZ FM Chicago radio - investigative“Federal Food Stamp Program Fails Some Low-income Chicagoans” Natalie Moore, Shawn Allee Chicago Public Radio - WBEZ FM Chicago radio - Feature“Gamun-Pyul” Rayon Wright, Sanda Hiyte, Marianne McCune, Kaari PitkinWNYC Radio - New York City “Cameras-and Tree-Trimming-are Key to Fighting Crime in Chicago” Robert Wildeboer, Cate CahanChicago Public Radio - WBEZ FM Chicago

Radio - Public Affairs: Interview/Discussion“Worldview race Series: Film Black images” Steve Bynum, Richard Steele, Worldview Staff Chicago Public Radio - WBEZ FM Chicago radio - Documentary“Pop & Politics with Farai Chideya” Farai Chideya, Dean Cappello, Kerry Donahue, Suzie Lechtenberg WNYC Radio - New York City

“The racial Divide and Juvenile Justice” Linda Paul, Cate CahanChicago Public Radio - WBEZ FM Chicago

26 National Association of Black Journalists | The Power of Now: Claiming Our Destiny


io Fin


radio - News: Short Form“Sherrod at NABJ” Julie Walker AP Radio “One Nation Working Together” Kim Lampkins American Urban Radio Network “Hospital Trains Focus on Ending Cycle of Violence” Allison Keyes NPR radio - Feature“Donny Hathaway: Neglected Heart of Soul” Allison Keyes NPR News: Long Form“remembering Civil rights Activist Dorothy Height” Allison Keyes NPR radio - Sports“Off the Corner” Anita S. Woodley, Dick GordonThe Story/North Carolina Public Radio - WUNC FM Chapel Hill The Sporting Life: “Addicted to Sex” Kelly Naqi , David Lubbers, Evan Kanew, Tim HaysESPN

radio - Documentary“When Students ignited a Change in racial Politics” Debbie Elliott NPR “Studio 360’s American icons: The Autobiography of Malcolm X” Derek John, Lu Olkowski, David Krasnow, Kurt AndersenStudio 360 “My Favorite Things At 50” Robin Washingtonwww.facebook.com/myfavoritethingsat50 radio - Commentary“Can i Just Tell you” Michel Martin NPR Radio - Public Affairs: Program“Tell Me More” Michel Martin NPR Radio - Public Affairs: Interview/Discussion“Tell Me More - The Barbershop” Michel Martin NPR “When Living in a Hotel is not a Vacation” Anita S. Woodley, Dick GordonNorth Carolina Public Radio - WUNC FM

Radio Network

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The information available in news media has always been a building block of fi nancial success, and that kind of up-to-date knowledge has never been more important than it is today. Wells Fargo has a 150-year history of delivering the information our customers need to succeed fi nancially, and we look forward to helping even more African American communities achieve their fi nancial goals.

We are proud to recognize the National Association of Black Journalists.

Success stories begin with the printed word

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28 National Association of Black Journalists | The Power of Now: Claiming Our Destiny




Television - General Assignment News: Short Form“Black Nouveau - Clayborn Benson” Everett L. Marshburn WMVS - Milwaukee “Black Male Teachers” Tim PulliamWIS - Columbia Television - General Assignment News: Long Form“Secrets of the Down Low” Blayne AlexanderWRDW- Augusta,GA Television - Sports“Nevin Phillips: PGA Merchandiser of the year” Allison Bourne-VanneckWMNS CBS TV2 U.S.Virgin Islands “Black Nouveau: Baseball and Kids” Everett L. MarshburnWMVS - Milwaukee “Sisters Tri-ing” TaRhonda Thomas, Byron ReedKUSA TV - Denver, CO Television - Specialty“Jada’s Hope” Ben Watson, Bo BradleyWMCTV - Memphis “Quitting with Kaleidoscope” TaRhonda Thomas, Ken MostekKUSA TV - Denver, CO

Television - international“inside South Africa Pt 1 & 2” Jade HindmonWHNS FOX- Carolina “Medical Mission in Kenya” Amie McLainWRIC TV- Richmond, VA Television - Feature: Short Form“A Moment in History” TaRhonda Thomas, Byron ReedKUSA TV - Denver, CO “Black Nouveau: Amos Kennedy” Everett L. Marshburn WMVS - Milwaukee Television - Feature: Long Form“richmond 34” Reba Hollingsworth WTVR TV - Richmond “Black Nouveau- Company Jant-Bi” Liddie CollinsWMVS - Milwaukee Television - Documentary“Black Nouveau: Vel Phillips” Liddie CollinsWMVS - Milwaukee “Code Switching” Lisa GodleyWHRO TV - Norfolk

Market 16 & Below

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tsTelevision - Public Affairs: Program“Sitting in to Move Forward” Steve CrumpWBTV - Charlotte

Television - Public Affairs: interview/Discussion“Black Nouveau - Gwen Ifill” Everett L. MarshburnWMVS - Milwaukee

Television - General Assignment News: Short Form“The Billboards in Black Neighborhoods” Steve Osunsami, Harvey Goldberg , Mimi Gurbst, Jon BannerWorld News with Diane Sawyer ABC “Musicians revive Spirit in New Orleans” Nichole MarksCBS News Television - General Assignment News: Long Form“Kyra Phillips interview with Shirley Sherrod” Kyra Phillips, Carolyn Cremen CNN “American Voices! African American Voters” Matt ShelleyCBS News “Benefits in Doubt” on Need to Know Stacey TisdalePBS

Television - Spot News“Bishop Long” Steve Osunsami, Harvey Goldberg , Christine Brozyna, Sharde MillerWorld News & Good Morning America ABC Television - Feature: Short Form“Madieu Williams: Making A Difference in Sierra Leone” Ron Allen, Amber Payne , Subrata De, Bob EpsteinNBC Nightly News with Brian Williams “ruby Bridges” Matt ShelleyCBS News “Sanjay Gupta MD: Homeless Teen Give Hope” Sanjay Gupta, Roni Selig, Stephanie Smith, Greg Caines, Carlos Martinelli CNN

Market 16 & Below


30 National Association of Black Journalists | The Power of Now: Claiming Our Destiny




Television - Feature: Long Form“inside Africa: New Harvest, New Era” Brent Swails, Aja Harris, Lebo Diseko, Earl Nurse, Peter Rudden CNN “TheGrio’s 100: History Makers in the Making” Brian Williams, Ann Curry, Ron Mott, Mara Schiavocampo, Staff of NBC Nightly News and TheGrio.comNBC Nightly News with Brian Williams “60 Minutes: The Seed School” AJ WarrenCBS News “The Gift of Life” Rand Morrison, Jason Sacca Sunday Morning Television - international“Haiti: Devastation & recovery” Ray Suarez, Kira Kay, Merrill Schwerin, Morgan TillPBS Newshour “Earthquake in Haiti” Lester Holt, Ron Allen, Bill Neely, Mary Laurence Flynn, Bob EpsteinNBC Nightly News with Brian Williams “The Lost Children of Haiti, 60 Minutes” Aj WarrenCBS News

Television - Specialty“Majora Carter: Greening The urban Jungle” Anne Thompson, Mario Garcia, Aurelia Grayson, David Wilson, Bob EpsteinNBC Nightly News with Brian Williams “Food Deserts Fuel u.S. Health Crisis” Betty Ann Bowser, Bridget DeSimone, Murrey Jacobson, Linda WinslowPBS Newshour “African Voices: Mathias Fobi”Mike McCarthy, Sheri England, Allison Flexner, Edvige Jean-Francois, Kara Finnstrom, Aja Harris CNN Television - Sports“HBCu Band Hazing” Josh Fine, Nick Dolin, Tres Driscoll, Kirby Bradley, Frank DefordHBO “E:60 Maurice Jones-Drew” Lisa Salters ESPN Television - Documentary“Almighty Debt” Soledad O’Brien, Geraldine Moriba, Michelle Rozsa, Cameo George, CNN Staff CNN “Heart of the City: Chicago’s Cancer Divide” Traci CurryBET Networks

“There Goes the Neighborhood” Rebecca KaufmanAl Jazeera English


312011 Salute to Excellence Awards | August 6, 2011 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania






ts Television - Public Affairs: Program“African Voices: Valentin Abe” Mike McCarthy, Sheri England, Allison Flexner, Edvige Jean-Francois, Amanda SealyCNN

“Heart of the City: Chicago’s Cancer Divide” Traci CurryBET Networks “Let’s Move with First Lady Michelle Obama” Johnathan Rodgers, Roland MartinTV One

Television - Public Affairs: Segment“Marketplace Africa: Little Ethiopia” Mike McCarthy, Sheri England, Robyn Curnow, Misty Showalter, Farrah FlanaganCNN Television - Public Affairs: interview/Discussion“Living The Dream: An interview with President Barack Obama”Johnathan Rodgers, Roland MartinTV One “MSNBC Special Debating the Black Agenda” Dana Haller, Yvette MileyNBC “TV One on One with Cathy Hughes: Minister Louis Farrakhan” Johnathan Rodgers, Roland MartinTV One

32 National Association of Black Journalists | The Power of Now: Claiming Our Destiny




Television - General Assignment News: Short Form“Swangas” Joseph Williams, Melanie Lawson, John Mubarak, Wes Sewell KTRK TV - Houston Television - Feature: Short Form“Courageous 12” Dalia Dangerfield, Eddie Jackson, Jr. Bay News 9 “Preserving Praise” Kristi NelsonKXAS TV - Dallas/Fort Worth Television - international“Stories from uganda” Jeremy CampbellFox 13 News WTVT Tampa Television - Specialty“rooftop Garden” Roxanne Evans, Karin Attonito, Chuck WernekeNews 12 NJ-Edison “Color of AiDS” Carol Ash, Zoraida Sambolin WMAQ-TV

Television - Public Affairs: Program“Newark Outgunned” Roxanne Evans, John CapriottiNews 12 NJ - Edison “Finishing the Dream: Learning from the Civil rights Era” Carol AshWMAQ-TV “riSE: The Story of NASA’s Black Astronauts” Melanie Lawson, Bernard Francis, John Mubarak, Joseph Williams KTRK-Houston “Howard Theatre: A Century in Song” Robin N. Hamilton, Jim Byrne, Fran MurphyDC50tv.com WDCW- TV,Washington DC Television - Public Affairs: Interview/Discussion“Beyond the Bridge” Angela Robinson, Imara Canady, Vickie Whitlock, Leonard Raglin WPBA - Atlanta

Top 15 Market

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34 National Association of Black Journalists | The Power of Now: Claiming Our Destiny


ital Finalists

Digital Media - Single Story: News“Michael Vick interview” Mara Schiavocampo, Greg Kaplanwww.TheGrio.com “Streetlife: Kampala - On Being Gay in uganda” Greg Branch, Mark Scheffler, Thomas Mucha, Andrew MeldrumGlobalPost Digital Media - Single Story: Feature“Prison Moms” Mara Schiavocampo, Victor Limjoco, Jessica ShimwwwTheGrio.com Adam and Lamar: “The Gift of Life” Traci Currywww.BET.com “Public Housing Sprouts Organic Farm” Linda Paul, Cate Cahan, Richard CahanChicago Public Radio - WBEZ FM Chicago Digital Media - Online Project: News“Katrina: Five years Later”David WilsonTheGrio.com “rabbi Tells of Kings Courage under Fire” Jennifer H. Cunningham, Thomas FranklinThe Record/northjersey.com “Exxon Mobil Oil Spill off the Coast of Nigeria” Omoyele Sowore, Sahara ReportersSahara Reporters “race in richmond” Glenn Proctor, Paul Kyber, Bryan DeVasherRichmond Times-Dispatch

Digital Media - Online Project: Feature“TheGrio’s 100: History Makers in the Making (2010)” David WilsonTheGrio.com Digital Media - interactive: News“A year of Challenges: Haiti after the Quake” Keith Jenkins NPR

Digital Media - Commentary/Weblog“Collection of Commentaries from The Root and The Body”Kellee Terrell, Sheryl Salomon, Myles Helfand The Root/ The Body “Sexreally.com Video Blogs by Ms. Veralyn” Veralyn Williams, Liz Sabatiuk, Lawrence SwiaderSexReally.com

“Collection of Columns” Mary C. CurtisPolitics Daily Digital Media – Sports“At Maryland, Two Teammates Battling Prejudice Outshine One Finger” David SteeleAOL Fanhouse “Looking Back at the Men who Broke the Color Barrier in ivy League Golf”Allison Bourne-Vanneckwww.Golf.com

“Mississippi Valley-Tough Times” David BrandtThe Associated Press

Digital Finalists

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tsPublic relations - GovernmentChuck JohnsonDetroit Public Schools

Public relations - Associations/Nonprofit OrganizationsGreater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation

Public relations - Cause related Marketing Campaigns: Business ServicesTerry Allen 1016 Media

Public Relations Awards

36 National Association of Black Journalists | The Power of Now: Claiming Our Destiny


372011 Salute to Excellence Awards | August 6, 2011 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


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