2011 Marketer Meet-up Alberta Presentation

Post on 17-Dec-2014

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Transcript of 2011 Marketer Meet-up Alberta Presentation

2007 20082006


Y&F Alberta Facts

• Servus CU – Edmonton, AB

• Assets: $11 Billion

• Members: 400,000 members

• Branches: 100

• Launched: October 2007

Monique BloughScholarship Program

What the programused to be:

• 3 credit unions

• 11 different scholarships, ranging from $500 to $1,000

• Varied focus

•Not scalable

What the programused to be:

• 3 credit unions

• 11 different scholarships, ranging from $500 to $1,000

• Varied focus

•Not scalable

•Raising brand awareness with demo

• Increasing membership

•Source future young leaders

New program:

Scalable and alignswith Servus objectives:

What the programused to be:

• 3 credit unions

• 11 different scholarships, ranging from $500 to $1,000

• Varied focus

•Not scalable


Scholarships:30 x $1,000

Big Bucks Bonus:$1,000 + 3 x iPads

How to apply

• Focus on applicant’s vision for the future (not grades)

•Must be a Servus member

•Apps: videos or essays posted on the Young & Free Alberta site


•Apply: July 21-Sept. 3 (6.5 weeks)

•Big Bucks Bonus Vote (unlimited): Sept. 4–26 (23 days)

•Scholarships Announced: Oct. 1

Determiningscholarship winners

•Requested interested employees to review

• Evaluation criteria/scoring sheet

•Compiling results

Marketing support

•Online advertising buy ($10,000)

• In-branch POP

• E-update

• E-blast to campus career contacts


• 250 applications (43 videos, 207 essays)

• 475 average web visits/day (almost 4 times greater than 2 months previous)

• Over 17 million ad impressions and 10,000 clicks to the website

• 730,000 votes

• 3,132 new accounts

Lessons learned

•Streamline app/posting system

•More time between deadline and vote

•One vote per person (not unlimited)

Monique BloughScholarship Program