2010_Looking for Latin American Urban Mobility History, In Gijs Mom, Gordon Pirie, Laurent Tissot...

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Transcript of 2010_Looking for Latin American Urban Mobility History, In Gijs Mom, Gordon Pirie, Laurent Tissot...

  • Mobility in history

    theMes in transport

    T2M Yearbook 2011

    Edited by :

    Gijs MomPeter Norton

    Georgine ClarsenGordon Pirie

    ditions Alphil Presses universitaires suisses

  • ditions Alphil Presses universitaires suisses, 2010Case postale 52002 Neuchtel 2Suisse


    Livresco Diffusionwww.livresco.chcommande@livresco.ch

    ISBN 978-2-940235-70-4

    Photo de couverture : @@@@@@@@@@@@@

    Responsable ddition : Alain Cortat

    Graphisme et mise en page : Nusbaumer-graphiste srl, Delmont www.nusbaumer.ch

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    looking for latin aMerican urban Mobility history

    Toms ErrzurizPontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile

    In an article published for the fiftieth anniversary of The Journal of Transport History, Gijs Mom points out the important distinction between transport and mobility history. After analyzing the predominance of the economic approach and studies of specific transport modes, he calls for

    a history of transport as a whole, provided we interpret this plea not as a simple addition of other modes, but as an attempt to break down the walls that have been built around each transport mode. That would open the door to an integrated transport history, which, in the opinion of this author, might better be termed mobility history.1

    Adapting Moms query, What kind of transport history did we get ? this paper reviews scholarship on urban mobility history in Latin American during the last half century.

    Few histories of Latin American cities have focused on urban transport systems, the daily commute, road infrastructure and urban design.2 Despite this

    1 G. Mom, What kind of transport history did we get ? Half a century of Journal of Transport History and the future of the field, Journal of Transport History, 24 :2 (2003), 121-138.2 J. R. Scobie, Buenos Aires : del centro a los barrios, 1870-1910 (Buenos Aires : Solar, 1977) ; J. S. Correa, Urban development and urban transport : the Medellin tramway, 1919-1950, Colombian Economic Journal, 62 :1 (2003), 60-94 ; M. Camarena, El Tranva en poca de cambio, Historias,

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    inattention to mobility within general urban history, one can identify more inter-est in transport issues from other approaches such as economic history and the history of technology.

    The economic history approach is by far the most common. Historians have studied the influence of European and North American electric and railway companies in Latin American cities, using a particular companys history to show how industrialized countries expanded their markets to Latin America. Cases of particular emphasis are the Belgian, German, British and Canadian investments in Ro de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires and Mexico City.3

    Others have investigated the conflicts these powerful enterprises generated in the cities where they operated, especially in Brazil from the 1880s to the 1930s.4

    27 (October-March 1992), 141-146 ; E. J. Stann, Transportation and Urbanization in Caracas, 1891-1936, Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 17 :1 (1975), 82 -100 ; M. Vidrio, Sistema de transporte y expansin urbano : los tranvas in A. Moreno (et al.), Ciudad de Mxico : Ensayo de Construccin de una Historia (Mxico : SEP, Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia, Departamento de Investigaciones Histricas, 1978) ; A. Pachn and M. T. Ramrez, La infraestructura de transporte en Colombia durante el siglo XX (Bogot : Ediciones Fondo de Cultura Econmica, 2006) ; P. Gross, Imagen ambiental de Santiago, 1880-1930 (Santiago : Ediciones Universidad Catlica de Chile, 1984) ; M. I. Pavez, En la ruta de Juan Parrochia Beguin : Premio Nacional de Urbanismo, Chile, 1996 : formacin y resea de su obra en vialidad y trans-porte masivo (Santiago de Chile : Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile, 2003) ; J. Aprile-Gniset, La ciudad Colombiana. Siglo XIX y Siglo XX (Santaf de Bogot : Talleres Grficos Banco Popular, 1992).3 A. Martnez, Belgian investment in tramways and light railways. An international approach, 18921935, Journal of Transport History, 24 :1 (2003), 59-77 ; J. F. Rippy, British Investment in Latin-American Electrical Utilities, The Hispanic American Historical Review, 34 :2 (May, 1954), 251-255 ; J. F. Rippy, British Investments in Latin America (Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1959) ; G. Nahm, Las inversiones extranjeras y la transferencia de tecnolo-gia entre Europa y America Latina : el ejemplo de las grandes compaias electricas alemanas en Argentina, Scripta Nova,, 1 (March, 1997) ; http ://www.ub.es/geocrit/sn-1.htm (Last visited : March, 2010) ; C. Armstrong and H. V. Nelles, Southern Exposure : Canadian Promoters in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1896-1930 (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, I988) ; J. Lutz, Light and Shadows : Canadian Capitalists in Latin America and the Caribbean, Journal of Canadian Studies, 28 (1993), 192-7 ; J. C. M. Ogelsby, Gringos from the Far North. Essays in the history of Canadian - Latin American relations 1866-1968 (Toronto : The MacMillan of Canada, McLean-Hunter Press, 1976) ; H. L. Robinson, American & Foreign Power Company in Latin America : A Case Study, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1967 ; D. McDowall, The Light : Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Company Limited, 1899-I941 (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1988) ; W. E. French, The Nature of Canadian Investment in Mexico, 1902-1915 : A Study of the Incorporation and History of the Mexican Light and Power Company, the Mexico Tramways Company and the Mexico North Western Railway, M. A. Thesis, University of Calgary, Department of History, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1981 ; A. R. Lind, From Horsecars to Streamliners : An Illustrated History of the St. Louis Car Co. (Park Forest IL : Transport History Press, 1978) ; R. Liehr and M. Torres, From Free-Standing Company to Public Enterprise : the Mexican Light and Power Company and the Mexican Tramways Company, 1902-1965, Paper presented in the XIII Economic History Congress, Buenos Aires, 22-26 July, 2002 ; J. F. Rippy, Latin America and the Industrial Age (New York : Putnam, 1944).4 C. G. Boone, Streetcars and Politics in Rio de Janeiro : Private Enterprise versus Municipal Government in the Provision of Mass Transit, 1903-1920, Journal of Latin American Studies, 27 :2 (May, 1995), 343-365 ; C. Honorato, O polvo e o porto. A cia. Docas de Santos (1888-1914) (So Paulo : Hucitec,1996) ; C. Hansen, O poder da Companhia Brasileira de Energia Eltrica em Petrpolis (1909-1927), M. A. Thesis, Instituto de Cincias Humanas e Filosofia, UFF, Rio de

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    Several studies explore the relations between the British-Argentinean streetcar industry in Buenos Aires and local political powers.5 Anton Rosenthal studied the struggles of the Montevideo streetcar workers.6 In most of these cities, the monopoly of electricity supply held by these companies, and consequently over trams and lighting systems, resulted in long-standing battles between the enter-prises and local governments. While some municipalities tried to stabilize prices and oversee contract compliance, the firms repeatedly sought fare increases or other advantages. By the late 1920s, tensions between enterprises and the local governments were fertile ground for the rise of a third actor that promised to break the monopoly and solve the public transport problem : the buses. Though these vehicles played an essential role in most Latin American cities during the second quarter of the twentieth century, they have not yet been researched in depth.

    Like foreign electric companies, foreign automobile manufacturers were also influential in Latin American transport. In an expansive strategy, Ford and General Motors installed automotive plants in many Latin American cities. Studies have focused on Argentina and Brazil, the largest markets for the United States car industry.7 These analyses suggest that, unlike the electric companies experience, automotive installations were welcomed by local governments and authorities, who associated them with national progress and economic growth.

    Janeiro/Niteri, 2006 ; D. McDowall, Light, a histria da empresa que modernizou o Brasil, (Rio de Janeiro : Ediouro, 2008) ; A. Macchione, Conflitos do capital : Light versus CBEE na formao do capitalismo brasileiro (1898-1927), Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Instituto de Economia da Unicamp, So Paulo, 2008 ; A. Macchione, Modernizao e concentrao do transporte urbano em Salvador (1849-1930), Revista Brasileira de Histria, 27 :54 (2007), 219-238.5 R. J. Walter, Politics and urban growth in Buenos Aires : 1910-1942 (New York : Cambridge University Press, 1993) ; R. G. Heras, State Intervention in Urban Passenger Transportation : The Transport Corporation of Buenos Aires, 1939-1962, Hispanic American Historical Review, 74 :1 (February, 1994), 83-110 ; R. Garca Heras, Transportes negocios y poltica. La Compaa Anglo Argentina de Tranvas, 1876-1981 (Buenos Aires : Sudamericana, 1994) ; R. G. Heras, Capitales extranjeros, poder politico, y transporte urbano de pasajeros : La Compafiia de Tranvias Anglo Argentina Ltda. de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1930-1943, Desarrollo Econmico, 32 :125 (April-June, 1992), 50-52.6 A. Rosenthal, The Arrival of the Electric Streetcar and the Conflict over Progress in Early Twentieth-Century Montevideo, Journal of Latin American Studies, 27 :2 (May, 1995), 319-341 ; A. Rosenthal, Streetcar Workers and the Transformation of Montevideo : The General Strike of May 1911, The Americas, 51 :4 (April, 1995), 471-494. For other Latin American cities see : R. J. Walter, Politics and Urban Growth in Santiago, Chile, 1891-1941 (California : Stanford University Press, 2005) ; J. C. Herken, Ferrocarriles, conspiraciones y negocios en el Paraguay, 1910-1914 (Asuncin : Arte Nuevo, 1984).7 J. Almeida, A Implantao da Indstria Automobilstica no Brasil. Da substituio de impor-taes ativa globalizao passiva (Rio de Janeiro, 1972) ; B. Heloiz, Formaao da Industria Automoliblistica Brasileira (Sao Paulo : IGEOG-USP, 1976) ; B. Heloiz, Poltica de Implantao da Indstria Automobilstica na Amrica Latina (So Paulo : Instituto de Geografia - USP, 1975) ; R. Downes, Autos over Rails : How US Business Supplanted the British in Brazil, 1910-28, Journal of Latin American Studies, 24 : 3 (October, 1992), 551-583 ; G. Grandin, Fordlandia : The Rise and Fall of Henry Fords Forgotten Jungle City (New York : Metropolitan Books, 2009) ; R. Garca Heras, Automotores norteamericanos. Caminos y modernizacin urbana en la Argentina 1918-1939 (Buenos Aires : Libros de Hispanoamrica, 1985).

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    Historians of technology have studied Latin American trams, and trains and their related systems.8 Allen Morrison has undertaken one of the most impres-sive surveys of Latin American electric transport history. His web site provides the most complete survey of the history of electric transport systems in Latin America.9

    Many historians of Latin American urban mobility have studied specific companies, local responses, the material impact of trams on cities, or particu-lar vehicles and systems. A few examine urban transport as a combination of systems,10 but the main focus is on trams or vehicles with no analysis of the urban mobility phenomenon as a whole.

    Of those few historians who have studied cultural aspects of urban mobility, many emphasize automobiles.11 Others offer clues to urban mobility practices,

    8 R. Yudin, Costa Rica Electrics : Costa Rica Electric Light & Traction Co. - San Jos Tramway, Traction & Models, (October, 1975) ; A. L. Minter, Medelln City Transport : A History, Tramway Review, 172 (Winter, 1997) - 173 (Spring, 1998) ; J. E. Merriken, The Panama Tramways, National Railway Historical Society Bulletin, 36 :4 (1971), 8-15 ; M. Jenkins, The Tramways of Mexico. Part 1 : Mexico City, Modern Tramway and Rapid Transit Review, 37 :439 (July, 1974), 232-241 ; M. Jenkins, The tramways of Mexico, Part 2 : Vera Cruz, Modern Tramway and Rapid Transit Review, 37 :441 (September, 1974), 299-305 ; M. Jenkins, The tramways of Mexico, Part 3 : Tampico and El Paso Juarez, Modern Tramway and Rapid Transit Review, 37 :442 (October, 1974), 334-339 ; L. Cordero, La Venezuela del Viejo Ferrocarril (Caracas : Ediciones Presidencia de la Repblica, 1990) ; A. Regal, Historia de los Ferrocarriles de Lima (Lima : Instituto de Vas de Transporte, 1965).9 Electric transport in Latin America. Past & present, http ://www.tramz.com/ (Last visited : March, 2010). Also see A. Morrison, The tramways of Brazil : a 130-years survey (New York : Bonde Press, 1985) ; A. Morrison, The Tramways of Chile, 1858-1978 (New York : Bonde Press, 1992) ; A. Morrison, Latin America by Streetcar. A Pictorial History of Urban Rail Transport (New York : Bonde Press, 1996).10 R. Esquivel, Sociedad y transporte urbano en Bogot (1865-1950), Memoria y Sociedad, 1 :2 (October, 1996) ; R. Esquivel, Economa y transporte urbano en Bogot (1884-1930), Memoria y Sociedad, 2 :4 (November, 1997), 39-61 ; W. Corra Stiel, Histria dos Transportes Coletivos em So Paulo (So Paulo : Editora McGraw-Hill do Brasil, 1978) ; L. E. Rodrguez and S. Nez, Empresas pblicas de transporte en Bogot siglo XX, Alcalda Mayor de Bogot D.C. (Bogot : Secretara General Archivo de Bogot, 2003) ; A. L. Minter, Medelln City Transport : A History (Sandwich : England, 1991) ; B. A. Gallot, Los transportes habaneros (La Habana : Instituto de Investigaciones del Transporte, 1991) ; L. M. Marmaouget, Los Transportes (Montevideo : Nuestra Tierra, 1970) ; M. L. Pereira da Silva, Os Transportes Colectivos na Cidade do Ro de Janeiro (Ro de Janeiro : Biblioteca Carioca, 1992) ; H. Baracchini, Historia de las comunicaciones en el Uruguay (Montevideo : Universidad de la Repblica, 1977).11 G. Giucci, Amor sobre ruedas : el automvil en los trpicos, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, 601-602 (July-August, 2000), 27-38 ; G. Giucci, La vida cultural del automvil. Rutas de la modernidad cintica (Buenos Aires : Universidad Nacional de Quilmes Prometeo, 2007) ; N. Garca-Canclini, A. Castellanos and A. Rosas, La ciudad de los viajeros. Travesas e imaginarios urbanos : Mxico, 1940-2000 (Mxico, D. F. : Grijalbo, 1996) ; T. Errzuriz, Santiago/Chile on wheels, ICON, 13 (2007), 125-134 ; T. Errzuriz, La experiencia del trnsito. Motorizacin y vida cotidiana en el Santiago metropolitano, 1900-1931, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseo y Estudios Urbanos, 2010 ; R. Booth, Automviles y Carreteras. Movilidad, modernizacin y transformacin territorial en Chile, 1913-1931, unpublished Ph.D dissertation, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseo y Estudios Urbanos, 2009 ; J. Wolfe, Autos and progress : the Brazilian search for modernity (Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010).

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    but do not use rigorous historical methods. This literature includes chronicles, memoirs, tributes, albums, and general histories. By default, however, such works must be a fundamental source. As in other cases, Brazils main cities get the most attention, especially for their public transport systems.12 Most of these works were sponsored by the current transport companies. There is a similar literature for Buenos Aires, Bogot and Mexico City.13 By contrast, research on Venezuela and Uruguay includes automobile history, sponsored and written by collectors associated with automobile museums.14

    12 C. J. Dunlop, Apontamentos para a Historia dos Bondes no Rio de Janeiro : a Companhia Ferro-Carril do Jardim Botanico (Rio de Janeiro : Editora Grfica Laemmert, 1953) ; V. C. Gonalves, Automvel no Brasil ; 1893-1966 (So Paulo : Editra do Automvel,1966) ; C. J. Dunlop, Os meios de transporte do Rio antigo. Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro : Grupo de Planejamento Grfico, 1973) ; M. Ovadia, Cento e Onze Anos de Transporte : Do Bonde de Mulas ao Transporte Seletivo (Porto Alegre : 1980) ; W. Correa, Historia do transporte urbano no Brasil. Historia dos bondes e trlebus e las cidades onde eles trafegaram (Braslia DF : Empresa Brasileira dos Transportes urbanos, Editora PINI, 1984) ; M. O. Lopes, Pequena Histria dos Transportes Pblicos de So Paulo (So Paulo : Museu CMTC dos Transportes Pblicos, 1985) ; R. Maranho, (ed.), Histria & Energia. A chegada da Light (So Paulo : Eletropaulo,1986) ; Centro da Memria da Eletricidade no Brasil, Memria da Eletricidade, Companhia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia, Memria da eletricidade. Acervo histrico da Companhia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia (Rio de Janeiro : Centro de Memria da Eletricidade e Coelba, 1995) ; N. Santos, Meios de transporte no Rio de Janeiro : histria e legislao (Rio de Janeiro : Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Departamento Geral de Documentao e Informao Cultural, Diviso de Editorao,1996) ; A. Feltrin and M. R. Silba, 100 anos do transporte urbano no Brasil (Braslia : NTU, Associao Nacional das Empresas de Transportes Urbanos, 1997) ; W. Correa, nibus. Uma historia do transporte colectivo e do desenvolvimento urbano no Brasil (So Paulo : Associao Nacional de Transportes Coletivos ANTP - Cultural, 2001) ; L. Lobo de Mendona and C. de Castro Leal Costa Reis, Cidade em movimento : energia eltrica e meios de transporte na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro : Centro da Memria da Eletricidade no Brasil, Memria da Eletricidade, 2001) ; M. Forest, Automveis de So Paulo : memria fotogrfica de pessoas, automveis e locali-dades do Estado de So Paulo (So Paulo : Arquivo do Estado, Imprensa Oficial, 2002).13 For Colombia see : A. S. Gnecco, Cuando Bogot tuvo tranva (Bogot : Instituto Colombiano de Cultura, 1973) ; J. Salazar, De la mula al camin : apuntes para una historia del transporte en Colombia (Santa F de Bogot : Tercer Mundo Editores, 2000) ; J. C. Prgolis and J. A. Valenzuela, El libro de los buses de Bogot (Bogot : Universidad Catlica de Colombia / Sistema Integrado de transporte S.A, 2007). For Argentina see : H. N. Casal, Historia del colectivo (Buenos Aires : Centro Editor de Amrica Latina, 1971) ; A. Gonzlez Podest, Los tranvas de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires : Asociacin Amigos del Tranva, 1986) ; C. G. Werckenthien, El tranva en Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires : Ediciones Tursticas, 2007). For Mexico see : M. Martnez del Ro de Redo, El transporte en la historia de Mxico (Mxico : Artes de Mxico, 1972) ; H. M. Romero, Historia del transporte en la Ciudad de Mxico : de la trajinera al metro (Mxico : Secretara General de Desarrollo Social, 1987) ; G. Esparza, Los 101 Aos del Transporte Elctrico en la ciudad de Mxico (Mxico : 2001). For other Latin American countries see : T. H. Stephenson, Peruvian Trams and Railways : An Illustrated History (London : Minerva, 1995) ; J. C. Arroyo, Apuntes para una Historia del Transporte Urbano de Lima, in http ://www.monografias.com/trabajos24/transporte-urbano-lima/transporte-urbano-lima.shtml (last visited : March, 2010) ; R. Lira, Los viejos tranvas se van (Santiago de Chile : 1955) ; S. Sand, Viajando sobre rieles en Costa Rica : El tranva (San Jos, Costa Rica : Compaa Nacional de Fuerza y Luz, 2000) ; E. E. Huyke, Historia de la Transportacin en Puerto Rico (San Juan : Editorial Cordillera, 1973) ; R. A. Hall, Trolley-Car Memories, 1915-1960 (Ithaca, NY : Self published, 1982).14 For Venezuela see : G. Schael, El automvil en Venezuela : apuntes para la historia (Caracas : 1969) ; E. Mendoza, J. A. Giacopini and N. Zuloaga, Evolucin del transporte en Venezuela (Caracas : Fundacin Eugenio Mendoza, 1970) ; A. J. Schael, Transportes en Venezuela (Caracas : Fundacin Museo del Transporte, 2000) ; A. J. Schael (ed.), Venezuela, 100 aos en automvil

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    The literature reviewed suggests that the field needs a new research area of comparative studies of urban transport in Latin American, which are limited to a few studies on foreign investments in urban transport. For comparative work historians could use the market research reports of the U.S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, which were intended to promote exports after the First World War, or the reports of the Panamerican Highway Association from the 1920s. Another source are the constant exchanges between local traffic departments, and between automobile clubs and chauffer organizations. Finally, comparative studies could also be supported by some contemporary approaches to urban transport, such as those found in publications of the Inter-American Development Bank or of ECLAC. Subjects of comparative study could include dependence on foreign technologies, the priority of public transport systems over private, the lack of road infrastructure, and the long coexistence of motor vehicles and animal-drawn vehicles.

    There is no field of urban mobility history in Latin America. Except for the few works related to urban history and urban mobility culture, most publica-tions consider the city only as a static background or context in which mobility occurs. The focus on specific vehicles and producers, and the evolution of trans-port systems through history (to use Moms terms), refers more to a transport history than a mobility history. A fully fledged urban mobility history will require researchers to move from fragmented surveys of transport modes to new approaches that consider the movement of people and goods in the particular context of a certain urban area. This comprehensive perspective can be achieved only through a wider research scope that includes several neglected topics in the region such as mobility practices and consumption, traffic, technology and infrastructure coexistence and change, gender, and transnational transfers.

    (Caracas : Fundacin Museo del Transporte, 2004). For Uruguay see : . Casal, El automvil en el Uruguay. Los aos heroicos 1900-1930 (Montevideo : Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, 1981) ; A. Casal, El automvil en Amrica del Sur. Orgenes. Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay (Montevideo : Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, 1996) ; M. Silvera, Historia del transporte en el Uruguay (Montevideo : Ediciones El Galen, 2002) ; M. Silvera Antnez, COPSA Desde 1930 una vida juntos (Montevideo : Ediciones El Galen, 2005) ; R. Marino, Breve historia de los medios de transporte en Uruguay : siglos XIX y XX (Uruguay : Ediciones Polifemo, 2009).

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    Preface ................................................................................................... 7Gijs Mom

    i theMes in transportthe mobility ParadiGm and maritime history ...................................... 13Garth Wilson

    automobility south of the West : toWard a Global conversation ............................................................ 25Georgine Clarsen

    ii revisiting the classicsClay McShane (guest editor)

    foreWord ............................................................................................. 45Clay McShane

    a Giant sPider Web, hanGinG full of dead flies ? : the rise of the tram (1870-1910) .......................................................... 49Ruud Filarski

    resident alien : frances ambivalent relationshiP to the tramWay before 1914 ......... 71Arnaud Passalacqua

    distincitive but not excePtional : innovation in urban transPort in the united states, 1832-1902 .......... 87Clay McShane

    folloWinG the american sister rePublic : urban Public transPort in sWitzerland 1870-1910 ............................ 105Cdric Humair

    toWard neW routes in tramWay history ........................................... 127Barbara Schmucki

    transcriPtion of an intervieW With John P. mckay, sePtember 2009 ...........................................................................135

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    iii countries and continentsone hundred years of fliGht in canada : time for a chanGe ? .......... 145Liz Millward

    mobility sPottinG : runninG off the rails in the transPort historioGraPhy of the united kinGdom ............................................................................ 151Craig Horner Julian Greaves

    mobility history in Germany : one field, many PersPectives ........... 159Christopher Kopper Heike Wolter

    fast GroWth and missed oPPortunities : sPains transPort and mobility history ............................................ 175Javier Vidal

    mobility history in modern mexico : an uneven landscaPe ............. 183Guillermo Guajardo Soto

    lookinG for latin american urban mobility history ........................ 191Toms Errzuriz

    iv topics and theMesmaritime mobilities in Pacific history : toWards a scholarshiP of betWeenness ............................................. 199Frances Steel

    the vieW from above : a year of aeromobility history .................... 205Liz Millward

    rural transPortation : from a WronG start to an uncertain future ? ................................... 211Etienne Faugier

    the fabulous story of carPoolinG : from a sPontaneous, ePhemeral Practice to a sustainable means of transPort ............... 217Stphanie Vincent-Geslin

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    mobility and social exclusion : the need of a comPrehensive research aPProach .............................. 225Regina Witter Hanja-Niriana Maksim

    the automobile in art : from fetish obJect of delectation to Prosthetic extension in an ecoloGical matrix .............................. 235Charissa Terranova

    a contradiction in terms ? the historioGraPhy of east bloc tourism ......................................... 243Mark Keck-Szajbel Heike Wolter

    still a lonG Way to travel : Gender and mobility history revisited .............................................. 255Margaret Walsh

    bicycle history as transPort history : the cultural turn .............................................................................. 265Manuel Stoffers Harry Oosterhuis Peter Cox

    the rediscovery of the motorcycle in history ................................. 275Steve Koerner

    notes on contributers ...................................................................... 283

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    Responsable de production : Alain Cortat

    Graphisme et mise en page : Nusbaumer-graphistes srl, Delmont www.nusbaumer.ch