2010 STOH HeartChart Feb 1st

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News paper from the Scotties Tournament of Hearts

Transcript of 2010 STOH HeartChart Feb 1st

Issue 3 – Monday, February 1, 2010 • An Offi cial Publication of the Canadian Curling Association.

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and soulFavourites McCarville,

Jones find an early groove

■ Ontario,Canada startat 3-0 clip

Page 2

■ Big hair,big ambitionsfor young trio

Page 5

■ SchmirlerFoundationhelps the Soo

Page 4


and herOntario

outfit wontwice onSunday.

Page 2 HeartChart

From faves tofrontrunners:

McCarville,Jones are 3-0

Larry WoodHeartChart Editor

Expert handicappers will be nodding knowingly today

when the top choices in the Scotties Tournament Of Hearts resume their respec-tive chases for the national women’s curling title at the Essar Centre.

Heading the pack at 3-and-0 when action ceased Sunday, defending cham-pion Jennifer Jones of Win-nipeg and Ontario champion Krista McCarville of Thun-der Bay were established as the odds-on favourites at the start of the day previous.

Jones, who’s looking for her third straight Canadian title, hit for a four-ender en route to a 5-4 win over New Brunswick’s Andrea Kelly on Sunday morning, then dispensed with Amber Hol-land of Saskatchewan 7-3 in the afternoon.

McCarville pulled even Sunday night with a 12-6 victory over Quebec’s Eve Belisle of Montreal in a wild battle completely devoid of defence. Earlier, the home-province team registered a 10th-end deuce to subdue the hot young Alberta unit skipped by Val-

erie Sweeting of Edmonton by a narrow 7-6 score.

“That’s the craziest curl-ing game I’ve ever played in my whole entire life, absolutely crazy,” said Mc-Carville in the wake of her Sunday evening win.

“I mean, I had a four-point lead and I was not happy. I left her (Belisle) with a double for fi ve and she was close to making it. I was worried. The ice was chang-ing a little bit. It was tricky. I wasn’t sure what was going on out there. I wasn’t confi dent of where I putting the broom. I just wanted to get off the ice and come out

with a win.”The Lakehead skip added

she was happy with her three wins but . . .

“I’m not satisfi ed yet,” she said.

Belisle was asked what-ever became of defence?

“I think we forgot what it was,” she said. “I don’t know, we both played really aggressive and it got pretty wild.

“Losing two today is not very good but now we have to come out strong.”

McCarville and Sweeting waged a titanic battle of last rocks in the afternoon with the turning point arriving in the seventh end with Alberta angling to break up a tie match and steal a deuce with a pair jammed in the four-foot.

With last rock, McCarville tossed an in-turn draw to a corner of the button from outside ice and watched the stone turn in to score at exactly the right instant.

Sweeting then scored back-to-back singles to take the lead in the ninth but she couldn’t avoid giving up the deciding deuce when Mc-Carville issued her last-rock open hit.

“The seventh was the turning point, we didn’t want to give up that steal,”

said McCarville. “I needed about one-quarter or more of the button and it warped in there perfectly.

“I had my draw weight that game and I felt really good so I just threw it and let the sweepers guide it in there and the line was perfect.”

The 22-year-old Alberta skip agreed the seventh end, had it gone the other way, probably would have changed the result.

“That was a clutch draw for her,” said Sweeting. “It would have been nice to steal there. The good thing was they only counted one and you always hope the limit the opposition to that when they have last rock.

“They were making a lot of greats shots, especially in that last end, and there wasn’t much we could do about it. But we played well and that’s and good sign for us.”

McCarville admitted she was impressed with the youthful Albertans.

“Defi nitely, they are a great team,” she said. “Someone to watch for in the playoffs, possibly.”

Jones termed her after-noon win over Holland “our best game to date”.

Jones was beaten in the fi rst round of the Olympic Trials at Edmonton by Hol-land.

“It’s great to get off to a

good start but we’ve done this a lot of ways. I think we did this last year and then had to battle through a tiebreaker so you never can be certain after the fi rst few games.”

Holland admitted an 0-2 start for her team wasn’t in the original game plan.

“But what are you going to do, you can’t go back,” she said. “We just have to ramp it up and get rolling.”

Her team did just that, defeating Shelley Nichols of Newfoundland/Labrador 8-5 on the late shift for Sas-katchewan’s fi rst win.

Alberta remained at 2-and-1 alongside British Columbia and Manitoba. P.E.I.’s Kathy O’Rourke climbed to 3-and-1 with a late 10-7 win over the Ter-ritories (1-3).

Winner of two straight on Saturday, the Islanders were pummelled 13-2 by Alberta on Sunday morning.

Please see FAVES,Page 10

Foreground at left,Canada’s Jennifer Jones surveys the scene along with New Brunswick’s Jill Babin and Lianne Sobey. Above, Sheena Gilman and Nancy McConnery watch as Manitoba’s KristenPhillips calls outinstructions.

Saskatchewan’s Amber Holland delivers.

Page 3Monday, February 1, 2010

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FACES OF THE GAMES: From leftto right, P.E.I.’s Erin Carmody, Alberta’s Valerie Sweeting, Sharon Cormier of the

Territories and B.C.’s Kelly Scottget right into the action on Sunday

at the Essar Centre.

Page 4 HeartChart

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We are pleased to support the 2010 Scotties Tournament of Hearts in promotingsports and recreational opportunities in Sault Ste. Marie.

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Marc St. Eloi, like thousands of other Sault Ste.

Marie residents, will be sitting with his parents and enjoying the televised coverage of the 2010 Scot-ties Tournament of Hearts this week. But for four-and-a-half-year-old Marc, there will also be a special connection to the Scotties and the legacy of a wonder-ful woman by the name of Sandra Schmirler.

Marc was born July 28, 2005 at the Sault Area Hos-pital. He was eight weeks premature, and weighed less than four pounds.

For his parents, Luisa Martone and Mike St.

Eloi, it was a very stress-ful time, as Marc spent the next fi ve weeks of his life in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of the hospital, including 10 days in an incubator. “The nurses became our second family; they provided constant care and supervision to Marc, and you rely on them for their expertise,” says his mother.

Without a NICU in Sault Ste. Marie, the family would have faced the pros-pect of having Marc fl own to London, Ont., for special care and treatment.

Marc, who is now a very active energetic little guy weighing in at 43 pounds, was recently back at the hospital’s NICU along with his parents for a special celebration related to the 2010 Scotties Tourna-ment of Hearts, underway at the Essar Centre.

The Sandra Schmirler Foundation has provided the local hospital with $30,000

for the purchase of new equipment for the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit.

The Sandra Schmirler Foundation was created in January 2001 as a legacy to three-time world curling champion and Olympic gold medalist Sandra Schmirler in recognition and celebration of her love of family. The foundation’s mission is caring for babies in crisis through direct giving to neonatal care across Canada.

“The new equipment will be put to immediate use in the current hospital, and will then become part of the new state-of-the-art neo-natal intensive care unit in the new hospital next year,” says Johanne Messier-Mann, chief nursing offi cer and director of the maternal/child program and nursing practice at the hospital.

Please see CRONIN,Page 10

Soo youngstersbenefit from

Schmirler legacy

JIM CRONINHeartChart Columnist

MarcSt. Eloi

Page 5Monday, February 1, 2010


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Recalling the Sisterhood of

the Big Hair

Several pundits have scoured the national women’s curling

history book but none have been able to discover a match for the quirky record established at the Essar Centre this week by Jill Thurston, Jennifer Jones and Kelly Scott.

Call it the Big Hair Sister-hood.

“Yeah,” says Thurston, “back in those days we had the (really) big hair.”

“You see my curlies now?” adds Jones. “You should have seen them then!”

The late 1980s, early 1990s, apparently were all about ballooning coiffures for the ladies.

And it was the 1991 Canadian junior women’s championship at Leduc, just south of Edmonton, where Thurston, Jones and Scott played on the same Manitoba team. Skip, third and lead respectively, if you must know.

Hence the offbeat re-cord, involving three old teammates arriving at the Scotties and skipping three different teams. That’s 25 per cent of the fi eld, in case you’re not up on your arithmetic.

And it just never has hap-pened before.

“I think it’s pretty neat, not only that we’re still able to curl — a lot of people give it up at such a young age — but that we’ve all been successful,” says Thur-ston, whose maiden name in junior days was Staub.

“Obviously, Jenn and Kelly have been quite suc-cessful!”

Their Manitoba junior team made it to the cham-pionship fi nal but lost an extra-end thriller to Heather Smith (Dacey), then skip-ping the New Brunswick entry. It ended with the Herringchokers stealing the duke.

Oh yes, and one more coincidence. Current New Brunswick third Denise Nowlan played the same position with that conquer-ing junior team of ’91.

To boot, current B.C. third Jeanna Schraeder, current Ontario third Tara George, current Quebec third Brenda Nicholls and current Newf/Lab second Rhonda Rogers also took part in the same tournament.

“Back then we were defi nitely gung-ho,” recalls Thurston. “We worked really, really hard. We just curled, nothing else. We ate, slept, breathed curling back then.”

Please see WOOD,Page 12

LARRY WOODHeartChart Editor

Page 6 HeartChart

Skip: KathyO’Rourke

(second rocks)

Home: Cumberland, P.E.I.Began curling at age: 12Delivery: RightOccupation/title: Char-tered accountantEmployer: Grant Thornton LLPDate of birth: April 30, 1964Place of birth: Summer-side, P.E.I.Marital status: MarriedSpouse/partner: Mark Children: NoneFirst vehicle: Mercury LynxCurrent vehicle: Ford EscapeFavourite food: Anything ItalianFavourite drink: White wine, green teaCelebrity dream man: Gerard ButlerMost annoying celebrity: Paris HiltonAll-time favourite movie: Walk The LineLast movie she hated: Can’t rememberTattooed? NoNever leaves home with-out: Her dog RookieCompeted in: 89, 91, 96, 99, 02 Scotties, 89, 99 Canadian Mixed.

Third: Geri-LynnRamsay

Home: CharlottetownBegan curling at age: 8Delivery: RightOccupation/title: StudentEmployer: NoneDate of birth: Oct. 26, 1988Place of birth: Summer-side, PEIMarital status: Not mar-riedSpouse/partner: NoneChildren: NoneFirst vehicle: 1994 Nissan AltimaCurrent vehicle: Dodge

NeonFavourite food: Chicken fingers and fries!Favourite drink: Iced teaCelebrity dream man: Channing Tatum/Ryan Reynolds (tie)Most annoying celebrity: Speidi (Spencer Pratt, Heidi Montag)All-time favourite movie: Save The Last Dance, until they made Twilight sagaLast movie she loved: New MoonLast movie she hated: The SpiritTattooed? NopeNever leaves home with-out: Her purse!Competed in: 07, 08. 09 Junior Nationals

Second: ErinCarmody

(fourth rocks)

Home: Summerside, P.E.I.Began curling at age: 9Delivery: Right, no backswing?Occupation/title: StudentEmployer: NoneDate of birth: August 4, 1988Place of birth: Char-lottetownMarital status: NoneSpouse/partner: NoneChildren: NoneFirst vehicle: Toyota EchoCurrent vehicle: Toyota Echo/ Toyota PriusFavourite food: SalmonFavourite drink: Vodka, cran, and water :)Celebrity dream man: Hmmm . . . Jake Gyllen-haalMost annoying celebrity:

Keanu ReevesAll-time favourite movie: Remember the TitansLast movie she loved: P.S. I Love YouLast movie she hated: AvatarTattooed? NoNever leaves home with-out: Cellphone . . . except when she loses itCompeted in: 07, 08, 09 Junior Nationals

Lead: TriciaAffleck

Home: Milton, P.E.I.Began curling at age: 13Delivery: LeftOccupation/title: Assess-ment technician for WCB and part-time co-host/interviewer for a local har-ness racing show called “Race-Day”Employer: Workers Com-pensation Board of PEIDate of birth: Sept. 25, 1970

Place of birth: Charlotte-townMarital status: MarriedSpouse/partner: Trevor AffleckChildren: Chelsey (5), Sophie (2)First vehicle: Chrysler LeBaron convertible (red)Current vehicle: Nissan PathfinderFavourite food: Anything sweet . . . cake!Favourite drink: Black Fly CoolersCelebrity dream man: Hugh JackmanMost annoying celebrity: Pam AndersonAll-time favourite movie: When a Man Loves a Woman Last movie she loved: Hangover, The Blind SideLast movie she hated:

Inglourious BasterdsTattooed? No, but

if she was to get one it would be a horseshoeNever leaves home without: Lip glossCompeted in: 89, 90 Junior Nationals, 96, 00, 01, 04, 06 Scot-

ties, 08, 10 National Mixed

Fifth: ShellyBradley

Home: Stratford, P.E.I.Began curling at age: 12

Delivery: RightOccupation/title: Senior admissions officerEmployer: Holland Col-legeDate of birth: Nov. 17, 1970Place of birth: Dalhousie, N.B.Marital status: MarriedSpouse/partner: RyanChildren: Emma (11), Avery (6)First vehicle: Dodge ColtCurrent vehicle: 2003 Toyota Sienna and 2008 Mazda 3Favourite food: PastaFavourite drink: Pepsi, beer, coolersCelebrity dream man: Paul WalkerMost annoying celebrity: Paris HiltonAll-time favourite movie: Too many to chooseLast movie she loved: The Blind SideLast movie she hated: 2012Tattooed? Yes, one.Never leaves home with-out: Lip gloss, credit cardCompeted in: 88, 89, 90 junior nationals, 94, 99 (fifth), 00, 01, 05, 06 (fifth) Scotties.

Coach: AllanLedgerwood

Home: CharlottetownOccupation/title: Coun-sellorEmployer: Holland Col-legeDate of birth: March 16, 1949Place of birth: Moose Jaw, Sask.Coached: 72, 89 junior men’s, 09 junior women’s, 98 Scotties, 04 Brier, 06, 07, 09 senior men’s, 04, 06, 07 senior women’s.

Prince Edward Island:Gerard Butler fantasies, Speidi vexations,

and rookies (canines, not teammates)


From left, Erin Carmody, Kathy O’Rourke and Tricia Affleck.

Page 7Monday, February 1, 2010

We’re so happy we madeit to Sault Ste. Marie.

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Scotties Tournament of Hearts

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Celebrating 5 Great Years in The Soo.

Larry WoodHeartChart Editor

The lone Sault native competing in the current Scotties at the

Essar Centre is revelling in this week’s curling home-coming.

“The whole thing has a nice feel to it,” says Tara George, formerly Coulter-man, the third player on the Ontario champion team from Thunder Bay skipped by Krista McCarville.

“It’s nice to come in and know there is going to be a lot of support for us,” she is say-ing the other day. “We’ve had a lot of good things leading up to it so we’ve been looking forward to it.”

Indeed, this Ontario cham-pion hit the Essar on a high after sweeping the 10-team provincials at Thunder Bay and reaching the semi-fi nal of the Tim Hortons Olympic Trials at Edmonton in Decem-ber after qualifying second from the pre-Trials at Prince George in November.

“Krista is brimming with confi dence. We played well at Trials, we had a good week, we stuck to our game plan and we shot like we know we can,” says George.

“It would have been nice to have escaped those tie-breakers and the three-game day but it was still good. It helped us prove to ourselves that we are where we should be. We came out of there with a lot of positives to build on.”

And the soaring confi -dence was evident in the Ontario championship that appeared on paper to be a rout but, in reality, wasn’t.

“Not an easy sweep,” says George. “There were tough teams there. Kathy Auld and Jenn Hanna are tough oppo-nents. There were a lot of other good young teams I’m sure we’ll see numerous times in the future.

“We just had a good week. We were shooting well. Ashley (Miharija) stepped

in at second and played fan-tastically well. I think that travelling with us the last year-and-a-half she learned a lot about us and about our team dynamics. It helped that she’d been around. And we knew she was a shooter. I think she probably was mid-Eighties throughout the week.”

When veteran lead Lor-raine Lang retired following the Trials, Miharija was pro-moted from fi fth to second and Kari MacLean dropped to the lead position.

“Kari has played lead for a number of years and loves the position,” says George. “She has a passion for it.

When she came on the team Lorraine had been our lead for a number of years and so when this came about it was a natural move and she was excited to try

that position again.”Fans at the provincials, of

course, were vociferous in their support of the McCar-ville squad.

“It probably was an advantage (playing it at the Port Arthur club),” says George. “We had fantas-tic support, they had full bleachers on the ice and great crowds. It was some-thing to build on, defi nitely. In a tough game, having the crowd behind you always helps you out.”

It’s no different at the Essar.

“I love coming to the Sault because the crowds are amazing,” says George. “They get behind their teams. It was like that grow-ing up. And I couldn’t wait to get back here.”

Playing its fourth Scotties in fi ve years, the McCar-villes are carrying a reputa-

tion for perfection at the provincial level and medioc-rity at the national level.

“The difference now is the way we’re playing and the confi dence in the way we’re playing,” says George.

“We have a game plan that we’ve stuck to the last little while and hopefully it will pull us through.”

George departed the Sault in 1992, moving to the Lakehead to attend univer-sity.

“But it was kind of a double move,” she recalled. “It was partially for curling, too. Rhonda Skillen, who was Rhonda Halvorsen at the time, had asked me to come up and play with them and I had some junior years

left, so I did.“I’ve curled back here

twice — once in colleges and once when the Ontario women’s championship was here.

No team from Sault Ste. Marie ever has qualifi ed for a shot at the Canadian women’s title and George considers that a surprising statistic.

“It seems a lot of good ju-niors move away to college and don’t return, maybe that’s why no one from here has won the province,” she allowed.

“But it was wonderful growing up here, it really was,” she said. “It’s a won-derful curling town. We had a really competitive high school league here. That helped tons. It helped with my passion for the sport.”

It’s an enduring passion that’s hitting a new high for intensity this week on the Essar ice lanes.

“We have a whole new attitude,” said George. “We expect to be right there at the end.”

Feels greatto be home,by George!

Tara George,of Sault Ste. Marieplays third onOntario’s championshipsquad, skippedby Krista McCarville.The crowd favourites“have a whole newattitude,” says George.“We expect to be right there at the end.”

Make Your Next Stop the HeartStop! When the last rock’s been thrown in the Essar Centre, remember… your draw pass includes free admission to the HeartStop Lounge.

In between draws, it’s the perfect place to share a relaxing bite and beverage among friends. But when the last draw is done, get ready for the fun - because the HeartStop errupts into a party that rocks the house all night long!

An exciting lineup of live entertainment has been carefully selected to appeal to a wide range of tastes. Dance to the beat of everything from disco and swing, to country and classic rock.

Stuart Brown – our infamous host – is on the job day and night, leading the way with contests, competitions and off-the-cuff fan interviews.

The HeartStop’s also home to Up Close and Personal and team Autograph sessions – so it’s a great place to meet the competitors!

Plus, it’s the setting for the Cool Curling competition – where competitors play the tabletop version of the roaring game, with cash prizes at stake.

Make sure your Scotties experience includes the HeartStop Lounge… the Biggest Do in the Soo!

Tonight’s DJ Night in the HeartStop Dance to the greatest hits of all time - starting at 10:30 pm.

Saturday, January, 30

Cal Bearden - ticket number 2296 - won $1,352

your guide to what’s goin’ on

Page 8 The Party Line • Your guide to what’s goin’ on

Tuesday, February 2 – Bone Yard • 10:30 pm

Wednesday, February 3 – College Battle of the Bands • 10:00 pm

Thursday, February 4 – Dirty Little Swing Thing • 10:30 pm

Friday, February 5 – Superfreak Disco Band • 10:30 pm

Saturday, February 6 – Rockstar Live • 10:00 pm

on stage

Shuttle service is available daily between the Essar Centre and HeartStop Lounge at the Soo Curlers Association. The service is provided by Tim Hortons and the City of Sault Ste. Marie. Shuttles will depart every half hour to both venues. Departure points are the main parking lot near the front entrance of the Essar Centre and front door of the Soo Curlers Association.

Full schedules are posted at both departure points and online at seasonofchampions.ca

Take a Free Ride

Jumping from the Juniors!Today – 6:30 pmIn the past three years, Erin Carmody has represented Prince Edward Island at the M&M Canadian Juniors Championships. Well, she’s back on the national stage again in 2010… but this time in the Scotties Tournament of Hearts!

At just 21 years of age, Carmody will be throwing last stones for the Islanders with second Kathy O’Rourke calling the shots. Curling out of the Charlottetown Curling Club, the team earned a birth in the Scotties with an extra-end steal in the provincial final.

Find out what it’s like to make the move to the big show in your first year!

Page 9Monday, February 1, 2010

Today 2:00 pm SK – Amber Holland 6:30 pm NS – Nancy McConnery

Tuesday 2:00 pm NB – Andrea Kelly 6:30 pm BC – Kelly Scott AB – Valerie Sweeting

Wednesday 1:00 pm MB – Jill Thurston 5:30 pm ONT – Krista McCarville

Thursday 2:00 pm QB – Eve Belisle NL – Shelley Nichols 6:30 pm NWT/Y – Sharon Cormier

Friday 6:30 pm Olympic Team – Cheryl Bernard

Come and meet your favourite curlers! From today until Friday teams will be featured in the HeartStop Lounge.

up closepersonal&

up closeandpersonal

It’s Simply

Cool Curling Underway TodayHead to the HeartStop for the kick-off of the Cool Curling competition! It’s the opening of round robin play and by day’s end, the first four qualifiers will be determined for the playdowns.

While you’re there, check out the schedule – openings may still be available for upcoming draws. Take your best shot at a spot in the championship weekend action – and the chance to win cash prizes!

Homestyle CookingAvailable Daily 11 am – 8 pm

Provided by Rico’s Catering

Daily MenuPasta and Meatballs $6.00Soup and Sandwich $6.00Salads (Garden, Caesar or Greek) $4.00

Today’s SpecialsServed 6 pm - 8 pm

Dinner Feature Roast Beef Dinner $10.00Served with Garden Salad

Vegetarian OptionVegetable Stir-Fry – Noodles $8.00

Nightly MenuAvailable Daily 8 pm – 1 am

Provided by Soo Curlers Restaurant

Nacho Chips $5.00Chili & Bread Sticks $5.50Jumbo Hot Dog $4.00Chili Jumbo Dog $4.75Sausage On A Bun $5.00Hamburger $5.00Lemon Pepper Chicken Hoagie $5.00Roast Beef On A Bun $5.50Bbq Beef & Mozzarella On A Bun $5.50Mrs. B’s Pizza By The Slice $2.25Chicken Wings (8) $8.00

HeartStop Lounge Menu

Twenty-four young curlers - representing clubs in Sault Ste. Marie and surrounding communities - were selected as Junior Stars through a random draw of applicants. The lucky Stars receive: a hat, event pin, jacket, photo with their assigned team, a tour of the TSN mobile and event tickets to their team’s draw for themselves and two chaperones.

Monday 7:30 pm feature Stars:

Team Alberta Brianne Manson Samantha Servant

Team Newfoundland/Labrador Jessie Harnden Jebidiah Pallot

Page 10 HeartChart

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“Sandra’s legacy will live on through the infants and families we serve in Sault Ste. Marie and the Algoma region for many years to come.”

Cheryl Pavoni, executive director of the hospital, says, “our community and hospital are both benefi tting greatly by the presence of the Scotties Tournament of Hearts and the Sandra Schmirler Foundation in the Sault this year.”

For little Marc St. Eloi, the hospital celebration was especially exciting,

because some of the nurses who looked after him in the neonatal unit more than four years ago, when he weighed less than four pounds, were on hand to say hello. “The nurses were so thrilled to see him,” says Luisa.

Although Marc doesn’t remember the faces and names of those healthcare professionals who gave him special care during his fi ve weeks in the neona-tal intensive care unit, he understood that this was a

special area of the hospital that looks after very small babies. He also knows he

was one of those special babies, a “preemie” only a few years ago.

A telethon is held annually during the Scotties Tourna-ment of Hearts to raise funds for the Sandra Schmirler Foundation. This year’s edi-tion was staged on Sunday.

“Over the past 10 years, we have donated more than one million dollars to help babies in crisis right across Canada, and we are com-mitted to helping neonatal intensive care units in com-munities that so generously

support our fundraising efforts,” said Al Hodgins, chair of the Sandra Schmir-ler Foundation.

And for Luisa Martone and Mike St. Eloi of Sault Ste. Marie, and their healthy young bundle of energy, Marc, the impor-tance of neonatal care and the support provided by the Sandra Schmirler Founda-tion will always be top of mind . . . particularly as they watch this week’s Scotties at their hometown arena.

From Page 4

CRONIN:Hospitalbash for


TSN’s Vic Rauter announces another pledge Sunday at the Essar Centre during the Sandra Schmirler Foundation’s annual telethon.The foundation, which cares for babies in crisis via donations to neonatal care across Canada, raised a record $285,000 this year.

From Page 2

FAVESIn another late game, New

Brunswick’s Kelly won her fi rst, 10-6 over winless Nancy McConnery of Nova Scotia

B.C. skip Kelly Scott covered part of the button with a last-rock cold draw to defeat Belisle 6-4 Sunday afternoon while Manitoba’s Jill Thurston ran away from Nichols 11-6 with a killer four-count in the seventh end the major blow.

“I thought I needed just a touch extra on that last draw and it worked out,” said Scott, whose fi nal stone ground to a halt in winning territory.

Thurston admitted the play-ing surface began to fudge in the late ends: “When you have ice like that it’s defi nite-ly and advantage to get a lead as soon as possible.”

Manitoba led by a point when Thurston executed a precise takeout for the four-ender. Said Nicholls: “My draw weight just wasn’t there. I’d make one, miss one, make one, miss one. You aren’t helping anybody when you’re going like that.”

Thurston, who lost to Jones in her opening assign-ment, admitted her team was applying far more pres-sure Sunday.

“That’s the game,” she said. “You apply the pres-sure and that’s how you steal points. We have to go out and play our game and stay within ourselves just like we did in the provin-cials. It’s still just curling. You do the things you do that make you successful.”

Page 11Monday, February 1, 2010

Skip: ShelleyNichols

Home: St. John’sBegan curling at age: 11Delivery: RightOccupation/title: OwnerEmployer: WestJetDate of birth: May 19, 1982Place of birth: Labrador CityMarital status: Not com-patible with anybodySpouse/partner: See above.Children: Cat, NikkoFirst vehicle: 1998 red Chevy CavalierCurrent vehicle: 2008 blue Mazda 3Favourite food: Home-made pizzaFavourite drink: Coors LightCelebrity dream man: Rex Goudie (Sexy Rexy!)Most annoying celebrity: Flava FlavAll-time favourite movie: ZoolanderLast movie she loved: DefianceLast movie she hated: Burn After ReadingTattooed? NoneNever leaves home without: iPhone, Burt’s Bees Lip BalmCompeted in: 99 Can-ada Games, 01, 02 03 Junior Nationals, 02 World Juniors (fifth), 05 National Mixed, 06, 07 Scotties

Third: StephanieLeDrew

Home: St. John’sBegan curling at age: 10Delivery: RightOccupation/title: Reg-istered acupuncturist, clinical demonstrator, laser technician, waitress (works a lot!)Employer: Back On Track Physiotherapy, Eastern College, Bense

Studio 100, The Cellar RestaurantDate of birth: June 6, 1984Place of birth: Corner BrookMarital status: OccupiedSpouse/partner: Rex GoudieChildren: Two dogs, Sheeba and DaisyFirst vehicle: 98 Honda AccordCurrent vehicle: The Mighty Civ (2008 Honda Civic)Favourite food: Butter Chicken from India Gate Restaurant, St. John’sFavourite drink: The

Vodka Koe (named after Jamie Koe, the curler from NWT: vodka + water + a splash of cranberry. Bar-tenders around the world, take notes!)Celebrity dream man: Rex GoudieMost annoying celebrity: Jamie KorabAll-time favourite movie: GoodfellasLast movie she loved: The Hangover (laughed until it hurt, and it hurt for days!)Last movie she hated: Glitter (Come on Mariah, you can do better)Tattooed? None

Never leaves home with-out: Chapstick, cellphoneCompeted in: 98, 01, 02, 03, 04 Junior Nationals; 07, 09 Mixed Nationals

Second: RhondaRogers

Home: Clarenville, N.L. (currently St. John’s)Began curling at age: 12Delivery: RightOccupation/title: Physio-therapistEmployer: Eastern HealthDate of birth: July 18, 1972Place of birth: St. John’sMarital status: Relation-shipSpouse/partner: Bob WhalenChildren: NoneFirst vehicle: Mazda Pro-tegeCurrent vehicle: Honda CivicFavourite food: BBQ ribs

Favourite drink: Iced tea

Celebrity dream man: Rex Goudie

(Sexy Rexy)Most annoying celebrity: Paris HiltonAll-time favourite movie: Shawshank

RedemptionLast movie she

loved: The Hang-overLast movie she hated: Burn After ReadingTattooed? No

Never leaves home with-out: Lip balmCompeted in: 91 Junior Nationals, 91 Canada Win-ter Games

Lead: ColetteLemon

Home: Outlook, Sask.Began curling at age: 11Delivery: RightOccupation/title: Level II dental assistantEmployer: Mount Pearl DentalDate of birth: March 11, 1981Place of birth: SaskatoonMarital status: Relation-shipSpouse/partner: Mark NicholsChildren: Dog, TorinoFirst vehicle: Chevrolet CavalierCurrent vehicle: 2004 Hyundai Santa FeFavourite food: McDon-ald’sFavourite drink: Coca-ColaCelebrity dream man: Rex Goudie (Sexy Rexy).Most annoying celebrity: Tom GreenAll-time favourite movie: Almost FamousLast movie she loved: The Blind SideLast movie she hated: The InformantTattooed? Yes, two!Never leaves home with-out: Cellphone Competed in: 08, 09 NL Provincials

Fifth: MichelleJewer

Home: St. John’sBegan curling at age: 12Delivery: Right

Occupation/title: Manager of budgeting/chartered accountantEmployer: Government of Newfoundland and Lab-radorDate of birth: August 17, 1974Place of birth: Labrador CityMarital status: MarriedSpouse/partner: KeithChildren: Adam (6), Sarah (2)First vehicle: Pontiac SunfireCurrent vehicle: Mazda TributeFavourite food: SpaghettiFavourite drink: Red wineCelebrity dream man: Rex Goudie (Sexy Rexy)Most annoying celebrity: Tom CruiseAll-time favourite movie: GreaseLast movie she loved: The most recent Star Trek movieLast movie she hated: District 9Tattooed? NopeNever leaves home with-out: Snacks (with two kids you always have to have snacks on hand!!!!)Competed in: 03, 04 Junior Nationals, 01 Mixed.

Coach: JeffWilson

Home: Charlottetown, P.E.I.Occupation/title: Volun-teerEmployer: Boys and Girls Club of CharlottetownDate of birth: December 12, 1984Place of birth: Brampton, Ont.Coached/played: Coach 2006 Canadian Junior Men (Team Ontario, bronze medal); player 2003 Canadian Juniors (Team Ontario); player 2005 Canadian Juniors (Team Ontario, silver medal)

Newfoundland/Labrador:Vodka Koe, Sexy Rexy, BBQ ribs, the Mighty

Civ and . . . being professionally good-looking!


Shelley Nichols, left, and Colette Lemon

Page 12 HeartChart

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“The hair was bigger and Kelly (then a 13-year-old MacKenzie) was a lot smaller and we really loved the game and we were tight as a group. It was a fun year and a great experience.”

So how would skip Thur-ston have reacted if some-one had told her back then that, 20 years from now, the three of them would be skipping different quartets in a single edition of the Scotties?

“You know what?” she asks. “I would have said you’re probably right. Jen-nifer and Kelly both were great curlers back then and they had a lot of passion for the game. And, really, we should have, would have, could have, been Canadian champions at that time so I don’t think it would have been a shock to me.”

She says the three don’t connect much any more. Jones “travels a lot” and Scott long since has taken up residence in West Kelowna.

“I guess it’s kind of neat, seeing how things evolve,” allows Jones, whose goal here is a third straight Scot-ties title.

“But it was a long time ago. I hardly remember any-thing about it. I know we beat Tara (George). It’s just that it’s a long time ago.

“I haven’t played with Jill since then and I haven’t played with Kelly since then. Jill was out of juniors the next year and we all went our separate ways.

“But it was fi rst time any of us had been in a national championship so it was,

like, the start of our careers.“They’re great players

and it’s fun to play against them.”

Scott agrees the skipping reunion is something of a rarity.

“That was our fi rst chance at national exposure and here we are back again? It’s rare that I would have moved provinces and then Jenn and Jill, coming from the same province, would be here with Jenn representing Team Canada. It’s neat.

“That really was what started it for me. It opened my eyes to what curling is all about — winning your province, going to nation-als, meeting people from different provinces and de-

veloping friendships across Canada that still last to this day. “The team was just a fun bunch of young girls that had big goals and big dreams and we made it as far as the Canadian fi nal.”

Kelly fi rst joined Thur-ston on a junior team at the tender age of 11.

“Two years later, I was playing in a Canadian fi nal on TV. That was a pretty big deal for a 13-year-old.”

Thurston had picked up Jones to play third the same year. And Jones was back skipping Manitoba teams in the Juniors in three of the next four years. She won in 1994. Kelly skipped her winner the next year.

“The friendships are still there,” contends Scott. “Jenn and I meet up at these events as opponents all the time. Jill and I have always kept in touch. We’re interested in one another’s families, children, dogs and parents.

“I have a lot of respect for Jill and what she exposed me to at such a young age. I’ll never forget that.”

From Page 5

WOOD:Reuniona rarity

From left, Kelly Scott, Jennifer Jones and JillThurston played on the same Manitoba junior team.

Page 13Monday, February 1, 2010

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QofD: Dawn Moses, Shelly Bradley.2. Moses beat Connie Laliberte in 1992, Bradley beat Colleen Jones in 2001.3. Carol Thompson, Toronto.4. Emily Woolley, Toronto.5. Dorothy Rose, Manitoba6. Jones opened with a four-ender and won 8-7.

7. Cathy King, Kelley Law, Sherry Anderson, Cathy Cunningham, Marie-France Larouche.8. Colleen Jones.9. Connie Laliberte.10. 1992 at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.11. The round-robin com-petition wound up with a record five teams tied for first place with 7-3 records.

12. Teams skipped by Colleen Jones of Halifax, the eventual champion, Barbara Parker of Comox, B.C., Cathy Shaw of Edmonton, Arleen Day of Regina and Dorothy Rose of Winnipeg13. Regina.14. Jillian Babin, New Brunswick; Erin Carmody, Geri-Lynn Ramsay, P.E.I.

Larry WoodHeartChart Editor

QUESTION OF THE DAY:Two fifth players in this Scotties tournament have skipped teams that have defeated eventual cham-pions in the same year. Name them.

2. Name the winners they defeated and the years in which they proved giant-killers.3. Name the skip and hometown of the Ontario team competing in the very first Scott Tournament of Hearts (1982). 4. How about the skip and hometown of the Ontario team to play in the first Dominion Diamond D Canadian women’s cham-pionship (1961)?5. Name the skip and home province of the runner-up province when

Colleen Jones won the first of her record six Canadian women’s championships.6. How many points did Jones score in the first end of that final game and what was the final score?

7. Can you name the skips of the other five teams that were Scotties runners-up to Jones?8. Now, who skipped Team Canada at the world championship the year Elisabet Gustafson of Sweden won her record fourth world title?

9. How about the skip of Team Canada the year Gustafson won her first world title?10. Which year and where?11. Something unique to the Canadian women’s curling championship occurred at the inaugu-ral Scott Tournament of Hearts in 1982. What was it?12. Who was involved and where were they from?13. Where was this edition played?13. Three skips in Cana-dian women’s curling championship history have won 11 games in a single tournament and failed to win that tournament. They were?14. Three competitors in the current Scotties played in the 2009 Canadian Junior Women’s Champi-onship. Name them, and their provinces.

Time out for trivia


Page 14 HeartChart





Todd Kimberley



Name % ageJennifer Jones (Canada) 84Valerie Sweeting (Alta.) 84Kelly Scott (B.C.) 80Jill Thurston (Man.) 77Erin Carmody (P.E.I.) 74Krista McCarville (Ont.) 74Amber Holland (Sask.) 71Sharon Cormier (NWT/YT) 69Shelley Nicholls (N.L.) 65Nancy McConnery (N.S.) 63Andrea Kelly (N.B.) 61Eve Belisle (Que.) 57

ThirdsName % ageJeanna Schraeder (B.C.) 83Cathy Overton-Clapham (Canada) 80Kristen Phillips (Man.) 77Denise Nowlan (N.B.) 76Megan Einarson (Alta.) 76Tara George (Ont.) 76Jennifer Crouse (N.S.) 72Stephanie LeDrew (N.L.) 72Geri-Lynn Ramsay (P.E.I.) 71Tara Naugler (NWT/YT) 70Brenda Nicholls (Que.) 69Kim Schneider (Sask.) 64

SecondsName % ageSasha Carter (B.C.) 83Jill Offi cer (Canada) 79Ashley Miharija (Ont.) 77Leslie Wilson (Man.) 76Whitney More (Alta.) 75Jillian Babin (N.B.) 74Tammy Schneider (Sask.) 74Kathy O’Rourke (P.E.I.) 73Martine Comeau (Que.) 71Megan Cormier (NWT/YT) 69Rhonda Rogers (N.L.) 67Sheena Gilman (N.S.) 61

LeadsName % ageDawn Askin (Canada) 85Heather Kalenchuk (Sask.) 83Jacquie Armstrong (B.C.) 81Lindsay Makichuk (Alta.) 81Tricia Affl eck (P.E.I.) 80Jill Thomas (N.S.) 78Julie Rainville (Que.) 77Kari MacLean (Ont.) 76Raunora Westcott (Man.) 74Lianne Sobey (N.B.) 73Colette Lemon (N.L.) 72Danielle Ellis (NWT/YT) 70

Teams % ageBritish Columbia (Scott) 82Canada (Jones) 82Alberta (Sweeting) 79Ontario (McCarville) 76Manitoba (Thurston) 76P.E.I. (O’Rourke) 74

% ageSaskatchewan (Holland) 73New Brunswick (Kelly) 71Territories (Cormier) 70Newfoundland/Labrador (Nicholls) 69Nova Scotia (McConnery) 68Quebec (Belisle) 68

Page 15Monday, February 1, 2010

Friends of the Scotties

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Team W LCanada 3 0Ontario 3 0P.E.I. 3 1Alberta 2 1B.C. 2 1Manitoba 2 1Saskatchewan 1 2Quebec 1 2Nfl d/Labrador 1 2New Brunswick 1 3Territories 1 3Nova Scotia 0 4

Draw 3 Results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TCanada* 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 x 5New Brunswick 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 x 4%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamCanada 81 76 79 80 79New Brunswick 80 71 89 73 78

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TP.E.I. 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 x x x 2Alberta* 1 0 0 2 0 6 4 x x x 13%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamP.E.I. 68 79 73 70 72Alberta 63 64 71 86 71

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TNova Scotia* 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 x x 3Manitoba 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 0 x x 7%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamNova Scotia 75 47 73 64 65Manitoba 75 86 80 84 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TTerritories 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 6B.C.* 1 1 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 7%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamTerritories 64 76 80 66 72B.C. 68 88 88 87 83

Draw 4 Results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TManitoba 0 3 0 1 1 0 4 0 2 x 11Newfoundland* 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 x 6%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamManitoba 69 69 67 86 73Newfoundland 79 54 69 51 64

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TQuebec* 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 4B.C. 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 6%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamQuebec 69 63 56 53 60B.C. 82 74 70 76 75

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TCanada* 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 x 7Saskatchewan 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 x 3%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamCanada 90 75 81 96 85Saskatchewan 89 72 75 90 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOntario* 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 7Alberta 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 6%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamOntario 90 80 70 75 79Alberta 84 73 71 71 75

Draw 5 Results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOntario 0 3 0 5 0 2 1 1 x x 12Quebec* 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 x x 6%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamOntario 73 63 80 67 71Quebec 82 79 77 47 68

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TNew Brunswick* 0 2 0 0 4 0 2 0 2 x 10Nova Scotia 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 x 6%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamNew Brunswick 57 61 66 53 60Nova Scotia 83 69 72 58 70

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TP.E.I.* 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 3 10Territories 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 7%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamP.E.I. 80 78 83 75 79Territories 69 63 76 76 71

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TNfl d/Labrador 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 5Saskatchewan* 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 8%age Lead Second Third Skip TeamNfl d/Labrador 78 65 76 70 72Saskatchewan 74 83 63 78 74

* —started game with the hammer


Draw 6 (10:30 a.m.)Saskatchewan vs. OntarioQuebec vs. Nfl d/Labrador

Draw 7 (3 p.m.)British Columbia vs. NewBrunswickCanada vs. TerritoriesAlberta vs. Nova ScotiaManitoba vs. P.E.I.

Draw 8 (7:30 p.m.)Nfl d/Labrador vs. CanadaAlberta vs. QuebecSaskatchewan vs. ManitobaB.C. vs. Ontario

Page 16 HeartChart

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Larry WoodHeartChart Editor

Count perseverance among Amber Holland’s premier

attributes.The 1992 Canadian junior

champion skip has had her eye on a Scotties title ever since but, until a January engagement at Kindersley and Eston, never was able to claim the Saskatchewan women’s title.

All that changed with highly credible perfor-mances at both the Prince George Olympic Pre-Trials in November and Edmonton Olympic Trials in Decem-ber.

And, playing out of Kro-nau, just south of Regina, Holland won the latest provincial bauble with a 7-1

record in the 12-team split round-robin competition.

Along with Kim Sch-neider, Tammy Schneider and Heather Kalenchuk, skip Holland defeated Saskatoon veteran Sherry Anderson 9-6 in the fi nal. The blonde Holland was undefeated in her side of the round-robin draw with fi ve straight wins while Ander-son’s Granite club team of Kim Hodson, Heather Walsh and Donna Gignac won the other side with a 4-1 record and a last-round win over defending cham-pion Stefanie Lawton of Saskatoon.

In the Page One-Two collision, Anderson hit for three in the fourth end and refused to relinquish control in an eventual 9-4 decision that dropped Holland to the semi-fi nal against Lawton.

But that extra game didn’t hurt Holland and Co. They jumped into an early 4-0 lead with a deuce in the fi rst and a theft of two more in the second when Lawton wrecked on a rock in the 12-foot. It was a relative cruise to an 8-6 win thereafter.

Then, in the fi nal, Hol-land wiped out a one-point defi cit in the fourth with a three-ender and could have had four but threw light on the draw.

She yielded a tying deuce

to Anderson in the fi fth and after a trade of deuces in the sixth and seventh panels, took a one-point edge in the eighth and applied a killer steal of two in the ninth.

Lawton settled for a berth in the Page Three-Four playoff after losing 6-3 to Anderson in the preliminary wrapup.

But, in the sudden-death playoff, Lawton negotiated a narrow port with her last rock of the sixth end, con-nected for a double takeout and scored a game-ending six for a 9-2 conquest of Regina’s Chantelle Eberle.

Trailing Holland (7-1) af-ter the fi nish were Anderson and Lawton at 5-2, Eberle at 3-3, Michelle Englot of Regina and Patti Hersikorn of Saskatoon at 3-2, Robyn Silvernagle of Meadow Lake, Cathy Inglis and

Jolene Campbell of Re-gina at 2-3, Cindy Ricci of Lampman and Susan Lang of Regina at 1-4 and former champion Tracy Streifel of

Saskatoon at 0-5.As was the vogue during

the Trials, Holland will have Campbell on hand as fi fth player at the Scotties.


Holland finally reaps Saskatchewan titleROAD TO THE SCOTTIES

Amber Holland, Kim Schneider and the rest of this crew are playing in their first Scotties tournament.