2010 Customer Experience Impact

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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Customer Experience, the Secret Weapon for Driving Revenue Nearly all consumers (85 percent) said they would be willing to pay more over the standard price of a good or service to ensure a superior customer experience. Of those consumers that said they would pay more for an excellent customer experience: 55 percent would pay 10 percent or more 27 percent would pay 15 percent or more 10 percent would pay 25 percent or more

Transcript of 2010 Customer Experience Impact

© RightNow Technologies, Inc.

Customer Experience Impact Report 2010

Consumers will pay MORE

85%of respondents stated they would be willing to pay

up to 25% MOREto ensure a superior customer experience

Great Experiences Get the Customer!

55% became a customer of a company because of their reputation for great customer service

40% began purchasing from a competitive brand because of their reputation for great customer service

Great Experiences Create Advocates

55% are willing to recommend a company due to outstanding service, more so than product or price

Great Experiences Drive Revenue

66% of respondents cited Customer Service as the biggest driver for encouraging greater spending

One Bad Experience Can Cost You

of respondents have stopped doing business with an organization due to a poor customer experience


Why Did They Stop?

Respondents gave the following as reasons:

73% cited rude staff as the issue

55% cited issues that weren’t resolved in a timely manner

A Bad Customer Experience Leads to:

of respondents have taken action as a result of a negative experience and

79% told others about it


Motivation for Telling Others?

85% wanted to warn others about the pitfalls of doing business with that company

Motivation for Telling Others?

66% wanted to discourage others from buying from that company

Motivation for Telling Others?

55% wanted to vent anger

Motivation for Telling Others?

24% wanted to see if the company would take action to resolve the issue

Returning After a Bad Experience?

92% noted they would consider going back IF:

They received a follow up apology/correction from a supervisor/corporate office (63%)

They were offered a discount (52%)

Shown proof of enhanced customer service (49%)

Impact of Social Networking

58% of respondents expect a response to a comment on a social networking site like Facebook or Twitter

And, even though 42% expect a response within a day, ONLY

got a response 22%

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