2009-12-31 key53 english - TRON : PARADISE BIRDS THEATER

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Transcript of 2009-12-31 key53 english - TRON : PARADISE BIRDS THEATER

09-12-31 edition.Drawings and poetry by Dominique Oriata TRON . Nearly all the photos has been taken during performances of this play by the Eden Duo in France and India, by the "3rd millenium" workshop in Polynesia, or in Africa by Nim & Dom (Nimozette Filola NZOKE and

myself) . Names of the performers are mentionned in the Key 17 in french , available in <www.slideshare/TronOriataDominique>. Watch these performers in the Keys

2,4,5,7,8,29,36,37,41 available in video on <tronoriatadominique.over-blog.com>.You can download, free of charge, our dance vidéos, some are with english subtitles .You may write to

us for any cooperation (translations, advices, visas in India, Europe or others countries...) .From the middle of December 2009 we have not been able to open our yahoo mail box, we don't know why. So our present mail adress is <tron.dominique@gmail> .Please check on

<tronoriatadominique.over-blog.com> if this adress is still working. On the first screen of this blog, we are mentionning new information and publications. Any letter will reach us if you

write to A/C 410 SANT FRANCESC- 07860 FORMENTERA- SANT FRANCESC- BALEARES- SPAIN. Some Dominique Oriata TRON paintings can be bought in Polynesia , in Huahine island (Puvaivai shop), in Moorea (Bamboo shop, in Maharepa ; Tikinet, in Haapiti; and in Tila house, PK 13,5 Maatea).Writings in spanish, french, tamil and tahitian are freely available non our blogs, and printed books with other writings and photos are available in

internet bookshops.



KEY 53*

Dominique Oriata TRON short biography :


Birth in 1950 from a pianist mother, in Bin-el-Ouidane, then 8 years in Morocco (Afourer, Agadir, Casablanca)

14 years studies in France (school, university and dance studies with mainly Roger Ribes , trained

in Jerome Andrews ballet style) . I published there 7 books, poetry and theater (some given to

study in Universities and at the french "baccalaureat" written examination). I got in Paris a MA on the subject "Painting and Litterature", and a PhD in Theatral Studies . As a student then as an

artist, I got grant from French, Indonesian and Indian Ministries, and from the New York


3 years studies in Bali (mainly with Pak Lemping and Pak Geruh) . I was performing in temples as a

dancer and musician.7 years in India for studies ( from Anuben Purani , Sri Kothandaraman, and Mahalingam who gave

his caution for visa) . I was giving dance classes in the French College of Pondichery, at Serenity School (Sri Aurobindo Society), Fraternity School (Auroville) and Aurobeach (now Quiet).

2 years again in France for a dance tour (Eden Duo). In the same time, I am employed as animator

by the Marseille "Théâtre Equestre" , and I was playing and directing the live music of its

performances.22 years in French Polynesia. There I gave dance classes in town, and was in charge of the theater workshops in the La Mennais high school, and I have present my paintings in some galleries. I have often put on stage the tale of the Paradise Birds, but also plays of Moliere,Marivaux, Ionesco,

Tardieu. Then I have retired with a teacher monthly pension.

2 weeks in America, 2 years in Formentera island (Spain), 6 monthes again in India. I have bought two grounds and built two houses, one in Formentera, and one in Tamil Nadu.

From the beginning of 2009, I am in Cameroon, invited by Nimozette Filola NZOKE . As she is a

cameroonese , I have to wait 5 years of marriage before to be allowed to share with her my french citizenship . So for the moment Cameroon is the only country where we know that it is

possible to stay together. Please inform us about the possibilities in other countries, and help us if possible to get resident permit in India and in Europe, or to get an United Nation function as

free lance artists and world citizen .It happens that some people are using my name to sign their own commentaries on the net. For

verification or other matters, you may contact us.


CLE 53-1English version for the stage. You can train simply to sing it, as it comes.

( later I shall put this words in subtitles for Key 7, but they are already available in key 41; on< www.youTube - TronOriataDominique >. ) More information will be found

on <tronoriatadominique.over-blog.com>Here you will find the first section of the Key 53 . For the others sections, please

consult the presentations and the documents published on <www.slideshare.net/TronOriataDominique>



Once upon a time, on the Santoch planet there was an island called Aetoeraw ...


...and, on this island, grew an immense forest ,where the small sprouts were becoming

large trees, where creepers were climbing...*


Aimeho island , Polynesia

Across the forest, a torrent was flowingwith ponds of quiet water at the foot of the waterfalls...

From a far distance,an elephant is comining to quench his thirstThen he withdraws in the deepness of the forest...

"-Kiu !"Do you hear ? Do you hear ?

The bird of paradise is flying down from the skyAnd he is lighting a fire on a stone in the middle of the torrent


What is he seeing, hidden among the grass, on the bank ?

A frog who wants to become a womanis jumping and wandering...

her wet eyes are looking for the fire that could transform her !Suddenly her hand grazes a flameShe jumps back, alittle burnt.

"You are looking sad" says the bird"Shake your head and smile...

Plundge in the fire of Love, and become a woman !Your name will be Nanihi !"

So she jumps , and is reborn on the enchanted stone !Her breath has the color of the forest

"O beautiful bird ", she sings"come and sit down on my wrist !I want to see you face to face ...

You have created me... I am yours...Please come back ! If not, I shall follow you ..."

"New born woman", answers the bird"Follow this stream ! One day you will find

the man I shall create for you !"

And she follows the fresh waters of the torrentAnd finally she reaches the lake of Love

where a giant lotus is shivering in the breeze...

A bee comes around and flies away again.

Fishes are whirling around in the transparent morningand Nanihi wants to breath the perfumeShe hoists herself up on the flower

and suddenly she plunges into the water and swims,and dances, floating very lightly,

and dreams of the eyes of a man in the forestlonging for her Love


"Kioo ! Kioo ! "

Upstream of the torrent, the bird of Love is singing upon his fire on the stone !

Suddenly a doe appears and approaches

and drinks the water ...then escapes, afraid by the smell of a tiger !

Now the tiger advances on the torrent bank

he hears the song of the bird... he stops, and watches !His eyes are lightning in the shade !

The bird is singing :

"I am the Phoenix, look at this fire !Throw yourself with claws and teeth in this fire

If youwant to be reborn in Love !"

The tiger is charmed. He waits for the moment where the bird will come nearer, so he will jump at him.

He dreams of seizing his colours, his song, to devour them !

The tiger answers :

"Beautiful bird, please teach me the secret of perpetual youth ...Please come near

... I am so lonely !"And the bird sings : you have to jump across these waters,

and to burn in the fire of knowledge and Love !You have to surrender !

Throw yourselfin this fire with claws and teeths, and you will be reborn as a man !

And you will met the wonder of a woman !

But promise : You will never hunt the birds again !"

Suddenly a monkey appears, joyful, from the high branches, attracted by the fire.

He has not seen the tiger yet.He contemplates the fire !

But the tiger forgets the song,and jumps to catch the monkey !

He jumps, and jumps !

But the monkey escapes, and takes refuge in the fire ! And finally is reborn as a man !

The phoenix sings : "Your name will be Oriata !". The tiger escapes, terrified.


A man is born . He opens his eyes.He sees a butterfly caught in a spider web.Oriata saves the butterfly. He follows him.

And the butterfly is dancing with his colored wings.He dances around the flower, drinks the nectar of joy !

Suddenly a breeze is blowing, pushing the butterfly up to a bud,

and there he breathes the perfume,and goes dancing in the forest, guiding Oriata until he reaches the lake !

Nanihi is waiting.She does not see him.

She sings :"Perhaps it is the wind shivering among the leaves ?"

Oriata contemplates Nanihi from a distance .He plays with a piece of reed.

He thraws the reed towards the sun,catch it again,and blows it,

and dances, dances, dances !

Nanihi has discovered him now; And now they are very close to each other.

"- I love you !- I love you !"

*IV"- Kioo!- Kioo !"

Now the squeal of the bird spreads its echo in he forest.Oriata and Nanihi follow him along the torrent.

The torrent is running now in a deep canyon.And suddenly, the ground is trembling.Huge stoges are falling on the slopes.

We have to withdraw, and advance again .And sometimes we have to hang ourselves to the creepers on the trees,

never forgetting the Phoenix squeal in the sky !

"-Sfsssss ! Sfsssss ! Fsssss ! "

Then downstream a very huge serpent is roaring and dancing.Its breath has been spreading a deep smoke on the waters.The fishes and the leaves of the trees have been dying,

and Oriata sings :"Please, allow us to proceed your home !"

The great snake answers :-See this old skin ! Show me your respect !"

The lovers are trying now to hide themselves in the skin.But the skin is too big and heavy.

They finally give up. And Nanihi sings :"- Please, allow us to pass your home !"

The snake answers :"-You, the man, you can escape as a monkey from branch to branch !

But you, woman, I love you so much ...You will be my evening meal !"

"-Kioo !"

High above the canyon, in the sky, the bird of Love is dancing in the rays

of Eternity !Now he plunges in the sun, and there creates a magic mirror !

With his beak, he throws it in the direction of the lovers !Nanihi has received it.

She contemplates herself, and lights a star in her head.Oriata admires her beauty, then he is inspired.

He takes the mirror in his hand. He turns it towards the monster.

The snake is afraid by its own image, and withdraws.

"- Kioo !"

The bird sings :"- Lovers, you have to master the serpent,

and to dance on his head!"They attack him.

The snake asks for pity :

" -Paradise Bird !

Please give me new birth in true beauty !"

The phoenix says : " - If you want to be reborn, o snake,you have to burn in the magic ray ...

The ray I throw in the mirror"

And the snake is now burning.His tail becomes a small lizard.

His head becomes a cow.And his body is swallowed by the fire.

Only a wave remains.

And then a child appears.The child is crying.The lovers adopt it.

He smiles ...

"-Your name will be Hamsadea ! Kioo ! "

"Kioo ! Kioo !" The phoenix is calling the lovers.

And they follow him along the river,until they arrive at the sea.

A crocodile is hunting a fish.His tail is quivering.

He jumps.he fish escapes and disappears in the water.

The wave now are rushing towards the sky.And scatter themselves on the beach.

The fish jumps towards the sun.The air is transparent.

On the sand, crabs leave their holes.They are dancing sliding to the side.

Sometimes they hook themselves and fight,and separate again.

The sea offers a conch.O my love, blow in this conch...

And on this land we have spread seeds ...

With stones and branches we have built a hut.And seasons passed by,

until the time of harvest.


Then one morning the child wakes up among the green grass.And near to him, he finds the lizard, his brother

jumping, jumping from stone to stone,then again immobile under the sun.

The child is singing :" Why, my brother, are you jumping so high ?"

And Moo-iti the lizard answers :" - I want to become a bird, a bird of Paradise.

I am training".Hamsadea the child is singing :

" - Where is this bird of your dreams ?

I want to see him, to know him.He will tell me my destiny.

To him I want to give my life... Why am I born under this sun ?"

"Kioo ! Kioo !Listen to the song of the bird of love !

He is just a little above your head !You did not even notice his flight !

My nest is near to you. But every yearI have to go beyond the forest

on the top of the mountain.I have to meet all the women and all the menwhich have received mirrors from me ...

Kioo !"

The child answers :"O phoenix my master !

I have heard your song now...I want to become a paradise bird, just like you ...

That is my only goal !Let me sit on your neck ! Bring me up to the sky !

What happens in the blue ?What happens in the heart of the Sun ?Take my life, and teach me your flight

beyond the death !I shall follow your path !I shall follow your path !

"-Kioo !"

Now the bird is flying very high among the clouds.Hamsadea the child jumps from stone to stone.

The shade of the immortal wings is sliding on the slopes.Hamsadea is running in the forest, climbing the hills.

And now the night has come...He is lost, exhausted.

He falls on the ground and sleeps.

The next morning, he wakes up alone and crys : "O Phoenix, where are you ?I am lost ! Lost in the forest !

Where have you gone ?"

Then the winds are blowing, and the child sings :"I remember ! You are going to the mountain !

Life is a dance on such a path !My heart is full of peace !"

The he arrives to an empty village.

He goes to drink at the fountain.And suddenly he hears shouting, and sees brigands.

He hides himself behind a tree !

The robbers are now assembled.They are laughing and singing :

"Let us celebrate the Paradise Bird !He has invited all the villagers on the top of the mountain !

So thanks to him, because todayeverything in this village is our treasure !"

Hamsadea the child finally withdraws to the forest.

Then he runs towards the top of the mountain !As an arrow, pushed by a magic force !

He wants to help the villagers assemblednear the Phoenix, in memory of Love !

And now he sees the bird flying upon the top,and all men and the women, and the children assembled around him !

They all hold in their hands the magic mirrors given to them by the Phoenix.

They throw rays of light in the sky, all in one direction :the bird, always moving.

They try to destroy him with their magic thunder,

but the bird sings :

"Kioo! People of Santochan,

why are you not satisfied with the Paradise of Love ?You want to destroy me ...

hat is impossible !You don't want my presence anymore...

so I shall fly to another planet.But if one of you wants to become a bird of Paradise today,

and take my place on your planet he has to jump in the fire,

the fire you have lit in the skywith the rays of your magic mirrors !"

Hamsadea the child is immediatly running.And he jumps !

His humble desire is so greatthat he finds all the forces he needs.And now he burns in the Divine fire,

and appears as a new ParadiseBird with new wings.

Wings of knowledge and Love !

Now he wants to follow his master, the Phoenix,

across the stars ...

The Phoenix suddenly stops his flight and says : "Hamsadea, you have yourself become a Paradise bird now.

But don't follow me for the moment !You have to go back to your brother, the lizard.

You have to go back to the lovers which had adopted you.

And near the cow your sister .They need your presence and love !"

Hamsadea answers:" - O Phoenix, my master...

I am a paradise bird and a student of God !

Please give me the power of invisibility !"

And the Phoenix gives to him this power.So Hamsadea went back on the island

and was hiding, invisible.He was seeing people destroying nature and themselves ,

in his name.But also there were some women and men

singing and dancingand making love in his name...

All their actions were a praying,a humble surrender to love and knowledge.

09-12-14 edition.Nearly all the photos has been taken during performances of this play by the Eden Duo in France and India, by the "3ème millénaire" workshop in Polynesia, or by Nim &

Dom in Africa . Names of the performers are mentionned in the Key 17 in french , available in <www.slideshare/TronOriataDominique>. You can watch these performers in the Keys

2,4,5,7,8,29,36,37,41 available in <tronoriatadominique.over-blog.com>. Others sections of the Key 53 are available on these blogs. All the drawings and paintings and other

photographies has been made by Dominique Oriata TRON.




*Dominique Oriata TRON short biography :


Birth from a pianist mother, and 8 years in Morocco .Birth in 1950, 8 days after Aurobindo Ghose left his body.

14 years studies in France (school, university and dance studies with mainly Roger Ribes , trained in Jerome Andrews ballet style) . I published there 7 books, poetry and theater (some given to

study in Universities and at the french "baccalaureat" written examination). I got in Paris a MA on the subject "Painting and Litterature", and a PhD in Theatral Studies . As a student then as an

artist, I got grant from French, Indonesian and Indian Ministries, and from the New York University.

3 years studies in Bali (mainly with Pak Lemping and Pak Geruh) . I was performing in temples as a

dancer and musician.7 years in India for studies ( from Anuben Purani , Sri Kothandaraman, and Mahalingam who gave

his caution for visa) . I was giving dance classes in the French College of Pondichery, at Serenity

School (Sri Aurobindo Society), Fraternity School (Auroville) and Aurobeach (now Quiet).

2 years again in France for a dance tour (Eden Duo). In the same time, I am employed as animator

by the Marseille "Théâtre Equestre" , and I was playing and directing the live music of its

performances.22 years in French Polynesia. There I gave dance classes in town, and was in charge of the theater

workshops in the La Mennais high school, and I have present my paintings in some galleries. I have

often put on stage the tale of the Paradise Birds, but also plays of Moliere,Marivaux, Ionesco,

Tardieu. Then I have retired with a teacher monthly pension.

2 weeks in America, 2 years in Formentera island (Spain), 6 monthes again in India. I have bought

two grounds and built two houses, one in Formentera, and one in Tamil Nadu.From the beginning of 2009, I am in Cameroon, invited by Nimozette Filola NZOKE . As she is a cameroonese , I have to wait 5 years of marriage before to be allowed to share with her my

french citizenship . So for the moment Cameroon is the only country where we know that it is

possible to stay together. Please inform us about the possibilities in other countries, and help us if possible to get resident permit in India and in Europe, or to get an United Nation function as

free lance artists and world citizen .

It happens that some people are using my name to sign their own commentaries on the net. For verification or other matters, you can contact me at <tron.oriata@yahoo.fr>


CLE 53-1English version for the stage. You can train simply to sing it, as it comes.

( later I shall put this words in subtitles for Key 7, but they are already available in key 41; on< www.youTube - TronOriataDominique >. ) More information will be found

on <tronoriatadominique.over-blog.com>Here you will find the first section of the Key 53 . For the others sections, please

consult the presentations and the documents published on <www.slideshare.net/TronOriataDominique>



IOnce upon a time, on the Santoch planet there was an island called Aetoeraw ...


...and, on this island, grew an immense forest ,where the small sprouts were becoming

large trees, where creepers were climbing...*


Aimeho island , Polynesia

Across the forest, a torrent was flowingwith ponds of quiet water at the foot of the waterfalls...

From a far distance,an elephant is comining to quench his thirstThen he withdraws in the deepness of the forest...

"-Kiu !"Do you hear ? Do you hear ?

The bird of paradise is flying down from the skyAnd he is lighting a fire on a stone in the middle of the torrent


What is he seeing, hidden among the grass, on the bank ?

A frog who wants to become a womanis jumping and wandering...

her wet eyes are looking for the fire that could transform her !Suddenly her hand grazes a flameShe jumps back, alittle burnt.

"You are looking sad" says the bird"Shake your head and smile...

Plundge in the fire of Love, and become a woman !Your name will be Nanihi !"

So she jumps , and is reborn on the enchanted stone !Her breath has the color of the forest

"O beautiful bird ", she sings"come and sit down on my wrist !I want to see you face to face ...

You have created me... I am yours...Please come back ! If not, I shall follow you ..."

"New born woman", answers the bird"Follow this stream ! One day you will find

the man I shall create for you !"

And she follows the fresh waters of the torrentAnd finally she reaches the lake of Love

where a giant lotus is shivering in the breeze...

A bee comes around and flies away again.

Fishes are whirling around in the transparent morningand Nanihi wants to breath the perfumeShe hoists herself up on the flower

and suddenly she plunges into the water and swims,and dances, floating very lightly,

and dreams of the eyes of a man in the forestlonging for her Love