20.02.20162 3 4 5 6 7 8 Я мой Ты - твой Ive got Youve got MyYour Ive got a ball. Its my...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Transcript of 20.02.20162 3 4 5 6 7 8 Я мой Ты - твой Ive got Youve got MyYour Ive got a ball. Its my...

05.05.23 2

05.05.23 3

05.05.23 4

05.05.23 5

05.05.23 6

05.05.23 7

05.05.23 8

Я – мой Я – мой Ты - твойТы - твойII’ve got ’ve got YouYou’ve got’ve got

MyMy YourYourII’ve got a ball.’ve got a ball.

It’s It’s mymy ball. ball.YouYou’ve got a doll.’ve got a doll.

It’s It’s your your doll.doll.

05.05.23 10


Dan’s toy Dave’s handAnn’s dolldog’s nose


Jute’s hairPete’s houseBat’s toyChuck’s eyes


witch's broomstick Lisbeth’s dollLilith’s nose

My favourite toy is a teddy bear. I like playing with it. I like hugging my bear.

Have you got a teddy bear?What’s your favourite toy?

Have a look at this toy! It’s a ball. It’s beautiful. I like bouncing it. I like catching it.

Have you got a ball?What colour is it?

Do you like playing with it?

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