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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-51

CD: 01

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project USMC-00101907



&.-\t.lf.fS, \\tl!K~""



Place; CHOSBI~i ·Reservoir Area. :;utea! rovembE:'r 1950 - 11 December 1950

· Te...!!ll2..e..ta.~ea: Terr.peratures rangeC from above freez1,:g to 2ii"O"below zero, Special r.ote is made of t::.e fo.ct that during: this action t~1e :>1vis1on e.acount­ereC'. :Joth wet-colt'. ane. dry-cold non~i t1o:te, Dry cold cor:C.i tlons wera prec'l.ominant t1ufling ruos t of the opera t-1on_. Snow c.or;titioas ran.~ec1. from intermittent snow in the early phaees to ge:H . .,ral eriow condi tiona of from 2 to 5 inches in depth later on.

Terrain: ~-!ountainous; one main road which marLed the route of a~vance ant'. for a ti!lle ..;.,.ae used as the·r~:sR. !viuch of the road was tortuous, r.arrotv anCl. 1oe ar;.ci. snot./ coatec... After tlte ~'SR was cut the Division 1•las eup- · plieC'. by a1r d!:'op,

P:'ny;I;_QJS TR...!IL.:;[:.\t r: COLJ NE~7]:j"CR OP:>:l'.J~?IO:.'S

1. ~ertain elements of the Divisio:"l had participated in srJaJ.l sr.ale colr.1 weather exero1see. T'.nis previous train,.r:~ t..raa of liu1 teo:!. value due to the fuot t~1at · s~vfr& ten::perature had not been e):per1enf'.e<.~. Hmtover, t:1e :~,;~nc·ral opinion wa.s that even the 11:;·~1 ted· experi­·:>l<~o ~ac, Oer.n of value .to the unite ,Por:ce:rn.;:!C!., eepeo­ia· ~~.:.- i,-; connection with care anC ma1nt."J:.:a;.1ae of me.t­C!'ie:':..

3, An Army Ql Cold .veather Team spent a fe'·l days mov­in~ f,~on ~nit; to unit instructing groups 1a the use of colr. we a th~r clothing.

l'ltis section contains information 1.o'1"hic;l lv-as col­lectec: by quGetioning; Ui~it 00fl1manc,_ere ant! st.aff per­sonnel who were actiVe part1o1pants in the subJeot operation; With the exception of il-enol'al Supply :!:quipmcnt 1 a· breal..:CI.own of the funct1o~11ng of spcc1al­ize0. equipment iv;j:laube set forth ir. later paragra,ohs and arranged by Supply Department Classification fol' clal'1ty •

.A. HeC!.L_ Sh:::,lter, Clothinir •. .Y-1-~ Rations

These factors in genm•al provide tho liVi.i."'l~ nec.ce si ties for the 1nc11vidual l~:etr1r;e, an C. in coJ,;Ji!~­atior: form a maJor factor contributing to lllie cf!ici­cnoy anf' comfort in cold weathe.;r •

. a, Tcnta3e ane Ptoves, The py:rar.ddal tent with tile 1941 stovo vaa 1~1e-:-t ~·,~l:l!'f.l possible to Provide warming tents for the col.li::;a t :ttJoopa, ::hmorally, an attempt was r:.uc".e to provi<lc l ter..t ·por pla ~con~ -:?or­som~el wer•J rotatec1. fror~ tho ~)er1mcter c'lefenl!e as frequer:tJ.y as tlte te.oticrtl situation allowec'l. It is


Korean War Project USMC-00101908




.... rm·•~Hf,.\,1. l~r;'.\I>J>~-- -

,o.·_r,r•!' VDJ\'\! V'OI,V .n~--~·· .... ·~ -...r.n .................... ~

thJ. c.or!!3--~nsus ot;. ,-_n~!:"tlcipap.t.e in t.l1.: o;>p,J.rertion Yhat t~~ :9Yl~awida1. t0nt a:.~d tl;l..;: !~1'941 t.::int_ etov..;~ a:ra too hon:vy ·

·and ·ou.llrY !"or this-~~~-· .. !t .,.e,s ste.t.;:·a. that a. light 4-man t:.:nt is nJ.Jd.Jd fo_r. uso _;..,y opL-1~a¥ uni ta .o;>ora,ting .l.n. col C. ':i..;ath..::rj that a s.mtUl.;t stove w.l t.h sufl'lc.lvnt h..JRt o.ut_)ut is n..J.:tdJd -f.or Us..J wi t.l:;l a t~nt of th1s ty:,:.aj that .du.rablJ·m..;tal tJ11t pi'ris ·ato a.o1uat 'for )itching t.Jnta on :frc zdn ground. · · · ·

2~ l.Q.Qd A.nr1 r.,t .. T' " :·.~ : :'

\ . ' ., a. Mt1o~1e -·It 1e. g_;~'l.J'rfl.ily s-·ccopt.Jd. t~1!f~

a man roquiNs ovoi' 5,000 "Mlorioa. ,a day in eub-zoro · 'li:Cath.Jr e.r:.G. th.:.-r::~or'..:> silvul.d r.::;.C-..:1 VJ 'a r::-.tlon and onJ half. 1-Ioro ,on.:;rgy :j,.s r0qu!rJ'd :tO .cv~room.J thJ rpany obstf'.cl-:..·s .)6'$2'0.. ·by ·cold ;;.rc•B .. thJ:t• 1 FooU fu.rn.1sh.Jd tho m0n ·in .this. i>;>_,rat1on .([o?or.d~d.~n_t.ho ei~uv.tio!}• Sam~ un1 t:s ~-r~.._ .. J .a.~.l.J "to :r.::.Jc: no,; ::: ·ratl.P!'lS t~·.'lCJ n o.~y or hot ·c ·ratio.ris, llni ts ·th&t· •·:oN 1n: o.o;Jtint~ous ·contact w.I.ll.n. tho;;:: J.L·ww.y VlOl'.J unabJ..;J' w·g0t hot ·food· to mun uho \-lara in nositions o:.'l. thJ h1Rh ,p:rount'... Th..::e.:o~ m.;n had ·ovon :f'~:r:11shvd th.J C l'atiori'~prlo·r ~o moVing .out but wut·e llnl'lh1.-·. t.n .rAt:' t::"!.-:t mC-~nt nnm.)on~•ntl'l Ci:3nPusa thc.v w·oro·· · rro~;ii, ·-.~a·a·:t~!iuit; oni"Y" tlla n:Jn units ena tha rru1t w..:;r.:. consum.::d. ' ·

!t ·~·fEte X'.JOOIT!!';h~nQ .• ;,d: ·that :far cccesions. wh3rc host ;ras ~i thJr not a1m1lbbla .oi'. fiNs •trara im­:?rsc'tlc-~J som.J m.::;-at oom:?onont 'oit!L:.·r of ·a e.:lf !w.at­ing ty:>c or a dry mJat or onorgy giving foorJ. bar bo p;rov1Ct.:.:d.

!t "'as ~lao mention~d ihe;.t Smt<.ll u.ni t ~ohd~l'l!!, {f~l-"0 t~am a.iza) Wae daeii-~bl~ in cJrtain ·e1t­ue.t1ons l'?.nd th9.t Jqu1pm13nt should bo mads a.Vaile.blv· for this.

For unit feadi.f'.g of oom:."e.ny eiz~ 1 t was gcnorally ROO~_>t.:>o. that 8. 200 Jiie.n. mobilo· gallay ie '·· n;;,o;d,;.1.. Th:i;:; wuuld :f'acili te.tG · &i1C1 a J..:~.;;d U:.) :f'o<:~dir'..tc o:f' e:·liot .. moai'>;il~ch is so -vital in oolo:·tToath:,r op~re.hons,

b1 ;~ator- Water fro~9_1;1 tho_ wat.:>r_ trail­.... ,.-b_, 5 gallOn cans and· .cG:.'ltJ:~na., T.n.J ,;an~:: t:ral.l.Cr lm­mors1on h~~_t1;rrs would not tl)aw th..;~ 1ns1d~ shvll. of 100 \·thio.h form)~ 1n th..;~ wat.:;l-· tD:.n.!-~ 1 an.d consaqu.sntly iiatir oould. not ·o>J ·:.ri th(.1:ra~·m from· thJ val v.a s ui thout build­lng a .rlr.J b..:Jl13ath thv tre.l.lJ_r. All yal vos onq _)iping •··._,r.) frQz-Jn sollt'lly~ F:roz.Jn· CA!1ta..Jna ·.-rJr~ dis)oev~ "?f by tho mvn in ma:1y cas~s anr.:i. 1n0.1 viduale hnd. to ouDs.ls't on snC~·."· . A l"J'QU!r..::-m.Jnt for S0!!!-3 tY.?~ of thormsl un-it to b.; usJd •.1ith th-:: c8~1ta.r.ln,\"/es ux·.,rcsaed, ::::::oommond­atj_.o~& .:-n tl1~- •rat.:.:r trail.;r ~nd 1rr:fl1,1raion·..h.Jat-:.r·ulll 'b:) m?d.; lf.t.)r -~n tl1~ r-:.:!1ort.

3. Clo t:·liL-:.g

u·. :"oot(,.JI"'l:' - Th,:, 9hov· ?e.c "rh1ch VTas da­sit;tl.Jd ~:>.t·imt.rily for ''r~t co::. ·"1. '-'-6-' •.ve.s found. t<iholly unsatisf~ctory for us.J in ~:-.:.:: 1"-":-·r t.J~.PJ:retur.;:Je ~~. count~:r.;d, :Juu to 1·~s 'Hll't-.)r·_;rc_·of n~liur~ \3XC.JB6J.VG ~..:~.·-

s.[liretl.cq H.''IS g.)n.::re.l and mf'!.n~' cPr..::~. of f!os~b~~J. ::J-_ sultc-d., .;Sp...:cial.l~· in thr::s.J o.~Jsos: l·fl'l.ero t:ne lnC'.1VJJQU(l..J.. did not ":he.ng.:; h\s eoc!ts e.:.1c1 L1S?-l'os. In .9,(1._(1_1 tion, dU.J



Korean War Project USMC-00101909



·Q§~~f\} A~U::X XRAY X'71.AY, . COLD toJ':ATH:R· '0.?3:::t~·7·IO:{s

to poor fit,- lack of support, and poor .dtii'•ab111 ty· thoy wore not sat1sfacto:ry far th<i long tnarchJs onoountorod. Thos~ indivlduolS •.1ho wOrd boots or ·fiJlrl eho~s and ovJ~shoJs tne.d; out much b..:;ttur~ ·

sh-.:;ll ,,.as ao it uns

b, H;:[~d.\';rvo.r - Tho trigg.;-r ·fing.Jr mitten­also considar.Jd to bo an unsatisf!lJ.otol"y 1tJm not. \ill~ Jnough-.

u. Bol1; clothing - Th~ u~t cold• uniform with th.; parlt.a tw.J ov·..::rcoe.t ;p-rcvld.;,d th..,; minirr.um amount of inaule.t1on for kooping warm •. HowJiror, au~ to it~· bulk~ in..::ss ·?nd th..:: difficulty ·~n v~r:tilatihg· 'I.'TI.l •• m th.J 1na1v1d­uel· "lC.S OXJrtL1g himi!Jlf, ,ft is not' oor.sidJNd to bJ the at)s117.3l', In additionJ .t{lJ Jv.ck.Jt,_ fiilld, )Sile or t,tl~ v.::st ~lpaca lir..Jd >T~.s· .NqUiNd, r.oi thor. Q:f which .VoN availablo in qupntiti!ls. Th.J ov·JorooSJt, .p~_rka tr_;,o·is. oonsidJr0d to "ji,) too'- long., hJavy, ana roetriotiva. •. 'rh.:: nc~ci for a muffl~r of tho kn1 ttod ty,>a ues mado known.

d- Slol)pir.g bag - L~, gel1Cl;"e:l th.; :&e.g. Sl~a,~ ing, mountain •11a.s co:181dcrGC. to bo t:1.<3 bast 1 t.:;!m of· all. It v;~s ,us~ C. far· sloJping, ~-ra:rmi.tog_ f3ct, ~nd for :ko.6:p1nS Casu·al ti.aS rra·rm, :F"or th.J lo~·!:;et tl3m·o~re.turoe encount-3rc<1.. 1 t ~1as nc t \'tE\rm enoUfh~ ho~;!_t;;ven"': · t~C Be -who su:,~pl ~­mon~cd it \'lith thi3,3ag, sl0aP1llg, ,tToOl me.da out v:.ry ''loll. .. Tho Arctic slco:;>ing bag should b.o_ avail~>ble for eubZ~ro co~Q1~1ons.

-3. It '·.ras tho ganeral opinion that n r..;­quiNmont oxists for o.n inflatnblo insulated '>ad for usD. undar th.J slo:;::_:;ing __ ·oag in oold wqather operations; t.i',1s to ':,>rov1do insuletion· aM. com:tlo!lt for the individ­ual.


1. It .is_ .recomm:and;;;d, ,;~1et e.ll partirlcnt it.::ms listed bDlm< a:ld sho~m i.l :1ov1sion ;lo. 7 to the ·re.bl~ of Al­lowances, Voluma II undor Arctic Clothing and :quipmQnt be procur.Jd and stoc~':.2d by the :-.~nrir.J '·cor::._) a for oper­ations in cold •,raath.:.ir, wh-3th,"'lr 1tlat cold or dry cold. From talkiag 1:ti th cfficvrG uho ha.Vo hud )r.::v1ous -3X­p,.~:ri.~nc.s 1:~~ cold ,_,;Dnth.;;ir and from t:l-3 c_X:.,-'Jr1cncos of this )1vis1c~1 it is hc.rd to justify a rjqui:rornJl~t for both \·rot-cold an:l dry-cold clotl1ing .Jxcopt in thJ ca_ec of foot~·TJ3.r '.-rlwrc t~1<H'.J are t1,10 cUstinct ty-;>C.'B no.:ldJd. In !ll1Y caso th'-lrc is n ~J.Jd fol" 11;:;ht .. n~, l.:iss_ r,.:strict... i vo clothiae; -'chat Lmrls 1 tsc~f to grouter cas0 in v..;nt­ilatine; than d9C"6 thv pros:mt '.tdt oolQ ans~mblJ.

Art1clo ::o.




T,::nt, ::!:_.xaeonal, lie;ht- 4-mn.n. t:.:-nt 'rcight, '1-1950 .

Tor uso 1rr/!<.ll t.·ut~gJ

Stovo, Yuko_n;- :·l-1960 ?o: ... uSJ · -~·r/ 4.-msn 'l__;:nt··· (It is undoP.stoo6 that

Pn a.:-.:::?-Jri;J1,:tnl in~xp<m­siv~- 5 lb etov<J fOr co~d wce.th~r us.:.: 1s ur1dC>r dJvolopm.:mt. This may biJ an ans,-'l;.ir}.

- 3 -


Korean War Project USMC-00101910

At-tiel.:: :{o.

' '4352.




. 4352

. 4369



. 4:366



Cook Sot, Uoull!tain ·.

Mit tons, Al•otic,, J.l-1949 1N/1nscrt

Jackot, i:ntJr~~diato •·r/l;il1cr

'j!ood f/ jacket int'vr- · m~:ldi.Ut6 . .

Trousers, ··1nto~~di~·~a,· ~t/linDr · .. · . ·


. , For firo toam . moss.ing j.n ooQ-,

Junction ;;j 1-, b~ril.;r,. stove;

:; . -. . . ~ DSl,:.t __ e> mi ttani s!IJll · trir>e:er:

. q_.,gor;;from !I:'( .I\ r-.

'Dp':l.ot.J .Jnokct~_ . f'ial,..(i, Ml94:l A · and Hood troin' . . . 'f/A .. ·.. ,

· Doloto, t'rou~"'-._,_._ ·0rs, ficld1 cotton, OD from T/.P: . D¢lot0 ·su.spond~

. ; _ors·, ~rou·set.-~: . from T/A .'

P,e~.o tc.i·· Dral·l"'!' 'firs :a1':J:d under~ 6b1 rt 1 \'1001

· , •frop '::/A . •. . • •• •i'

Undorehi·~t, lrtnt~·r., · lh95d' ' '-:'- . ~ '' !lelota -Over'-,

· coE~t 1 .Parl<;a. . ·. t;-p'"· from T'/J;.

T1·ousors, out or, '~/lin<>r 'The Pa.rki."'and' t_rpU:e..::f.s outer to be· avanable iri case of. ox;'-" trGmc:~ Pamper-

Pad,, insulat,)d, eloop1ng1 inflatal:lle, ''type' · <. ·

a turo. and for incU vi!'[uals .'ex­')osed to tho \>old ·for .l0\1g periods:,·· ·_1- .. e.; · aentrY'.-aU_ty,

·.For. ili-.y:.o.;;.icl. ,use only

;;oT'i:: It is rccomn:e,-,d3d thit the e.bov~ 6iothlng 1toms booauso _of their lightnoss in '''?i!!il:lt, ·goof! design as it pcrtatns t~ ins'U+atj_n.s; ~:.:-:!a- ir::c1iy1dual,: ana. ~Hso 'tTith · 1-rhich they may bo 'v.;;nt1;tetof"1.1 "'1:~rv0 for both \•rot-cold and dry-cold. oondi tiona; IM ;,cnoos of ovcrhoating-,bc­caus·c ·o·f thO· o:lfficul 1i¥ fr,. vcnt.ilc, tlnc;_ ·uftb tho \<ct~cold unl:t'orrn ;>osod ::;>roblams, such as l'arl:.ns f.l'OZO!) stiff from pursp1rat1o'n r.esul tlng in ·extreme ci.Iscomro·1 .. t-- to me'n in thi-s oondH1cn, · The gc'i1eral opinion 1o that tho ever­shoe, 4 or 5 buckle in conjunction Hi th .a fio.l<l. shoe ">.::. - '\ .

- 4-




Korean War Project USMC-00101911DECLASSIJ<'IED

-to !)0_.rm~t~\.'rca.r1.ng. slt1 spoka, !si'J~ ·15-:St'tal" ,; -tho. t)'lle · '•toathor oottditicns. m,;>t .by:.· tho

than is tho Shoo Pac. . Thp,. O.isadvimte.go t6 solution >loul<l. b~ oxtra e~oilfht• Sorious co.nd10.,

er.e.t1on shoul_U .-b-J gi v~n to: . .s t_qnc1ardi~R_t1on ·~na. "\le..1· ·of · th~ .mountal:n ski

10oot.fol;. thiS· ty-,;_)0' \1Jath~r nnd. t.:;;r: ... ·

rain. It .is thO o~lnicn of thosv ~rho huv<.t had. _Jr._,.:. vioua '.Jxporionc0 1n co11 H.,;:s.thcr t:.u~t 1 t would hP.VV SJ:rvod tl~o )Ui:posc.. It is .e._ ruggod boot u1 th uh}.oh orre.tilfi uoar on~ (_J..}·?ni:r ou!3hio>1 soloC socks, two (2) pair·sl!:isooks, and ono (l)·;>alr or folt ir.solcs •.. ~or :(lry;_,Qold oondl.tiol}s the 3oot, arctic, folt·ia rocom-m9ndod. · · ·

,., :' ~_:-.·-::~.< ".k-. .. ' . _· -.. . f<2:; '/'):t .. is' r"commO!ldOd th~t tho )loall'ilJ'b~'J:~ty of USing '· ·;" BCJl·f·; _hl}ating rations for ·f~~li1ng 111 OQ.S;Jo.$· 'lfht1rll l"io8.t · · 1~ ·not. aye.1ln:~Jl..; b~ invoatiga.tod.. The problem or

b.ulk. 11nd 1·ro1ght the.t ~s nocoeser1ly ndc1cd to ·O).rovido s~lf' contnino~ h~at tor :yroportiqnatoly loss food may Uinlte this im:;>ractice.l. Anctho>:- solution might ba 1e-·

·sUing tho arctic trail r-ation, o~. corr._)ontmts thbraof aB ·nn· cmorgcnoY o:r survival r.a.tlon - 'Ih1e ratior~ may be e'aten Hi,·thout recou::.~s<J to hcr:t. · It conta1::1s e.. highlY eoncdnt:ra·tod mont anc1. VO[;~JtP.blo· ·11ai- ,.,.hioh is· n9·t to_o )nla tn"'olo but 1 t •:rctil.i cJ.o the job •

. --. . .

·3. -"It. 18 :rocomm.onQ.c-0. that the l,st ~-:arj,-nCl Div~sion be )rov1d-3d a :~-i:>o"totyx~· modJl of tho 200 man mobil.;:~ ~..lts-lwn for tciat ~-,hon available.

, ' · ·.'B, ·HOvemcnt ;,:._:~~/;(.-' ,,,, '. 1• On foot -.not only by.>'oason of·th0 taot~ .<'}': .i·.cal >'cquirainonts, ·\:Jut also fo.- )lUI')loses or 1';0o;;1ng .'$~4~;tilarm, movemeni; pri foot e~its a must.,. This \d.U. roma1n ;·,,~_~:·t·r::: s~o::-.\ll?-._til t;JU.C:h: .time, ns. _cov:}roa.'-"'iohiGlee '.i1th 1;.na1!_e:ll-

. · e<Ljl~e<ti;lg eql!ipmqn~ a~· o.vailablo .•. '

2, Transpot•tRtion - Avane.blo trai1spol'tat1on _is rcqu1r.:.>d to cr.rry 'UO\lli.dod, nccoaeRry SU..Jplios ·.such a~ t~nt~_ge, · fooo.,·.:we_apons, ('.mmvn:iticn, stovce, etc,

-:."The gencr.al con('lonsus is that' R.ddi t:1.bnal transporta t-ion: i's. ~"oqu1-rod :i~or cold u~uther _.operatioae. \"Then

· ·. uni t.s. ,.,r·e-. on th.s move this transportr.:.tion shoUld be · · ~-:tt't(ch;J~ .. _to the rctiments !"or pur-poses of hauling t.:.'1e ·. aO.Ci.i tion<Q. orgenic oqui)ment roquivo(i.,

.;3. Digging in- A solutio~1 'to'· the p:...,oblem of t<igging ·e. foxhole 1e needact. Aftet• ooe;·etLlg a.n day ,it tool;; men 6 to 8 hours to dig in at night, Thu 1no.ouuy to cepe >ri tll .thia situa~ion """ costly.

lll:'e· necdoc1 and should be maO.e available S. of ·one· )6-r firS tea~:·:··. __ ?r.:·l11s on.'.y :?arti-

: ~~~a~:i~·,~~Z~ vc,~ ... the problem - some t;ypo .. or explos1 vo- 1s '.·: is eim;;>le 1n .natur~ once Cl\ll 'be utilized

ill\>)!l.'"":i oriccd l.h<lividue.l.

' ... ':tn~1~1dual loa·~.s and lord lit91l'! .:<, .

, :I·-· l;l., 3y. fer the. inoe:t 1~op6·at-:::e:.· C'C.t.J:--:.::~:--~\~:r·.s : the 1m~Joa~1bili ty of f!. m_El_n cari-y_i_t;:t-3 a. ·-P.Cfi.-VY ·:)/' ,--.'.\.•nnd

'~'·'"·',' .. ~;~]-:~;rsa: -amounts qf. f_;r::!8r·on his~ DAclt ar,d. -nt itl'lc,-... ~nr1·?·: t,_mc _.' · 9.xpcc.t.1rig him .to .. bo: ablo.to· fight, This .loo.cJ. mus.t bo

_-., l1,gh~o.no'C>.~ .-o-:tl~ar-wio.~ ~h.:; go :r w:l.ll, :b~ -tlu•ot-m ·a_,·rs".y. · ' '



. -:·At"

Korean War Project USMC-00101912

, ·~.

.. t f:r~• .. ;t·Hl-1 ~MEi:;n&


Mmr:x XRAY XRAY, coLD ·~1::AT'r::R oPERATions

It is racomme'ndec"!. _tha-t :tho_ man_ b~ r"cq:tiirod to. have ·in his possession on;I.y that clothing r.,ctually worn by hi~ \'J"i~h tp.e oxc~··_Jtion of axtra ... _socl-;:s, .oxtra inaolos anc:l u sleeping bc.g; .A systvm of clotbin!l exchange. r:mst be . set up to ineur.:::· that wh.Jn t_ho tl'otlc~l .,_91 tu_t·.ti·on per

1 mi ts, clce.n olotbos vro provided tbot.oombc·t · un1 ts .of . the.-Div.~s .. ion ~Y thQ Soi'VicO Battfl.li<fri;·_ ~~aturally; e. : · problem of sizing end. avaUa1;>111 ty. Jntors. 111to ·this •. · How€lvor., most un1 ts f.00l thnt if !1- goOd te:rfff of. s1z~s >ms furn1sbod tboy >IOUld mnko out; Tbo .~d.cc. of. :fur­nishing a mRn one. comploto outf1 t of' clothing w1 th .. <the additions mentioned abova we.s l.ookcd on "" n mothoO.: ot .JcQnom1z1iig on olot;_hing .1ne.smuotl n~ oxt_f.n __ clottii."lf!( is./· disposed of· duo to tho 1nabil.1 ty of tho LJOn to cr.rry ' it.~ Roplenish:-ncnt- r!',t.:.:s :for- .. oloth1n:e· muf3.t' _bO:; in.:.. cree.saci ~n ordJr ·to insur,:; v.n r.Q.:Que.ti) stock to e.llo.\-J:~

thq: .clotping .Jxche.ngo sy-_st·om -_to fUnction. AlSO,· clothes voar Out muoh fa.stor in Cold "\'i~C!th;;:r, osi)oc1a}7 ly socks. Ar. ~-n~wor to tho. sook -)roPlorri might -\'T.Jll' -bo_ a system of furnishing cl~M socks '"'hen ··tho d.:1.11y: re.:t~ 10l1S a.1~e drm"tl• _ \ · . . i:

b.- ~~um<Jrous com!)laitlts ,.,.~ra;r:.mB.d~ conoarp~ ing tho p<reocnt'l~arinc 0Cllj>B pack; l'bo consensus is that e. p.:-,ckb6e.ra., . ·ehqvt8r ::1n 'lJn(;th t;i th ·qui c.!{: rolGasc

.. straps, should bo o.~valopo"CL tq r~pltcq tho .)~0ecnt · .Pfl.ck. In most instances; th.a pX".;;e.::nt· pt._ck ~o-s--rq .we.s_~:

preferred for cold-iwb~thar work,· ~ne. it ;;m.s .rJl:t thnt .the pecl<board :·>rinciple couu, be co:"''l:~d .. ti'couc;!J 'to·· : make-- 1 t fl .. .satiSfactol"Y it am for yoP.r. BrO\lnd us.::• In this connection 1 t· >ma soon "" )lcing ug;rd· 'cli th a >mto+'­p!'qof. 'ponta1ner 11hich could hold. a sl.ooihg be.g., 1n-·. fl~t?blo ;n~, extra _socks,· ate_,· _and .thr.t_;·Plrin:kot.s,-,_·)GC~, bodQ.ing rolls, ·anc1. t-ha ~sG of tP,c _._Cbt ·:o.9ti-l;-~ b.o .'sliqi~;rt~ od, Tbo oot .. w>.s considered a 1 uxury i't::>m !\l'ld: ahG'uld ·~ only _b~~ u~va. 1t1hon in -a gar:r1~o;;n s~tu~-~ion"

5~ Re_ti3;s_ -of ll.ovcm;Jni

. _ iie.J.)eatcd· comtn3nts_·w$rJ rl1-?..:de· ¢oircern'-••g the cffoct.s of c010 vwath:'r as .rol>toc1 to tho 'OffiM~ncy· of :personnGl .;:~.nd e-qui:?rnGnt,_ . All Wi3:apo·ns ·ai\d.· trp.:i$l)o:rt .. .,.: .ation aro reduced in officicncy by tho oold··,<eath'lr as·· hro porSonn31. Operations must bo sloVl3d dOl"m in ord..;l"­.that lnC'tivldu~ls 00n be allq,'lod to got -~'arm, so t~1at '· p1~.0P?t' ma1nton!lnce of vT~a)_ons_ and V(:lhiclpa · c·:.m be )?r-'. fOl"ffi~O., _anti. _so· th~.t the lo_g1sti¢ sU~))Ol"t o·an l~OJl) up, · .rz'h1s tlin:'3 el"ment -must allo.,.r for tho sottihg up an-~. ' .s.ubsGquont mov.;.:s of. e. Base. Ohmp, ~h0 BO:so. 'Cru..'1p Would be :;..rovid(!cl \Vi th s_h.::;l tar and h...; at_ which \'lOUl_d allq;t f'o~~

equ1pm<lnt maintonanco, for o"ooration of laupdr•J.: units· etc-,_ All those ·:racto·rs . .must b,1 tak~Jn. into .oonsl·c1.Jrr.,t- ·

·ion 1~ f1gurinB tim~ .-ai'ld s_)a.co ca~culattons. 11ovy~,; .. ::nt ·must bD o_aloulo.'tod in t<:;ms of tim a rei.thvt than of- C.ia.:. ~tan,ce, 'rhe :9roblcm is_hot~T,lc~:Jc; 1~ VTill t£~k_~ to _g;Jt from ona vlaco to F.ll1ct;.'l.:;r r.'1_th~n·~ tha·n·hoi't·mtill~' c:;1los it .. is __ .. _b-?Y1-'lo·on ~~esc ?ln;c;Js.. ·

d·,· tom:dO:t'At1P ·~·md i~~Jl~·~ ... n·~'E.:~J:1_~

cqr.i:pi\ny comrftRndJr.'3. etrtbd -~hE>.t d+f:f'~rVl"l~Qs in the phys1ce1 condi tlon of mon by s'<Uo.ds ·.coUld· bo trac­ed _to thz fl.ctiv1 ti.cs of tha squo.d l3aO.n::r .. · Mo_ra ':than ever LJaclJrship and ITI.?.n manng~m.;nt ~oro~bl3r.JS. ~.re ?-ccent-

GOZ:F!~~\l~ .· ,ter~ ,~ -6-



Korean War Project USMC-00101913llF.CLASSIFmll

V r::tm«'iM·-·.


· ~(t!dkJ;!.rffi}\ ' ~ -· ' ' ·- • J ~

Ai>::·iZf{ XRAY XRAY, COLD :~~A~~~~-:-'Q?E?:.A'I'IO:~s

untod by thJ coid t·n~r.th·-1·r,. _Tho ·;j)..lnior. o.it,'ic~~ -~tnd. .. HOO vlll hay a t'o'-:su:o.vrvlso t.tw maihton-a~'lC.IS! and· ce.r.e· · .. ·.

· · ~f ail clothing' an<'.·· Jqtiipm.,pt ani!. ~ha P'C9.l:ll'om o.f sup:.:: ply ooonooy, li9·1<.H.l.bavo:·:to know .. and Kycp· a con-.. , .. ~tan~ chock:. an thq. rqJnta;:r .·e.:.1cl ~_hy.piC~.l c·o~1C:1 tiCi'l 'rp_f ~. i>ach of his mon, .cjl((~chJ.ilg:,,bY.mPa!)ti. o'r tho .".budi'ly .

. systam" a l)loro. st/fbl·~ ~an to ·guide and·'aJ!sist a.·•Woa)!:­.-~l'. on13 i"s mos_t h..;lPt.il-:L; ·.t:n ·•)l',;sv.;mtlrig· col'd· \·ivU __ t~1e-r · ~~-S:~al tias~ · · ·· ·--' · · ·

. '~ . > ·' -· .. ....

;, ' ... :;-_.,. . .. ,

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Korean War Project USMC-00101914DF:CLASSIFIF:[)

· 1,~f..\ ~~iz(¥\H QQJil!l ;::~ ;TI.'4,

AU:r;;:x x:=L!\Y X...~YJ- OOL:J ·J:ATB3R OPE:tATIO~~S

III, T.i1:C!L'ICA:.. AJD R::AVY .::QUL'H;;:!T

1, <l-snerai

' ' ! I

n. ?pr th3 pu_:rrpos_0S of t_his r~)crt, thoJ t;;;,oh­nionl and .. hoavy dquipmont omployod by tho lst Mnrino ·DiVision in l.ts r~cont cold '"""thor o<>orntion is e,iv-

.. id0d 1-ato -th>J f'ollo_'Jring cr-ttJgoriOs·{ \1:) Ordn;nca, (..2-) ~ }~o_tor· TrD.l"!S?Ort~ (3)_ 31g.~al 1 nnd. (.4) :n~~1n.JGr.

b. Tho difficul tios ~nccuntorod., enci rDcom­rnand~tlons for l"emadial .!'l:ation~ in. m~ny oneas, hP.ve be_en 1Jrovi·ously r~portod on much of·'tha oqulpmcnt,

· __ pnrticul8r.ly -those 1 tams 1,'/hiol;l ht",va. b0Jil -t!l(3 subject· (Jf cold •cronthor tests oonductad by v~rious sorvioes <>f tho Mil~ tl\ry ::s:t.o.blishmont,

o~ ·It·- is co&1si-CI.13rad th:'1t m"'ln~r _of the Cl.if' .... fi oul ties (.lncount;;:r.::d: cculd_ h?.Ve Oaan all->JVit".tad. o,r eliminated entirely hC\d sufficient tLw boon OVf\il­e.Ple .1n ;c,rhich to· pro:~J.:::rly tr•ain .)arsorinel· 1 nnd, so pre-

.·. ;pai'e .(·~-rinteri:z'C} cquiprnont. for tho co.i.1.C!.uot -of a cold ;.·_ >~ >W.aa.'nher,. rnount-ain. i'tarfar.~ c~mpa1gn,

·.;~::~~- .- d .. · Thi9 re_.)ort _oov.:..:rs only thos~ pivc.)s of ~~'-. _e,qui)rn4nt '"~ th v;i1ich dj,_ffi cul ti~e exp0r1c.:1ced ~Nvra ro­:, .. ,·Ported to t!1o S<;>~cle.l eold 'cleathar Staff, - .:-''"'·.':

• ';'\.Y''' a~ OrdnanoJ J.lo.t'Oriel (Small Arms). -·.:,.~1$;> ~ " ' . '~ . · a.· Carbin~, cal •• 30 Hl and. H2.

·"~'\'f,;"';:- ; ., . . . . . '~· "\ · . · · ,( 1·) Of all the 'me<;>ons em)loyed the cer-

\'q,.: pine l~cccivaO. the. most ttdveraa cr1tio1srn, a.L1d had th~ ) o><lo>rest user ucoeptab1l1ty of any us<id by ~ho 1nd1vid.­<.~;\, uah Verbal NjJ01'ts incUcato ~;1at mnl1Y men <>.banc1oncd ~,.., this .. tpa.[.l·on and )i:cked U) tho :S.1flc,· oall:.30 Ml 1 Hhen }i the Carbine fftiled •tC> funetion, Tho rnost co!lllllOn com­

'@'~:':. ~laint inc~ udod the follo>rL1F':

~? .· ·.. . . ~~~.y~~~rmi~H:f~·~r:::l<~b:::sing .,. lTJa;>on J;o fail to f1ra. ·..:c.· (c) G•norally sluggl.ah action 1n cold ,:·)· 'N'3athar, ··· · (d) ?'ail uro of tho 30 rou.1d mac;azino

,,:,,;.;,.,·. to food 1f fUl.Jd with more than 20

~~:iS,\· (~)n~h~ quos~io~od n~c.assi ty for WJJ~;?_. ·· , a!J·~cma ti o firJ Hi th a ,.,~8.?0~1 of' th.J .... ,/o:A-fJ · carbine tY:?J•

~·: ( 2) It is r0commo:odoc1 tl1ot axtMs1ve tests ·be_ cCnductGd with the Cf'.rb1J.1C und.:.r .dry cold conditions

.·---~- 'to (lat:,'):r!'~1inJ 1.·rhe.t can b0 donJ to' 3liminot.:;, tho mo.lfunc­tionS of this l•lon)on. ~t is :)ossiblJ tfla.t rcple.cing the: ?r\:!scnt operatL1g s:,)riag '!:Ji th .on.;: of ..:..:roat..;,r stif .... fnas$.-' and a mbdificPti_o'-l to impart a corl"'Js.:-o;~.dingly · gro~ter thrust by tho gas .;oiato;~ m1~t aolvv tho i'''O~

'·Rlam·a . It is .fur~hJt l.~0COffir!l,~udcd, that· as l9ili3 t'.e. ~ha carbin<J remai.na 1n 1 ts :':r9aont. form, ap:?ropt:iate .act.to.n,

· be· initi~tod to l:'e;>lr.co it with tho :~-l :'!iflo '.ihon op­·_. .. erati:lg in· dry cOld· R.raFLs.

:~;~~}'; C~f\-·if_\} il,:~s( ·

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Korean War Project USMC-00101915


. .. ~#.

t~~~i:!Ht' Al1C:EX XM}: XRAY, COLD ';I;':AT:-!2:?. OPE:?J'.TIO::s

· ...

. . , . • _, ' -. -.. . '. ·r:·. ; ... " . 1 • • {J.) in f;m1~:rRli, feJ;r:-o.dm:9le.into ~-:~rc ra-pwi(ted con?~rr:il}~·.tt}.i~-.J'_t,p_~:)O~h i __ Thoa:al.most common con ... cernea eluggis_h ln,it1-9.l' ~-ct~~r~' f'+~?.fl th0 'belt b~iJ!g froze!' closod,, .~nir~s~l[;a~1on ~a.s; r¢·11'\JaUd that tho . 1ntrc'duqt~-on.-of-~_s!fol·~ .. ~nd dir.t,: .... t;tta th:J ·-mr•!LlX!g p3-rts. 11f.l'l;Jn th.:J ~·FJR:Pon ~,me hot accountod for muoJ1__ o.f thv dif­f:Lcu:ttY= It. ,:ro.s.. o.lso• d..:lt,yriliin.;_;~ 'th.a:t:·a.J.:t:ticul ty in · o.ooning tho bol te: .~rid al ugg1sh actioll. 0o)lld bo · .. !'\ ttr1~ but?d to .th.:>. fo:;:•Jr.~Y~Yn .of rlm~ frost, ... ,?r.rt.toulr-.:rll ib nnd. ~.round th~ gr.s, oyl1i1d,_;!r· np.d. o:9v~nt·1ne; rod .~:!Iiston~ na_ th<:i '-i~_H1_~-: .. :;n· ~orJ~_~d -o;'f·.;~!t.::r:,f1r1.hg. Tl:".L$ cool'lng }. off . .:_)rocoas fos1;;vr..JCJ. .. c9nd'-ln.entir:n -·.J;n:i.ch ·turnvd to 11cp Ancl :d .. i!i-J frost. Belts ~·l~l.,~Q.u;:;~;tly .rr.ozo ·so .... tightly· · closed that 1 t """ ri.ocosaary to boat tho opol:'at1ng .h.~ndl~ violcmt;ly v-;1 ~h ·a ;:t•:'i..-{le_·_butt :tO .. or)ort the actionst

'I '· . • • . ' i .-, ( $) I-t· is co.;:sidJ·r.jd·· thnt~· ~h~ ·.UbovC· cOn.:-:·

d1t~on dous .not-rcfla_ct-·a rn~ah1mt'c~.l_-0_.Jfieiancy· ;Oh · thi:J- pv.r-t· Of.. tbo l-Ma:pon •. :tt' doe~ h9\fOVal"-l .. e:Jflv:ct-·a .sov1ous oond1t1Cn •. common in OOld ~r~atb,d:r:.c·;:;Jb:rctt·1ons. I~-~ l·,rh;~Ch _y:f.oopf; i~t~Bt' ,bo r);ri3por~d :and. _.indo·ot:rin~;:t..:!d ·\ to il').stU"~a 'th~. highoet O,c~~c;; of i.ndi v:\,dunl ~,;,J?.po:1 'QC:,l''2 a tt~.1l)ablo .•. · '·

Ct Rit'lJi nutomat1~~ ~o.l •• 30 ~ro~.mi11g, t"_ MlS18A2: ...

. . . \1) !rig.:;-vi'quai-.8 7 ax:;~arianc.-)CJ.·c1trfJ.cul-ty .w1 th · tl}is .vrea:pol) 1r-:t dil"'9c_t :!.J:t;"Oporto1on- to tho -OP'l.~Cl it '·rao gi.ven. -!~any of _'l;itia.se we~qna · \>m~e e.ban6cnod. fc~ 1ncons-1.stent opera t;1on . or. ir~a:;).a:rabl:-0. ;stQppagati~ ~e-ny r-o_:.o·rtB ~>Te.t•G r~c;:;:tved Of. sluggish. actiori, ma.lfunction or .ma~nz111..:J ·flfed. failure· to·loOk ,crn~.:--f1ro~ and fail_,_· ure:.t·o.iextl"sic't. · .. · . · . ··-1· , . ·:. -· •: ·

. , ··. i2) .)iany of. t)\~ m~lfl.)~~t1~1)S re)ortod l>re~~ avid.B!1tlY th~ .roeul ~ 9f'_ ptl.ow and :.mcf1.stu1~e having gottqn, l.n:t;o ·,the HQrk1ng . .:)ar.te and ev:mtu!i:ll.y forming ice. C..~ani!.;)O in tcrr.-.::.erat-o.lr-c u&uaoU frJrmt•.lions -:::r icc ~!1. tho burt or grou1>, •. e.nd the. ~nno>'. sul'faco of th~ re­.ccivor~ !n som~ vas.ae !;'.Ufficicn.t 1~~l· bt;ilt·u) ;tn \:ih0 iodkin8; iocc3S$ to ~)ra·VGn~ th~ .bolt locl{ ·fl"om .sJating, Th:t~ condition qausad the ';~ooa:.:::..cn _to fR11 to fire;· and. ,thv. ~.<::R)on .bccumo ii:Jo~)<U"'aPlG_,

(_3) In .an att.:;m~)t._to. all>J.ViatG mnJ f'l_l_nct-16-nS s6m::; lnO.ivlUuale :.)l13.c·::Jd •wtsa)one ncar firG.S _or, tO'ok thJrn into tho ·_slc~:nin.t!: bau with them, Th;:! u.su,>:>,l roaul t o:r: sU,ch_'p:rt\c.~ic~S ~'l~s a,ri .age;revat1ori .of', tQn fq,:rrM~tion. -=>f' ice_ thr.oll:e;-ho~t · th·:!i •,rq~!~i-ng ;;-al~tn of tho \'T>JD:)ons as a l"esul t or concl.Jnsat1on anc1 chant;J. of' ~om:9ara ture ~

' ' . ' . ~ ' (1) _F'c1~ · "t;~-b·-' )\n;_·,,~,~-=n3_ qf ~~1~s. r0.~::ort. t11o.

i:iachin~ guns- Grtl)lOy.:::cl on.-:: .• ::; ~)Jl~.';ltion ,.,i_ll.-bo ;q~a .... · cussad unQ..:;:.r one g.Jn~.ral.. ~1.::..".'~-~·:.1g 1 ,s+;,tc;o .. th..:;. ~:!;-,si,o;. _ch0!:_act.-n .. istics_ o.f tha 1-.rea_ . .-e;~--:.s -al~O ·s_im-1~-ar-J ..sn.~rtllC _ ;--;,r":lfun~t.1.cms Q·..J.o. to cold 1:i0t}'UhJ4'. ;:,"_.;;;;r·~ li_ke,..r-iso '_~1m.il­ftr~

( 2} Th~ lli{;.CUJ.n;J. guns uood on -tp1 __ s ·op'-11"--: a tion ,, ~ro the follo•1f1n& rnodJls:

co:oFID:ft~ - 9 -~'\~:~~~V?~

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Korean War Project USMC-00101916




·Gunj· mFt"dhili&J ·oa1/~~a, Bi'or.r:11ngj· ~!l917Al. . . . GtinJ~ :m·achinq~ cal.-:. '30, _3ro,_.;:1.1.ng; Ml919A4, fl~xibloi · . . · Gun,- machlns,- · calt •·50_, ._3rown1ng, !!2,, hoavy bnrrol! f10xiblo..

. . (3). In gono:rill lJss difficuLty >rns. a::oeri-:onc.od '"ith. tho mo.ch1n·o guns as a rusliH ·ar ·cold tv,;~th.Jr thdn wi~h-_ other_ tY:Jva 'O_f automati.o fl.nd svmi­n~tt.o;n!it-ic ·small arms-.· .. -All of tho ~r.Ja)?o!':ls. )ir'd ti:md- .. o"oios. to bo slugghh 1.n action, · ConsidorablQ d1ffic. c~l_ty_~t'~ns OX:.J'_arlJrtca.d _in _;na1ntttl.1f1ng ')ro;;?~r l}Jn.ds)acs1 ·a ·:notjjial Cl)ld >raath(;r condition. . · · · ' · · ' . .'··'·I:·· . . - .. '

,· ; ': .. . (:4).·A:grf1~t deni 9f d1Ufoul,ty i<n$ oi<.~a:t>1-, . ;~pe¢dl1ith tho lU917J;l (wat:lr-ocoljcJ:.) gun,, in keaping

·,ant.i'-'.fro.czo. aolu'!;ion. 1J;> th.e water jack at, . !, great fnia.n~\~~!llur~s of ·ttw ba,rrol pMI<ing ooour~d,. .rus\11 ting

. ;;.i•p •. lo.a·a\'of .-the cool11nt.> It >~ae rocoorta<l. :that aftor all )t;he .. /lvallable anti~frcdza (a sh.or<t".su··>.HY it~m) IJM·ox-: .. ::~~¥4frt~- ~he .g_~n ,-~_roW J'illu~ "t!i1:;i. "!Ei~Or: -Jao~§-tef 1-ri ~h -_d1.3s.ol

,:.-}~)-!:~1-a-~ _.ah emC'rg~n~y ml3asur_c_. _ ,SJV\1r£\~ _e;unn. torGrJ. _rendt3:r-\~d ~?il-rnianJntl y uns-crvlce.able :tor .lnck of cools.nt"f there ·!i:loirig nGithor. '!atJr nor· ant1o.froGzo solut·ion e.ve.ilablo,

. :· '.' · ,. . . C5) It :is r.)conun~nd?d that tH.:i 'su.pply of a. -'-mo:re suitc,blG_)e.C!tine for this 't·laau·on·be considorad.J .(•

:-~ .. j,s6\~·c·i&':,l.ly ·for col'd _wrcath.e.r ·us~. lt ·1s also .ooris1c1Jrsd ;th.a't/ if nacoss~.ry, .ll m.otl.1t'tcat'io,n to the' barrQ~ ;>acki;1g ·~;tiiridlh'll>e'uedb,oll.n;:ordenc tnal1aid~tenHon of .tha ·coolant, e'spoc1ai:1Y. i;inti-/roew solution, · oan )le ECssurad;: ·. · . ' . ., . . ..

,, · ( 6) It l<iis i'e:;iort~d .that a n~ber of . th<l · Ml919A4 (air cooled) guns ·become rel&t11(a1y inetfective. due to burned cut barrels, ft'a.res ware not available l'} e_ome .ca~es. ):l~ 0au~e,. d\le to .. tl>e. extra weil§ht, g11n cref1s were forced to abandon .the s1>are s· during tha.lr ar<fuous elimbi,..n.g'_about ~n thO ·1.)~e·cip1tou6 t.e:rra-in.

(.7) Ali models of machine guile ~iors ·rs;,>orted .to have wee.k driving ro.Cl springs, It ·is consiC:erad that this GOridition was dUe to some eXtent to frcrst and ice. fo:rmaUon, and to iml>roper ;Lubrication, since no p:rOper cold ,.;roat.fleJ' lUb-ricants !•Tare a,vB.1lable ·f9r· a_ny ~a~~Jona.

. (8) The major diff1cul ty ve;>orted concerning the • :;;o caliber machine gun 1<aa the general sluggishness, 111itia1 failure to feed until warmed U!>i .. ana. difficulty in malnta·inlng .heads;>aca; These diffioul tie·s. a;,) eared· to ·hold .true howaveri for all models of machine guns;

(9) It '•rae re.oortJd theX the ·fat Ev.ttalion, 5th l'I!<rlneo ca:otured a model :.!l9l9A6 , 30 cal. machine gun fr~m the Ghine.se. Tl).~s 1·1<>ap9n is thei light air cpoled t;rpe hG.ving a butt ·atacl< similar tO .tP,~t of a Browning Autom·atl\) !l1fl.ec The >IGe:)on racJived the mos.t favor:able ·cor,nmcnt :)ossibl~ rele. t.t Ve to_ ls.cl~ ·of ccld . veather malfunctions; It i•ras ol.a1liled thc.t :uts 1'tCa)on fired it ];':.no~1n totdl o}.' alY;>roxitruitcly '54} 000 ro,unc'l.s,; ···This figure may >~ell. be overestimated.; ho>~ev~r, it could be poemible; since the gun lHts equip)ed "t-tith tt'Stallite lined barrel,

. .'. io-



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