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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-70

CD: 01

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project USMC-00100372DECLASSIFIED

DECtAS'Slh£b Div 1 cd.orl· ..... r(,HH.mcc Se_c_tion.

Heo:dCunrters ls t i•i8rine DiV isi_on (.Reinf) FPIF·

c/o FPO' Snh ·Fran'CiscoJ Galit:or·nla

Ordncncc Section

2-JOO 8/hJn

Bqtrs 1 1::; t l-lnr D!v, F:-!:F' In the fteld -· 30 November., 1950

F~·om: Division QrOnance' Qfficer T0: C ommanc' ir;g: Gt_;t1er~+-• ls t· ."'.crine Di v 1_sion

t-i-:.;bj: B;_;.ecic:l .~ct1on .He_::ort for y-6-riocl.· 29Au~50 to 70c t50

Ref: (n) Division G'enera1 Or.der No, 16

E"•' This l~e~oi~t s_tunms:ri.;-es ttle' O!'t~an1:u~.tion_. ootlvtt1es end oporntio,ns of the' DiV:'Ird Section dur-L.:;-~ tne ,;;·er1od 29 Au~u3t to-7 OctobeJ::·: 1950. Du;ring


thit ;)eriod tne c13.vir.icn ~-.'ao enr;agecl in plvnnins and e:>.~c.!u LinQ Lbe ~.!J~f!ibioutl .. opt:r•t:J.t:lon uundu~ted _ln th'3 I:1ci10!)~~eoul A!',Ca 6r Kol:,'oa.: :rrtl~'?- ,operatic~ _1~ c1!vi?-_e·d :L';to {l) t~'1e ~+annln~·; p~-.ase; C9Au;,uot to l4 -:::.e;tembe:v.,: 1):)~0,- (2)· the assault phc.Re-; .)5 and 16 Sc·;:;ternb~r,· 1950., ""-~ll~ (;:) t~l.e; exploitation ;l;J.au·e·: 17 $e"pt.ombei' to 7 "''c tc;b_er' _. lS•-::.·Ij •. ~-··

h~ T_;_·;.,;: n_tvora_ ()ff1cer 13_t'l"ived K('lbA~ Ja~:an OJ} 29 Au, vet. At that time pernonnel of the. Ordnance 5t:Jc-;;ion · '·'er\: lc·ce..ted FW follc·~·c:

Capt. tt;.rt"~.tr..rrrn

MS,;t; ~ILBiG~ I"fv~ · CCKZ:R

Ir: Suuth~r·n y,;,.,_,, (w/lt;!, l';rov gar r:ri.~;-5 ·:

w •"~..!' HcYL.DHEN Cpl._. NS'lBY

At t!Je time of arrival in Kobe • Ja•-.a:fi· tha 1st· ~·~.oc:· ..J.l.v wus mlntis ·th~ 5th. o_nCl 7th RCT! s. Tile 5th fl.CT .,._,,.~c :.:.ctiYe i'h South_J.:rh )Corea.S:a: the ~s't P:rov ~'Ulr !3rlt;; .. 1'ne '?t:ri .R.CT waa beln;_, oz-.:~nnizec1 flnd ~::u.i~~yed in ·the . TJ .S: in prepArAtion of movln;; :"ot'WRrd to join thc:lst !i~-:.!.' Div.


a. Dur1nL the period covered by this re)O~t, the

~}~~~~ ~:~~~0 ~1~S!ll~r·~~~ 1 ~/g ~_ii~e~~~·3 c{~i~;;~~:dfi-~~ 'j'/0 :r'--19D'/;



. '

·,;c. (A~st .Jiv Crd oJ (2~UO) 29 Au~, to 17 Se!-.; v- ~- -

JR SA~ tn ? G~t - - - -

C'!O, :1,D, HOLJRrt-:. (2101)

C':u. D.R. Yi'-..i>!C::.::Y ('c~cCO)

tllt!~-P.~h~lrn -- ...... w...,


Korean War Project USMC-00100373DECLASSIFIED


-~··,_ ..

Subj: ScJec1d Action Recoort for periocc 29 Au~. to 70ct50,

i:-15;::-- t. --- ..... 11Sgt A. C, .HlL:CIG ( 30''{,)

·rsc.t. (;L .. :o Tcch).(2<H6) .. cp1. (o .. ~d .s.l:li; c~knz~oz~)) Col. H. J, 1m:my

(01 0) Frc. L, N, CCK~R


a. From an qrcl.nance s tDn:.'lp oi.n.t the .f_ollo.,~ing. b£iCk­~::~~-~~ .~:-lnn;-.int,. contributed to· this· o;erRtion enq-1S 1'1(\J .... - ...... .; or no·uc anc1. 1 as will be shown~ had an important berJrin~_.: on tne o.b1l1 t."/ o-r' the rlst .Ord Bn .to r.:rovidb the exceeD ini;~l_y heavy ordnb.nco su;~::ort 'i"t :·.'DS called ur~on to )r'OV 10 8 •

(1)~ Durin-' the..::-.:-P!OO_ l9A? to 1950 .. t,he ~?.cJ_ 1~~-r· D1v at Cam;: !:.o,!eune~· !'l,C,, ln compURn~e with 'clas 01f1Gd O;.)erotio:: ""Cl.·,mn~ obtc.incd cnr'l moint[~1n6d on:·hand t30 dtu-•o f\llp;;-ly or Clo.G~_-li OrdiJ.ance, Tb1!3 .metcr1e1 ~rer; bOx~dJ-, mR.rke::'! anJ. ror-:.dv .'for out~lO;::u.'Lin:-< In .cor,,-::,1ii-mce---'W.1.th. · the same OJI)ra:tiqn planS~. '5 V/F:"'Of Class. V --\\•as _on- _he.n_d. in ti.H~ 1-~G-~D..- Q_!:!.i>i;; L~.!ell,ne B.:!rm:~.:rkt'!ll. a.s''mount;trik>; mrt re-0,Uiremt:nt · ~0~"'--_the 2d 2~lar .Div, : · ·

u~ )""_,1~~.~-~/l.; .-~n~-~:. ~~~~ !~~~~~! . _per~orlll~i' . Qf .' tlic_: .::..u U.t"U .1-'UI r~L.t. l'W •. I: .u.:..v· Wt;;'.t"l;;' \.>.I:I;I.Ut.>.l.t:l.l.".l"t.:V. to the ·1St Ord Bn. lst llf,r 'Div ·and L1o .stf'ndby 30 &a''" moun tinY. out Cll·oG II o:..--..: .. :.:c<.ce nnd ·c~tiss V \..•ere t·ransterreo.:··l;o :·u:n:t;: l:::t IIJ.Dr DJ.v wltD ·ciw :;?el"'BOnnel., Th1V mr, terit!l Coi:w.ti-= tuted a n:s.jor -,:;-or'G1-on of th~.;~ Claas II Ol"'dnan·co ttlc:t wnci rwuntecl_ OIJt ."'S- r.-:;;_::1rn-~ Rhmcn.t Atnc:"-~.o;: ·b:..r t;1e Orc'l. Su-:-'. Coj.- .. 1st UrG. Bn.

(3) It should b_e ·noted ::ere. that ·the standby t.·:il't'.-" (7:(;) (i:tVS l~tount~in nut ~"-·1.1<=•f_: ~J.t<J.fl hv t,ui-J.St era:- Bn ,~~~cl.er Bimtlim~ ~t,f.ndbv o~?~;z-.2tion .. ;1·!.\na .. ha4. bee.n oounted ou ~ with tne ls'{ ·p!'oV !·~'O.r Bri.__~. , ..

-... Dtn"l.:.i-; th_e ettorLinc. ;er1oci 2t Ko'.Je 1 2~ AU"--:..:.;;.t to· 1 s~; J t:ae enlis.:tec1 ';Gl'Sonnel of tJle ore: Sec.tion that

~-Jere :;:-r~uEtnt auguidi:it·a.u t~.c St-ock RecOrd Section of ~the. Am.110 Co 111" ma1ntair11n .... recol"'dS anC com::-utin_,_. ammo Rllocl:'t:.ons ·t6 utiitB 8nct··n~11ps, 'l'ne o~~..:.o 1i-i ooo;erll-,. t!on w!"tn t:hc CO;; lEJt OrCI. Bn· t:md COj .Ammo Co, plf'nnoCI.; coord1n8ted and r>"up13rV1SiJd t.r.~o· strt;int; of ammo· E~·nd 9r~nc,ncc materiel~

c. __ .,_u·l1lt-:, th'; ::~-i-·lo(\ Cl Auc;tuJt :: t1 S.,;t:tembe.l' th.: O.rdO _ •-ms nbe~nt_ :t.t·or::· Kl)bc_, ___ D~:~l;I_L_~::::_:~ __ of _ t.:_:~-~- ;;P!rioc~ t.:1c U:'C!. L ·.·.'rrs noourc. trlC Ut:::i Nt l1C:'dJ\;L.::.;x D.t ·.ro.:.-~yo

1-•h..:,re the fiXl."-!1 : .. ::lt-'nfJ fOr the coJr.iflt;· op8rt.tt1.on \·!·3!'-~ beint :ns.cl.e uncl. WP:'..tt.z·n. In Hdditlo~. to :.;Elrt-icih:fit~!l-G in this ::;lD.nninc-;J the OrO..O conf~rl'Cd w1 th off:'i.cci'£1; of the US Ar:.')~· :30~h Ord G-p .:mC.:. wlt.i."l ·c-~·J~;; X C(Jl"o:.~ Orc10. Ii1 theS0 conferences. the folJ.o,~in,; i.L1fOr'Jr.<":t1bn NaG Obtained :'tntt J;:•l--ovici ed: .. ··

(1) information

Thp. Orc1Ci'~>· :.1 ohei! !'Ci;.nrd.l nf.."::



Korean War Project USMC-00100374


Special Action H::.:ort for .>0!'1ol'. 29 Au[. to 7 octool~.r, 1950. . . _ . . '· . . . .

(u) Capnbili tleo nnd .~lannecl em~lo~ .. mcnt of ·c,;e : .. 1v.is~on or._ an:.c ordn...,nce "battalion.;

'(b) Geno!'O.l st~tus of replenishmen"t ord­nnnce mc;..t·erlels and sul)~:-liel:l· ~

(c) 'rnfoi'"'mat1on_ on_ corr.~~oiJltioh of >lC U/F nne\ q~nt:'lti t~l oC smJLL<-.11 tion on hanCI .•

(d) GU~J.t)Ol'tec1 in lst

Nu ... lbei' ~dn~ ty_pe.s· o.r·wEJ:ap.ons tO be· Mar Div; (Rol.nf).

( 2) · The Or~.O obts-inod.·, the ·folloc;lnt l.ill'or­motion re, . ."ardL1~4 ·x- COrps :;tlans fo!' -crovidLv: 'Jl'O.narice support for 't!hc> lnt 1'-iai'lno Div;tslpt'l:

Corps~ (e) That tno 028 Grd En would support X

(b). '1'-~~J.::t"I: -th~ lot n,·d 11~-: Co/ -328 Oi'd :Sn ~-10ulc1 be &Rt>it.:,nr~d. in (::j:~:act DL'·-~>'Ol't of lst 1'~1).l" Div.

(c) Thet tho 65tn Qrrl Aunno. Co, ·32Bth Ord Bn wou.lO,. be _asr:-i;,n;Jci. in d~r~;ct :r:u;port. of· :lDt lvlc.r D1v.

(c:) T:i'lnt tho 330th,Or6 De;:ot Co, 028th On:l Bn ,.;o'uld :::n.-ovldc or.d!Ie .. !lCe Qla.cs II' :-n.::l IV SU}Jply suypc.l~t direct to lst 01·d Bn,€; Thi_s_ sur:·:ol;t >l;o includ"c all i·i:.elw _co;,:r~lon to the Ar-jlJY•

(0) The Ori\0 .obtainEd a··,bapons Hot of tho ctl'mn.ment of Lhe~ th1;eo batta.li·ona. of Kor~an 1-i.l'l.J:'inoo thr.t ,,I'OUld_. b0 ut:~-?C~1C~\- to tho lat. Ifoa ....... D;tv u~on arrival at the tarc.,ot _and ''!5·-s o.s_s!J.red· 1;;hat · th,':! batt\';l.l1o'1e \IOUld land Wi ch· J'"Ull allO\/aOCO Of o':ril.nrmce items and a basic loUd 9f :nmmo. Thc~.Jv.bottB.lions ,..;r-e:.'e mountinE out 101t Fusan -~or tt10 o:::-;:crati~n ••

4. ~RC.I:--IN!'1 AND RG;,~~tSALS · 1

n. Thore ,.,.e.rt r.o trnL1in[',, ot!'lcr th.~::n on the jOb t.i"'ainin, . ., .. conOuotoC. i'or ·me;::lp-::>ro of the Ord ·soction,

b. There wer·e no rei1crs·r.ls .. comJ.uctecL,


r., WhE.n the. f1iv1sion, less t,,,·o· RCTis 9rriv~~·d in Kol>;;; :tt 1.1il.s fElCi?d \,'ith the tnolt of ~-1scmba.rl~1n;:; frorn 'Giw olliJ';Jin::: ln whioh 1 t had b'oen c.omdl'c·ielly load co <\·~ Sa::t Dte~;.o and. reembar·kint. co;:il:J.tl.t lo.8d.. This ,.:,':1-.R t:'uo of. ~~~ll but three· shj;.;g into ,,_,!-:.1ch the relutiveJ.y small n..J:o·~nt of R·rl~!.O o:f'. o:~c~ U/F .;:."'c .. ' t:..•Oo:.:-8 erubarked hnO. b0en comllat lo,_r~d_ocl. ·in S<.:n D:tr:.._,c.

b~ There lf!D.S no l·;_ '"'Gl·.·.:·J.· .. ·~ n:-.1 tn~le :fOr ete[;ing amL-.un1t1on nnd fi:'st i;·:~:t J.:,-~o:r·:::• ··~,;;.:e tl"l8"b""the '1.mmo

\WUlc1 bo str:e::mi_ in J;:;:;::.,· .• e;c.e b:_U' [>. T;l:ts•·ays·~Cm prOved unso.tiSfD.C"w0l'Y fOl"' SOV0l'Cil P0(:1CC:iR ~ tiJ"~ most ilfl)~l'tant of which \•!e:·.·::=; (1) t~1e Dyst.:..m ~'D.s t~,.-.. GJ.r...:o~~r, and (2) it ~oJv.s 1m.:o~~BibL:~ to ::eep the neccssar~r rGcords b;~r rounds <::.ttd t~c·.Jcs 1 oi' just ·whero all the ;;umuo tn·s in th0 mnlly ba•·:;co · uood, Hf.fliJ.1g''Wi·l:j~

c®ML i7,.U; OJ


-· ..

Korean War Project USMC-00100375. ·--~J...: ...

A'ME~J;W)ih"Jr,. Ut:.~li·IUViiiitl~


Subj: S,-_;oc1al l1ct.ion Re~ort for .:-eriod 29Au~50 t'•- 7 - . Oc tbO :: ·

' , c. cno cler (F1~r 6) 'tha"G wns witnout bullc9.1ngs

wcR f:\n.n_1l.y MHlic...rt€:0 ~a ~n Am o :s1J·.f1.!S:~ne: ·_fq--.er.-.' Th~ r.

:;-1-Jr wr-.s· frr tJ e;·mell ln~. ar-,ea- fo:r ee.fi3.' s·cal',lng· -Of- the quantity of E'.mrno ihvol·,:z-::~. 11 .is 1.~:.-..cl.f .. >::lUC1t':- e.:;~C'C "..JDB

r,"-c1UC0Cl_ Still ln9l"€ Wh.en it -~¥8._-S l,fl~Or l10.C!( a--:-tc Cl..SC LST's ·tc, on-~ sic.:.~ of' the -:-.i3r f'cl"'· ca-r-·-ct loF·dtli;:,_ l.inc1 when it bC'C!lm~ n~c~?sc-ary to r>lloCPt9. sOm!?'--Of th~ e\;t.11-!::!bl~ ~:.;;t~C·.:: f'.;!· tno:: Bt-a(!:ing of •.:H~•.L!.;;mt';.H ·and-. ot.t!~ r· o1asees of su:pplier. incluq_in~-- )'CL.

d;, Furt~1,;.r_. Qifflcul tl:::-s r";)~SDrcl in~:<-·. ~.nt: Etflginp.; e .• 1c", I.'eembv:r•keticti of flffiJ:U.n1t1·-;n w.:.;J.•t· 1 :;l''CS~J1t-~cl tu0 ·to t.i:l.·:: letar tn<?n cxcectet f.lrriVfll Of sni·ce. carr~_rinv tl-~FVV lr:FJ(Is of mr;,:,,u-:11 tion·, One of thE'6•? .. ehi:=s ~rrlvr·c5 sO lP.t~ thF.t s~12 i.-'r>P onlv -.-,::-~tlv unl.Of..c'l-;;0 ·~mr--:n tn:'' lst M.r-tr Div ~~~~rt~~ from g~b~~r - · • -, ___ '

~ . ': ·c, In s·.:ito .of th.? Clifflculti.~s cncount,-n:'eCl, t-ho

divic:\on '·tf'C. ;r.ountcc. out ~Jf' KdJe' 1.d.th f'bout four U/F; An excr~::tion t0 tnG Pbove ,~·PS l~5mm Hm<~ rm•no Pn?i Fuz·~ I'D 1{4r4A2 f'r-;r• th•- ~-.5· inch r~,.ck;-t. ~'~~~~~ t--·; ."t;-h::; c:tvi­s1ons cl e·;['rtur~ -~Br~anet:-:.r.~~nt8 ~·! --.p,~ · mvr.., -: to hv'v' th:::os ~· ~l.c>m« '''""" -,.,;-_ ,~,., . ....,~--··<1 ~-;.-' i.";,, ?i-.'1-, RC:-'i'. In t.1i8 ;,,..,v th.::: ;1~~~-~~;~: --~r··l5_fj~,~r.· ~~_;;, ~;~.--.~~iti~ll_ ~;~~ · c_c.;rr.-~ctec:·: bu't the

:~::~1l~~~~:n~~~(~-~~0~t11 ~n~~~~~-~~b. ~r ~n;-;~)~~~:ro;-;~-h~ i~~~-E> •:·xlEJttd until <'~O~t D rJlUs ~$-.

. . . ·f, Ti:.c ~t.<' .... in;;. 1;1nd r(;:eii;b~~.i.~Kr: ~-ion 01 v.Lal3H I-I :;rc­

nanc.::- ..:1--.cs:mte.·t ;10 --rrticulnr f.:!ffl('.ultfes. J.u~· tc nonP.Vt'.iJ;-~~c-lllt:· of 8J.:t:;-;int s.p'r:ce i~· ~·JF.S ;,1.;cc-.~nc-:;:-.r;c to 1 p_qv' p,::.-- l .:.;.i r . .nh~nt t,..nks Pnc-1 LVIT'. ( :~) 's b·_~_. L.G. to be b~OU~nt- :fo;.l··irc1 l.:rl 'tur'!~-rounc1 .. _ s·;:(1-;-~1nL···

.._-,, 5c .. :.:::_ unl·ts·; :hastily _.Or~'r.:n1z.3i. f.'ncl toquip~-:-(· jt;.St

. ~~~~~n;~ .. m~:n~e~~~~~;'.~~~ ~rf:~~?::~~;d,~~hmm~~~t s'Lo~J:ts .. · ·----- -t""'- ·- --'"-----·.....-··-- --::-. ···--.--,·····-----·

loaC:: fjl~ OrC"-t l•;eint Co .n.:~cl. net De-~n fill::>C. !:;rior t·.:.: de.:; f.\rturc !'ron; ttl<·: US r nf.· i r !:;U-7.:e. to. tnot -~~om·:-eny f"ro·m r.~,;~lomisi1 • ..-::.nt stock~?. vGr.;: tls.::: mP..trc'·'et~--tniE.~- tim.~-.

h. All·.:.:"r·sonnel of tn.' ."rd.- S('c~Jonl less those with th<: •1st l•:..·ov 1-:i.flr Rri~.JO'-'ie~ ern·oerk~-:-d in th~:~ US3 lJ.t' M!~!-KIPL:SY ct K·Jb~~ .'

r-. Tnt ·JrC· _$ ·c~iOP; on tne !USS _}.~eKE:; LEY: e. .• c:·_;;nrtoCt Kobe, JE:-;Dt!: 11 S--~.-:iembl? . .r-., 1q5o .'enct f.li'r~.ved .-.1;1t 0b.;ectlvt:> nr;~l' rurL-::·, th[' · ni 1 .fl:t_ 'd:f_ 14-l:o. ·s~;•-•. ,t.u.~·~n;; th_lB -;er·1o6 the Ord SeCtion ve.S .bJli."::J.f'l:_.~ ·_eni~F';,od_ 1n_-~_.studyi-n;, int~:::!l­.L.J." -i?nce C:·t·"' r:ye~-.:'ltnt- th-."i tGr, ~t· F~r.s_:--·-i · t:r...~_-, ~r~pi;l~· rnd thf: r'\_ ~-Vis l\;nB "lF.lnC,in':_:, . ~)"Pn"c ::-~_nd ·· .--;.r·Q.~ 1'),'3>3C'J.: _SCh~_Jil<:· Qf U:AD(."!UVP.l' {1Bli0f'(!.

b. T-·;;•; OrclO -:lontinu?c' t-:> f1;.n·:\ i...:.n in 1,•1-::'·C(l!,)ecity._ of' E!. Rt:f-r advir.:r ip. w·f't·co.rB r-.l -... -.t,':- ... ,···.c:•!'(l~H!n::f'! A.nd· amn:uni t1.on. . t,

? • op:flA~rqs·

a•:. As·~·t~uit :n•:O.s0 --'- ,15 P.nc1 16. s-c;t·~:uiber:·

4 . ' DECLitSS:ticJ

.... ·•· -----


Korean War Project USMC-00100376


Subj: Sr:;eciel Action Re~~ort for: ;;er~~Ci .. 29Au('".50· to 70ct50

(1) DCG dEt? 1<1f.\S 15· Se:::tembel~J-.. l.9bO.

(2) o~e ·arf.Icer and on·e ·enlisted of ti1e. Orcl Section.~ t.;ose whb haef ·boe:n '"'~ttl the .lot'_J?rav• _Mar Brie~ ~-wnt· lHmor~-- 'allout· noon on D. ~luo. ·one, Tn_e . remainder of the f1ec·t1on }'lent a£?twra ln. the·. late .::::.fter­noon of D ~lun ·one .• : Al1' "'.;:ersonn_el re~)Or_ted· to the · D1v CP a!"l"wrc l'lnd tl'ie ·8eci1on wes cloGed for the ftr~t tln:e 1n thic O?er~t1on~-

(3) Ord Section procrens of

Durin;:.;, t110 PeJ.10d.'9r1br to landin,_;, the \Vail ene.egoci in kecl)ing abreast- of tfle the landin,; and, the ()pveloJ?mente aohqre,

(4) After report1n1,'· to tne .Div CF in ··thO late _.o.m. of 16 Se::-temb.er, .the ~CrdO·visttod the CC 1 lot Ord Bn and the bc::-tch" amw" du .. ps eJ1C:. lfiA&e arranLe~nei'ttG tor •i•ovlnu: arn·r.o' forwa.t·d ln Du_;~ort of r:e~;,;·idly movinc frnnt line units~ ·

b~ Ex~loltatlPn Phae~·- 1? ~c;te~ber t~ 7 October.

(l) Early in trw morn1r,;;; of D ;lus 2 the OrdO, C0 1 1st Ord Bn enC:~ CO,~Ammo Co •. , m~dc a reconnaiosunC'e anc1 selected a site tel' an AS!' about six rail:es inlanC: fron; the land~m~,_,- beil.ches -and.. 8.lont.; the l1SR. Thic su:o;:ly ;)oint, ASP.:# 1 was 'irr oj;eration with a c-ood. GelcctiOO of' infantry· ty;eo ,Of: 8ffilltO __ be-·ore· nichtfB.ll >f D ::-luG r2 •

. {2) :9er:ia;:1:t .. •,\•ith tne re(.juir':'JtJ·:·:~-t for es.tal..!­lio:O! .. r-. ASP # 1 1:1 close su·;~:ort of fr.ont llne unl'l;s, routine l'ec;uiremem;o for orClnHnce rnd' ar;,ruunition O>t!)-

2':lort of all _ .. indo c1cve},opcc.1 rcr;.;-lCUy and conuinue(' · tnrou .nout tne reJflainrler. of the operetL:m. In meeting thaGe requirem0nts the Otdo·~n( tne ~crP9nnel or the section ~erformed tne norrnal.dutlea of. an or611ance·· steff se-C-tion ln cowbat .. Those reouiremente, actil\r­ities, O~)ePatia'~~s ·end ~::;-:t-tu~tionr.: wh~ch' Rre considered non-routin, anc~ ·c_hose Hhich Ed~ n1.fieantl~r aff'ectec.'l the £1bil1ty of ·--:;11C c1.-1v1c.ion to· 'acc'Oni'.:'ltsh its mior:ion are· narrRted- below.. · -

(0) Lnte on 17 September,-c:m PARBIS:l, Ora.:l., 5th !•Jllrir.ec Wll.S killed in action. Cn.18 5e.;ticimbor the Assistant Pi vision Ora·J·, Gl!O HOLDRO:N, was transfer~· reC to thf:- btL1. Har.i·:~e~· t.o be Ol•dO (oJ.~ thl;'l.~ .;oe~,io~,ent.r · u.nd C .·o D. R •. YA!iCZ:Y 1<ae transferred fro;n lst· 01•o Bn. to Div Ord Section to be Ae~ist.ant Div OrdO.' C:~o HOV.JhZN lVAG tr;.msfer:.ed ·at the. request. of .CO,. Ptn: 1-::v.ri:1e8 for l·'hom '--£0LDR:::'N nad. v.•orkerl 'wb~ri ·orC.OJ ls.t · Prov Mar Bri;,.ade&. c~m·YAt~C:S:Y' wC,s·'tr.~nsrerred at r.De ref:lu.est of Div Ot~d 0 for w:norri YA:·;CEY had work8d L1 tnC Ord Section; ~-~nG ->;ar Dlv--.. ·

(4) Tile ra··~·it .ru~van.Je .of" -1,;:,€ p_t'vi's!on uncovered I yea t •:;_uan t 1 t'ie S 01'- ;'I] 1(1 r-i.,;r· pc·r.-. t·(.~·~rec~ .ene l&i"';/ ordnance· ancl ammo, -a c.-oocll:r l;•)l'ti'.·~~- of. l,'~,~~(:h t'l!'a,~1 _atanC:p.r·c.'i' Army· materiel,_ as' _,,,ell as tne· uGw.1.1 ccn~~-·lc.~~re.ble .number of dudo. !-·iuch of the ca~ t·.~ree. and_·- o.verr'Un ammo and ex;loslver, could not be d~cler.ed· snf·e· 't'o_ 'r,a·lve[e except by E1 qualified OrdO or- EO!) -officer. It was 1m;!'!rat'lve that such i'J5ca,: ono anC a1tlff1G. n-ot be_ ~ban(.! one(~ because o:f ·Gile ... uerr1lln .. otentiel.. Corp c. l1ad c.91rt~Ctf·cl t.~1At eJ 1 servicerble enemy orCnance RO(i am.i.O and



Korean War Project USMC-00100377



S1.:-ecinl P..l'. t.ion Re:::oi't f'ui" ;;er;lO(~ 2.9Au;.;!:•O to 7bct50


en.~ecially .smal~ prms ltems, be ss.lvageC eml·.not.J·deOti-oyed. AvaUr.•ble ·tl•uck tr1m"':;ortation in t<"l€ 01Vl_s.~on.,_ w.:-s Cl'.2..t1-ca.lly ;.-·ecu·l:reCi.· to ·su:,'~;ly div.ts.ion Units anf: coulfl·not· . well. be O.iverted t.-o ·salvaH'f: of enem:.' rLlE1_ter·lel. Po e.r<sls-ta:1ce L·: !ilee·i:;in:: thit- ·.:-rolSleiil could be obta-ined from X •• Cor_s. Tl:t? -lst~·csG (nUt.ri0r1z.cd and actual~h-~d tNo ECD NC0 1 s) woB un6.er CoP!)t=: ··ooJ')t.~·f"ll rt·na t\'<?-J',-o> fully comitted.

(5) Ths _.,::roblcm ~resente-:l .. in pa.ra;..:i~:)h four· (:1) abovt: o.e·.'elo_":ed as _::;_ J:.~_e.Sl!-lt of f'Our factors:

. (H.) iar;:!:·e quanti ties or tlrile.

Trw l'apiU. a<.l.vanctl and the resuJ.tinc: of cal::o~ur>ec.' . .tlln._teriel ,_in ~t s-:Oo-.:r:~~- ~el-1uU.

. . (b). r.naOequate .s~..:'~~or_t t:r·em Cor_;;8.

(c) Insufflcient numb.'·r of· oi'dnance and EUf:lliLmltion_ Be.lv~_lt;B _fl_).1!": 2~D ... ~-(~l_~s:ono~l-~

( /1 \ \'-'1 Not e.nou~_,h trans;ortation_~

. ' "':;. (G) A~thouLb ti1in-::.PO'b1em. ~DS n·e·:er fully. solved

a parti&l solutluil; am} one t..~·r t wao-~·at lecu;;t eatil>facto.r·y from e tactical .;_:;oitlt. O.f v1e.w, .was ob.taineC, in the fol-lowint; nw.nr1er: -

( ~\) T.ncrf' '.Nerc on0 ~~0 anCl f:l.ve NCO EOD .~)erf':onnel .in ·t,_t!c lr.:t 'S:n~··r En as a hole1 -over from ·t.i18 Pe:ace T/0! s~ 'Ph<'•f-lP · :""P~<;;nnl"'Pl. RR ti'trw nould bP · ("J:treC. from t;"l.e T/0 ,.,~;-,-;~,;; ~;,~;,·;_,;;.;.f~·f'-,-11~-~--" w;,,.-.p ·f'>;n-1,1~'-:-,rl in ~on ~,·orl:. --r;~ ~ '~Ol:}~-;f · t;1is-: t;;_;---,~;i :· ;;;r~.in~-t'Cd · 1~·1th trw,t o!.~ t:'l.f' :.~.oD teem of th:;o: lst-Ord Bn (one ct';."'iccr and one NCO}. _In 'tn1s m<-;nn(,r ;::11 EO!l 'tarf·e:ts wn:o Cir::~· posed of iV1tl::.out acoi(._;nt_.

,·tq) - The CO~ l& ~' Ord En or(•~anlzeO. an<.l dio­l)atch ·d each dr.f PG me.ny o_rc<r:Je..nce snd ~ffimuni tion ei:ll\•ate ·teF-mG wl th tr:ucks- anC.. _.jeeps_ and _tr .. ~.ller_s .es coulel be n:.:ared i'rorh r~<!U1rements of :;,ib.ov1c1·inL .. , Ci irt~ct su:::.;--ort ·of cOmbat ele:aentS:. Inc11,;1oun "labor '!J.-'8 :J:"o-::ured -r.nd :"J.tilized to the full est Axtcnt that was Dract1c8l anO cons.icl..zreD. so.fe. T.1C-.-'rliv l:t'r0-m$C:f:! f.l_ trttc.k~; or trucks, avllilable •. ,ho•~"'""''' t-".1.o~1 r>f'ln"'lt'! h~ l'l"·""-''~"'""r"'J '·f'"T>nrn .n-t."h.:!l" _,,. hr>l"'" ,..,'t'1nl"'1t'v "H'-""'-'"''-'• ,._.,_,,., ~-..~-~ -~ -~----- ---•·• .------ ---... ~----s:r-·----·~

missions. i·ic:nbCr:-.~ of lot Ord Bn ~-:lfcn they firct come £<Sllol'e hct.cl capt.ur;;;d .t)nd siil\·se:;eQ. t.hrac enemy cnr o, -tr\.l,cks of li.u sian or·1~:1n~ ru~~sa. _til~~ metla..._.~~~. to ke<?. o:··:(able throu~,hout. most or 'tne· o;;er; 1;~on ana -l"{; ws.s Wll.-fl \intHle

t::~cks anrJ wi t:-b non..:.sslv'Cl.0 e orC~n-a!JCC- .:1¥l.'~on··.el tnat a :r.8~orJty of t.ue ~alvF.~,_..c: o:f eneJr.,y l;~aterj_Rl. ''JEIB iiC.corfl9-llsh:~6.

(o) It if1 firmly bcl10v<}0_· tne.t t:aroughout this o;;eT·atlon .enemy ord 11tmcc mHt·e:P!c:).. :·onc_e .ce.;;tured eli::., not a~:.c.in' fall iJ;1.~~-..erny nc.nce. It ".·_w-£>.;·nceess..,;ry, ·1n a fe<.-· instr:ncco~ to ,dcGtl--oy :· ncrn;; \·.'cn:;or.s _ p.nCt/or ·at;1mun.!~. tion wiJich:'ctue_· to 1 ts sizt';·~· c~uar~ti·~~~- eon:) l,;,c.:,tion,· . could not bv i:'fJillOVtn} to u f.l&.lvage ..-!,L<i4_p._Ol" . '.;arc".oCI. ·-"' without usint; men and ·_transpo.r.r;e.tion rct..;li._L.-·t.<(J. ·in tne more 1m~ortent _:ri1'6f'1on _o'l' !):r~v,tdlng clerc_e o.m) ccntirl-·: uous ordnr nee su·,; . .;.ort t'oi• coriibct clam~.nts nn<-~- frc:c""th~ salvas:e and repair of ~our own equl?m:~n:t.-_



Korean War Project USMC-00100378llECLASSIFIF:Il

liEGL<'dSWit·~~t, ~ . .

St'bJ: Sr;cciul ACtion ·Rc_;:or·t· :tor .. -perioc'l 2.r;JAn(·:5o· to 70ct50


-:· .. ·.(c). . -Tr11n ... ~3.1-vRtEt .. of ;cne·m·y· rri'oter tel ~l't:~\cram '!::>n 'BtiD: ·in ;;..,ro(;:t"'ess •'"'h~•J,!l,_.tl"f_1s_ (H~_lslcin· 'W£\.S-.oi~O.cl'.•:,_cl. to rccmb<:'rk for C.c -"'"'rt:ure 1'fro1n thf. .. _ ·-Il1c1n"!in-Scoul flPen •

. •'

'(7~- TheJs.rq~' .d:: :'a1"+. 'ffi1.~_or· 1t"om8- of re~len­;_r,:, .. :e-nt _o-J.'O.nD.:lc~ '·ms '/n{i.G!' tdt~ -<~:l.rCc·t :"c6ntrcl of the O;.:<D .:;,nd every c·:ffort 'wii.s innCtc-:ici 1noure ·an" oauitabl.e clistributiun:·;~e~)f-th·· 1n __ ~i:L-)~. tq~ il.l'lflf;U~bnt f'tld nlif:cloq ·· o:r:' ·c:le v~.rrious un1ts-·:.nt',- tho l:'r;:(!U1r6mniits f'or ro;lan.., ir,:·.;·,o<?~-;t o:.:-L.l'l~noe, .~}?.9t coul(V he' yxPa~·~erJ:. before a r::::nu __ ' __ :-ly ~~ou1c~. P~-avct1la-iJl8., ·On abouteD -olus 4 01·. ·t-5 p01.K\':iHJt he~;tv;: -Clema.nd,B 1 for•- Cirdn~!lce ou~P.lY sUp!-:ort; be~;an- liO dovelp;)c, T:ne reason. for ·the-te d._cmands \·!en: brlefJ.y as follows: · ·

J a)_ Sorr.e ne,Nly ac.tlvat~d or e.:--.!;~-.;-.c1ecl uni·sr- of lst i-:i:u•ila·; D.tviA:ton -Jl·O.untetJ m1t of l.iS Hith G~lort.:-.. ,es in.· a:utnori z.ecl_· orcJ:knC'0 ~ 1 terl)F>. · -9ome s.nort­n~ ct:: :.1ed boen .;.'..:~·t:::ortt;d ut KobC! ehd IH~r.:J filled to ·chc extent dee maO:. 1:1dvisa1Jlc L~ consic-;.oraticni. -Of tbc ava.D.ublc .su.:~.;ly ~me. the effect t ... 1.c sl:lOl'ta.::~ H.ould haVe on_ t!'"lQ Of orl-ltiof1::s_1 eff'oCic:mcy·: of the unit in w!.1ich the snortc,J ·e. e:'-1ntea .• · ·,Ali ei·lor't!\-'- es ·t~•.erc not C1 htc·ovcred, 9r R'E loa.c;""c· l'le:re t:lO·t. re:;c:rt'Gd, _at· Kohc and :r:,er:urstf.! for Clnss li orc1nance to I:1~tl shorta~-;0s in .~i E b_ct,.nn to be r_,ic;c,:l.va( at -t:11s t,ime,

(b) The lst Prov Hal' Jlr1[;ndc mo\tnteo. out of Pusan. wi t·.1ou t be tn{( B.bl e to n.ll ·ell T /:-:_ tlllortv.k·e ·t;bv"c CJX:i.fJte_c! as a rem..ilt of Ol)eratlonP- ~.rr· tila.t a1~e~ · nn(1. b01-;nn, ·.at thiS time~ t-o request .Class I:L item~ to -.:""':1.11 such Ghcl"tn·~cs. · ·

(c) A ::."8,·1 ·rer!uir-erhcmts fOP .·th(~ i:oS~C Or 1.V"ce-_:"0:1G not ns rc_;.;lec~~;.-.ents or to fill fl.hortBc;es Clevelo;N3. _-·For axrim __ :lFJ, t:Hl Si·g 3n be::an to suf:?er !l.f-J['.v:r los$,~f' of ,-Jirerncn C.uc: to t;UtJr:cillv. or \mfriondl:.' c~.vilion·action.' In at laf~:t ·a-n;3 inRt.H1c,; B.l1" entire 'tl1re, te;Hl!-J'.i~G 16st;- 1nclud1r1,.~ th~J ,;De;- i!-1 1·mich they ,,·Jore o~_,o:ri·a .. tint;.o To stop ti1ose los_Bcs. trJ.e Si~nal Bn roJI.JUc•stcG.. a·;:y:;_ t;ot J~in~J ."].A.R 1s •. ;_ ·Tncrcntt·cr wil''.; t::H'lTH-~ \~>3l"C ·.:lCcom_:)Dnied by a":flice tor.im .:;,;~.w.r.d or.:-1Dn1z.ad arc;nmc1 s.. E~·A.R. c.nc~ t~1q loss ot wiremen Bto.J~:;...::c~. .. .

(-(f) n~,:.lccc.r.~ nt C:.cman!J.s clue to cUrrent losBes-were li~~t. ·

.{e) ·T~1r-:n1u~ ·to the NC- i)lannin.,·uhtcil hiul r-oquir~\L1. ··Glle· 2n"d Hnr Div tO- have on··n8_nd, ;acl'i:CC and --ca.Ccy··to -; .. qv~, -~thi-r.ty. (30) c1nys· su:~::.::l:ro:.:"' C).nsc II Ord.nmict, .anC:. tne.nks to G.eci::do-ri that· cnusod tnat :r.at::Tiel to b€: trF:nsfcrred to and 1nountcd -out >Wl th t:la lst l·1t.ri'r;~- Division, tn.; stocke held by Ord ·sup Co, .lst Ord Bn wer~ u~e~u?te tb _meet the sbove. Per,uirtlments that ~-!e~·t;· CC'ilf:iCicPed. vital. to_ the success of' ··c.":e o~-;erl'.!tlon am:L st.i.ll ;lrVt~ 1D. r,tock a 1~c~orv0 -. ,,\•nich,. ,,>Jhen au..,m~_ntcd b:.-. r [111,",':". (', ··ns considered nde<::u6-ltc to st::.J.:oi~t· tJv.:. t'·ivt:--~.L,-l-- ;·--t-r tne first t"rrcnty UlD}·· to. :.thirty" (~0) (:.n~··G <f -~·,u:;- L·,.-.·.)rnt·.~.o·n, .

(9) .. IL.:~·,1t1<~ln,t!: t!b~ut D ·::fb.: t: or 6 -nt1_6.1t1.b;.;al cmt":1., for the ·mcs·t part·, unti:):.:o0C't'!O. requir-om~nts . . :ol'l

7 coJIJEel.<A&slHED


Korean War Project USMC-00100379



S·:::('cisl Act.l.cm Re:.:.·ort tor period 2SAug50 to 7 Oct 50

or·dnanct= ~,u:...·~ul"l, or~.~.~ K~mlsJ but oa.:Jecinlly fov Class II .:.n..:: c ... ; . . ~1.nj.tiol1 su!19ly ~ b~'!-an to Cl.cvelo~:-e. These· ruq_utr 'Ifientf.l WCl::c· .. ov_~· f'iY . .::s tol:lowo-L

(<;) Au ooon-.as t.ne _ti)re·e .OAttnlionEi· of' ~orenn i-::--r~ 'c:s tn!'l1.· ,'/ere att,e:cher! to· th;:· 1~t M?r Div ;;O.t themf.-18lv.;,s e.st·obl~shcrJ nol1ore 0.nr'. ,w."rtc. crm~acted_ by an o:rClnEJ.ncr con ~.ac-r; -_)fl!'ty I 1 t: _',..'P.~o i'ounc\ ·th~<:~t tn r~· \,r('::'6 man~: r;,·:ol~t:;,. c-:s ~n thE_1!' ore.nni1cf'! · e0_u.ipmont_, ~ T}l.:-~r rnFlc1e nwn_y !'e':;'_u!:c·cc ':ol'_· orclnunc0 1tcm3; .some:· "of ;,.:~1~- ch r:;ee.rnad exorbitr,l· .. t o·.n( ·oc._neJ ·1nvesti:,2t"tion :s}\oWed.; were re&l1 -ancl ur .. ent r GL\ire.-.·:Jr-int;:;-~ .FnT' .i-,xRm.-,1.-:< ,-,-,~- nr'. th •• ;.., .... 1u.l-- ·

t,~'ilon~ r-~·..;Ue_~~tcc~-- f'~r mOre -BAir:~.~-~·~1~_0; ... tb._;~--:t;h;,.··tctaJ stock ori l-t:..mcl-anC\ re~:-orted tnat t~1e:t :Orid. only on6 ma·)-az.1ne ~er =~/Jt t .. :.·ou~·_i1.0Ut tilE' battalion, . n.

(b) ·:Thv ·86th ~A :Bn,· t:ne ~',ii;·I;d T~.ri~_:Bn·'ancl Qo A 1 vo t.n ~_t.'_t·;_iliAf)t_.:J·.:r-·e_o Bn-, US.AJ \;"f!l'...: fo:r· some tiJnc; nttac.!h('(:i t.o t.'1iS' l;·-~y:\.Sion Len(; i~O~U,il'00 .. O~l1at)UQ ·s-ncl anununition r-u~ _::_o.rt·!~

(c·). 'ihen tho 7th .'Inf Dh lRr.c'oL'. and com.'lloncod o·:.:(lrationc, th.c'_.lst.l·-~ar ~1·.;. ~'if•.F·;._~tl·-:_::,ct~·:t~- ~·::·;;J.·uv~t'.c ~-l...!. pOssible ordnnncC'! :=.:.n<;l···~lmrno" 8UT~.·.-or.t .- t.<.ht.i;l Oi'd. units- · sup; o:r-t tr~.:;. ?til L1f D·i V ~rc,y}./c- _t~~<t.J..cr~·.e _ anc··., JS t~bli.Phe~_.

_ _ (d_} 'l;h:tr.:· ·cJ.Vloion Wt,S "a.si.:e'Ct :to· o::-r.oVic\e nnd Cl1d ~rovtl~8 nll 1)0DI~\.:.J.e ortinancc t.nK'!.. t.unmo slJ:Oport i'o'r the .l87tn Airborho::: 'HCT. . . · :~ · · · · ~ -._

(10) 'l'nc.. Btt~~chm.~ntl". t.o t.ho (~.V1A!on c,ry· _ ~-fi·.: ussi, :lJ:'.(r:.t of OL'<llwnce Fm~ < mmo su;,:ort resr:onr--1tJLq. ty enum.;;rc..t:.::.:. 1;, r:on:rt~. ro.,:;h ni.nu (g) AbOV<l·Vi:rtu_illlv· _--.l:ne>_.,--f;· the h>t 0:.."6. Bn' in ~·U!;:;ort o:t X Cor~_s, This ~-on(iti.~~ --develo:,:;cc." c.:o. a r:..n:ult or"' tt1c :f'ollo-.. .. :1n.:._.: '

1 -\ :i'.xc..::.·--t for thn f,;',th Oi~c1 .Arr,7fin i!G• Cor:.;s (Arl:l~;) \~~fne-.nc6 ... -uri:tts cr::mc~;s;;w~~!Unt1i ·r;v~~lus 9. B.~r D ;,::11..!8. 12 ... ~:\.l unitB· t:'..Ff:ll~n\:!9-. ;in_s~t .. ;;-:-or,t of lst· l<ia.r Div ,....-ere ashore tor:· r·c,-,;or-t_inL, _.::urpooen ,but 1 U.ttle or none of :t~1~ir :equi·_;mc:nt r·n~. r,u:-::.:-::11,~8. were·· ttuhorc •. TI:-e equip~cn_1:t _:::o·nCI._ ·_su:;·_~l~ ~;s of 1'h9s .. ~ \i:Di_ts i-1.0r_e_ l~nc\od ,P.lecc=n.8al. vnrouLnou,t tn: ·ramt-.lnc,er -of' ·tno .o:~_.e-!'.at1on •. ·

. ' . (b) The Bl'l'iV[ll fiSllol~c ol~ this matpl'1el,

no·~'CVt:'r,. ~~ i& 11 ttlc to E\llov 1n.te · tr!e ordnnno'e sun:..'"~art problems f;lecfiuse the uol'sonnc~t did· not 'krlo·.~· ,,nnf '-.•ao in the trucks: vnnsJ bc:~u~r,; ~tc* _An tn.vf.!nto.ry ,..tHR

nccesc~r;! before the equipment and Ruppli·?s _c_ould be set u.;_;: ~'pc-: rend .. ~.' fo:r _o;cn~,..,t1on ·o!'-1Bsue· •. For G'X-'?.m_~le, ncFr the· end of _the o·.;oro.tion· the lst O_rd W1 G.o~ "1~11ch · hud been ~bld to Contr-ibute but _l:~~tlc" :brdr.n.nCC- :c;uppo,rt so far-, 1nforme.d _the 1st_ Ord I?n ~hat f. part1cl;tlor van

~~~;~~~:~~m~~:~~~~"~~~~~}-i~;~!~:·~~~~i~,::::~h~~:~~;·· (11)' , The above· pru·~-(:rfl:.)h-El r::Pe t).c·t 1nten<leC1. as

er·ltic•ism of x·cor-~s o:odnnncG: Units_, Ul~.~'Ol't:onn,::,l, In fEiot~ at thi time of' t.-11£~ ','iri-tin~., 28. ~~ovt:Lilbcr, 1950; ~he Unclt:.:rBinned is of t.ho or;.1niQi1'" thttt .. 'thq_,9rc1b,, X cOl'_pS Elnd tne ordnr.nco officers undor his· .con,tr~l have O.on•;)

'..,. __ _ 8 iillf.iASSf»ED ...


Korean War Project USMC-00100380


Sub. 1 : 3rJCC1.""~l ;,ctiQD He.:;.o.rt _'or .-;:;.riocl ;~::Au, BO ta. 70c tc)O

nn excellent .~ob.Of· or,.it'fJtzln(·.9.nc· formil1· into· offccj_o:!tl:' o.:erttin .. unitfl t.~.~e vnri.o•Js O!.'·~n::•ncc co;~nnt~o aosi~ned to X Cor~s

(12) T~JC too l·ittlc Ri"IC,·too lF•Le OT'1-f!R!1(':.(!

su·::-~ort ~::r('lvi6cC b~.r ~; Co:r"Ds ·un'i.. ts :rooul teO ·rro:·.-.: the followin,. cirou~Et~nces:

(c.<) ',,., c:o+•.•\-o-" ·~...; .... .,..,,.., . .,,...·,.., r,..,..., r,·n."\ ~~\ tne 65th Ord Affimo·-·co ... l4;;~---~n ... ~x~~-~'t1~;~·.n;o "'tl;e \i~.f~\UJ Jfinc~ir,t. of' A:rm~' n:rdn~nce units; Tne c}E•th.; .an, nll i:·'e ro com~:an..r, landed c3.urL1.:_ ·the e:ssaU.l t' p!l&Oc es· .c•!""J .::tttacnmen t !.O ~Ile 26. .~38 ·::.·.1;·. ·.:~;s i.1i tie.:1;~ o~ :loyeC. in tnc Bench Am!w DuJ;r.:;s. On D f:l:..lfl < t;~i's coi.~.:Dny cstctbl:.she.:.l an( b;·: an o;eratin~ a Cor:: a ..-\.mi.iiO- :Oe.:ot. Tnc Arnrr;o su.: .:.ort .~rovhled b·. this com,;;-an~r ·:rrom -~he A;r. . .-..o ih:.-;(.)t:3 1''<:18 excellent tlu•uu;..lwttt tile o.::er;:t.ion,

(b) 'fl1e lete 1Dnd1no .of tnc lst Ord K1 G~ £>nt"~. t!:_£' 3~-:-0th Ord !lc...:ot Cc HDB due to tne lm·: un­loadin, .-::rltlri ty aoni;.,nec~ t:ner,o l'n·1 tc. vn( tile limited unlon:."~in~: f[lcili tic::: c.vni.la"o1c at Inch cr ...

t.-.\ J.t.. •.'.l<:l.C" c.:-:.:l~:·lnc0 U!t!l. t!w r·ea:·on t.:ne o~clnancc com.~;~~ico Clic.9. not lmow W.'lat e_ui.:~ment u.nd zu·~~~:l.ies they \·:ere c8_rryL1g "'r.rc:-o bccauc:c tl"J.o ~cr-:onncJ.

cumo from varloun locations in. the US h~a. were tranG­rorl·ca to tho Far·S~Et w1tnout materinl a,,~ cu.;.~llo~. The ~nt~r·iel and RU~~lleo:for thcoc cn~;rt~!c~ ;Jrro <'.CEH:rnhlod und n:tL:· ~cC b:: ether ~:-crronncl fl'"l!i un Crc" Dc-.::ot. The .;c:roonnel ·or the co~Bnlc3 r.v1.~ t.~~cir c~uipm:1ct Anj nu~~lica tor ~h~ tirqt tlmc r~tor ,the mn.tAr:tol HRn 11n-f fliH~nr'l. ~n· T'n · .At.Orl nnil tnT'ni"r'l" 11vnT' t:n t:!w ~cmpanY ut--:rn;:h~o: r~c iS--~~~1~crStoOe-- tLSt. tilC -­('£-t:r;,o manlfeotc "1·Icrc lo~\t or let'.t hehinCI. by e. T:lC8GCl'l~ c~-

(13) Tho fact tnot ·tho 1st 0l'cl Bn oucccsE;fully oc._rriec1- thr; he;:.;v .. orc--:.nflnc.e ;:;nr~ ,iiJJ!!lO sun ~·ort lom1. nu · rcvi·C\.JCd .tn .:.ara~,rD.:n .:~L1o (9} i -.1.::.: :.:· e-re.-:~· i-t t··a t.hot ),-"t:t:~,l)nn ,,.,"l nil ··PY'<:flfl.:l<-->1 ·1.nPT•Pln'- '1' iP '"'''' ~''""

~;-~ ~;;1;~1:~ ... !i~a~~~-·fo~~ .tn~-~~m0~·-c~--~~.d, , ~~~f.o.U~~- 1nc1 i~-anlouG J.at:or -\;'[lS U"t1.L1ZCC1 '·:nencvcr ·.;oor.lt:l.c,, t.t;c .':len of ~hat corn..: an~' nandleQ an cnormu-s_ td'nn,_a""e .,..;.,or "nktri : .. :.e.r· cl.<.l~r.

(l'i) 'I"ne vrct ;;:;u,; C:;is ctock of r_evlcnicbmcnt i te:· s· became 6.an,.'eruu,sl. low for all exe.e,.;t ·some slm.l­i:Iovirit.- 1 t~m.s, In so fm~ as,- posSible e ~m~1:1· recorvc v~:~ hP:~t'l·h~"-~' t.(). mA!">1". f:r1P .,..,::o ... lA~PmPnt: ~l"'lrl·<\·p""'~dY> ;.~~·ui;~~;e~ t;~~of -.th~·- if.C -~~1 t~: --R~:;·i-~~i~h~~e~t·--.;;;·~· r:-:..·c..rr.:ccc.i r:·-:c:. ·c.x.:::cc't·-c. d.ril-.- f'l"'om the' X Cor~ G. uni to -~,r_;el,.ned to ·su::·,;-or•t tno lot i·iar1ne D.1v1f!1p.n but in most ct-·iticHl. item!?,· o:1l~.' .tn.::c!1 <;,·uc.n·fitieS ,,,.l~l'!P. received .•

(a)_ .B~.A • .r:, 'e ··~.A.R •. ruu~atlnes .E.A.R. ·spai'e !)artn M.o:rtars of' ell t:,rpes Spare. ~arts fo:r_ all morta1~s

g~~/j&~MiJ£0 9 ...


j .. ;-

Korean War Project USMC-00100381



(. :; ,- .

S·.:;.cclal A2tion .He: ·ol't :!:'oP .::erlod 29Au~5U to 70ct50

Cc.l"bihc ··ma_ uzines g26 Tank r::·.:rre· :.Jafits (An r.C"·Cluato r.u·yoly

of' tho.':'e ::arts could :1ot be- 0btain~::d. ~rior ·ta_-~e . .:-c:!rture · ft'"'IT' Tf:J) •

tu.incd (15) Gr. 'tne otl1~r ~1::-.nC.. Rulvrl~'e ·o.::.era.t1cns

.. ~H ... ctoc:l: of LJ.e fc-2.l0'.;1n i.. terns-:

• A. .,.... • -"" .... - -; 1:.1. rtJ__! Lf:H5 .•

iG Rif_le, s_..:.~re .:;.··_.l-,t;;. Gnrbinus. Carbine _s_.:.;nre ;ar-:;s,

·iH919A4' i.i.LG but !lot tne



(i?.J .At t11e cloGe of the o.;er .... t10n ··it was c1f'drP.t to br5.n: nll units of -tne C:ivtr.ion r.einfoPceCI. ,-,;, ;:;:_- f.1,-ii ~Lt.h'f::~,1-7.~CI l'lllr.w;qnC'Jn of Ord11ane~~ m_!:'lti'!Y>:i.Al. T~c;~ ;~~;e i~~~ffi; i;nt- ~, toc·k~ ~1~1- t:;e --0~e- b1x:;:- c;- ;1;t1: ~!~~~u~~:~t~~?~4 .X t~~~ ~:_~u~~'o ~i-~{ ~il~~~t~:~·::·~~~~)~d J.t~o-~.u~;~-fillea~ · ·

8. -~]'1.SHY

c .• Pttrt=l_ l'tr::h e1,~-lt (2) .ts outside th,:;:,r:;urYi:n•··of this ~:n~Cticn an8~ ln _thercf'(;y: o:;:i tto0 ..

. . . g. . g~TJ:J-~~~--n::::Q_'.J:LJS GF or~s..~.rro:·~ · ·

o. l'<.·Tit.r'O::i':;..t'. ;:;inC (9) 1.::1 I"_Ut31(lC ~.~ • .~.. •. ~-l:h·· -i_r·m ~-,ll( :L:; th,::r-.:for Oini tte0_.

the .-_.f

'""• lt i.J bolievc:' tl!Ett the iacluD"ir:'.a of L!'lC orGnnnc(1 bottali0n in the ne.rin2 c:.1.vi.c1cn :i::! a hi,.hly ouco·_csnful:· and dcr.lrable nddlt-icn:'to a ci_ivi"Jie--n, J,D .ort_ent~-cO 1-"t c?n ar.CI. h.:'8 ·."";!'OVi·"cd 88tic.fa:JtC'rV close r1nd C-ont1nueou.$ 10rdnance -cn;,·_;_cm--.t -fer tnc cliviaioll~ · Serna· mlnOr c1wnL_,eo in tnro. 7/() :"lf- 7/T'i". f'nr- thr nl''('!nnl-1-~n b..-~tL-~iiton A!'c-:1. f'or tt~!O--; .-~~~ti~n, -·1-~r:Jdl~.B~e-cl. -7h~oe _ q_i~un~es ~r~ -c-~v8:red: ~­h.~-' t.t.Lc ~-~:ccinl ~LI.ct.it"'Q F.c,:-opt beini.-~ ·~:re-.;;·a.rC'd b;·_ CO,. lst Onl l'n!

o.. It ic rcccmJflf.n(ed tnut FX?" un.J...v~ oc cantinu<-tl'ly. maintniilod on a ::-_:AnY.: T/0 cma 'J,:;::,, ?no ra.;id. a:Oift ir~m 11 F:SACEH to '.' Ah:: 'T/0 0.~16 'T/:::: lnvolven ~ very c:;rep_:t ... amount of wcr.kJ v~~:..;cciell~' for· SU.';;.::ly .n~-.enc!.es,. ''l'l1o snift mDO.c b_., this. {ivisi-c'n unctc'r tnu circumotitnccA() tnat ob~;ainecl. resUlted ln Dono_iclerl:tble cot'lfu'Sio:n itnd in some Jlh~t.r: n:·d: h;vjn~ tnrd~ .f'u11:·:T/~ R11c·1.t1Rnil·e nf' oFd••n.nc~ ;.~t~;i~l- th~o~tJl,~~- the~ ~~.t:t~·~--;~;~9d~-C.P~c;e"r" -b.-~· th!r,-

.-, .-,-_·

c. It 1s st:r:•on. lY :t'Ju::im .. c::r1doCl. ~f,r~t' !." .• F units· continue \..o maint.o.in on :C.wnc1 1 ;~Fh:-~~ .. --,:cc:_ . .Dnd rcaC:y· r;hL:: J a full thirty ( 00) C·a_·,' rc.:.L·:·,icl:..::H:.nt1 ;; m•untln .. out 11 su.-: ~l:.' of onlncmcc mut.cr.1:a~~ :eil:d .. -: • arnmuni tJ(ln, .. ' ..

:· . --: ' . ; ~ ', '-


__ ·._,'·-·-· .

