1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective

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Transcript of 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Entrepreneurship ManagementSubject Code : 4.3

    Total Marks : 100External : 60 Marks

    Internal : 40 Marks

    Inclusion & ConsiderationsAttendance : Not less than 75%

    Class Test : Better 2 out of 3

    Case Study : Presentation

    Group Presentation : Subject Related

    Discipline : Sincerity & Obedience

    Partici ation : Effective

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Entrepreneurship Management

    Course Content

    Unit 1 [Entrepreneurial Perspective]

    Concept of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship and

    Enterprise, Advantages Entrepreneur

    Nature and Development of Entrepreneurship;

    Gender issues in Entrepreneurship.

    The dynamic role of Small Business / Industryin Economic Development

    Personality of an Entrepreneur / Entrepreneur

    Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Entrepreneurship Management

    Course Content


    2 [The Entrepreneurial Environment]Policy Perspectives in India to promote


    Analysis of Business Opportunities in differentsectors of economy at National and Global levels.

    Quick - start Routes to establish an Enterprises

    (Franchising, Anciiliarising & Acquisitioning)

    Support Organizations for an Entrepreneur and

    their Role

    Legal framework for starting a Business / Industry

    in India.

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Entrepreneurship Management

    Course Content


    3 [TheEnterprise Launching]Product / Project identification

    Developing a Project Report / Business Plan

    Business Financing including venture Capital


    Managing early growth of a Business,incubation Program.

    New Venture expansion - strategies and issues.

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Entrepreneurship Management

    Reference Textbook

    Beyond Entrepreneurship- By James C. Collins, William C. Lazier

    Entrepreneurship Management

    - By P. N. Singh, By J. C. SabooDynamics of Entrepreneurial

    - By Vasant Desai

    Entrepreneurship Development in India

    - By Bishwanath Ghosh

    Literature Published by Support Institutions, viz

    i) SIICOM ii) SIDBI iii) MSSIDC iv) NSIC

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Why Study Entrepreneurship Management

    Entrepreneurial success is central for

    enhancing the economic opportunity of nations

    and organizations

    Entrepreneurs create and exploit change

    It encourages innovation and have the ability of


    It mobilizes optimum utilization of resources to

    create value by invention

    It paves for the improvement of existing

    products or services

    A direct relationship between ownership,

    lannin and control

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Who is an entrepreneur ?Dictionary : One who recognizes and manages only enterprise specially

    involving high risk.

    Economist : One who brings resources, labour, raw materials and other

    assets into combinations that increase their value from before

    and also one who introduces changes, innovations and a new


    Psychologists : One who is typically driven by some forces, which create a

    desire to obtain or attain something.

    Sociologists : One whose actions would determine his social status and who

    contributes to the development of society.

    Management : One who has a vision and generates an action plan to achieve


    The word Entrepreneurhas been derived from the French word Entrependre

    which refers individuals who are undertakers(i.e. those who undertookthe

    risk of new enterprise.

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Entrepreneur Vs EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneur Entrepreneurship

    Refers to a person Refers to a process

    Visualizer Vision

    Creator Creation

    Organizer Organization

    Innovator Innovation

    Technician TechnologyInitiator Initiative

    Decision Maker Decision

    Planner Planning

    Leader Leadership

    Motivator Motivation

    Programmer Action

    Risk Taker Risk Taking

    Communicator Communication

    Administrator Administration

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Entrepreneur Vs Manager

    Parameter Entrepreneur Manager

    Primary Motive Independence, Creative

    opportunity & economicProfit

    Promotion and other

    traditional corporaterewards such as

    increments, perks, power

    and control over team

    Activity Direct involvement in all

    areas of management &business

    Delegates & Supervises

    rather gets directlyinvolved. Does not

    consider aspects of the

    business or management

    that are outside his job


    Attitude towards Failureand Mistakes

    Takes full responsibilityand tries to correct

    mistakes and overcome


    Tries to avoid mistakesand failures. May be

    cautious to the point of

    inaction if the risk is too


    Risk Taking Character Moderate to high risk taker.More risk More profit.

    Low risk taker.

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    Entrepreneur Vs Manager

    Parameter Entrepreneur Manager

    Decision making


    Takes all decision to follow

    his dream

    Agrees with companys

    policies and those above inthe corporate hierarchy

    Family Background Comes from a with a

    history of entrepreneurs or

    small business May even

    come from farmingbackground.

    Comes from a family

    whose members generally

    work for large corporations

    or the government

    Relationship with others Basis of relationship with

    others is transactions and

    deal making; To define his

    own hierarchy.

    Relates to others within the

    existing hierarchy.

    Relationship with each


    Must have managerial

    skills. Management is a

    subset of entrepreneurship

    Manager cannot be an


    Age In males it is generally 25

    to 35 and among females it

    is between 35 to 45.

    Depends upon

    qualification, experience

    and performance.

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Entrepreneur Vs EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneur Entrepreneurship

    Entrepreneurs are people with vision who

    recognize and pursue opportunity, create

    and establish business or new ventures,

    take into account the risk involved, have

    control over the present and future and

    have the flexibility to change and adapt

    with the changing times.

    Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of a

    discontinuous opportunity involving the

    creation of an organization (or sub-

    organization) with the expectation of

    value creation to the participants.

    An entrepreneur is a person whovisualize a particular business venture

    and then goes on to create it. Basically,

    the person is the originator of a new

    business venture and a new organization

    for that venture.

    Entrepreneurship is the means by whichnew organizations are formed with their

    resultant job and wealth creation. The

    necessary condition that the organization

    created, actually provides goods and/or

    services to society, not merely to internal

    consumption.The entrepreneur is that individual (or

    team) which identifies the opportunity,

    gathers the necessary resources, creates

    and is ultimately responsible for the

    performance of the organization.

    Entrepreneurship is the process of

    creating value by bringing together a

    unique package of resources to exploit an


  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Importance of Entrepreneurship

    It helps in overcoming the problems of population, unemployment,underemployment and hidden unemployment.

    It is the key to economic development.

    It helps in harnessing youth vigour.

    It provides greater and varied employment opportunities.

    Entrepreneur is a business leader who plays a pivotal role in fosteringeconomic growth

    It paves the way for industrial development.

    Entrepreneurship helps in solving the problems of monopoly andbalanced regional development.

    It helps in increasing the per capita income and hence the life style.

    It helps in higher individual savings and hence more purchasing power.

    It provides more revenue for the government in the form of income tax,sales tax, export duties, import duties etc.

    It guides the direction for national economics, industries and markets.

    It introduces quantum leaps in technology and more productive use ofresources.

    It guides innovations, creativity and wealth creation.

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Advantages / Benefits of an EntrepreneurYour own boss and boss to others.

    Your decision will guide the success or failure of the enterprise

    You will have the chance to put your ideas into practice.

    You will make money for yourself rather than for somebodyelse

    You have to participate in every aspect of the enterprise thus

    to learn and gain practical experience in varied businessdiscipline

    You will work in the area of your choice and thus enjoy your job

    You will get personal satisfaction of running a business and to

    develop self confidence.You will contribute in providing job for others.

    You develop your own action plan for execution.

    You will work directly with your customers and do projections.

    You will contribute in raising the life style and radical change inthe socio economic structure.

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Disadvantages / Risk of an Entrepreneur

    Alone performer

    Solitary decision maker

    All may be a loser at the end.

    Work may not be satisfying.

    Not able to change job frequently.

    Long working hours.

    Lack of success will hamper enthusiasm.To remain in business can be difficult.

    May disturb family and social life.

    Risk of career, finance and more uncertainty.

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Reason for growth of Entrepreneurship

    Industrial Structure

    New Technologies

    Deregulation & Privatization

    Formation of Business Communities

    Increasing demand for variety / Changing choice

    Growth and need of the service sector

    Government Subsidies and Incentives

    Increasing flow of Information

    Easy access to resources

    Entrepreneurial education

    Quick return on Innovation

    Entrepreneur regarded as a hero

    High regard for self employment

    Rising dissatisfaction at job

    Acceptance of ex-entrepreneur in job market

    Ch t i ti / P lit f

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Characteristics / Personality of an

    EntrepreneurAlways takes initiative

    Translates opportunity into reality

    Determined to face the situation / Optimistic

    Information seeking from all corners / Realistic

    Demand for quality and efficiency / Value Product

    Risk takingFinancial, Social, Psychological

    Goal setting

    Commitment to work / Long working hours

    Systematic planning and monitoring / Organized

    Self belief, Persuasion and networking

    Independent & self confidence but not over confident

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Respect for work

    Always innovative

    Perception of economic opportunity

    Imagination and creativity

    Believe in business environment quick adaptability

    Enjoy freedom of expression and action

    Gain satisfaction from completion of work

    More motive to achieve than mere competitiveness

    Readily takes feedback

    Invite and respect constructive criticismReports a good relationship with father

    Makes the economy more competitive

    Does not particularly stand out in crowd

    R l i E i D l t

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Role in Economic Development Generation of more employment

    Economic reforms Delicensing of industries

    Lowering of interest rates

    Formulation of outsourcing culture

    In balancing regional development

    Optimum utilization of natural resources

    In capturing market opportunities

    In overall economic development

    Lowering the load of job market

    Providing options for job seekers

    Further encouraging intrapreneurs

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Entrepreneurs Vs Intrapreneurs

    Entrepreneurs Intrapreneurs

    Owner / Operator An Employee

    Implements own or others ideas Shares own ideas, seeks approval

    Expects always financial profits Remuneration / Recognition / Reward

    Takes extreme risks Calculated risk

    Profit goes to the entrepreneur Profit for the organization

    Needs to encourage intrapreneur Way to improve company performance

    Education and experience less concern More concern or a must

    Inclined more towards consumer sales More inclined towards B 2 B products

    Generally at age between 3040 Most often after 40

    Involvement in all business areas Major areas and the delegated areas

    Full responsible of failure / success Tries not to take failure

    Correct mistakes and tries to overcome Avoids risky projects as much possibleGenerally from entrepreneur or

    business family or background

    Mostly salaried and rarely entrepreneur

    family background

    Generally defines his own hierarchy Depends on the existing hierarchy

    E i f I

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Environment for an Intrapreneur To operate on the frontiers of technology

    To encourages new ideas To encourage trial and error

    To allow failures

    Not to try to place any parameters & opportunities

    To make resources available to all

    To have a multidisciplinary team based approach

    To have a long time horizon for product development

    To have an appropriate reward system

    To provide sponsorship and mentorship

    The top management needs to support the efforts of

    an intrapreneur

    R d d Ch f E t

  • 8/12/2019 1.MMS IMCOST(RANJAN)EntrepreneurialPerspective


    Recommended Change for Entrepreneur

    To translate career ambition into specific business

    goalsTo use people management skills to motivate and

    inspire their workforce

    To capitalize on skills to manage the financialaspect of the venture

    To turn aggression into a risk taking approach

    To observe functional expertise while selecting the

    line of business

    To develop leadership qualities before starting

    their own venture

    A character to lead from the front