18th Amendment - Contextualising Administrative and Fiscal Decentralization

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Transcript of 18th Amendment - Contextualising Administrative and Fiscal Decentralization

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    This technical note was written by ASP consultant Dr Muhammad Ahsan Rana at the Lahore University of

    Management Sciences to serve as basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective

    handling of an administrative situation. This material may not be quoted, photocopied or reproduced in any

    form without the prior written consent of the Lahore University of Management Sciences. This research was

    made possible through support provided by the United States Agency for International Development. The

    opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Agency

    for International Development or the US Government.

    2013 Lahore University of Management Sciences



    It is said that the most significant clause of a constitution is its amending clause (Levinson

    1995). Constitutions are living documents they evolve over time through various

    amendments that enunciate collective decisions on key issues. The 18th

    Amendment to the

    Constitution of Pakistan, passed in April 2010, is one such historic amendment. It is

    important, primarily, for three reasons. First, it restored the parliamentary character of the

    Constitution of Pakistan by undoing several key changes made by military dictators, such as,

    the powers of the President. Second, it redefined the parliament-judiciary relationship by

    proposing parliamentary oversight on the appointment of judges in the Supreme Court and

    the High Courts. Third, it devolved many important functions to the provincial governments

    by abolishing the Concurrent Legislative List in the Constitution and by amending the

    Federal Legislative List.

    Of particular importance is the devolution of responsibility and the authority to the provinces.

    It provides the context in which the provincial governments are amending laws, establishing

    new institutional frameworks, developing policies and strategies and building capacity to

    effectively execute their newly acquired responsibilities. These provisions in the

    Amendment, therefore, need to be examined in detail. However, implementing the

    Amendment has been quite a challenge in the face of covert and overt opposition from the

    federal bureaucracy, which is characteristically averse to any transfer of resources and

    authority. For example, several functions of the Federal Ministries were dissolved in the

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    aftermath of the Amendment but were assigned to other Federal Ministries instead of being

    devolved to the provinces. A critical examination of the horizontal as well as vertical transfer

    of such functions is needed to understand the nature and extent of the devolution of authority

    under the Amendment.

    This paper is a detailed examination of the 18th

    Amendment, particularly of the devolution of

    powers and functions to the provincial governments. It is divided into six sections. Section 2

    provides a brief history of federalism in Pakistan. It discusses key provisions from the 1935

    Act, the Constitution of 1956 and the Constitution of 1962, that defined federal-provincial

    relations in Pakistan. Section 3 provides an overview of the 18th

    Amendment. It briefly

    examines the reduction of certain powers of the President, the new process for appointment

    of judges, provisions regarding political parties, addition to fundamental rights, formation of

    caretaker governments, etc. The enhanced role of the Council of Common Interests (CCI),abolition of the Concurrent List and changes to the Federal List and provisions regarding the

    National Finance Commission (NFC) are discussed in detail in Section 4. Section 5 examines

    the implementation challenge. Three sectors, viz. education, health and agriculture are

    selected to examine how far the Federal Government has transferred various functions to the

    Provincial Governments after the abolition of these ministries and in pursuance of the

    Amendment. Section six concludes the paper.


    At the time of the establishment of Pakistan in 1947, the Government of India Act of 19351

    was adopted, with some amendments, as the interim constitution for the state of Pakistan.

    The Act, which remained in force for the first nine years of Pakistans existence, provided a

    federal governance framework2

    1See Rizvi 2002 for text of various Constitutions.

    and enunciated separate legislative powers for the federation

    and its constituent units (called Governors Provinces). Sections 99 and 100 provided three

    legislative lists, viz. the Federal List, the Concurrent List and the Provincial List. The

    subjects listed as concurrent fell under the joint legislative control of the Federal and the

    Provincial Governments. The Federal List had 59 items, the Concurrent List had 36 items

    and the Provincial List had 54 items. The Act also provided for, sharing of tax revenues

    between the federation and its constituent units. An Intra-Provincial Council was also created

    2Section 5 of the amended 1935 Act

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    under Section 135 to resolve disputes, if any, between the federation and provinces or

    amongst the provinces themselves.

    After nine years of deliberations and political negotiations, the Constituent Assembly finally

    adopted a new Constitution in 1956. The 1956 Constitution also provided for a federal

    parliamentary governance structure for Pakistan (Article 1). Article 43 created a unicameral

    parliament and Article 44 specified the number of seats at 300. The Constitution recognised

    the concept of One Unit3

    and the seats in the parliament were equally divided between East

    and West Pakistan, with 10 seats reserved for women. Article 106 divided subjects into three

    legislative lists, viz. the Federal List (30 items), the Concurrent List (19 items) and the

    Provincial List (93 items). Most of the items, with greater significance, were either in the

    Federal List or in the Concurrent List (Rabbani, 2011). The Constitution created a National

    Economic Council comprising of four federal ministers and three ministers from eachprovince. It also created a National Finance Commission (NFC) to make recommendations

    regarding the distribution of resources between the federation and the provinces. However,

    the commission could only make recommendations; they were not binding on the Federal


    Despite its federal and democratic character, the 1956 Constitution had two important

    centralising features; first, Article 109 specified that the residual powers, i.e. the power to

    legislate on subjects not included in any of the three lists, will be vested in the Federal

    Government. Second, Article 92 required the governors recommendation before introducing

    a bill or amendment regarding a matter specified in a money bill or one that would involve

    expenditure from the provincial revenue. Since the governor was a federal nominee, this

    effectively constrained provincial authority to legislate freely. Further, there was no mention

    of dispute resolution by an independent forum, such as the Inter-Provincial Council of the

    1935 Act. Instead, the Constitution required the Chief Justice of Pakistan to mediate in case

    there was a dispute between the two provinces or between the federation and the provinces.

    The Constitution of 1956 had a short life, since martial law was imposed in October 1958.

    Ayub Khan introduced a new Constitution in March 1962, which was a poor mix of the 1935

    Act and the 1956 Constitution. Article 1of the new Constitution deleted the word Federal

    3A new province with the name West Pakistan had been created in 1954 by merging Punjab, Sindh and NWFP,

    and states and tribal areas of the Western Wing.

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    from the name of the country4

    and Article 70 created two separate assemblies for East and

    West Pakistan, which were granted parity in all federal matters. The Constitution provided

    for a unicameral federal legislature with 156 members equally divided between the two

    provinces (six seats reserved for women). The 1962 Constitution provided only one list

    (Third Schedule) containing 43 subjects on which the Central Government could exclusively

    legislate. Article 132 vested the residual powers with the provinces.

    Vesting residual powers in the provinces was an important step in decentralising authority

    and responsibility, but two provisions of the Constitution effectively constrained provincial

    authority. First, Article 131 empowered the Central Legislature to make laws in the national

    interest of Pakistan on matters of national security, economic and financial stability, and

    planning and coordination. This was an open-ended provision and created an allowance for

    the Central Government to regulate even those matters that were not included in the CentralList. Second, Article 74 declared that in case of a conflict between the Governor (a federal

    nominee) and a provincial assembly, where the conflict was decided in favour of the

    Governor by the National Assembly, the Governor could dissolve the provincial assembly

    with the consent of the President. Rather than referring the conflict to a non-partisan forum or

    one comprising of representatives of both parties, the Central Government became a judge in

    its own right. Further, the National Economic Council was to be nominated by the President,

    with no specific provision for provincial representation.

    The 1962 Constitution was immediately abrogated by the new military government when it

    took over power in 1968. Elections were held in 1971 and the National Assembly took up the

    task of framing a new constitution for the new Pakistan in 1972. The new Constitution

    unanimously passed in April 1973 clearly enunciated the federal character of the state in its

    preamble as well as in Article 1, which declared Pakistan a Federal Republic. It created a

    bicameral Parliament, comprising of the National Assembly, Senate and the provincial

    assemblies for each province. There were to be three tiers of government: federal, provincial

    and local. The Fourth Schedule to the Constitution contained two lists: the Federal

    Legislative List and the Concurrent Legislative List. The Federal List was divided into Part I

    and Part II, which had 59 and 8 items respectively. The Concurrent List had 47 items and all

    residual matters were deemed to be vested in the provinces. The provinces could legislate on

    4 The word Islamic was also dropped, but it was brought back through the 1 st Amendment in 1963 and

    Pakistan became Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

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    The 18th

    Amendment sought to comprehensively5

    amend the Constitution. It not only

    restored its parliamentary character but also resolved several other emerging issues, such as

    the renaming of NWFP, appointment of judges and strengthening of certain key

    constitutional offices. For the sake of convenience, various provisions of the Amendment can

    be grouped together in five categories: 1) Restoration of parliamentary form of government;

    2) Strengthening key institutions; 3) Appointment of judges; 4) Federation-provinces

    relations; and 5) Miscellaneous (see Appendix Afor a summary). A brief discussion follows.

    Restoration of the Parliamentary Form of Government

    The 17th

    Amendment had transferred several key functions to the President and had greatlyenhanced his powers vis a vis the parliament and its executive arm. Thus the President was

    no longer a titular head, as originally envisaged by the 1973 Constitution. The 18th

    Amendment repealed the 17th

    Amendment in its entirety6

    and also declared illegal the

    various Legal Framework Orders of 2002. The Presidents powers were reduced in several

    ways. For example, before the Amendment, the executive authority of the Federation was

    vested in the President, who could exercise such authority, either directly or through officers

    subordinate to him (Article 90). The amended Article clearly states that the executive

    authority of the Federation is to be exercised by the Federal Government and that the Prime

    Minister shall be the Chief Executive of the Federation. Rules of business are also to be

    framed by the Federal Government and not the President. The power of the President to delay

    the Assembly session after the elections and/or to appoint at his discretion a member of the

    National Assembly as the Prime Minister (who in his opinion was likely to command the

    confidence of the majority of members) was abolished. Now, the Assembly must meet 21

    days after the elections and elect a Prime Minister, who the President must call upon to take

    up the office of the Prime Minister.

    Similarly, an amendment to Article 232 reduces the Presidents power to impose a state of

    emergency in a province. Under the amended Article, a proclamation of emergency may be

    issued only after a resolution to this effect has been passed by the concerned Provincial

    5Hamid (2010) notes that the comprehensive nature of the Amendment was necessitated by the need to develop

    consensus.6Though some provisions were reintroduced through the 18thAmendment.

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    In a similar manner, provisions regarding the appointment and functioning of the Election

    Commissioners have been amended to grant the office greater operational autonomy. The

    term of office of the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) has been increased from three

    years to five years. Previously, the President could appoint the CEC at his discretion, but now

    the Amendment prescribes a transparent procedure for the appointment. The amended Article

    213 requires the Prime Minister to forward three names to a Parliamentary Committee after

    consulting the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly. The Parliamentary

    Committee is to be constituted by the Speaker. It comprises of at most twelve members

    50% from the treasury and 50% from opposition parties-who are to be nominated by various

    parliamentary party leaders in the Assembly, based, on their respective strength in the

    Assembly. Thus, it is no longer the sole prerogative of the Federal Government or even the

    Leader of the House and the opposition to make the appointment for one of the most

    important offices in a democracy. The CEC must be chosen through a process of broad-basedconsultation in the Parliament.

    Further, power and authority has been vested in the Election Commission, rather than the

    CEC. The Election Commission comprises of five Commissioners, CEC being only one of

    them. The other four must be a judge of the High Court from each province. It is now for the

    Commission, instead of the CEC, to make rules for the appointment of officers and staff in

    the employment of the Commission.

    Appointment of Judges

    The most contentious part of the 18th

    Amendment was the one which dealt with the

    appointment of judges to the Supreme Court and High Courts. This was mainly because the

    superior judiciary had assumed this function to the exclusion of all other institutions through

    a series of judgements, over the past two decades. A new Article (175A) was inserted in the

    Constitution, which created a Judicial Commission of Pakistan for the appointment of judges

    to the Supreme Court, High Courts and the Federal Shariat Court. The Commission was to

    comprise of the Chief Justice of Pakistan and six other members two senior most judges of

    the Supreme Court, a former Chief Justice or a former Judge of the Supreme Court

    nominated by the Chief Justice in consultation with the two member judges, the Federal

    Minister for Law and Justice, the Attorney General of Pakistan and a senior advocate

    nominated by the Pakistan Bar Council. For the appointment of judges of a High Court, the

    Commission was to have the following additional members: the Chief Justice of the

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    concerned High Court, the senior most judge of the High Court, provincial Law Minister and

    a senior advocate nominated by the concerned provincial Bar Council. Similarly, the Chief

    Justice of the Federal Shariat Court and the senior most judge of the Shariat Court were also

    made members of the Commission for appointments in the Shariat Court. Thus the

    Commission had broad-based representation from the Government, the judiciary and the

    legal fraternity. Under this Article, the President was required to appoint the most senior

    judge of the Supreme Court as the Chief Justice of Pakistan. For all other vacancies in

    superior judiciary, the Commission was to nominate one person for each vacancy to an 8-

    member Parliamentary Committee (the Leader of the House and the Leader of Opposition to

    nominate two members each from each House of the Parliament). The Parliamentary

    Committee could either confirm the Commissions nomination against a vacancy within 14

    days through a simple majority or reject the nomination with a three-fourth majority of its

    total members.

    For the broad-based Parliamentary Committee that drafted the 18th

    Amendment and the

    Parliamentarians who unanimously passed the Amendment, this comprised of a transparent

    and objective process for the appointment of judges. The principle of seniority was accepted

    in the appointment of the Chief Justice and for all other appointments. The nomination was to

    originate from the Judicial Commission and finalised by the Parliamentary Committee

    having representation from, the treasury and the opposition in both houses. While

    parliamentary oversight was ensured, the requirement of three-fourth majority meant that the

    Committee could not casually reject a nomination from the Commission.

    However, not everyone was happy. Shortly after the 18th

    Amendment was passed, a petition

    was filed in the Supreme Court of Pakistan challenging these portions of the Amendment on

    the ground that this amounted to undermining judicial autonomy and altering the basic

    structure of the Constitution (Hamid 2010). The Supreme Court passed an order in October

    2010 highlighting the objections to the Amendment and referring the matter back to the


    Consequently, another Amendment the 19th

    Amendment was brought in to settle the issue

    of the appointment of the judges, once and for all. The 19th

    Amendment amended Articles

    81, 175A, 182, 213 and 246 of the Constitution. Of greatest significance was the amendment

    of Article 175A. Membership of the Judicial Commission was enhanced to include four most

    senior judges of the Supreme Court instead of two previously. More importantly, the

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    Parliamentary Committee was now required to hold its sessions on camera, record its reasons

    for rejecting a nomination (with three-fourth majority of total membership) and pass on these

    reasons to the Judicial Commission through the Prime Minister. In effect, this meant that

    although the Parliamentary Committee could still object to a nomination from the

    Commission, it was the Commission who got to finally decide whether such objections were

    valid or not.

    In addition to specifying a new process for the appointment of judges, the 18th


    had three other features that were important for the judicial system in Pakistan. First, the

    Islamabad High Court was created through inserting a new clause in Article 175.Benches of

    the Peshawar High Court and the Balochistan High Court were established at Mingora and

    Turbat respectively, through an amendment of Article 198. Second, judges were protected

    against involuntary transfers from one High Court to another. Previously, a High Court judgecould be transferred to another High Court without his consent and without the consent of the

    involved Chief Justices of the Supreme Court and High Courts, if the period of transfer was

    less than two years. A judge refusing such a transfer was deemed as retired from service.

    These provisions were removed, meaning that a judge could only be transferred with his

    consent and with the consent of the relevant Chief Justices. Third, certain protection has been

    extended to the judges of the Federal Shariat Court who cannot be removed from office

    except in the manner and on grounds as specified for a Supreme Court judge.


    In addition to the above changes and the assigning of greater responsibility to the provinces

    (discussed in the next Section), the 18th

    Amendment brought several important changes in the

    Constitution of Pakistan. These are discussed below.

    The North Western Frontier Province was renamed as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). This

    was a long standing demand of the people of the province. At the same time, it triggered a

    demand for the creation of a new province in KPK. Moreover, the spellings of Baluchistan

    and Sind were changed to Balochistan and Sindh respectively.

    The requirement for political parties to hold intra-party elections under Article 17 was done

    away with. They are still required to hold these elections, but under an Act of the Parliament

    (Political Parties Act of 1962), rather than under the Constitution. The ban on a person

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    becoming the Prime Minister for a third term has also been removed. A new process has been

    prescribed for the appointment of a caretaker Prime Minister and his cabinet. The caretaker

    Prime Minister is to be appointed by the President in consultation with the outgoing Prime

    Minister and the Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly. In case of a

    disagreement between the two, the matter is referred to the CEC, who will then pick from

    amongst the names proposed by the leaders of the past treasury and opposition.

    Three new fundamental rights were created. Article 10A made fair trial and due process a

    fundamental right of every citizen of Pakistan. This was done to ward off arbitrary trials and

    victimisation of political opponents by military and civil governments. Article 19A made

    access to information another fundamental right. Even on matters of national security (that

    can be kept secret for a certain period of time), citizens should have the right to get access to

    full information after a lapse, so that, an objective assessment of issues and decision can bemade. In pursuance of this Article, provincial governments are now legislating their own

    Freedom of Information Acts.7

    An important addition to fundamental rights is the right to education (Article 25A).

    Although, providing education, especially to marginalised and the poor, has been a priority

    for the federal and provincial governments, it was not an enforceable right per se. Article

    25A renders it states responsibility to provide free and compulsory education to all children

    in the 5-16 years age group. This fundamental right is being taken further, through provincial

    legislations. For example, the Sindh Assembly recently passed the Right of Children to Free

    and Compulsory Education Bill 2013. Similar draft legislation is being prepared by the

    Punjab Government.

    The definition of treason under Article 6 has been expanded to include, suspension and

    holding in abeyance, the Constitution.8

    7 Three provincial governments, viz. Punjab, Sindh and KPK are in the process of legislating Freedom of

    Information within their respective jurisdictions. Punjab has a draft approved by the Cabinet to be presented in

    the Assembly shortly. KPK and Sindh are developing their own Bills. How well will these be implemented is an

    open question. Provinces face severe challenges due to culture of secrecy, poor record keeping and general


    Further, conspiring, abetting and collaborating to

    abrogate, subvert, suspend or hold in abeyance the Constitution was also made an offence of

    equal measure under the said Article. A new clause (2A) was inserted to prohibit the

    Supreme Court and High Courts to validate any such treasonous act. Whether or not any such

    8Thus Musharrafs November 2007 action also attracted application of this Article.

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    act is tried as treason is for time to tell, but at least the Constitution is now clear on the


    The Sixth and Seventh Schedules to the Constitution have been abolished. The Sixth

    Schedule contained a list of 35 laws, which could not be amended without prior approval of

    the President. The list included laws on expressly provincial subjects, such as the local

    government. This imposed a serious constrain on the provinces, who could not legislate

    freely even in explicitly provincial matters. The Seventh Schedule contained a list of eight

    laws, which could only be amended through the process prescribed for passing of a

    Constitutional Amendment. After the abolition of the two Schedules, laws listed therein are

    to be treated as any other law on the statute book.


    A large portion of the 18th

    Amendment dealt with federal-provincial relations and sought to

    strengthen the position of the provinces within the federation of Pakistan. In addition to

    transferring several functions to the provinces, the Amendment clarified/amended numerous

    procedures in a manner so as to grant provinces a greater say in the running of the affairs of

    the federation. A brief discussion of these provisions follows.

    Changes to the Federal Legislative List

    Perhaps the most notable changes were the ones made in the Fourth Schedule, which had two

    legislative lists, viz. the Federal Legislative List and the Concurrent Legislative List. The

    Federal List had two parts. Part I contained 59 items and Part II had eight items. Subjects in

    Part I are the exclusive responsibility of the Federal Government, whereas subjects in Part II

    are to be deliberated and decided upon jointly by the federation and provinces through the

    Council of Common Interest (CCI). The 18th

    Amendment made the following changes to the

    Federal List:

    Four items were transferred from Part I to Part II of the List. These included:major ports; census; extension of the powers and jurisdiction of members of a

    provincial police force to other provinces; and national planning and economic


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    Four new items were added to Part II. These were: all regulatory authoritiesestablished under a federal law; supervision and management of public debt;

    standards in institutions of higher education as well as research, scientific and

    technical institutions; and inter-provincial coordination.

    The following two items were shifted from the Concurrent List to Part II of theFederal List: electricity; legal, medical and other professions.

    One item (Boilers) was shifted from the Concurrent List to the Federal List Part I. The following five items were deleted from the Federal List Part I: state lotteries;

    duties regarding succession of properties; estate duty in respect to property;

    capital gains; and general sales tax on services.

    Thus, the modified Federal List is as follows: Part I - 51 items; and Part II - 18 items. It

    should be noted that the expansion of Part II of the List has not come at the cost of the

    Provincial List, but is a direct result of the shrinking of Part I and abolition of the Concurrent

    List. Since Part II of the Federal List falls under shared responsibility of the federation and

    the provinces, a transfer of subjects to this Part signifies an enhanced role for the provinces

    even in matters that continue to be legitimately federal.

    The amended Federal List Part I contains subjects that have a supra-provincial character.

    Examples are: defence; military, naval and air force works; local self-government in

    cantonment areas; external affairs, implementation of treaties and agreements; nationality,

    citizenship and naturalisation; migration to and from Pakistan; posts and telegraphs;

    currency; foreign exchange; nuclear energy; quarantine; copyrights; national highways;

    federal surveys; the State Bank of Pakistan; federal institutions such as the Federal

    Ombudsman and the Federal Public Services Commission; various institutions in the federal

    territory; and federal taxation.

    With the possible exception of the federal institutions listed above, institutions working

    within the federal territory and federal taxation, all other subjects in Part I of the Federal List

    ultimately concern the provinces. It is possible to make a case for the transfer of any number

    of these subjects to Part II of the List, which would enable a greater provincial say in such

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    subjects. To start with, local self-government in cantonment areas and posts and telegraph

    appear to be good candidates for such further decentralisation of responsibility.

    The amended Federal List Part II also contains subjects of importance. These are: railways;

    mineral oil and natural gas; development of industries; federal corporations, industries and

    projects; CCI; major ports; census; economic coordination; all regulatory authorities

    established under a federal law; electricity; legal, medical and other professions; and inter-

    provincial coordination.

    Abolition of the Concurrent Legislative List

    Another List in the Fourth Schedule was the Concurrent List, containing 47 subjects on

    which the Federal Government as well as the provincial governments, could legislate.Political parties, especially nationalist parties from smaller provinces had consistently

    demanded an abolition of this List and transfer of all subjects included therein to the

    provinces. It was also widely believed that there was a verbal agreement amongst, the

    framers of the Constitution in 1973, that the List would be abolished after ten years.

    However, there was no written record of any such formal or informal agreement to this effect

    (Rabbani 2011). The 18th

    Amendment abolished the Concurrent List. As noted above, two

    subjects were transferred to Part II of the Federal List and one subject was transferred to Part

    I of the List. The remaining 44 subjects were automatically devolved to the provinces as

    residual subjects.

    The subjects that came to an exclusive provincial realm include the following: criminal law;

    criminal procedure; civil procedure; evidence and oath; marriage and divorce; adoption;

    bankruptcy; arbitration; contracts; transfer of property; preventive detention; arms and

    firearms; explosives; opium; drugs and medicines; poisons and dangerous drugs; mental

    illness; environmental illness and pollution; population planning and social welfare; labour

    welfare; trade unions; shipping and navigation on inland waterways; newspaper, books and

    printing presses; evacuee property; Islamic education; zakat; tourism; and auqaf.

    This shows the extended sphere of provincial responsibility and authority. For provinces, it

    meant two things. First, they were now required to legislate on these subjects, even if this

    amounted to adopting, mutatis mutandis, the federal legislation. Hitherto, provinces had

    mainly relied on the Federal Government for legislation, policy and regulation. But these

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    subjects were no longer legitimate federal business; hence, the provinces had to frame their

    own laws, rules and policies in these matters. Until this was done, Article 270AA (added

    through the Amendment) provided for continuation of existing laws, regulations and

    notifications to avoid a legal vacuum in the aftermath of the abolition of the Concurrent List.

    Second, provinces had to develop the capacity to effectively discharge these newly acquired

    responsibilities. Federal legislation had in most cases also created federal institutional

    infrastructure, which now had to be either continued in the federation under another guise or

    had to be established in the provinces. We will see several examples of both in the next


    Strengthening Provinces vis a vis the Federation

    The provincial role in governance was enhanced in several ways. For example, Article 157was amended to require the Federal Government to consult the concerned Provincial

    Government before taking a decision for constructing hydro-electric power stations in the

    province. Further, any dispute in this matter could now be referred to CCI for resolution.

    Similarly, a provision was added to Article 147 so that if a Provincial Government entrusted

    to the Federal Government any of its functions, it had to seek ratification for such an act from

    the Provincial Assembly within sixty days.

    In the same spirit, CCI was strengthened by amending Articles 153 and 154, which dealt with

    the composition and functions of the Council. Previously, the Council comprised of four

    members from the Federal Government and the provincial Chief Ministers. It was chaired by

    the Prime Minister, if he was a member, or by another Federal Minister who was a member

    of the Council. The Amendment made the Prime Minister both a member and the Chairman.

    Further, it was made compulsory for the Federal Government to constitute the Council within

    thirty days of the Prime Minister taking the oath of office.

    The composition of the National Economic Council was specified as comprising of the Prime

    Minister, four members nominated by the Prime Minister, provincial Chief Ministers and

    four members nominated by the Chief Ministers (one by each Chief Minister). The Prime

    Minister was to act as the Chairman of the Council, and was entrusted with the responsibility

    of reviewing the overall economic condition of the country and advise the Federal and

    Provincial Governments on financial, economic and social policies.

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    An important contribution of the 18th

    Amendment was to strengthen the Senate and assign it

    greater role in various matters. Since the Senate represents provincial assemblies in the

    federal Parliament, its strengthening automatically translated into greater provincial say. For

    example, under Article 91(4), the Cabinet was collectively responsible to the National

    Assembly. An amendment in this Article made the Cabinet responsible to the National

    Assembly as well as the Senate. Similarly, the President could previously issue an Ordinance

    even when the Senate was in session. An amendment in Article 89 expressly prohibited the

    issuance of an ordinance when either House of the Parliament was in session. Since

    legislation could be initiated in either House, it was only logical to propose a piece of

    legislation at once in the House that was in session, rather than adopting the ordinance route.

    Further, the Senate was given equal representation in the Parliamentary Committee, which

    was responsible for finalising the Judicial Commissions recommendations for the

    appointment of judges. Both the treasury and the opposition were required to nominate twomembers from each House.

    In several cases, even when recourse to the Senate was warranted under the 1973

    Constitution, the matter was placed before a joint sitting of the Parliament. This effectively

    meant a dissenting view from the Senate was subsumed under the numerical majority of the

    National Assembly. The 18th

    Amendment brought several changes which required such

    matters to be placed before both Houses of the Parliament, separately. For example, the

    Presidential proclamation of emergency was to be placed before each House for approval

    within ten days of the proclamation. So was any order suspending a fundamental right during

    an emergency under Article 233. Similarly, the National Economic Council was made

    responsible to both Houses of the Parliament through insertion of a new clause to Article

    156. Further, Articles 29, 153 and 171 were amended so that several important reports (e.g.

    Report on the Principles of Policy; Report of CCI; and Report of the Auditor General of

    Pakistan) were presented to both Houses, instead of just the National Assembly.

    Enhanced Share in National Resources

    Another important contribution of the 18th

    Amendment was to recognise provinces as rightful

    beneficiaries of their natural resources, but in collaboration with the Federal Government. An

    amendment in Article 172 limited the ownership of the Federal Government to lands,

    minerals and other things of value within the continental shelf or lying under the ocean,

    beyondthe territorial waters of Pakistan. Thus, lands, minerals, etc. that lay within Pakistani

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    territorial waters were left for provinces to explore, develop and exploit. Further, all new

    discoveries of minerals, oil and natural gas within a province or in territorial waters adjacent

    to a province were to be owned, jointly and equally, by the Federal and the Provincial


    An important institution created by the 1973 Constitution was the National Finance

    Commission (NFC). It had provincial representation and was responsible for resource

    distribution between the Federal Government and the Provincial Governments. The 18th

    Amendment strengthened provincial position vis a vis the NFC by declaring that the share of

    a province in an NFC award will not be less than its share in the previous award (Article

    160(3A)). It also required the NFC to present its report to both the Houses of the Parliament

    and to the provincial assemblies.

    A new clause was added to Article 161 so that the net proceeds of the federal excise duty on

    oil levied at well-head(Collected by the Federal Government) went entirely to the provinces

    in which the well-head was located, rather than forming a part of the Federal Consolidated

    Fund. Previously, only the net proceeds of the excise duty on natural gas went to the

    concerned province. Sales tax on services also became a provincial tax after its deletion from

    the Federal List.

    Subject to the oversight of the National Economic Council (in which provinces were

    represented), provinces were allowed to raise loans and provide guarantees under Article

    167. This fulfilled a long-standing provincial demand to raise loans from domestic or

    international lenders against the security of the Provincial Consolidated Fund.


    From the above discussion it is evident that, the 18th

    Amendment created the necessary

    constitutional framework for administrative and fiscal devolution of responsibility, from the

    federation to the provinces. The next challenge was its implementation, which was

    problematic for two reasons. First, the federal (elected and unelected) administrative system

    was quite averse to letting go of responsibility, as it ultimately meant loss of control over

    human, physical and fiscal resources. It was quick to invent innovative interpretations of

    various constitutional provisions as well as develop seemingly convincing justifications for

    keeping at least the more important functions with the Federal Government. Several

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    Ministries, instead of initiating an enabling legislation, referred their dissolution proposals

    back to the Implementation Commission for review (Jamy et al. 2012). Second, there were

    apprehensions about the capacity of provincial governments. They neither had the legal and

    institutional infrastructure nor the human resource to effectively perform various functions, if

    these were devolved. Even Provincial Governments (especially Balochistan) appreciated this

    and were in some cases happy to let the Federal Government continue performing functions

    as before.

    Nevertheless, the momentum created by the 18th

    Amendment was hard to resist. Ultimately,

    18 federal Ministries were dissolved on, 1stJuly 2011, to give effect to various provisions of

    the Amendment. Functions performed by the dissolved Ministries were assigned to different

    federal Ministries (particularly to the four new Ministries created in October 2011), deleted

    or transferred to the Provincial Governments. The Rules of Business were amendedaccordingly. The current position is summarised below:

    Functions performed by dissolved Ministries 301

    Functions assigned to other Ministries 207

    Functions devolved to provinces 94

    The data shows that less than 1/3rd

    functions were actually devolved, which is not very

    encouraging. In the following sub-sections, changes brought in pursuance of the 18th

    Amendment are examined with respect to the Agriculture, Education and Health sectors.


    In the 1973 Constitution, Agriculture was part of neither the Federal Legislative List nor the

    Concurrent Legislative List, i.e. it was a residual subject and ipso facto the exclusive

    responsibility of the provinces. And yet, there was a large Ministry of Food and Agriculture

    in the Government of Pakistan, which immediately before its dissolution, was performing 39

    different functions and had 12 attached departments/organisations. It had 7,020 employees, a

    development budget of Rs 10.9 billion and was implementing 59 projects worth Rs 65.4

    billion (Bakhshi et al. 2012). The Ministry strongly opposed its dissolution on the ground that

    agriculture was central to Pakistans economy and was a significant contributor to exports.

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    When it became clear that dissolution was inevitable, the Ministry proposed its re-

    embodiment as the Ministry of Food Security and Research (Jamy et al. 2012). Accordingly,

    a new Ministry of National Food Security and Research was created in October 2011.

    Appendix B lists the now-dissolved Ministrys functions and departments and indicates their

    current status.9

    Summary statistics are as follows:


    Deleted 02

    Transferred to other Ministries 26

    Devolved to provinces 11

    Attached departments/organisations:

    Wound up 04

    Transferred to other Ministries 07

    Devolved to provinces 01

    An examination of the functions and departments that were disposed of the Ministry of Food

    and Agriculture, upon its dissolution in 2011, is illustrative in two ways. First, Agriculture

    was a residual subject; there was no justification in the first place for the existence of the

    Ministry of Food and Agriculture with such a large portfolio. This was clearly a historical

    wrong and the 18th

    Amendment provided an opportunity for correcting it. However, the

    opportunity was missed and only two functions were deleted and only 11 were devolved to

    the provinces. The rest were retained. It is difficult to understand why there was a need to

    keep agricultural storage, seed testing and certification, agricultural research, grading, etc. in

    the federal purview. It is also noteworthy that these functions were already being performed

    by the provincial governments, in parallel, with the Federal Government. For example, the

    9Cabinet Divisions Notification No. 4-14/2011-min-I; dated 26thOctober 2011

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    Punjab Government had an elaborate agricultural research network under the Ayub

    Agricultural Research Institute with a mandate similar to the one pursued by the Pakistan

    Agricultural Research Council (retained by the Federal Government). Second, only four

    attached departments/organisations were wound up (another one is in the process) and only

    one was devolved to the provinces. The only one to be devolved the Soil Survey of

    Pakistan was devolved to Punjab, since its offices were located in Lahore, which meant that

    effectively none were devolved to the smaller provinces.

    The case of seed testing and certification exemplifies the unwillingness of the federal

    administrative system to devolve its functions and resources. This function is performed

    under the Seed Act of 1976, which is a federal statute, passed after provincial assemblies

    ceded their authority to the Federal Government under Article 144 of the Constitution

    (Hussain 2004; Hussain and Hussain 2007). This was necessary, since the FederalGovernment could not legislate on seeds on its own, since Agriculture was a residual subject.

    Under the Seed Act of 1976, the Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department

    (FSC&RD) was established to register new plant varieties and to regulate the seed business

    in Pakistan. FSC&RD was based in Islamabad and had its field offices in the provinces,

    which inter aliaprovided seed certification services to seed producers.

    Over the years, several new developments in the seed provision system, especially the

    emergence of the private seed sector as a major seed provider, necessitated amendments in

    the Seed Act, 1976. But these could be made only after obtaining fresh authorisation from at

    least two provinces in terms of Article 144 of the Constitution. Although provincial

    governments, particularly the Punjab Government, appreciated the urgency to amend the

    Seed Act of 1976, none provided the required authorisation despite some follow up from the

    then Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

    In the wake of the 18th

    Amendment, it was only natural for the provincial governments to

    expect that at least a function as mundane as seed testing and certification would be

    devolved. Unfortunately, this did not happen and the Federal Government initially assigned it

    to the Ministry of Science and Technology and subsequently to the newly created Ministry of

    National Food Security and Research. FSC&RD was also transferred to the new Ministry.

    But not all provinces were ready to accept this easily. The momentum created by the 18th

    Amendment emboldened the Punjab Government to consider repealing the Seed Act of 1976

    to the extent of Punjab and legislate for a new Punjab Seed Act instead. Accordingly, a draft

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    Punjab Seed Act was prepared in 2011 and shared with stakeholders, including the

    FSC&RD. The latter opposed it vehemently and instead asked the Punjab Government to

    expedite ceding of legislative authority under Article 144 to bring the required amendments

    in the Seed Act of 1976. So far the Punjab Government has not provided such authorisation

    to the Federal Government, but it has not pursued its own legislation either.

    The retention of the Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC) by the Federal Government

    presents a similar example. PCCC is responsible for conducting research on various aspects

    of cotton production and manages a set of research stations in Punjab and Sindh. Since both

    provinces had their own cotton research programs in fact, Punjab Governments equally

    large Cotton Research Station was situated right across the road from PCCCs Cotton

    Research Institute in Multan they expected PCCC to be devolved and its research outfits to

    be shared between the two provinces. Instead, the Federal Government chose to retain PCCC,which was assigned to the Ministry of Textiles upon dissolution of the Ministry of Food and



    The 18th

    Amendment brought several important changes to the Constitution that had a direct

    bearing on education provision in Pakistan. Perhaps the most significant was the insertion of

    Article 25A, which created education as a fundamental right and required the state to provide

    free and compulsory education to all children between the ages of five to sixteen years.

    Implementation of this fundamental right requires that the Federal and Provincial

    Governments establish the necessary legislative and institutional framework for their

    respective areas of jurisdiction. As mentioned above, the Sindh Government has enacted a

    new law to this effect and a similar draft Bill is under consideration of the Punjab


    Further, the abolition of the Concurrent List brought the following two subjects in the

    exclusive provincial realm:

    Curriculum, syllabus, planning, policy, centres of excellence and standards ofeducation

    Islamic education

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    Previously, setting of national curriculum and syllabus was the responsibility of the

    Curriculum Wing of the (now dissolved) Ministry of Education. The wing was established

    under the Federal Supervision of Curricula, Textbooks and Maintenance of Standards of

    Education Act of 1976. To support the federal Curriculum Wing, each province had also

    established Curriculum Bureaus. Now the Wing has been dissolved and the responsibility of

    setting up Curriculum has completely fallen upon the provinces. For the time being, none of

    the provinces have deviated from the Curriculum, which was last revised in 2007-08. But, it

    is only a matter of time that provincial Curriculum Bureaus will start modifying them to suit

    their own educational needs.

    The following three additions to the Federal List Part II are also important for education


    All regulatory authorities established under a federal law Standards in institutions of higher education and research Scientific and technical institutions

    The aftermath of the passing of the 18th

    Amendment saw considerable confusion and struggle

    over the ultimate fate of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. Since education including higher education is a provincial subject, provinces demanded devolution of the

    Commission to the provinces. But the Federal Government opted to retain it (at least until the

    expiry of the current NFC Award), as it was responsible for setting the standards for higher

    education including equivalence and accreditation.

    The table below, historically places, the recent changes to the Federal and the Concurrent

    Lists with respect to education.

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    Table 1

    Status of Education Policy, Planning and Curriculum in Various Constitutions

    Subject Government

    of India Act,






    1973 Constitution



    After the



    Right to



    but not



    but not



    but not



    but not





    policy and
















    Curriculum Provincial














    Standards in















    Federal List

    Part II

    Source:Report of Syndicate 4 (9thSMC), National Management College cited in Jamy

    et al. 2012

    The dissolution of the Ministry of Education in 2011 was soon followed by the creation of

    the Ministry of Education and Training. The new Ministry was responsible for, inter alia,

    establishing and managing educational institutions within federal territories, international

    conventions and agreements regarding, education, achievement of the Millennium

    Development Goals (MDG), and technical and vocational training.

    At the time of its dissolution, the Ministry of Education administered 17 subordinate

    organisations, two attached departments, six autonomous organisations and 14 chairs in

    foreign universities. An examination of the functions and departments assigned to various

    Ministries and devolved to provinces is interesting. It shows that the new Ministry is almost

    as large as its predecessor, as only four departments/organisations have been devolved. The

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    Prevention of extension of contagious and infectious diseases from one provinceto another

    Mental illness and mental retardationOver the years, the Ministry of Health launched several vertical programs, which further

    extended Federal Governments outreach in primary and tertiary healthcare.

    Abolition of the Concurrent List brought the above-mentioned subjects under the exclusive

    purview of provincial governments. Further, the inclusion in the Federal List Part II of

    regulatory authorities, established under a federal law the planning and coordination of

    scientific and technical research, and legal, medical and other professions enhanced

    provincial responsibility. This was because these subjects were now under shared

    responsibility of the federation and provinces.

    At the time of its dissolution, the Ministry of Health was responsible for performing 15

    functions and administered 22 attached departments/organisations. Appendix C provides the

    post-Amendment status of these functions and departments/organisations after the Ministrys

    dissolution in 2011. A summary is presented below. The Federal Government also

    transferred vertical program and provided Rs 15 billion to the provinces for managing these

    programs (Jamy et al. 2012).


    Assigned to other Ministries 12

    Devolved to provinces 03


    Wound up or merged 03

    Assigned to other Ministries 15

    Devolved to provinces 04

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    From the above data, it is evident that only 1/5th

    functions and about 1/3rd federal

    departments were actually devolved to the provinces (or wound up). It is noteworthy that the

    dissolved Ministry of Health did not reappear as another Ministry like the Ministries of

    Agriculture and Education. Its functions and departments were, therefore, spread more

    widely. Considering the national importance of health, Pakistans international commitments

    and the existence of several health-related entries in the Federal List Part II, the need to

    establish an institutional hub in the Federal Government for all health-related functions has

    been suggested by several commentators (e.g. Nishtar 2011).


    From the above discussion it is clear that the 18th

    Amendment was a milestone in the

    constitutional history of Pakistan. It not only restored the parliamentary character of theConstitution by returning to the Prime Minister his Cabinet functions and powers that had

    been usurped by military Presidents (over the past four decades), but also made important

    contributions in enhancing fundamental rights, strengthening institutions and specifying

    procedure for the appointment of judges. Although, appointment of the judges became

    controversial immediately after the Amendment was passed and the procedure had to be

    partially modified in line with directions from the Supreme Court, it was a milestone in

    settling (at least for the time being) the contentious issue of appointments in superior

    judiciary. Its most important contribution, however, was to strengthen the provinces in the

    federation by abolishing the Concurrent Legislative List, enlarging the Federal List Part II,

    strengthening the CCI, reducing the powers of provincial Governors and enhancing powers

    of the Senate. Devolution of functions to the provinces and giving them greater role in

    running federal affairs was indeed a major step in correcting the historical imbalance in

    federal-provincial relations. It is remarkable that the Parliamentary Panel constituted to draft

    the Amendment was able to develop a political consensus on such a wide range of

    constitutional issues and get it through the Parliament unanimously.

    Implementation, however, proved problematic. Federal Ministries identified for dissolution

    went back to the Implementation Committee and made a case for their re-embodiment under

    a different title or at least the assignment of most of their functions to other Ministries in the

    Federal Government. These efforts were largely successful and eventually less than 1/3rd

    functions and departments of dissolved Ministries were actually devolved to the provinces

    (Section 5). An examination of the reassigned functions of the dissolved Ministries showed

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    Appendix A (p1 of 4)



    Summary of Major Changes Brought About by the 18th Amendment

    Changes to the Constitution brought about by the 18th

    Amendment can be grouped in the

    following five categories: 1) restoration of parliamentary form of government; 2)

    strengthening key institutions; 3) appointment of judges; 4) federation-provinces relations;

    and 5) miscellaneous. A summary of changes in each group is presented below.

    1) Restoration of the Parliamentary Form of Government The presidents powers were substantially reduced. All Musharraf-specific

    provisions were deleted. The presidents powers to dissolve Assemblies or to refer

    a question to a Referendum were abolished. The president was to appoint

    Governors and other key personnel on the binding advice of the Prime Minister.

    Similar to the reduction in the powers of the President, powers of provincialGovernors were also curtailed.

    Executive authority in the Federation was to be vested in the Prime Minister,rather than the President. Rules of Business were also to be framed by the Federal


    Sixth and Seventh Schedules were deleted. Sixth Schedule listed laws that couldbe amended only after prior approval by the President and Seventh Schedule

    listed laws whose amendment required the same procedure as was required for

    amending the Constitution.

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    Appendix A (p3 of 4)



    4) Federation-Provinces Relations Emergency in a province was to be imposed only with the consent of the

    concerned provincial assembly.

    The Concurrent Legislative List was abolished. Thus all items included therein,except the ones shifted to the Federal List, were transferred to the provinces.

    Several items were shifted from the Federal List Part I and the Concurrent List toFederal List Part II, thereby making these items subject to shared federal-

    provincial responsibility in the Council of Common Interests.

    Share in net proceeds of royalty on crude oil and net proceeds of developmentsurcharge on natural gas was to be given to the provinces.

    Sales tax on services was devolved to the provinces.5) Miscellaneous

    NWFP was renamed as KPK. The definition of high treason was expanded to include an act of suspending the

    Constitution or holding it in abeyance.

    Three new fundamental rights were created. These were: 1) right to fair trial; 2)right to information; and 3) right to education.

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    Appendix A (p4 of 4)



    Article 17 was amended to do away with intra-party elections on the grounds thatthese were already provided in the Political Parties Act of 1962.

    Life time bar on holding political office in case of conviction by a court wasremoved and limit of 5 years from the date of release from jail was reintroduced.

    The restriction that a person could not hold the office of the Prime Minister or theChief Minister for more than two terms was removed.

    Size of the cabinet was specified as 11% of the total membership or 49,whichever was higher. Similar restrictions were imposed for provincial cabinets.

    Provisions were made and procedure was specified for appointment of a caretakergovernment upon the expiry of the term of a government.

    Source: Authors Own Work

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    Appendix B (p1 of 5)



    Status of Functions and Departments of Erstwhile Ministry of Food and Agriculture


    No. FunctionDeleted/ assigned/


    1 Sugar Board Deleted

    2Socio-economic studies for framing agricultural research


    3 Economic Coordination and planning in respect of foodMinistry of National Food

    Security and Research

    4Economic Planning and policy-making in respect of


    Planning and Development



    Procurement of food grains, including import of sugar for

    federal requirement; inter-provincial supplies; and for

    export and storage at ports

    Ministry of Commerce

    6 Import and export control on food grains and foodstuffs

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research


    Inspection, grading analysis of food grains and foodstuffs

    and maintenance of standards of quality for import and


    Ministry of Commerce


    Plant protection:- (a) standardisation and import of

    pesticides; (b) aerial spray; (c) plant quarantine; and (d)

    locust control in its international aspect and maintenance

    of locust warning organisations

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research

    9Grading of agricultural commodities other than food

    grains, for exportsMinistry of Commerce

    10Standardisation and import of fertilizers for meeting

    Provincial requirements

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research

    11Administrative control of the Pakistan Agricultural

    Storage and Services Corporation (PASSCO)

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research

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    Appendix B (p2 of 5)



    12Keeping watch over the food supplies (including storage)

    position in the country

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research

    13 Collection of statistics on agricultural research. Federal Bureau of Statistics

    14 Collection and compilation of agricultural statistics Federal Bureau of Statistics

    15Collection of statistics regarding production, consumption,

    prices, imports and exports of food grains

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research

    16Preparation of basic plan for bulk allocation of food grains

    and food-stuffs

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research


    Price stabilisation by fixing procurement and issue prices

    including keeping a watch over the price of food grains

    and foodstuffs imported from abroad or required for export

    and those required for inter-Provincial supplies

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research

    18Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

    in respect of food

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research

    19Coordination of work relating to aid/assistance being

    received from aid-giving agencies in respect of food sector

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research

    20Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

    in respect of agriculture

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research


    Coordination of work relating to aid/assistance being

    received from aid-giving agencies in respect of agriculture


    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research


    Coordination of aid/assistance from international aid-

    giving agencies and FAO in respect of agricultural

    research, including manpower training for research

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research

    23Agricultural Research Council: Agricultural commodities


    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research

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    Appendix B (p3 of 5)



    24Seed testing and seed certification Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research25

    Agricultural commodities research; Federal Agricultural

    Research Organisations.

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research

    26Research for the introduction of improved germ plasma

    both of plant and animal origin.

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research


    Inter-provincial coordination and coordination between the

    centre and the provinces in respect of agricultural research,including training of high level agriculture scientists.

    Ministry of National Food

    Security and Research


    Administrative control of Pakistan Central Cotton

    Committee with participation and inputs of Textile

    Industry Division

    Ministry of Textile


    29 Economic Studies for framing agriculture policy Devolved

    30Farm management research for planning project

    formulation and evaluationDevolved

    31 Crops forecast and estimation; crop insurance Devolved32 Marketing intelligence Devolved

    33Agricultural commodity research (marketing research and

    laboratory research for laying down national grades)Devolved

    34Soil survey, comprehensive inventory of the soil resources

    of the country and their proper utilisationDevolved

    35 Introduction of special crops like jute, tea, olive etc. Devolved

    36 Standardisation of agricultural machinery Devolved


    Under-developed Areas including: identification of under-developed areas; and the fields in which an area is under-

    developed; and measures necessary to remove the causes

    of under-development in different areas.


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    Appendix B (p5 of 5)



    10 Pakistan Agricultural Research Council

    Assigned to the Ministry of

    National Food Security and


    11 Pakistan Central Cotton Committee, MultanAssigned to the Ministry of

    Textile Industry

    12 Soil Survey of Pakistan, LahoreDevolved to the

    Government of Punjab

    Source: Authors Own Work

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    Appendix C (p1 of 3)



    Status of Functions and Departments of Erstwhile Ministry of Health Functions



    Deleted/ devolved/


    1 National Planning and Coordination in the field of HealthPlanning and

    Developmrnt Division


    Dealings and agreements with other countries and international

    organisations in the fields of health, drug and medical facilities


    Economic Affairs



    International aspects of medical facilities and public health:

    International Health Regulations: Port health; health and medical

    facilities abroad


    4Scholarships/fellowships, training courses in health from

    international Agencies such W.H.O. and UNICEF

    Economic Affairs


    5Medical, nursing, dental, pharmaceutical, paramedical and allied


    Devolved, except to the

    extent of Federal Areas


    Maintenance of educational standards education abroad andeducational facilities for backward areas and for foreign

    nationals, except the nomination of candidates form Federally

    Administration Tribal Areas for admission to Medical College

    IPC Division

    7Standardisation and manufacture of biological and

    pharmaceutical products

    Drug Regulatory


    8 Vital Health StatisticsFederal Bureau of


    9 Medical and health services for Federal Government employees CADD

    10 National Associations in medical and allied field such as the RedCrescent Society and T.B. Association

    IPC Division

    11Red Crescent Society and T.B. Association. Red Crescent Society

    and T.B.

    Red Crescent Society

    and TB Association

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  • 8/13/2019 18th Amendment - Contextualising Administrative and Fiscal Decentralization




    Appendix C (p3 of 3)



    16 National Institute of Child Health, Karachi Government of Sindh

    17 Directorate of Central Health Establishment, Karachi IPC Division

    18 National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Karachi Government of Sindh

    19 Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zaid Hospital, QuettaGovernment of


    20 Tobacco Control Cell N/A

    21 Vertical Programmes To Provinces

    22 National Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Network Cabinet Division

    CADD: Capital Admisnistration and Development Division

    IPC : Inter Provincial Coordination Division

    Source: Authors Own Work

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    List of References:

    Bakhshi, Tariq Viqar, Ijaz Hussain, Asim Ahmad, Gul Baig and Aamir Zamir, Committee on

    Transfer of Federal Agriculture Offices and Organizations and Other Functions of MINFA to

    the Provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhaw and Sindh, (Lahore: National School of Public Policy,


    Hamid, Shahid. ,Impact of the 18th Amendment on Federation-Provinces Relations,

    (Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development (PILDAT), 2010).

    Hussain, Akhlaq ,An Overview of Seed Industry, (Islamabad: FSC&RD, Government of

    Pakistan, 2004).

    Hussain, Akhlaq and Tassawar Hussain. Seed Industry of Pakistan (Islamabad: Federal Seed

    Certification and Registration Department, 2007) p.102.

    Jamy, Hassan Nasir, Jawad Paul, Ehsan Bajwa, Abdullah Sumbal, Shahid Zaman, Naveed

    Saleh Siddique, Mohsan Atta and Qamar Mustafa Shah, Strategic Appraisal of 18th

    Amendment: Federal/Provincial Roles and Impact on Service Delivery, (Lahore: National

    School of Public Policy 2012).

    Levinson, Sanford V, Responding to Imperfection: The Theory and Practice of Constitutional

    Amendment, (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995).

    Nishtar, Sania, Health and the 18th Amendment: Retaining national functions in devolution,

    (Islamabad: Heartfile, 1995).

    Rabbani, Mian Raza, A Biography of Pakistani Federalism: Unity in Diversity, (Islamabad:

    Leo Books, 2011).

    Rizvi, Syed Shabbar Raza, Constitutional Law of Pakistan: Text, Case Law and Analytical

    Commentary, (Lahore: Vanguard, 2002).