1865-1900 America Moves to the City. The Urban Frontier.

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million people doubled by 1900, population in the cities tripled

Transcript of 1865-1900 America Moves to the City. The Urban Frontier.

America Moves to the City The Urban Frontier million people doubled by 1900, population in the cities tripled The Urban Frontier million people doubled by 1900, population in the cities tripled 1890 NY, Chicago, Philadelphia all had one million plus The Urban Frontier million people doubled by 1900, population in the cities tripled 1890 NY, Chicago, Philadelphia all had one million plus Sullivan, architect that invented the skyscraper The Urban Frontier million people doubled by 1900, population in the cities tripled 1890 NY, Chicago, Philadelphia all had one million plus Sullivan, architect that invented the skyscraper People also became commuters on electric trolleys The Urban Frontier million people doubled by 1900, population in the cities tripled 1890 NY, Chicago, Philadelphia all had one million plus Sullivan, architect that invented the skyscraper People also became commuters on electric trolleys Jobs more than anything drew people to the cities The Urban Frontier million people doubled by 1900, population in the cities tripled 1890 NY, Chicago, Philadelphia all had one million plus Sullivan, architect that invented the skyscraper People also became commuters on electric trolleys Jobs more than anything drew people to the cities Electricity, plumbing, telephones all made city life feasible The Urban Frontier million people doubled by 1900, population in the cities tripled 1890 NY, Chicago, Philadelphia all had one million plus Sullivan, architect that invented the skyscraper People also became commuters on electric trolleys Jobs more than anything drew people to the cities Electricity, plumbing, telephones all made city life feasible Waste disposal was a byproduct of urbanization The Urban Frontier million people doubled by 1900, population in the cities tripled 1890 NY, Chicago, Philadelphia all had one million plus Sullivan, architect that invented the skyscraper People also became commuters on electric trolleys Jobs more than anything drew people to the cities Electricity, plumbing, telephones all made city life feasible Waste disposal was a byproduct of urbanization Cities combined the best and worst of humanity The Urban Frontier million people doubled by 1900, population in the cities tripled 1890 NY, Chicago, Philadelphia all had one million plus Sullivan, architect that invented the skyscraper People also became commuters on electric trolleys Jobs more than anything drew people to the cities Electricity, plumbing, telephones all made city life feasible Waste disposal was a byproduct of urbanization Cities combined the best and worst of humanity Slums were the worst, had terrible conditions and lower classes Dumbbell Tenements The Urban Frontier million people doubled by 1900, population in the cities tripled 1890 NY, Chicago, Philadelphia all had one million plus Sullivan, architect that invented the skyscraper People also became commuters on electric trolleys Jobs more than anything drew people to the cities Electricity, plumbing, telephones all made city life feasible Waste disposal was a byproduct of urbanization Cities combined the best and worst of humanity Slums were the worst, had terrible conditions and lower classes Dumbbell Tenements Hard workers (at least those that could afford it) left slums for the better parts of the city while the wealthy moved to the suburbs The New Immigration 2 million immigrants every 10 years from , 1880 had 5 mill The New Immigration 2 million immigrants every 10 years from , 1880 had 5 mill Up to 1880 most immigrants came from the British Isles and Western Europe, Germany and Scandinavia, white and protestant or Catholic The New Immigration 2 million immigrants every 10 years from , 1880 had 5 mill Up to 1880 most immigrants came from the British Isles and Western Europe, Germany and Scandinavia, white and protestant or Catholic New Immigrants beginning in 1880 came from southern and eastern Europe, Italians, Croats, Slovaks, Greeks, Poles etc, Orthodox churches Came from areas with few liberties, most were illiterate and poor The New Immigration 2 million immigrants every 10 years from , 1880 had 5 mill Up to 1880 most immigrants came from the British Isles and Western Europe, Germany and Scandinavia, white and protestant or Catholic New Immigrants beginning in 1880 came from southern and eastern Europe, Italians, Croats, Slovaks, Greeks, Poles etc, Orthodox churches Came from areas with few liberties, most were illiterate and poor Southern Europe Uprooted Why did the immigrants leave Europe? Overcrowded, no room, food from America along with the potato helped their populations double in the 19 th century Food and industrialization created mass unemployment Southern Europe Uprooted Why did the immigrants leave Europe? Overcrowded, no room, food from America along with the potato helped their populations double in the 19 th century Food and industrialization created mass unemployment 60 million left Europe went to America Southern Europe Uprooted Why did the immigrants leave Europe? Overcrowded, no room, food from America along with the potato helped their populations double in the 19 th century Food and industrialization created mass unemployment 60 million left Europe went to America Letters home told how wonderful it was Southern Europe Uprooted Why did the immigrants leave Europe? Overcrowded, no room, food from America along with the potato helped their populations double in the 19 th century Food and industrialization created mass unemployment 60 million left Europe went to America Letters home told how wonderful it was Industrialists sent agents to Europe to help bring immigrants, helped keep wages down Southern Europe Uprooted Why did the immigrants leave Europe? Overcrowded, no room, food from America along with the potato helped their populations double in the 19 th century Food and industrialization created mass unemployment 60 million left Europe went to America Letters home told how wonderful it was Industrialists sent agents to Europe to help bring immigrants, helped keep wages down Persecutions for groups like the Jews Southern Europe Uprooted Why did the immigrants leave Europe? Overcrowded, no room, food from America along with the potato helped their populations double in the 19 th century Food and industrialization created mass unemployment 60 million left Europe went to America Letters home told how wonderful it was Industrialists sent agents to Europe to help bring immigrants, helped keep wages down Persecutions for groups like the Jews Almost 1/4 th of the immigrants went back after making $ Reactions to the New Immigration State and federal govt did very little to ease the plight of the immigrants and city dwellers, the job fell to the political machines Traded jobs for votes, housing, food, clothing, fixed problems with the law, were crooked but provided needed services no one else would Reactions to the New Immigration State and federal govt did very little to ease the plight of the immigrants and city dwellers, the job fell to the political machines Traded jobs for votes, housing, food, clothing, fixed problems with the law, were crooked but provided needed services no one else would Reformers Walter Rauschenbusch and Washington Gladden tried to get their respective churches involved in reform Christian Socialists-ultimate end of Christianity was Socialism Jane Addams College educated, bought Hull House and set it up as a settlement house Taught English, gave counseling to help immigrants cope, daycare, cultural activities Nobel Peace Price in 1931 Settlement Houses became center of womens activism and reform Was the beginning of social work Narrowing the Welcome Mat Nativism reappears, see new immigrants as exotic, very different, religions, culture, high birth rates, etc. Narrowing the Welcome Mat Nativism reappears, see new immigrants as exotic, very different, religions, culture, high birth rates, etc. Americans blame city problems on the immigrants Trade unionists hated the immigrants, worked for low wages and brought new ideas, communism, socialism, anarchism, hard to unionize, language American Protection Association (APA) 1887 over 1 million members, nativist goals, no Catholic office holders, etc 1882 Congress passed legislation stopping the immigration of criminals, paupers, convicts, etc, 1885 immigrants under contract for substandard wages later included insane, polygamists, prostitutes, alcoholics, anarchists, diseased, 1917 literacy tests, 1882 Chinese 1886 Statue of Liberty from France Narrowing the Welcome Mat Nativism reappears, see new immigrants as exotic, very different, religions, culture, high birth rates, etc. Americans blame city problems on the immigrants Narrowing the Welcome Mat Nativism reappears, see new immigrants as exotic, very different, religions, culture, high birth rates, etc. Americans blame city problems on the immigrants Trade unionists hated the immigrants, worked for low wages and brought new ideas, communism, socialism, anarchism, hard to unionize, language Narrowing the Welcome Mat Nativism reappears, see new immigrants as exotic, very different, religions, culture, high birth rates, etc. Americans blame city problems on the immigrants Trade unionists hated the immigrants, worked for low wages and brought new ideas, communism, socialism, anarchism, hard to unionize, language American Protection Association (APA) 1887 over 1 million members, nativist goals, no Catholic office holders, etc Narrowing the Welcome Mat Nativism reappears, see new immigrants as exotic, very different, religions, culture, high birth rates, etc. Americans blame city problems on the immigrants Trade unionists hated the immigrants, worked for low wages and brought new ideas, communism, socialism, anarchism, hard to unionize, language American Protection Association (APA) 1887 over 1 million members, nativist goals, no Catholic office holders, etc 1882 Congress passed legislation stopping the immigration of criminals, paupers, convicts, etc, 1885 immigrants under contract for substandard wages later included insane, polygamists, prostitutes, alcoholics, anarchists, diseased, 1917 literacy tests, 1882 Chinese Narrowing the Welcome Mat Nativism reappears, see new immigrants as exotic, very different, religions, culture, high birth rates, etc. Americans blame city problems on the immigrants Trade unionists hated the immigrants, worked for low wages and brought new ideas, communism, socialism, anarchism, hard to unionize, language American Protection Association (APA) 1887 over 1 million members, nativist goals, no Catholic office holders, etc 1882 Congress passed legislation stopping the immigration of criminals, paupers, convicts, etc, 1885 immigrants under contract for substandard wages later included insane, polygamists, prostitutes, alcoholics, anarchists, diseased, 1917 literacy tests, 1882 Chinese 1886 Statue of Liberty from France Churches Confront the Urban Challenge Protestant Churches took a hit because of the shift to the city their teachings seemed irrelevant Churches Confront the Urban Challenge Protestant Churches took a hit because of the shift to the city their teachings seemed irrelevant The large fancy churches were a diversion from life, the established churches refused to take on the social ills Churches Confront the Urban Challenge Protestant Churches took a hit because of the shift to the city their teachings seemed irrelevant The large fancy churches were a diversion from life, the established churches refused to take on the social ills Liberal Protestants stepped up dominated Protestantism from Called for moral reforms Wanted to mediate between labor and capital, science and faith etc Churches Confront the Urban Challenge Protestant Churches took a hit because of the shift to the city their teachings seemed irrelevant The large fancy churches were a diversion from life, the established churches refused to take on the social ills Liberal Protestants stepped up dominated Protestantism from Called for moral reforms Wanted to mediate between labor and capital, science and faith etc Catholics were gaining strength from immigration By 1900 were more Catholics than any other faith Churches Confront the Urban Challenge Protestant Churches took a hit because of the shift to the city their teachings seemed irrelevant The large fancy churches were a diversion from life, the established churches refused to take on the social ills Liberal Protestants stepped up dominated Protestantism from Called for moral reforms Wanted to mediate between labor and capital, science and faith etc Catholics were gaining strength from immigration By 1900 were more Catholics than any other faith 2 new churches, Salvation Army 1879 from England and the Church of Christ (Christian Science) by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879 YMCA offered religious, physical, and academic education Darwin Disrupts the Churches In the 1800s were several books criticizing religion, the one that gave religion the hardest hit was Darwin Wasnt the 1 st evolutionist but Natural Selection was his and it rejected creationism Gives rise to Fundamentalism in the 20 th century As science explained more of nature many lost faith in their religions The Lust for Learning Most states by 1870 had compulsory grade school, high schools became popular after 1880 Teacher schools boomed after the Civil War Chautauqua Movement 1874 in New York, public lectures to help educate the adults, could also do home study Booker T Washington and Black Education 44% of nonwhites were illiterate in Booker T was put in charge of a black school in Tuskegee, Alabama and started by teaching 40 a trade Accommodationisthis policy, stopped short of challenging white supremacy, more realist He gave up social equality in return for the blacks to develop economically on their own George Washington Carver Taught and did research at Tuskegee, new uses for the peanut, sweet potato, and soybean WEB Du Bois Confronted Booker T for selling out his race PhD at Harvard Demanded complete equality between the races Helped found NAACP in 1910 Believed the talented tenth would gain their way into the white world and help bring the rest of the blacks up The Hallowed Halls of Ivy Colleges shot up everywhere after the Civil War Women started going to college more and more 1/3 of every graduate was a female Morrill Act of 1862, Hatch Act of 1887 Public land grant to pay for schools, agricultural experiment stations, together more than 100 colleges were funded Private Philanthropy was a great boost for colleges The Appeal of the Press Books continued to be the most popular source of enlightenment and recreation Public libraries made large gains Newspapers increased through the Linotype in 1885 it was more expensive to set up, so the papers had to keep subscribers and advertisers, caused the papers to get bland, noncontroversial Sensationalismsex, scandals, death etc 2 jounalistic tycoons: Pulitzer and Hearst Brought news to an all time low, they didnt care how news was gotten or whether it was correct Partially offset by the creation of the Associated Press Apostles of Reform Magazines helped satisfy the public demand for good reading Henry George was a crusader against unequal distribution of land wanted a 100% tax on the increase in property values Edward Bellamy wrote a novel on how the government fixed the social evils, set in 2000 and looked backwards Postwar Writing Reading followed literacy, dime novels to satisfy the demand Wild West Harlan Halsey wrote 650 dime novels Lewis WallaceBen Hur Horatio Alger wrote juvenile fiction about virtue, honesty, hard work being rewarded Walt WhitmanO Captain My Captain Emily Dickinson Literary Landmarks Kate Chopin ( ) wrote on suicide, adultery, and womens ambition in The Awakening Mark Twain ( ) New breed of American authors Grew up in the South as a river boat pilot Name means 2 fathoms was a warning Forced on the lecture circuit by bankruptcy Bret Harte ( ) California gold rush stories William Deane Howells ( ) Editor of the Atlantic Monthly Later wrote about the ills of society Stephen Crane ( ) Red Badge of Courage and Maggie: A Girl of the Streets Henry Adams ( ) Historian, novelist, and critic, 9 volume history on Jefferson and Madisons administrations Henry James ( ) Americans vs. Europeans and confrontations between the two Jack London ( ) Nature writer, revolutions, Call of the Wild, Iron Heel Theodore Dreiser ( ) socialist novelist wrote Sister Carrie The New Morality Several affronts to conventional societyfree love, divorce etc. Anthony Comstock War on the immoral, confiscated pills, pictures, etc Battle was over sexual attitudes and the place of women The new morality was pushed on by female economic independence and caused high divorce rates, decline in birthrate, etc. Families and Women in the Cities Crowded cities were emotionally isolating for families They were separated from extended families and friends Caused terrible stress, long hours, low wages, everyone worked, urban era launched the divorce era Harder to feed and house children, led to decreased birthrate 1890 NAWSA (National American Woman Suffrage Association) was created to help get women the vote, founders included Stanton, Anthony, etc by 1900 the next generation took up the cause including Carrie Chapman Catt Women needed the vote to help clean up the cities Ida B. Wells, black womens leaderanti lynching campaign Prohibition of Alcohol and Social Progress Drinking was to blame for keeping many families poor National Prohibition Party 1869, mainly pushed on by women Carrie A. Nation, hatchet to smash bottles and barrels of alcohol Anti Saloon League th amendment Prohibition Art Most American artists made their living abroad James Whistlerportrait of his mother among others worked in England Metro Opera House of New York 1883 Phonograph by Edison, in 1900 it was in 150,000 homes Business of Amusement Plays were still popular Vaudeville shows, vulgar shows for the less refined Barnum and Bailey Circus 1881 Wild West Shows Buffalo Bill Cody Baseball became popular after the Civil War 1 st Pro league in 1870 Basketball invented in 1891 by James Naismith in Mass Football pushed America into a spectator country Bare knuckle boxing 2 CrazesCroquet and bicycling