185 Annangrove Road ANNANGROVE

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Transcript of 185 Annangrove Road ANNANGROVE

Ph: (02) 9679 1303 Fax: (02) 9679 1389 Email: annangrove-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Web: www.annangrove-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

185 Annangrove Road ANNANGROVE


Annangrove Public School

Acknowledgement of Country On Monday our 5/6 class and Mrs Urio welcomed students and staff from Hillside PS along with our Aboriginal Education and Wellbeing Officer- Miss Ryan to develop our own school Acknowledgement to Country. The students worked through a variety of themes and ideas to create an acknowledgement of Country which is specific to our school and the Darug land.

CALENDAR Wednesday 2nd June

• Sydney Zoo excursion K-6

9TH,16TH,23RD June

• Footsteps Dance

Monday 31st May, 7th June

• Soccer Clinic k-6

Monday 14th June

• Queen’s Birthday, Public Holiday

Tuesday 22nd June

• Winning House Pizza Day

Wednesday 23rd June

• Parent/ Teacher interviews

Friday 25th June

• Footsteps Disco

• Last day of Term 2.

Tuesday 1st June, 2021 Term 2 Week 7. Zoo Excursion Tomorrow will be our first excursion in what seems like a very long time. All classes are going to the Sydney Zoo. All students need to arrive at school between 8.30am-8.45am as the bus will be leaving promptly at 9am. Students are to wear their sports uniform & hat and bring their recess and lunch and water bottle in an easy to carry bag. The students will be taking part in a 1 hour workshop and various times throughout the day. Please remind your children although it is a fun and exciting day out, they must remember they are representing the school, please remind them to use their manners and listen to instructions. We expect to see them practising Respect, Responsibility & Effort.

National Story Time On Wednesday 19th May the whole school took part in national storytime. At 11am. National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Now in its 21st successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Foundation to Year 6. The story book ‘Give me some Space’ was read by the astronaut Dr Shannon Walker from the International Space Station.

Payments Due:

Annual School Fee payments due. $30 Footsteps Dance program.

$28 Zoo excursion.

Executive Director and Director Visit Last Friday we had a visit from our Executive Director- Tim McCallum and Director- Adam Boulus. They had a quick walk around our school and spoke to some students and staff. They commented on how lovely our school is and how beautifully mannered our students are.

Community Feedback I received an email today from a parent after canteen duty saying. ”I just wanted to say what absolute treasures the kids at APS are. I was truly blown away with their kindness, thoughtfulness, politeness and eagerness to help each other out.” “We had the year 6 helpers organising their little station to sell items like they were a retail outlet. They were using their own initiative and just getting the job done. It was such a big help and it looked like they really enjoyed it and were having fun as well”. “The children have really become more confident and are so polite with their manners. I don’t think I heard not one child say please and thank you. They are such a credit to the school and the teachers and staff should be commended”.

I love receiving these types of emails. I totally agree that our students are extremely well mannered and polite and take pride in looking after and caring for each other. That’s what make Annangrove PS such a special school

Cross Country Our zone representatives did a great job at Fagan Park last week. It was a beautiful day for them to challenge themselves on this long tricky track with many ups and downs, twists and turns. They all tried their very best, had a great attitude and put lots of effort in. Our athletes had great comradeship and spirit. They boosted each other up before each race, screamed and cheered for their Annangrove friends so loudly, and encouraged and congratulated each other after they ran. Thank you to our parents for taking the students and providing a cheer squad. We are sure you are all very proud of their efforts, as are we.

Footsteps Dance. All of the students have been really enjoying the footsteps dance program this term. They have learnt several routines and are becoming very familiar with the elements of dance. Last week students even had a chance to choreograph their own dance routine.

Pyjama Day We’ve had a sleepy day at Annangrove today! Only kidding ! It was business as usual although our students were comfy and snuggled in their PJ’s drinking their Milo. Thank you to our year 6 Captains for organising today. Thanks also to parents and the P&C for purchasing supplies. Their efforts raised $188.95

New shade sails Our outdoor play areas are having a spruce up today. The posts of our outdoor area and sandpit have been painted in house colours and the shade sails are currently being replaced as we type! The sandpit looks amazing. We were going to keep the old shade sails to reuse but unfortunately they are beyond resurrection. A huge thank you to our P&C and school community for funding this project.

School Parking The parents at our school are very lucky to have access to the turning circle at the Zoroastrian Church across the road. I have had several parents and community members inform me that parents from our school are parking their cars in the church grounds and even a parent parking on the turning circle. Parents

from our school do not have permission to park in this area, it is private property. It is also a hazard, as people turn quickly to get off the road and are not expecting to encounter pedestrians especially children running in this space. Please avoid parking here as it may result in us loosing use on the turning circle or even more serious, a tragic accident. Enrolments for 2022 If you have a sibling to enrol for 2022 please ensure you complete your application form and return as soon as possible. Also, if you are planning on withdrawing your child from APS in 2022 we would also appreciate notification of this. We are currently getting ready to assess applications for 2022 and we need a guide of our expected numbers. Late Arrivals All students who arrive at school after 9am are considered late. They must go to the office and have their time and reason recorded. They cannot go straight to class. It is vital that students arrive at school on time.

• It ensures the students do not miss out on important learning activities scheduled early in the day. • It helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine.

• It gives students time to greet their friends before class. • It reduces classroom disruption.

Our Home School Liaison Officer (HSLO) was at school last Tuesday and has recorded student attendance patterns and students arriving late. School Fees Everyone with outstanding school fees will be sent an email with links to our pop payment system. Remember we are happy for you to pay these fees in instalments.

Permission Notes For every excursion at our school parents will be sent a permission note to sign. It is vital that parents read this information and return the note to the front office, completed and money paid online. Students MUST put all notes in the red letter box in the office foyer. Please make sure if you are paying in cash or cheque that these payments are returned with permission notes in a sealed labelled envelope and placed in the letter box. Although we will accept cash, we do prefer it if payments can be made using the online pop system.

Absence Notes If your child is absent from school for any reason please remember to bring in a note for their teacher explaining their absence on their return. This is the law and all children need to provide a note to their teacher. Please do not hand notes to Mrs Constable in the front office. Absent notes must be given to the class teacher.

What we are currently collecting Ooshies 4 maths If anyone has any spare ooshies they no longer want we would love to have them at school. We are having a push on maths resources and they are not cheap and we thought a great way to reuse and recycle ooshies would be to use them as maths counters. Please drop them off at the office so they can be sanitised over the holidays to be used next term as maths resources. Lego Our lego masters lunchtime club is on the hunt for some extra lego. If you have any spare lego at home that is no longer played with. We would love to offer it a new home. Return & Earn program You may have noticed our huge orange bins in the playground. These bins are used to collect plastic bottles, poppers/ up &go/milkshake cartons. We are also able to collect glass bottles (although not wine bottles) as long as they are in a box that can be sealed. Please do not send your children with glass, please bring any glass items up to the office. When our bins are full we then arrange for ‘Red frog recycling’ to come and collect them and they deposit funds to the P&C account. Which all gets returned back to the school when they request items.

Paddy Rich Principal

Finished Shade Sail replacement & pole refresh.

Ask a few parents about what they’re trying to achieve with discipline and you’ll hear A LOT of different ideas. Take these for example:

• "I want to teach my kids right from wrong"

• "I need cooperation from them"

• "I want them to listen to me"

• "I just want some quiet!"

• "I’m trying to stop bad behaviour" None of them are necessarily incorrect or wrong. Sometimes we do need quiet or cooperation. But whatever we think, none of us discipline our children wanting to hurt the relationship - and that’s a real risk if we go about it the wrong way. The good news is that when you know how to discipline your kids without creating resentment or resistance, you’re a big step closer to a happier family. And that’s what we’re diving into with our next Happy Families free webinar: The Do’s

and Don’ts of Discipline.

In the webinar, I’ll be talking about:

• Why the centuries-old strategies we still cling to should be left in the past

• How we get discipline wrong and why • The secret to perfect discipline (the secret is simple to learn, but hard

in practice) • Real-world examples of discipline that are as imperfect as you and

your kids but still work • Ideas for discipline that turn everything you thought you knew about

the topic on its head Ultimately, this webinar is about giving you a truckload of ideas about better discipline and more importantly, a new understanding of how vital this part of parenting is to a happy home. The webinar is happening on Thursday, 10 June, at 8pm AEST. (That’s 6pm WA time, 7:30pm SA time, and 10pm NZ time.) Find all the details and register for free right here (or one click register below).

Hope to see you there!

Don’t forget to support those that support us.

SYDNEY ZOO SCIENCE EXCURSION - Wednesday 2nd June 2021

We are so excited about our zoo excursion on Wednesday. Here are a couple of reminders to help

you get organised and make sure we all have a fun day.

• You need to arrive at school no later than 8.45am. The bus will be leaving at exactly 9 am so

you need to be here before then to have your name marked off and listen to important

announcements about the day.

• Full school sports uniform is to be worn, including your school hat. Please make sure jackets

and jumpers are labelled with your name.

• Bring a small backpack containing only what you need: drink bottle, lunch, recess, fruit. You will be

carrying your bag all day so the lighter it is, the easier it will be.

• We will not be going to the cafe or souvenir shop so please do not bring money. Parents, please

do not expect that your child will be able to purchase a bottle of water or snack. These things need

to be brought from home.

• Do not bring toys or any other special items. If it gets lost at the zoo it could be lost forever, so

keep them at home.

• Make sure you bring your listening ears and your best behaviour, and be ready for a really great


Mrs Melanie Shelley

Science Teacher