18 towens legacy of west

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Transcript of 18 towens legacy of west

Legacy of the west BY: Taylor Owens

What do you think of when you hear the


Cowboys, cactus, horses, tumble weed, saloons,

buffalo, gold rush, mountains, cattle, lasso,



Although most minors were unsuccessful in the mining business, those that were made satisfactory profits.

Despite the large percentage of failures here are some Pro’s and Con’s

Positives of Mining

1. Generated more recourses

2. Increased production

3. Gave us gold,silver,copper and zinc

4. Lead to major cities

5. Brought women closer to equality.

negatives to mining

Polluted the water

Changed the landscape

Most people didn’t gain anything

Made contact with the Native Americans

Helped get people to move to the west and added many of our major cities


The Legacy?


Herded and cared for cattle

25% of cowboys were african american

Travel long distances

Helped the industry, and helped employ African Americans as well as provide

opportunity for the east.

The Legacy?


Helped the trade world wide

Linked people

Lined the east and west coasts.

This set a precedent for future trading internationally with the U.S.

The Legacy?


The government was giving away 160 acres of land.

There were harsh weather conditions that damaged the crops

Land mostly went to white males

Pursued people to move west.

The Legacy?


Women suffer from severe loneliness.

Women were forced to to labor work with men

Women’s sufferage was heavily advocated here.

-Wyoming was the first state to legally allow women to vote

-Opportunities and jobs were being given to women

The Legacy?

Native americans

Native Americans faced many conflicts with white men from the east(and west.)

Some Natives had to relocate to Mexico.

Native Americans are unfortunately known for their stereotypes, but they

also gained reservations.

The Legacy?