15. Schmidtlein t Al

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  • 8/20/2019 15. Schmidtlein t Al




    Building indexes of Vulnerabili ty: a sensitivity analysisof the Social Vulnerabili ty Index

     Authors: Mathew C. Schmidtlein, Roland Deutsch, Walter W. Piegorsch, Susan L. Cutter

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    In 2003, the Social Vulnerability Index (SOVI), which utilizes Principal

    Component Analysis (PCA), was created by Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley to examine

    spatial patterns of social vulnerability at the county level in the United States. This paper

    seeks to identify the sensitivity of this approach to changes in its construction, the scale at

    which it is applied, and to various geographic contexts. To determine the impact of

    scalar changes, the SOVI was calculated for multiple aggregation levels in the state of

    South Carolina. To examine the sensitivity of the algorithm to changes in construction,

    and determine if that sensitivity was constant in various geographic contexts, census data

    was collected at a sub-metropolitan level for portions of three U.S. cities. Fifty-four

    unique variations of the SOVI were calculated for each area. Each set of indexes was

    then evaluated using factorial analysis to see if substantial changes in assigned values

    occurred. These results were then compared across study areas to evaluate the impact of

    changing geographic context. While decreases in the scale of aggregation were found to

    result in decreases in the variability explained by the PCA, and increases in the variance

    of the resulting index values, the subjective interpretations yielded from the SOVI

    remained fairly stable. The algorithm was found to be sensitive to certain changes in

    index construction, which differed somewhat between study areas. Understanding the

    impacts of changes in index construction and scale are crucial in increasing confidence in

    attempts to represent the extremely complex phenomenon of social vulnerability.

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    The impact of Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast, and in New Orleans in

     particular, was perhaps the most visible recent demonstration of the need for an

    integrative vulnerability science approach to hazards research in the U.S. (Cutter 2003).

    While the pre-hurricane evacuation from New Orleans was judged by some to be a

    success when measured by the volume of evacuees who were able to flee in a limited

    time and over limited highways (Wolshon, Catarella-Michel, and Lambert 2006), it was a

    devastating failure for the socially vulnerable population that were unable to leave (Cutter

    and Emrich 2006). It is estimated that some 250,000 residents in New Orleans had no

    access to personal vehicles; even if regional busses had been used in the evacuation, they

    could have accommodated less that 10% of this number in a single trip (Wolshon et al.

    2005). And, these figures do not address the special needs and institutionalized

     populations, portions of which accounted for about 10% of the fatalities from Katrina in

     New Orleans (Schmidlin 2006). These problems highlight a need to better integrate

    social science research concerning social vulnerability into emergency and risk

    management approaches. This will allow planners to better identify what and where

     problems exist before an event occurs, and provide insight as to what steps may be useful

    in remedying them (Chakraborty, Tobin, and Montz 2005).

    Towards this end, one approach for identifying the locations of populations with

    high levels of social vulnerability is the Social Vulnerability Index, or SOVI (Cutter,

    Boruff, and Shirley 2003). SOVI can be used to effectively quantify variations in the

    relative levels of social vulnerability across an area. But similar to other comparable

    indicators, it is difficult to systematically assess its veracity. Because of the complexity

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    of factors contributing to vulnerability, no variable has yet been identified against which

    to fully validate such indices. An alternative approach to assess the robustness of the

    index is to identify the sensitivity of how changes in the construction of the index may

    lead to changes in the outcome. Factors that may have a large influence on the outcome

    of the index include changes in the set of variables used for index construction,

    differences in scale of analysis, and changes in the subjective decisions made in the index

    algorithm. When we have a greater understanding of the way the index responds to these

    changes, we can more confidently interpret and implement the results. The purpose of

    this paper is to conduct such an assessment. Three research questions are asked. First,

    what is the impact of changes in variable set and analytical scale on the index results?

     Next, how robust is the social vulnerability index to changes in its algorithmic approach?

    Finally, does the index behave similarly in all settings, or do changes in geographic

    context result in differing behavior? The first question will be answered by comparing

    indices calculated with varying variable sets and at differing scales within the state of

    South Carolina. The final two questions will be answered by constructing a set of social

    vulnerability indices calculated with varying algorithm criteria in three locations: the

    Charleston-North Charleston Metropolitan area in South Carolina, in Los Angeles

    County, California, and finally in Orleans Parish, Louisiana.

    Social Vulnerability

    While hazards and disasters researchers have long understood that human

    decisions have an influence on the outcome of hazard events (Kates 1971; Mileti 1980), it

    has only been within the past decade or so that vulnerability as an explicit concept has

     begun to be broadly recognized (Blaikie et al. 1994). While multiple definitions of

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    vulnerability have been proposed (Cutter 1996), here we define it as the likelihood of

    sustaining losses from some actual or potential hazard event, as well as the ability to

    recover from that loss.

    Contributions to vulnerability can be divided into two broad categories:

     biophysical vulnerability, or those characteristics of events and physical contexts that

    influence the likelihood of losses and ability to recover, and social vulnerability, those

    characteristics of society that influence these outcomes (Cutter 1996). Hazards, risk, and

    disaster researchers have often focused primarily on elements related to biophysical

    vulnerability, because they are relatively less complex than those related to social

    vulnerability (Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley 2003). Social vulnerability, however, provides

    greater insight into the manner in which the decisions we make as a society influence our

    differential experience of hazard events. Social vulnerability stems from limited access

    to resources and political power, social capital, beliefs and customs, physical limitations

    of the population, and characteristics of the built environment such as building stock and

    age, and the type and density of infrastructure and lifelines (Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley


    Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley (2003) identify social indicators work in the 1960s and

    1970s, and later quality-of-life indicators research, as the antecedents of current efforts to

    model social vulnerability. More recent examples of social vulnerability modeling have

     been based on limited representations of the social characteristics involved (Cutter,

    Mitchell, and Scott 2000; Wu, Yarnal, and Fisher 2002; Chakraborty, Tobin, and Montz

    2005; Wood and Good 2004) or considered only particular aspects of vulnerability (Luers

    et al. 2003). Others center on international indicators of human development not

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    available at sub-national levels (Bohle, Downing, and Watts 1994; Inter-American

    Development Bank 2005), or focus primarily on novel methodological approaches

    (Rashed and Weeks 2003).

    The social vulnerability modeling approach that we assess in this paper, the Social

    Vulnerability Index (Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley 2003), was developed to address many

    of these shortcomings. It originally was applied as an analysis of social contributions to

    vulnerability at the county level in the U.S. for 1990. It was created by first identifying

    social characteristics that were consistently identified within the research literature as

    contributing to vulnerability, shown in Table 1. These target variables were used to

    identify a set of 42 normalized independent variables which influenced vulnerability

    (Table 2). These variables were then entered into a Principal Component Analysis

    (PCA), from which 11 components were selected, explaining a total of 76.4 percent of

    the variance in the original dataset.

    These components were interpreted to identify what element of vulnerability they

    represented, and scaled to ensure that they contributed to the final index in an appropriate

    manner (positive values added to vulnerability, negative mitigated vulnerability). The 11

    factors were then summed with equal weights to create the final vulnerability index. The

    index was mapped, with counties shaded according to the SOVI values, to allow for

    identification of the spatial patterns of social vulnerability within the U.S.

    Table 1. Variables influencing social vulnerability (Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley 2003)

    Socio-economic status (income, political power, prestige)

    Commercial and industrialdevelopment

    Race and ethnicity

    Age Gender Employment loss

    Rural/urban Residential property Infrastructure and lifelines

    Renters Occupation Family Structure

    Education Population growth Medical services

    Social dependence Special needs populations

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    Table 2. Social Vulnerability Index variables (Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley 2003)

    Social Variables General local government debt to revenue ratio, 1992

    Median age, 1990 Percent of population 25 years or older with no highschool diploma, 1990

    Per capita income (in dollars), 1989 Percent of the population participating in the laborforce, 1990

    Median dollar value of owner-occupied housing,1990 Percent females participating in civilian labor force,1990

    Median rent (in dollars) for renter-occupiedhousing units, 1990

    Percent employed in primary extractive industries(farming, fishing, mining, and forestry), 1990

     Number of physicians per 100,000 population,1990

    Percent employed in transportation, communications,and other public utilities, 1990

    Vote cast for president, 1992—percent voting forleading party (Democratic)

    Percent employed in service occupations, 1990

    Birth rate (number of births per 1,000 population), 1990

    Per capita residents in nursing homes, 1991

     Net international migration, 1990–1997 Percent population change, 1980/1990

    Land in farms as a percent of total land, 1992 Percent urban population, 1990

    Percent African American, 1990 Percent females, 1990

    Percent Native American, 1990 Percent female-headed households, no spouse present, 1990

    Percent Asian, 1990 Per capita Social Security recipients, 1990

    Percent Hispanic, 1990 Built Environment Variables

    Percent of population under five years old, 1990 Percent of housing units that are mobile homes

    Percent of population over 65 years, 1990 Per capita number of community hospitals

    Percent of civilian labor force unemployed, 1991 Number of housing units per square mile, 1990

    Average number of people per household, 1990 Number of housing permits per new residentialconstruction per square mile, 1990

    Percent of households earning more than $75,000,1989

     Number of manufacturing establishments per squaremile, 1992

    Percent living in poverty, 1990 Earnings (in $1,000) in all industries per square mile,1990

    Percent renter-occupied housing units, 1990 Number of commercial establishments per squaremile, 1990

    Percent rural farm population, 1990 Value of all property and farm products sold persquare mile, 1990

    This approach has been further used in a number of published and un-published

    studies using varying study areas (Boruff, Emrich, and Cutter 2005; Borden et al. 2006),

    in different countries (Boruff 2005), at various spatial scales (Cutter et al. 2006; Borden

    et al. 2007), and in differing time periods (Finch 2006; Cutter and Emrich 2006). Indeed,

    the method may be best viewed as more of an algorithm for quantifying social

    vulnerability, than as a simple numerical index. Via these approaches, SOVI has

    consistently illustrated its value by revealing both anticipated and unanticipated spatial

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     patterns that conform to expert interpretations of social vulnerability. But no study to

    date, including the original SOVI paper, has included a sensitivity analysis of the

    underlying PCA-based approach. It is such an analysis that this paper provides.

    Study Area

    The analysis in this paper was conducted in three separate study areas:

    Charleston, South Carolina; Los Angeles, California; and New Orleans, Louisiana. To

    address changes in vulnerability across these locations, we operate at the U.S. Census

    tract level. For Charleston, South Carolina, social vulnerability will be calculated within

    the Charleston-North Charleston metropolitan area, which consists of Charleston,

    Dorchester, and Berkeley Counties, South Carolina. Because of the much larger number

    of census tracts within the Los Angeles, California metropolitan area, the analysis will be

    carried out only for Los Angeles County. Orleans Parish, Louisiana will be used to

    represent the New Orleans study area.

    While the SOVI algorithm has been applied at multiple scales in the existing

    literature (e.g. Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley 2003; Borden et al. 2006), there has been no

    explicit consideration of the impact scalar changes have on the analysis, beyond visual

    interpretations of patterns of vulnerability. Because this analysis will be conducted at the

    tract level, rather than at the county level as in the original SOVI index, it is important to

    consider how this change in scale may impact the analysis. Openshaw (1983) identified

    two types of problems that can occur as part of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem when

    dealing with areally aggregated data at different scales.

    The first issue, termed the scale problem, is related to the ecological fallacy. As

    scales of analysis change, the relationships between variables aggregated to those levels

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    also change. Thus without access to the original, un-aggregated data, it is impossible to

    determine how severe this problem is, although several studies indicate that correlations

    tend to increase with increasing scales (Openshaw 1983; Clark and Avery 1976).

    Clark and Avery (1976) used an approach in which the correlations between

    variables were calculated for the same data and study area at multiple scales. While this

    did not give insight into the extent of the problem created by the initial aggregation of

    observation units, it did provide a method to assess the impact of the ecological fallacy on

    subsequent changes between aggregation scales. Combining this approach with an

    explicit limitation of the application of analysis results to the scale at which they were

    derived provide a simple means of addressing this issue and assessing its impact between

    aggregation scales. The problem then becomes one of picking an appropriate scale of

    analysis. In this study, the desire is to address changes in vulnerability across a

    metropolitan area, so census tracts seem an appropriate measure. The impact of scalar

    changes from the county to the tract level of aggregation will be examined using an

    approach based on Clark and Avery’s (1976) analysis, and will be discussed in further

    detail later on in this paper.

    The second issue, termed by Openshaw to be the aggregation problem, is that the

    relationships between areally aggregated variables may result as much from the

    aggregation scheme as from the fundamental relationships between the variables

    themselves. Indeed, dramatic differences in correlations between variables may be

     produced by varying the aggregation scheme (Openshaw 1983). This forces one to apply

    results from analyses of areal data only to the study units at which they were conducted.

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    Short of creating new aggregation units, the problem here becomes determining whether

    the study units used in an analysis are truly meaningful.

    While it would be naïve to view any pre-existing areal aggregation as ideal for a

    given study, census tracts do seem to be a fairly meaningful spatial unit for our analysis.

    Tracts are defined by the U.S. Census Bureau in conjunction with local committees of

    census data users, and are meant to represent areas with fairly stable population sizes and

    to be “relatively homogeneous…with respect to population characteristics, economic

    status, and living conditions” (U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census

    2006). Additionally, it has been observed that while not complete, census tracts have

     provided a relatively meaningful proxy for neighborhoods within urban areas (Sampson,

    Morenoff, and Gannon-Rowley 2002). Using census tracts therefore seems to be a fairly

    meaningful set of spatial units for modeling social vulnerability at the sub-urban level.


    The list of variables from the original SOVI, created using 1990 census variables,

    was used to guide the selection of variables for our analysis. Changes in census variable

    availability at the county and tract level necessitated that a smaller set of variables be

    used for this analysis. Additionally, following the approach taken by Borden et al.

    (2007), built environment variables were removed from the analysis to focus more

    specifically on characteristics of the populations themselves that contributed to

    vulnerability. This resulted in a total of 26 variables obtained from the GeoLytics

     Neighborhood Change Database (GeoLytics 2006) for use in this analysis, shown in

    Table 3.

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    Table 3. Social vulnerability variables for Charleston, SC; Orleans, LA; and Los Angeles, CA study


    Civilian Labor Force ParticipationPercent Female Participation In Civilian LaborForce

    Average Family Income Percent Female Headed Households

    Median Dollar Value Of Owner Occupied Housing


    Percent Native American Population (American

    Indian, Eskimo, Or Aleut)Median Gross Rent ($) For Renter-OccupiedHousing Units Percent Population Under 5 Years

    Percent of Population who are Immigrants Percent Population 65 Years Or Older

    Percent Institutionalized Elderly Population Percent Living In Poverty

    Average Number Of People Per Household Percent Renter Occupied Housing Units

    Percent Employed In Primary Industry: Farming,Fishing, Mining, Forestry Percent Rural Farm Population

    Percent Asian Of Pacific Islander Percent Hispanic Persons

    Percent Black PopulationPercent Employed In Transportation,Communications, And Other Public Utilities

    Percent Of The Civilian Labor Force Unemployed Percent of the Population Living In Urban Areas

    Percent Population Over 25 Years Old With LessThan 12 Years Of Education Percent Employed In Service Occupations

    Percent FemalePercent Households that receive Social SecurityBenefits


    The algorithm used to construct indices of vulnerability in this paper follows that

    used by Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley (2003), with the inclusion of data standardization for

    the input variables and the final index scores. The computations are carried out using the

    following steps:

    1.  Standardize all input variables to mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

    2.  Perform the PCA with the standardized input variables.


    Select the number of components to be further used based on the unrotated


    4.  If desired, rotate the initial solution.

    5.  Interpret the resulting components on how they may influence social vulnerability

    and assign signs to the components accordingly. (For this step, an output of the

    loadings of each variable on each factor was used to determine if high levels of a

    given factor tend to increase or decrease social vulnerability. If a factor tends to

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    show high levels for low social vulnerability, the corresponding factor scores are

    multiplied by -1. In some cases high and low levels may increase social

    vulnerability in which case the absolute value of the corresponding factor score

    was taken for calculating SOVI.)

    6.  Combine the selected component scores using a predetermined weighting scheme.

    7.  Standardize the resulting scores to mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

    Because PCA is sensitive to the values of the input variables, the data

    standardization step is necessary so that all variables have the same magnitude. With the

    standardized data set the PCA can be performed in the second step. It returns a set of

    orthogonal components which are all linear combinations of the original variables. By

    construction the first component is the linear combination that explains the greatest

    variation among the original variables, the second component the greatest remaining

    variation, and so on. Based on the results of the performed PCA, it is desirable to select a

     parsimonious subset of components that explain the underlying data set as closely as

     possible. In Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley’s (2003) work, the Kaiser criterion was used to

    select components (Step 3), a Varimax rotation was used (Step 4), and the interpreted

    components were summed with equal weights (Step 6).

    Sensitivity of this approach to creating social vulnerability indices was carried out

    in two main phases. First, because the analysis involved only a subset of the social

    variables found in the original SOVI, and because it was conducted at a different scale,

    the first analytical step was to determine the impact of these two differences on the

    constructed indices. To assess the influence of using the subset of variables, and the

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    influence of changes in spatial scale, the variables used here were collected at the Census

    tract level for the entire state of South Carolina.

    To determine the impact of using the subset of variables, these data were

    aggregated to the county level. A social vulnerability index was calculated at the county

    level using the 33 social vulnerability variables in the original SOVI, and another using

    the 26 variables used in this analysis. The correlation between the county level indices

    was calculated to determine how closely the index constructed with the subset of

    variables matched the index with the full set of social variables.

    The impact of changing the level of aggregation on the analysis was assessed via

    the approach used by Clark and Avery (1976). They demonstrated that as the level of

    aggregation increases, the correlations between variables increase as well. Because the

    social vulnerability index approach is based on PCA, which itself relies on the covariance

    or correlation between variables to determine the components representing the maximum

    dimensions of variability in the dataset it seems reasonable that decreasing the level of

    aggregation from the county level -- the aggregation scale used in Cutter, Boruff, and

    Shirley’s (2003) work -- to the tract level would result in a decrease in the amount of

    variance explained by the PCA used to construct the index. To test this, as well as to

    determine any other affects of downscaling the SOVI approach, social vulnerability

    indices were constructed at the county and tract levels for the state of South Carolina, as

    well as at an arbitrarily assigned intermediate level of aggregation. Four of the counties

    in the state had only three tracts, meaning that no intermediate aggregation could be

    created which would result in a set of units completely unique from the tract and county

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    levels of aggregation. As such, these counties were removed from this analysis, as well

    as from the previous comparison of indices at the county level.

    The second step in our sensitivity analysis was to consider the influence of

    subjective options applied in the construction of the index. The algorithm used for

    constructing the original SOVI was reviewed to identify the types of subjective options

    made that seemed likely to have some influence on the assignment of index values.

    These fell into three categories: PCA component selection (Step 3), PCA rotation (Step

    4), and the weighting scheme used to combine the components to create the final index

    (Step 6). Logical alternatives to each of these approaches were considered, and index

    values for each study area were calculated based on all possible combinations of these

    alternatives. This approach resulted in a collection of indices for the Charleston, Los

    Angeles, and Orleans study areas. The sensitivity of the index could then be compared

     between study areas to determine if the results of the analysis remained stable across a

    variety of regional locations.

    For calculating the SOVI index, the following methods for PCA component

    selection were used:

    1.  Kaiser Criterion (Kaiser 1960): Select only those component whose eigenvalues

    are greater than 1.

    2.  Percent Variance Explained: Retain as many components in order to account for a

     pre-specified amount of variation in the original data. For the SOVI algorithm, the

    fewest number of components were chosen such that at least 80% of the variation

    in the original data was accounted for.

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    3.  Horn’s Parallel Analysis (Horn 1958): This selection criterion is similar to the

    Kaiser Criterion. However, instead of using a fixed threshold one retains those

    factors whose eigenvalues are larger than the expected eigenvalue for that

    component. Since the expected eigenvalue is arduous to compute, Horn’s parallel

    analysis uses 100 randomly generated datasets on which a PCA is performed and

    then averages over the resulting eigenvalues.

    4.  Expert Choice: Another approach for selecting components relies upon

    identifying a set of components that have meaningful, subject area interpretations.

    We term this selection criteria “expert choice.”

    A total of six PCA rotation methods were considered:

    1.  Unrotated solution: in order to use the components that explain the greatest

     percentage of the original variation, no rotation is applied.

    2.  Varimax Rotation (Kaiser 1958): this rotation tends to load each variable highly

    on just one component. This often leads to easier component interpretation. 


    Quartimax Rotation (Neuhaus 1954; Carroll 1953; Ferguson 1954; Saunders

    1953): this rotation tends increase large loadings and decrease small ones, so that

    each variable will load only on a few factors. This should lead to fewer relevant

    components than other rotations.

    4.  Promax Rotation (Hendrickson and White 1964): In contrast to the other

    rotations, the Promax rotation represents an oblique rotation. Thus, the resulting

    rotated components are no longer orthogonal. By allowing the resulting

    components to be correlated with each other, one may hope to achieve even easier

    interpretability. The Promax rotation also requires specification of a power

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     parameter, which is typically taken between 2 and 4. We chose the values 2, 3

    and 4 for the algorithm.

    Three approaches for weighting the selected and interpreted components were


    1.  Sum the component scores: Since each PCA component absorbs a different

    aspect of social vulnerability a simple approach of combining the components is

    to sum the scores, thus assigning equal contributions to each component of the

    SOVI value.


    First component only: Mathematically, the first extracted component from a PCA

    is the linear combination that explains the largest amount of variation in the

    original data. Therefore, selecting just the first component will give the

    mathematically optimal value to summarize all the input variables in a single


    3.  Weighted sum using explainable variance to weight each component: This is a

    compromise between the first two methods. Since each successive component

    contributes less and less to the explainable variation, it seems reasonable to give

    the first PCA component the most weight and to decrease the weights accordingly

    for the following components.

    Finally, since the computed SOVI value does not itself have any absolute

    interpretation, it is standardized to mean 0 and variance 1 in order to map the values over

    space or to compare different methods. Positive values suggest high social vulnerability,

    whereas negative values suggest low social vulnerability. In total, 72 different versions

    of social vulnerability indices were possible for each study area. In the end, only 54

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    unique versions were calculated, because the Expert Choice component selection

    coincided with the Kaiser Criteria selection, and was therefore dropped from the analysis.

    The approach for this segment of the analysis was implemented using SAS Software (The

    SAS Institute Inc. 2005).

    To determine the impact of these subjective options on the final index values, we

    assessed the changes in SOVI statistically using a three-way factorial analysis. The

    factors in this analysis were based on the three categories of subjective options described

    above: component selection, PCA rotation, and weighting scheme. In this setting, we

    also considered the tract i.d. within each study area as a blocking factor. Because the

    computed index values do not represent a truly random sample drawn from some broader

     population, this operation is not intended to make any statistical inferences. Rather, we

    use this calculation simply to reveal if substantial differences in the index values within

    each study area occurred as a result of the choice(s) of subjective option.

    In the factorial analysis, we employed Type III Sums of Squares to assess the

    importance of each subjective option. The associated p-values were seen as measures of

    the influence each subjective option has on the final index value. Small p-values would

    suggest that changes in the choice of that subjective option have a large impact on the

    final index value, whereas large p-values would suggest that choices within that

    subjective option do not substantially impact the final value.

    To gain an understanding of how changes in each specific option affected the

    final index values, we further assessed differences among the levels within each

    subjective option, using multiple comparison techniques. Here, a compared difference

     between two choices of a subjective option that exhibits a small p-value suggests that

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    changing from one choice of the option to the other can produce quite different final

    index values, whereas a p-value close to 1 would suggest no substantial difference in how

    the two choices for the option affect the final index.


    The comparison between the vulnerability indices derived using the original

    variables at the county level, and the subset of 26 variables used in this analysis showed

    strong similarities. The algorithm used in this stage of the analysis followed the original

    approach, using the Kaiser criterion for component selection, a Varimax rotation, and

    equal weighting to sum the collected components. The PCA performed on the original

    set of 33 social variables resulted in 8 components which explained 85.8 percent of the

    variance of the original data. The PCA performed on the subset of 26 variables resulted

    in 6 components, explaining 85.0 percent of the data variance. Both PCAs resulted in

    sets of components with broadly similar subject interpretations. The correlation between

    the two indices calculated showed a fairly strong positive relationship between the two

    indices ( 79.0=r  ).

    The results of the PCAs conducted at multiple aggregation scales are shown in

    Table 4. As expected, as the scale at which the PCA was conducted decreased, the

    variance explained decreased, and the number of components selected using the Kaiser

    criterion increased. Figure 1 shows graph of the percent variance explained by the

    rotated components selected for each PCA. From this graph, we can see that decreasing

    the aggregation scale has the result of flattening the curve displayed, meaning that both

    the variance explained by the first rotated component is decreased, and also that the rate

    of decrease in variance explained by component decreases. Returning to Table 4, we see

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    that while there are differences among the subject interpretation of the components

     between the scales, they are broadly similar. Finally, as shown in Table 5, as the

    aggregation scale was decreased, the variance and range of the indices computed from the

    PCAs increased.

    Table 4. Results for County, Intermediate, and Tract level PCAs

    County Level Intermediate Level Tract Level# Components 6 # Components 6 # Components 7VarianceExplained: 6Components

    85.0VarianceExplained: 6Components

    79.3VarianceExplained: 6Components


    VarianceExplained: 7


    VarianceExplained: 7


    83.0VarianceExplained: 7
















    29.5Race andPoverty

    22.6Race andPoverty


    Race andPoverty

    21.8Urban Renters,Race

    16.3 Rural/Urban 11.7


    10.8 Wealth 13.6 Wealth 10.9

    Age 9.3 Age 11.3 Elderly 9.6

    Gender 7.7Hispanic





    Race 6.1 Gender 6.9 Kids 7.8GenderedLabor


    Table 5. Variance and range of indices at County, Intermediate, and Tract aggregations

    Aggregation Scale Index Variance Index Range

    County Level 4.45 10.38

    Intermediate Level 5.09 11.33

    Tract Level 6.66 29.25

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    Table 6 Charleston-North Charleston Factorial Analysis Results

    Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

    ID 116 2171.347630 18.718514 28.43

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    Charleston area. Both component selection and combination result in substantial changes

    in this study area. Table 7 and Table 8 show the multiple comparison results for the

    options within each of these catagories. Table 7 shows that the Horn and Kaiser

    selection criteria are substantially different, while smaller differences occur between the

    Kaiser and Variance Explained selection criteria. Table 8 shows that the weighted sum

    approach for component combination is substantially different than the other two


    Table 7 P-values for pair-wise differences in component selection for Charleston-North Charleston

    Horn Kaiser Variance


    Horn 0.0241 0.1180Kaiser 0.0241 0.7974



    0.1180 0.7974

    Table 8 P-values for pair-wise differences in factor combination for Charleston-North Charleston

    First Factor Sum Weighted Sum

    First Factor 0.2575

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    Rotate 5 50.85990 10.17198 17.21

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    Table 13). The only substantial difference found in the rotation category was between

    the Promax (k=3) and Promax (k=4) rotations (Table 14). And as in Charleston-North

    Charleston and Los Angeles, the weighted sum combination approach was substantially

    different from the other two approaches (Table 15).

    Table 12 Factorial Analysis Results for Orleans

    Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

    ID 180 3424.320015 19.024000 31.32

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    Table 13 P-values for pair-wise differences in component selection for Orleans

    Horn Kaiser Variance


    Horn 0.1201 0.7398

    Kaiser 0.1201 0.0413



    0.7398 0.0413

    Table 14 P-values for pair-wise differences in factor rotation for Orleans

    Unrotated Varimax Quartimax Promax 2 Promax 3 Promax 4

    Unrotated 0.8934 0.8512 0.9966 0.1801 0.9273

    Varimax 0.8934 1.0000 0.9877 0.9280 0.3968

    Quartimax 0.8512 1.0000 0.9841 0.8536 0.3471

    Promax 2 0.9966 0.9877 0.9841 0.4361 0.7288

    Promax 3 0.1801 0.9280 0.8536 0.4361 0.0315

    Promax 4 0.9273 0.3968 0.3471 0.7288 0.0315

    Table 15 P-values for pair-wise differences in factor combination

    First Factor Sum Weighted


    First Factor 1.0000

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    that while scalar changes impact the PCA analysis and the numeric properties of the

    index, the identification of the drivers of vulnerability within a study area, based on a

    constant variable set, are not strongly dependent on the scale of aggregation used within

    the study area.

    While the performance of the SOVI algorithm does not appear to be substantially

    influenced by scalar changes, it is sensitive to variations in its construction. Further, it

    appears to be sensitive to differing changes in different study areas, suggesting that the

    context in which the analysis is performed has an important impact on the behavior of the

    index. There were, however, some general conclusions that could be made. First, the

    only factor that was found to have a substantial impact in all three study areas was the

    manner in which the components were combined to create the final index values. For all

    three study areas, the variance weighted approach to combining the components was

    substantially different from the first component only and equal weights approaches.

    When the selection approach was important, the Kaiser Criteria was substantially

    different from one of the others. Finally, differences in the impact of the six rotation

    methods were not uniform across study areas.

    While this analysis seems to indicate that the algorithm may perform well with

    varying datasets and at differing scales, and results in some understanding as to affect of

    varying some of the subjective decisions made in index construction, it also highlights the

    importance of expert judgment in the process of index creation in varying geographic

    contexts. The importance of expert judgment in the index creation process is not limited

    to this area, however. Expert judgment is also a critical element in the subjective

    interpretation of the components generated by the PCA (Step 5 of the algorithm). These

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    components must be interpreted to determine whether the components will be assigned a

     positive, negative, or absolute value before they are combined with the other components

    to create the index. Additionally, the adequacy of the representation of vulnerability

     produced by the index can at this time only be judged with reference to expert knowledge

    of the characteristics of the area. Future research on the SOVI algorithm could be

    designed to assess the impact of changes in the interpretation of components on the final

    index and provide more concrete guidance to this crucial element. Perhaps the same set

    of PCA components could be shown to a panel of experts, and the consistency of their

     judgments could be measured. Input from a panel of experts would also be beneficial in

    determining not just the sensitivity of the algorithm to changes in the subjective decisions

    made, but also the adequacy of the representations of vulnerability produced. This could

     be done by the development of an expected representation of vulnerability by a panel of

    experts familiar both with vulnerability concepts as well as with the study area. This

    representation could be compared against the outcome of various approaches to index

    creation to aid in the selection of an ‘optimal’ approach to creating the index. If this were

    repeated for several study areas, it may be possible to reach conclusions not only about

    the sensitivity of the algorithm, but perhaps also to make recommendations of optimal

    approaches to index construction.

    Understanding the sensitivity of the SOVI algorithm to changes in variable sets,

    scale, and index construction is crucial. There is no obvious avenue through which

    indices of social vulnerability may be validated. That being the case, we must strive at

    least to ensure that we understand the limitations of our methodology. Knowing the

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    in our interpretations of their results.

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