
Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of 140twittertips

@DavidSpinks If you're not seeing results, it's probably not twitter's fault, it's how you're using it. That's ok. Reevaluate why you're there and apply.


@divinewrite Help people.


@mooshinindy Be yourself on twitter. People will either love you or hate you for it but at least it's you.


@calamity7373 Create a dialogue with your followers, don't just push promotions about your brand in their face.


Twitter about how your promoting your business, or how your getting paid, give followers something they can use! @DunnMich


Don't just talk about your product, talk about your area of expertise. And the key talk - have a dialog with your customers or potential customers.


Be the first to share. Get an RSS feed of topical news for your industry and post a link as soon as breaking news hits the search engines.


@UTFCU From reports I've seen, we're the first credit union to use Twitter. We promote rates, products, special events.


Have you written a lot? Tweet the titles of all articles you have written, and each URL, so your followers can easily find them. @BeerFoxTM


Twitter is a conversation. Take some time to listen to what is going on and respond, don't just talk at people. @virtualewit


From @hatmandu: don't just use auto-follow tools to spam legions of people - instead, create individual conversations


Use Twitter as way to grow your networks on other social media channels. It can be the hub of your social media wheel, each channel a spoke


Marketing Is about promoting what your expertise is & how that is advantageous to someone else. Now get tweeting that!


Twitter is not a scripted dialog. It is an open conversation between you, your followers and your potential followers. @followthecolson


We all got to learn somehow! Just so much to learn, and so many followers.


If someone you know has good news (e.g., been promoted), but is too modest to Tweet about it, you might consider Tweeting about it yourself. @appellatelaw


@bradjward Don't get caught up in the numbers game. 100 relevant followers on Twitter is worth more than 1000 followers any day of the week.


@makingcjc learn ow to RT (re-tweet) it not only helps you stay active, but let's people know what your interested in.


"Retweet" is a powerful tool on Twitter; helps to build your brand, following, trust & seen as an expert in your field. @mayhemstudios


Twitter is as good as the people you follow. @lookwebdesign


@sarahebuckner: It drives me crazy when people don't post for a few hours, then post 9 times in a row. If they do that a lot, I unfollow.


@KristieKreation Don't just retweet, post links and post quotes!! Make sure you carry on conversations so others know a little about you.


@TimPiazza: When you trend, trying to follow your brand is like riding in the front of a roller coaster. Every moment thrills and scares.


@watsonk2: Tweet 80% content your readers will find helpful and 20% self promotion. A good mix will get you farther than 100% promotion.


@Arsene333: Before you click send ask yourself "Would I follow this person solely based on this one tweet?" If yes, clink send.


Find the perfect balance between the quantity of your tweet versus the quality.


Make sure you're able to talk to the people who follow you. Make sure your on when their own, and free to chat.


If business has taught you anything is that you have to pick a niche. Apply that to Twitter.


DON'T BE STUCK UP! Talk to the people who took time to mention you, follow you, and/or DM you.


@SandyDfromNJ: Twitter is a great place to clarify your vision, mission & message. Are you being Re-Tweeted?


Like in Shakespeare the more interesting characters are rounded, not flat or static. So be well rounded (or appear to be).


First- Get followers. Second- Keep followers. Sounds easy right? It's actually not. It takes patience and hard work.


@Arsene333: Think of Twitter as your own public relations campaign.


You are the brand!!! Nothing else. You're selling yourself as a person and showing that you are worthy of being followed.


B human. dont B the person who only talks abt their product/service. Interact w/ ppl (RT, DM, etc) on a personal level.


Don't be all over the place. Be known as the go to page for a topic, and as a reliable source for information on that topic.


@jennielees: Pay it forward - giving is as good as getting, and social capital is invaluable. It's not all about you any more.


@douglaskarr Find out who is tweeting your links with Backtweets http://backtweets.com/


@Alonis DO NOT PUSH YOUR PRODUCT. There, in 26 characters.


@azvibe Don't use twitter if all you're going to do is promote the latest and greatest or ask for help for your business. Be yourself!!


@KevinEikenberry: The 3 Twitter Marketing P's To use twitter effectively, be provocative, provide value, and most of all, be personable


Remember that Twitter is about communicating, not marketing. Focus on adding value to the conversation, not selling something to someone


@Chadrichards identify, engage, respond, repeat ;)


@JillHarding Simply be genuine and share useful information as in time it will come back to you.


@bnyquist Don't constantly or ever change your avatar as it's one of the main consistencies in your online branding.


If you murder someone, don’t Tweet about it. Bad for the brand @brianspaeth


Broadsting is great for TV. Not for Twitter. Participation is a two-way street. Get to know your groups and they will get to know you. @chuckgose


Focus on building conversations and relationships and the followers will come @roundpeg


Keep your business and personal life separate. Would you like to see someone you were considering to do work for you drinking on a boat?


Build relationships. Share ideas and info with people who have similar interests and then meet them offline @gioias


Since becoming a Twitter user, a link in each tweet back to my web has increased traffic


Listen. Listen. Listen. And engage in conversations. Do not spam


Understand your business purposes for spending time and energy on Twitter @whalehunters


Twitter is a great equalizer. CEOs, gurus, and regular joes all have to make the best of 140 characters. @karamartens


Be mindful that your horse precedes your cart. Relationships are key. @fleurdeleigh


BROADCASTING is one thing. LISTENING is a major thing and REACTING is the real thing @gambitfauri


Have fun. Meet people. Share ideas. They visit your website.


Content is king @taskwum


Putting a real name and face on your identity allows customers to associate with your brand on a personal level


Employ a content lure strategy. You point users to help content in exchange for influence


@jecates Following thousands of people hoping to get their attention is more likely to get you blocked than followed


@ForwardSteps Want your blog posts fed to Twitter? In friendfeed setting, you’ll see Twitter publishing.


With every tweet you’re either giving people a reason to retweet or you’re giving them a reason to unfollow @claymabbitt


@augie_malson develop/build relationships with your (potential followers) 2.use a background image that connects to your other sites.


Listen think then react. Don’t tweet just because. Many following doesn’t mean you are a “super star” @greenphare


@unmarketing Twitter is a conversation about your business/industry whether you're there or not. Your choice.


I might be crazy enough to believe Twitter can lead Social Awareness movements. Lead people to involvement @BeTheLink


If you can’t have a vested, genuine interest in your followers then you are in the wrong business @PhillipM


Tweet about other people’s stuff.


Build relationships through interaction and remember quality of content over quantity will get you the right followers @yougonetwork


@unmarketing Take 5 min daily to reply/retweet others, nothing about you. Engage, interact, build.


Twitter works best when integrated. Use it to supplement blogging and other social media efforts


Don’t overplan or overtest. Just do it and see how it works. @tushin


If you expect people to RT your post leave 20 -25 characters for convenient RTs! @chrisfyvie


Watch, learn, and listen – then jump on in. You can’t understand social media until you use it. @VisitFingerLake


Do not put all of your eggs in one basket @pmhub


Twitter marketing is cheap, easy, and effective. If you can’t do it alone get some help.


All tweets are read – not just your branding or marketing ones. Be careful what you tweet! @krisplantrich


@LindsayManfredi Twitter should be about relationship building and trust. Use it wisely and people will get that. Please don't try to sell to me.


@MrBusinessGolf My thoughts are the best market to be in is the market you create.


@coffee_online If it smells of marketing then you're going to convince no-one. That includes spraying fake camouflage scent to cover your tracks


@socialjulie Good marketers can focus on intricacies with a short lens and can then strategize with a long lens and with a strong ROI filter


Don’t be a tweet hog! 15 tweets in a row gets irritating @krisplantrich


@AlaneAnderson Don't be the JERK at the party that just wants to sell u something.


If all of your links point back to you chances are I am going to ignore you @makeseriously


Speak simple. Share Your passion. RT the best words of others. @MacksMind


Building communities that will be sticky takes longer than a few tweets – tweet early and tweet often.


@ForwardSteps Remember to leave 20 or so characters free at the end of tweets, for news that you’d like others to RT


@jacobm Promote your twitter name, I have a link to my twitter profile in my email signature, on my business cards, and at the

end of all of my posts.


Be a person to follow – not just a Twitter account @ericblonde


Make friends with your followers and tweet then as you’d like them to tweet you @Aislinnye


Don’t think Twitter can’t be useful for something. You can sell, broadcast, activate, converse, and share. @JasonFalls


Expertise, sex, news, controversy, and humor get retweeted. Making fun of yourself is my favorites. @briancarter


Tweet funny stuff in funique (fun+unique) ways. Funky ways works too. Funquee. @briancarter


Be shockingly honest. Usually at least one person connects with that.


Always remember you were a beginner once too @sarahrobinson


@photogeneve if you are a business, don’t always try to promote! Share things you find interesting, and others might too


Don’t answer “What Are You Doing? Instead: Reply, Retweet, and Respect (by following back those who follow you @authorlisalogan


@jennypratt Be Bold. Have an opinion. Talk to strangers and have fun!


Twitter bios rule. If say something interesting about yourself in 140 characters imagine what you can do with stuff you really care about? @jennypratt


Follow people outside your niche. I’ve read books I would have never known existed all from random tweets.


Honestly, I really don’t care what you have for lunch. But I do care to know about the light moment you created @jennypratt


Don’t be a marter. Be a friend. Be a resource. Be yourself. @donschindler


When tweeting, you don't need to make it all about you.


Staying on message in Twitter is dangerous. Learn to adapt and listen to what they are telling about your service/product


@askfrasco Twitter is a give and take relationship, you have to contribute yourself in order to have others contribute to you.


It's called a "social network" for a reason build your network online as you would in real time | you don't have 2 to like every @homestarstaging


@socialarts Find something that you care about, make it your goal to share that passion with followers, without expecting ANYTHING in return


@Leahsgotit Encourage followers, all R potential customers. If 1 posts abt being down, send a cheer-up tweet, they'll remember U well 4 it.


Provide value and I will watch for more...


@tonymarshall Remember that it's called "tweeting," not "squawking."


@addresstwo a drawing at a tradeshow you have to tweet a link from the booth to enter. I got a ton of traffic off tweet-to-win back in may.


@LeahsGotIt Most imp., be genuine. Ppl will smell it if you're being a ratty salesperson. Yell 'n sell just as annoying in tweets as on TV.


@socialjulie Marketing on Twitter is really a stripped down type of marketing. It's authentic communication; no other approach will work.


@bradpiercephd "If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you"


@smquaseb Twitter is an ongoing conversation you participate in. It isn't about how much info you can shove out, it is about communicating.


@jacobm Remove people you follow if they don’t bring any value to you or if you just don’t find them interesting.


@blakenquist Don't talk AT people. Talk TO people. (or Don't broadcast. Engage.)


@JustShireen Talk. Interact. Respond. It should be a conversation, not a sales pitch.


@MarcusBarnes Posterous will allow you to easily post MP3s, files, videos and photos to Twitter.


@LisaMarieDias Keep in mind; even if you don’t have a fleet of followers, by tweeting, you are sending info out into the larger worldwide web.


@hendrylee Experience has told us that early adopters to a marketing technology that works is going to give an unfair advantage over others who come in much later.


@jacobm Follow people YOU think are interesting, don’t just follow folks because everyone else is.


@joshmiles Want to recruit your employees or coworkers to Tweet? First take a minute (in person) to explain what to do and why they should.


@wowbroadcasting Add the Twitter icon to your website


@OnRamp101 Don’t be a stranger. Say hi on the weekends. Tweet in the evening. Bring a bit of your self into your Tweeting, even if you’re using it primarily for business connections and learning.


@screationz First and foremost, you need to know the difference between posting often and spamming.


@mpdotcom recommends finding a valuable blog post referenced on Twitter, leaving a comment on the blog, then retweeting it.


@FranchiseKing suggests tweeting one of your recent press releases or blog posts daily, mixed in with other links to useful and relevant articles and blog postings.


@MoxieMarketing creating a strategy before jumping into Twitter. What do you want to accomplish? Who do you want to reach?


@timage T.W.E.E.T: "Timely, Worth reading, Educational, Entertaining, and Tweople-connecting."


@JonBacon create real conversations, and remembering that everything you do on Twitter represents your brand.


@searchguru note that best way to get retweeted is to post content that has value, such as useful blog post.


@LisaP check Twitter first thing in the morning, then spending about 10 minutes on it at two hour intervals to keep up with the most important tweets.


@RainShadowVA tweeting periodically throughout the day, such as with your morning coffee, at lunch, at the end of the work day, and in the evening.


@DesireeScales HootSuite allows you to manage multiple Twitter profiles through a single interface and provides metrics showing the results of activities in Twitter.


@MichaelHartzell creat a unique landing page to link to from your Twitter profile with a greeting and introduction that is a "secret page" only for your Twitter followers.


@JoeManna note the importance of commitment, and recommends spending at least a half hour per day discovering and Tweeting.


@StaciJShelton following people who retweet your content in order to build relationships with people who value what you share.


@DellOutlet The shorter and more direct your message is, the more successful you're going to be.
