14. February 2001 Version 2.0B13 (Valid as of BW 2.0B ... · Up to and including 2.0A Patch 4, a...

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Transcript of 14. February 2001 Version 2.0B13 (Valid as of BW 2.0B ... · Up to and including 2.0A Patch 4, a...



14. February 2001

Version 2.0B13

(Valid as of BW 2.0B Server Patch 13)

SAP AG assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials.These materials are provided “as is" without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including butnot limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.SAP shall not be liable for damages of any kind including without limitation direct, special, indirect, orconsequential damages that may result from the use of these materials.SAP does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or otheritems contained within these materials. SAP has no control over the information that you mayaccess through the use of hot links contained in these materials and does not endorse your use ofthird party web pages nor provide any warranty whatsoever relating to third party web pages.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 2


� 2YHUYLHZ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

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��� 6WUXFWXUH ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �

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3.2.1 Structure of the Data Provider Object Tag .............................................................................................. 8

3.2.2 Structure of the Item Object Tag ............................................................................................................. 8

��� &RPPDQG�85/V ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �

��� /DQJXDJH�'HSHQGHQW�7H[WV ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �

� 2EMHFW�0RGHO �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

��� 7HPSODWHV�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��

4.1.1 Calling up Templates............................................................................................................................. 10 Standard Call-up................................................................................................................................. 10 Call up template with another data provider....................................................................................... 12 Using default template for a data provider ......................................................................................... 12

4.1.2 Exchanging Templates .......................................................................................................................... 12

4.1.3 Change Icon List.................................................................................................................................... 13

4.1.4 Release Page ........................................................................................................................................ 13

4.1.5 Call up Variable Screen......................................................................................................................... 13

4.1.6 Exit Session........................................................................................................................................... 13

4.1.7 Entering Variables ................................................................................................................................. 14 Characteristic Value Variables: .......................................................................................................... 14 Hierarchy node variables:................................................................................................................... 14 Hierarchies, formulas and text variables ............................................................................................ 15

4.1.8 Change variable values ......................................................................................................................... 15

��� 'DWD�3URYLGHUV ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��

4.2.1 Generic Attributes.................................................................................................................................. 15

4.2.2 Commands ............................................................................................................................................ 16

4.2.3 View ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Back, Forward, and Back to Start....................................................................................................... 17 Filter.................................................................................................................................................... 17 Remove Filter ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Call up Input Help ............................................................................................................................... 19 Drilldown............................................................................................................................................. 19 Remove Drilldown .............................................................................................................................. 20

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 3 Exchange Characteristics/Structures ................................................................................................. 20 Switching Axes ................................................................................................................................... 20 Set Navigational Status ...................................................................................................................... 21 Sort............................................................................................................................................. 21 Calculate Lists ............................................................................................................................ 22 Operations in Display Hierarchies.............................................................................................. 22 Set Exception Status.................................................................................................................. 24 Set Condition Status .................................................................................................................. 24

4.2.4 Alert Monitor .......................................................................................................................................... 25

��� ,WHP ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��

4.3.1 Generic Attributes.................................................................................................................................. 25

4.3.2 Items for Views ...................................................................................................................................... 26 Table................................................................................................................................................... 26 Navigation Block................................................................................................................................. 26 Filter.................................................................................................................................................... 27 Text Element ...................................................................................................................................... 28 Chart................................................................................................................................................... 29 Exception Block.................................................................................................................................. 29 Condition Block .................................................................................................................................. 29��Selection List ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Selection Button Group ...................................................................................................................... 30 Label................................................................................................................................................... 30

4.3.3 Item Alert Monitor .................................................................................................................................. 31

� 3DUDPHWHUL]LQJ�7HPSODWHV ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

� &RPPDQG�6HTXHQFHV ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

� )RUPV�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

7.1.1 Parameterizing Templates..................................................................................................................... 35

Buttons and Forms in Templates.................................................................................................................... 35

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 4

�� 2YHUYLHZBusiness Information Warehouse Web Reporting enables you to access BW data using an Internet browser. In mostcases, an Internet browser is installed at the same time as the operating system. No additional software installation isrequired. Demands on the Web browser are minimal, as the solution offered is based entirely on HTML.This document is intended for Web designers who want to create complex applications (information cockpits, and soon) on the basis of BW Web Reporting.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 5


$OHUW�0RQLWRUThe Alert Monitor presents the views that were retrieved with the help of the Reporting Agent in a background processas a list or hierarchy, and supports jumps to these views.


GDWD�SURYLGHUV�RU�LWHPV�IURP�RQH�VWDWH�WR�DQRWKHU� For example, you can alter the size of a FKDUW, orset a filter value for a YLHZ. Possible attributes and their values will be explained later in thisdocument.

'DWD�3URYLGHUObject that serves as a data source. Data for an LWHP, for example, is obtained from this object.


,WHP�7DEOH,WHP that gets data from a YLHZ�in order to create a table for an HTML page. In addition to the table,navigation links are also incorporated.

,WHP�7H[W�(OHPHQWItem that presents the text elements of a view. Text elements include the general text elements,variables and static filter values. These are the same text elements that already exist in the BusinessExplorer Analyzer. It is also possible to select individual text elements.


Item that displays the view’s filter values created by navigating. It is also possible to selectindividual text elements.

,WHP�1DY�%ORFN,WHP that gets data from a YLHZ�in order to create a generic navigation block for an HTML page. Thisblock contains buttons that take characteristics into the rows or columns, for example.

,WHP�&KDUW,WHP that gets data from a YLHZ�in order to create a diagram for an HTML page. The attributes (charttype,...) are specified in the :HE�3XEOLVKHU.

,WHP�([FHSWLRQ,WHP�that lists the available exceptions for a 9LHZ with their status (active / not active). You canchange the status of the exceptions using buttons.

,WHP�&RQGLWLRQ,WHP�that lists the available conditions for a 9LHZ with their status (active / not active). You canchange the status of the conditions using buttons.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 6

&RPPHQW�7DJUp to and including 2.0A Patch 4, a comment tag was delivered by the :HE�3XEOLVKHU as a bookmarkfor an LWHP with a YLHZ for use in a WHPSODWH� These comments looked like this: “<!-- BW HTML STARTItemId="Table" ViewId="View 1" -->”. An REMHFW�WDJ has been used since 2.0A Patch 5 to enable you tobetter edit the WHPSODWH and to make better use of enhancements.

2EMHFW�7DJWith the help of the REMHFW�WDJ, you create GDWD�SURYLGHUV and LWHPV�in a WHPSODWH. The REMHFW�WDJV arereplaced by the created LWHPV HTML when you create an HTML page.

6W\OH�6KHHWThe Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are an HTML enhancement. You can define formats in them.Styles are used in HTML created by BW Web Reporting LWHPV� Example CSS files that customers canchange are included in the ITS scope of supply. Access a style sheet in the WHPSODWH�if possible.

7HPSODWHThe WHPSODWH specifies the structure of an HTML page for Web Reporting. Using the :HE�3XEOLVKHU�

you can insert bookmarks for LWHPV, GDWD�SURYLGHUV and %:�85/V in an HTML document. The HTMLdocument with BW-specific bookmarks is named in the following WHPSODWH and can be checked intothe :HE�3XEOLVKHU. The page is then available for Web Reporting.

9LHZSynonym for a navigational state (view) stored in the BEx Browser.

:HE�3XEOLVKHUThe Web Publisher is part of the Business Explorer Analyzer (BEx). You can store navigationalstates as views. In turn, you can create LWHPV for these YLHZV.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 7

�� 7HPSODWHVA WHPSODWH specifies the structure of an HTML page for Web Reporting. Using the :HE�3XEOLVKHU��youcan insert bookmarks for LWHPV (in the form of object tags), GDWD�SURYLGHUV (in the form of 2EMHFW�WDJV)and %:�85/V in an HTML document. The HTML document with BW-specific bookmarks is named inthe following WHPSODWH and can be checked into the :HE�3XEOLVKHU. The page is then available for WebReporting. A template is identified by the WbID (workbook ID), the key for the workbook under whichthe template is stored, and the PageID, the name of the template.


A template is a basic framework for an HTML page containing bookmarks for items and command URLs. Usually,GDWD�SURYLGHUV�are created first, followed by LWHPV and command URLs for an HTML page.The following is an example of a simple template with a navigation block and a table:

<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" href="/sap/its/mimes/webrfc/bw/SAPBEx.css"><title>New Page 1</title></head><body>

<!--Create the data provider --><object>

<param name=’OWNER’ value=’SAP_BW’><param name=’CMD’ value=’SET_DATA_PROVIDER’><param name=’DATA_PROVIDER’ value=’View 1’><param name=’VIEWID’ value=’View abc’>DATA_PROVIDER :View 1


<!--Create and get the navigational block --><object WIDTH="350">

<param name=’OWNER’ value=’SAP_BW’><param name=’CMD’ value=’GET_ITEM’><param name=’ITEM’ value=’Nav Block’>

<param name=’ITEMID’ value=’Nav Block’> <param name=’DATA_PROVIDER’ value=’View 1’>

ITEM :Nav Block</object><br>

<!--Create and get the table --><object WIDTH="600">

<param name=’OWNER’ value=’SAP_BW’><param name=’CMD’ value=’GET_ITEM’><param name=’ITEM’ value=’Table’>

<param name=’ITEMID’ value=’Table’> <param name=’DATA_PROVIDER’ value=’View 1’>

ITEM :Table</object>


���� 2EMHFW�7DJV

Using the REMHFW�WDJ��you can create GDWD�SURYLGHUV and LWHPV in a WHPSODWH and provide them with parameters. Theparameters for LWHPV can override settings made in the :HE�3XEOLVKHU (for example, width and height). Additionally,you can send a generic command (filter, change attributes) or a command sequence (see “Command Sequences”section) to the GDWD�SURYLGHU�at the start of the page. To do this, the parameters are added to the REMHFW�WDJ (seeexamples).

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 8

An REMHFW�WDJ starts with “<object...>” and ends with “</object>”. For identification purposes, SAP_BW object tags aregiven the parameter “Owner” with the value “SAP_BW”. ”. Only objects of this type are transformed into templates.All other objects are transferred unchanged into the HTML page.Parameters can be set at the start of the object tag<object WIDTH=’350’ HEIGHT=’234’ owner=’SAP_BW’ ...></object>as well as within the object tag in the form of parameter tags.<object>

<param name=’owner’ value=’SAP_BW’>...

</object>2EMHFW�WDJV are displayed in many HTML editors as well as in non-HTML code mode. FrontPage offers the extra optionof changing the size and maintaining the REMHFW�WDJ parameters. 2EMHFW�WDJV can usually be moved using drag and drop(within a page).


The parameters required to create a GDWD�SURYLGHU are provided by the Web Publisher. You can add further parameters,for example, to set up input help or to send a command to the GDWD�SURYLGHU before calling up the page.The 'Cmd’ parameter must be filled with 'SET_DATA_PROVIDER' to indicate that you are creating a data provider.([DPSOHV�

Create view:<object>

<param name=’OWNER’ value=’SAP_BW’><param name=’CMD’ value=’SET_DATA_PROVIDER’><param name=’DATA_PROVIDER’ value=’View 1’><param name=’VIEWID’ value=’View abc’>DATA_PROVIDER :View 1


Create view with filter on country USA and style sheet for input help:<object>

<param name=’OWNER’ value=’SAP_BW’><param name=’CMD’ value=’SET_DATA_PROVIDER’><param name=’DATA_PROVIDER’ value=’View 1’><param name=’VIEWID’ value=’View abc’><param name=’FILTER_IOBJNM’ value=’0COUNTRY’><param name=’FILTER_VALUE’ value=’US’><param name=’STYLE_SHEET’ value=’/sap/its/mimes/webrfc/BWReport.css’>DATA_PROVIDER :View 1



The parameters required to create an LWHP are provided by the Web Publisher. You can add further parameters, forexample, to subsequently adjust the size or to set a title.The parameter 'Cmd' must be filled with 'Get_Item' to indicate that you are creating an item([DPSOHV�

Create item:<object>

<param name=’OWNER’ value=’SAP_BW’><param name=’CMD’ value=’GET_ITEM’><param name=’ITEM’ value=’Nav Block’>

<param name=’ITEMID’ value=’Nav Block’> <param name=’DATA_PROVIDER’ value=’View 1’>

ITEM :Nav Block</object>

Create item with height 400 pixels, width 500 pixels and title “Business Graphic”:<object WIDTH=’400’ HEIGHT=’500’>

<param name=’OWNER’ value=’SAP_BW’><param name=’CMD’ value=’GET_ITEM’><param name=’ITEM’ value=’Chart 1’>

<param name=’ITEMID’ value=’Pie Chart’> <param name=’DATA_PROVIDER’ value=’View 1’>

<param name=’GENERATE_CAPTION’ value=’X’>

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 9

<param name=’Caption’ value=’Business Grafik’>ITEM :Chart 1


���� &RPPDQG�85/V

In addition to object tags, you can also set command URLs in a template. They serve as bookmarks for URLs or tomark the start of a URL. They have the following structure:<SAP_BW_URL Parameter1=’Value1’ Parameter2=’Value2’ ...>and create a URL in the HTML page similar to the URL shown below:/scripts/wgate//?_function=WEBQUERY&~SESSION=0000.003f.5f516493&pageno=1&request_No=8&Parameter1=Value1&Parameter2=Value2&...This URL requests a new page from the ITS. The parameters are processed here.You can find examples of command URLs in the following section.


The SAP_BW_TEXT tag is another BW tag. Using this tag you can install language-dependent texts in a Web site. Todo this, you create text elements for an ABAP report. These can then be translated.You can access the texts as follows:<SAP_BW_TEXT PROGRAM=’MYREPORT’ KEY=’001’>

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 10



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The aim of Web Reporting is to create HTML pages that reproduce data from BW. The Web designer uses WHPSODWHV tospecify the GDWD�SURYLGHUV that will supply the data, the way in which (LWHPV) this data will be presented, and in whichadditional operations are to be made available (BW URLs). If a Web Reporting request is sent to the BW server, an object WHPSODWH is first created that decides the structure of therequested HTML page. On the basis of this WHPSODWH, the following objects are created:

• Data Provider• Item


The WHPSODWH specifies the structure of an HTML page for Web Reporting. Using the :HE�3XEOLVKHU��you can insertbookmarks for LWHPV, GDWD�SURYLGHUV and %:�85/V in an HTML document. The HTML document with BW-specificbookmarks is named in the following WHPSODWH and can be checked into the :HE�3XEOLVKHU. The page is then available forWeb Reporting.


�������� 6WDQGDUG�&DOO�XS



The workbook must be stored in BW (favorites, activity groups/ roles).


Name under which the template is stored in the Web Publisher.


Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 11

’X’ = Yes, ’ ’ = No For pages that are only used for display without furthernavigation, it is better to set the attribute STATELESS. Thesession on the application server according to the structure ofthe page is reduced again. This saves on resources on theapplication server. The GENERATE_LINKS attribute isautomatically set to ’ ’ when you create the page.If this attribute is not specified, it is assumed that the page isstill needed for navigation.





’X’ = switch on, ’ ’ = do not switch on6ZLWFK�2/$3�7UDFH�RQ

With SAP, you usually need a trace to analyze problems. Youcan switch it on with the help of note 112458 or by using theTRACE parameter.


’X’ = Display variable screen, ’ ’ = do notdisplay, if possible


If you call up a template containing views with variables readyfor input, you can use this parameter to display the variablescreen. If you do not set this parameter, or set it to ’ ’, thevariable screen is suppressed if possible. In any case, you cansee whether required variables have not been filled, forexample.


’X’ = melt, ’ ’ = display every query separately0HOW�9DULDEOHV

If you call up a template containing several views withvariables ready for input, and you want to display the variablescreen, you can use this parameter to determine whether youwant the variables that are used in all views in the same context(same InfoCube, same values), to be ready for input once only.


’X’ = Reset variables, ’ ’ = do not reset5HVHW�9DULDEOHV

If you call up a template containing several views withvariables ready for input, you can specify this parameter toclear what you entered for the variables by the view. Thevariables take on the entries made in the variable definition.


‘X’ = Do not display warnings, ‘ ’ = Displaywarnings


You can suppress the warning display using this parameter.Termination messages are still displayed.


‘NEW’ = Use current data'STORED' = use precalculated data'HYBRID' = use precalculated data, if this ismissing, request current data


This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, requestsare always sent to the OLAP processor and current datais read.For the modes ‘STORED’ and ‘HYBRID’ you have to haveprecalculated data using the Reporting Agent. You can findfurther information in the documentation enhancement ‘2.0BExceptions, Conditions, Reporting Agent’.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 12


Call up template without navigating:http://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY&CMD=LDOC&WBID=D9EW857MLP6EN0AEM9BZSQP3C&PAGEID=Template_Name&STATELESS=XCall up template with trace switched onhttp://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY&CMD=LDOC&WBID=D9EW857MLP6EN0AEM9BZSQP3C&PAGEID=Template_Name&TRACE=XCall up template with cleared variables and active variable screen.


�������� &DOO�XS�WHPSODWH�ZLWK�DQRWKHU�GDWD�SURYLGHUThis method replaces all GDWD�SURYLGHUV of the type YLHZ with the specified GDWD�SURYLGHUV� This makes it possible tomake a query or view available without making any further settings in the Web, and then use predefined templates forthe page layout.As well as those used in the standard call-up, this method also has the following parameters:Call-up for presenting a query:




Call-up for presenting a different vLHZ:


A vLHZ gets its initial status from the specified ViewID. TheViewID identifies a view within a workbook



The workbook must be stored in BW (favorites, activity groups/ roles).



Displaying a query using a self-selected template:http://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY&CMD=LDOC&WBID=D9EW857MLP6EN0AEM9BZSQP3C&PAGEID=Template_Name&infocube=myCube&query=myQuery

�������� 8VLQJ�GHIDXOW�WHPSODWH�IRU�D�GDWD�SURYLGHUIf you call the previous variant without specifying a WBID or a PAGEID, the default template is used. You can makethis setting in BW Customizing under ‘Reporting-relevant Settings -> Web Reporting -> Determine default web page'.If no setting is made here, a template created by SAP is used.([DPSOH�

Query without making any settings on the Web:http://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY&CMD=LDOC&infocube=myCube&query=myQuery


As well as being able to call one up, you can exchange a template. All LWHPV and GDWDBSURYLGHUV of the start template areretained. The items and data_providers that are in the new template and for which there is no object of the same nameare created again. The objects are identified by their logical name.The basic difference in calling up the template is that already existing objects are transferred unchanged, meaning, forexample, the navigation status of a YLHZ is retained.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 13

This function is designed specifically to switch between overview pages (often only with diagrams) to detail pages(with tables and navigation blocks).

&0' &+$1*(B7(03/$7(



The workbook must be stored in BW (favorites, activity groups/ roles).


Name under which the template is stored in the Web Publisher.



������ &KDQJH�,FRQ�/LVW

This command makes it possible to use more icons than usual for specific Web pages, for example, for expanding andcollapsing hierarchies. A different list of icons is assigned to the template. This, however, does not affect the names ofthe icons. In the new list, the icons must appear with their original name, but can be formulated differently.



Displaying a template with icons from a different list:This example uses a command sequence. See "Command Sequences" for more details.http://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY&CMD=LDOC&WBID=D9EW857MLP6EN0AEM9BZSQP3C&PAGEID=Template_NameFPGB� FPG��'6(7B85/6���,&21B35(),;��'P\3DWK

������ 5HOHDVH�3DJH

You can use this command to remove the current page with all its objects from the memory of the application server.The page can no longer be addressed. You must create it anew with the command ‘Call up template’.You can use other commands as follow-up commands to initialize other pages, for example.

&0' 3$*(B)5((([DPSOHV�



This command allows you to call up the variable screen again for the current page. The variable screen then displays theprevious variable values to be changed.New values can also be transferred as explained in the unit ‘Entering Variables’. Alongside the values that have alreadybeen set, these new values serve as preassignments for the variable screen.If you want the variable screen to appear when you call up the page, you must adjust the template (see section &DOO�XS


&0' 352&(66B9$5,$%/(6 68%&0' 9$5,$%/(B6&5((1



������ ([LW�6HVVLRQ

You can use this command to close the active session on the application server.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 14


’logoff’ = log off from the ITS(QG�/RJRQ�WR�,76

If this parameter is set, you need to log on again to the systemwith your user and password if you want to use the systemagain.


<SAP_BW_URL CMD=’LOG_OFF’ ~command=’logoff’>


Query variables play a central role in BW. They can be used to filter the entire query of only parts of the query byvalues, before the data is read for the first time. There are variables with automatic replacement, replacement fromauthorizations, or variables that are ready for input.You can process these variables in a dark color (without variable screen), or in a light color (with variable screen). Inboth cases you should enter parameters for the variables. All types of variables ready for input are supported here.Contrary to filtering, you must specify the external value of the variables. This means, for example, that the data iscopied over as it was entered.You can also fill variables by parameterizing the URL. The values of the variables are separated from one another bydifferent indexes.In the following, ’_I’ indicates the index in the parameter.

�������� &KDUDFWHULVWLF�9DOXH�9DULDEOHV�Parameter variables are filled as follows:



Key of the characteristic value as it is displayed externally.Interval variables are filled as follows:



Key of the characteristic value as it is displayed externally.9$5B9$/8(B+,*+B(;7B, 7R�FKDUDFWHULVWLF�YDOXH�LQ�H[WHUQDO�GLVSOD\

Key of the characteristic value as it is displayed externally. Selection option variables are filled as follows:


9$5B23(5$725B, 2SHUDWRU

EQ’ = single value, ’BT’ = interval, ’LT’ = less than, ’LE’ lessequal, ’GT’ = greater than, ’GE’ = greater equal


Key of the characteristic value as it is displayed externally.9$5B9$/8(B+,*+B(;7B, 7R�FKDUDFWHULVWLF�YDOXH�LQ�H[WHUQDO�GLVSOD\

Key of the characteristic value as it is displayed externally.Only specify this value with VAR_OPERATOR=’BT’.


’I’ found values add,’E’ found values remove.






For characteristic nodes, you must enter the characteristic

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 15

name, like you do for text nodes (0HIER_NODE).





Filling parameter variables:http://yourITS/…&pageid=yourTemplate&YDUBQDPHB� P\3DUDPHWHU9DULDEOHYDUBYDOXHBH[WB� ����

Filling parameter variable (4711) and selection option variable (1, 7 to 12):http://yourITS/…&pageid=yourTemplate&YDUBQDPHB� P\3DUDPHWHU9DULDEOHYDUBYDOXHBH[WB� ����YDUBQDP



Hierarchy node variable (DE, 0HIER_NODE):http://yourITS/…&pageid=yourTemplate&YDUBQDPHB� P\+U\1RGH9DULDEOHYDUBYDOXHBH[WB� '(YDUBQRGHBLR

EMQPB� �+,(5B12'(


You can use this command to change variable values for the active page.Variable values are enterd as explained in the unit ‘Entering Variables’. Variables that are not specified keep theirprevious value.

&0' 352&(66B9$5,$%/(6 68%&0' 9$5B68%0,7




'DWD�SURYLGHUV�are objects that deliver data. You can change the status of the GDWD�SURYLGHU by navigating through thedata or by setting parameters for the call. A GDWD�SURYLGHU can supply any number of LWHPV with data.


Generic attributes are attributes that are valid for every GDWD�SURYLGHU� These attributes are required right from the pointof creating the GDWD�SURYLGHU

$WWULEXWH 'HVFULSWLRQ'$7$B3529,'(5�(�or�QDPH�)You cannot change this attribute with acommand URL.


This name is used to couple items with this GDWD�SURYLGHU andto send commands to the GDWD�SURYLGHU� The name must beunique within the WHPSODWH.

:%,'�( or�'$7$B3529,'(5B:%,' )�RSWLRQDO�

You cannot change this attribute with acommand URL.



The workbook must be stored in BW (favorites, activity groups/ roles).If this parameter is not specified, the WHPSODWH�WBID is usedinstead.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 16

������ &RPPDQGV

You can use commands like “filter” with data providers. These commands usually have to be supplied with parameters.Some commands allow you to enter a list of parameter values. The parameter name is given an index “_1“, “_2“, ... .This is shown in the following by “Parametername_n”.For every command at least one example is specified, relating in particular to the syntax, as described in the section“Command URLs”.All commands have the following parameters in common:


Most commands are triggered using this parameter. In additionto this kind of command there are also generic commandswhose parameters can be added to other commands. Genericcommands are always applied after the named commands.




A command can be applied to several GDWD�SURYLGHUV. Inaddition to explicit information from a GDWD�SURYLGHU, you canalso specify a list of GDWD�SURYLGHUV or restrict the quantityusing wildcards (multi='X'). The command is then applied toall these data providers as long as they allow this operation.You must specify the GDWD�SURYLGHU�V�.


Optional'X' = Yes, ' ' = No


If MULTI is set to 'X', then the command is applied to all thedata providers that contain the template. ‘*’ corresponds, forexample, to all GDWD�SURYLGHUV�


Apply command to 'DP 1':<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER='DP 1' CMD='…' ...>

Apply command to 'DP 1' and 'DP 2':<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER_1='DP 1' DATA_PROVIDER_1='DP 2' CMD='...''

Apply command to all data providers containing 'USA' in the name:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER='*USA*' MULTI='X' CMD='...' ...>

������ 9LHZ

You can store different YLHZV of a BW query. When you call a WHPSODWH, a YLHZ (not a database view) with the savednavigational state is created on the server.Views have the following attributes:


You cannot change this attribute with acommand URL.


A vLHZ gets its initial status from the specified ViewID. TheViewID identifies a view within a workbook. By entering theWbID you can use YLHZV from various workbooks in atemplate.

:%,'�( or�'$7$B3529,'(5B:%,' )�RSWLRQDO�

You cannot change this attribute with acommand URL.



The workbook must be stored in BW (favorites, activity groups/ roles).If this parameter is not specified, the WHPSODWH�WBID is usedinstead.


You cannot change this attribute with acommand URL.


When you save a YLHZ��the current variable values are alsosaved. You can override these values by entering a variant(optional). You can create variants from the variable screen.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 17


If you do not make an entry here, the template style sheet isused by default.


If you are using HTML frame technology to display data, andwant to display Input Help in a different frame to that of theWHPSODWH, then for the YLHZ, you have to fill the attributeHOME_FRAME with the frame name of the frame in whichthe template is displayed. You also have to specify the attributeTARGET_HELP_FRAME for the LWHP navigation block.


This parameter defines the amount of rows displayed before anindex for navigating to other blocks is begun. If the value is‘0’, the table is displayed in its entirety without taking thenumber of rows into account.

The following commands can be applied for a view.

�������� %DFN��)RUZDUG��DQG�%DFN�WR�6WDUWYou can undo the last action in a view. Likewise, if you have undone one or more actions, you can redo them. Unlikethe way you use the "Back" and "Forward" functions in the Web browser, these commands only apply to the specifieddata provider, and not to the entire page.

&0' 'HVFULSWLRQ%$&. Undoes the last action performed in this view.

5(6(7 Jumps back to the navigational status that you saw when youcalled up the page.

)25:$5' Performs an undone action again.([DPSOHV�

You want to undo the last action in view 1:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’BACK’>You want to reset all views to how they were when you called up the page:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’*USA*’ MULTI=’X’ CMD=’...’

�������� )LOWHUYou can set filter values for characteristics and structures for a view. You can also set several filters for the samecharacteristic / structure or even for different characteristics / structures within a command call. 'Filter' is a genericcommand and does not require any entry for the 'CMD' parameter.


Filtering is carried out at the end of an operation.





Specify the technical name of the characteristic (for example,0COUNTRY) / structure (25 place character string) here.


'X' = Yes, ' ' = No


Take the characteristics that are specified underFILTER_IOBJNM according to the axis filter. If the parameteris not specified, the value ‘X‘ = yes is used.


'I' found values add,'E' found values remove.If the parameter is not specified, the default is 'I'.

If the entry for ),/7(5B,2%-10B1�is missing from an index Q��the�value ),/7(5B,2%-10�LV used if available.The following additional parameters are specified for the single value filters,:

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 18






Value by which you want to set the filter. If you choose thevariant with the ending ‘EXT’, you must specify the completecompounded value externally, for example, 24.12.2000. If theending ‘EXT’ is not used, you must specify the completecompounded value internally, for example, 20001224 for24.12.2000.




'VALUE' : Key of a characteristic value.'VARIABLE_EXIT' : Name of an exit variable. This resets thefilter with the values of the variable exit. Parameter, interval,and selection option variables are supported for customer andSAP exit variables and for the default values of variables.




'EQ' = Single value, 'LT' = less than, 'LE' less equal, 'GT' =greater than, 'GE' = greater than.If you do not specify an operator, 'EQ' is used.

The following additional parameters are specified for filtering intervals:











The following additional parameters are given for filtering hierarchy nodes:







Must be specified if you are filtering by node hierarchy node.For characteristic nodes, you must enter the characteristicname, like you do for text nodes (0HIER_NODE).



�������� 5HPRYH�)LOWHUBy calling this command, you can remove the filter for one or more views relating to a characteristic or a structure.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 19




Enter here the technical name of the characteristic (forexample, 0COUNTRY) / structure (25-place character string)whose filter you want to remove. You can also specify a list ofcharacteristics/structures.


’X’ = Yes, ’ ’ = No5HPRYH�DOO�ILOWHUV

As an alternative to listing characteristics and structures, youcan also remove all the filters.


Remove filter from country for view 1:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Remove_Filter’ IOBJNM=’0COUNTRY’ >

Remove filter from country for all YLHZV and filter according to calendar year 2000:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’*’ MULTI=’X’ CMD=’Remove_Filter’ IOBJNM=’0COUNTRY’FILTER_IOBJNM=’0CALYEAR’ FILTER_VALUE=’2000’>Remove all filters from all YLHZV and filter according to the calendar year 2000:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’*’ MULTI=’X’ CMD=’Remove_Filter’ ALL=’X’FILTER_IOBJNM=’0CALYEAR’ FILTER_VALUE=’2000’>

�������� &DOO�XS�,QSXW�+HOSWhen you call up this command, you can get to Input Help for a characteristic or a structure of a view.

&0' 3URFHVVBKHOSBZLQGRZ +(/3B6(59,&( '3B9,(:B),/7(5


Enter here the technical name of the characteristic (forexample, 0COUNTRY) / structure (25-place character string)for which you want to call up Input Help.


If you do not specify this parameter, or if it is set to ’X’, theInput Help shows only values that are also booked in theInfoCube within the current valid filter conditions. Undercertain circumstances, this can take a long time. If theparameter is set to ’ ’, all the values of the dimension table aredisplayed. This may be quicker, but it means that those valuesthat do not meet the current filter conditions in the InfoCubeare also shown. And they give the result "No relevant datafound" when you filter.

�������� 'ULOOGRZQBy calling this command, you can change the position of a characteristic or a structure for one or more views.


Enter here the technical name of the characteristic (forexample, 0COUNTRY) / structure (25-place character string)you want to include in the drilldown.


’X’ = Columns’Y’ = Rows’ ’ = Free characteristic (=remove drilldown)



The characteristic / structure is moved to the axis behind theother characteristics / structures if you do not specifyPARENT_IOBJNM. If you do not specify the ’axis’ parameter,then the value ’Y’ is taken for characteristics and ’X’ forstructures.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 20


You can move a characteristic / structure behind another on anaxis if you enter this parameter.


Drilldown view 1 according to country:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Expand’ IOBJNM=’0COUNTRY’ >

Drilldown view 1 according to country and filter according to calendar year 2000:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Expand’ IOBJNM=’0COUNTRY’FILTER_IOBJNM=’0CALYEAR’ FILTER_VALUE=’2000’>

Move periods 1, 2 and 3 (2000) from view 1 to the columns:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Expand’ IOBJNM=’0FISCPER’ AXIS=’X’FILTER_IOBJNM=’0FISCPER’ FILTER_VALUE_1=’2000001’ FILTER_VALUE_2=’2000002’FILTER_VALUE_3=’2000003’>

�������� 5HPRYH�'ULOOGRZQBy calling this command you can remove a characteristic or a structure from the drilldown for one or more views. Thiscommand corresponds to the “drilldown” command if the parameter AXIS=' ' is set.


Enter here the technical name of the characteristic (forexample, 0COUNTRY) / structure (25-place character string)that you want to remove from the drilldown.


Remove drilldown according to country from view 1:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Collaps’ IOBJNM=’0COUNTRY’>

�������� ([FKDQJH�&KDUDFWHULVWLFV�6WUXFWXUHVBy calling this command you can replace a characteristic or a structure with another characteristic or structure for oneor more views.


Enter here the technical name of the 1st characteristic (forexample, 0COUNTRY) / 1st structure (25-place characterstring).


Enter here the technical name of the 2nd characteristic (forexample, 0COUNTRY) / 2nd structure (25-place characterstring).


Replace drilldown according to country with drilldown according to calendar year in view 1:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Exchange’ IOBJNM_1=’0COUNTRY’IOBJNM_2=’0CALYEAR’>or:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Exchange’ IOBJNM_1=’0CALYEAR’IOBJNM_2=’0COUNTRY’>

�������� 6ZLWFKLQJ�$[HVYou can use this command to swap the roles of the axes (list is copied). All chars and structures are taken from the rowsand put in reverse in the columns.



Swap axes for view 1:

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 21


�������� 6HW�1DYLJDWLRQDO�6WDWXVWhen you call up this command, you can rearrange characteristics and structures on the axis.

&0' 6(7B1$9B67$7( 3DUDPHWHU 'HVFULSWLRQ$//


If this attribute is set to ’X’, all characteristics and structures arefirst taken from the axis and then arranged again according tothe other parameters. If you do not set the parameter, or it is setto ‘ ‘, the characteristics in the list are arranged by the axesparameter.




Enter the technical name of the characteristic (for example,0COUNTRY) or the structure (25-characters), how you want itto appear on the axis.



'X' = Columns'Y' = Rows' ' = Free characteristics



The characteristic/structure is dragged to the axis. Its positionon the axis is determined by the parameter ‘position’.




The characteristic/structure is placed on the axis in the positionyou specify here. If you do not specify a position, or if it is setto ‘0’, the characteristic/structure is placed at the end of thedrilldown sequence


Shift the key figure structure to the rows, and put calendar year and plan/actual structure in the columns:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’SET_NAV_STATE’ ALL=’X’IOBJNM_1=’DTG057U7OQ8K2ALKCMR2AWM14’ AXIS_1=’Y’ IOBJNM_2=’0CALYEAR’POSITION_2=’1’ AXIS_2=’X’ IOBJNM_3=’EFG057U7OQ8K2JKKCMR2AWM67’ POSITION_3=’2’AXIS_3=’X’>Make sure that all the views have cost centers in their drilldown, and not materials:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’*’ MULTI=’X’ CMD=’SET_NAV_STATE’IOBJNM_1=’0COSTCENTER’ AXIS_1=’Y’ IOBJNM_2=’0MATERIAL’ AXIS_2=’ ’>

��������� 6RUWUse this command to sort according to the parameters of the characteristics, or by value.


'K' = key, 'T' = text, 'H' = hierarchy, 'S' =selection, 'V' = value


Characteristics can be sorted according to key, name, hierarchy(if there is an active display hierarchy) or by selection (if thereis a restriction to several single values or dynamically in thequery definition). You can also sort by value.


'A' = ascending, 'D' = descending5HTXLUHG�VRUW�GLUHFWLRQ

The sort direction for Sort_Type=H is always 'A'.,2%-10

Only for sorting characteristics.&KDUDFWHULVWLF�WR�EH�VRUWHG

This parameter is left out when sorting by value.6WUXFWXUHB0HPEHUB�

Only for sorting by value.6WUXFWXUH�SDUW�RI��



If you sort by value, you must specify the exact value cell. Youmust also specify the structure parts (25 characters) for allstructures that appear (maximum 2).


Only for sorting by value.6WUXFWXUH�SDUW�RI��QG�VWUXFWXUH

If you have defined 2 structures in the query, you must also

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 22

specify the structure part of the 2nd structure.([DPSOHV�


��������� &DOFXODWH�/LVWVYou can use this command to change the settings for list calculation for a value cell.




You must determine the value cell precisely for list calculation.You must also specify the structure parts (25 characters) for allstructures that appear (maximum 2).


If you have defined 2 structures in the query, you must alsospecify the structure part of the 2nd structure.






’X’ = Columns’Y’ = Rows





��������� 2SHUDWLRQV�LQ�'LVSOD\�+LHUDUFKLHVYou have the option of 4 operations for display hierarchies:With the command SET_HIERARCHY_STATE, you can activate or deactivate a display hierarchy that was assigned toa characteristic (in the query definition or in the view, for example).


Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 23

Characteristic that already has a display hierarchy assigned toit.


’X’ = activate, ’ ’ = deactivate5HTXLUHG�VWDWXV�RI�WKH�GLVSOD\�KLHUDUFK\


’X’ = switch over, ’ ’ = do not change6ZLWFK�WKH�VWDWXV�RI�WKH�KLHUDUFK\

If this attribute is set to ’X’, the display hierarchy is activated ifit was not before and vice versa.


Activate hierarchies for the characteristic cost center for view 1:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Set_Hierarchy_State’IOBJNM=’0COSTCENTER’ ACTIVE=’X’>

With the command SET_HIERARCHY, you assign a display hierarchy to a characteristic.


The characteristic to which you want to assign a displayhierarchy.


+,(5$5&+<B9(56,21 9HUVLRQ�RI�WKH�KLHUDUFK\

If the required hierarchy has a version, you must specify theversion, otherwise, this parameter can be left out.

+,(5$5&+<B'$7( .H\�GDWH�RI�WKH�KLHUDUFK\

For time-dependent hierarchies, you can enter a key date here.You must use the format, yearmonthday (for example,20002412). If this parameter is not used, the system takes thekey date of the query.


’X’ = activate, ’ ’ = deactivate5HTXLUHG�VWDWXV�RI�WKH�GLVSOD\�KLHUDUFK\


Assign ’MyHierarchy’ to the characteristic cost center for view 1:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Set_Hierarchy’ IOBJNM=’0COSTCENTER’Hierarchie_Name=’MyHierarchy’ ACTIVE=’X’>

With the command Drill_To_Level, you can drilldown on a display hierarchy, to the predefined hierarchy level.


The characteristic that has an active display hierarchy assignedto it.


Level to which you want to drilldown on the hierarchy. Level 1is the level of the root.If a hierarchy node is filtered at the same time, you must makesure that the level is higher than the filtered node.


Drilldown to level 3 on the hierarchy of the characteristic cost center for view 1:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Drill_To_Level’ Iobjnm=’0COSTCENTER’Level=’3’>

You can use the command Set_Drill_State to expand or collapse a node in a display hierarchy. When you do this, makesure that the node is visible in the list in the current navigational view. The command is designed to influence theexpand level of the hierarchy when you call up a Web report, when you activate a hierarchy, or when you specify andactivate a hierarchy To carry out both functions at the same time, you need a command sequence.


Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 24

The characteristic that has an active display hierarchy assignedto it.

12'(B1$0( 1RGH�QDPH

Technical name of the node (internal display).12'(B,2%-10 1DPH�RI�WKH�QRGH�FKDUDFWHULVWLF

For characteristic nodes, you must enter the characteristicname, like you do for text nodes (0HIER_NODE).


’E’ = expanded, ’C’ = collapsed5HTXLUHG�GULOO�VWDWH


Determine the hierarchy for the characteristic cost center for the view 1 and expand the node"myNode","0HIER_NODE" at the same time:This example uses a command sequence. See "Command Sequences" for more details.<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View1’ CMD=’Set_Hierarchy’ IOBJNM=’0COSTCENTER’Hierarchie_Name=’MyHierarchy’ ACTIVE=’X’CMD_1=’CMD=set_Drill_State&Data_Provider=View1&iobjnm=0COSTCENTER&Node_name=myNode&Node_iobjnm=0HIER_NODE&Drill_State=E’>Determine the hierarchy for the characteristic cost center for the view 1 and expand the node"myNode","0HIER_NODE" at the same time:This example uses a command sequence. See "Command Sequences" for more details.<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View1’ CMD=’Drill_To_Level’ Level=’3’CMD_1=’CMD=set_Drill_State&Data_Provider=View1&iobjnm=0COSTCENTER&Node_name=myNode&Node_iobjnm=0HIER_NODE&Drill_State=E’>

��������� 6HW�([FHSWLRQ�6WDWXVBy calling this command you can change the status for a YLHZ�exception.


Enter the technical name of the exception here (25-placecharacter string).


’X’ = activate, ’ ’ = deactivate5HTXLUHG�VWDWXV�RI�WKH�H[FHSWLRQ


’X’ = switch over, ’ ’ = do not change6ZLWFK�WKH�H[FHSWLRQ�VWDWXV

If this attribute is set to ’X’, then the exception will be activatedif it was not previously active, and deactivated if it waspreviously active.


Set the exception “Problems in Sales” from view 1 to active:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Set_Exception_State’EXCEPTION_ID=’DTG057U7OQ8K2ALKCMR2AWM14’ ACTIVE=’X’>

Switch exception “Problems in Sales” from view 1:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Set_Exception_State’EXCEPTION_ID=’DTG057U7OQ8K2ALKCMR2AWM14’ TOGGLE_STATE=’X’>

��������� 6HW�&RQGLWLRQ�6WDWXVBy calling this command you can change the status for a YLHZ�condition.


Enter the technical name of the condition here (25-placecharacter string).


'X' = activate, ' ' = deactivate5HTXLUHG�VWDWXV�RI�WKH�FRQGLWLRQ


'X' = switch over, ' ' = do not change6ZLWFK�WKH�VWDWXV�RI�WKH�FRQGLWLRQ

If this attribute is set to 'X', the condition is activated if it wasnot active previously, and vice versa.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 25


Set condition “Top 10 Customers” from view 1 to active:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Set_Condition_State’EXCEPTION_ID=’DTG057U7OQ8K2ALKCMR2AWM14’ ACTIVE=’X’>

Switch exception “Top 10 Customers” from view 1:<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Set_Condition_State’CONDITION_ID=’DTG057U7OQ8K2ALKCMR2AWM14’ TOGGLE_STATE=’X’>

������ $OHUW�0RQLWRU

The $OHUW�0RQLWRU displays the results of the Reporting Agent background processing. The Exception Reporting resultsare made available via the Alert Monitor.Since the $OHUW�0RQLWRU only has one data source, you not need to create it as a separate GDWD�SURYLGHU. The ,WHP�$OHUW

0RQLWRU automatically creates its own suitable GDWD�SURYLGHU and automatically passes on the filter operations to theGDWD�SURYLGHU.Therefore, you do not have to manually create a GDWD�SURYLGHU for the $OHUW�0RQLWRU.See ,WHP�$OHUW�0RQLWRU for further information.

���� ,WHP

,WHPV are objects that obtain data from GDWD�SURYLGHUV and make it available in a particular way as HTML. Items haveattributes, for example, header, width and height, create navigation links and so on. You can subsequently change theseby setting parameters or calling commands. If you change the data, the navigational state or the attributes, the HTML isrecreated for the item. An LWHP always has to be assigned to a GDWD�SURYLGHU.


Generic attributes are attributes that are valid for all LWHPV.

$WWULEXWH 'HVFULSWLRQ,7(0�(�or�1$0(�)You cannot change this attribute with acommand URL.


In addition to the ,7(0,' given when you create the LWHP inthe :HE�3XEOLVKHU, you also have to use a logical name if youwant to use the LWHP for Web Reporting (pre-assigned with the,7(0,'). This makes it possible to use the same item morethan once in a WHPSODWH. If you send commands to this item,always specify the name of the item as “item” parameter.


You cannot change this attribute with acommand URL.


An LWHP is created for a WHPSODWH on the basis of an LWHP settingmade in the :HE�3XEOLVKHU. The ViewID identifies an itemwithin a workbook By entering the WbID, you can use LWHPV

from various workbooks in a WHPSODWH.:%,'�( or�,7(0B:%,' )��RSWLRQDO�You cannot change this attribute with acommand URL.



The workbook must be stored in BW (favorites, activity groups/ roles).If this parameter is not specified, the WHPSODWH�WBID is usedinstead.


Every LWHP must be assigned to (exactly) one data source. Fromthis data source the item gets the data and Metadata it needs tocreate output and commands


'X' = Yes, ' ' = No+LGH�LWHP

If HIDDEN=X, then the item is not displayed, nor is the titlewith the open/close symbol.


'X' = Yes, ' ' = No&ORVH�LWHP

In addition to the attribute HIDDEN, you can also close/openitems. If an item is closed, you can only see its title (ifavailable) and the open/close symbol.

*(1(5$7(B&$37,21 'LVSOD\�LWHP�KHDGHU

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 26

’X’ = Yes, ’ ’ = No Style “SAPBEXTableCaption” is used for the header.&$37,21 +HDGHU

If you do not specify a header, a suitable default value is usedinstead (if Generate_Caption is equal to 'X').



If you do not want the user to be able to navigate or to see aprintable version, then set this attribute to ' ' = No


Entry in pixels,WHP�ZLGWK

The specified width is used for graphics. The width for tables isgenerated in the table tag (HTML) for the table. In the lattercase, the Web browser tries to retain the width. If the width isset too narrow, the Web browser automatically increases thewidth.


Entry in pixels,WHP�KHLJKW

Exactly this height is used for graphics. This attribute has nofunction with HTML tables.

������ ,WHPV�IRU�9LHZV

�������� 7DEOHThe�LWHP�WDEOH displays the values for a YLHZ in the form of a table. The same list geometry is supported as that which isavailable in BEx. You can display characteristics and structures in rows or in columns.As well as the generic attributes, the table has the following additional attributes:



The 'SAPBEXstdData' format and the 'SAPBEXstdDataOdd'format are used alternately for the rows to display numericvalues (no sum cells). You can adjust them in the &66 fileassigned to the template.


This parameter defines the amount of rows displayed before anindex for navigating to other blocks is begun. If the value is‘0’, the table is displayed in its entirety without taking thenumber of rows into account.

�������� 1DYLJDWLRQ�%ORFNThe�LWHP�QDYLJDWLRQ�EORFN displays the navigational state for a YLHZ in the form of a table. All the characteristics andstructures for a view are listed in the table and their filter values are also displayed. You also have the option ofchanging the navigational state. You can add or remove characteristics and structures from an axis (rows or columns).You can filter according to single values or remove filters completely.As well as the generic attributes, the QDYLJDWLRQDO�EORFN has the following additional attributes:




If you use HTML frame technology, then you have the optionof displaying Input Help in a different frame to the data. If youhave not maintained the parameter, then Input Help is output inthe same window as the data.This parameter is not offered in the :HE�3XEOLVKHU��and canonly be used for setting parameters in the WHPSODWH.




If the value is set to 0, the filter value is displayed in itscomplete form.



As well arranging the characteristics one below the other, youcan also display them side by side. In many cases, this makes

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 27

better use of the interface and commands a stronger visual linkbetween table and navigation block.



You can only use this specification whenHORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT = X.If the navigation block contains more than the given number ofcharacteristics, it is automatically displayed with several rows.The number of characteristic per row is increased according tothe equal distribution of rows and the required number.




By listing the characteristic and structure names, you can seewhich entries appear in the navigation block and in whichorder.If you do not specify a parameter here, all characteristics andstructures are displayed.


If you do not specify this parameter, or if it is set to ’X’, theInput Help shows only values that are also booked in theInfoCube within the current valid filter conditions. Undercertain circumstances, this can take a long time. If theparameter is set to ’ ’, all the values of the dimension table aredisplayed. This may be quicker, but it means that those valuesthat do not meet the current filter conditions in the InfoCubeare also shown. And they give the result "No relevant datafound" when you filter.

�������� )LOWHUThe ,WHP ILOWHU displays the filter values created by navigation for a YLHZ.As well as the generic attributes, the ILOWHU has the following additional attributes:


’X’ = Yes, ’ ’ = No'LVSOD\�YDOXHV�RQO\

The filter values are separated with a semicolon, withoutdescription or formatting.




If the value is set to 0, the filter value is displayed in itscomplete form.


By listing the characteristic and structure names, you can seewhich entries appear in the filter and in which order. Onlythose entries are displayed that have a filter value, the otherentries are ignored.If you do not specify a parameter here, all characteristics andstructures are displayed.





The filter value is displayed according to the setting. If you donot specify a display for an index, the display of Index 0 (noindex) is used.If you do not use this parameter, the display used is that validfor the characteristic.

With the combination of ONLY_VALUES=X and ITEM_FILTER_IOBJNM=MyInfoObject, you can address aspecific filter value in the template. You can also use this in titles, for example.([DPSOHV�

Display the filter values for the characteristic calendar year, without formatting:<object>

<param name=’OWNER’ value=’SAP_BW’><param name=’CMD’ value=’GET_ITEM’><param name=’ITEM’ value=’Filter’>

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 28

<param name=’ITEMID’ value=’Filter’> <param name=’DATA_PROVIDER’ value=’View 1’>

<param name=’ONLY_VALUES’ value=’X’><param name=’ITEM_FILTER_IOBJNM’ value=’0CALYEAR’>ITEM :Filter


Entry field for filtering by calendar year the dynamic filter preset (only applies for single value filters):<form action="<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ FILTER_IOBJNM=’0CALYEAR’>" method="post">Calendar year: <input name="FILTER_VALUE_EXT" size=4 maxlength=4 value="<object>

<param name=’OWNER’ value=’SAP_BW’><param name=’CMD’ value=’GET_ITEM’><param name=’ITEM’ value=’Filter’>

<param name=’ITEMID’ value=’Filter’> <param name=’DATA_PROVIDER’ value=’View 1’>

<param name=’ONLY_VALUES’ value=’X’><param name=’ITEM_FILTER_IOBJNM’ value=’0CALYEAR’><param name=’PRESENTATION’ value=’KEY’>ITEM :Filter

</object>"><input type=submit value="Submit"><input type=reset value="Reset"></form>

�������� 7H[W�(OHPHQWThe LWHP WH[W�HOHPHQW presents the text elements for a YLHZ. You can address the same text elements that appear in theBusiness Explorer Analyzer.As well as the generic attributes, the WH[W�HOHPHQWV have the following additional attributes:


’X’ = Yes, ’ ’ = No'LVSOD\�YDOXHV�RQO\

The text element values are separated with a semicolon,without description or formatting.










By listing text elements in combination with their typeELEMENT_TYPE_N, you can determine which entries appearas text elements and in which order.With general text elements, the name corresponds to one of thevalues below; with variables, it corresponds to the variablename and with filters it corresponds to the characteristic name.If you do not specify a parameter here, all characteristics andstructures are displayed.


COMMON = general text elementFILTER = static filter valueVARIABLE = variable value



The combination of ONLY_VALUES=X, ELEMENT_TYPE =COMMON and ELEMENT_NAME=REPTXTLG, youcan address a specific text element in the template, for example, query name. You can also use this in titles, forexample.General text elements:5(371$0(� �� 7HFKQLFDO�QDPH�RI�WKH�TXHU\5(37;7/*� �� 'HVFULSWLRQ�RI�WKH�TXHU\,1)2&8%(� �� �,QIR&XEH65'$7(� �� .H\�GDWH�RI�WKH�TXHU\52//837,0(�� YDOLGLW\�RI�WKH�GDWD��GDWH�DQG�WLPH

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 29

$87+25� ��� $XWKRU�RI�WKH�TXHU\02'7,0(� �� �/DVW�FKDQJHG�RQ��GDWH�DQG�WLPH�02'86(5� �/DVW�FKDQJHG�E\6<86(5� �&XUUHQW�XVHU6<8=(,7� �/DVW�UHIUHVK��GDWH�DQG�WLPH�

�������� &KDUWThe�LWHP�WDEOH displays the values for a YLHZ in the form of a graphic.As well as the generic attributes, the FKDUW has the following additional attributes:


’X’ = Yes, ’ ’ = No,QYHUWLQJ�GDWD

Depending on the list geometry of the YLHZ, it is useful to swapthe row roles and the columns in the diagram. By setting thisattribute, you can swap the roles without affecting thenavigational state of the YLHZ itself.



If the hierarchy display is switched on, you can remove theexpanded node from the graphic. This ensures that the total ofall the displayed values is the overall total.

�������� ([FHSWLRQ�%ORFNThe LWHP H[FHSWLRQ�EORFN displays the exception status of a YLHZ in the form of a table. All the exceptions are listed inthe table along with their status (active / not active). You also have the option of switching the exception status.This LWHP only has the generic attributes.

�������� &RQGLWLRQ�%ORFNThe�LWHP�FRQGLWLRQ�EORFN displays the condition status for a YLHZ in the form of a table. All the conditions are listed thatcan be applied in the current navigational state of the YLHZ. For every condition the status is displayed extra (active, notused, not active). You also have the option of switching the condition status

���������6HOHFWLRQ�/LVWThe item VHOHFWLRQ�OLVW puts characteristic values in the Web report for filtering in a selection list. If a value is selected,the view is filtered according to this value. If a filter value has been selected for the characteristic in the selection list inanother way, the current filter value is put into the selection list.The item VHOHFWLRQ�OLVW� has the following attributes in addition to the generic attributes:



Specify the technical name of the characteristic (for example,0COUNTRY) / structure (25 place character string) here.



If this attribute is activated, the characteristic descrption is usedas the heading of the selection list.


Contains the maximum number of values that should bedisplayed in the selection list.If this attribute has the value ‘0’, all values are displayed in theselection list.



If this attribute is activated, only the HTML formularelement is created for the value list. The form thatcontains the selection list must in this case be created byhand.

This attribute is designed for structuring forms which

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 30

contain more than one selection list.


Must have a unique value for all selection lists andselection button groups within the form tag.

You only need to use this attribute if the attributeONLY_VALUES is activated.

������� 6HOHFWLRQ�%XWWRQ�*URXSThe item VHOHFWLRQ�EXWWRQ�JURXS puts characteristic values for filtering in a group of selection buttons. If a value isselected, the view is filtered according to this value. If a filter value is selected for the charcteristic of the selectionbutton group in another way, the current filter value is marked as selected.The item VHOHFWLRQ�EXWWRQ�JURXS�has the following attributes in addition to the generic attributes:



Specify the technical name of the characteristic (for example,0COUNTRY) / structure (25 place character string) here.



If this attribute is activated, the characteristic description isused as the heading of the selection list.


Contains the maximum number of values that should bedisplayed in the selection list.If this attribute has the value ‘0’, all values are displayed in theselection list.



If this attribute is activated, only the HTML formularelement is created for the selection button group. Theform that contains the selection button group must in thiscase be created by hand.

This attribute is designed for structuring forms whichcontain more than one selection button group.


Must have a unique value for all selection lists andselection button groups within the form tag.

You only need to use this attribute if the attributeONLY_VALUES is activated.



If this attribute is activated, the various characteristic values aredisplayed vertically. If this attribute is deactivated, the variouscharacteristic values are displayed horizontally.


Contains the number of entries that may be displayed,vertically or horizontally as defined by the setting of theattribute HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT. You can specify therequired number of entries by double-clicking on the attributeor via &KDQJH�$WWULEXWH�

�������� /DEHOThe item ODEHO� allows you to display descriptions of parts of characteristics, attributes or structres, and to place a linkfrom the context menu of the characteristic.This item can be used with the items VHOHFWLRQ�OLVW�and VHOHFWLRQ�EXWWRQ�JURXS to make a comfortable Cockpit.The item ODEHO� has the following attributes in addition to the generic attributes:

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 31


Specify the technical name of the characteristic (for example,0COUNTRY) / structure (25 place character string) here.


Technical name of the attribute whose heading should bedisplayed as a label.

6758&785(B0(0%(5 6WUXFWXUH�SDUW

Structure part whose text or context menu is displayed.&217(;7B0(18

’X’ = Yes, ’ ’ = No&RQWH[W�PHQX

If you activate this attribute, a link is created in the descriptionof the characteristic to the context menu of the characteristic.


’X’ = Yes, ’ ’ = No8QIRUPDWWHG�GLVSOD\

Display description without formatting.


The Alert Monitor presents the views, which were retrieved with the help of the Reporting Agent in a backgroundprocess, as a list or hierarchy and supports jumps to these views. Furthermore, it is possible to set filters.




’X’ = Yes, ’ ’ = No



For example, if you choose only FILTER_RED=X andFILTER_YELLOW=X, you do not see any rows that aregreen.



If the attribute is empy, no filter is used.),/7(5B,1)2&8%( )LOWHU�DFFRUGLQJ�WR�HQWULHV�WKDW�DUH�EHORZ�D�FHUWDLQ


If the attribute is empy, no filter is used.),/7(5B48(5< )LOWHU�DFFRUGLQJ�WR�HQWULHV�WKDW�DUH�EHORZ�D�FHUWDLQ�TXHU\

If the attribute is empy, no filter is used.+,(5$5&+<


The hierarchical display copies the InfoArea, InfoCube andquery to build a hierarchy that you see when you open a queryfor example. Alternatively, you can choose a flat list. Thisdisplays only the navigation statuses, without the InfoArea,InfoCube and queries. This display variant is especially suitedto a small amount of entries.



Instead�of displaying the red, yellow and green lights with theirfrequency per navigation status, you can also only display thelight with the highest alert level�� This makes the display morecompact.



Since the Alert Monitor potentially has a large number ofentries, you can specify a maximum number of entries to bedisplayed. This can be used for layout especially. If more rowsexist, an index is added to go to a different page.If the value is set to 0, all entries are displayed.



You need this attribute if you want to display the detail view ofa navigation status from the Alert Monitor in a differenttemplate as the default template The alternative template ischaracterized by JUMP_WBID and JUMP_PAGEID.JUMP_WBID : The workbook must be stored in BW

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 32

(favorites, activity groups / roles).-803B3$*(,'��RSWLRQDO� 1DPH�RI�WKH�WHPSODWH��VHH�-803B:%,'�

Name under which the template is stored in the Web Publisher.


If this is not specified, the detail view is displayed in the samewindow if you are using pure HTML . With Java Scriptswitched on, a separate window is opened.

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 33

�� 3DUDPHWHUL]LQJ�7HPSODWHVThe URL for calling a template is generated by the Web Publisher. You can make a copy and use it again and again.A typical URL looks like this:http://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY&CMD=LDOC&WBID=D9EW857MLP6EN0AEM9BZSQP3C&PAGEID=Template_NameThe first part of the URL, (http://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY) callsthe WebRFC Service for BW Web Reporting from the ITS. The WHPSODWH is called next. This takes place using the’LDOC’ command with the parameters ’WBID ’ and ’PAGEID ’.The command LDOC requests a new HTML page and creates it according to the template.

By inserting other parameters, you can parameterize the template. These parameters are passed on to all data providersand items. By parameterizing the URL you can therefore filter all views according to a particular country or cost center,for example.([DPSOHV�

Filter all views according to Germany:http://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY&CMD=LDOC&WBID=D9EW857MLP6EN0AEM9BZSQP3C&PAGEID=Template_Name&FILTER_IOBJNM=0COUNTRY&FILTER_VALUE=DE

Filter all views according to Germany, 2000:http://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY&CMD=LDOC&WBID=D9EW857MLP6EN0AEM9BZSQP3C&PAGEID=Template_Name&FILTER_IOBJNM_1=0COUNTRY&FILTER_VALUE_1=DE&FILTER_IOBJNM_2=0CALYEAR&FILTER_VALUE_2=2000

Display all items with title:http://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY&CMD=LDOC&WBID=D9EW857MLP6EN0AEM9BZSQP3C&PAGEID=Template_Name&GENERATE_CAPTION=X

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 34

�� &RPPDQG�6HTXHQFHVThere are many factors involved in the need to change several objects in various ways under one command. Until now itwas not possible to filter a GDWDBSURYLGHU according to the fiscal year 1999 and another GDWDBSURYLGHU according to2000 under one request (command).Command sequences make it possible to add other commands to a command. Only after all commands have beenexecuted is the data requested from the OLAP processor and the HTML page sent back to the Web browser.The sequence commands are added to commands as parameter CMD_N. Please note that the characters ’=’ and ’&’ mustbe replaced in the sequence demand by their Hex display:=’ is replaced by ’%3D’ and ’&’ becomes ’%26’.Every sequence command can be up to 250 characters long. If there are other characters, they are omitted.If the command sequence is too large to fit in a URL then you can add the attribute ‘NO_OUTPUT' to a command. As aresult, the command is executed and a blank page is sent back. No data is read at this point. This is useful if you want togo to a main frame from a control frame, for example. With JavaScript you can lead a sequence of individualcommands in the main frame and only leave out the ‘NO_OUTPUT' attribute when you get to the last command.


Start page and filter DP1 according to DE and DP2 according to US:http://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY&CMD=LDOC&WBID=D9EW857MLP6EN0AEM9BZSQP3C&PAGEID=Template_Name&CMD_1=DATA_PROVIDER%3DDP1%26FILTER_IOBJNM%3D0COUNTRY%26FILTER_VALUE%3DDE&CMD_2=DATA_PROVIDER%3DDP2%26FILTER_IOBJNM%3D0COUNTRY%26FILTER_VALUE%3DUS

Command URL to filter DP1 according to calendar year 2000, change title of graphic GRAPHIC to '2000' and changethe title of table TABLE to ‘Details 2000'.<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER='DP1' FILTER_IOBJNM='0CALYEAR' FILTER_VALUE='2000'&0'B� ,7(0 *5$3+,&&$37,21 �����&0'B� ,7(0 7$%/(&$37,21 'HWDLOV����>

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 35

�� )RUPVWith HTML forms you can integrate entry fields into an HTML page easily. It is possible to use this HTML technologyin BW Web Reporting.


You can set parameters for calling Web Reporting pages that meet end user requirements by implementing forms. To dothis, create an HTML document with a form from which the actual URL for Web Reporting is called with setparameters.([DPSOH�

After calling the subsequent HTML document, the user is presented with a form in which s/he can select a calendar yearand a country from the dropdown boxes. By executing the submit command, a Web Reporting page is displayed withYLHZ filters already set.

<html><body><table><form method="POST"action="http://your_its/scripts/wgate/WebRFC/!?_function=WEBQUERY&CMD=LDOC&WBID=D9EW857MLP6EN0AEM9BZSQP3C&PAGEID=Template_Name&FILTER_IOBJNM_1=0CALYEAR&FILTER_IOBJNM_2=0COUNTRY"> <tr> <td>Kalenderjahr</td> <td><select size="1" name="FILTER_VALUE_1"> <option value="1997">1997</option> <option value="1998">1998</option> <option value="1999">1999</option> <option value="2000">2000</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Land</td> <td><select name="FILTER_VALUE_2"> <option value="BR">Brazil</option> <option value="DE">Germany</option> <option value="FR">France</option> <option value="GB">GreatBritain</option> <option value="JP">Japan</option> <option value="RU">Russia</option> <option value="ES">Spain</option> <option value="US">USA</option> </select></td> </tr></table><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit"></form></body>



You can integrate commands into a template by using anchors (<a href=” ... ”></a>) and HTML forms. Thesecommands can affect one or several LWHPV or GDWD�SURYLGHUV.You can use the bookmarks described under “Command URLs” in the place where you would usually see URLs inHTML appear. They are replaced automatically during processing so that only valid URLs appear in the created HTMLpage.([DPSOHV�

Drilldown view 1 according to country and filter according to calendar year 2000:<a href="<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’ CMD=’Expand’ IOBJNM=’0COUNTRY’FILTER_IOBJNM='0CALYEAR' FILTER_VALUE='2000'>">Jahr 2000 + Aufriß nach Land</a>

Function Description

14.02.2001 Seite 36

Forms where a user can select a calendar year and a country from dropdown boxes:<form method="POST" action="<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’*’ MULTI=’X’FILTER_IOBJNM_1=’0CALYEAR’ FILTER_IOBJNM_2=’0COUNTRY’>"><table> <tr> <td>Kalenderjahr</td> <td><select size="1" name="FILTER_VALUE_1"> <option value="1997">1997</option> <option value="1998">1998</option> <option value="1999">1999</option> <option value="2000">2000</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Land</td> <td><select name="FILTER_VALUE_2"> <option value="BR">Brazil</option> <option value="DE">Germany</option> <option value="FR">France</option> <option value="GB">GreatBritain</option> <option value="JP">Japan</option> <option value="RU">Russia</option> <option value="ES">Spain</option> <option value="US">USA</option> </select></td> </tr><table><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit"></form>Buttons that filter view 1 according to calendar year:<form method="POST" action="<SAP_BW_URL DATA_PROVIDER=’View 1’FILTER_IOBJNM=’0CALYEAR’>"><input type="submit" value="1998" name="FILTER_VALUE"><input type="submit" value="1999" name="FILTER_VALUE"><input type="submit" value="2000" name="FILTER_VALUE"></form>