13 TH APRIL 2014 PALM SUNDAY - YEAR A...Each lecture runs from 7.30pm - 9.00pm with refreshments...

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Transcript of 13 TH APRIL 2014 PALM SUNDAY - YEAR A...Each lecture runs from 7.30pm - 9.00pm with refreshments...

My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am-12.30pm Phone: 3884 7600; Fax: 3800 2646 Emergency Number: 3884 7600 Email: brownpl@bne.catholic.net.au www.stbernardinesparish.com.au

Parish Priest: Fr Anthony Girvan, P.P.

Administrative Officer Ms Nola Bamkin

Finance Officer Mrs Barbara Malicki Email: fo.brownspl@bne.catholic.net.au

Parish Liturgy Coordination Parish Liturgy Team

St. Bernardine’s Parish Primary School Principal: Mr Michael Aspland Phone: 3800 1854

St. Bernardine’s Parish School Outside School Hours Care Coordinator: Mrs Mandy Petrie Phone: 3806 9940

Emmaus College, Jimboomba Principal: Mr Kevin Schwede Phone: 5547 9990

St Vincent de Paul Society St Bernardine’s Conference For assistance, phone 5561 4702 St Catherine’s Conference For assistance, phone 3010 1096


St. Bernardine’s Church, Regents Park Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Park Ridge

St. Catherine’s Church, Jimboomba

The name of Jesus is the glory of preachers, because the shining splendour of that name causes God’s word to be proclaimed and heard.

GA421 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Recessional Hymn

Gathering Hymn

Psalm Response

Gospel Reflection ‘Maximus the Confessor saw in Jesus's struggle the final and most stark test of his obedience. In his view, our wills were created to be in harmony with the divine will. When we sin, our wills are disordered, no longer being in harmony with God's will. The ultimate test of Jesus's obedience then, is depicted here in his prayer: praying first that if it is possible, that this cup pass; and then, nevertheless, that the Father's will be done. St Matthew shows how this prayer of Jesus is patterned on the one Jesus has taught to his disciples earlier, the Lord's prayer, perhaps so affirming that Jesus's relationship to the Father remained consistent through-out his life unto death.’

GA505 Will You Love me

GA22 My God, My God

(Spoken) My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?

Communion Hymn

GA191 Gifts of Finest Wheat

My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9)


25 Vergulde Road, Regents Park Mon 14th April 7.30am Wed 16th April No Mass Sat 19th Apr 5.15pm Reconciliation 6.00pm Sun 20th Apr 7.30am, 9.00am

ST. CATHERINE’S CHURCH 74-76 East Street, Jimboomba

Wed 16th Apr 8.00am Sun 20th Apr 5.30pm

OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHURCH Corner of Stoney Camp Road and Mt. Lindesay Highway, Park Ridge


12-16 Fedrick Street, Boronia Heights Mon 14th Apr 8.00am Tues 15th Apr 9.00am Wed 16th Apr 9.00am Thurs 17th Apr 8.00am

Fri 18th Apr 9.00am (Friday only— Hostel Community Hall)

WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK Sunday 13th April Palm Sunday Monday 14th April 9.30am Prayer Group ~ St Bernardine’s Church Tuesday 15th April 7.00pm Stations of the Cross ~ St Bernardine’s Church

Thursday 17th April Holy Thursday ~ see liturgy times page 3 9.30am Craft Group ~ Logan West Library

Friday 18th April Good Friday ~ see liturgy times page 3 Saturday 19th April Easter Vigil ~ see liturgy times page 3

Sunday 20th April Easter Sunday 7.30am Hospitality after Mass ~ St Bernardine’s Church

Entrance Antiphon: Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Gospel Acclamation: Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Today’s Readings: Next Week’s Readings:

Is 50:4-7 Acts 10:34,37-43

Phil 2:6-11 Col 3:1-4

Mat 27:11-54 Mat 28:1-10


Your support for Project Compassion allows Caritas Australia to lift the voices of the poor and promote the dignity of each person, regardless of ethnicity, religion or cultural beliefs.

This week we meet Nirangini in Sri Lanka. From 1983 to 2009 a civil war affected Sri Lanka, and Nirangini and her entire community were forced to leave their village.

Thanks to your support, Nirangini now has a permanent home back in her childhood village and she and her son are re-establishing their lives.

Please donate to Project Compassion today so partnerships like this can continue to grow.

My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9)

PARISH NOTICES Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Park Ridge There will be no Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church on Easter Sunday.

Hospitality after 7.30am Mass at St Bernardine’s A reminder that next Sunday, Easter Sunday, those attending the 7.30am Mass are invited to stay for a cup of tea or coffee after Mass. A small plate of food to share would be welcome.

Other Notices Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land The annual collection for the support of the church in the holy Land takes place on Good Friday.

This collection promotes the missionary work of the Church in the holy Land by providing welfare assistance to local Christians in areas such as health, education, employment and housing.

Parishes, schools, orphanages and medical centres throughout the Holy Land rely very much on assistance from the Good Friday collection.

The collection is also used to maintain 74 churches and shrines associated with the life of Jesus.

Please remember the Christians of the Holy Land again on this Good Friday. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please also pray that peace and harmony will become a reality in the birthplace of Jesus, the ‘Prince of Peace’.

SERIES ONE: Discovering Jesus: in our faith & in our world. The first lecture of a six part series - "Jesus in the Gospel of Luke" will be presented by the Most Reverend Archbishop Mark Coleridge on Tuesday 29 April. 1. Jesus in the Gospel of Luke Date: Tuesday 29 April Presenter: Most Reverend Mark Coleridge 2. Jesus - God and Man Date: Tuesday 27 May Presenter: Rev Dr Anthony Gooley

Each lecture runs from 7.30pm - 9.00pm with refreshments provided from 7.00pm. All lectures in this series have been approved by Brisbane Catholic Education as 1 hour PD Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School.

Venue: Francis Rush Centre, 277

Elizabeth St, Brisbane. Tickets available at the door from 6.45pm: $5/person. Enquiries: email blome@bne.catholic.net.au Facebook www.facebook.com/TruthCharity Twitter: @TC_at_TC CATHEDRAL CONCERT SERIES CONCERT #2 FOR 2014 Concert Title: Pairs: Sacred and Secular Music Date: Sunday 1 June, 2014 Time: 4.00pm Venue: Cathedral of St Stephen, 249 Elizabeth St, Brisbane Cost: Adult $25, Concession $20

Tickets are available online (http://www.ststephensmusic.com/) or at the door.



Holy Thursday 7.30pm Good Friday 3.00pm Easter Vigil 6.30pm Easter Sunday 7.30am, 9.00am


Good Friday: Stations of the Cross 10.00am Easter Sunday Mass 11.00am Please note there will be no 5.30pm Mass at St Catherine’s

Church on Easter Sunday

My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Copyright © Sermons 4 Kids, Inc. • All rights reserved • www.sermons4kids.com

13th April 2014

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emailing fo.brownspl@bne.catholic.net.au

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My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9)

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My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9)

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For enquiries contact Barbara

Ph: 3884 7600

Email: fo.brownspl@bne.catholic.net au