13 Corresp

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got recipes? want coupons? Retirement Center News By Michelle Smith By Mary W. Lewis By Martha H. Jones By Michelle Smith By Gail Barden By Debbie Sterbinsky By Betty Scott By Gail Barden By Debbie Sterbinsky By Vicki Williams By Betty Scott Thursday, September 23, 2010 Retirement Center News By Shirley Tucker, Activity Director The Brownsville States-Graphic By Shirley Tucker, Activity Director

Transcript of 13 Corresp

Thursday, September 23, 2010Correspondents

The Brownsville States-Graphic

page 13By Debbie Sterbinsky

Stanton NewsBy Debbie Sterbinsky

Stanton NewsAllen NewsBy Gail BardenBy Gail Barden

Allen News

By Shirley Tucker, Activity Director

Sugar CreekRetirement Center News

By Shirley Tucker, Activity Director

Sugar CreekRetirement Center News

By Martha H. Jones

Holly Grove NewsBy Martha H. JonesBy Martha H. JonesBy Martha H. JonesBy Martha H. JonesBy Martha H. JonesBy Martha H. JonesBy Martha H. JonesBy Martha H. JonesBy Martha H. JonesBy Martha H. JonesBy Martha H. Jones

Holly Grove News

Westside NewsBy Mary W. Lewis

By Mary W. Lewis

Westside News

Bethel - Belle Eagle News

By Betty ScottBy Betty Scott

Bethel - Belle Eagle News

Allen was in revival from Sunday through Wednesday of this week with Dr. Dan Ireland as our visiting evangelist and Mr. Allen Guyer directing the music. A potluck dinner was served following the Sunday morning service.

Our beautiful fl ower arrangement was given in memory of James and Mildred Duke by their family.

Church league volleyball is in full swing. Allen adults will play Thursday, September 23, at 7 p.m.

and the youth will play at 8 p.m.

Happy Birthday to Dorothy Duncan, Francine Barden, Vickie Emerson, Johnny Hendrix, Chad Kirk, Colbie Killen, Tracy Rodgers and Bobby Myers. My sweet brother, Jere, would have been 69 September 20.

Happy Anniversary to Dianne and Jimmy Gambill and Janice and Andy Campbell.

We extend our sincere sympathy to Lana Lewis and family in the death of her husband Ralph Lewis.

On our prayer list are Buddy Edmiston, Elliott Simmons, Jerry Baggett, Judy Laster and Carolyn Lovelace. Mrs. Martha Rodgers had eye surgery recently and is improving.

Our Bible verse for this week is Philippians 2:10-11, which states, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”

Have a blessed week!

We are saddened to learn that another of our hardworking couples will be moving. Scott and Candy Chrisman and their children have contributed much to our congregation within the last six or seven years.

Kristen Rich graduated Top 10 at HHS, now third year student of FHU and wife of Lance Mosher, associate minister of Finger Church of Christ; Kayla Rich graduated here and attended Austin Peay in Clarksville; Haley Chrisman is a sophomore of FHU after graduating here; Christopher Rich, who graduated HHS this year is freshman in Oklahoma Christian University; Zack and Logan Chrisman are in elementary and high school, respectively, in Carroll County.

Bradford and Brittany Anderson Higgins had as guests here Sunday, two of her brothers from out of town. Claire Kelso Howelett, widow of Gerald Howelett, who is the daughter of the late Joe W. and Frances Brummett Kelso, has been in Memphis as guest of her sister, Judy Kelso Warren, and is in town visiting her

aunt, Eleanor Brummett Edwards and Jesse Edwards. Before fl ying back to her home in Kansas, she and others had lunch with Margaret Anne Fletcher.

Congratulations to Angelina Frye and Larry Sutherland, who were married Friday, September 10, (Angel’s birthday) in the pretty Webb Banks Passive Park on Key Corner. Scheduled at the park, with the alternate site of Westside, the ceremony was performed by Brother Larry Sweeney. This was in view of the threat of rain, which came and went, and came and went, as you may recall on their day, Friday. But though a little damp, decorations etc., it was successful there where planned. Angel is the daughter of Martha Frye of Martha’s Hair Care and Larry’s mother lives here, but I failed to get her name.

Pearl Knox Gordon and son, Mac Perry attended her Knox Annual Reunion held at the old Crockett Mills School, now used as a Community Center. The reunion was formerly held at Humboldt Lake and always has a large crowd.

Finger Church of Christ, located east of Hwy 45 between Henderson and Jackson, will host a Ladies’ Day Saturday September 25, at 9 a.m. Speaker is Nancy Wheat and Kristen Rich Mosher, associate minister’s wife, invites all ladies to attend.

Tennessee Children’s’ Home truck will be here September 28 collecting items of food and housekeeping needs for the home.

Sympathy to Betty Neal and Carolyn Ellington whose sister, Mary Louise Davis, passed away recently. She was also the sister of Gail Ferrell, whose husband, Charles Ferrell conducted the funeral. Sammy Neal of Ripley, brother of Robert Neal, has been seriously ill , but is now home from the hospital.

Jerry and Anneli Myers are among those who have taken to the mountains lately to enjoy what is offered by nature, whose Maker is God. Pray for our sick including the grandmother of Craig Robinson, Ardania Weaver, on hospice and her son, Truitt Weaver, who has serious kidney problems.

Stantonians, please remember the Town Meeting this Saturday, September 25 at 9 a.m., at the Town Hall. Be sure to bring your questions!

I had a wild weekend and week, so I’m exhausted. Please look over me as this is not much of an article.

We attended the wedding of one of our daughters last weekend in Dallas, TX. Deborah Charity Michael Sterbin was absolutely beautiful her wedding day to Matthew Dominick Sercely. The radiating bond between Deborah and her father (Allan) during their father/daughter dance was extremely touching.

After the new couple headed for their honeymoon in the Cayman Islands, we focused on getting back to Arkansas to visit my children/grandchildren (since it was my birthday-yes I joined what I’ve found

they call the “Highway Club”), then on to Poplar Bluff, Missouri to visit with Allan’s 95 year old Aunt Maisie. We arrived home at 1 a.m. and received a call at 3 a.m. that Aunt Maisie had passed away; she was one awesome lady and full of spunk right up to the end. We had a great time with her during our visit which made the long trip that day so well meaningful.

So I’m back here in Stanton now and just learned of another burglary while I was gone. Apparently a home burglary, so please be careful! Have your neighbors watch your house if you are gone. We still have an active Neighborhood Watch, so let us know when you are leaving and we’ll help you alert others to be on watch of your home and possessions.

As many of you may know Richard Turner has

had some health issues and recently spent some time in the hospital. The cannery hours are uncertain at this point, however, thanks to County Mayor Franklin Smith, along with Emma Delk and some sweet ladies from the community who have volunteered their time, the cannery is operating at a scaled back pace. Please keep Richard in your thoughts and prayers.

That’s all I have for this week folks, hope to see a lot of you Saturday!

Residents, and former residents of Stanton, you may mail Stanton news to me at P.O. Box 181, Stanton, TN 38069, reach me at the Stanton Welcome Center/Library at 731-548-2564, or e-mail me at: Proftster@aol.com. Please put “Stanton News” in the subject line. Together we will look at the past, look toward the future, and report current events.

How about this weather – hasn’t it been just beautiful? Not too hot – not too cold. Just perfect! We like to do things in this kind of weather.

Speaking of doing things – we were invited to another Mystery Luncheon this week and it was WONDERFUL! In fact, all four of them have been WONDERFUL. Any time friends invite us to lunch it is absolutely, positively wonderful!

This week, as usual, they tried and tried to guess where it was, but some never got it until we pulled up – at LILIES. Gail Carver was so kind and thoughtful to share a delicious lunch with Joan Lanphere, Arline Boisvert, Jottye Newman, Lyde Hamilton, Alystine Hare, David and “Bo” Pope and “Bo’s” daughter, Dorothy, who was here from Raleigh.

If any of you have room for about 10 to 12 guests and would like to surprise our residents just give me a call and we’ll set up a Mystery Lunch.

Grace Mulligan had her nephews and their wives from Jackson here to visit this week. Robert and Glenda Gordon along with Albert and Carole Gordon came over to see her. She was delighted.

Weaver Vestal visited with Pauline Sims. Tom and Barbara Callery took Pauline to the doctor one day. Kent Moore checked on his grandmother, Pauline Welch. Denise Halbrook took her mother-in-law, Mary Ann Halbrook, to the doctor also.

Our love and sympathy go out to Lane Lewis and family (and Katie McAdams and family) in the home-going of Lane’s father. He was a fi ne man and will be missed by many. Lane has

been so faithful to bring devotions to our Sugar Creek residents every other week. I know he will be missing his Dad.

By the time you read this our residents will be having a great time buying themselves a dinner partner. Yep, it’s the time for our Gentlemen’s Auction once again and the ladies have been saving up in case they see someone they’d like to eat dinner with. They never know who is going to be in the auction until the auction begins. I’ll just say one thing - we don’t have a “dog” in the race this year so they better have their big money ready.

We are also in the process of getting our Sugar Creek 2011 calendar together. We’re taking our fi rst picture today – it’ll be

another fun calendar with all these gorgeous “pin-up” ladies (and 3 gentlemen) in it.

NEWS FLASH: We have one of those fancy “Save the Date” announcements to give you. Put October 8, 2:00 p.m. on your calendar or where ever you keep IMPORTANT dates. The “King of Rock and Roll” will be here at Sugar Creek with his world famous back-up singers, the Sugar Creekers! We are all so EXCITED. You do not want to miss this special treat. We’ll tell you more next week, but be sure to get it on your calendar now.

This is beautiful visiting and rocking weather. Come see us. Your friend is looking for you.

“Crisis of Faith” was the subject of the message Sunday. The Apostle Paul was so depressed at one time; he made this statement “I despaired of life.” Elijah had just experienced God sending down fi re from Heaven on Mt. Carmel, but then Jezebel threatened his life causing him to go into a deep depression. God came to him, provided food and gave him a job to do. The roots of depression are disappointments, exhaustion, failure and discouragement. Elijah needed to know that God was bigger than Israel and his enemies. This is a truth we need to understand in America. Faith in God can bring us through the diffi cult times.

The Drama Club at Holly Grove Church presented a skit prior to the worship services, entitled, “Wet Paint.” Those participating were Kathy McClinton, Rebecca Hopper, Casey Long and Anne Marie Grimes. Nancy Campbell played a beautiful song for the special music.

Brother Ralph Brown returned from a trip to Gainesville, FL. where

he met with his brother Richard. They attended the fi rst ever football game between their rival colleges, the University of Florida and the University of South Florida.

Happy birthday to Steve Watkins, Clay Antwine, Jon Lara, Lindsey Perry, Holland Aquayo, Conner Campbell and Debbie Jones.

Reverend Fred Campbell and wife Nancy, Brother Ralph and Elaine Brown, Ann Faulkner and Dewey and Martha Jones attended the Pastors and Deacons and their wives and church staff member’s banquet held at Brownsville Baptist Church last Thursday night. Following a delicious meal, “One Heart,” a woman’s ensemble from the Brownsville church provided the special music. Dr. Tommy Snyder, the guest speaker, spoke on ministry through the churches.

Let’s not neglect to pray for the sick. Forest Jackson, the grandfather of Beth Baker is in a Jackson hospital. Little Peyton McBride was bitten by a copperhead and is in a Memphis hospital. Others to include are Mae Simpson, Glenn White, Ruth

Taylor, Melvin Holcomb, Billy Cox, Bobby Jones and Fletcher Lewis. Also include Neil Herbert, Elsie Lewis, Ailene Knott, Liz Kemper, Carolyn Covington, Janie Hight, Barbara Sills, Joann Chapman and Richard Mason.

Brandon Blackwell was ordained as a deacon at Poplar Corner Baptist Church last Sunday afternoon. We halfway claim Brandon at Holly Grove since he grew up in the church. He married Kimberly Wells, the daughter of Elvin and Carol Wells and they have two children. His mother Brenda still attends church at Holly Grove.

Our friend and fellow church member, Robert Barden, along with Reverend Lonnie Robinson and Bennie McBroom, were recently written up in the Baptist and Refl ector concerning their Haywood County jail ministry. Robert has completed 50 years in this ministry and has seen 2,292 prisoners come to know Christ while incarcerated in Haywood County.

Our “Field of Flags” campaign is going great. Everybody remembers how beautiful the fl ags were and are anxious to purchase a fl ag. Thank you each and every one. Dianne Williams and Betty Scott attended the Northside vs. Brighton football game last Friday night. Dianne’s stepson was playing for Brighton. Brighton lost 21-51 but still it was fun to

attend. Last Sunday, Bethel

Community Church hosted their homecoming with a huge crowd of approximately 100 people attending. All enjoyed plenty of good food and fellowship.

Special thanks to Charlie Greenway for his efforts of keeping trash off our roads and sprucing up the neighborhood for homecoming. Charlie

would have plenty of work to do in California. That state is dirty.

Phyllis Weaver has been having work done on her house after the May fl oods. New fl oors, cabinets, and windows are being installed. I know Mrs. Weaver will enjoy her nearly new home.

Thought for the week: Winning a hot argument has lost many a warm friend.

Thought for the week: Live everyday like it were your last. -Author Unknown

Hope everyone had a great week. FALL is here! Driving through Nutbush the other day I saw that Nutbush gin was in full running. Not much news to report this week, but hopefully that will pick up. Hassell Smith celebrated his 40th birthday Saturday night. Several friends gathered for a chili supper at his shop. About 25 friends and family members were there to help him celebrate.

A new lunch option is available in the Tibbs community, The Rusty Bucket, it opened this

weekend. Joe Sweat is the owner, for more info on menu and hours open give him a call. Happy Birthday to Hassell Smith and Leslie Keathley! Prayer concerns: Curtis Walls, Lottye Floyd (Diane Smith’s mother), Elizabeth

Kirby (Vaughan Kirby’s grandmother), Mervie Hughes, Jean Warf, Jadie Craig and Doyle Ogden. Please send your news for next week by calling 731-780-3709 or e-mailing me at mailto:msmith.tibbs@yahoo.com

By Vicki Williams

Hillville - Eurekaton News

By Michelle Smith

Tibbs NewsBy Michelle Smith

Tibbs News

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