13 April to 11 May 2021 - Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

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Transcript of 13 April to 11 May 2021 - Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

13 April to 11 May 2021

Pembuka seleraTauhu sumbat kuah cili masam manis kacang tumbuk

Hidangan utamaAyam selada lengkuas limau purut sri wangi

Lemak cili api ikan tenggiri belimbing buluh

Pembuka puasa Bottle of mineral waterKurmaBubur lambuk

Pemanis mulutMalay kuih

Al-Kareem setAvailable from 13 to 19 April 2021

Ulam-ulaman dan sambal belacan

Terung berkentang sambal tumbuk lada merah bersama petai

Daging masak hitam rempah sangai tumis darat

Nasi limau oren

Nasi putih

Notice : Dishes may contain allergens such as dairy, wheat, nuts, soy and others. Please inform any specific concerns at the time of order.

RM99.80 nett for 2 to 3 persons

RM199 nett for 4 to 6 persons


Set for 2 to 3 persons

Images are for illustrations purposes only.As at 15 March 2021

Al-Mubarak set

Notice : Dishes may contain allergens such as dairy, wheat, nuts, soy and others. Please inform any specific concerns at the time of order.

Available from 20 to 26 April 2021

RM99.80 nett for 2 to 3 persons

RM199 nett for 4 to 6 persons

Pembuka seleraKerabu ayam bakar

Hidangan utamaSup berempah tulang rawan bersama sambal cili kicap

Ayam bakar kalasan sambal merah

Sayur campur cendawan hitamlemak putih bersama tempe

Ulam-ulaman dan sambal belacan

Asam cuka Mumbai ikan tenggiri bersama pajeri nenas dengan timun Jepun

Nasi minyak jintan daun selasih

Nasi putih

Pembuka puasa Bottle of mineral waterKurmaBubur lambuk

Pemanis mulutMalay kuih


Set for 2 to 3 persons

Images are for illustrations purposes only.As at 15 March 2021

Notice : Dishes may contain allergens such as dairy, wheat, nuts, soy and others. Please inform any specific concerns at the time of order.

Al-Rajab set Available from 27 April to 3 May 2021

RM99.80 nett for 2 to 3 persons

RM199 nett for 4 to 6 persons

Pembuka seleraGado-gado sayuran

Hidangan utamaAyam kunyit teresek minang sayur maman

Tumis asam pedas halba ikan tenggiri daun kesom petola ular

Ulam-ulaman dan sambal belacan

Daging campur gulai kawah pisang muda dan kedondong

Sayur campur goreng ala kampung

Nasi pudina kacang gajus

Nasi putih

Pembuka puasa Bottle of mineral waterKurmaBubur lambuk

Pemanis mulutMalay kuih


Set for 2 to 3 persons

Images are for illustrations purposes only.As at 15 March 2021

Notice : Dishes may contain allergens such as dairy, wheat, nuts, soy and others. Please inform any specific concerns at the time of order.

Al-Syaaban set Available from 4 May to 11 May 2021

RM99.80 nett for 2 to 3 persons

RM199 nett for 4 to 6 persons

Pembuka seleraAcar nenas

Hidangan utamaAyam seroja bumbu cekur sambal olek pecal

Kari kandar ikan merah bersama terung telunjuk

Ulam-ulaman dan sambal belacan

Daging goreng kunyit cili benggala

Sayur lodeh Johor

Nasi bawang putih serai wangi

Nasi putih

Berbuka puasa Bottle of mineral waterKurmaBubur lambuk

Pemanis mulutMalay kuih


Set for 2 to 3 persons

Images are for illustrations purposes only.As at 15 March 2021

Signature Ramadan dishes

Sayur lemak labu manis dan pucuk keledek bersama udang kering

Kari kandar ikan merah bersama terung telunjuk

Sambal tumis udang petai

Gulai pedas cili api udang bersama nangka muda dan sayur kacang munggai

Rendang daging tokkelapa sangai

RM 19.50

RM 20

RM 58

RM 127

RM 127

RM 32

RM 20Umai ikan Sarawak

Kerabu mangga muda isi ketam

Notice : Dishes may contain allergens such as dairy, wheat, nuts, soy and others. Please inform any specific concerns at the time of order.

Available from 13 April to 19 April 2021

Available from 20 April to 26 April 2021

Available from 27 April to 3 May 2021

Available from 27 April to 3 May 2021

Available from 4 May to 11 May 2021

Available from 13 April to 11 May 2021

Available from 13 April to 11 May 2021

Images are for illustrations purposes only.As at 15 March 2021

Pembuka selera RM Roti gulung hirisan ayam (4 kpg) 16

Kerabu limau bali 20 bersama udang

Hidangan UtamaAyam selada lengkuas 27limau purut sri wangi

Daging masak hitam 35rempah sangai tumis darat Lemak cili api ikan tenggiri 45belimbing buluh

Kambing jintan ketumbar 38buah badam

Udang goreng “kum heong” 58

Sayuran Sayur lemak labu manis 19.50dan pucuk keledek bersama udang kering

Sayur goreng ala oriental 21bersama isi ketam

Nasi Nasi limau oren 21

Nasi putih 8

Pemanis mulutBubur pulut hitam pandan 10

Kuih pandan talam 8

Pembuka selera RMPecal sayur-sayuran 14

Umai ikan Sarawak 20

Hidangan UtamaAyam bakar kalasan 27sambal merah

Sup berempah tulang rawan 35 bersama sambal cili kicap Asam cuka Mumbai ikan tenggiri 30 bersama pajeri nenas dengan timun Jepun

Kambing kuzi Kelantan 38

Salted egg prawn with 58 oatmeal flakes

Sayuran Sayur lemak tempoyak 19pucuk ubi dengan petai bersama ikan bilis

Sayur campur dan hirisan 21cendawan dikukus bersama sos tiram

Nasi Nasi minyak jintan daun selasih 21

Nasi putih 8

Pemanis mulut Sira pisang, kastad vanilla, 10 biskut kayu manis

Kuih koci pandan 8

Signature Ramadan dishes

Available from 13 April to 19 April 2021 Available from 20 April to 26 April 2021

Customise your own set

Notice : Dishes may contain allergens such as dairy, wheat, nuts, soy and others. Please inform any specific concerns at the time of order.

All portions for 2 to 3 persons

Images are for illustrations purposes only.As at 15 March 2021

Pembuka selera RM Popiah basah 12

Kerabu manga muda isi ketam 20

Hidangan UtamaAyam kunyit teresek minang 27sayur maman

Daging campur gulai kawah 35pisang muda dan kedondong Tumis asam pedas halba ikan 30tenggiri daun kesom petola ular

Kambing rempah masala 38

Gulai pedas cili api udang bersama 58nangka muda dan sayur kacang munggai

Sayuran Masak lemak kunyit rebung muda 19dengan jering bersama anak udang

Sayur campur goreng 20belacan

Nasi Nasi pudina kacang gajus 21

Nasi putih 8

Pemanis mulutSago gula Melaka bunga 8telang dan mangga

Kuih seri muka 8

Pembuka selera RMSalad daging ala Thai 16

Rojak buah 16

Hidangan UtamaAyam seroja bumbu cekur 24 sambal olek pecal

Daging goreng kunyit 35cili benggala Kari kandar ikan merah 32bersama terung telunjuk

Kambing kerutuk pantai timur 38

Udang goreng ala “Nyonya” 58

Sayuran Peria lobak asin telur 19gumpal sambal hitamudang kering

Sayur goreng ala “Sze Chuan” 20

Nasi Nasi bawang putih serai wangi 21

Nasi putih 8

Pemanis mulut Puding susu bakar pandan 10

Kuih seri manja 8

Notice : Dishes may contain allergens such as dairy, wheat, nuts, soy and others. Please inform any specific concerns at the time of order.

Signature Ramadan dishes

Available from 27 April to 3 May 2021 Available from 4 May to 11 May 2021

Customise your own set

All portions for 2 to 3 persons

Images are for illustrations purposes only.As at 15 March 2021

AyamRendang ayam RM72pedas minang

Ayam masak jintan RM72hitam mamak

Makanan LautSambal tumis udang petai RM127

Masak lemak cili padi RM127udang belimbing buluh

DagingRendang daging tok RM127kelapa sangai

Daging pesamah RM127Rajawali

KambingRendang kambing RM148mamak berempah

Kambing masala RM148acar limau

NasiNasi briyani RM48

Nasi minyak kismis RM48 kacang pea

Signature Ramadan dishesFor 10 persons

Available from 13 April 2021 to 11 May 2021

Notice : Dishes may contain allergens such as dairy, wheat, nuts, soy and others. Please inform any specific concerns at the time of order.

Sambal tumis udang petaiRendang daging tokkelapa sangai

Images are for illustrations purposes only.As at 15 March 2021

Signature cakes

Dates and prune cake

Gula Melaka durian cake

Pandan kaya layer cake

RM 137

RM 137

RM 155

RM 137

RM 137

Kaffir lime cheese cake

Banana pineapple cake

Notice : Dishes may contain allergens such as dairy, wheat, nuts, soy and others. Please inform any specific concerns at the time of order.

All cakes are 1kg

Images are for illustrations purposes only.As at 15 March 2021

Follow the simple steps to enjoyIftar with your family


Call us at: +603 2333 2866

WhatsApp: +6012 988 7911

Email: delivery@klccconventioncentre.com


• Delivery orders applicable from 13 April to 11 May 2021

• Place and complete your orders by 5pm for next day delivery

• 3rd party delivery charges apply for all deliveries

• Self-collection is from 3pm to 6pm at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Main Entrance, Jalan Pinang

• Pre-payment is required to confirm your order

• Pay by bank transfer to Bank Name : CIMB Bank

Account Name : Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Account Number : 80-0104209-3

• Not valid in combination with any other Centre’s promotional programme benefits and discounts

• Prices quoted are nett

As at 15 March 2021Notice : Dishes may contain allergens such as dairy, wheat, nuts, soy and others. Please inform any specific concerns at the time of order. Images are for illustrations purposes only.