12 Trends for 2015: What Marketers Should Be Thinking About in Digital

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 12 Trends for 2015: What Marketers Should Be Thinking About in Digital

12 Trends for 2015 What Marketers Should Be Thinking About in DigitalA Beyond Report

IntroductionWhat’s in this report?

In this report we will cover 12 trends we think will shape digital in 2015. In 2014 we saw marketing spend big on technology, a sharper focus on user experience design, and a resulting shortage in good UX designers. As predicted, 2014 was the year mobile finally became the primary way people consume digital in the US and UK. In 2015, successful marketing will become more dependent on the effective use of technology, but marketing technologists will need to better understand the human dimension of the experiences they digitise. They will also need to think more clearly about "little data" - and how brands can create more user value from the highly personal data they generate online. Lastly, all of this will be delivered through new user interfaces on devices we don't even have names for today. These broad themes are brought to life in the following 12 trends that will shape 2015.

How to use it?

We have divided these trends into timely priorities (Trends to Prepare for Now) and longer-term priorities (Trends to Start Thinking About).

Trend To

Prepare For


Trend To

Start Thinking


- Hal Varian, Google

Strong image strategies drive better conversion rates1

Trend To Prepare For


- Hal Varian, Google

A plethora of web services with open APIs means there are limitless opportunities for new innovations through combined data streams

Photos taken in 1998:

8 Billion Photos taken in 2014 (est.):

880 Billion

Images shared per day in 2014:

1.8 Billion - 150% increase from 2013 and

515% increase from 2013

Creation Engagement with brands Sharing




G+0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6

Engagement Rate

Trend To Prepare For


Sources: Kodak, Yahoo, L2,Kleiner Perkins

1. Strong image strategies drive better conversion rates

What’s the trend?

In 2015 brands need to think about visual optimisation of their content. Images communicate ideas at least 20 times faster than text (Potter et al, Kriegl et al) and consumers are far more inclined to click through to content which include’s high quality images of their products and services.

Where are we seeing it ?

According to Bing, nearly 10% of all organic searches are for images, and 40% of all search results contain “some kind of visual component”. By September 2014, image search traffic had a conversion rate 11% higher than non-image organic search traffic.

Trend To Prepare For


- Hal Varian, Google

Bare your data, innovate faster2

Trend To Prepare For


- Hal Varian, Google

“Combine and recombine Internet Components in ways that create totally new innovations”Hal Varian, Google

Combinatorial Innovation:






2005 2007 2009 2011 2013APIs

Explosive use of web services which brings plug’n’play innovation based on combining data streams is key to driving fast new innovation

Trend To Prepare For


2. Bare your data, innovate faster

Where are we seeing it ?

We will see more companies following the example of Uber, which opened its API and allowed partners like Starbucks, Time Out and TripAdvisor to build on its functionality. Users can now see pickup times and fare estimates on these apps, rather than having to open the Uber app – evidently, shared data has improved functionality and user convenience.

Trend To Prepare For


Open API Build on Functionality

What’s the trend?

We are seeing brands achieve competitive advantage over their rivals by opening their data and functionality APIs up to the developer community. This digital trend counters the traditional closed R&D approach taken by offline brands for the last 100 years.

Buying on mobile will be better than on a PC


Trend To Prepare For


3. Buying on mobile will be better than on a PC

What’s the trend?

NFC mobile payments are finally here on both Android and IOS. But the biggest m-commerce breakthrough might come with Apple Pay’s eventual incorporation into Safari on the iPhone. This would allow people to purchase items seen on screen with a single fingerprint, removing the hassle of entering credit card numbers and customer details.

Where are we seeing it ?

Mobile device conversion rates for e-commerce have long lagged those on PCs with smartphone conversion rates often reported at a 1/3 of that of desktops. Conversion rates for smartphone on mobile optimised sites are 160% higher than on non-optimised equivalent. We expect to see UI and payment integration improvements coming in 2015 to further increase this differential.

Trend To Prepare For


User Interfaces will simplify as everything becomes connected


Trend To Prepare For


New devices, new UIs:Micro-interactions Glanceable UI

Hyper personalised moments that are easy to action with instant


Providing the minimal required information to elicit a

meaningful action

Trend To Prepare For


4. User Interfaces will simplify as everything becomes connected

What’s the trend?

As more things become connected to the Internet featuring a wide range of non-standard displays and interfaces (from smart watches to Oculus Rift glasses), brands will need to re-think how they present information and deliver services to users across these devices.

Where are we seeing it ?

Mobile design has already started moving in the direction of greater simplicity. Glanceable user interfaces such as bite-size cards lend themselves to smaller devices and take friction out of user interactions. Both Apple and Android are redesigning their operating systems around the concept of notifications – that will let users fully engage with their surroundings without the need to open an app.

Trend To Prepare For


In-store digital experiences will revolutionise commerce


Trend To Prepare For


5. In-store digital experiences will revolutionise commerce

What’s the trend?

With previously online-only brands such as Amazon, E-Bay and FourSquare starting to expand their offering into brick and mortar high street locations, the in-store retail experience will become increasingly driven by technology in 2015.

Where are we seeing it ?

Mirrors that double as massive touch screens can assimilate personal data and suggest complementary "looks" and accessories to the clothing you try on in front of them. Stores will recognise users of the brand’s mobile app as they enter, allowing staff to offer a more tailored service. As omni-channel retailing enters the mainstream, it will set the standard for more traditional high street brands who are playing catch-up on building their e-commerce offerings.

Trend To Prepare For


Sensors will drive super-smart, proactive products6

Trend To Start Thinking


The Wireless World Research organisation

predicts 7 trillion sensors by 2017.

Types of sensors that have been used in


at least 14

Trend To Start Thinking


6. Sensors will drive super-smart, proactive products

What’s the trend?

Gartner predicts that by 2017, smartphone sensors will reduce the costs of diabetic care by 10%, while by 2020, wireless health monitoring technology is expected to increase life expectancy in the developed world by six months. Beyond this, we are already seeing non-health related brands innovate within this space. Microsoft’s Septimu will use heart rate, temperature, and other biorhythm sensors to work in conjunction with a pair of earbuds. The associated mobile app called Musical Heart will select the most appropriate music based on the user’s mood informed by the Septimu sensors. The Chinese search-engine Baidu is launching “smart chopsticks” that can detect oils containing contamination - an appealing prospect to a country beset with food safety scandals.

What’s the trend?

We can expect to find sensors in everything from smart watches to patches on our skin, gathering data on heart rate, sweat composition and body temperature in real time. In 2015, brands will add huge value by tapping into sensor-gathered data. These sensors will be used far beyond health and fitness brands to provide experiences that are personalised through sensors.

Trend To Start Thinking


Brands will still struggle to embrace digital 7

Trend To Start Thinking


7. Brands will still struggle to embrace digital

What’s the trend?

Without more direct and deep involvement from the C-suite and a willingness to adopt experimental approaches to digital development, many companies will fail to adapt.

Where are we seeing it ?

In established companies, digital is too often a function, department or a specialty, and therefore removed from core business strategy. It’s rare that CFOs and CEOs are deeply involved in digital initiatives – in fact, Gartner has predicted that by 2016, 50% of digital transformation initiatives will be unmanageable due to internal skills gaps.

Trend To Start Thinking


- Hal Varian, Google

Companies will waste money assimilating big data8

Trend To Start Thinking


- Hal Varian, Google

By 2020 there will be 50 Billion things exchanging 40,000,000,000 terabytes of data

Will this greatly increase our ability to glean insights or will the data overwhelm us?

Trend To Start Thinking


8. Companies will waste money assimilating big data

Where are we seeing it ?

As Nate Silver (author of The Signal and The Noise) puts it, “with very large data sets you start seeing more spurious correlations, more false positives, and erroneous answers. If the quantity of information is increasing by 2.5 quintillion bytes per day, the amount of useful information almost certainly isn’t.” Along the same lines, machine learning guru Michael Joran has predicted an epidemic of false positives coming out of big-data projects. In 2014 alone, big data accounted for nearly $30 billion of investment – it’s likely to cost companies even more in 2015 with many businesses struggling to achieve real value from the investment. What’s the trend?

In 2015, it’s possible we’ll see disappointing results from big data initiatives, as companies use the technology in the search for new insights, but without the right expectations or scientific approach.

Trend To Start Thinking


Consumers are recognising their ‘data value’


Trend To Start Thinking


9. Consumers are recognising their ‘data value’

Where are we seeing it ?

In a recent Beyond study for HP, we found that only 18% of people say they feel comfortable sharing data with companies in return for a personalised experience. However, when given insight into how they can improve their own lives – such as with popular fitness trackers like FitBit - people are more than happy to supply personal data. There are now hundreds of self-tracking apps available, many with millions of users - such as Check (10 million users; personal finance tracking) and Azumio (7 million users; health tracking). This shows there is huge appetite to share even sensitive personal data as long as there is a clear value exchange - but with that comes an equally huge responsibility to not breach trust.

What’s the trend?

Consumers have accepted the adage that “if you don’t pay for a product, you are a product”, adopting free services like Facebook in their droves. Nonetheless, new networks like Whisper and Ello promise not to track users and their success shows that consumers are increasingly wary of their personal data being misused. Companies need to promote greater transparency and give consumers more direct control of their data, or face more backlash.

Trend To Start Thinking


Your phone will become smarter than you


Trend To Start Thinking


4. Your phone will become smarter than you

What’s the trend?

Context is everything. And your mobile phone is becoming increasingly aware of context, sensing and reacting to changes in its environment - from weather, to traffic, to the time of day. Companies are increasingly using contextual design to create smarter products that understand the full story around the user in order to bring them exactly what they need, when they need it, possibly before they even know they need it.

Where are we seeing it ?

Whether its an automatic notification that you’ll be late for a meeting because of traffic or a notification that you have run out of milk when you enter a supermarket, your digital devices will anticipate your needs before the needs are needed. The possibilities are endless.

Trend To Start Thinking


Customer data will help them make decisions


Trend To Start Thinking


Key forces driving this trend: • Machine learning

• Collaborative filtering

• Predictive analytics

• Quantified self

• On-demand and cheap(ish)

Trend To Start Thinking


11. Customer data will help them make decisions

Where are we seeing it ?

Amazon recommends products you should look at next, OKcupid pairs you with algorithmically compatible partners, and Google anticipates what you’re about to search for – so why can’t traditional, brick and mortar brands start doing the same with their online experiences? By exposing analytics data intelligently, digital experiences will only become better, delivering increased value for both brand and customer. And with new simple, low-cost predictive APIs like BigML and Google Prediction API it’s easier than ever to start experimenting now. What’s the trend?

Algorithms - such as predictive analytics - have helped brands guess what you might buy, based on the traits you share with people like you. Over the past few years we’ve seen brands using this to target people with promotional offers based on their shopping patterns and preferences. But a few companies have pioneered the use of these algorithms to solve customer needs online by exposing user analytics to help with decision-making.

Trend To Start Thinking



Automated marketing isn't good enough


Trend To Start Thinking


12. Automated marketing isn't good enough

Targeting users repeatedly with the same ads - regardless of where the user is in the buying journey - shows how easy it is for automation to go wrong. In 2015, more brands will see the value of ensuring automation is designed and quality-controlled by humans, who can use expert insight and informed planning to ensure promotional messages fit into the greater overall customer experience. Otherwise, the benefits of automation could easily be outweighed by the damage done through annoying, inappropriate and irrelevant marketing.

Where are we seeing it ?

A recent study by RAPP and InSkin Media shows that over half of consumers are put off buying products or services if they see the same ad reappearing multiple times online.

What’s the trend?

In recent years, marketers have invested huge amounts in various forms of automated marketing – but as with all automation, there’s a danger of losing the human touch.

Trend To Start Thinking


Thanks for reading. This trend report was brought to you by the research and strategy team at Beyond as

part of our ongoing work to help create a world without friction. www.bynd.com