12 tips for creating the perfect copy for your company website.

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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This is a presentation about how to create the best content for a website. Packed with 12 fresh, relevant tips.

Transcript of 12 tips for creating the perfect copy for your company website.

  • 1. 12 tips for creating the perfect copy for your company website. By Splash Copywriters http://www.splashcopywriters.co.uk

2. 1. Listen to your customers before someone else does. What you have to say about your business isnt important what a prospective customer needs to hear is. 3. So be minimalistic with your words and choose them wisely. 4. 2. What makes you read stuff? When it comes to writing web copy, your best bet is to think about what gets you reading. 5. Which writing styles interest you? Work that out and then go from there. Pay attention to the good, effective things on the internet. 6. 3. Be efficient with your words. Its estimated that youve got just 7 seconds to make an impression online. So the purpose of each sentence is simple its to get the next one read. 7. 4. Stay on brand. Dont persevere with something just because youve written it. Make sure your taglines, headlines, copy and images all work together. 8. 5. Manage your peaks... not your troughs. That means stay on top of your website and take note of whats effective and whats working well for your business. 9. 6. Less is more. The digital generation prefer more white space. And thats helpful, because it makes your words potentially more powerful. 10. So avoid dissemination. Be clear about what each web page is supposed to achieve and keep as much space as possible. 11. 7. Punctuation rules. Most people underestimate punctuation, but the best brands use it to manipulate the way we read and feel about their messages.Understand why punctuation exists and what it can do. 12. 8. Write with design in mind. Theres no point coming up with the best marketing tagline in the world if it doesnt fit nicely around an image. 13. Its like laughing at your own joke youre going to butcher the delivery. Take a step back, look at your website and get an overview of all the content to see if it works together. 14. 9. Use emotion in your words. Because, frankly, emotion sells. People always remember the way a business makes them feel, so bear that in mind when youre presenting your business. 15. 10. Be search-friendly. Theres no point having an all-singing, alldancing website if no one ever finds it. Create metadata for your content, optimise your website and work on establishing backlinks. 16. 11. Use natural language. Use everyday language to talk about your business. It works, so why complicate things with unnecessary jargon? 17. 12. Have good headlines. Break up your text and your pages with effective headlines. Lead with a benefit, a teaser or some sort of interesting story.Remember: a bad headline wont bring you visitors in the first place. 18. Splash Copywriters are experienced, creative copywriters who have written for some of the UKs biggest brands. 19. We know how to write words that work, so if you think we can help you in any way, get in touch. 20. Call Matt on 07812 581 297 or take a look at our website: www.splashcopywriters.co.uk