12 TH June, 2011 Pentecost Sunday 163 :202 GREETINGS: Glory be to God in the Highest HOPE and GRACE...

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Transcript of 12 TH June, 2011 Pentecost Sunday 163 :202 GREETINGS: Glory be to God in the Highest HOPE and GRACE...

1212THTH June, 2011 June, 2011Pentecost SundayPentecost Sunday

163 :202163 :202

GREETINGS:• Glory be to God in the Highest • HOPE and GRACE BANDS• All our Visitors

Topic : Prophecy

11stst Lesson: Lesson: Numbers 11:24-30Numbers 11:24-30

22ndnd Lesson: Lesson: Acts. 2:1-21Acts. 2:1-21(Matthew 20:28)(Matthew 20:28)





Introduction: Introduction:

The connection between Hope and The connection between Hope and Grace bands which leads to Grace bands which leads to Pentecost.Pentecost.

BONDAGE : BONDAGE : Hope =confident, Hope =confident,


Genuine hope is not Genuine hope is not wishful thinking but a wishful thinking but a firm assurance about firm assurance about things that are things that are unseen and still in the unseen and still in the future (Rom. 8: 24-25; future (Rom. 8: 24-25; Heb. 11: 1,7). Heb. 11: 1,7).

Psalm 39:7 Hope is the band that is prophesying to us that we should hold on Isaiah 40:31

FREEDOM FROM EGYPTFREEDOM FROM EGYPTIn the Old Testament, theIn the Old Testament, the

supreme example of gracesupreme example of grace

was the redemptionwas the redemption of theof the

Hebrew people Hebrew people from Egyptfrom Egypt

and their establishment inand their establishment in

the Promisedthe Promised Land. This didLand. This did

not happen because of anynot happen because of any

merit of Israel's part, butmerit of Israel's part, but

inspite of theirinspite of their

unrighteousness (Deut 7:7-unrighteousness (Deut 7:7-8,9:5-- 6). 8,9:5-- 6).

It is by Gods grace they left Egypt

Grace Band is the band that is tell you that unmerited favour of God shall be yoursGrace Band is the band that is tell you that unmerited favour of God shall be yours

Jesus Christ brought Gods’ grace to Jesus Christ brought Gods’ grace to humankind for salvation (Titus 2:11), humankind for salvation (Titus 2:11), By His death and resurrection, By His death and resurrection,

The only way to salvation for any The only way to salvation for any person is "through the grace of the person is "through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ .(Act 15: 11).Lord Jesus Christ .(Act 15: 11).

PENTECOST: PENTECOST: Exodus 23:14-17Exodus 23:14-17 613 LAWS613 LAWS This This is second of the three annual is second of the three annual

pilgrim festivals that God commanded pilgrim festivals that God commanded the Israelites to observed.the Israelites to observed.

(along with Passover and tabernacles) (along with Passover and tabernacles) when every male was required to when every male was required to proceed on foot to the Temple in proceed on foot to the Temple in Jerusalem. . Jerusalem. .

It is the Festival of New Fruits, It is the Festival of New Fruits,

It is also called the Feast of Weeks, It is also called the Feast of Weeks,

(Lev 23:15-20). The festival is then (Lev 23:15-20). The festival is then held on the 50th day from Passover held on the 50th day from Passover i.e. Pentecost. i.e. Pentecost.

K & S Wa eyin olope wa

Pentecost was associated with the revelation Pentecost was associated with the revelation on Sinai, becoming known as "The Season of on Sinai, becoming known as "The Season of the giving of our Torah" (Zman Matan the giving of our Torah" (Zman Matan Toratenu) Toratenu)

Israel became a Israel became a

Spiritual nationSpiritual nation


PENTECOSTPENTECOSTThe Birth of the ChurchThe Birth of the Church

Christian tradition Christian tradition regarded Pentecost as of regarded Pentecost as of special significance in special significance in view of the events related view of the events related in Acts chapter 2, which in Acts chapter 2, which tells of the very beginning tells of the very beginning of the Church. On that of the Church. On that day, the risen Lord sent day, the risen Lord sent the Spirit in accordance the Spirit in accordance with the prophecy of Joel with the prophecy of Joel (Acts 2:16-21)(Acts 2:16-21)

Acts 1:8Acts 1:8

INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION Prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit.

It does not belong to people. It does not belong to people.

The Holy Spirit gives gifts to people at The Holy Spirit gives gifts to people at His own discretion. His own discretion.

Anyone can be used in the gift of Anyone can be used in the gift of prophecy provided he/she is a born-prophecy provided he/she is a born-again believer, filled with the Holy Spirit again believer, filled with the Holy Spirit and open to moving in the supernatural.and open to moving in the supernatural.




Meaning of ProphecyMeaning of Prophecy

Prophecy, simply defined, is speaking forth the revealed Word of God, whether the message pertains to the present or to the future. It is ‘‘the revelation of the will of God by a man or woman who is God’s chosen spokesman. That man or woman stands first before God to discern His will, and then stands before men to declare that divine will.

Moses gave the test of a true Moses gave the test of a true prophet prophet

(Deuteronomy 18:20-22). (Deuteronomy 18:20-22).

Prophecy is expressed in Prophecy is expressed in different ways in the Scripturedifferent ways in the Scripture

Firstly, theFirstly, the Spirit of Prophecy Spirit of Prophecy which which occurs when there is heavy Anointing occurs when there is heavy Anointing in a meeting result in anyone present in a meeting result in anyone present being able to prophesy freely, most being able to prophesy freely, most especially when prophets were around. especially when prophets were around.

1 Sam 19:20-24 1 Sam 19:20-24 recorded that Saul recorded that Saul who had no prior spiritual record or who had no prior spiritual record or manifestation, prophesied in the manifestation, prophesied in the presence of others who were Prophets. presence of others who were Prophets.

Also the book of Also the book of Revelation chapter 19:10 Revelation chapter 19:10 tells us that tells us that the testimony of Jesus is the the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy'Spirit of Prophecy'

The second expression The second expression about Prophecy is about Prophecy is the Gift of Prophecythe Gift of Prophecy; This is a gifting of God ; This is a gifting of God to allow many to move in Prophetic Ministry. to allow many to move in Prophetic Ministry. One of the Nine Gifts or Manifestations of One of the Nine Gifts or Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the Believers. This is a the Holy Spirit in the Believers. This is a release of the Spirit coming regularly to release of the Spirit coming regularly to people and allows them to bring people and allows them to bring encouragement and blessing to other encouragement and blessing to other members of the Body of Christ. 1 Cor 14:31. members of the Body of Christ. 1 Cor 14:31.

The main purpose of this gift is:

ESC OR EECa. Encouragement: This is the most important ministry in the Church and all need it. Prophetic Word can come and cause us to regain confidence in God and His Plan for our lives at crucial times. When used properly. The Gift of Prophecy can lift the atmosphere of a whole church and bring release and freedom.

b. Strengthening: At time of personal or corporate weakness the Gift of Prophecy brings a word that can strengthen the individual or the congregation Revelation 10:19 says “they are strengthened by the sense of the presence of Jesus.

c. Comfort can come at the right moment through the Gift of Prophecy to meet a specific need even though it may come in the form of simple words which we think are not consequential. The book of Isaiah 40:1 says 'comfort ye my people‘

It helps them to place people in their It helps them to place people in their right place and ministry in the Church.right place and ministry in the Church. Ezek 37:4Ezek 37:4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy Then he said to me, “Prophesy

to these bones and say to them, Dry to these bones and say to them, Dry bones, hear the word of thebones, hear the word of the……..……..

   It is most important that we find our place It is most important that we find our place

in the Body of Christ in order to function in the Body of Christ in order to function welt and be most fruitful welt and be most fruitful Eph 4:16Eph 4:16

Ezekiel spoke of prophesying to the bones Ezekiel spoke of prophesying to the bones which are a picture of the parts of the which are a picture of the parts of the Body of Christ and they found their right Body of Christ and they found their right place as he prophesiedplace as he prophesied

It It helps to build Faith in the helps to build Faith in the hearts of the peoplehearts of the people

2 Chron 20:202 Chron 20:20 Early in the morning they left for Early in the morning they left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out, Jehoshaphat the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Listen to me, Judah and people stood and said, “Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the LORD your God of Jerusalem! Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.(from New and you will be successful.(from New International Version)International Version)

Prophecy can provide Prophecy can provide evangelistic breakthroughsevangelistic breakthroughs

The scenario in 1 Corinthians 14:24—25 is The scenario in 1 Corinthians 14:24—25 is something to which every church should aspire: something to which every church should aspire: ‘‘But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or a ‘‘But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or a ungifted man enters, he is convicted by all, he is ungifted man enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all; the secrets of this heart called to account by all; the secrets of this heart are disclosed; and so he will fall on his face and are disclosed; and so he will fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you.”among you.”

Imagine a nonbeliever walking into a meeting Imagine a nonbeliever walking into a meeting where there are several prophetic utterances in where there are several prophetic utterances in turn. The result of prophecy can be dynamic and turn. The result of prophecy can be dynamic and dramatic. Prophecy is revelatory. By inspiration, dramatic. Prophecy is revelatory. By inspiration, God can reveal all things, even innermost secrets.God can reveal all things, even innermost secrets.


Scripture encourages us to "examine Scripture encourages us to "examine everything carefully" (1 Thessalonianseverything carefully" (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). 5:20-21).

This can be quite an exhaustive process, This can be quite an exhaustive process, as there are a lotas there are a lot of things to consider.of things to consider.

This checking is for the sake and for the This checking is for the sake and for the welfare of the church.welfare of the church.

The main criteria we will examine The main criteria we will examine together are the following:together are the following:

What is the biblical pattern?What is the biblical pattern? Does it edify, exhort and comfort?Does it edify, exhort and comfort? What is the spirit behind the prophecy?What is the spirit behind the prophecy? Does the prophecy conform to Scripture?Does the prophecy conform to Scripture? Does the prophecy glorify Jesus?Does the prophecy glorify Jesus? Is it manipulative or controlling? lf so, what Is it manipulative or controlling? lf so, what

are the signs of manipulation and control?are the signs of manipulation and control? How do we handle negative prophecy?How do we handle negative prophecy? How do we apply the tests?How do we apply the tests?


My vision for you is that you My vision for you is that you learn how learn how the power of God can move through you the power of God can move through you and make a difference in this world. and make a difference in this world. I I have seen God do many things in my have seen God do many things in my years as a Christian, He has been years as a Christian, He has been gracious enough to use me to gracious enough to use me to demonstrate His power in the most demonstrate His power in the most amazing ways and I know that it was amazing ways and I know that it was God moving through me and all I had to God moving through me and all I had to do was be obedient to what he was do was be obedient to what he was saying to do.saying to do.

The three Gifts in each category, as follows:The three Gifts in each category, as follows: GIFTS OF REVELATIONGIFTS OF REVELATION

Word of Knowledge, Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom and Word of Wisdom and Discerning of SpiritsDiscerning of Spirits


Gift of Tongues languages Gift of Tongues languages Gift of Interpretation of Tongues and Gift of Interpretation of Tongues and Gift of Prophecy.Gift of Prophecy.

GIFTS OF POWER/ABILITYGIFTS OF POWER/ABILITY Gift of Faith, Gift of Faith, Gifts of Healings and Gifts of Healings and The Working of Miracles.The Working of Miracles.