11.16-17.2015, PRESENTATION, The way forward for Oyu Tolgoi underground, Rio Tinto

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Transcript of 11.16-17.2015, PRESENTATION, The way forward for Oyu Tolgoi underground, Rio Tinto

The way forward for Oyu Tolgoi UndergroundNovember 2015

©2015, Rio Tinto, All Rights Reserved©2015, Rio Tinto, All Rights Reserved

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This presentation has been prepared by Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited (“Rio Tinto”). By accessing/attending this presentation you acknowledge that you have read and understood the following statement. In this presentation all figures are US dollars unless stated otherwise.

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This document contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of the Rio Tinto Group. These statements are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933, and Section 21E of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The words “intend”, “aim”, “project”, “anticipate”, “estimate”, “plan”, “believes”, “expects”, “may”, “should”, “wil l”, “target”, “set to” or similar expressions, commonly identify such forward-looking statements.

Examples of forward-looking statements include those regarding estimated ore reserves, anticipated production or construction dates, costs, outputs and productive lives of assets or similar factors. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors set forth in this presentation.

For example, future ore reserves will be based in part on market prices that may vary significantly from current levels. These may materially affect the timing and feasibility of particular developments. Other factors include the abil ity to produce and transport products profitably, demand for our products, changes to the assumptions regarding the recoverable value of our tangible and intangible assets, the effect of foreign currency exchange rates on market prices and operating costs, and activities by governmental authorities, such as changes in taxation or regulation, and political uncertainty.

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©2015, Rio Tinto, All Rights Reserved

Copper fundamentals remain strong - OT well positioned

• Market anticipates deficit between now and the end of the decade

• Once underground mine is up and running, Oyu Tolgoi will be one of the world’s most significant copper producers, with very competitive costs

©2015, Rio Tinto, All Rights Reserved

Oyu Tolgoi is a world-class Mongolian company …

Approximately US$5 billion spend in Mongolia from 2010 through Q2’15

Over 560,000 tonnes of concentrate produced in 2014, and aiming higher in 2015

Reached 1 million tonnes shipped milestone in February, 2015 –just over two years into operation

Over US$248mn in taxes, fees and other payments in 2014; ~US$155mn in H1 2015 alone

Employing a 95% Mongolian workforce, focused on training and capacity building

Safety alwayscomes first – OyuTolgoi is one of the best safety performers across Rio Tinto

©2015, Rio Tinto, All Rights Reserved

� Top 10 copper deposit by contained reserves and resource1

� Low-cost copper producer well positioned for long-term

� Oyu Tolgoi expected to be third largest copper mine globally at full production

� One of the largest gold deposits by contained reserves and resources1

� Life of mine potentially extends to 2100+

� Large resource base provides optionality (long life and expansion)

� Resources located near China with further prospectivity

1. Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. Oyu Tolgoi 2014 Technical Report. October 2014. Available on SEDAR

With significant development and expansion opportunities

Open pit, Hugo North (L1 & L2), Hugo South and Heruga

Concentrator complex

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Underground: The Road Ahead

• The Underground Development Plan signed in May 2015 provides a clear way forward for development of underground mine, unlocking value – over 80% of Oyu Tolgoi’s value lies underground

• A significant amount will be spent in country – estimated at ~US$9 billion –including domestic operating cost expenditure, domestic capital cost expenditure, and direct payment to GoM over 5-7 years

• Significant capacity building and technical development in Mongolia – OyuTolgoi will be one of the largest block cave mine developments in the world

©2015, Rio Tinto, All Rights Reserved

Underground Development Plan

• The UDP concludes outstanding shareholder matters:

• Reaffirms commitment to the Investment Agreement and Shareholder’s Agreement

• Clarifies sales royalty calculation

• Eliminates 2% net smelter royalty

• Resolves initial development costs

• The UDP provides a clear way forward for restarting underground development:

• Outlines a comprehensive funding plan – including a $4bn Project Finance investment in the underground mine

• Clear conditions precedent on underground restart:

• Feasibility study• Permits • Project Finance

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Underground Development: Great Opportunity

• Underground mine expected to produce up to three times higher quantities of metal vs. the open pit only

• 5 vertical shafts, totalling 6km of vertical development, and a decline with conveyor to surface

• ~200km of lateral development underground

• Over 2,200 draw points on the Lift 1

• Underground panel cave production is designed to reach 95 kt/d at steady state1

• Material handling systems– all to be built 1.3km underground

1 Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. Oyu Tolgoi 2014 Technical Report. October 2014. Available on SEDAR

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Underground Development: Focus on Safety

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We are already on the way

Project Finance


Feasibility study update

OT interim feasibility study has been updated to align UDP and is approved by GoM

Discussions are ongoing, expected to close by late 2015

Preparatory activities well underway in preparation for restart

Work ongoing to secure all necessary permits for restart of development

©2015, Rio Tinto, All Rights Reserved

Rio Tinto is committed to Mongolia

• Oyu Tolgoi is one of the most important new copper developments in the world

• The benefits will be shared by generations of Mongolians for years to come

• Rio Tinto is a committed partner: with technical expertise and operating experience

• To quote Oyu Tolgoi’s mission, we will together deliver a safe and globally competitive copper business that contributes to the prosperity of Mongolia

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Thank you

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Medium-term timeline