11 26 30 32 - scomiengineering.comscomiengineering.com/media/Newsletter/Focus21.pdf · SAP system...

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Transcript of 11 26 30 32 - scomiengineering.comscomiengineering.com/media/Newsletter/Focus21.pdf · SAP system...

V O I C E S F R O M T H E P I L L A R SK d n n o : P P 1 3 9 5 7 / 0 2 / 2 0 0 9 ( 0 2 0 9 5 0 )




In Focus... Malaysia

Printed on 50% recycled, 100gsm satin cream paper

Strict on Safety32

Sustaining Momentum@ Gem 2008

A Trip to the Ancient Civilization of Egypt



New Line of Drilling Fluids on Display at MIOGE 2008


Mud Plant Opening for Scomi Oiltools Aberdeen


SUTRA the Star Attractionat Rail Solutions Asia 2008





Editorial TeamEDITORfocus.editor@scomigroup.com.my


SCOMI ENGINEERING CO-ORDINATORSbalkish.hood@my.scomiengineering.comrozina.ali@my.scomiengineering.com

SCOMI OILTOOLS CO-ORDINATORS meena@my.scomioiltools.commark.ng@my.scomioiltools.com


Canada - Chris WoodsSouth America -Cisco Gutierrez / Raul Bozzi

United Kingdom - Mary Johnstone

Norway - Lene Engelsgjerd

Russia - Maria Sannikova

Asia – Oil�eld Services - Tai Lee Joon / Nora Azura

Asia – Energy & Logistics Engineering - Evelyn Koh

Singapore - Jane Jung

China - John Forster

Africa - Mike Walker

Middle East, North Africa & Turkmenistan - Jennifer D’souza

CEO'S NOTE Message from the CEO

PROJECT BEST Wave 1 SAP System Go-Live

IN FOCUS... Ground Breaking of Scomi’s New Technology & Manufacturing Centre

CORPORATE UPDATE Scomi Goes Online for Marketing SUTRA the Star Attraction at Rail Solutions Asia 2008 Scomi Rail, Coach & Special Purpose Vehicles get ISO 9001:2000 Certi�ed India’s Railway Minister Rides on the KL Monorail A Trip to the Ancient Civilization of Egypt All Things Venezuelan Sustaining Momentum @ Gem 2008 Scomi Does its Bit at The Edge Bursa Rat Race 2008 Scomi MyKids Holiday Camp 2008 Gembakaizen

AMERICAS NORTH AMERICA Out With The Old...In With The New Congratulations Tina Geary North Texas Employees Band Together for One of Our Own

SOUTH AMERICA 5 Years and Going Strong Winners of Best Security Observation Card Employee of the Quarter Training Course on the Basics of Solids Control Labour Day Celebrations...the Venezuelan Way Fighting Fire the Right Way

EUROPE UNITED KINGDOM Congratulations on Your Big 10! Congratulations Matin Momeni Mud Plant Opening for Scomi Oiltools Aberdeen

NORWAY Stavanger: The European Capital of Culture

RUSSIA New Line of Drilling Fluids on Display at MIOGE 2008

ASIA BRUNEI Strict on Safety

LABUAN SUN, SEA & SAND with Our Labuan Family

MALAYSIA Journey to the Other Side of the Earth 13th Consecutive Year for Scomi! Australia Matthew Carter - Potential Realised INFOTAINMENT Qatar - The Heart of Arabia

SCOMI SOCIETY Hatches and Matches

POWER PUZZLES Quizzes 51 & 52


04 - 05

06 - 07

08 - 19

21 - 22

23 - 26

27 - 29





34 - 35


36 - 37



Business UnusualLately, we have been bombarded by bad news, ranging from the turmoil in

�nancial markets caused by the uncertainties over the bail-out packages and devastation of prestigious �nancial institutions. All this leading to predictions of

an eventual economic meltdown a�ecting the whole world.

Wall Street’s �nancial upheaval de�nitely has had and will have far-reaching and long-lasting consequences. These rami�cations include a severe liquidity

and credit crunch that will make it more di�cult for businesses to raise funding, as well as the loss of thousands of jobs, which in turn will a�ect

overall economic growth and prosperity as consumers cut back on spending.

Although the global business environment is currently worrying, we can glean key lessons from the chaos. Notably, prudent risk management is now

�rmly back on the radar of businesses and regulators. The crisis is forcing businesses to take a fresh look at risk management and the implementation

and enforcement of e�ective risk management processes. However, systems are only as good as the people manning them. As the global challenges of doing business increase, we at Scomi too must strive to

inculcate a culture of responsible and ethical behavior in anticipating and responding to risks if we are to be a sustainable enterprise that looks after

the welfare of our people.

Apart from that, we also need to work together to pay close attention to cost control. Global business today is facing an in�ationary environment,

where the costs of materials and supplies are at all-time highs. Scomi is not exempted from this. Therefore, it is imperative that all of us - both

management and sta� alike - innovate ideas to counter rising costs and try to do more with less. In other words, we need to run a tighter

organisation and optimise our resources if we are to meet our operational and �nancial goals.

In this era of business unusual, everybody at Scomi is going to have to think and act out of the box to

ensure that our processes and businesses run like clockwork. Importantly, we have to move in concert

in order to overcome the challenges that face us. I have faith that each of us can deliver results by

working synergistically in teams; while the company continues to invest substantially to upgrade the

caliber of our people and the processes.

Together, we can be resilient. Together, we can create a more robust Scomi that will weather these

challenges to emerge as a stronger and better enterprise.


Group CEO

CEO’s Note p03





Editorial TeamEDITORfocus.editor@scomigroup.com.my


SCOMI ENGINEERING CO-ORDINATORSbalkish.hood@my.scomiengineering.comrozina.ali@my.scomiengineering.com

SCOMI OILTOOLS CO-ORDINATORS meena@my.scomioiltools.commark.ng@my.scomioiltools.com


Canada - Chris WoodsSouth America -Cisco Gutierrez / Raul Bozzi

United Kingdom - Mary Johnstone

Norway - Lene Engelsgjerd

Russia - Maria Sannikova

Asia – Oil�eld Services - Tai Lee Joon / Nora Azura

Asia – Energy & Logistics Engineering - Evelyn Koh

Singapore - Jane Jung

China - John Forster

Africa - Mike Walker

Middle East, North Africa & Turkmenistan - Jennifer D’souza

CEO'S NOTE Message from the CEO

PROJECT BEST Wave 1 SAP System Go-Live

IN FOCUS... Ground Breaking of Scomi’s New Technology & Manufacturing Centre

CORPORATE UPDATE Scomi Goes Online for Marketing SUTRA the Star Attraction at Rail Solutions Asia 2008 Scomi Rail, Coach & Special Purpose Vehicles get ISO 9001:2000 Certi�ed India’s Railway Minister Rides on the KL Monorail A Trip to the Ancient Civilization of Egypt All Things Venezuelan Sustaining Momentum @ Gem 2008 Scomi Does its Bit at The Edge Bursa Rat Race 2008 Scomi MyKids Holiday Camp 2008 Gembakaizen

AMERICAS NORTH AMERICA Out With The Old...In With The New Congratulations Tina Geary North Texas Employees Band Together for One of Our Own

SOUTH AMERICA 5 Years and Going Strong Winners of Best Security Observation Card Employee of the Quarter Training Course on the Basics of Solids Control Labour Day Celebrations...the Venezuelan Way Fighting Fire the Right Way

EUROPE UNITED KINGDOM Congratulations on Your Big 10! Congratulations Matin Momeni Mud Plant Opening for Scomi Oiltools Aberdeen

NORWAY Stavanger: The European Capital of Culture

RUSSIA New Line of Drilling Fluids on Display at MIOGE 2008

ASIA BRUNEI Strict on Safety

LABUAN SUN, SEA & SAND with Our Labuan Family

MALAYSIA Journey to the Other Side of the Earth 13th Consecutive Year for Scomi! Australia Matthew Carter - Potential Realised INFOTAINMENT Qatar - The Heart of Arabia

SCOMI SOCIETY Hatches and Matches

POWER PUZZLES Quizzes 51 & 52


04 - 05

06 - 07

08 - 19

21 - 22

23 - 26

27 - 29





34 - 35


36 - 37



Business UnusualLately, we have been bombarded by bad news, ranging from the turmoil in

�nancial markets caused by the uncertainties over the bail-out packages and devastation of prestigious �nancial institutions. All this leading to predictions of

an eventual economic meltdown a�ecting the whole world.

Wall Street’s �nancial upheaval de�nitely has had and will have far-reaching and long-lasting consequences. These rami�cations include a severe liquidity

and credit crunch that will make it more di�cult for businesses to raise funding, as well as the loss of thousands of jobs, which in turn will a�ect

overall economic growth and prosperity as consumers cut back on spending.

Although the global business environment is currently worrying, we can glean key lessons from the chaos. Notably, prudent risk management is now

�rmly back on the radar of businesses and regulators. The crisis is forcing businesses to take a fresh look at risk management and the implementation

and enforcement of e�ective risk management processes. However, systems are only as good as the people manning them. As the global challenges of doing business increase, we at Scomi too must strive to

inculcate a culture of responsible and ethical behavior in anticipating and responding to risks if we are to be a sustainable enterprise that looks after

the welfare of our people.

Apart from that, we also need to work together to pay close attention to cost control. Global business today is facing an in�ationary environment,

where the costs of materials and supplies are at all-time highs. Scomi is not exempted from this. Therefore, it is imperative that all of us - both

management and sta� alike - innovate ideas to counter rising costs and try to do more with less. In other words, we need to run a tighter

organisation and optimise our resources if we are to meet our operational and �nancial goals.

In this era of business unusual, everybody at Scomi is going to have to think and act out of the box to

ensure that our processes and businesses run like clockwork. Importantly, we have to move in concert

in order to overcome the challenges that face us. I have faith that each of us can deliver results by

working synergistically in teams; while the company continues to invest substantially to upgrade the

caliber of our people and the processes.

Together, we can be resilient. Together, we can create a more robust Scomi that will weather these

challenges to emerge as a stronger and better enterprise.


Group CEO

CEO’s Note p03

Project BEST




Tp04 p05

Project BEST :Wave 1 SAP System Go-Live

Wave 2 SAP System Implementation

Conference Room Pilot (CRP)

System Testing

SAP Role Mapping

Data Conversion

System Training

System Cutover

System Go-Live

04 August 2008 was a momentous occasion for Wave 1 countries of Scomi. It was the launch of the SAP system covering Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Australia and Brunei. The launching ceremony was held at Wisma Chase Perdana, Kuala Lumpur. At the launching, Scomi’s Chief Performance O�cer, Mdm Loong and Group Chief Financial O�cer, Mr Syahrunizam reiterated the importance of using the SAP system. They also thanked the project team for their hard work in ensuring the successful implementation of the system.

After both speeches, Mr. Syahrunizam o�cially launched the system by logging into the SAP system with his user ID and password. Sta� were then presented with a slide show on the journey of the SAP implementation for Wave 1.

With the successful implementation of SAP in countries under Wave 1, the project team is now focused on the implementation of the SAP system in the countries under Wave 2. The Go-Live of SAP Wave 2 is 03 November 2008.

The following SAP modules will be implemented to replace the legacy systems

*Note: For Russia, only selected Legal entities


Wave 2 Implementation Locations

Successful SAP System Implementation on 4th August 2008

Wave 2 Implementation ActivitiesWave 2 SAP users will be engaging in similar activities as in Wave 1. Here’s a look at some of the activities:

Key ActivitiesWorkshops were conducted in Dubai and Aberdeen with selected business representatives to demonstrate system functionality and discuss system design

Business representatives will test the functionality of the SAP system based on the business requirements. All system testing is conducted in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

SAP system roles will be assigned to all end users of the system based on their daily job scope. The role mapping will determine end user access to the system and training that they will need to attend

Collection and consolidation of master and transaction data from legacy systems to be converted and uploaded into the new SAP system before Go-Live

Train-The-Trainer (TTT): Preparation of Super Users to conduct end user training End User Training (EUT): Preparation of end users to use the new SAP system before Go-Live

Key activities to transition the use of legacy systems over to the new SAP system

Launch of the new SAP system, replacing all legacy systems

Brief DescriptionJuly 2008

August to September 2008

August 2008

August to October 2008

September to October 2008

October 2008

03 November 2008

Time Period

Change ChampionsChange Agents

Wave 2 Change NetworkAbang Abdul AzizHanif Hamid (Dubai)Medhat Gindie (Egypt)Murray Cole (Saudi Arabia)Peter Mysko (Kuwait)John Mcdonald (UAE)Rozali Sidek (Turkmenistan)Sunil Sharma (India)Umar Iqbal (Pakistan)Simon Wait (Dubai)Egon De Vries (Oman)Ian Roebuck (Algeria)

MenatKen CarlssonDave Simpson (UK)Bernt Haave (Norway)Steve Zagdan (Russia)Zarof Abu Bakar (Aberdeen)

EuropeWe are pleased to announce the following Scomi sta� who are part of the Wave 2 Change Network. They play an important role disseminating project related information to all Scomi sta� at their respective locations and in driving the completion of key project activities on the ground to help ensure we achieve our desired objectives.

Contributed by : Nellie Trisdiana Hatta – Change Management & Organisational LearningCorporate Strategy & Development, Scomi Group, Kuala Lumpur

LOCATION • Algeria• Egypt• Kuwait• Iran• Qatar• Saud

MODULE Finance Supply Chain Management


MODULE Finance Supply Chain Management

LOCATION • Russia• Kazakhstan• Turkmenistan• Oman• Pakistan• India

MODULE Finance Supply Chain Management


MODULE Finance Supply Chain Management Human Resource


MODULE Finance Supply Chain Management Human Resource

Project BEST



ect B


p04 p05

Project BEST :Wave 1 SAP System Go-Live

Wave 2 SAP System Implementation

Conference Room Pilot (CRP)

System Testing

SAP Role Mapping

Data Conversion

System Training

System Cutover

System Go-Live

04 August 2008 was a momentous occasion for Wave 1 countries of Scomi. It was the launch of the SAP system covering Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Australia and Brunei. The launching ceremony was held at Wisma Chase Perdana, Kuala Lumpur. At the launching, Scomi’s Chief Performance O�cer, Mdm Loong and Group Chief Financial O�cer, Mr Syahrunizam reiterated the importance of using the SAP system. They also thanked the project team for their hard work in ensuring the successful implementation of the system.

After both speeches, Mr. Syahrunizam o�cially launched the system by logging into the SAP system with his user ID and password. Sta� were then presented with a slide show on the journey of the SAP implementation for Wave 1.

With the successful implementation of SAP in countries under Wave 1, the project team is now focused on the implementation of the SAP system in the countries under Wave 2. The Go-Live of SAP Wave 2 is 03 November 2008.

The following SAP modules will be implemented to replace the legacy systems

*Note: For Russia, only selected Legal entities


Wave 2 Implementation Locations

Successful SAP System Implementation on 4th August 2008

Wave 2 Implementation ActivitiesWave 2 SAP users will be engaging in similar activities as in Wave 1. Here’s a look at some of the activities:

Key ActivitiesWorkshops were conducted in Dubai and Aberdeen with selected business representatives to demonstrate system functionality and discuss system design

Business representatives will test the functionality of the SAP system based on the business requirements. All system testing is conducted in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

SAP system roles will be assigned to all end users of the system based on their daily job scope. The role mapping will determine end user access to the system and training that they will need to attend

Collection and consolidation of master and transaction data from legacy systems to be converted and uploaded into the new SAP system before Go-Live

Train-The-Trainer (TTT): Preparation of Super Users to conduct end user training End User Training (EUT): Preparation of end users to use the new SAP system before Go-Live

Key activities to transition the use of legacy systems over to the new SAP system

Launch of the new SAP system, replacing all legacy systems

Brief DescriptionJuly 2008

August to September 2008

August 2008

August to October 2008

September to October 2008

October 2008

03 November 2008

Time Period

Change ChampionsChange Agents

Wave 2 Change NetworkAbang Abdul AzizHanif Hamid (Dubai)Medhat Gindie (Egypt)Murray Cole (Saudi Arabia)Peter Mysko (Kuwait)John Mcdonald (UAE)Rozali Sidek (Turkmenistan)Sunil Sharma (India)Umar Iqbal (Pakistan)Simon Wait (Dubai)Egon De Vries (Oman)Ian Roebuck (Algeria)

MenatKen CarlssonDave Simpson (UK)Bernt Haave (Norway)Steve Zagdan (Russia)Zarof Abu Bakar (Aberdeen)

EuropeWe are pleased to announce the following Scomi sta� who are part of the Wave 2 Change Network. They play an important role disseminating project related information to all Scomi sta� at their respective locations and in driving the completion of key project activities on the ground to help ensure we achieve our desired objectives.

Contributed by : Nellie Trisdiana Hatta – Change Management & Organisational LearningCorporate Strategy & Development, Scomi Group, Kuala Lumpur

LOCATION • Algeria• Egypt• Kuwait• Iran• Qatar• Saud

MODULE Finance Supply Chain Management


MODULE Finance Supply Chain Management

LOCATION • Russia• Kazakhstan• Turkmenistan• Oman• Pakistan• India

MODULE Finance Supply Chain Management


MODULE Finance Supply Chain Management Human Resource


MODULE Finance Supply Chain Management Human Resource

Special thanks to the working committee that made it all possible

In Focus p0721

In F



Ground Breakingof Scomi’s New

Technology &Manufacturing


There was a buzz of activity at Scomi’s Rawang facility on the morning of 07 August 2008 as the �nal preparations were put into place for the

Ground Breaking Ceremony of Scomi’s new Technology & Manufacturing Centre (STMC).

Malaysia’s Minister of Transport, Datuk Ong Tee Keat and Tan Sri Datuk Asmat Kamaludin, Chairman of Scomi Group were present to

o�ciate the Ground Breaking Ceremony together with approximately 300 guests. It was an opportunity to share, with the

Honorable Minister, Scomi’s bus and special purpose vehicles manufacturing capabilities and Scomi’s SUTRA in Rawang as well as

Scomi’s new Trainspotting Blog (www.scomitrainspotting.com) where he penned down his comments.

Currently, Scomi’s facility in Rawang has a built up area of 125,000 sq ft which produces the SUTRA monorail, specially designed buses,

and special purpose vehicles such as aircraft refuelers and petroleum tanks. Upon completion by end of 2008, STMC will have a

built up area of 150,000 sq ft and will be �tted with high precision equipment complete with a 1-km test track. The new facility is

aimed to increase existing manufacturing capabilities by supporting infrastructure design, manufacturing and testing of all Rail products.

It will also house an R&D centre for all its logistics engineering development activities.

“STMC is specially designed to manufacture both monorail and the conventional steel wheel rail vehicles such as the EMU, locomotive and

rail wagon,” said Chairman of Scomi Group Bhd, YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Asmat Kamaludin. “It will also have an assembly line that is capable of producing a car body every 5 to 7 days in a single shift, while the EMU

assembly line can be doubled up as a secondary monorail line for future expansion”, added YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Asmat at the event.

Tan Sri Datuk Asmat also added that Scomi’s strategy of focusing on technology advancement and global expansion is moving ahead as

planned and its business successes internationally are testimonies to the Group’s expertise, technology and track record.

It was a proud day for the rail and manufacturing sta� in Rawang to see the buses and special purpose vehicles on display as well as the

mighty SUTRA. Even the heavy rain did not dampen the Scomi spirit that day.

Contributed by : Rozina Ali – Scomi Engineering, Kuala Lumpur

The Honorable Minister going on a SUTRA test ride accompanied by Hilmy Zaini and Dato’ Nordin Baharuddin

Rail engineer Thomas Prieth in the driver’s seat of our SUTRA

The arrival of the Malaysia’s Minister of Transport, Datuk Ong Tee Keat

Mark Staib, Head of Manufacturing giving the Honorable Minister a tour of Scomi’s bus manufacturing plant

After going on a test ride on the test track “Men at Work” in Scomi blue

Our lovely usherettes; Sharifah Nazmin and Roksana Abd Rashid

The ground breaking ceremony The buses manufactured at our Rawang facility are proudly displayed

Mike Dickinson, SVP of Scomi Rail greeting guests as they arrive

Datuk Ong Tee Keat logging on to our Trainspotting Blog

Hilmy Zaini, President of Scomi Engineering giving a brief explanation to Datuk Ong Tee Keat on the model of Scomi’s SUTRA

Special thanks to the working committee that made it all possible

In Focus p0721

In F



Ground Breakingof Scomi’s New

Technology &Manufacturing


There was a buzz of activity at Scomi’s Rawang facility on the morning of 07 August 2008 as the �nal preparations were put into place for the

Ground Breaking Ceremony of Scomi’s new Technology & Manufacturing Centre (STMC).

Malaysia’s Minister of Transport, Datuk Ong Tee Keat and Tan Sri Datuk Asmat Kamaludin, Chairman of Scomi Group were present to

o�ciate the Ground Breaking Ceremony together with approximately 300 guests. It was an opportunity to share, with the

Honorable Minister, Scomi’s bus and special purpose vehicles manufacturing capabilities and Scomi’s SUTRA in Rawang as well as

Scomi’s new Trainspotting Blog (www.scomitrainspotting.com) where he penned down his comments.

Currently, Scomi’s facility in Rawang has a built up area of 125,000 sq ft which produces the SUTRA monorail, specially designed buses,

and special purpose vehicles such as aircraft refuelers and petroleum tanks. Upon completion by end of 2008, STMC will have a

built up area of 150,000 sq ft and will be �tted with high precision equipment complete with a 1-km test track. The new facility is

aimed to increase existing manufacturing capabilities by supporting infrastructure design, manufacturing and testing of all Rail products.

It will also house an R&D centre for all its logistics engineering development activities.

“STMC is specially designed to manufacture both monorail and the conventional steel wheel rail vehicles such as the EMU, locomotive and

rail wagon,” said Chairman of Scomi Group Bhd, YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Asmat Kamaludin. “It will also have an assembly line that is capable of producing a car body every 5 to 7 days in a single shift, while the EMU

assembly line can be doubled up as a secondary monorail line for future expansion”, added YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Asmat at the event.

Tan Sri Datuk Asmat also added that Scomi’s strategy of focusing on technology advancement and global expansion is moving ahead as

planned and its business successes internationally are testimonies to the Group’s expertise, technology and track record.

It was a proud day for the rail and manufacturing sta� in Rawang to see the buses and special purpose vehicles on display as well as the

mighty SUTRA. Even the heavy rain did not dampen the Scomi spirit that day.

Contributed by : Rozina Ali – Scomi Engineering, Kuala Lumpur

The Honorable Minister going on a SUTRA test ride accompanied by Hilmy Zaini and Dato’ Nordin Baharuddin

Rail engineer Thomas Prieth in the driver’s seat of our SUTRA

The arrival of the Malaysia’s Minister of Transport, Datuk Ong Tee Keat

Mark Staib, Head of Manufacturing giving the Honorable Minister a tour of Scomi’s bus manufacturing plant

After going on a test ride on the test track “Men at Work” in Scomi blue

Our lovely usherettes; Sharifah Nazmin and Roksana Abd Rashid

The ground breaking ceremony The buses manufactured at our Rawang facility are proudly displayed

Mike Dickinson, SVP of Scomi Rail greeting guests as they arrive

Datuk Ong Tee Keat logging on to our Trainspotting Blog

Hilmy Zaini, President of Scomi Engineering giving a brief explanation to Datuk Ong Tee Keat on the model of Scomi’s SUTRA

Corporate Update







SUTRA theStar Attractionat Rail SolutionsAsia 2008

Scomi’s Monorail booth

Wan Azmi Yuso� welcoming guests to our boothHilmy Zaini Zainal, Mike Dickinson & Johnny Boulianne at the Media Brie�ng at the Conference

Rene Rosales, Ruth Yap and Syed Hussain testing SUTRA’s handrails

Scomi Rail participated in the Rail Solutions Asia Exhibition and Conference 2008, which was held in Kuala Lumpur from 11 to 13 June. Rail Solutions Asia is a major exhibition attracting the world’s top railway suppliers covering all aspects of railway activities. This year,

an estimated 15 major railway operators including Siemens and Bombardier exhibited their products and technology. A total of 1,000 participants and 150 delegates attended the exhibition and conference.

Scomi Rail was undoubledly the star. We marked our presence with our specially designed booth, a replica of a monorail complete with seats, window view of Kuala Lumpur’s skyline and even an actual handrail from our very own SUTRA - providing our visitors a

‘real life’ experience of travelling on a Monorail in Kuala Lumpur. At the conference, Scomi Rail’s Head of Engineering & Design, Johnny Boulianne gave a spectacular presentation titled “The Revolution of Urban Transit” that made Scomi’s SUTRA the hot topic of the day.

Contributed by : Rozina Ali – Scomi Engineering, Kuala Lumpur

Group CEO, Mr Shah Hakim Zain with our VIP visitor Malaysia’s Director General of Railway

Scomi Goes Online for MarketingAt GEM 2008 in July, Group CEO Mr Shah Hakim launched Scomi’s Blog. This blog, “Trainspotting”, is piloted by Scomi Rail focusing on Urban Transportation. It is essentially a technology blog to have an open forum for discussion on the development and issues of the public transportation industry. Trainspotting is to encourage a balanced �ow of information regarding our rail business and urban transportation challenges and solutions worldwide. It is an avenue for dialogue especially rail, urban transit enthusiasts, relevant city and urban planners, commuters and members of the public.

We welcome our readers to visit the blog at www.scomitrainspotting.com and post your comments or begin a forum for discussion.

Subsequently Scomi Rail has also launched an e-newsletter for the rail business. “On Track” is about current news and issues on urban transportation. You can subscribe to this free e-newsletter through the blog.

This initiative is in line with our concerted focus on marketing for all our business units. Online marketing is an e�ective tool to reach out to people to either create awareness about our company and product portfolio or to disseminate up-to-date information easily. With the success of this online marketing e�ort for Scomi Rail, we will be extending the same services to the other business units. Do look out for Scomi’s e-newsletters.

Contributed by : Meena Kanthaswamy – Scomi Oiltools, Kuala Lumpur


Corporate Update




e U




SUTRA theStar Attractionat Rail SolutionsAsia 2008

Scomi’s Monorail booth

Wan Azmi Yuso� welcoming guests to our boothHilmy Zaini Zainal, Mike Dickinson & Johnny Boulianne at the Media Brie�ng at the Conference

Rene Rosales, Ruth Yap and Syed Hussain testing SUTRA’s handrails

Scomi Rail participated in the Rail Solutions Asia Exhibition and Conference 2008, which was held in Kuala Lumpur from 11 to 13 June. Rail Solutions Asia is a major exhibition attracting the world’s top railway suppliers covering all aspects of railway activities. This year,

an estimated 15 major railway operators including Siemens and Bombardier exhibited their products and technology. A total of 1,000 participants and 150 delegates attended the exhibition and conference.

Scomi Rail was undoubledly the star. We marked our presence with our specially designed booth, a replica of a monorail complete with seats, window view of Kuala Lumpur’s skyline and even an actual handrail from our very own SUTRA - providing our visitors a

‘real life’ experience of travelling on a Monorail in Kuala Lumpur. At the conference, Scomi Rail’s Head of Engineering & Design, Johnny Boulianne gave a spectacular presentation titled “The Revolution of Urban Transit” that made Scomi’s SUTRA the hot topic of the day.

Contributed by : Rozina Ali – Scomi Engineering, Kuala Lumpur

Group CEO, Mr Shah Hakim Zain with our VIP visitor Malaysia’s Director General of Railway

Scomi Goes Online for MarketingAt GEM 2008 in July, Group CEO Mr Shah Hakim launched Scomi’s Blog. This blog, “Trainspotting”, is piloted by Scomi Rail focusing on Urban Transportation. It is essentially a technology blog to have an open forum for discussion on the development and issues of the public transportation industry. Trainspotting is to encourage a balanced �ow of information regarding our rail business and urban transportation challenges and solutions worldwide. It is an avenue for dialogue especially rail, urban transit enthusiasts, relevant city and urban planners, commuters and members of the public.

We welcome our readers to visit the blog at www.scomitrainspotting.com and post your comments or begin a forum for discussion.

Subsequently Scomi Rail has also launched an e-newsletter for the rail business. “On Track” is about current news and issues on urban transportation. You can subscribe to this free e-newsletter through the blog.

This initiative is in line with our concerted focus on marketing for all our business units. Online marketing is an e�ective tool to reach out to people to either create awareness about our company and product portfolio or to disseminate up-to-date information easily. With the success of this online marketing e�ort for Scomi Rail, we will be extending the same services to the other business units. Do look out for Scomi’s e-newsletters.

Contributed by : Meena Kanthaswamy – Scomi Oiltools, Kuala Lumpur


Corporate Update







Scomi Rail, Coach & Special Purpose Vehicles get ISO 9001:2000 Certi�ed


In today’s business environment, many businesses opt to achieve the ISO 9001 certi�cation to ensure certain standards in systems and processes are met.

Scomi Rail, Coach and Special Vehicles chose to implement ISO 9001 and get certi�ed because many customers and industries require it. By keeping customers happy, we know that sales and pro�tability of the businesses can be increased. The ISO 9001 is also used as a platform for continuous improvement.

The policies and procedures for us at Scomi Rail, Coach & SPV were built from scratch internally and headed by the Quality Department. These written policies and procedures were done to help us on our way to ISO certi�cation.

ISO 9001 promotes speci�cation, control, and procedures rather than understanding and improvement. ISO 9001:2000 certi�cation measures Scomi’s ability to meet and improve customer satisfaction and quality. The certi�cation process began in September 2006 when Scomi Rail executed internal audits throughout the company. To verify that ISO initiatives were achieved, a comprehensive quality management system review was implemented that addressed all areas of operation -- from engineering, product design and manufacturing to delivery and customer service.

The result is that Scomi Rail has created a focused, systematic approach to overall quality management that will improve service quality now and in the future.

An ISO certi�cate is not a once-and-for-all award. It has to be renewed every three years. This provides us with the need to continuously improve and stay focused on quality standards.

Contributed by : Alex Gabriel – Scomi Rail, Kuala Lumpur

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), was established in 1947 to develop international standards for everything from electronics to management systems. Having over 13,000 standards currently in place, ISO has created the auditing and certi�cation process known as ISO 9001, which has driven many businesses toward quality standards.

Enhancing Company PerformanceBoth customers and industries alike use ISO certi�cation as a way to evaluate and audit their suppliers and products. Through an independent veri�cation process, customers can

gain assurance of their suppliers' products. When a supplier becomes certi�ed, the testing requirement is waved, which saves the company both time and money.

Developing Best PracticesEmployed as a "Best Practices" model, ISO 9001 utilizes the philosophy of the "Plan-Do-Check-Act" continuous improvement cycle to achieve requirements. This process approach

centers around eight quality management principles used by management as a guide toward improving performance and identifying the main elements needed in a good quality system:

* Customer Focus * Leadership * Involvement of People * Process Approach * Systems Approach to Management * Continuous improvement

* Factual Approach to Decision-Making * Mutually Bene�cial Supplier Relationship * Building Stable Processes

ISO 9001 policies, procedures and forms can provide employers, managers and employees with a systematic and consistent approach to implementing policies, plans, procedures and work routines.

The well deserved team receiving their ISO certi�cates at the award ceremony on 22 August 2008 at Sunway Hotel & Resort

India’s Railway Minister Rides on the KL Monorail

India, at the moment, has a population of approximately one billion and it is growing. On top of that, India will see development of many planned cities whose population will exceed a million. With such rapid growth of urbanization and a growing middle class, the demand for better, more e�cient and integrated tra�c system is also increasing. Monorail, metro rail, high speed train and bus transit system are part of that integrated system and are the solutions to transportation within Indian cities.

So when India’s Railway Minister, Mr Lalu Prasad was taken around Kuala Lumpur on the Monorail on 15 May 2008, he was even more convinced that an elevated corridor a.k.a monorail would be a solution to congested Patna City in Bihar, India.

Welcomed by Scomi Group CEO, Mr Shah Hakim and other key management sta� at the Wisma Monorail, Mr Prasad and his 15 strong delegation from the Indian Railways were given a short presentation on Scomi Rail’s urban transport solutions, emphasizing on the latest technology for monorail electromechanical systems and the rolling stock which refers to the traveling component in a rail system. They were also given a short introduction to the operational and maintenance processes of the KL Monorail by KL StarRail CEO, Mr Khairani Mohamed.

“I am very excited about the prospect of having monorail in India. It will de�nitely be the solution to our woes,” said Mr Prasad after learning that the monorail has become a more a�ordable solution for cities around the world because of its pricing, design and safety features.

After a tour of the tra�c control rooms, the delegation was taken on a monorail ride, embarking at the Tun Sambanthan station and getting o� at the Raja Chulan station.

“It is very interesting how the tracks switch”, commented Mr Prasad referring to the switching of the tracks at the KL Sentral station.

At the moment, RITES Limited India is undertaking feasibility studies to develop a 23-km monorail system that will link two important railway stations in Patna City. Scomi is looking forward to making its presence felt in India.

Contributed by : S Selvaraja Chinnasamy – Special Projects, Scomi Engineering, India

Indian Railway Minister signing the guest book

The Indian delegation paying close attention to a presentation on the KL monorail system

A tour around the back o�ceCareful steps after the ride

Some of the Indian delegates Mike Dickinson, welcoming the Minister A ride on the KL monorail

Zooming through the city

Corporate Update




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Scomi Rail, Coach & Special Purpose Vehicles get ISO 9001:2000 Certi�ed


In today’s business environment, many businesses opt to achieve the ISO 9001 certi�cation to ensure certain standards in systems and processes are met.

Scomi Rail, Coach and Special Vehicles chose to implement ISO 9001 and get certi�ed because many customers and industries require it. By keeping customers happy, we know that sales and pro�tability of the businesses can be increased. The ISO 9001 is also used as a platform for continuous improvement.

The policies and procedures for us at Scomi Rail, Coach & SPV were built from scratch internally and headed by the Quality Department. These written policies and procedures were done to help us on our way to ISO certi�cation.

ISO 9001 promotes speci�cation, control, and procedures rather than understanding and improvement. ISO 9001:2000 certi�cation measures Scomi’s ability to meet and improve customer satisfaction and quality. The certi�cation process began in September 2006 when Scomi Rail executed internal audits throughout the company. To verify that ISO initiatives were achieved, a comprehensive quality management system review was implemented that addressed all areas of operation -- from engineering, product design and manufacturing to delivery and customer service.

The result is that Scomi Rail has created a focused, systematic approach to overall quality management that will improve service quality now and in the future.

An ISO certi�cate is not a once-and-for-all award. It has to be renewed every three years. This provides us with the need to continuously improve and stay focused on quality standards.

Contributed by : Alex Gabriel – Scomi Rail, Kuala Lumpur

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), was established in 1947 to develop international standards for everything from electronics to management systems. Having over 13,000 standards currently in place, ISO has created the auditing and certi�cation process known as ISO 9001, which has driven many businesses toward quality standards.

Enhancing Company PerformanceBoth customers and industries alike use ISO certi�cation as a way to evaluate and audit their suppliers and products. Through an independent veri�cation process, customers can

gain assurance of their suppliers' products. When a supplier becomes certi�ed, the testing requirement is waved, which saves the company both time and money.

Developing Best PracticesEmployed as a "Best Practices" model, ISO 9001 utilizes the philosophy of the "Plan-Do-Check-Act" continuous improvement cycle to achieve requirements. This process approach

centers around eight quality management principles used by management as a guide toward improving performance and identifying the main elements needed in a good quality system:

* Customer Focus * Leadership * Involvement of People * Process Approach * Systems Approach to Management * Continuous improvement

* Factual Approach to Decision-Making * Mutually Bene�cial Supplier Relationship * Building Stable Processes

ISO 9001 policies, procedures and forms can provide employers, managers and employees with a systematic and consistent approach to implementing policies, plans, procedures and work routines.

The well deserved team receiving their ISO certi�cates at the award ceremony on 22 August 2008 at Sunway Hotel & Resort

India’s Railway Minister Rides on the KL Monorail

India, at the moment, has a population of approximately one billion and it is growing. On top of that, India will see development of many planned cities whose population will exceed a million. With such rapid growth of urbanization and a growing middle class, the demand for better, more e�cient and integrated tra�c system is also increasing. Monorail, metro rail, high speed train and bus transit system are part of that integrated system and are the solutions to transportation within Indian cities.

So when India’s Railway Minister, Mr Lalu Prasad was taken around Kuala Lumpur on the Monorail on 15 May 2008, he was even more convinced that an elevated corridor a.k.a monorail would be a solution to congested Patna City in Bihar, India.

Welcomed by Scomi Group CEO, Mr Shah Hakim and other key management sta� at the Wisma Monorail, Mr Prasad and his 15 strong delegation from the Indian Railways were given a short presentation on Scomi Rail’s urban transport solutions, emphasizing on the latest technology for monorail electromechanical systems and the rolling stock which refers to the traveling component in a rail system. They were also given a short introduction to the operational and maintenance processes of the KL Monorail by KL StarRail CEO, Mr Khairani Mohamed.

“I am very excited about the prospect of having monorail in India. It will de�nitely be the solution to our woes,” said Mr Prasad after learning that the monorail has become a more a�ordable solution for cities around the world because of its pricing, design and safety features.

After a tour of the tra�c control rooms, the delegation was taken on a monorail ride, embarking at the Tun Sambanthan station and getting o� at the Raja Chulan station.

“It is very interesting how the tracks switch”, commented Mr Prasad referring to the switching of the tracks at the KL Sentral station.

At the moment, RITES Limited India is undertaking feasibility studies to develop a 23-km monorail system that will link two important railway stations in Patna City. Scomi is looking forward to making its presence felt in India.

Contributed by : S Selvaraja Chinnasamy – Special Projects, Scomi Engineering, India

Indian Railway Minister signing the guest book

The Indian delegation paying close attention to a presentation on the KL monorail system

A tour around the back o�ceCareful steps after the ride

Some of the Indian delegates Mike Dickinson, welcoming the Minister A ride on the KL monorail

Zooming through the city

Mohammed Ali Pasha Mosque

The Great Pyramids

Inside the Great Pyramid

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We visited the Citadel of Salah al-Din, Mohammed Ali Pasha Mosque where non-muslims are also welcomed into this historic mosque. Then, we went on a 2-hour shopping spree at Khan Al-Khalili bazaar, the city’s oldest, to stock up souvenirs. There we were o�ered everything from wallets to fake watches while we rested our feet and enjoyed drinks at a café nearby. Next stop was one of the big malls in town where some of our colleagues actually bought Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner! Everyone complained, however, that they would have rather spent the 2 hours at the bazaar instead of the mall. Interestingly, we were treated with a nice sit-down Chinese Peking dinner with an Egyptian �avour instead of the usual bu�et-style Egyptian dinner. Some of us actually took the van for more shopping at the bazaar after dinner.

Day 5: Cairo/Fayoum/CairoToday, we went to El Fayoum, an hour away from Cairo. Fayoum originates from the hieroglyphic word Bayoum which means “The Sea”, a reference to the large inland Lake Qaroun. Once arrived, we visited the Seven Water Wheels introduced in the 3rd century BC and Lake Qaroun. We then drove back to Cairo for lunch and back to our hotel for a rest prior to the Sound and Light Show at the Great Pyramid. Some of us bought more souvenirs from the Hard Rock Café Cairo at the Sakkara area.

Day 6: Cairo/Dubai/KLSome of us, 11 to be exact, actually requested for another trip to the Great Pyramid this morning. Right after breakfast, we managed to rush o� to Giza to purchase tickets for the Great Pyramid. We were satis�ed as we managed to get into the Great Pyramid this time and enjoyed the camel ride! We then went back to the hotel and prepared to check out. Our colleagues from Scomi Oiltools Cairo were there at our hotel to meet us. We were touched that they had arranged khatoush pendants with each of our names engraved on it as souvenirs for all of us. Before we left, we had lunch at the Malaysia Hall and said our goodbyes.

We touched down at KLIA at 1415 hours on 04 June 2008.

We would like to thank all our bosses for giving us this mystical and unforgettable experience.

Contributed by : Eve Koh – Scomi Enginering, Kuala Lumpur(on behalf of TPC 2008 members)

Library at Alexandria

Corporate Update

A Trip to the Ancient Civilization of Egypt

Before our Nile dinner cruise

Being one of the 21 employees from both Malaysia & Singapore to be selected into the “Top Performers Club (TPC)” 2008 was quite surprising. The better surprise came a little later when we were informed that we were heading for a 6 day/5 night trip to Cairo, Egypt.

On the night of 28 May 2008, we gathered at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport and excitedly waited to board the Emirates �ights. One group left on the 0055 hours �ight and another left one hour later to Cairo via Dubai.

Day 1: Dubai/CairoBoth groups reached Dubai early the next morning. After breakfast, we were given a half-day city tour as our transit �ight to Cairo was only 10 hours later. We found Dubai to be a very interesting and beautiful city with amazing landscapes. While waiting for our transit �ight to Cairo, some of us managed to grab souvenirs from the award-winning Dubai Duty Free Airport, which is ranked as one of the best shopping centers in the world.

Welcome to Cairo International Airport! We should have been really excited, but we were just tired and restless after a long day. All we were looking forward to was a cosy bed and a warm shower at our hotel, the Cataract.

Day 2: CairoWe woke up to a bright and sunny day!

After breakfast, we visited the Egyptian Museum which showcases 100,000 relics and antiquities from almost every period of ancient Egyptian history, including the treasures of boy King Tuthankhamun. Tuthankhamun, by the way, was only eight or nine years old when he became pharaoh, and reigned for approximately ten years. We then visited the pyramids, the Sphinx and the Valley Temple at the Giza Plateau. This complex

of ancient monuments is located some 8 km inland into the desert from the old town of Giza on the Nile. It was rather disappointing that we were a little late to get tickets to the Great Pyramid as the number of tickets sold daily was limited and controlled. As the heat was extreme, going on a camel ride was also not advisable. Some of us did explore into a smaller pyramid however, which was narrow and steep.

We headed next to Center El Bazaar where one could purchase papyrus and khartoush pendants with your name engraved in the hieroglyphic (ancient Egyptian) alphabet. We also visited the essence factory which claims to have all kinds of branded perfume.

No visit to Cairo would be complete without enjoying a romantic cruise down the breathtaking Nile River. We boarded the 5-star Nile Cruise, enjoyed the bu�et dinner and the show especially the belly dance. Day 3: Cairo/Alexandria/CairoWe drove to Alexandria, about 3 hours from Cairo, passed the Roman Theatre and the Qait Bay on our way to King Farouk’s Palace and Montazah Gardens. We stopped at the Morsi Abu El Abbass Mosque where some of our Muslim friends went in for prayers.

The next interesting place we stopped over was at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, a new library of Alexandria. This library has shelf space for eight million books, with the main reading room covering 70,000 m2 on eleven cascading levels. The complex also houses a conference center, specialized libraries for the blind, for young people and for children; three museums; four art galleries; a planetarium; and a manuscript restorations laboratory. At the end of the day, we drove back to Cairo and had dinner at a poolside restaurant with dimmed romantic lights, which did not help in keeping the mosquitoes away.

Day 4: CairoAs we sat for breakfast the next morning, we took notice of something funny. The bu�et breakfast at the hotel was the same everyday and we all, somehow, chose to have the eggs!

Finally, we see Cairo. As we traveled on the roads of Cairo, we had to weave in and out and honk away to avoid hitting donkey carts of watermelon sellers!

Group photo at the Pyramid

Mohammed Ali Pasha Mosque

The Great Pyramids

Inside the Great Pyramid

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We visited the Citadel of Salah al-Din, Mohammed Ali Pasha Mosque where non-muslims are also welcomed into this historic mosque. Then, we went on a 2-hour shopping spree at Khan Al-Khalili bazaar, the city’s oldest, to stock up souvenirs. There we were o�ered everything from wallets to fake watches while we rested our feet and enjoyed drinks at a café nearby. Next stop was one of the big malls in town where some of our colleagues actually bought Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner! Everyone complained, however, that they would have rather spent the 2 hours at the bazaar instead of the mall. Interestingly, we were treated with a nice sit-down Chinese Peking dinner with an Egyptian �avour instead of the usual bu�et-style Egyptian dinner. Some of us actually took the van for more shopping at the bazaar after dinner.

Day 5: Cairo/Fayoum/CairoToday, we went to El Fayoum, an hour away from Cairo. Fayoum originates from the hieroglyphic word Bayoum which means “The Sea”, a reference to the large inland Lake Qaroun. Once arrived, we visited the Seven Water Wheels introduced in the 3rd century BC and Lake Qaroun. We then drove back to Cairo for lunch and back to our hotel for a rest prior to the Sound and Light Show at the Great Pyramid. Some of us bought more souvenirs from the Hard Rock Café Cairo at the Sakkara area.

Day 6: Cairo/Dubai/KLSome of us, 11 to be exact, actually requested for another trip to the Great Pyramid this morning. Right after breakfast, we managed to rush o� to Giza to purchase tickets for the Great Pyramid. We were satis�ed as we managed to get into the Great Pyramid this time and enjoyed the camel ride! We then went back to the hotel and prepared to check out. Our colleagues from Scomi Oiltools Cairo were there at our hotel to meet us. We were touched that they had arranged khatoush pendants with each of our names engraved on it as souvenirs for all of us. Before we left, we had lunch at the Malaysia Hall and said our goodbyes.

We touched down at KLIA at 1415 hours on 04 June 2008.

We would like to thank all our bosses for giving us this mystical and unforgettable experience.

Contributed by : Eve Koh – Scomi Enginering, Kuala Lumpur(on behalf of TPC 2008 members)

Library at Alexandria

Corporate Update

A Trip to the Ancient Civilization of Egypt

Before our Nile dinner cruise

Being one of the 21 employees from both Malaysia & Singapore to be selected into the “Top Performers Club (TPC)” 2008 was quite surprising. The better surprise came a little later when we were informed that we were heading for a 6 day/5 night trip to Cairo, Egypt.

On the night of 28 May 2008, we gathered at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport and excitedly waited to board the Emirates �ights. One group left on the 0055 hours �ight and another left one hour later to Cairo via Dubai.

Day 1: Dubai/CairoBoth groups reached Dubai early the next morning. After breakfast, we were given a half-day city tour as our transit �ight to Cairo was only 10 hours later. We found Dubai to be a very interesting and beautiful city with amazing landscapes. While waiting for our transit �ight to Cairo, some of us managed to grab souvenirs from the award-winning Dubai Duty Free Airport, which is ranked as one of the best shopping centers in the world.

Welcome to Cairo International Airport! We should have been really excited, but we were just tired and restless after a long day. All we were looking forward to was a cosy bed and a warm shower at our hotel, the Cataract.

Day 2: CairoWe woke up to a bright and sunny day!

After breakfast, we visited the Egyptian Museum which showcases 100,000 relics and antiquities from almost every period of ancient Egyptian history, including the treasures of boy King Tuthankhamun. Tuthankhamun, by the way, was only eight or nine years old when he became pharaoh, and reigned for approximately ten years. We then visited the pyramids, the Sphinx and the Valley Temple at the Giza Plateau. This complex

of ancient monuments is located some 8 km inland into the desert from the old town of Giza on the Nile. It was rather disappointing that we were a little late to get tickets to the Great Pyramid as the number of tickets sold daily was limited and controlled. As the heat was extreme, going on a camel ride was also not advisable. Some of us did explore into a smaller pyramid however, which was narrow and steep.

We headed next to Center El Bazaar where one could purchase papyrus and khartoush pendants with your name engraved in the hieroglyphic (ancient Egyptian) alphabet. We also visited the essence factory which claims to have all kinds of branded perfume.

No visit to Cairo would be complete without enjoying a romantic cruise down the breathtaking Nile River. We boarded the 5-star Nile Cruise, enjoyed the bu�et dinner and the show especially the belly dance. Day 3: Cairo/Alexandria/CairoWe drove to Alexandria, about 3 hours from Cairo, passed the Roman Theatre and the Qait Bay on our way to King Farouk’s Palace and Montazah Gardens. We stopped at the Morsi Abu El Abbass Mosque where some of our Muslim friends went in for prayers.

The next interesting place we stopped over was at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, a new library of Alexandria. This library has shelf space for eight million books, with the main reading room covering 70,000 m2 on eleven cascading levels. The complex also houses a conference center, specialized libraries for the blind, for young people and for children; three museums; four art galleries; a planetarium; and a manuscript restorations laboratory. At the end of the day, we drove back to Cairo and had dinner at a poolside restaurant with dimmed romantic lights, which did not help in keeping the mosquitoes away.

Day 4: CairoAs we sat for breakfast the next morning, we took notice of something funny. The bu�et breakfast at the hotel was the same everyday and we all, somehow, chose to have the eggs!

Finally, we see Cairo. As we traveled on the roads of Cairo, we had to weave in and out and honk away to avoid hitting donkey carts of watermelon sellers!

Group photo at the Pyramid

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p14 p15

In conjunction with the Commemoration of the

Independence Day of The Bolivarian Republic of

Venezuela, the embassy organized the “3rd

Venezuelan Week”, a week-long event which showcased Venezuelan art, culture and food.

Included in the week’s programme was the business seminar between Venezuelan

PDVSA (the national petroleum company of Venezuela) and Malaysian

companies/corporations which are currently doing business in Venezuela.

The week of festivities began on 29 June and lasted until 15 July 2008. On 01 July, Scomi participated in the business seminar

which was co-organised by the Venezuelan Embassy, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MIDA), Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MATRADE) and Malaysia

South-South Association (MASSA). Titled, “Seminar on Business and Investment Opportunities in Venezuela”, Scomi was

represented by Mr Shah Hakim, who was a speaker and panelist. He spoke on Scomi’s involvement and contributions to the

economy in Venezuela in the Oil & Gas sector. Malaysia’s national petroleum company, PETRONAS, also shared their experiences.

On 03 July, a press conference between Scomi and theVenezuelan Embassy was held in Kuala Lumpur. Spokespersons Mr

Syahrunizam Samsudin, Group Chief Financial O�cer of Scomi Group and Mr Steve Bracker, Senior Vice President of Scomi

Oiltools were on hand to share Scomi’s achievements, experiences and plans in its business in Venezuela.

This is the third time that Scomi has participated in the Venezuelan 3rd Week.

Contributed by : Jane Dripin – Scomi Group, Kuala Lumpur

All Things Venezuelan The New Straits Times, 4 July 2008

Berita Harian, 4 July 2008

Utusan Malaysia,

4 July 2008

The Star, 4 July 2008

Camel ride

Congratulations to the Top Performer’s Club 2008:












































Scomi Oilserve

Scomi Group

Scomi Rail

Scomi OMS KL

Scomi Oilserve

Scomi Rail

Scomi Group

Scomi Solutions

Scomi Group

Scomi OMS Singapore

Scomi Rail

Scomi OMS Singapore

Scomi Oiltools Kemaman

Scomi Group

Scomi Oiltools KL

Scomi OMS KL

Scomi Oiltools Kemaman

Scomi Group

Scomi Oiltools Kemaman

Scomi Oiltools Kemaman

Scomi Group

Corporate UpdateCorporate Update




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p14 p15

In conjunction with the Commemoration of the

Independence Day of The Bolivarian Republic of

Venezuela, the embassy organized the “3rd

Venezuelan Week”, a week-long event which showcased Venezuelan art, culture and food.

Included in the week’s programme was the business seminar between Venezuelan

PDVSA (the national petroleum company of Venezuela) and Malaysian

companies/corporations which are currently doing business in Venezuela.

The week of festivities began on 29 June and lasted until 15 July 2008. On 01 July, Scomi participated in the business seminar

which was co-organised by the Venezuelan Embassy, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MIDA), Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MATRADE) and Malaysia

South-South Association (MASSA). Titled, “Seminar on Business and Investment Opportunities in Venezuela”, Scomi was

represented by Mr Shah Hakim, who was a speaker and panelist. He spoke on Scomi’s involvement and contributions to the

economy in Venezuela in the Oil & Gas sector. Malaysia’s national petroleum company, PETRONAS, also shared their experiences.

On 03 July, a press conference between Scomi and theVenezuelan Embassy was held in Kuala Lumpur. Spokespersons Mr

Syahrunizam Samsudin, Group Chief Financial O�cer of Scomi Group and Mr Steve Bracker, Senior Vice President of Scomi

Oiltools were on hand to share Scomi’s achievements, experiences and plans in its business in Venezuela.

This is the third time that Scomi has participated in the Venezuelan 3rd Week.

Contributed by : Jane Dripin – Scomi Group, Kuala Lumpur

All Things Venezuelan The New Straits Times, 4 July 2008

Berita Harian, 4 July 2008

Utusan Malaysia,

4 July 2008

The Star, 4 July 2008

Camel ride

Congratulations to the Top Performer’s Club 2008:












































Scomi Oilserve

Scomi Group

Scomi Rail

Scomi OMS KL

Scomi Oilserve

Scomi Rail

Scomi Group

Scomi Solutions

Scomi Group

Scomi OMS Singapore

Scomi Rail

Scomi OMS Singapore

Scomi Oiltools Kemaman

Scomi Group

Scomi Oiltools KL

Scomi OMS KL

Scomi Oiltools Kemaman

Scomi Group

Scomi Oiltools Kemaman

Scomi Oiltools Kemaman

Scomi Group

Corporate Update p1721



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revisited this year. Its structured implementation across all the business units aligned to corporate strategy was emphasised. This involved a presentation by our consultant, Professor Sattar, who took everyone through the process all over again and then the business units were tasked into a breakout session to develop their individual scorecards based on the Corporate Themes of Operational Excellence, Customer Relationship, Technology/Product Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility. The business units had to present their strategy map at the end of the session and it didn’t end there as they were all informed that the complete Scorecard for the business unit and senior management had to be completed and approved by October 2008 for implementation in 2009. That was a tall order indeed.

Further, the Hay Group came in to provide insights into Leadership Styles and Leadership Climates. It was really a learning platform to develop a leadership framework. Understanding the leadership framework is important to the participants as leadership styles impact organisational climate, which in turn will a�ect the e�ectiveness and productivity of the organisation. Equipped with the knowledge imparted to them, the participants were then divided into teams and were put to the test in a business simulation exercise taking in the aspects of planning, budgeting, process �ow, resource management and business strategy. With tight deadlines and tense and stressful situations during the simulation activities, each group was measured on the pro�tability of their simulated business scenario. It was a useful session with participants understanding leadership and its applications for high performance.

Participants were introduced to a Code of Ethics – Gifts Giving Policy. It truly opened people’s eyes to issue of what constitutes a gift, hospitality, bene�t or bribe. This started of loads of interaction as people took the opportunity to clarify doubts. An update was also given on Project BEST, a groupwide

Mr Hilmy of Scomi Engineering driving his team

Scomi’s annual GEM for 2008 was 4 gruelling days of presentations, workshops and meetings from the 14 till 17 July 2008. Although hosted on the island of Langkawi, Malaysia, none of the 42 GEM participants saw anything other than the Ballroom of the Westin Langkawi Hotel where they spent a total of 48 hours, 15 presentations, 4 workshops and 2 break-out sessions….Phew!

The theme for this year was “Sustaining Momentum” following on from the previous year’s theme of “Leaping Forward”. This was an apt theme as the focus for the organisation for 2008/2009 is to continue with drive and momentum to keep moving forward. And for that, it is important to sustain the momentum with initiatives and strategies that will take us to our goals, be it a business goal of achieving a targeted pro�t or an organisational goal to become a Global Technology Enterprise.

GEM is the time for senior management from all our global locations to get together to set the strategic directions, gain learning through leadership development activities as well as networking with global colleagues.

GEM 2008 was o�cially opened by the Group CEO, Mr Shah Hakim Zain with a presentation that set the stage going forward. His succinct review of initiatives from GEM 2007, the achievements, challenges

and gaps and then the introduction of key considerations and the Group’s strategic roadmap for 2009 till 2011 certainly set the tone for GEM 2008 and the expectations from the individual business units.

Throughout the 4 days, the participants were introduced to Corporate Statements, it’s implementation by global organisations and Scomi’s Corporate Statement. Then it was how brand supports the organisation and the importance of brand alignment be it in the business aspect or the culture shaping aspect. They had a session on understanding investments and investing criteria and the anticipation by the company on the returns as well as improvements on the internal budgeting process.

The Balance Scorecard performance management tool, which was �rst introduced to the company in 2004, was

Mr Shah in action

Sustaining Momentum@ Gem 2008

Scomi’s 4th Annual Global Executive Meeting

Part of the GEM was also a team dynamics workshop conducted in the evenings from 13 to 15 July. The workshop, Team Agility Programme, was facilitated by Mr Greg Hobson from Australian Corporate Training. The programme was about understanding the behaviours of people. Greg introduced the “Bird Theory” that describes the personality of a person. A person could be a combination or 2 or 3 of these birds – a peacock that likes recognition, a dove that enjoys security, and owl that wants details, or an eagle that thrives on challenge. The activities included identifying the bird types of people, understanding the team dynamics of their business unit, coming up with team bird pro�les and identifying action plans that will ensure the unit works cohesively together.

Another highlight of GEM was the ‘ASPIRE’ (A Scomi Presentation in Reaching Excellence) dinner where we had Dato’ Seri Idris Jala, the CEO of Malaysian Airlines Berhad as a guest speaker. He shared with us his personal journey in the turnaround of the Malaysian national air carrier. It was truly an inspiring and motivational talk. Dato’ Seri Idris spoke with passion and conviction and certainly reached out to the audience comprising of the GEM participants and members of the Boards of Directors. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn from his insights.

We also took the opportunity at GEM to organise business unit meetings. The Oil�eld Services, Scomi Marine and the Energy Logistics division had theirs post GEM. We also conducted a Directors’ Training session for all our public listed company Board of Directors giving them updates about the di�erent business units and CSR. All these ancilliary meetings were full day sessions.

That is a snapshot of the exhilarating week of GEM and business unit meetings. It was certainly exhausting but the management team is geared up and ready for the execution of the various initiatives.

Contributed by : Meena Kanthaswamy – Scomi Oiltools, Kuala Lumpur

Group Photo on Day 1 - the closest anyone got to seeing the sun and the sea OFS Business Unit deep in discussion The Leader, Steve Bracker, briefs the team during the team activity

Corporate sets its strategies

Group Photo on Day 2 of GEM

Intense concentration by all participants

transformation initiative to provide e�ective solutions to the company in achieving best e�ciency levels. A key initiative under the project is the implementation of a common technology platform, SAP, Wave 1 of which went live in August 2008 at selected locations with Wave 2 being rolled out in November and subsequently Wave 3. The new system would mean changes in the way things are done but the support of the management was requested to ensure commitment to optimise use of the system and accountability to ensure accurate data is entered for quality output and e�cient use of the system.

Invited guest speaker, Mr Geo�rey Williams, CEO of OWW Consulting went in depth on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is more that a sponsorship or contribution but it is how you make an impact on society and the environment through your operations and products as well as your engagement with stakeholders. Throughout his presentation on the many facets of CSR and it’s impact, he continuously emphasized that “CSR is not what you do with the money but is also how you make your money.” CSR is therefore an important element in brand building.

GEM 2008 closed with the Group CEO, Mr Shah Hakim’s closing presentation where he recapped the four days with clarity in directions and expectations. He summed up his closing by reinforcing that key to success in moving forward is Execution.

Corporate Update p1721



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revisited this year. Its structured implementation across all the business units aligned to corporate strategy was emphasised. This involved a presentation by our consultant, Professor Sattar, who took everyone through the process all over again and then the business units were tasked into a breakout session to develop their individual scorecards based on the Corporate Themes of Operational Excellence, Customer Relationship, Technology/Product Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility. The business units had to present their strategy map at the end of the session and it didn’t end there as they were all informed that the complete Scorecard for the business unit and senior management had to be completed and approved by October 2008 for implementation in 2009. That was a tall order indeed.

Further, the Hay Group came in to provide insights into Leadership Styles and Leadership Climates. It was really a learning platform to develop a leadership framework. Understanding the leadership framework is important to the participants as leadership styles impact organisational climate, which in turn will a�ect the e�ectiveness and productivity of the organisation. Equipped with the knowledge imparted to them, the participants were then divided into teams and were put to the test in a business simulation exercise taking in the aspects of planning, budgeting, process �ow, resource management and business strategy. With tight deadlines and tense and stressful situations during the simulation activities, each group was measured on the pro�tability of their simulated business scenario. It was a useful session with participants understanding leadership and its applications for high performance.

Participants were introduced to a Code of Ethics – Gifts Giving Policy. It truly opened people’s eyes to issue of what constitutes a gift, hospitality, bene�t or bribe. This started of loads of interaction as people took the opportunity to clarify doubts. An update was also given on Project BEST, a groupwide

Mr Hilmy of Scomi Engineering driving his team

Scomi’s annual GEM for 2008 was 4 gruelling days of presentations, workshops and meetings from the 14 till 17 July 2008. Although hosted on the island of Langkawi, Malaysia, none of the 42 GEM participants saw anything other than the Ballroom of the Westin Langkawi Hotel where they spent a total of 48 hours, 15 presentations, 4 workshops and 2 break-out sessions….Phew!

The theme for this year was “Sustaining Momentum” following on from the previous year’s theme of “Leaping Forward”. This was an apt theme as the focus for the organisation for 2008/2009 is to continue with drive and momentum to keep moving forward. And for that, it is important to sustain the momentum with initiatives and strategies that will take us to our goals, be it a business goal of achieving a targeted pro�t or an organisational goal to become a Global Technology Enterprise.

GEM is the time for senior management from all our global locations to get together to set the strategic directions, gain learning through leadership development activities as well as networking with global colleagues.

GEM 2008 was o�cially opened by the Group CEO, Mr Shah Hakim Zain with a presentation that set the stage going forward. His succinct review of initiatives from GEM 2007, the achievements, challenges

and gaps and then the introduction of key considerations and the Group’s strategic roadmap for 2009 till 2011 certainly set the tone for GEM 2008 and the expectations from the individual business units.

Throughout the 4 days, the participants were introduced to Corporate Statements, it’s implementation by global organisations and Scomi’s Corporate Statement. Then it was how brand supports the organisation and the importance of brand alignment be it in the business aspect or the culture shaping aspect. They had a session on understanding investments and investing criteria and the anticipation by the company on the returns as well as improvements on the internal budgeting process.

The Balance Scorecard performance management tool, which was �rst introduced to the company in 2004, was

Mr Shah in action

Sustaining Momentum@ Gem 2008

Scomi’s 4th Annual Global Executive Meeting

Part of the GEM was also a team dynamics workshop conducted in the evenings from 13 to 15 July. The workshop, Team Agility Programme, was facilitated by Mr Greg Hobson from Australian Corporate Training. The programme was about understanding the behaviours of people. Greg introduced the “Bird Theory” that describes the personality of a person. A person could be a combination or 2 or 3 of these birds – a peacock that likes recognition, a dove that enjoys security, and owl that wants details, or an eagle that thrives on challenge. The activities included identifying the bird types of people, understanding the team dynamics of their business unit, coming up with team bird pro�les and identifying action plans that will ensure the unit works cohesively together.

Another highlight of GEM was the ‘ASPIRE’ (A Scomi Presentation in Reaching Excellence) dinner where we had Dato’ Seri Idris Jala, the CEO of Malaysian Airlines Berhad as a guest speaker. He shared with us his personal journey in the turnaround of the Malaysian national air carrier. It was truly an inspiring and motivational talk. Dato’ Seri Idris spoke with passion and conviction and certainly reached out to the audience comprising of the GEM participants and members of the Boards of Directors. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn from his insights.

We also took the opportunity at GEM to organise business unit meetings. The Oil�eld Services, Scomi Marine and the Energy Logistics division had theirs post GEM. We also conducted a Directors’ Training session for all our public listed company Board of Directors giving them updates about the di�erent business units and CSR. All these ancilliary meetings were full day sessions.

That is a snapshot of the exhilarating week of GEM and business unit meetings. It was certainly exhausting but the management team is geared up and ready for the execution of the various initiatives.

Contributed by : Meena Kanthaswamy – Scomi Oiltools, Kuala Lumpur

Group Photo on Day 1 - the closest anyone got to seeing the sun and the sea OFS Business Unit deep in discussion The Leader, Steve Bracker, briefs the team during the team activity

Corporate sets its strategies

Group Photo on Day 2 of GEM

Intense concentration by all participants

transformation initiative to provide e�ective solutions to the company in achieving best e�ciency levels. A key initiative under the project is the implementation of a common technology platform, SAP, Wave 1 of which went live in August 2008 at selected locations with Wave 2 being rolled out in November and subsequently Wave 3. The new system would mean changes in the way things are done but the support of the management was requested to ensure commitment to optimise use of the system and accountability to ensure accurate data is entered for quality output and e�cient use of the system.

Invited guest speaker, Mr Geo�rey Williams, CEO of OWW Consulting went in depth on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is more that a sponsorship or contribution but it is how you make an impact on society and the environment through your operations and products as well as your engagement with stakeholders. Throughout his presentation on the many facets of CSR and it’s impact, he continuously emphasized that “CSR is not what you do with the money but is also how you make your money.” CSR is therefore an important element in brand building.

GEM 2008 closed with the Group CEO, Mr Shah Hakim’s closing presentation where he recapped the four days with clarity in directions and expectations. He summed up his closing by reinforcing that key to success in moving forward is Execution.

Corporate UpdateCorporate Update p1921



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Scomi MyKids Holiday Camp 2008

“I have a dream, a dream to be the best footballer in my time!” the boys sharing their goals and dreams

Before I joined Scomi, I had heard so much about Scomi MyKids - the 9 lucky boys aged 12 years old who had the opportunity to play in the famed Manchester United Football Club football �eld in the United Kingdom. Although I am not a football fan, I know quite a lot about Manchester United football club from the passionate discussions my son exchanges with his father about their ratings in the English Premier League.

So I do understand the excitement among children and football fans about how lucky these boys were. Later, when we were told that a follow-up programme of the Scomi MyKids 2007 winners was tasked to me to organise with the team at Corporate O�ce, I had the chance to �nally meet these boys. Just how did this programme come about and why the big deal?

Launched in July 2007, Scomi MyKids is a unique programme sponsored by Scomi with the objective to unearth talents among children aged 12 years and below to complement the programme and other e�orts under the Ministry of Youth and Sports and other sports bodies. This programme has 2 phases: �rst phase is known as “The Search For Stars”, which is the football trials to identify winners. In this phase, 9 of the best young players or winners from the trials held in 4 venues of over 2,000 kids were rewarded with a trip to Manchester, UK in September 2007 for a football experience of a lifetime.

Following that trip, in early 2008, Scomi then put in place the second phase “The Making Of Stars”, a comprehensive football and personal development training programme to further groom these 9 young stars. The �rst pilot developmental programme, the Scomi MyKids Holiday Camp ran from 01-05 June 2008 in Selangor, Malaysia. 8 out of the 9 children managed to attend the camp, who felt that the camp helped them in their football skills. “The morning sessions on the football techniques helped me see that I needed to work on the �ner skills of football footwork such as the dribbling and passing and how to do it in a sophisticated way. I don’t tire as much as I used to when playing because I am applying the right technique.” revealed Adam Aidil Iskandar, 13 of Kedah, who was assessed as the Best Student in Character Building/Leadership skills. His friend, Dhaanushan Ravintheeran, also 13 of Selangor agreed. “I’ve played in many football tournaments for the clubs I belong to both at school and state levels. While I have the experience of playing competitively, I realised that the ability to pass the ball e�ectively and accurately is a skill I will need to work on.” he added. Dhaanu was awarded the “Most Valuable Player” title by the U-14 tournament organised by the Ministry of Education, which was featured in a leading Malaysian news daily on 06 September 2008.

While the morning sessions consisted of learning the artful and skillfull

9 outstanding young stars pit their skills to win!

That’s the way to kick with style, Safeed. Practising the passing technique with accuracy

Dhaanu keeping the football between foot and thigh correctly and under the watchful eyes of the BFA coaches

Learning more about the pre-historic world of the dinosaurs

footwork under the trained and watchful eyes of the coaches of the Brazilian Football Academy (BFA), the afternoon sessions were practical in which the boys played with much older kids of the Brazilian Football Academy. On 04 June, they applied what they learnt in a friendly game which saw the Scomi MyKids team winning a 3-1 game against their much older and sophisticated opponents. We were jubilant and celebrated with a certi�cate presentation dinner that night!

Aside from learning about playing football the right way, the winners had night sessions with the talks focused on goal setting, staying focused on their goals, staying motivated and con�dence building. They even had an interesting session on how to handle themselves being in front of the television camera during an interview! As part of their general knowledge learning, they visited the National Science Centre, the PetroSains Centre and the Aquaria in Kuala Lumpur. The themes of working together, new ideas, goal oriented and being customer responsible which are Scomi’s brand values were weaved into the activities.

In addition to excelling in football, the children are encouraged to also excel in their school academic results. Scomi tracks their progress both in the football and academic aspects by working closely with their parents and teachers and through the evidence of their school report cards.

Meeting these 8 personalities of diverse background left me in a pensive mood. Here are young minds that can be shaped any way we want to so that they can achieve their dreams and goals. We wish them all the best in their goals and dreams.

Contributed by : Jane Dripin – Scomi Group, Kuala Lumpur

Corporate Update

I got excited as soon as I registered my name for The Edge Bursa Rat

Race 2008. As I was determined to win or at least be among the top

few, I had to practice hard and I did. The day �nally arrived. The rest of the team and I were so nervous

and felt a little intimidated as we were surrounded by so many

runners from the various other organisations. They were big, athletic, �t and de�nitely able to run the 4.3-km stretch with, perhaps, not even breaking a sweat. However, we were still determined to meet our set targets and wanted to prove to the

crowd that although we were a small group, we will �nish the race

with a bang.

Waiting for the start gun to go o�, I felt like all eyes were on us, Scomi ambassadors. I ran with all my heart and gave it all my best,

especially in the last few metres of the race. I could see the �nish line

and I pushed heaving and sighing. I realized that I was the second

from Scomi to �nish. Although we were not among the medal winners, we were happy and proud.

All our runners made it to the �nish line and although we did not

win any medals, we are happy that Scomi was able to participate and contribute towards the Edge Bursa Charity Fund. Contributed by : Wan Muhammad Arif Azim Wan Pauzi – Scomi Group,

Kuala Lumpur

Scomi Does Its Bit atThe Edge Bursa Rat Race 2008

Cheer for charity

Scomi runners and cheerleaders in good form Scomi ambassadors

Give us an ‘s’, give us a ‘c’, give us an ‘o’ ’m’ ‘i’!

Scomi formed its own cheer squad for the recent The Edge Bursa Rat Race that took place on 19 August 2008. The cheer squad comprised of 5 females and 5 male employees with a �ne mix of senior managers, managers, executives and non-executives. The squad came up with a catchy 3- minute routine within 2 days and competed against many other teams. The proud and dedicated cheer squad also formed a line to cheer for our Scomi runners at the Rat Race �ag-o� at 5pm at the grounds of Bursa Malaysia. This was de�nitely a great opportunity to let our hair down, and was surprised to discover various talents in ourselves! The cheerleading competition which started at about 6pm attracted 11 teams to compete. Dressed up in jeans and t-shirts (no short skirts!) our cheer team rose to the challenge and performed in front of hundreds of spectators all in the name of charity. As the spirit of teamwork is the heart of the success of any company, Scomi’s cheer squad de�nitely brought that spirit to the Bursa Ground!

Cheer for Charity Although our cheer squad didn’t win, it was all about raising money for a good cause while promoting cheerleading as a healthy sport.

Contributed by : Nafeesa Najwa Mohamed Kalam – Scomi Group, Kuala Lumpur

On 19 August 2008, Scomi gallantly participated in the ninth edition of The Edge-Bursa Malaysia Rat Race. Scomi Engineering Bhd President Hilmy Zaini Zainal was the 2nd runner-up in the 1km CEO Race out of 60 CEO participants! Congratulations to Scomi for a race well run!

The race raised a record

RM 1.75 million for 20

charitable organisations.

Corporate UpdateCorporate Update p1921



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Scomi MyKids Holiday Camp 2008

“I have a dream, a dream to be the best footballer in my time!” the boys sharing their goals and dreams

Before I joined Scomi, I had heard so much about Scomi MyKids - the 9 lucky boys aged 12 years old who had the opportunity to play in the famed Manchester United Football Club football �eld in the United Kingdom. Although I am not a football fan, I know quite a lot about Manchester United football club from the passionate discussions my son exchanges with his father about their ratings in the English Premier League.

So I do understand the excitement among children and football fans about how lucky these boys were. Later, when we were told that a follow-up programme of the Scomi MyKids 2007 winners was tasked to me to organise with the team at Corporate O�ce, I had the chance to �nally meet these boys. Just how did this programme come about and why the big deal?

Launched in July 2007, Scomi MyKids is a unique programme sponsored by Scomi with the objective to unearth talents among children aged 12 years and below to complement the programme and other e�orts under the Ministry of Youth and Sports and other sports bodies. This programme has 2 phases: �rst phase is known as “The Search For Stars”, which is the football trials to identify winners. In this phase, 9 of the best young players or winners from the trials held in 4 venues of over 2,000 kids were rewarded with a trip to Manchester, UK in September 2007 for a football experience of a lifetime.

Following that trip, in early 2008, Scomi then put in place the second phase “The Making Of Stars”, a comprehensive football and personal development training programme to further groom these 9 young stars. The �rst pilot developmental programme, the Scomi MyKids Holiday Camp ran from 01-05 June 2008 in Selangor, Malaysia. 8 out of the 9 children managed to attend the camp, who felt that the camp helped them in their football skills. “The morning sessions on the football techniques helped me see that I needed to work on the �ner skills of football footwork such as the dribbling and passing and how to do it in a sophisticated way. I don’t tire as much as I used to when playing because I am applying the right technique.” revealed Adam Aidil Iskandar, 13 of Kedah, who was assessed as the Best Student in Character Building/Leadership skills. His friend, Dhaanushan Ravintheeran, also 13 of Selangor agreed. “I’ve played in many football tournaments for the clubs I belong to both at school and state levels. While I have the experience of playing competitively, I realised that the ability to pass the ball e�ectively and accurately is a skill I will need to work on.” he added. Dhaanu was awarded the “Most Valuable Player” title by the U-14 tournament organised by the Ministry of Education, which was featured in a leading Malaysian news daily on 06 September 2008.

While the morning sessions consisted of learning the artful and skillfull

9 outstanding young stars pit their skills to win!

That’s the way to kick with style, Safeed. Practising the passing technique with accuracy

Dhaanu keeping the football between foot and thigh correctly and under the watchful eyes of the BFA coaches

Learning more about the pre-historic world of the dinosaurs

footwork under the trained and watchful eyes of the coaches of the Brazilian Football Academy (BFA), the afternoon sessions were practical in which the boys played with much older kids of the Brazilian Football Academy. On 04 June, they applied what they learnt in a friendly game which saw the Scomi MyKids team winning a 3-1 game against their much older and sophisticated opponents. We were jubilant and celebrated with a certi�cate presentation dinner that night!

Aside from learning about playing football the right way, the winners had night sessions with the talks focused on goal setting, staying focused on their goals, staying motivated and con�dence building. They even had an interesting session on how to handle themselves being in front of the television camera during an interview! As part of their general knowledge learning, they visited the National Science Centre, the PetroSains Centre and the Aquaria in Kuala Lumpur. The themes of working together, new ideas, goal oriented and being customer responsible which are Scomi’s brand values were weaved into the activities.

In addition to excelling in football, the children are encouraged to also excel in their school academic results. Scomi tracks their progress both in the football and academic aspects by working closely with their parents and teachers and through the evidence of their school report cards.

Meeting these 8 personalities of diverse background left me in a pensive mood. Here are young minds that can be shaped any way we want to so that they can achieve their dreams and goals. We wish them all the best in their goals and dreams.

Contributed by : Jane Dripin – Scomi Group, Kuala Lumpur

Corporate Update

I got excited as soon as I registered my name for The Edge Bursa Rat

Race 2008. As I was determined to win or at least be among the top

few, I had to practice hard and I did. The day �nally arrived. The rest of the team and I were so nervous

and felt a little intimidated as we were surrounded by so many

runners from the various other organisations. They were big, athletic, �t and de�nitely able to run the 4.3-km stretch with, perhaps, not even breaking a sweat. However, we were still determined to meet our set targets and wanted to prove to the

crowd that although we were a small group, we will �nish the race

with a bang.

Waiting for the start gun to go o�, I felt like all eyes were on us, Scomi ambassadors. I ran with all my heart and gave it all my best,

especially in the last few metres of the race. I could see the �nish line

and I pushed heaving and sighing. I realized that I was the second

from Scomi to �nish. Although we were not among the medal winners, we were happy and proud.

All our runners made it to the �nish line and although we did not

win any medals, we are happy that Scomi was able to participate and contribute towards the Edge Bursa Charity Fund. Contributed by : Wan Muhammad Arif Azim Wan Pauzi – Scomi Group,

Kuala Lumpur

Scomi Does Its Bit atThe Edge Bursa Rat Race 2008

Cheer for charity

Scomi runners and cheerleaders in good form Scomi ambassadors

Give us an ‘s’, give us a ‘c’, give us an ‘o’ ’m’ ‘i’!

Scomi formed its own cheer squad for the recent The Edge Bursa Rat Race that took place on 19 August 2008. The cheer squad comprised of 5 females and 5 male employees with a �ne mix of senior managers, managers, executives and non-executives. The squad came up with a catchy 3- minute routine within 2 days and competed against many other teams. The proud and dedicated cheer squad also formed a line to cheer for our Scomi runners at the Rat Race �ag-o� at 5pm at the grounds of Bursa Malaysia. This was de�nitely a great opportunity to let our hair down, and was surprised to discover various talents in ourselves! The cheerleading competition which started at about 6pm attracted 11 teams to compete. Dressed up in jeans and t-shirts (no short skirts!) our cheer team rose to the challenge and performed in front of hundreds of spectators all in the name of charity. As the spirit of teamwork is the heart of the success of any company, Scomi’s cheer squad de�nitely brought that spirit to the Bursa Ground!

Cheer for Charity Although our cheer squad didn’t win, it was all about raising money for a good cause while promoting cheerleading as a healthy sport.

Contributed by : Nafeesa Najwa Mohamed Kalam – Scomi Group, Kuala Lumpur

On 19 August 2008, Scomi gallantly participated in the ninth edition of The Edge-Bursa Malaysia Rat Race. Scomi Engineering Bhd President Hilmy Zaini Zainal was the 2nd runner-up in the 1km CEO Race out of 60 CEO participants! Congratulations to Scomi for a race well run!

The race raised a record

RM 1.75 million for 20

charitable organisations.


Above (Kevin Mallet and Jeremy Parsley) Below (John Domingue, Andrew Parsley, Jody Parsley, Josh Ortego & Joseph Woods)

Tina Geary after her graduation ceremony

Out With The Old…In With The New

CongratulationsTina Geary

On 23 July 2008, Scomi Oiltools Eastern U.S. Division (Broussard, Louisiana) installed our BRAND new sign at the front of the o�ce. Earlier that day our shop employees were tasked with removing the old sign and installing our new one. The shop gathered together for an HSE Tool Box Talk and JSA (Job Safety Analysis) with HSE Manager and Shop Foreman before completing the task. Johnnie Daughdrill, Vice Country Manager made the �nal inspection and gave his approval. The new sign was cleaned, secured and it looks great…

Contributed by : Jonathon Lopez – Scomi Oiltools, USA

Having a job is di�erent from having a career and that was exactly what Tina Geary decided to go for – a career. To have a career, she needed to get a better education and she went for it. Although she knew that that would mean facing some challenges in her daily life, but with the support of her family, she succeeded.

Obtaining a degree in Associate of Business Management at Lone Star College takes 3 years. It took Tina a lot of courage and determination to complete her course especially since studying while working full time as a Derrick Inventory Coordinator, and managing a family was not so simple.

Tina was a model student, making it into the dean’s list every semester. On 09 May 2008, Tina graduated with honors (Phi Theta Kappa) from Lone Star College.

Contributed by : Jonathon Lopez – Scomi Oiltools, USA

North America






p20 Corporate Update

Paying close attention

“Listen to what I have to say”

GembakaizenBackgroundGemba=“real place”; kaizen=‘continual improvement”. During the workshop, knowledge and experience about Lean methods and practices come to the table. GembaKaizen workshops are usually run as a very intense activity over 3 days. This is a commando-type of approach to improvements or solving problems.

Lean is a business system focused on managing processes and improving them by compressing time rather than keeping each of the assets busy.

The objective of a kaizen workshop is to achieve speci�c targets in the area of quality, productivity, or cost.

Rapid ChangeIn the workshop, participants start by identifying all work elements of the process and by analysing every step of standardised work procedure. Working in teams, they collect data, analyse the layout of the operation, they investigate

material and information �ow, equipment downtime, quality issues, and they identify opportunities for improvement. Solutions are created and changes to the physical layout or methodologies are implemented overnight. Newly implemented changes are immediately evaluated and this process continues until the de�ned objectives are accomplished.

Learning bene�tsAt the end of the workshop, most of the participants would have experienced the basic Lean principles such as the three basic rules of Lean:

1. Produce only what the customer needs2. In the right quantity3. At the right time

Learning to identify waste and to understand that rapid change is possible, however, are only preparatory steps for Lean. The next thing to do is to learn to see our organisation from a process perspective. The changes that are required are in part a physical recon�guration of our operations, but much more a change in consciousness and behavior of our people. This can only come about by learning by doing, and by working on our own answers for our own situation. “It may be comforting to note that if we keep going down this path it will be very di�cult for others to catch up. On the other hand if we are slow o� the mark it might be di�cult for us to survive!”

Contributed by : Wan Alam – Scomi Group, Kuala Lumpur

Wan Alam in action


Above (Kevin Mallet and Jeremy Parsley) Below (John Domingue, Andrew Parsley, Jody Parsley, Josh Ortego & Joseph Woods)

Tina Geary after her graduation ceremony

Out With The Old…In With The New

CongratulationsTina Geary

On 23 July 2008, Scomi Oiltools Eastern U.S. Division (Broussard, Louisiana) installed our BRAND new sign at the front of the o�ce. Earlier that day our shop employees were tasked with removing the old sign and installing our new one. The shop gathered together for an HSE Tool Box Talk and JSA (Job Safety Analysis) with HSE Manager and Shop Foreman before completing the task. Johnnie Daughdrill, Vice Country Manager made the �nal inspection and gave his approval. The new sign was cleaned, secured and it looks great…

Contributed by : Jonathon Lopez – Scomi Oiltools, USA

Having a job is di�erent from having a career and that was exactly what Tina Geary decided to go for – a career. To have a career, she needed to get a better education and she went for it. Although she knew that that would mean facing some challenges in her daily life, but with the support of her family, she succeeded.

Obtaining a degree in Associate of Business Management at Lone Star College takes 3 years. It took Tina a lot of courage and determination to complete her course especially since studying while working full time as a Derrick Inventory Coordinator, and managing a family was not so simple.

Tina was a model student, making it into the dean’s list every semester. On 09 May 2008, Tina graduated with honors (Phi Theta Kappa) from Lone Star College.

Contributed by : Jonathon Lopez – Scomi Oiltools, USA

North America




e U



p20 Corporate Update

Paying close attention

“Listen to what I have to say”

GembakaizenBackgroundGemba=“real place”; kaizen=‘continual improvement”. During the workshop, knowledge and experience about Lean methods and practices come to the table. GembaKaizen workshops are usually run as a very intense activity over 3 days. This is a commando-type of approach to improvements or solving problems.

Lean is a business system focused on managing processes and improving them by compressing time rather than keeping each of the assets busy.

The objective of a kaizen workshop is to achieve speci�c targets in the area of quality, productivity, or cost.

Rapid ChangeIn the workshop, participants start by identifying all work elements of the process and by analysing every step of standardised work procedure. Working in teams, they collect data, analyse the layout of the operation, they investigate

material and information �ow, equipment downtime, quality issues, and they identify opportunities for improvement. Solutions are created and changes to the physical layout or methodologies are implemented overnight. Newly implemented changes are immediately evaluated and this process continues until the de�ned objectives are accomplished.

Learning bene�tsAt the end of the workshop, most of the participants would have experienced the basic Lean principles such as the three basic rules of Lean:

1. Produce only what the customer needs2. In the right quantity3. At the right time

Learning to identify waste and to understand that rapid change is possible, however, are only preparatory steps for Lean. The next thing to do is to learn to see our organisation from a process perspective. The changes that are required are in part a physical recon�guration of our operations, but much more a change in consciousness and behavior of our people. This can only come about by learning by doing, and by working on our own answers for our own situation. “It may be comforting to note that if we keep going down this path it will be very di�cult for others to catch up. On the other hand if we are slow o� the mark it might be di�cult for us to survive!”

Contributed by : Wan Alam – Scomi Group, Kuala Lumpur

Wan Alam in action




p22 South America p23

Winners of Best Security Observation Card

Caraballo (left) receiving his certificate and multifunctional tool from Navarro

Navarro (right) receiving her multifunctional tool and certificate from Caraballo

Rodriguez (right) receiving his multifunctional tool and certificate from Navarro

Luis Garcia Edixon Chirinos

Angel Villasmil Left: Edwin Morillo, right: Lenin Velasquez

Keep up the good work team!

Leovel Caraballo, Ana Navarro and Ezequiel Rodriguez were the winners of the “Best Security Observation Card” for the months of January, February and March 2008

respectively. They all received a multifunctional tool and a certificate.

Winners of the Best Security Observation Card show high regards to safety and security issues in

their working areas. They demonstrate strong capabilities in observing, analyzing, evaluating

and making recommendations in areas of safety and security. These winners are also selected

based on the number of comments made and recorded in the Card. Recommended actions

should also be able to be implemented in the shortest time possible.

Contributed by : Ana Navarro – Scomi Oiltools, Venezuela

Multifunctional Tool


Victor Maraima

Edixon Chirinos

5 Years and Going Strong“Thank you to all of you for a great and dedicated 5 years service to Scomi Oiltools.”

Pictures below show Ana Navarro presenting Certificates of Appreciation to:

North America

North Texas Employees BandTogether for One of Our Own

Jason Sherrill - District Sales (left)Jody Fontenot – Western US Safety Manager

Ron Hollowell – NTX District Manager

Tim & Renee Hair

Tims’s badly wrecked car

Golfers gathering for Tee off

Ron Hollowell (front)Clay Germany – NTX Supply Store

Mike with Alliance Drilling Fluids, Ron Hollowell (centre), Clay Germany (right)

Lives can change in the blink of an eye; Tim Hair of North Texas found that out on Sunday, 04 May 2008. Tim was involved in a serious car accident and incurred several injuries. He was in and out of the hospital for several weeks. Tim had to go through three surgeries to reconstruct his right hip. He had to have his right knee cap reconstructed. He also had two breaks in his right ankle. Tim had a total of five surgeries. He was not able to bear weight on his hip for three months. Unfortunately, Tim had not qualified for any kind of insurance benefits at the time of the accident. On his behalf, Ron Hollowell, District Manager of North Texas constructed a benefit golf tournament on Friday, 27 June 2008 with proceeds going to Tim, his wife and two small children. We called all of our vendors for their help in terms of money donations or auction items. Many of our vendors sponsored a hole or played in the tournament along with employees of North Texas. The benefit, in total, raised over $15,000.00 of which Tim received $13,500.00.

A very special thank you goes out to all those who donated their time and effort in preparing for this tournament and also to the vendors for all their help.

Contributed by : Jonathon Lopez – Scomi Oiltools, USA

This 14-function tool includes a pair of pliers, 3 knife blades, 3 flathead screwdrivers, a Phillips head screwdriver, a bottle opener, a can opener, a wire cutter, a dual function file, a fish scaler, and a ruler

Tiene el Placer de Otorgar este Certificado a:


Por su excelente labor y desempeño de sus actividades, contribuyendo

en el logro de nuestros objetivos manteniendo un ambiente de trabajo

sano y seguro para todos los que pertenecemos a la Familia Scomi

Oiltools, generando:


Durante el mes de JUNIO 2008

En Ciudad Ojeda, 1 de Julio de 2008

Ing. Ana Navarro

Gerente de Distrito

Ing. José Parra

Coordinadora QHSE





p22 South America p23

Winners of Best Security Observation Card

Caraballo (left) receiving his certificate and multifunctional tool from Navarro

Navarro (right) receiving her multifunctional tool and certificate from Caraballo

Rodriguez (right) receiving his multifunctional tool and certificate from Navarro

Luis Garcia Edixon Chirinos

Angel Villasmil Left: Edwin Morillo, right: Lenin Velasquez

Keep up the good work team!

Leovel Caraballo, Ana Navarro and Ezequiel Rodriguez were the winners of the “Best Security Observation Card” for the months of January, February and March 2008

respectively. They all received a multifunctional tool and a certificate.

Winners of the Best Security Observation Card show high regards to safety and security issues in

their working areas. They demonstrate strong capabilities in observing, analyzing, evaluating

and making recommendations in areas of safety and security. These winners are also selected

based on the number of comments made and recorded in the Card. Recommended actions

should also be able to be implemented in the shortest time possible.

Contributed by : Ana Navarro – Scomi Oiltools, Venezuela

Multifunctional Tool


Victor Maraima

Edixon Chirinos

5 Years and Going Strong“Thank you to all of you for a great and dedicated 5 years service to Scomi Oiltools.”

Pictures below show Ana Navarro presenting Certificates of Appreciation to:

North America

North Texas Employees BandTogether for One of Our Own

Jason Sherrill - District Sales (left)Jody Fontenot – Western US Safety Manager

Ron Hollowell – NTX District Manager

Tim & Renee Hair

Tims’s badly wrecked car

Golfers gathering for Tee off

Ron Hollowell (front)Clay Germany – NTX Supply Store

Mike with Alliance Drilling Fluids, Ron Hollowell (centre), Clay Germany (right)

Lives can change in the blink of an eye; Tim Hair of North Texas found that out on Sunday, 04 May 2008. Tim was involved in a serious car accident and incurred several injuries. He was in and out of the hospital for several weeks. Tim had to go through three surgeries to reconstruct his right hip. He had to have his right knee cap reconstructed. He also had two breaks in his right ankle. Tim had a total of five surgeries. He was not able to bear weight on his hip for three months. Unfortunately, Tim had not qualified for any kind of insurance benefits at the time of the accident. On his behalf, Ron Hollowell, District Manager of North Texas constructed a benefit golf tournament on Friday, 27 June 2008 with proceeds going to Tim, his wife and two small children. We called all of our vendors for their help in terms of money donations or auction items. Many of our vendors sponsored a hole or played in the tournament along with employees of North Texas. The benefit, in total, raised over $15,000.00 of which Tim received $13,500.00.

A very special thank you goes out to all those who donated their time and effort in preparing for this tournament and also to the vendors for all their help.

Contributed by : Jonathon Lopez – Scomi Oiltools, USA

This 14-function tool includes a pair of pliers, 3 knife blades, 3 flathead screwdrivers, a Phillips head screwdriver, a bottle opener, a can opener, a wire cutter, a dual function file, a fish scaler, and a ruler

Tiene el Placer de Otorgar este Certificado a:


Por su excelente labor y desempeño de sus actividades, contribuyendo

en el logro de nuestros objetivos manteniendo un ambiente de trabajo

sano y seguro para todos los que pertenecemos a la Familia Scomi

Oiltools, generando:


Durante el mes de JUNIO 2008

En Ciudad Ojeda, 1 de Julio de 2008

Ing. Ana Navarro

Gerente de Distrito

Ing. José Parra

Coordinadora QHSE

21p24 p25



asSouth AmericaSouth America

For more information on types of fire extinguishers, visit http://web.utk.edu/~ehss/fire/exttypes.htm or


Training Course on the Basics of Solids Control

• Being a good co-worker

• Have the ability to make informed


• Have good knowledge in their area of


• Participation in filling reports

• Participation in card observers

• Participate in the system of quality


• Punctual and timely

• Have good working relationship

• Create a positive working environment

• Have good relationships with clients

• Appropriate use of protective equipment

and working tools

• Compliance to their roles and


• Participating in courses and training


Employee of the Quarter

Contributed by : Ana Navarro – Scomi Oiltools, Venezuela

José Oropeza

Javier Amesty Handry Torres Nixon Atencio

Luis GarcíaRichard Méndez

Nominees are assessed based on the following criteria:


10 new Solids Control Technicians for projects Cliff 40 and Pride 527 went through a basics of solids control course on 10 June 2008. The course was more of a refresher session which allowed participants to clear any doubts and clarify their operational tasks. Topics covered in the course were among others, calculation of force, optimizing a control device system and the benefits of a good control system. The training course ran for 8 hours and was conducted by our very own project engineer, Angel Armas, who used to be a Solids Control Technician when he joined Scomi Oiltools. At the end of the course, participants were eager to get to the fields and get their hands dirty. Before that, they each received a certificate of participation and completion of the course.

Contributed by : Ana Navarro – Scomi Oiltools, Venezuela

“We hope that you continue your good work and stay dedicated to the Scomi Oiltools family.”

Selected as the Best Choice Employee of the Quarter – January, February & March 2008, Ender Portillo, a solids control technician for Project GP-23 received a Dremel equipment and a certificate for his achievement. Portillo was selected among

7 other nominees, all of whom are also solids control technicians for various other projects. The other nominees were:

Ender Portillo

This award is part of the motivational program in the district and the winner is selected from a group of workers who have excelled in their work performance and have a positive attitude towards creating a positive working environment. Those responsible for selecting the nominees and ultimately the winner are operation supervisors, operations & QHSE coordinators and the District Manager.

For more information on types of fire extinguishers, visit http://web.utk.edu/~ehss/fire/exttypes.htm or


Labour Day Celebrations... the Venezuelan Way

Staff at the Ciudad Ojeda base received their Caps on Labour Day

Like many other countries in the world, Labour Day was also celebrated in Venezuela on 01 May.

At Cindad Ojeda Venezuela West, a sumptuous lunch was complemented by festive mood and great company. Part of the celebration included the presentation of Scomi caps to all staff.

Scomi Oiltools Venezuela East also spent Labour Day feasting and enjoying each other’s company. Their celebration was made merrier with the presence of District Managers, Jose Pena and Franklin Carruyo, who also celebrated his birthday on that day. The highlight of the day was, of course, the Raffles Draw where many went home with great gifts.

The staff at Barina Bay, Venezuela South also celebrated Labour Day with a great selection of food, lots of fun and friends.

Contributed by : Ana Navarro – Scomi Oiltools, Venezuela

Carmen Rodríguez, won a purse José Sulbarán, won a movistar cellphone

Angeli Aponte, won a blender Cruz García, won a coffee maker

Jean Carlos Rojas, won a cava combo

Labour Day Lunch at Cindad Ojeda

Venezuela West

Barina Bay staff enjoying a good day with great friends and colleagues

Venezuela South

Venezuela East

21p24 p25




South AmericaSouth America

For more information on types of fire extinguishers, visit http://web.utk.edu/~ehss/fire/exttypes.htm or


Training Course on the Basics of Solids Control

• Being a good co-worker

• Have the ability to make informed


• Have good knowledge in their area of


• Participation in filling reports

• Participation in card observers

• Participate in the system of quality


• Punctual and timely

• Have good working relationship

• Create a positive working environment

• Have good relationships with clients

• Appropriate use of protective equipment

and working tools

• Compliance to their roles and


• Participating in courses and training


Employee of the Quarter

Contributed by : Ana Navarro – Scomi Oiltools, Venezuela

José Oropeza

Javier Amesty Handry Torres Nixon Atencio

Luis GarcíaRichard Méndez

Nominees are assessed based on the following criteria:


10 new Solids Control Technicians for projects Cliff 40 and Pride 527 went through a basics of solids control course on 10 June 2008. The course was more of a refresher session which allowed participants to clear any doubts and clarify their operational tasks. Topics covered in the course were among others, calculation of force, optimizing a control device system and the benefits of a good control system. The training course ran for 8 hours and was conducted by our very own project engineer, Angel Armas, who used to be a Solids Control Technician when he joined Scomi Oiltools. At the end of the course, participants were eager to get to the fields and get their hands dirty. Before that, they each received a certificate of participation and completion of the course.

Contributed by : Ana Navarro – Scomi Oiltools, Venezuela

“We hope that you continue your good work and stay dedicated to the Scomi Oiltools family.”

Selected as the Best Choice Employee of the Quarter – January, February & March 2008, Ender Portillo, a solids control technician for Project GP-23 received a Dremel equipment and a certificate for his achievement. Portillo was selected among

7 other nominees, all of whom are also solids control technicians for various other projects. The other nominees were:

Ender Portillo

This award is part of the motivational program in the district and the winner is selected from a group of workers who have excelled in their work performance and have a positive attitude towards creating a positive working environment. Those responsible for selecting the nominees and ultimately the winner are operation supervisors, operations & QHSE coordinators and the District Manager.

For more information on types of fire extinguishers, visit http://web.utk.edu/~ehss/fire/exttypes.htm or


Labour Day Celebrations... the Venezuelan Way

Staff at the Ciudad Ojeda base received their Caps on Labour Day

Like many other countries in the world, Labour Day was also celebrated in Venezuela on 01 May.

At Cindad Ojeda Venezuela West, a sumptuous lunch was complemented by festive mood and great company. Part of the celebration included the presentation of Scomi caps to all staff.

Scomi Oiltools Venezuela East also spent Labour Day feasting and enjoying each other’s company. Their celebration was made merrier with the presence of District Managers, Jose Pena and Franklin Carruyo, who also celebrated his birthday on that day. The highlight of the day was, of course, the Raffles Draw where many went home with great gifts.

The staff at Barina Bay, Venezuela South also celebrated Labour Day with a great selection of food, lots of fun and friends.

Contributed by : Ana Navarro – Scomi Oiltools, Venezuela

Carmen Rodríguez, won a purse José Sulbarán, won a movistar cellphone

Angeli Aponte, won a blender Cruz García, won a coffee maker

Jean Carlos Rojas, won a cava combo

Labour Day Lunch at Cindad Ojeda

Venezuela West

Barina Bay staff enjoying a good day with great friends and colleagues

Venezuela South

Venezuela East




p26 p27South America United Kingdom

When an anniversary is approaching, an employee is approached by the human resource department. The employee will be asked if there is something in particular he or she may wish to receive as a gift. Sometimes the employee gets a gift and sometimes they get a gift voucher from a shop of their choice. The value of the gifts depends on the years of service.

That is how, when DWM Supervisor Brian Cowie celebrated his 10th year with Scomi Oiltools on 05 January 2008, he received a gift voucher worth £200 to be spent at Thomson Travel.

Derek Richardson, operations manager, on the other hand, decided that the best 10th year anniversary gift for him would be season tickets to watch his favourite football team, the Aberdeen Football Club play. He also received vouchers from Argos, all totaling to £200.

Payroll Supervisor, Lynne Brown, preferred something a little more ladylike, of course and went for gift vouchers worth £200 to be spent at Finnies the Jewellers. Her 10th year anniversary was on 18 May 2008. All gifts were presented by UK country manager, Dave Simpson. Contributed by : Mary Johnstone – Scomi Oiltools, UK

Congratulations on Your Big 10!

CongratulationsMatin Momeni

Matin Momeni with Professor Russell Howe, Head of Chemistry

Congratulations to Matin Momeni, who graduated on 03 July 2008, from the University

of Aberdeen with a Master of Science of Chemistry (M.Sc). Momeni is currently a Drilling

Fluids Engineer trainee with Scomi Oiltools (Europe) Ltd.

Contributed by : Mary Johnstone – Scomi Oiltools, UK

Brian Cowie (left) with Dave Simpson Derek Richardson’s (left) Lynne Brown (right) receiving her gift fromDave Simpson

• Season tickets for Pittodrie• Cash towards purchasing a

telescope• Travel vouchers that came on time

for the employee to go on his honeymoon

• Curling shoes

In addition to the individually selected gifts, each employee also receives a specially inscribed glass paper weight.

Recent long service gifts have included:

Fighting Fire the Right WayKnowing how to fight a fire is important. That is exactly what we were taught on 06 May 2008. A firefighter from our local fire brigade, Anaco City, spent 8 hours drilling us on fire fighting strategies which follow some basic procedures: arriving at the scene of the fire as quick as possible; assessing the nature of the fire, the most effective way of extinguishing the fire; containing the fire by protecting adjacent areas and finally extinguishing the fire itself. Danger of entering the fire area and locating and rescuing people were also emphasized. We also covered the types of extinguishers there are for example, PQS and CO2 and informed how fires are classified into category A, B, C, D and K.

Every lesson taught must be translated into practice. We headed out to the courtyard where a drum, chopped lengthwise was already in place for a fire simulation practice session. Rags were placed in the drum with diesel fuel poured over and ignited. Our task at that moment was to take turns extinguishing the fire and we bravely did it. We were evaluated and I can proudly say that we performed our task well and received pats on our backs! Most of us went home smudged in black soot and smelling of fuel but glad that we learnt something new and have become more confident if there is a case of such an emergency.

Different types of fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish different classes of fire. The two most common types of fire extinguishers are Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Dry Chemical Extingusiher (ABC). CO2s are designed for Class B and C (flammable liquid and electrical) fires only wheras, an "ABC" extinguisher may be used on class A,B, and C fires.

Contributed by : Isabel Gómez. QHSE – Scomi Oiltools, Venezuela

An "ABC" extinguisher will have a label like this, indicating that it may be used on class A,B, and C fires.

For more information on types of fire extinguishers, visit http://web.utk.edu/~ehss/fire/exttypes.htm or


Class AClass B

Class CClass DClass K

Class AClass BClass CClass EClass DClass F

Ordinary combustiblesFlammable liquidsFlammable gasesElectrical equipmentCombustible metalsCooking oil or fat

American European/Australiasian Fuel/Heat source

Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher (CO2)

Labels on CO2 extinguishers

Dry Chemical Extinguisher (ABC)

Dry Chemical Extinguishers come in a variety of types. You may see them labeled:

• "DC" short for "Dry Chem" • "ABC" indicating that they are designed to

extinguish class A,B,and C fires, or • "BC" indicating that they are designed to

extinguish class B and C fires





p26 p27South America United Kingdom

When an anniversary is approaching, an employee is approached by the human resource department. The employee will be asked if there is something in particular he or she may wish to receive as a gift. Sometimes the employee gets a gift and sometimes they get a gift voucher from a shop of their choice. The value of the gifts depends on the years of service.

That is how, when DWM Supervisor Brian Cowie celebrated his 10th year with Scomi Oiltools on 05 January 2008, he received a gift voucher worth £200 to be spent at Thomson Travel.

Derek Richardson, operations manager, on the other hand, decided that the best 10th year anniversary gift for him would be season tickets to watch his favourite football team, the Aberdeen Football Club play. He also received vouchers from Argos, all totaling to £200.

Payroll Supervisor, Lynne Brown, preferred something a little more ladylike, of course and went for gift vouchers worth £200 to be spent at Finnies the Jewellers. Her 10th year anniversary was on 18 May 2008. All gifts were presented by UK country manager, Dave Simpson. Contributed by : Mary Johnstone – Scomi Oiltools, UK

Congratulations on Your Big 10!

CongratulationsMatin Momeni

Matin Momeni with Professor Russell Howe, Head of Chemistry

Congratulations to Matin Momeni, who graduated on 03 July 2008, from the University

of Aberdeen with a Master of Science of Chemistry (M.Sc). Momeni is currently a Drilling

Fluids Engineer trainee with Scomi Oiltools (Europe) Ltd.

Contributed by : Mary Johnstone – Scomi Oiltools, UK

Brian Cowie (left) with Dave Simpson Derek Richardson’s (left) Lynne Brown (right) receiving her gift fromDave Simpson

• Season tickets for Pittodrie• Cash towards purchasing a

telescope• Travel vouchers that came on time

for the employee to go on his honeymoon

• Curling shoes

In addition to the individually selected gifts, each employee also receives a specially inscribed glass paper weight.

Recent long service gifts have included:

Fighting Fire the Right WayKnowing how to fight a fire is important. That is exactly what we were taught on 06 May 2008. A firefighter from our local fire brigade, Anaco City, spent 8 hours drilling us on fire fighting strategies which follow some basic procedures: arriving at the scene of the fire as quick as possible; assessing the nature of the fire, the most effective way of extinguishing the fire; containing the fire by protecting adjacent areas and finally extinguishing the fire itself. Danger of entering the fire area and locating and rescuing people were also emphasized. We also covered the types of extinguishers there are for example, PQS and CO2 and informed how fires are classified into category A, B, C, D and K.

Every lesson taught must be translated into practice. We headed out to the courtyard where a drum, chopped lengthwise was already in place for a fire simulation practice session. Rags were placed in the drum with diesel fuel poured over and ignited. Our task at that moment was to take turns extinguishing the fire and we bravely did it. We were evaluated and I can proudly say that we performed our task well and received pats on our backs! Most of us went home smudged in black soot and smelling of fuel but glad that we learnt something new and have become more confident if there is a case of such an emergency.

Different types of fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish different classes of fire. The two most common types of fire extinguishers are Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Dry Chemical Extingusiher (ABC). CO2s are designed for Class B and C (flammable liquid and electrical) fires only wheras, an "ABC" extinguisher may be used on class A,B, and C fires.

Contributed by : Isabel Gómez. QHSE – Scomi Oiltools, Venezuela

An "ABC" extinguisher will have a label like this, indicating that it may be used on class A,B, and C fires.

For more information on types of fire extinguishers, visit http://web.utk.edu/~ehss/fire/exttypes.htm or


Class AClass B

Class CClass DClass K

Class AClass BClass CClass EClass DClass F

Ordinary combustiblesFlammable liquidsFlammable gasesElectrical equipmentCombustible metalsCooking oil or fat

American European/Australiasian Fuel/Heat source

Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher (CO2)

Labels on CO2 extinguishers

Dry Chemical Extinguisher (ABC)

Dry Chemical Extinguishers come in a variety of types. You may see them labeled:

• "DC" short for "Dry Chem" • "ABC" indicating that they are designed to

extinguish class A,B,and C fires, or • "BC" indicating that they are designed to

extinguish class B and C fires



ep28 p29United Kingdom United Kingdom

Mud Plant Opening for Scomi Oiltools Aberdeen

and underlines the commitment to the North Sea energy sector. LMP is part of a £10 million investment in Scomi’s UK business and it is expected to generate around 20 jobs in the short term and up to 50 in the longer term. It also completes the transformation of Scomi’s product offering to a comprehensive integrated package of well fluids and drilling waste management.

As Chris Pianca said; “This new facility is a significant development for us as drilling fluids and the international markets offer huge growth opportunities for Scomi”. Mr Pianca is seen in the picture below with Kenny Murray, the Scomi Oiltools, Aberdeen based Project Manager.

Contributed by : Mary Johnstone – Scomi Oiltools, UK

Richard MacKenzie, Plant / Warehouse Supervisor is captured here at the entrance to the Mixing Housing on the LMP to which he contributed hugely to construct. The bolted tank configuration required many, many man-hours of dedicated effort and Richard and his team worked unstintingly until it was complete

The LMP forms the back-drop for this picture of Chris Pianca and Kenny Murray who undertook the management of the entire LMP construction project from design through to commissioning. All who attended agreed that he’d done a first-class job

The occasion was also chosen to showcase KINESIS, an innovative solution to the problem of transporting oily cuttings. A derivative of drilling fluids technology, namely an oil based pseudoplastic fluid, lies at the heart of the system which is designed to suspend cuttings and facilitate high rate pumping in bulk. KINESIS therefore has the potential to reduce overall drilling costs and eliminate the HSE hazards associated with conventional skip-and-ship methods. Keen interest in KINESIS was exhibited by many of the operator personnel who attended the event.

All in all it was a successful and professionally laid out day with great food, lovely atmosphere and good presentations.

PRESS & JOURNAL,30 July 2008

On Tuesday 29 July, the Aberdeen office unveiled its new quayside drilling fluids plant (Liquid Mud Plant – LMP) along with pioneering cuttings transport technology. Despite heavy rain and seagulls squawking, it was a very successful day with around 60 participants, including customers from across the energy sector.

Scomi brand elements were evident everywhereThe whole opening was a reflection of good planning, creativity and engineering excellence. The event was also a lesson in corporate branding with a carpet in Scomi-green, and a stage back-drop in plum. The branding even extended to the table centre pieces – a collage of green apples which also reflected the principal event themes of “New Ideas” and “Hybrid Solutions” where an apple/orange featured in the posters. Scomi logos predominated and all the employees were dressed in Scomi shirts/blouses and ties with Scomi plum.

The development, at Aberdeen Harbour’s Pocra Quay, was officially opened by Aberdeen North MSP, Brian Adam, a former principal biochemist, who said the investment illustrated the buoyancy of the North Sea market and reflected the faith of locally-based firms in its future. He unveiled an ice plaque to mark the facility's inauguration.

The opening of the 10,000 barrel capacity storage facility marked the launch of Scomi Oiltools’ drilling fluids in the UK


THE STAR, 31 July 2008

Chris Pianca in front of the Kinesis demonstration equipment with the engineers




p28 p29United Kingdom United Kingdom

Mud Plant Opening for Scomi Oiltools Aberdeen

and underlines the commitment to the North Sea energy sector. LMP is part of a £10 million investment in Scomi’s UK business and it is expected to generate around 20 jobs in the short term and up to 50 in the longer term. It also completes the transformation of Scomi’s product offering to a comprehensive integrated package of well fluids and drilling waste management.

As Chris Pianca said; “This new facility is a significant development for us as drilling fluids and the international markets offer huge growth opportunities for Scomi”. Mr Pianca is seen in the picture below with Kenny Murray, the Scomi Oiltools, Aberdeen based Project Manager.

Contributed by : Mary Johnstone – Scomi Oiltools, UK

Richard MacKenzie, Plant / Warehouse Supervisor is captured here at the entrance to the Mixing Housing on the LMP to which he contributed hugely to construct. The bolted tank configuration required many, many man-hours of dedicated effort and Richard and his team worked unstintingly until it was complete

The LMP forms the back-drop for this picture of Chris Pianca and Kenny Murray who undertook the management of the entire LMP construction project from design through to commissioning. All who attended agreed that he’d done a first-class job

The occasion was also chosen to showcase KINESIS, an innovative solution to the problem of transporting oily cuttings. A derivative of drilling fluids technology, namely an oil based pseudoplastic fluid, lies at the heart of the system which is designed to suspend cuttings and facilitate high rate pumping in bulk. KINESIS therefore has the potential to reduce overall drilling costs and eliminate the HSE hazards associated with conventional skip-and-ship methods. Keen interest in KINESIS was exhibited by many of the operator personnel who attended the event.

All in all it was a successful and professionally laid out day with great food, lovely atmosphere and good presentations.

PRESS & JOURNAL,30 July 2008

On Tuesday 29 July, the Aberdeen office unveiled its new quayside drilling fluids plant (Liquid Mud Plant – LMP) along with pioneering cuttings transport technology. Despite heavy rain and seagulls squawking, it was a very successful day with around 60 participants, including customers from across the energy sector.

Scomi brand elements were evident everywhereThe whole opening was a reflection of good planning, creativity and engineering excellence. The event was also a lesson in corporate branding with a carpet in Scomi-green, and a stage back-drop in plum. The branding even extended to the table centre pieces – a collage of green apples which also reflected the principal event themes of “New Ideas” and “Hybrid Solutions” where an apple/orange featured in the posters. Scomi logos predominated and all the employees were dressed in Scomi shirts/blouses and ties with Scomi plum.

The development, at Aberdeen Harbour’s Pocra Quay, was officially opened by Aberdeen North MSP, Brian Adam, a former principal biochemist, who said the investment illustrated the buoyancy of the North Sea market and reflected the faith of locally-based firms in its future. He unveiled an ice plaque to mark the facility's inauguration.

The opening of the 10,000 barrel capacity storage facility marked the launch of Scomi Oiltools’ drilling fluids in the UK


THE STAR, 31 July 2008

Chris Pianca in front of the Kinesis demonstration equipment with the engineers



ep30 p31RussiaNorway

and visitors. We were also pleased to have another visitor, Mr Pascal Groffe, Marketing Manager for Scomi Anticor S.A., who looks into business opportunities in the Russian market.

Scomi Oiltools Russia looks forward to next year’s participation in MIOGE, especially since the company will be celebrating its 15th successful years of operations in Russia. We are eager to celebrate that with our team and all our customers.

Contributed by : Maria Sannikova – Scomi Oiltools, Russia

Scomi Oiltools team working at the exhibition: Natalia Shevchenko (Country Manager), Alexey Makarychev (Sales Manager), Anastasia Shushunova (Marketing Administrator), Sergey Nesterenko (Sales Manager)

Mr Pascal Groffe and Olga Tkach (Logistics Coordinator, Scomi Oiltools Russia) at the exhibition stand

Scomi Oiltools exhibition stand

Olga Tkach and Mike Bonge

Moscow International Oil & Gas Exhibition (MIOGE), the biggest annual event in the oil and gas industry of Russia, took place on 23-27 June this year. Scomi Oiltools Russia is a permanent participant of the exhibition. This year, we decided to increase the area of our booth to 55 sq.m., showcasing two pieces of solids control equipment and introducing a new business line of Drilling Fluids (DF) services launched by the company in Russia earlier this year.

DF services, as a new and growing opportunity for the oil and gas industry in Russia, currently generates a huge interest among operators and service companies and it is a good opportunity for Scomi Oiltools to realize its potential in the new field. As it was expected, the introduction of the new services was welcomed by the present and potential clients who showed a great deal of interest in the service. Scomi Oiltools Russia it now taking first steps in the new field and sees it as a main focus for future business development.

We were pleased with the number of visitors to our booth. We worked on some ongoing negotiations with existing partners; we took some interested customers on a site tour during the exhibition itself, and also had some new contracts drawn up for future sales.

Scomi Oiltools Russia team was pleased to have our American colleague, Mr Mike Bonge (International Sales Manager, Scomi Oiltools, USA) who shared his huge experience in DWM with the employees and was a big contribution in consulting clients

New Line of Drilling Fluids on Display at MIOGE 2008

StavangerThe European Capital of Culture

Stavanger 2008Welcome to Stavanger 2008! The Stavanger region is this year’s European Capital of Culture and with the ambitious vision that roughly translates to “an open harbour” in English, Stavanger, which is already the energy capital of Europe will now be the centre of culture!

What is a European Capital of Culture?The EU began appointing European Cities of Culture since 1984 and in more recent years European Capitals of Culture. The idea was introduced by the Greek singer and Minister of Culture, Melina Mercouri, who believed that the arts and the local economy can go hand in hand to function as a driving force in civilised urban developments. The application to the EU Council of Ministers for Stavanger to be granted the status of Capital of Culture was submitted by the Norwegian cabinet, on behalf of the Stavanger region. Stavanger was granted this honour for the year 2008 together with Liverpool. The European Capitals of Culture are considered EU's most successful culture initiative. The most important thing learnt from previous capitals of culture is that these cities invested heavily in initiatives to promote the status of their city which in turn benefitted tremendously from tourism.

The program for 2008 is to bring together local, regional and national artists with the most creative forces from around the world. It’s all about exploring each other’s ideas, building new competencies, and excellence while sharing knowledge and adventures.

The opening ceremony was held on 12 January, in which performers from all 26 of Rogaland’s municipalities took part along with international artists. The event focused strongly on participation, which brought people together across boundaries to share new experiences for the future.

Plug and Play Benches Public benches are normally meant for sitting down for a rest, reading a newspaper or simply watching people coming and going. On 12 April there were unusual additions to the benches of our district. These benches had solar-powered Mp3 players installed to its armrests for your listening pleasure!

Stavanger, this year’s European Capital of Culture

Water-gliding parade at the opening ceremony

Lights & colours at the fantastic opening ceremony

The benches themselves tell a story as each makes up a series of 10 unique, handmade public benches, especially adapted to incorporate sound and visual art. The benches are developed and handmade in cooperation with local companies. They are one hundred percent environmentally friendly and are made from quality timber from Rogaland.

Past experiencesThe experiences of former Capitals of Culture have illuminated the vast benefits associated with Capital of Culture. Increases in the local travel industry and business are two obvious rewards. The most important outcome, however, is to ensure that the cultural impact continues to develop well beyond its given year. Assessments made since 1985 show significant growth in the cultural arena and a more profound understanding among the Capital City’s citizens of the importance of culture. A number of European cities have used the City of Culture year to transform their cultural base and which on a larger level promote the cities internationally.

Contributed by : Lene Engelsgjerd – Scomi Oiltools, Norway

Plug & Play Benches




p30 p31RussiaNorway

and visitors. We were also pleased to have another visitor, Mr Pascal Groffe, Marketing Manager for Scomi Anticor S.A., who looks into business opportunities in the Russian market.

Scomi Oiltools Russia looks forward to next year’s participation in MIOGE, especially since the company will be celebrating its 15th successful years of operations in Russia. We are eager to celebrate that with our team and all our customers.

Contributed by : Maria Sannikova – Scomi Oiltools, Russia

Scomi Oiltools team working at the exhibition: Natalia Shevchenko (Country Manager), Alexey Makarychev (Sales Manager), Anastasia Shushunova (Marketing Administrator), Sergey Nesterenko (Sales Manager)

Mr Pascal Groffe and Olga Tkach (Logistics Coordinator, Scomi Oiltools Russia) at the exhibition stand

Scomi Oiltools exhibition stand

Olga Tkach and Mike Bonge

Moscow International Oil & Gas Exhibition (MIOGE), the biggest annual event in the oil and gas industry of Russia, took place on 23-27 June this year. Scomi Oiltools Russia is a permanent participant of the exhibition. This year, we decided to increase the area of our booth to 55 sq.m., showcasing two pieces of solids control equipment and introducing a new business line of Drilling Fluids (DF) services launched by the company in Russia earlier this year.

DF services, as a new and growing opportunity for the oil and gas industry in Russia, currently generates a huge interest among operators and service companies and it is a good opportunity for Scomi Oiltools to realize its potential in the new field. As it was expected, the introduction of the new services was welcomed by the present and potential clients who showed a great deal of interest in the service. Scomi Oiltools Russia it now taking first steps in the new field and sees it as a main focus for future business development.

We were pleased with the number of visitors to our booth. We worked on some ongoing negotiations with existing partners; we took some interested customers on a site tour during the exhibition itself, and also had some new contracts drawn up for future sales.

Scomi Oiltools Russia team was pleased to have our American colleague, Mr Mike Bonge (International Sales Manager, Scomi Oiltools, USA) who shared his huge experience in DWM with the employees and was a big contribution in consulting clients

New Line of Drilling Fluids on Display at MIOGE 2008

StavangerThe European Capital of Culture

Stavanger 2008Welcome to Stavanger 2008! The Stavanger region is this year’s European Capital of Culture and with the ambitious vision that roughly translates to “an open harbour” in English, Stavanger, which is already the energy capital of Europe will now be the centre of culture!

What is a European Capital of Culture?The EU began appointing European Cities of Culture since 1984 and in more recent years European Capitals of Culture. The idea was introduced by the Greek singer and Minister of Culture, Melina Mercouri, who believed that the arts and the local economy can go hand in hand to function as a driving force in civilised urban developments. The application to the EU Council of Ministers for Stavanger to be granted the status of Capital of Culture was submitted by the Norwegian cabinet, on behalf of the Stavanger region. Stavanger was granted this honour for the year 2008 together with Liverpool. The European Capitals of Culture are considered EU's most successful culture initiative. The most important thing learnt from previous capitals of culture is that these cities invested heavily in initiatives to promote the status of their city which in turn benefitted tremendously from tourism.

The program for 2008 is to bring together local, regional and national artists with the most creative forces from around the world. It’s all about exploring each other’s ideas, building new competencies, and excellence while sharing knowledge and adventures.

The opening ceremony was held on 12 January, in which performers from all 26 of Rogaland’s municipalities took part along with international artists. The event focused strongly on participation, which brought people together across boundaries to share new experiences for the future.

Plug and Play Benches Public benches are normally meant for sitting down for a rest, reading a newspaper or simply watching people coming and going. On 12 April there were unusual additions to the benches of our district. These benches had solar-powered Mp3 players installed to its armrests for your listening pleasure!

Stavanger, this year’s European Capital of Culture

Water-gliding parade at the opening ceremony

Lights & colours at the fantastic opening ceremony

The benches themselves tell a story as each makes up a series of 10 unique, handmade public benches, especially adapted to incorporate sound and visual art. The benches are developed and handmade in cooperation with local companies. They are one hundred percent environmentally friendly and are made from quality timber from Rogaland.

Past experiencesThe experiences of former Capitals of Culture have illuminated the vast benefits associated with Capital of Culture. Increases in the local travel industry and business are two obvious rewards. The most important outcome, however, is to ensure that the cultural impact continues to develop well beyond its given year. Assessments made since 1985 show significant growth in the cultural arena and a more profound understanding among the Capital City’s citizens of the importance of culture. A number of European cities have used the City of Culture year to transform their cultural base and which on a larger level promote the cities internationally.

Contributed by : Lene Engelsgjerd – Scomi Oiltools, Norway

Plug & Play Benches


SUN, SEA & SAND withOur Labuan Family

Preparing for our volleyball competition

Simply hanging out

Where is the hidden item? Steady, aim, throw!Funny fathers




p32 p33

There has been a lot of talk and hype on road traffic violations, with many leading to accidents. We, at PY Oiltools Brunei decided to take

the opportunity to conduct a check on all cars of our staff.

We strongly believe that all our staff demonstrate personal accountability for safety at all times not only at the workplace. Paying

little attention to the importance of road safety can lead to severe injuries, loss of lives and damage to properties. We also expect our

staff to comply to traffic rules and regulations, and practise safe driving at all times.

On 23 April 2008, Country Manager Soh Nyet Lan carried out a spot check on all our vehicles at the premises. She paid special attention to

windshield wipers, lights, brakes, seat belts and horns. One of our contractors, Yong Brother also had his car checked.

After the check, she conducted a feedback session and some of us were in trouble! A few of us had to have our cars repaired and some

had to get replacement parts. Some of our cars were categorized as ‘in urgent and serious need of immediate action’. At the end of the day,

Lan reminded us to have our cars checked regularly and wished us all a safe drive home!

Contributed by : U Moe Kyaw Kyaw – QHSE Supervisor, Brunei

Strict on Safety

Lan (left) assessing the cars

Greetings from the island of Labuan, Malaysia. The Scomi Oiltools DF team decided to take advantage of the island’s beautiful beach and headed out for a picnic. It was a simple affair with staff and their family members who gathered on a nice sunny Saturday to just have fun and get to know each other better. The day kicked off with a safety briefing reminding them of our main priority even outside our working area. Games for children were then held; which turned out not only appealing to the children, but the fathers who decided to share in the fun. The smell of the barbeque got everyone hungry, and the feast was heartily enjoyed while enjoying the warmth of the sun, the gentle sounds of the waves and the smooth sand under our feet. Once all energy was restored, staff and their spouses competed in a beach volleyball competition. Teams of three competed against each other to qualify for the finals. The team comprising of Sharulnizam, Ridzuan Ramlee & Asmin fought hard and played even harder to become the champions.

The ‘gentle’ hands of the guys were then tested in a balloon throwing contest (water filled balloon, of course!). They had to catch the balloons thrown to them by their wives without dropping them.

The day ended with prize giving to all the winners, more eating before packing and cleaning up.

Contributed by : Judith Pereira – Scomi Oiltools, Labuan

Five Principles of Road Safety:1) Wear seat belts all the time, including those at the back seat.

2) Observe speed limits at all times, even on the highways.3) Do not use mobile phones while driving.

4) Motorcyclists should always have theirhelmets on, including the pillion rider.

5) Use pedestrian crossings or overheadpedestrian bridges.

Cars lined up for the spot check

It is important to have a fire extinguisher in the car

Volleyball championsSpike!


SUN, SEA & SAND withOur Labuan Family

Preparing for our volleyball competition

Simply hanging out

Where is the hidden item? Steady, aim, throw!Funny fathers





p32 p33

There has been a lot of talk and hype on road tra�c violations, with many leading to accidents. We, at PY Oiltools Brunei decided to take

the opportunity to conduct a check on all cars of our sta�.

We strongly believe that all our sta� demonstrate personal accountability for safety at all times not only at the workplace. Paying

little attention to the importance of road safety can lead to severe injuries, loss of lives and damage to properties. We also expect our

sta� to comply to tra�c rules and regulations, and practise safe driving at all times.

On 23 April 2008, Country Manager Soh Nyet Lan carried out a spot check on all our vehicles at the premises. She paid special attention to

windshield wipers, lights, brakes, seat belts and horns. One of our contractors, Yong Brother also had his car checked.

After the check, she conducted a feedback session and some of us were in trouble! A few of us had to have our cars repaired and some

had to get replacement parts. Some of our cars were categorized as ‘in urgent and serious need of immediate action’. At the end of the day,

Lan reminded us to have our cars checked regularly and wished us all a safe drive home!

Contributed by : U Moe Kyaw Kyaw – QHSE Supervisor, Brunei

Strict on Safety

Lan (left) assessing the cars

Greetings from the island of Labuan, Malaysia. The Scomi Oiltools DF team decided to take advantage of the island’s beautiful beach and headed out for a picnic. It was a simple a�air with sta� and their family members who gathered on a nice sunny Saturday to just have fun and get to know each other better. The day kicked o� with a safety brie�ng reminding them of our main priority even outside our working area. Games for children were then held; which turned out not only appealing to the children, but the fathers who decided to share in the fun. The smell of the barbeque got everyone hungry, and the feast was heartily enjoyed while enjoying the warmth of the sun, the gentle sounds of the waves and the smooth sand under our feet. Once all energy was restored, sta� and their spouses competed in a beach volleyball competition. Teams of three competed against each other to qualify for the �nals. The team comprising of Sharulnizam, Ridzuan Ramlee & Asmin fought hard and played even harder to become the champions.

The ‘gentle’ hands of the guys were then tested in a balloon throwing contest (water �lled balloon, of course!). They had to catch the balloons thrown to them by their wives without dropping them.

The day ended with prize giving to all the winners, more eating before packing and cleaning up.

Contributed by : Judith Pereira – Scomi Oiltools, Labuan

Five Principles of Road Safety:1) Wear seat belts all the time, including those at the back seat.

2) Observe speed limits at all times, even on the highways.3) Do not use mobile phones while driving.

4) Motorcyclists should always have theirhelmets on, including the pillion rider.

5) Use pedestrian crossings or overheadpedestrian bridges.

Cars lined up for the spot check

It is important to have a �re extinguisher in the car

Volleyball championsSpike!




p34 p35

While most people may have had the regular intern job at a city nearby, Canadians Samantha Goettel and Danielle Schramm decided to take it up a few notches and chose to move to Kuala Lumpur for an internship with Scomi. Samantha and Danielle, both 23, are from the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada and this journey marks the last leg of their education before moving into the real working world.

Now just exactly how did they both end up here? All thanks to an optional, external internship programme offered at their university. Samantha, a Business Management student and Danielle, who majors in Human Resources are 2 of 18 students from the University of Lethbridge who signed up for a 6-week internship programme in Kuala Lumpur.

Although the weather was at first simply unbearable, in time and of course with a little help from the air conditioner, both interns settled in nicely in a dormitory operated by the Methodist Church along Jalan Wesley (Wesley Road). “It’s a great place. It’s right in the middle of town and all we need is just around there,” said Samantha, who has lived in Europe for more than a year.

“But it can be a hassle getting to work because the office is on the other side of town,” added Danielle who is enjoying every bit of her final week here in Kuala Lumpur before she travels around South East Asia and then heads home. This is the first and longest time Danielle has lived abroad.

As for their internship at Scomi, Samantha and Danielle could not ask for more. They were put under the Special Projects Division and people there said they were really friendly and warm. “We always get asked out to lunch and people in the office are generally very sociable,” said Danielle.

Journey to the Other Side of the Earth

On the job the interns’ main day-to-day tasks is to do research on monorails, compile market analysis and sometimes data entry. “It’s my first office job and I feel more confident now working in a large organisation,” said Samantha. “Scomi is also a great place for me since my degree includes a minor in marketing. In fact I would like to explore other areas of marketing.”

Danielle who wants to specialise in Human Resources wants to continue to pursue it when she goes back to Canada. “I’d like to work for a multinational like Scomi doing HR,” she said. “It would be good if I was placed in the HR department but this is good training ground too.”

No one new to Kuala Lumpur would be spared a ‘culture shock’ question. So what were some of the things that our two interns found shocking? “In places likes Chinatown people would come to us and take pictures with us!” said Danielle. “The hygiene of some places was also a little shocking but we got over that,” continued Samantha. Another thing that was unusual for the girls was the fact that there are so many people in Kuala Lumpur. The LRT (Light Rail Transit) is always very packed during rush hour compared to Canada where there are very few people on busses and trains even during rush hour.

No matter what Samantha and Danielle have experienced in Kuala Lumpur, both said that they loved every moment living in the city and if given a chance they would come back to Kuala Lumpur in a heartbeat. The ladies are taking a few months to travel around South East Asia before heading back to Alberta.

Contributed by : Mark Ng – Scomi Oiltools, Kuala Lumpur

Canadian interns Samantha (left) and Danielle (right) sharing their experiences in a foreign land.

Matthew joined Scomi Oiltools in July 2007 as a trainee Solids Control & Drilling Waste Management Engineer and has made enormous progress in his employment competency during the time he has been with Scomi Oiltools Australia.

During the Inpex Ichthys Field Development campaign, Matthew’s efforts earned him an enviable reputation for the provision of superior service and customer focus - key attributes in supporting the Scomi Brand.

In recognition of the above, Matthew was awarded an iPod by Inpex and I personally received telephone calls from colleagues and Matthew’s peers accrediting his behaviour on site.

In addition to the above, he has been awarded the Scomi monthly safety award on two separate occasions.

Please join me in congratulating Matthew who received a solids control and drilling waste management performance award along with a Scomi jacket.

Contributed by : Rick Henry – Scomi Oiltools, Australia

From left, Ian Crabb – Country Manager, Matthew Carter – SC & DWM Engineer, Paul Mercer – Operations Manager


Matthew CarterPotential Realised

13th Consecutive Year for Scomi!Scomi did it again and we did it proudly for the 13th consecutive year in achieving Safety Excellence in 2007! The recognition was given by one of our long-time customers, ExxonMobil, to Scomi Oiltools’ Malaysian Operations team.

To commemorate this acknowledgment, both a certificate and recognition plaque was presented to our field team for their dedication to ensure that all staff on the rig carry their day-to-day duties with utmost attention. Congratulations to all who have contributed to this award!





p34 p35

While most people may have had the regular intern job at a city nearby, Canadians Samantha Goettel and Danielle Schramm decided to take it up a few notches and chose to move to Kuala Lumpur for an internship with Scomi. Samantha and Danielle, both 23, are from the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada and this journey marks the last leg of their education before moving into the real working world.

Now just exactly how did they both end up here? All thanks to an optional, external internship programme offered at their university. Samantha, a Business Management student and Danielle, who majors in Human Resources are 2 of 18 students from the University of Lethbridge who signed up for a 6-week internship programme in Kuala Lumpur.

Although the weather was at first simply unbearable, in time and of course with a little help from the air conditioner, both interns settled in nicely in a dormitory operated by the Methodist Church along Jalan Wesley (Wesley Road). “It’s a great place. It’s right in the middle of town and all we need is just around there,” said Samantha, who has lived in Europe for more than a year.

“But it can be a hassle getting to work because the office is on the other side of town,” added Danielle who is enjoying every bit of her final week here in Kuala Lumpur before she travels around South East Asia and then heads home. This is the first and longest time Danielle has lived abroad.

As for their internship at Scomi, Samantha and Danielle could not ask for more. They were put under the Special Projects Division and people there said they were really friendly and warm. “We always get asked out to lunch and people in the office are generally very sociable,” said Danielle.

Journey to the Other Side of the Earth

On the job the interns’ main day-to-day tasks is to do research on monorails, compile market analysis and sometimes data entry. “It’s my first office job and I feel more confident now working in a large organisation,” said Samantha. “Scomi is also a great place for me since my degree includes a minor in marketing. In fact I would like to explore other areas of marketing.”

Danielle who wants to specialise in Human Resources wants to continue to pursue it when she goes back to Canada. “I’d like to work for a multinational like Scomi doing HR,” she said. “It would be good if I was placed in the HR department but this is good training ground too.”

No one new to Kuala Lumpur would be spared a ‘culture shock’ question. So what were some of the things that our two interns found shocking? “In places likes Chinatown people would come to us and take pictures with us!” said Danielle. “The hygiene of some places was also a little shocking but we got over that,” continued Samantha. Another thing that was unusual for the girls was the fact that there are so many people in Kuala Lumpur. The LRT (Light Rail Transit) is always very packed during rush hour compared to Canada where there are very few people on busses and trains even during rush hour.

No matter what Samantha and Danielle have experienced in Kuala Lumpur, both said that they loved every moment living in the city and if given a chance they would come back to Kuala Lumpur in a heartbeat. The ladies are taking a few months to travel around South East Asia before heading back to Alberta.

Contributed by : Mark Ng – Scomi Oiltools, Kuala Lumpur

Canadian interns Samantha (left) and Danielle (right) sharing their experiences in a foreign land.

Matthew joined Scomi Oiltools in July 2007 as a trainee Solids Control & Drilling Waste Management Engineer and has made enormous progress in his employment competency during the time he has been with Scomi Oiltools Australia.

During the Inpex Ichthys Field Development campaign, Matthew’s efforts earned him an enviable reputation for the provision of superior service and customer focus - key attributes in supporting the Scomi Brand.

In recognition of the above, Matthew was awarded an iPod by Inpex and I personally received telephone calls from colleagues and Matthew’s peers accrediting his behaviour on site.

In addition to the above, he has been awarded the Scomi monthly safety award on two separate occasions.

Please join me in congratulating Matthew who received a solids control and drilling waste management performance award along with a Scomi jacket.

Contributed by : Rick Henry – Scomi Oiltools, Australia

From left, Ian Crabb – Country Manager, Matthew Carter – SC & DWM Engineer, Paul Mercer – Operations Manager


Matthew CarterPotential Realised

13th Consecutive Year for Scomi!Scomi did it again and we did it proudly for the 13th consecutive year in achieving Safety Excellence in 2007! The recognition was given by one of our long-time customers, ExxonMobil, to Scomi Oiltools’ Malaysian Operations team.

To commemorate this acknowledgment, both a certificate and recognition plaque was presented to our field team for their dedication to ensure that all staff on the rig carry their day-to-day duties with utmost attention. Congratulations to all who have contributed to this award!

The Crescent Shaped Corniche






p36 p37

Qatar – The Heart of Arabia

vintage Doha on tempting platter, which is designed like a Qatari fort. Qatari cuisine is mainly influenced by Iran, Egypt and India. International cuisine is available at most hotels, and if you are a fast food freak, don’t worry, as Doha is a hub for international fast-food joints.

A 40-km ride from Doha will take you to Al Wakra, a former fishing and pearl diving centre, which will give you the taste of a diver’s life. One of the major landmarks in Doha is the General Post Office, built in 1988. The building is designed to resemble a pigeon’s loft to symbolize civilization’s first mailmen. The sealine beach is a recommended place for fun activities such as camel racing, horse riding and water sports. The best time to visit this part of the world is March to April and September to November, when the climate is pleasant. HISTORY

The Pearl - an artificial island that will be a replica of Venice

Qatar has a rich and vibrant history – a history that can be traced back as far as 4000 BC. Throughout the centuries, the fishing and pearling trades have established Qatar as an important port in the Gulf. Qatar also appears on ancient maps, a clear sign that travelers and explorers knew of the presence of civilized settlements here. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Qatar fell under the influence of the Portuguese, who succeeded in establishing their control over trade and navigation. However, in 1538 AD, the Ottomans managed to expel the Portuguese and for four centuries Qatar was under Ottoman influence.

Qatar remained a British protectorate until 1971 when Britain decided to withdraw from the Arabian Gulf area. The Al Thani family formally became the ruling dynasty. Qatar became an independent country on 3 September 1971. Qatar rapidly became a rich country with a modern and well-developed infrastructure.

On 27 June 1995, His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani assumed power with the support of the ruling family and the Qatari people. With his accession Qatar entered a new era of modernization and embarked on the development of a strong base for democracy. GEOGRAPHYSurrounded by water on three sides, Qatar is a peninsula in the Arabian Gulf with its only land border existing at the southern end where Qatar meets Saudi Arabia. The average temperatures during summer range from 42°C during the day and 18°C at night, while winter temperatures are 34°C during the day and 10°C at night.

CULTUREThe people of Qatar are friendly. Arabic is the official language, although English is widely used. Primarily a Bedouin culture, Qatar’s traditions are based on poetry and song, while amazing art is created through weaving.

In their daily lives, Qatari’s wear traditional dress. For men this means a long, white shirt, thobe, crisp and welcoming in appearance, worn over white trousers. A head covering,

gutra, is secured with four black, tasseled cords which have been intricately braided. Women wear a long black flowing dress, abayah, and some women choose to wear a veil. ECONOMYThe cornerstone of Qatar's economy is the exploitation of its hydrocarbon resources. While considerable efforts are being made to diversify in order to lessen the dependence of the country on this natural resource, there is absolutely no doubt that the vast majority of Gross Domestic Product is generated by oil and gas and its associated industrial activities.

Oil production is currently around 835,000 barrels a day (bpd), and is expected to reach 1.1 million bpd by 2009. At the current production pace, oil reserves are expected to last more than 40 years. Moreover, Qatar's proven reserves of gas are the third-largest in the world, exceeding 900 trillion cubic feet (14% of the world's total proven gas reserves). Qatar shares with Iran the largest single non-associated gas field in the world, the North Field. Qatar is now the world's largest producer of liquefied natural gas (LNG), with a capacity of more than 31 million metric tons per annum (mmta), and it expects to reach 77.5 mmta of LNG exports by 2010. By 2010, Qatar will account for one-third of the world's LNG supply.

By entering into a series of Production Sharing Agreements with foreign oil and gas companies, Qatar has been successful in attracting foreign investment into its hydrocarbon industries, paving the way for new growth and increased economic activity.

Qatar Petroleum (QP), established in 1974, is wholly owned by the State and is responsible for all phases of the oil and gas industry in Qatar and abroad.

Contributed by : Shinaj Vinodan – Scomi Oiltools, Qatar

The flag of Qatar was officially adopted in 1949. At first glance, the Qatar flag seems remarkably similar to the flag of

Bahrain. The proportions set them apart and the colors differ, with Bahrain being a standard "British" red and Qatar the distinctive "maroon". The story goes that Qatar's original flag used an unstable red dye, and the relentless sun faded that red into a shade of maroon, and that color is referred to today as Qatar Maroon.


GENERAL INFORMATIONOfficial Name – State of QatarCapital – DohaLanguage – ArabicArea – 11,437 sq. kmPopulation – 907,229 in 2007Currency - Qatari RiyalsTime - GMT +3 hoursTelephone – International Code of Qatar is +974

Ever wanted to drive over sand dunes, race across the desert on horseback or ride the waves and wind of the Persian Gulf unadulterated like the heroes of the Arabian Nights? Perhaps you would like to nurse a cuppa and watch the sky turning orange at the dusk?

As your aircraft descends into Qatar, you are welcomed by a spectacular view of the capital city, Doha. The completely landscaped, crescent-shaped Corniche, the sparkling blue waters of the Arabian Gulf and the sandy desert backdrop provide the first glimpse of what awaits you. This sun-kissed country is filled with possibilities – desert escapades and shopping extravaganzas; natural attractions and water sports; state-of-the-art sporting facilities and historical museums; all combined with fine dining and luxurious accommodations.

Welcome to the heart of Arabia.Qatar is a potpourri of culture, emotions and experiences. From the shopaholic to the historian to the foodie, there is something for everyone in Qatar. Qatar has been in the news for some years, owing to its foray into business with the WTO conference and international sports with the Qatar open tennis tournament and Asian games 2006.

Walking through the alleys of the old part of the city and Irani-Qatari traders, Qatar architecture and indigenous aroma and tastes

welcome you. Formerly called as Irani souk and now modified as a heritage village, this part of town has the best traders of Qatari artifacts and curios. If you are looking for a quiet evening by the sea, do visit the Corniche. At the end of the Corniche stretch, overlooking the sea, Ras Al Naas offers

ARABIAN ORYXThe oryx is the national animal of Qatar. The once near-extinct Arabian Oryx now live and breed in protected herds. These social antelopes graze on sparse vegetation and use their large horns as weapons of self-defense. This graceful white animal is believed to be

the basis of the legend of the unicorn and is featured prominently on the tails of all Qatar Airways aircraft.

The Crescent Shaped Corniche







p36 p37

Qatar – The Heart of Arabia

vintage Doha on tempting platter, which is designed like a Qatari fort. Qatari cuisine is mainly influenced by Iran, Egypt and India. International cuisine is available at most hotels, and if you are a fast food freak, don’t worry, as Doha is a hub for international fast-food joints.

A 40-km ride from Doha will take you to Al Wakra, a former fishing and pearl diving centre, which will give you the taste of a diver’s life. One of the major landmarks in Doha is the General Post Office, built in 1988. The building is designed to resemble a pigeon’s loft to symbolize civilization’s first mailmen. The sealine beach is a recommended place for fun activities such as camel racing, horse riding and water sports. The best time to visit this part of the world is March to April and September to November, when the climate is pleasant. HISTORY

The Pearl - an artificial island that will be a replica of Venice

Qatar has a rich and vibrant history – a history that can be traced back as far as 4000 BC. Throughout the centuries, the fishing and pearling trades have established Qatar as an important port in the Gulf. Qatar also appears on ancient maps, a clear sign that travelers and explorers knew of the presence of civilized settlements here. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Qatar fell under the influence of the Portuguese, who succeeded in establishing their control over trade and navigation. However, in 1538 AD, the Ottomans managed to expel the Portuguese and for four centuries Qatar was under Ottoman influence.

Qatar remained a British protectorate until 1971 when Britain decided to withdraw from the Arabian Gulf area. The Al Thani family formally became the ruling dynasty. Qatar became an independent country on 3 September 1971. Qatar rapidly became a rich country with a modern and well-developed infrastructure.

On 27 June 1995, His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani assumed power with the support of the ruling family and the Qatari people. With his accession Qatar entered a new era of modernization and embarked on the development of a strong base for democracy. GEOGRAPHYSurrounded by water on three sides, Qatar is a peninsula in the Arabian Gulf with its only land border existing at the southern end where Qatar meets Saudi Arabia. The average temperatures during summer range from 42°C during the day and 18°C at night, while winter temperatures are 34°C during the day and 10°C at night.

CULTUREThe people of Qatar are friendly. Arabic is the official language, although English is widely used. Primarily a Bedouin culture, Qatar’s traditions are based on poetry and song, while amazing art is created through weaving.

In their daily lives, Qatari’s wear traditional dress. For men this means a long, white shirt, thobe, crisp and welcoming in appearance, worn over white trousers. A head covering,

gutra, is secured with four black, tasseled cords which have been intricately braided. Women wear a long black flowing dress, abayah, and some women choose to wear a veil. ECONOMYThe cornerstone of Qatar's economy is the exploitation of its hydrocarbon resources. While considerable efforts are being made to diversify in order to lessen the dependence of the country on this natural resource, there is absolutely no doubt that the vast majority of Gross Domestic Product is generated by oil and gas and its associated industrial activities.

Oil production is currently around 835,000 barrels a day (bpd), and is expected to reach 1.1 million bpd by 2009. At the current production pace, oil reserves are expected to last more than 40 years. Moreover, Qatar's proven reserves of gas are the third-largest in the world, exceeding 900 trillion cubic feet (14% of the world's total proven gas reserves). Qatar shares with Iran the largest single non-associated gas field in the world, the North Field. Qatar is now the world's largest producer of liquefied natural gas (LNG), with a capacity of more than 31 million metric tons per annum (mmta), and it expects to reach 77.5 mmta of LNG exports by 2010. By 2010, Qatar will account for one-third of the world's LNG supply.

By entering into a series of Production Sharing Agreements with foreign oil and gas companies, Qatar has been successful in attracting foreign investment into its hydrocarbon industries, paving the way for new growth and increased economic activity.

Qatar Petroleum (QP), established in 1974, is wholly owned by the State and is responsible for all phases of the oil and gas industry in Qatar and abroad.

Contributed by : Shinaj Vinodan – Scomi Oiltools, Qatar

The flag of Qatar was officially adopted in 1949. At first glance, the Qatar flag seems remarkably similar to the flag of

Bahrain. The proportions set them apart and the colors differ, with Bahrain being a standard "British" red and Qatar the distinctive "maroon". The story goes that Qatar's original flag used an unstable red dye, and the relentless sun faded that red into a shade of maroon, and that color is referred to today as Qatar Maroon.


GENERAL INFORMATIONOfficial Name – State of QatarCapital – DohaLanguage – ArabicArea – 11,437 sq. kmPopulation – 907,229 in 2007Currency - Qatari RiyalsTime - GMT +3 hoursTelephone – International Code of Qatar is +974

Ever wanted to drive over sand dunes, race across the desert on horseback or ride the waves and wind of the Persian Gulf unadulterated like the heroes of the Arabian Nights? Perhaps you would like to nurse a cuppa and watch the sky turning orange at the dusk?

As your aircraft descends into Qatar, you are welcomed by a spectacular view of the capital city, Doha. The completely landscaped, crescent-shaped Corniche, the sparkling blue waters of the Arabian Gulf and the sandy desert backdrop provide the first glimpse of what awaits you. This sun-kissed country is filled with possibilities – desert escapades and shopping extravaganzas; natural attractions and water sports; state-of-the-art sporting facilities and historical museums; all combined with fine dining and luxurious accommodations.

Welcome to the heart of Arabia.Qatar is a potpourri of culture, emotions and experiences. From the shopaholic to the historian to the foodie, there is something for everyone in Qatar. Qatar has been in the news for some years, owing to its foray into business with the WTO conference and international sports with the Qatar open tennis tournament and Asian games 2006.

Walking through the alleys of the old part of the city and Irani-Qatari traders, Qatar architecture and indigenous aroma and tastes

welcome you. Formerly called as Irani souk and now modified as a heritage village, this part of town has the best traders of Qatari artifacts and curios. If you are looking for a quiet evening by the sea, do visit the Corniche. At the end of the Corniche stretch, overlooking the sea, Ras Al Naas offers

ARABIAN ORYXThe oryx is the national animal of Qatar. The once near-extinct Arabian Oryx now live and breed in protected herds. These social antelopes graze on sparse vegetation and use their large horns as weapons of self-defense. This graceful white animal is believed to be

the basis of the legend of the unicorn and is featured prominently on the tails of all Qatar Airways aircraft.


omi S


typ38 Scomi Society Power Puzzles p39

Word Completion The same set of 3 letters can be added to the letters below to make a series of different words. For example, add ‘ant’ to the letters below and a series of new words can be formed

Missing FiguresThere is a logical sequence in these patterns. Insert the missing figures.

Sean French

Son of Chris French

(Scomi Oiltools, China)

02 September 2008

Meor Izz Aqram

Son of Nor’edah Asmuni

(Scomi Engineering, KL)

01 February 2008


Son of Bipin Babu

(Scomi Oiltools, Dubai)03 June 2008

Claire Lefort

Daughter of Zachary Lefort

(Scomi Oiltools, USA)

03 December 2008 Roman GorelovaSon of Oksana Gorelova(Scomi Oiltools, Russia)

17 August 2007

Judith Pereira & Gregory Nugent

(Scomi Oiltools, Labuan) 29 March 2008Komkrit Aumuauykiat & Wongsiri Chaikanjanakit(Scomi OMS, Songkhla) 26 January 2008




It’s your turn. Find a set of 3 letters that can be added to these to create a series of new words:


Answer: eamAnswer:


Giant Slant







Luis Antonio

Son of José Vielma

(Scomi Oiltools Venezuela)

06 March 2008

Denise Leann Reyes

Daughter of Matt Reyes

(Scomi Oiltools, USA)

01 April 2008

Cyrus Cano

Grandson of Tina Geary

(Scomi Oiltools, USA)

05 June 2008

Rylan John Despeaux

Grandson of Vicky Despeaux

(Scomi Oiltools, USA)

15 November 2007


Son of Emad Khalek

(Scomi Oiltools, Dubai)

07 June 2008

“Each row of spots alters independently of the other rows. In the row of 4 spots, one more spot is shaded in each sector moving clockwise. In the other rows of spots, the spots are alternately shaded plum and white in neighbouring sectors”.



i Soc


p38 Scomi Society Power Puzzles p39

Word Completion The same set of 3 letters can be added to the letters below to make a series of di�erent words. For example, add ‘ant’ to the letters below and a series of new words can be formed

Missing FiguresThere is a logical sequence in these patterns. Insert the missing figures.

Sean French

Son of Chris French

(Scomi Oiltools, China)

02 September 2008

Meor Izz Aqram

Son of Nor’edah Asmuni

(Scomi Engineering, KL)

01 February 2008


Son of Bipin Babu

(Scomi Oiltools, Dubai)03 June 2008

Claire Lefort

Daughter of Zachary Lefort

(Scomi Oiltools, USA)

03 December 2008 Roman GorelovaSon of Oksana Gorelova(Scomi Oiltools, Russia)

17 August 2007

Judith Pereira & Gregory Nugent

(Scomi Oiltools, Labuan) 29 March 2008Komkrit Aumuauykiat & Wongsiri Chaikanjanakit(Scomi OMS, Songkhla) 26 January 2008




It’s your turn. Find a set of 3 letters that can be added to these to create a series of new words:


Answer: eamAnswer:


Giant Slant







Luis Antonio

Son of José Vielma

(Scomi Oiltools Venezuela)

06 March 2008

Denise Leann Reyes

Daughter of Matt Reyes

(Scomi Oiltools, USA)

01 April 2008

Cyrus Cano

Grandson of Tina Geary

(Scomi Oiltools, USA)

05 June 2008

Rylan John Despeaux

Grandson of Vicky Despeaux

(Scomi Oiltools, USA)

15 November 2007


Son of Emad Khalek

(Scomi Oiltools, Dubai)

07 June 2008

“Each row of spots alters independently of the other rows. In the row of 4 spots, one more spot is shaded in each sector moving clockwise. In the other rows of spots, the spots are alternately shaded plum and white in neighbouring sectors”.

V O I C E S F R O M T H E P I L L A R SK d n n o : P P 1 3 9 5 7 / 0 2 / 2 0 0 9 ( 0 2 0 9 5 0 )




In Focus... Malaysia

Printed on 50% recycled, 100gsm satin cream paper

Strict on Safety32

Sustaining Momentum@ Gem 2008

A Trip to the Ancient Civilization of Egypt



New Line of Drilling Fluids on Display at MIOGE 2008


Mud Plant Opening for Scomi Oiltools Aberdeen


SUTRA the Star Attractionat Rail Solutions Asia 2008