10 Ways for Small Business to Leverage Content

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 10 Ways for Small Business to Leverage Content

Leverage Small Business Blog Content

Take a look at these 10 ways to benefit from your small business blog content repeatedly.

Chitraparna Sinha

What is Content Leverage?

“Content leverage is using every piece of content in

multiple ways to get the highest return on investment

from each piece of content.”

~ Content Marketing Institute


You have a small-scale business.

It is run by YOU or with less than 5 employees.

The business has an active blog.

Content is shared online on social networks, forums etc.

You have limited budget.

[The 10 ways appear from next slide onwards]


Free and recurring traffic

Gaining new business leads

Establishing authority

Creating B2B relations

Natural backlinks

Improved ROI

Guest Blogging

Use a couple of old blog posts to create a new post for guest blogging. If the old ones were time sensitive, research and add new data. Publish on high authority and niche relevant blogs.

Budget - $30 to $100 per post (if outsourced)


PPT Presentation

The presentation you are viewing is an example of content leveraging. You need MS PowerPoint. Create PPT and share it online via SlideShare, SlideBoom, Google Docs and others.

Budget - $50 to $100 per PPT (if outsourced)



Avoid self-promotional videos. Create videos on your small business related concepts and share them via platforms like YouTube, Daily Motion and others.

Budget - $20 to $70 per video

(better to get professional service)

Create PDF

Take a bunch of related blog posts. Edit them. Create a PDF file on that topic. Upload on free file sharing sites.

Budget - DIY

Create eBook

This is an extension of the „PDF‟ concept. Use blog posts and research work to create an eBook. Keep it between 30-50 pages. Use upsell. Either give it for free on your blog in exchange of name & email id (list building) or upload on eBook sharing sites or sell on Amazon.

Budget: Could be a mixture of DIY and professional eBook development. Estimate budget is around $100.


Graphically represent blog posts via an Infographic. Really awesome for concept-based information sharing. You can share them repeatedly on social media, webinars, get bloggers to embed them on their blogs etc.

Budget: $100 to $300 per Infographic

Don‟t DIY unless very sure. DIY tools – Visual.ly, Easel.ly


Some bloggers „rent‟ out their huge email list to business owners for paid advertisement, known as „solo ads‟. Contact some solo ad providers (use Warrior Forum) and schedule a release. Either use old blog posts or create a new sales pitch.

Budget: $100 to $250 (depends on estimated clicks)

Facebook Notes

Republish few blog posts via FB Notes. Keep sharing. Don‟t forget to credit original source.

Budget: $0

Article Directories

Rewrite old blog posts and submit with article directories. Google for a directory lists.

Budget: $150 for a batch of 30 posts

Get submission package deals


Not exactly leveraging blog content per se but works excellently to communicate with readers. Host webinars once a month, record and upload on video sharing sites.

Budget: DIY

About Author

I am a freelancing consultant, blog content manager, bloggerand content strategist, a published Amazon editor and social media geek.

Find me on –





~ Chitraparna Sinha


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