10 tips for Facebook pages for business

Post on 12-Sep-2014

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Check out this 10 tips for Facebook pages that will help you to engage with your audience and grow your business.

Transcript of 10 tips for Facebook pages for business

1. Create a Business Page, Not a Profile

To get the best out of Facebook for your business, you need to create a business page to represent your brand, not a personal profile. Setting up a page is simple, visit https://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php and follow the step-by-step setup instructions.

2. Claim Your Page's Vanity URL

Now that you have created your business page, to make it more easier to find and shareable you can create a vanity URL.

3. Add a Creative Cover Photo

To make your page more enticing Facebook’s current page design allows you to have a 851 x 315 pixel cover photo to feature at the top of your page. Be creative but make sure you follow Facebook’s guidelines & policies. (No more than 20% text)

4. The Power of EdgeRank

EdgeRank is the name of the algorithm that Facebook uses to show users what it thinks is the most relevant information in their newsfeed. Posting relevant and engaging content will increase the likelihood of your posts getting the most views.

5. Visual Content

Facebook’s current design has placed more emphasis on visual content such as images, videos and photos. This has been shown to increase engagement on posts so be creative and make your posts as visual as possible.

6) Use Links & Calls-to-Action

The point of having a Facebook page is to help your business grow so generate leads with call to Action and links back to you products/services/website.

7. Pin, Highlight or Hide Posts

Modify the items in your page's timeline to highlight certain posts more prominently than others. By hovering over individual stories, you can make them wider and more prominent on your page by clicking the arrow for a drop down menu, or hide them from your timeline (or delete them entirely).

8. Add Facebook Social Plugins to Your Website

Promote your business' Facebook presence and help your content spread on Facebook to your website and/or blog. This will encourage visitors to your site to also interact with you and become your fan on Facebook as well as spread your content and expand its reach. Social Plugins include 'Like' buttons, 'Share' buttons, and more.

9. Monitor Activity on Your Business Page

Don't neglect your Facebook presence, Facebook insights is a great way to monitor how your posts are doing. Remember to regularly participate in your Facebook page as a page that is engaging and updated regularly will be much more successful than a static one.

10. Engage and Be Social

In the end social media means to be social, it’s notbrand/company to person, it’s person to personengagement.