10 tips for a strong start

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 10 tips for a strong start

10 tips for astrong startand not die tryingadapted from Brad Sugars in entrepreneur.com

start-up success or failure

depends on the how and the why of taking action and which steps to take next

01. Offer what people want to buy, not just what you want to sell

it’s better to have a small slice of a large category than a large slice of no market at all

do you think your product will be successful?

is absolutely essential to feed bottom-line profits, so you need to find ways to jump start cash flow immediately

cash flow is the lifeblood of business

02. Get cash flowing ASAP

03. Always find new ways to keep costs low

all the cash flow in the world is worthless if it's not positive cash flow; find creative ways to finance transactions

you have to bring in more cash than you pay out

04. When planning, always overestimate expenses and underestimate revenues

being conservative in your numbers doesn't mean you are willing to accept those numbers, it just means you are arming yourself with information you can work with and work over

you will have more expenses and less revenues

05. Focus on sales and marketing manically

create a marketing and sales system that you can work, test, measure; one that anyone in your company can utilize

in business, nothing happens until a sale is made

06. Find ways to exponentially increase profits

getting more leads, converting more leads into customers, increasing the number of times those customers buy from you, increasing the average price point of your sales and increasing your profit margins

focus beyond revenues and expenses

why keep literally throwing money away on an ad campaign that costs thousands of dollars but doesn't bring any people through the door?

you can't change what you don't measure

07. Test and measure everything

if you've never run a million dollar business, you don't know how to run one, but you can learn to run one if you’re committed to learn as much as you can about sales and marketing and operations

learning always comes before "earning"

08. Accept that learning more equals earning more

create added value propositions all the way up and down your product or service line, look to hold your price points, increase your margins with the low-cost or no-cost extras

you will be taking money from your bottom-line profit

09. Don't discount, add value

we think we have all the answers and are the only people who can really get things done, but another set of eyes can work wonders for how you operate your business

someone objective you can rely on for business advice

10. Get a coach


prepare as well as you can, knowing you will need to make changes and corrections

01. offer what people want to buy

02. get cash flow

03. keep costs low

04. underestimate revenues

05. focus on marketing

06. increase profits

07. test and measure

08. be commitment to learn

09. add value

10. get a coach

thanks for your attention@fernandezpplfa11@gmail.comfernandezp.blogspot.com

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