10 Small Dog Breeds to Own if You Live in a Small Apartment

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 10 Small Dog Breeds to Own if You Live in a Small Apartment

10 Dog breeds apt for a smallapartm


It is known for its social and gentle nature. With an innocent expression and large expressive eyes, Pugs bring out parental feelings in many people.


They are of Chinese origin and are very affectionate with the family but not so friendly with strangers.


Wire Fox TerrierIt is a lovable, enthusiastic canine, who is very affectionate and loyal to its family.

This smallest breed of dog is an alert, swift-moving dog with a saucy expression.


Shih Tzu is a toy dog breed that has a soft and long double coat. Owing to its long silky coat, the dog requires daily brushing and grooming

Shih Tzu

This Spaniel type breed, Papillon is friendly, intelligent and tougher than it looks.


Miniature pinscher is a small breed of dog from Germany

Miniature pinscher

Gentle and fearless this small breed is extremely lovable and playful.


With its long, silky coat and perky topknot, the good-looking pet attracts the attention of many people.

Yorkshire terrier

This non-sporting group of dog breed has a compact body, baby-doll face, and fluffy white hair

Bichon Frise