10 Rules To Keep Your Child Safe

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Transcript of 10 Rules To Keep Your Child Safe


By Shaun Bent


The Internet can be a very dangerous place for young Children!

At the same time though it can also be very enjoyable and educational to them.

These set of ten rules are designed to help you the Parent keep your Child safe while their online.

Number 1:

Keep Personal Information Confidential, Never let your Child give out their: Age Phone Number Address Full Name School Name & School Address

They should also not talk about places they like to hang around to people they don’t know!

Number 2:

Keep the Internet as a family activity, where possible keep the computer in a family room rather than a room where the child is on there own.

This way you can keep an eye on what your Child is doing without having to sit behind them.

You can also feel a little better as you can see what there up to.

Number 3:

Be aware of what websites & services your child is using.

Make sure your Child is not accessing any websites they should not. For example any website that is: Suggestive Obscene Threatening

Number 4:

Monitor the use of Social Networking Sites. Sites such as MySpace, Facebook & Bebo

are very popular with the younger generation, but can also be very dangerous if there usage is not monitored.

Make sure your aware of what information is on your Childs profile

Make sure your aware of who they are talking to and what there talking about

Number 5:

Never allow your Child to meet up with anyone they have met through a Social Networking Site on their own or with other friends.

If your Child is intent on meeting someone they have met online, then arrange the meeting in a controlled environment where you are present

It helps to know your Childs online friend as well as you know there normal friends.

Number 6:

Encourage children to tell you about anything they find that is suggestive, obscene, threatening or makes them feel uncomfortable.

This way you can help to filter out anything this can be dangerous or harmful to them.

This will also help you develop a trust with your Child and there Internet use.

Number 7:

Don’t think its ok because their friends are doing it.

Just because your Childs friends may be using a certain Website or Internet Service it doesn’t always mean it is safe for your Child.

Always vet a website that your Child has expressed great interest in

Number 8:

Discourage your Child from posting pictures of themselves online!

This will stop your Child from being identified offline (i.e. in the street)

If your Child insist on posting pictures online, be sure to view all the pictures before they go online.

Number 9:

Don't immediately blame the child if they receive or access something obscene - this may have been done accidentally.

Many website make money by have pop-ups designed to attract your attention so that you click on them, thus forwarding you to another website.

Your Child may not be aware of the intent of these links or even what website is on the other end of the link.

Number 10:

Set your own golden rules and after discussing them, stick them at the side of the computer.

This way your child is always reminded of what is and is not acceptable to do on the Internet.


Enjoy the Internet, it is a great tool and can provide your Child with many hours of enjoyment and education!