10 Reasons to Referee Touch | 10 Rheswm Dros Dyfarnu

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Touch (sometimes known as Touch Rugby or Touch Football) is known for it's simple rules, speed and mixed gender games. Many players choose to complete their basic refereeing award in order to help referee games at a social and recreational level. Others wish to progress purely as referees and perhaps represent their country at international tournaments. Whatever your reasons for doing so, here's what you can expect if you decide to referee Touch. Bilingual Welsh / English presentation produced by Gorllewin Gwyllt. Photo credits www.lleucu.com and Howard Goldberg

Transcript of 10 Reasons to Referee Touch | 10 Rheswm Dros Dyfarnu

10 Reasons To Referee Touchwww.gorllewingwyllt.com

10 Rhesm Dros Dyfarnu Cyffwrdd

Lluniau | Pics: lleucu.com, Howard Goldberg

Better understanding of the rules

Gwell dealltwriaeth o’r rheolau

You are valued

Rydych chi’n werthfawr

You can earn some extra cash

Ennillwch arian ychwanegol

Represent your country

Cynrychioli’ch gwlad

Improve your fitness

Gwella eich ffitrwydd

You will enjoy

Mi gewch chi fwynhau

Facilitate games for others

Byddwch yn hwylusydd

Receive coaching

Derbyniwch hyfforddiant

Plenty of banter

Digon o sbort

More qualified referees…

Rhagor o ddyfarnwyr…

= more games played…

= rhagor o gemau…

= a better game for all

= gem well i bawb


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Rhowch gip ar ein gwefan i gael rhagor o adnoddau Cyffwrdd



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