10 Little Tricks to Get Your Class’s Attention (and Hold It)

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 10 Little Tricks to Get Your Class’s Attention (and Hold It)

10 Little Tricks to Get Your Class’s Attention (and Hold It)

Beginnings are always the hardest. Ask any

teacher who walks in at the beginning of the

class session and finds.. Casy text-messaging

someone… Katie and Sam chatting… and Tom


inattention is endemic in our fast-paced culture

with so much competing media and information

distracting us. it is necessary to get the class’s

attention at the beginning of the session to

establish order.

What can you do to get the class’s attention riveted

on you?

4 Tips to Get the Class’s Attention

1) Change the level and tone of your voice

Often just changing the level and tone of your voice,

lowering it or raising it, will signal to the students it’s

time to pay attention.

2) Use a visual related to the instruction

Holding up a striking picture related to the session,

is sure to get all eyes on you.

3) Make a startling statement or give a quote

Writing a surprising statement or quote related to

the content on the board has a similar effect

4)Write a pop quiz question

Tips for Holding Attention

1) Relevant tasks :

Know your students and relate content to them, and relate the content to the course objectives.

2) Teach at appropriate level of difficulty :

Material too hard or too difficult can result in student inattention. Check for understanding or boredom at the beginning. Then tailor the material to the class.

4) Make presentations clear :

Use of clear charts and visuals hold students’ attention and make the content clear

5) Involve students in lecture :

Don’t just lecture on the past tense with charts and board work; this will surely put everyone to sleep. During the lecture, stop to ask students about last weekend, summer, etc., to keep them involved in the content and practicing the material.

6) Use humor :

Use of humor related to the content is another attention-getter: students appreciate teachers who know how to use humor appropriately related to the material.

Thx for listening ..