10 Jazz etudes for trombone€¦ · 10 Jazz etudes for trombone 10 etudes, 2 duets, 58 pages, 1.560...

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Transcript of 10 Jazz etudes for trombone€¦ · 10 Jazz etudes for trombone 10 etudes, 2 duets, 58 pages, 1.560...

  • www.digitaltrombone.com

    111000 JJJaaazzzzzz eeetttuuudddeeesss

    fffooorrr tttrrrooommmbbbooonnneee AAAnnn ddd ooo ttthhh eee rrr bbbaaa sss sss ccc llleee fff iii nnn sss tttrrr uuu mmm eee nnn tttsss

    BBByyy AAAnnndddeeerrrsss LLLaaarrrsssooonnn

    Based on the harmonies of

    famous Jazz Standards!

    Easy/medium and Advanced

    versions of all etudes

  • ! www.digitaltrombone.com 2010

    10 Jazz etudes

    for trombone

    10 etudes, 2 duets, 58 pages, 1.560 measures, 1.125 rests, 177

    tuplets, 1.557 chords, 382 staff systems and 7.519 notes

    I don´t really like to practice. It´s lonely and can be quite boring from time to time. That is one of the main

    reasons I wrote this book - to make practicing more fun!

    The concept is simple: Every etude is composed as an improvised jazz solo, written over the chords from

    a famous jazz standard. And every etude consists of two parts; easy/medium and advanced, each

    divided into numbered choruses.

    You can play the etudes on your own, with a piano player, a full rhythm section or a play-along cd (not

    included). The idea is to let you expand your jazz vocabulary, and play music that really fits the


    I have tried to make sure that every little melodic phrase makes sense. If you break it down, there is

    always close relationship between the notes I chose in the melody and the chords. If you come across a

    phrase you like, try analyzing it and play it in all keys and make it a part of your jazz vocabulary.

    Many of the licks and phrases in my improvised solos has its origin in other great jazz players. But after

    playing and adapting these stolen phrases over time, they have transformed and become a part of my

    musical language. I love musical cliches and encourage to use cliches as well! Just make sure that you

    understand them, feel them and hear what you play before you play it - then they will become a part of

    your musical vocabulary.

    I have indicated phrasing in all etudes. This is phrasing that I know will work well in jazz. That said, it

    might not always be the phrasing of your choice or the only appropriate phrasing. Then change it! This is

    jazz - make all the changes you want, both to the melody and phrasing to make it fit your taste and

    playing. I don´t mind!

    The amount of details in the chord alterations vary quite a lot. A F13b9#11 is what it is, while a G7 could

    be interpreted as a G13, G9, G7alt etc. - depending of the context and personal taste. I have tried to

    keep the chord alterations on a "need-to-know" basis, only indicating a lot of colors and alterations when

    needed to support the melody.

    I truly hope that you will enjoy this book, and get many hours of fun and rewarding playing out of it!

    I wish you a great and interesting life, both on and off stage!

    Yours sincerely

    Anders Larson

    Copenhagen, July 2010


  • Index

    Jazz etude No 1 With the harmonies from Doxy

    Easy/Medium..................................................................................... 4

    Advanced........................................................................................... 6

    Jazz etude No 2 With the harmonies from Summertime

    Easy/Medium..................................................................................... 8

    Advanced........................................................................................... 9

    Jazz etude No 3 with the harmonies from All The Things You Are

    Easy/Medium..................................................................................... 11

    Advanced........................................................................................... 13

    Jazz etude No 4 with the haromies from Stella By Starlight

    Easy/Medium..................................................................................... 16

    Advanced........................................................................................... 18

    Jazz etude No 5 The blues

    easy blues duet............................................................................ 21

    Advanced blues in Bb................................................................... 24

    Jazz etude No 6 With the harmonies from body and soul

    Easy/Medium..................................................................................... 28

    Advanced........................................................................................... 29

    Jazz etude No 7 Rythm changes in Bb

    easy duet.......................................................................................... 33

    Advanced Rythm changes in Bb................................................ 36

    Jazz etude No 8 With the harmonies from Take The A Train

    Easy/Medium..................................................................................... 40

    Advanced........................................................................................... 42

    Jazz etude No 9 Third Dilemma by Anders Larson

    Theme.................................................................................................. 44

    Medium plunger solo................................................................... 45

    Advanced plunger solo.............................................................. 47

    Jazz etude No 10 With the harmonies from Cherokee

    Easy/Medium..................................................................................... 51

    Advanced........................................................................................... 54

    About the author................................................................................ 58

  • ? bb c1Easy/Medium

    Med. swing œ œ œ. œb œ œ.Bb Ab7 œ. œb œ œ œ œb œ3G 7 œn . œ. œb œ ‰ Jœ

    C 7 F 7 Ó ‰ Jœ œ.Bb F 7

    ? bb œ. œ. œ œb œBb Ab7 œ œ œn Ó

    G7 œA œ œ. œ œ œ œC 7 ˙ ÓF7

    ? bb œ. œ œb ˙Bb7 ‰ Jœ œ œb ˙ œ

    . œ œ œ œ>Eb7 œ œ œn Ó

    E o

    ? bb œ œ œ. œb œ œ.Bb Ab7 œ œb œ œ ˙G7 œn . œ. œb- œ œC

    7 F 7

    Ó Œ ‰ JœnBb

    ? bb2 œ œ1 Œ œb œ5 ‰ JœBb Ab7 œN œn œ œ ‰ Jœ

    G7 œn œ œ œ œ œ œ œC 7 F 7 ˙ ÓBb F 7

    ? bb œ œ œ œb .œ JœBb Ab7 œn œ œ œb ‰ Jœ Œ

    G7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œb œC 7 ˙ ‰ Jœ œ œF 7

    ? bb œ̂ ‰ Jœb^ Œ œ>Bb7 œ œb œ œb œ œb ‰ jœ œb œ œ œ ‰ Jœn

    Eb7 œ œ œb ÓE o

    ? bb œ œ ‰ Jœ œ ŒBb Ab7 œ œn œ œb œn œ ŒG

    7 œn . œ. œb œ œ.C 7 F 7 œ. Œ Jœ .œBb

    - 4 -

    © www.digitaltrombone.com 2010

    Jazz etude no 1Based on Sonny Rollin´s Doxy

  • ? bb3 œ œ ‰ Jœ œ œ ŒBb Ab7 œ œb œ œ ˙G7 œn œ œ. œ. œb œC 7 F 7 ˙ ÓB

    b F 7

    ? bb œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œnBb Ab7 œ œb œ œ ŒG

    7 œ œ Œ œ œ œ œC7 ˙ ‰ Jœ œ œ

    F 7

    ? bb œ. œ œ œb œ ŒBb7 œ œ œ œb ˙ œ. œ œ œ œ ŒE

    b7 œ œn œ œb ˙E o

    ? bb œ œ ‰ Jœ œ. œ œB

    b Ab7 œn œ œ œ œ ‰ JœG7 œn œ œ œb œ- œ œC 7

    F 7


    - 5 -

    © www.digitaltrombone.com 2010

    Jazz Etude No 1

  • ? bbAdvanced


    œ œ œ œ œ œ œb œBb Ab7 œn œ œb œ œ œ œb œ3G 7 œn œ œ œb œ ‰ œC

    7 F 7 œ œ Œ ‰ Jœ œ œ#Bb F 7

    ? bb œ œ œ œ œ œ œb œBb Ab7 œn œ œb . œ œb œb œG7 ‰ .œ œ œ ŒC

    7 œb œ œ. œ œ œn œb œ#F 7

    ? bb œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œb3Bb7 œ œn œ œ œ Œ ‰ Jœ œ. œ œb

    ÿ œ œEb7 œ œbÿ œ œ œ ‰ JœE o

    ? bb œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œbBb Ab7 ‰ Jœ œn œb œ- œ.G

    7 œn œ œ œb œ œ œb œ#3C 7 F 7 œ œ œ œ ÓB


    ? bb2 œ œ ‰ œ- œ œ ‰ œ-Bb Ab7 œ# œ œ œ œ œ ŒG

    7 œ œ œ œ œ œb œn œC 7 F 7 !

    ? bbœ œ œ œb œ œb œBb A

    b7 œN œ œn œb œ œn œb œb œ3G 7

    œ œ œ œ ÓC7

    Ó œ œ œ œ œ#3F 7

    ? bb œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ3Bb7 œn œ œ œb œb ‰ Jœn ‰ Jœ#3 œ œ# œ œN œ œ œ œ

    Eb7 œb œ œ œ œn œb œn œEo

    ? bbœ œ Œ

    œb œ œn œb œb3Bb Ab7 œN œn œb œ Œ œ œ# œ

    3G 7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ3C 7 F 7 !

    - 6 -

    © www.digitaltrombone.com 2010

    Jazz Etude No 1

  • ? bb3œ œ œ œn œ œ œ œ œ œ œb œ#3Bb Ab7 œ œ œn œb œ œ Œ3

    G 7 œ# œ œ œ œn œn œb œ#C7 F 7

    ? bb œ œ Œ œ œn œb œ#Bb F 7 œ œ Œ œ œ ‰ œB

    b Ab7 œ œ ‰ œb œ ÓG7

    ? bb œ# œœ œn œb œ œn œ œ œ œ œn œb œ œ œ

    C-7 œ œ œ œ Œ ‰ JœF7

    ? bb œb œn œ œnœ> œ œb œn œb œn œ> œ œb œn œb œnBb7 œ œ œb œn Œ ‰ Jœ

    ? bb"œb œ œ œ œE

    b7Ó Œ œ œ œ3E o œb œ œ œ œb œ œn œb œb œ3 3

    Bb Ab7

    ? bb(")œb œ œ Œ ‰ JœG7 œb œn œ œn

    œ œN œ œ œ œ œ œC 7 F 7 ‰ Jœn œ œ ÓBb

    - 7 -

    © www.digitaltrombone.com 2010

    Jazz Etude No 1

  • 10 Jazz etudes

    for trombone

    About the author

    Anders Larson is a Swedish jazz trombone player, composer and arranger. He has been living

    in Copenhagen since 1996 and is one of the most sought after musicians in his field in

    Denmark. The debut cd "Unborn" was released in 2007 with original compositions and

    arrangements for Anders Larson Quartet and Paizo String Quartet.

    Anders Larson is also an accomplished big band arranger and has written several arrangements

    for a.o. the Danish Radio Big Band with soloists like Mike Stern, Gerard Precenser and James

    Morrison. His second cd, "Monday Night Big Band & Anders Larson" (2010) features Anders as

    both trombone player, soloist, composer and arranger. The cd also features English trumpet

    player Gerard Precenser.

    Besides his own groups, Anders Larson has performed with many artist and orchestras,

    including Palle Mikkelborg, Danny Gottlieb, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Kim Wilde, Westlife, Mick

    Hucknal, Katie Melua, Danish Radio Big Band, Copenhagen Art Ensemble, Matthew Herbert

    Big Band, The Orchestra, New Jungle Orchestra and many other. More commercial work

    includes numerous appearances on albums, soundtracks, TV-shows and musicals.

    About www.digitaltrombone.com

    www.digitaltrombone.com is a Website with focus on the trombone and other brass

    instruments. The main idea is to provide both amateurs, students and professional players with

    tips and tricks to help improve their playing. There are lots of exercises with sheet music

    examples followed by clear instructions. You will find articles about flexibility, breathing,

    improvising, legato, attack, scales and other subjects. New content is added on a regular basis.

    In the web shop you will find trombone methods, sheet music and big band arrangements in

    PDF format.

    - 58 -

    © www.digitaltrombone.com 2010