10 Insights to Win The Story Wars — Jonah Sachs

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of 10 Insights to Win The Story Wars — Jonah Sachs

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This presentation consists of highlights from the interview with Moe Abdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Jonah is an internationally recognized storyteller, author, designer and entrepreneur. As the co-founder and creative director of Free Range

Studios, Jonah has helped hundreds of social brands and causes break through the media din with breakthrough campaigns. His work on leg-endary viral videos like The Meatrix and The Story of Stuff series have

brought key social issues to the attention of more than 60 million people.

Jonah Sachs@jonahsachs

CEO of Free Range Studios

Stories capture the very essence of life. When one hears a great story, it’s more like remembering than learning for the first time.

Insight #1

Insight #2

There’s no story without conflict. Keep your story interesting story by making it

unpredictable, unexpected and vulnerable.

Insight #3

If you want your story to be believable, think about & channel your inner Yoda and stop talking in the voice of God.

In other words, be human.

Insight #4

The best stories always have a moral. The core truth behind your brand; make it so inspiring that your target audience responds by acknowledging that your

truth ‘is {their} truth too’.

Insight #5

Brands that have impact always position their customer as the hero in their story, for

they understand that beyond having a social purpose, their product has to align with the

values of their customer.

Insight #6

To position yourself personally, be clear on what you stand for and you stand against:

Insight #6

To position yourself personally, be clear on what you stand for and you stand against:

Listen carefully to your audience and build around their feedback

Insight #6

To position yourself personally, be clear on what you stand for and you stand against:

Be incredibility authentic - talk freely about your vulnerabilities

Insight #6

To position yourself personally, be clear on what you stand for and you stand against:

Give yourself permission to pursue work that you love

Insight #7

All cultures have myths, and the most important myths follow these four elements:

Insight #7

All cultures have myths, and the most important myths follow these four elements:

Explanation - “…Here’s a story about how the world works…”

Insight #7

All cultures have myths, and the most important myths follow these four elements:

Meaning - “…Here’s your place within that universe…”

Insight #7

All cultures have myths, and the most important myths follow these four elements:

Story - “… It takes place long ago…”

Insight #7

All cultures have myths, and the most important myths follow these four elements:

Ritual - “… Here’s a very specific way, if you believe that story, to live your life..”

Insight #8

A brand that’s always striving is much more beloved than one that’s arrived. Share

your big ambition, but tell the truth about where you actually are. Think Patagonia.

Insight #9

An admired leader shows, never tells, for she knows that her best chance to

shift mindsets is to tell stories that illustrate the new truth she wants to create.

Insight #10

If you’re serious about telling memorable stories, start by telling the

truth and avoiding these five deadly sins:

Insight #10

If you’re serious about telling memorable stories, start by telling the

truth and avoiding these five deadly sins:Vanity

Insight #10

If you’re serious about telling memorable stories, start by telling the

truth and avoiding these five deadly sins:Authority

Insight #10

If you’re serious about telling memorable stories, start by telling the

truth and avoiding these five deadly sins:Insincerity

Insight #10

If you’re serious about telling memorable stories, start by telling the

truth and avoiding these five deadly sins:Puffery

Insight #10

If you’re serious about telling memorable stories, start by telling the

truth and avoiding these five deadly sins:Gimmickry

Reflect: What core truth, above others is most representative

of your brand?

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