10. inform persuade group special occasion

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Transcript of 10. inform persuade group special occasion


Informative, Group & Special-Occasion Speaking


Informative presentations Types; Techniques

Persuasive presentations Types; Techniques

Group presentations Characteristics, reasons, challenges, organizing,


Special Occasion speeches

Types of Informative Presentations

• Reports– Describe the state of an operation– Usually given by subordinates to their superiors– Keep management informed, help make decisions– Written, accompanied by oral – long, complex docs.

• Briefings– Helping others perform their jobs– Instructions to knowledgeable audience– Regular or irregular

• Explanations– Info to increase listener’s understanding of subject– E.g.: orientation, employee benefit package

• Training– Learn how to do something– Can range from informal to highly structured

Techniques for Effective Informative Speaking

• Link the topic to the audience– Avoid punishment, gain payoffs from listening

• Start with an overall picture– Preview the topic by sketching the highlights

• Link the familiar with the unfamiliar– Use of comparison (hard disk is like filing cabinet)

• Emphasize important points– Number items, repeat at transitions, use signposts and


• Use simple structure– Limit number of main points (two to five)

• Use simple language– Should be appropriate for the audience you are addressing

• Involve the audience– Direct participation, volunteers, question-and-answer session

Types of Persuasive Presentations

• Sales Presentations

• Proposals– Within the org.: new product line, request for resources,

changes in policy or procedure– Outside the org.: new campaign to a customer

• Motivational Speeches

• Goodwill Speeches– Promote interest or support for the organization– Change attitudes and behaviors of listeners

Techniques for Effective Persuasive Speaking

• Appeal to audience’s needs– Example: effective selling

• Appeal to variety of needs– Increases chance of idea being accepted

• Sell yourself as well as the idea – credibility – Competence– Trustworthiness– Similarity– Attraction– Sincerity

• Have a realistic purpose• Focus appeals on critical audience segment

• Defer thesis with hostile audience• Use optimal organizational patterns– Problem-solution– Criteria satisfaction– Comparative advantages

• Consider use of opposing ideas– When the audience disagrees with your position– When the audience knows both sides of the issue– When your credibility is weak

Group Presentations

Characteristics Clearly defined goal Organized Back up with support

Reasons Provide variety Add interest Complete message Balance, to appeal to wider audience

Group presentations

Challenges Take time to develop Group members may not work in same location Requires coordination

Repeat, contradict, leave out May run over scheduled time

Irritates audience members

Organizing group presentations By topic

Each speaker addresses one or more topics Topics call for different expertise

By task When you cannot break subject down into topics easily Spokesperson, example-givers Problem-support, solution-support

Group presentations

Using time effectively Conduct a meeting to decide:

Group’s topic, overall approach, assigning specific roles

Order they will speak in, time they will have, how they will give introductions and transitions to each topic

Members research and plan their own topics Assign specialized jobs to some team member

Set up speaking room, create visuals for consistency Time-keeping

Group presentations

Introductions, conclusions, transitions Help listeners follow structure of presentation Transitions handled by MC or each speaker Conclusion given by MC or final speaker

Restate group’s overall thesis and main points

Managing Questions One person controls session, fields queries

Direct query to best equipped team member Provide a brief wrap-up when group is finished

Group presentations

Delivering a group presentation Extensive rehearsal to avoid mix-ups and mistakes

Whether speak while seated, sit in a row till turn comes, come up from audience

Choose format that helps make best possible impression May sit together at a table to avoid delays

Look at speaker and listen attentively while waiting for turn

Group presentations

Special Occasion Speeches

Welcoming Remarks Warmth and sincerity in behavior and words Say who you are Who are you welcoming Describe the occasion and its importance Thank the guest

Introductions Obtain resume (may interview) Ask how they prefer to be addressed Strive for consistency if multiple introductions Check and practice pronunciation

Include info the audience would want to know Include title of their speech

Special Occasion Speeches

Presentation of an award State name of receiver, or surprise State name and nature of award State criteria for selection Make sure receiver is center of focus

(not the speaker)

Special Occasion Speeches

Acceptance of an award Express gratitude Acknowledge and appreciate contributors Describe how the reward will make a difference Say thank you again (good example on page 415)

Special Occasion Speeches

Tribute to a person or institute Follow life/career chronologically

Pay tribute to achievements and characteristics along the way

Use anecdotes and examples to illustrate (See introductions)

Special Occasion Speeches