10 fashion tips

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 10 fashion tips

10 Fashion Tips You Can Learn from Programming

You should do a presentation on ‘How Geeks Can Dress Better’

How is this a tip/trick?

1. Seeing Connections/Patterns!

Fashion ---------- Programming

2. Dress nicer More self-esteem Dopamine Squirt Happiness More

Productive at Work

1. Content is Still King

90% of your style is what you think of yourself!

Make yourself interesting!

The more you like yourself, the better you will look and the more the world will forgive your

fashion faux-pas.

In fact, you might even set a trend…


When content is weak…

…people/paparazzi are not so forgiving.

2. Bells and Whistles

Accessories can really spice up an outfit depending on the occasion.

Much like elements such as CSS, javascriptlibraries, flash, etc. can add to a website.

WTF too much

• http://www.blinkingtextlive.com/

Examples of Bells & Whistles

WCIT Rocks the Hats

3. Validation

Whereas web forms might need several types of validation,

Fashion only requires you to ask yourself one thing…

Will my outfit land me on People of Walmart?

4. Be Dynamic!

The days of the static web are gone.

And as a human being, your “content” is constantly changing.

Let it show in your wardrobe!

Buy that snuggie, wear that wig, brave those wild sunglasses, wear that

Hawaiian shirt!

5. Remember to Upgrade

Sometimes certain styles, like certain tags in a programming language, are deprecated for

very good reasons.

1980s glasses

Anything worn by MC Hammer in the 80s

Still Too Legit to Quit

6. Fashion Review

Sometimes we are too attached or involved in our own fashion to be able to see our mistakes

– like coding.

Code Reviews Fashion Reviews

Ask a fashion-savvy friend

7. Vintage Can Be Good!

Sometimes we reuse other people’s code…

And sometimes we reuse other people’s clothes!

Vintage = affordable, unique

Sometimes it can be bad… CHOOSE WISELY

8. The Importance of Layers





9. Use Your Conditionals!

IF occasion = wedding

Setcurrent.outfit = classy

ELSE IF occasion = party

Set current.outfit = fun

ELSE IF occasion = dinner with the in-laws

Setcurrent.outfit = amour & shield


My First Conditional

IF Erin parties this weekend

Set tiredness level on Monday = extreme

Set Erin’s beverage on Monday = red bull

ELSE IF Erin sleeps this weekend

Set tiredness level on Monday = mild

Set Erin’s beverage on Monday = green tea


It can apply to more than just occasions

• If I wear shirt A, I can wear pants A, OR pants B, OR skirt A


10. Express Yourself!

Everyone adds their own unique touch to theirwebsites and applications.

Go forth and do the same!

Learn from Master Scott…