10-2-13 Unit 1 Jeopardy

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of 10-2-13 Unit 1 Jeopardy

JeopardyIV & DV

Observation vs Inference

Control vs Constant

Hypothesis and Title Potpurri

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from IV v DV

This is what the experimenter changes

$100 Answer from IV vs DV

Independent Variable

$200 Question from IV vs DV

I give my plant Red Bull to see how much it grows. What is my Dependent Variable?

$200 Answer from IV vs DV

The growth of the plant

$300 Question from IV vs DV

I play some Skrillex and measure how much someone’s heart rate increases. This is my Independent Variable.

$300 Answer from IV vs DV

The music

$400 Question from IV vs DV

The purpose of an experiment is to determine the effect of the ____ on the ____

$400 Answer from IV vs DV

The effect of the Independent Variable on the Dependent Variable

$500 Question from IV vs DV

I conduct an experiment and give three different people three different types of running shoes. I want to see which shoe makes you the fastest. What is wrong with my experiment?

$500 Answer from H1

This experiment has two different Independent Variables

$100 Question from Observation vs Inference

“Don’t talk to him, he looks weird”

$100 Answer from Observation vs Inference


$200 Question from Observation vs Inference

If a coin is labeled “1984”, then it was made in 1984.

$200 Answer from Observation vs Inference


$300 Question from Observation vs Inference

If a coin is labeled “1984”, then it wasn’t made in 1984

$300 Answer from Observation vs Inference


$400 Question from Observation vs Inference

Mr. Joralemon has his teaching credential

$400 Answer from Observation vs Inference


$500 Question from Observation vs Inference

An observation must be made with what?

$500 Answer from Observation vs Inference

One of the five senses (touch, sight, taste, smell, hear)

$100 Question from Control vs Constant

I test to see if different music effects heart rate the same. I keep the volume of each song the same. The volume is what?

$100 Answer from Control vs Constant

Constant (Standardized Variable)

$200 Question from Control vs Constant

I want to see if a pill is an effective treatment for a cold. I give group A the pill, and I don’t give group B anything. I compare group A to group B. Group B is my…

$200 Answer from Control vs Constant

Control Group

$300 Question from Control vs Constant

This is what always stays the same in the trials of your experiments

$300 Answer from Control vs Constant

Constant (Standardized Variable)

$400 Question from Control vs Constant

I want to see if Minecraft can make you better at spatial memory. I select a random group of 4 year olds and have them play Minecraft two hours a day for three months. What would my control group be for this experiment?

$400 Answer from Control vs Constant

A random group of 4 year olds who does not play Minecraft

$500 Question from Control vs Constant

I want to see if a pill is an effective treatment for a cold. I give group A the pill, and I don’t give group B anything. I compare group A to group B. Group A is my…

$500 Answer from Control vs Constant

Experimental group

$100 Question from Hypothesis vs. Title

Mr. Schwartz wants to know if yelling at students will lead to higher grades. Give a title to this experiment

$100 Answer from Hypothesis vs Title

The Effect of Yelling on Grades

$200 Question from Hypothesis vs Title

Mr. Schwartz wants to know if yelling at students will lead to higher grades. Give a hypothesis to this experiment

$200 Answer from H4

If yelling increases then grades will increase

$300 Question from Hypothesis vs Title

The title of my experiment is “The Effect of Sports Drinks on Athletic Performance”.What is my Independent Variable?

$300 Answer from H4

Sports drinks

$400 Question from H4

The title of my experiment is: “The effect of amylase on carbohydrate breakdown”. What is my Independent Variable?

$400 Answer from H4


$500 Question from H4

The hypothesis for my experiment is: “If global carbon emissions increase the the greenhouse effect will increase”. What is my Dependent Variable?

$500 Answer from H4

The greenhouse effect

$100 Question from Potpurri

This should always be the first step in conducting an experiment

$100 Answer from Potpurri

Write a hypothesis

$200 Question from Potpurri

In the book Black Like Me, what were people observing? What were they inferring?

$200 Answer from Potpurri

Observe: Skin colorInfer: That he was different

$300 Question from Potpurri

Mr. J plays some Afrojack and takes his pulse. He finds that his pulse is very high. He concludes that listening to Afrojack increases your pulse. What is wrong with this conclusion?

$300 Answer from Potpurri

No control group!He needs to take his pulse normally and compare it to when he listened to Afrojack

$400 Question from Potpurri

Think back to Super Size Me. What was wrong with the experiment in that movie?

$400 Answer from Potpurri

There were two Independent Variables (increased

$500 Question from Potpurri

Mr J conducts an experiment to see if people become smarter if they go to UC Berkeley. Mr. J really wants his experiment to prove his hypothesis correct. What is wrong with Mr. J’s experiment?

$500 Answer from Potpurri

Mr. J is biased!

Final JeopardyWatch the following video:

Name the following1)IV2)DV3)Constant4)Control5)Title6)Hypothesis

Final Jeopardy Answer