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Transcript of 10-14-1931

Hope Volume XLIV Hope College, Holland, Mich, October 14, 1931 Number 16

H O P E D E F E A T S A L B I O N Lyceum Plays

Are Received With Favor



" H A M L E T " IS B E S T

Large Student Attendance Marks Opening Event of the Course

The presentat ions last week Wed-nesday af ternoon and tvening of the Shakespear ian plays, "The Taming of the S h r e w " and "Ham-let," were received with a high de-" gree of favor by the s tudents who largely composed the audiences. James Hendrickson, Claire Bruce, and their company showed definite improvement over their last year 's appearance in Holland, and the stage and lighting accessories were much bet ter .

A small crowd at tended the mat-inee per formance of "T^ie Taming of the Shrew." The leads did not seem to be up to form, but there was some exceptional act ing among the minor charac ters , especially Grumio, played by John C. Hickey.

A much larger at tundance mark-ed the evening per formance of "Hamlet", and the actors did a rel-atively better piece of work. Mr. Hickey again was outs tanding, al-though many were surpr i su l at his ra ther unusual in terpreta t ion of Polanius as a low-comedy type. J ames Hendrickson, as Hamlet , showed definite ability in several scenes, but he failed to express the philosophical side of Hamle t '^ com-plex nature , and in many specta-tor ' s opinion, did too much rant ing

for one who warned the players agaist " tear ing a passion to ta t -ters ."

The next number of the Lyceum Course is to be Burch, the Magi-cian, and his company. They will appear some time in early Novem-ber.


A t the Chapel exercises Monday morning, the s tudent body had the privilege of hearing Dr. Willard Dayton Brown, Secre ta ry of the Board of Education of the Reform-ed Church, who led the devotions and spoke briefly on a scr iptural topic. Dr. Brown was in Holland in connection with the inaugurat ion of President IWichers Monday night .


Juniors Take to Wheels for



A goodly number of Juniors met at Graves Hall Fr iday nigt and f rom thence were taken to the ska t ing rink at Virginia Park . The spir i t s were dampened short ly a f t e r the party began, by a sl ight acci-dent in which Louise Kieft was hur t . But a f t e r word was received that she was all r ight, the par ty once more began its hilarious sport . Spir i ts waxed warmer when each person helped himself to some cider f rom the keg, and to some dough-nuts. Shortly a f t e r this, the Fresh-men began to come and then the f u n began. A few of the foreign s tudents had never before seen roller skates, but being persistent and determined, they put on the skates and . . . . ! They took the ma t t e r very seriously (al though the rest of the par ty felt differently toward them), especially when they and the floor came into discordant relations. Nevertheless, the Juniors great ly appreciated the Freshmen ' s coming and will welcome them again sometime.

The guests of the evening were Prof, and Mr^. Hitter, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zwemer.



W Y N A N D W 1 C H E R S , A . B , A . M . , L L . D .

Freshmen Have Jolly Time at Lit. Club Party



A glittering cascade of shiny white slips whirling through the air heralded the opening of the Freshman party, held Friday eve-ning, October 9th, at the Woman's Literary Club. The tumbling pieces of paper a s surely betokened the spirit of carnival as does the con-fetti- at Mardi Gras.

As a device for dividing the class into equal groups, slips inscribed with one of the names "Wildcats," "Boilermakers," "Gophers," "Wol-verines," and "Badgers" were show-ered on the throng, a scramble re-sulting. Professor Lampen, Mrs. Lampen assisting, ordered those who held slips with similar names to assemble in separate groups.

One part of the program, yells led by Harry Beekman, was the occasion for muffled cries of "speech," until it was explained that Prof. Hinga's par t of the pro-gram was scheduled fo r later.

The Badgers won the first com-petitive contest, in which a boy and a girl f rom each team raced to a

(Continued on Page Two)

Chicago Synod Meeting Here

The Synod of Chicago of the Re-formed Church is holding an In-spirational Conference on Tuesday and Wednesday. Rev. B. M. Flik-

kema is chairman and The Insti-tutes of God — Home, Church, State is the subject of the Confer-ence. Both the morning and the af ternoon sessions were held at the First Reformed Church, while the shor ter evening services are to be conducted in the Dimnent Memorial Chapel.


The Vesper Recital Sunday after-noon was given by Mr. Snow and Mrs. Van Antwerp, violinist. It was as follows: "Choral Preludes" J. S. Bach

"Es ist das Heil uns kommen her" "Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ"

First Sonata Borowski Allegro ma non troppo Andante — Allegro con fuoco

"Walter 's Prize Song" Wagner "Rondino" Kreisler "Romance" Weiniamski

Mrs. Van Antwerp Two Reveries—Russian Borodin

Negro Burleigh "Rondo Francaise" ^...Boellman "Finlandia" Sibelius

Miss Nella Meyer Miss Nella Meyer ably accompa-

nied Mrs. Van Antwerp.




Reception for Guests *at Home of President Follows


The inauguration of Dr. Wynand Wichers, A.B., A.M., LL.D., into the official presidency of Hope College took place in the Dimnent Memorial Chapel on Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock.

Rev. Nicholas Boer, pastor of the F i f th Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, and President of the Board of Trustees, presided. Professor W. Curtis Snow, the college organist, first played an organ selection en-titled "Symphony VI, First Move-ment" "by Widor.

The processional consisted of aca-demic bodies including those per-sons on the program; namely, Pres-ident Wynand Wichers, President Alexander G. Ruthven of the Uni-versity of Michigan, Rev. Nicholas Boer, the President of the Board of Trustees, Rev. Gerrit J . Hek-huis, the Vice President of General Synod of the Reformed Church in America, Rev. Willani Dayton Brown, the Secretary of the Board of Education of the Reformed Church in America, Dr. Dimnent, the former President of Hope Col-



A football game between the Hope Freshmen and ^be Alma Freshmen has just been arranged for Monday afternoon, Oct. 19. The visitors will furnish as formidable an opposition to our frosh as their Varsity does to ours. The outcome of Saturday's game will lend added interest to this minor contest.

Tavern Dinner is Feature of






Pres. Ruthven of U. of M. Gives

Main Address

lege, members of the Board of Trustees of the college, the faculty of the college, the President and faculty of Western Theological Seminary, and approximately forty delegates from various colleges and universities. The first address of the evening was given by Rev. Hek-huis of Grandville, who spoke on "Greeting from the General Synod." Rev. Boer then rendered the induc-tion of the President.

Following this. President W. Wichers delivered his inaugural ad-dress. President Alexander Ruth-ven of the University of Michigan next spoke on "Some Reflections on Student Government." The bene-diction was pronounced by Rev. Dayton Brown of New York.

The music for the evening was in charge 'of Prof, W. Curtis Snow. The chapel choir sang ^God of Our Fathers" as the processional hymn. The choir response to the invoca-tion was the "Seven-fold Amen" by Steiner. Mr. Stanley De Pree, bari-tone, formerly of Hope college, now of Detroit, rendered two num-bers: "Living God" by Aurora, and "Lord of My Life" by Allitsen. The chapel choir also sang "This is the Light That Gladdens" by Crueger-Christianson and the recessional "Saviour Again to Thy Dear Name" by Allerton-Hopkins.

The official delegates a t the in-augural besides those already men-tioned were Rev. W. J . Van Kersen, Rev. James Wayer, Hon. H. E. Langeland, Pres. J . Wesselink of Centra] College, Pres. S. C. Net-tinga of (Western Theological Sem-inary, Rev. Milton J . Hoffman, R«v.

(Continued on Page 2)

The Seniors celebrated pope's football victory over Albion in great style Friday evening with a dinner and program at the Warm Friend Tavern. A delicious chicken dinner was disposed of with en-thusiasm, and then the group set-tled down to several extempo speeches from members of the class. President George Painter acted as master of ceremonies. Louis Damstra gave a short talk on the timely subject of football, tak-ng the viewpoint of the man on

the bench. A musical number by Harry Friesema followed. He sang two appealing solos in the modern style, and was applauded in a mod-ern way. Robert Notier, Senior football manager, gave a pep talk that took in both the College and the Class. He found that it didn't take much to be peppy, af ter a game like Friday afternoon. This part of the program closed in tra-ditional style with the Hope song, but the party did not break up. The Class went to the Holland The-ater in a group, and enjoyed the antics of the four Marx brothers in their latest picture, "Monkey Busi-ness." Before the show, however, they treated the other patrons to some rousing college yells. Pro-fessor and Mrs. Kleinheksel were guests of honor at the dinner.

Sibyllines Fete New Girls at Tea

Thursday evening the Sybilline

i terary Society and Mrs. Durfee

entertained all the new girls a t a

reception in Voorhees Hall. When all were assembled in the room )rightened with flowers and col-

ored sassafras leaves, Mrs. Durfee gave a few words of welcome. She also explained this new method of entertaining the girls before taking them into the societies. The meet-ing was then turned over to the Sibylline giris. A f t e r the devotions by Nella De Haan, Ethel Leestma played a delightful ballad by De Bussy. The president, Mary Har-per, told very interestingly the his-tory and creed of the society. For the concluding number of the pro-gram Lois Ketel sang "A Caution." During the rest of the evening everyone talked and had a chance to become better acquainted with each other. To help in getting acquainted delicious refreshments were served. AM ten o'clock drew near and it was time for the dor-mitory doors to be locked* the Sib-y b sang their wmg and the Bope song in parting.

Win First M.I.A.A. Match Against




Dope on M.I.A.A. Situation Upset by Surprising Win

Hope opened i^s conference sea-son last Friday by defeat ing a pow-erful Albion eleven, 7 to 0, in a contest which was packed with thrills, hard tackling, and fine blocking. By means of this victory, the Hingamen served notice on the remaining M. 1. A. A. schools that hereafter there will be six teams contending fo r the conference championship instead of five.

An exchanging of punts marked the first quarter, but near the end of the period Albion started a march down the field tha t was only stopped when the Hope forward wall was within the shadow of i ts own goal posts. This was the only effective drive put on by the Meth-odists and for the remainder of the game the DuUhmen completely out-played the down-state boys.

Although Hope threatened sev-eral times in the third period; they always lacked the final punch to )ut te pigskin across. However,

following the opening of the final quarter, Japinga took one of Watt ' s punts on his own 45 yard line. Twisting and dodging he. managed to elude most of the Albion tack-lers before he was finally brought down on their 15 yard marker .

This sensational run p u t Hope once more in a scoring position, but on two successive line plays, our backs were stopped on the line of scrimmage. A forward pass was incomplete fo r the third down, on the last play. Slighter went across fo r the only touchdown of

(Continued on Page 2)

Sophomores Celebrate at



There was great rejoicing among the Sophs last Friday. Numerous victories f o r school, class, and in-dividuals had filled their cup to overflowing. They boast of four regular members on a winning football team, a doien members of the Anchor staff, and a goodly number of glee-club and

choir members. In addition^ they had their forty-one to six and on-

fourth victory over the Frosh in the Frosh-Soph games, for which some shouting was still to be done. The crying desire to celebrate their successes finally found expression in a banquet which took place In the well-decorated basement of Trinity Church. Dr. and Mrs. Van Zyl were present as chaperons, and the Ladies' Aid of Trinity Church provided a delicious spread for almost one-hundred happy Sopho-mores. After the had been •erved, Miss Cornelia Stryker, ac-companied by Miss Esther Koster, •Wilfully played several so-called popular number on her violin. The

(Continued on P a * 2)


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Page Two

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4111 i i u u n m n m p i i p i i i

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H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R Entered at the Pott Office at Holland, Michigan, as Second Claas Matter. Accepted /Tor mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1101 oi

Act of Congress. October 8, 1917. Authorised October IB, 1918.

STAFF Editor - '...Ivan C. Johnson Head Reporter - Joan Walvoord Sports Herbert Marsilje, Preston Van Kolken Humor ,: William Austin Sororities - Bernice Mollema Fraternities Mark Bronwer Campus Vivian Behrman

Reporters: Marie Verduin, Jean Bosnian, Edith De Young, Christian WaWoord, Lois De Pree, Alma Plaake, Martha Vanden Berg, Ethel Leestma, Lillian Sabo, Sherwood Price, Margaret Rottschaefer, Beatrice Visser, Frank Visscher, Hilda Lanting, Gertrude Holleman.

BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Melvin F. Dole Assistants: Vivian Behrman, Edith De Young, John Cotts, Margaret

Rens, John Chamberlain. .Harold RingenoMus Circulation Manager May ford Ross


Hope College Songs Dimnent March

Our faith is pledged, our love is sworn, To Hope through all the years;

Of her we cherish fondest thoughts. For her we hold no fears. .

And when good fortune on our shields Smiles brightly as today,

We'll raise a song of lofty joy To make the heavens gay!


0 lift up your voices, Sing out glad and free. The bells high in the tower Re-echo our glee.

And the old lake rejoices To see from afar

Hope's banner triumphant. Her anchor and star.


Raymond De Yoiing — A n Appreciation

REV. J O H N V A N E S S , D . D .

An appreciation means setting a '.'premium," a price, upon something, appraising its value, estimating its purchasing power. Gold is our standard of money value, for though ugly in color and not to be compared with a flower, and though heavy in weight and an economic nuisance, it is rare and therefore we prefer it. Because it is hferd to get we grasp it, and because it is hard to keep we guard it. If gold were as profuse as flowers, none would think twice of it, if pebbles were as rare as gold all would pursue them.

When, in a human life, one finds a character as rare as gold and as beautiful as a flower, who can estimate its value or gauge its power?

For sixteen months I was inestimably rich, for I had such a life to enhance the credit of my enterprise. And with it were bought the souls of Arab youth, how many I cannot know even now. That treasure has gone into the Father's repository, as a security for and guarantee of the legitimacy of His ownership. And so I comfort myself as I think with aching heart of what I have lost.

For many weary years now I have been trying to show Christ to the Arabs. It has been all joy save for the painful consciousness that perhaps I have myself been the greatest hindrance to my own message. But for a brief space of time I was given a life which needed no apology, on which the image was clear and unmistakable^ the superscription plain and legible.

I am beginning to see that image and superscription in the minds and lives of my pupils and am humbly thankful.




(Continued from Page 1)

designated spot, where the boy tied a ribbon on the girl's neck while the girl knotted a conven-tional green tie about the neck of her partner.

In the succeeding contest, to de-termine who could cover a speci-fied distance in the least number of steps, the Wildcats demonstrated their ability as "high, wide and handsome" steppers.

Blowing a goose feather across the room and back proved a diffi-cult feat, no entrant's claim to superiority being judged preemi-nent. Dropping clothespins in a bottle was a contest equally close and exciting.

Announcing the next part of the program arranged by Leland Beach, Victor Turdo, class president, in-J troduced Miss Ruth Van Oss at the! piano. Surprisingly, Mr. Hinga did not offer to sing while Miss Van Oss played, but immediately after-wards he arose and addressed the class, remarking on the Freshman football prospects, mentioning the games to be played, and averring that be was looking forward with

interest to the time when some of the present Freshmen could win permanent berths on the Varsity.

Ice cream, cookies, cup cakes and cocoa comprised the refreshments, after the serving of which the party adjourned to Virginia Park to join the Junior class in its skat-ing party.


(Continued from Page 1)

numbers proved themselves to -be more than popular, at least when played by someone of Miss Stry-ker's ability. The second and last number on the program was in charge of Vem Buhl. He gave the Sophomores' vocal chords some ex-ercise on various college songs.

A few hours before the banquet, the Sophs had sat together as a class at the Albion game. Under the direction of yell-master Vem Buhl, they sang a new college fight song. Both the music and the words were catchy, and the first singing was well received. After the banquet the majority of the class went to the Holland. The Seniors also congregated in the balcony, and between shows, a short but vociferous pep session was held.

1. Collegium, Collegium, Te nunc Extollimus.

Vivis conjunctis vocibus. Omnium nostrum plausibus

"Amore et honoribus Saluten dicimus."

2. Collegium, Collegium, Fostos nunc agimus,

"Jam tota Academia Nobiscum amet gaudia,

"Amore et honoribus Salutem dicimus."

3. Collegium, Collegium, Arride filiis,

Proba nostrorum opera, Spe semper nos illumina,

"Amore et honoribus Salutem dicimus."

4. Collegium, argenteum, Te nunc extollimus

Cras auro coronabimus— Et labiis trementibus,

"Amore et honoribus Salutem'dicimus."




(Continued from Page 1)

the day when Nettinga tossed him a pass in the flat zone. On the next play, Japinga kicked goal for the extra point.

In Watt, Albion presented great ball carrier, passer, and kicker. This curly-headed right halfback led the Methodist offense in 2 out of every 3 plays. For Hope, Louie Japinga with his beautiful exhibition of broken field running, was outstanding. However, Zwemer and Norlin of Gold Dust fame, per-formed well on the line.

The lineups and summary: Hope Albion Damson L.E Huff Beaver L.T Ambler Norlin L.G Good Slagh C Shortle Zwemer R.G Mathews Fox (c) R.T.^..(c) Schroeder Meengs R.E Morgan Nettinga Q. Zelakowski Japinga ,...L.H^ Zellar Tysse .R.H Watt Seekamp F.B Magnotti

Score by periods: Hope 0 0 0 7—7 Albion 0 0 0 0—0

Touchdown: Slighter. Point from touchdown: Japinga. Substitutes: Hope, Painter for Beaver, SUghter for Seekamp, Van Haitsma for Japinga, A. Dalman for Van Haits-ma, Beaver for Painter, Seekamp for Slighter. Albion, Benddel for Huff, Stocking for Good, Hogan for Shortle, Mc CaU for Morgan, Fitch for Zellar, Osmun for Magnotti, Magnotti for Osmiin, Morgan for Mc Call, Shortle for Hogan. Offi-cials: Referee, Forsythe, Michigan; Umpire, Ernie Vick, Michigan; Head Linesman, Speelman, Mis-souri.


Last week Tuesday evening the Y. M. C. A. held its annual Fresh-man meeting. The program was carried out entirely by members of the Freshman -class. Leland Beach led a spirited song service and fol-lowing that the Scripture lesson was read by Roger Voskuil. After a season of prayer Carl Walvoord introduced the speaker^Mr. Victor Turdo, president of the Freshman Class. Mr. Turdo gave an interest-ing but brief talk on "Weighing Anchor." An interesting discussion followed in which several of the Fresmen took part and showed much enthusiasm. Mr. Paul Fuga-zatto favored the group with two cornet solds.




(Continued from Page 1)

J . E. Kuizegna, Hon. C. E. Mapes, E. T. Cameron, Pres. H. M. Crooks of Alma College, John P. Everett, Rev. Edward Montgomery, Pres. J. L. Seaton of Albion College, iSam Street Hughes, Pres. iB. (B. Kuiper of Calvin College, Alexander C. Glennie, Rev. C. M. Steffens, Pres. Lynn H. Wood of Emmanuel Mis-

sionary College, R. B. Champion, Arnold Mulder, B. W. Peet, Mrs. E. J . Blekkink, Elaine Alma Meyer, Pres. James King of Olivet Col-lege, Rev. James Martin, Pres. Dwight B. Waldo of Western State Teachers College, Charles C. Ed-monds, J . Harvey Kleinheksel, E. E. FeU and Garret Heyns.

After the inaugural ceremony, a reception at President Wichers' home took place. Those who at-tended were guests, delegates, trustees, and faculties. Dr. Wich-ers is the sixth president of Hope College.

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Dr. Edw. D. Dimnent, President Dr. Wynand Wichers, Vice President C. Vander Meulen, Cashier Wm. J. Westveer; Asst. Cashier A. A. Nienhuis, Asst. Cashier

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Alethea—The Alethean program Friday was no fish story — it was a nut story given by the Seniors. Song Service was conducted by Bernice Mollema. This included the "Nut Brown Maiden," "Peanuts" and others. Lenora Zonnebelt led the devotions. Following this was a business meeting in charge of President Barre. "Nutty Nuts" de-scribing all classes of nuts was giv-en by Helen Barre. A clever paper entitled "From Acorn to Oak" was read by Martha Vanderberg. "Nut Meats" was played by Bemie Mol-lema and Mildred Schuppert as a piano duet and then Bernice gave a skit, depicting the evolution of the nut. Games and chestnuts in which all partook were surprising to say the least. After the singing of the Alethean and Hope songs all the girls went down town to enjoy another treat before retiring.

* * *

Delphi — The Delphi Literary Society held its regular meeting Thursday evening in the Delpi room.

Group singing was led by Del-phian Walvoord, accompanied by Delphian Zella Skillern. Delphian Paalman was in charge of the devo-tions for the evening.

The theme of the program was "Love" which was introduced by an original love story written by Del-phian Holle. A series of living pic-tures then followed depicting the first love between the bashful little boy and the shy little girl in the grade school to the happy husband and wife. The pictures were char-

acterized by Delphians White, Jack-son and Champion. Delpi an Zella Skillern furnished the music throughout the program.

After an interesting business meeting the society adjourned with the singing of the Delphi song.

* * *

Dorian — Thursday evening the Dorian Literary Society presented a Negro program. Margaret Rens opened the meeting with Devotions. After singing some popular songs M. Rens read a paper entitled "The Negro of today." A humorous reading was given by Dorothy White: An extemporaneous num-ber was presented by Katharine Fredericks, Katharine De Jonge, Ruth Foss and Hazel Dick. This number was a dramatization of "Sweet Adeline." Edith Cunnagin read a paper on "The Negro in the Sopth During the Period of Recon-struction." Alma Plakke gave some humorous negro readings after which the meeting was adjourned.

were such things as etiquette rules. This humor paper, "Proper Venti-lation," given & la Drescher style called forth spasms of laughter. Where Abbie had finally been sent off to school, the meeting ad-journed with the singing of the Sorosis songs.


Sorosis — Following a short and snappy business meeting on Thurs-day evening, Sorosis adjourned to their annual etiquette program. The theme was "The Sorosis Moderation Room," tying up in a series of pa-pers, correct manners with the various aspects of a room. Sorosis (little) Lois De Pree opened by giving "Correct Temperature" i.e. — neither too hot nor too cold. Fol-lowing this was a paper "The Old World Setting" by S. Winslow. Correct clothes was the next sub-ject discussed in an illustrated pa per by S. Hudson, entitled "Proper Architecture." ' The last number, "from the hights to the depths" as explained by S. Drescher made the society almost forget there ever

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Columbia Hat-Suit Cleaners

Addison — The Addison meeting of October 8 was opened at 8:00 o'clock by the president, Mr. Ter-keurst. The singing was led by "Little Abe" Norman and accom-panied by Mr. John Cotts.

The literary program consisted of three numbers: Alfred Lord Ten-nyson," given by Mr. John Cotts, a humor number by Mr. Deitz, and a talk on India by Mr. Norman.

Then our visitors, Mr. J. Kooman, Mr. Paul Fuggazotto and Mr. Hen-ry Kleinhecksle each spoke a few words to us.

• • •

Knickerbocker — Due to the many school activities during the past week, the Knickerbocker So-ciety did not hold its regular meet-ing. Several of the meetings in the forthcoming weeks will be given over to the pledges, who have promised to furnish some very in-teresting programs.


Hope Orchestra is Formed Under Mrs. Van Antwerp MEMBERS NOW NUMBER


Miss Ani ta Furbeck E.pent the pas t week-end with her c lassmate ,

Miss Ida Vander Zaku. Mjss Van-

der Zaku has her residence Grand Rapids.

The number of musical organ-izations at Hope College has been increased by the organization of a real orchestra. At present there are sixteen members who meet for practice twice a week, on Wednes-days at six forty-five o'clock and on Fridays at four o'clock. Under the direction of Mrs. Van Antwerp, the orchestra has a bright future ahead of it. She hopes to make the or-chestra a valuable asset to the school. It is expected that soon it will become an organization hold-ing a place in Hope College similar to that now held by the Chapel Choir.

The members of the orchestra are: Violins, Rudolph Nichols, Roy Mooi, Cornelia Stryker, John Van-der Meulen, Gerald Heersma, and Kathryn Fredericks; clarinets, Kent Thompson, Russell Fredericks, and Paul Van Peursem; flute, Sarah Sterken; trumpet, Paul Fuggazoto and Mark Brouwer; double bass, Richard Niessink; trombone, John Muilenberg; piano, Margaret Stry-ker and Helen Johnson.

It is still possible to join the orchestra. In fact, more members are needed and all those who play orchestral instruments will be heartily welcomed. Let's support our orchestra!


Now is the time for that new

Fall and Winter Coat

Our stock has just been replenished in new shades, styles and sizes. We invite you to come in and look them over.

French Cloak Store 30 East Eighth St.



Wc Clean Everything from Hats to Shoes

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Men's 3 pc. Suits and

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89c Quality Work

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The A. D. D.'s have gotten new sweaters for this year's work. They are orange trimmed with dark blue. A chenille wooden shoe is on the sweater. Upon the shoe is inscribed the letters of the society.

. * * • Miss Marjorie Atwater was the guest of Miss Janet Van Zeiden over Saturday and Sunday at her home in Grand Haven.

• • •

Bill Wichers, a friend, and Joan Walvoord went to Lafayette Indi-ana, to see a Purdue football game. They returned Sunday afternon.

• • • Miss Louise Kieft was hurt at the

Junior Class roller skating party last Friday evening. Miss Kieft was thrown against the wall while skating. She is back in school al-though a bone in her face is frac-tured in two places.

Just Received a new supply of

Laundry Cases Prices $1.65 to $2.39. Re-fills 25c. to $35c. each.

Brink's Book Store

Visscher-Brooks Gold Guarantee Automobile Insurance

For Local Claim Service

Phone 4616



Gruen, Bulova and Elgin Watches at BELLES JEWELRY S T O R E

Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing.

Welcome-Hope Students

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The Student Volunteers had an exceptionally interesting meeting on Wednesday, October 7, in their room. The song service and devo-tions were in charge of Martha Van den Berg. Bernice Mollema sang a very inspirational solo. Then the society had the great privilige of hearing Miss Olivia Laurence, Edu-cational and Editorial Secretary of the Women's Board of Foreign Mis-sions, give an account of a few of her many interesting experiences, both here and abroad. There was a very good attendance.


College-trained engineers

revisit the athletic field

Since few attended the meeting Wednesday, October 8, Prof. Hin-kamp's address on "The Presbyte-rian Church" was postponed until the next meeting, October 14, at which, it is hoped, many shall be present However the devotional and business parts of the meeting were held. The devotions were in the charge of Franklin Deitz, who read from the third chapter of Acts. Then a season of sentence prayers were offered. The business, concern-ing the -rogpel team, was tiie pre-paring of a letter. The meeting was closed with prayer by Harold De Windt

ON more than a hundred

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hours, before larger audiences

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. This constructive revolut ion in

athletics is largely the w o r k of

c o l l e g e - t r a i n e d eng ineers —

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needs of col lege and school. They are

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partment to the practical service of under-

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locomotives. A l l are engaged in the

planning, production, or distribution of

G -E products and so are performing a

w o r k of national betterment and creat-

ing fpr themselves recognized spheres

of personal Influence.

- y





" V f f t y f o f r ' i - n l n Jva- su . . .• aJ '•


HUMOR The apex of "plainness" seems to

have been reached by a gentleman "down east." "He was so homely tha t when he made a face, he was handsomer than he was other

times!" « * «

It is a pleasant anecdote that Mr. Howell tells of his friend, Mr. Henry James, who was praising the work of a fellow author. "You were very kind to him," said one of those present, "for he says very unpleasant things about your work." "Ah," said Mr. James, "but then both of us may be wrong."

* * * "What 's nothing?" asked an old

pedagogue who loved to invent ver-bal traps. "I ts a footless stocking without any leg."

* * *

According to the Indianapolis Journal, Bob said: "Papa, what is a bookworm?" "A bookworm," re-plied papa, "is a person who would rather read than eat or it is a worm that would rather eat than read!"

• • •

When you can tell why you're in love, you're out.

* * *

There was a youn^j person named Tate,

Who went out to dine at 8:8; But I will not relate What this person named Tate And his Tete-a-tete ate at 8:8.

• • • "Come and dine with us tomor-

row," said the gentleman who had made money. "Sorry," replied the other," I can't. I am going to see Hamlet." "That 's O.K., bring him with you."

• • »

Oh, I who've schooled myself to be A model of sufficiency Unto myself, deplore this trend That makes a forthright girl pre-

tend To be a rakish minx when she Has left behind all coquetry. Because Eugenie wore her hat Perched dizzily — shall 1 let that Historic fact deprive me of My candid character, and shove An inch of brim down on one eye? Such roguishness is far from my Intention, and it makes me frantic To be compelled to look romantic.

Dr. Howtrie, a famous English schoolmaster was a man of singu-larly unkempt appearances. He was once reproving a boy for tardiness a t breakfast. T h e W y asserted that he did not have time enough to dress. *"But I dress in the same time," said Dr. Hawtrie. "Yes, sir," said the boy, "but I have to wash."

• » • "Do you call that thing a veal

cutlet?" demanded the dissatisfied diner at a London restaurant. "To call that a veal cutlet is to insult every calf in the British Empire." The waiter replied, "I really had no idea of insulting you, sir."

* * *

Of course a witness in court ought to tell the exact truth, but sometimes, as in this instance he can convey a very clear impres-tion without being quite definite: Attorney — You say you saw shots fired? Witness — Yes sir. Attor-ney — How near were you to the scene of the affray? Witness — When the first shot was fired, ten feet from the shooter. Attorney — Ten feet; well, now, tell the court how far you were away when the second shot was fired? Witness — I didn't measure the distance. Attor-ney — Speaking approximately, how far should you say? Witness — Well, it approximated to a half mile.

In a recent test given at one of the Holland schools, the question was asked "How did Hope College get its name?" One little boy, put-ting his own interpretation upon community tradition, wrote in an-swer "When Sir Walter Raleigh came to settle Holland, and founded the college, he said, 'I will make this my anger of hope'."

o Association

• • • College-bred: How are all the lit-

tle pigs down on the f a r m ? " Corn-fed: "Just great! And how

are all the pledges at the House?"

President W i c h e ^ s ,

Inaugural Address

Soph: "Why the glum face, Frosh?" Frosh: "My stock has crashed." Soph: "Your stock?" Frosh: "Yes, I had two bits in the

Dominion of Canada."


Tuesday night the "Y" girls met in their room for another fine meet-ing. Joan WHlvoord and Esther Koster led in a spirited sOng serv-ice and then Edith Cunnagin read the devotions. After a solo "Prayer," sung by Helen Smith, the leader, Miss Cunnagin, began her discussion of the topic "In Step." She compared Christians to an

army in which one person out of step destroys the appearance of the entire company. Since everyone cannot see the leader, the person in front of him must be the guide. If this guide is not living a life for Christ, the follower will get out of step, too. So each must do his best to keep in step with Christ and to help others keep in step.


T h o u g h t * N e y e r F u t i l e

Casual thoughts are sometimes of great value. One of these may prove the key to open for us a yet unknown apartment in the pal ace of truth, or a yet unexplored t ract In the paradise of sentlmenf that environs It.—Foster.

Football Schedule —1931

September 26 Heidelberg at Tiffin, 0. October 3 Ferris Institute at Holland October 9 Albion at Holland October 17 Alma at Alma October 24 St. Mary's at Orchard Lake

October 31 , Hillsdale at Holland

November 7 Kalamazoo at Kalamazoo November 14 Open

November 21 Olivet at Olivet

Mr. President,—With a dee^)

sense of the honor conferred and

the responsfcilities involved, I ac-

cept from you" these symbols of

authority as President of Hope Col-

lege. In the presence of this as-

sembly, I solemnly promise to serve

my Alma Mater to the best of my

ability; endeavoring in every way

to honor her splendid traditions and to be true to her sacred history. Conscious of my inability for so great and noble a task, I humbly pray that He who has always been the Anchor of our hope, may guide us and keep us safe in seas that other-wise might be dangerous. We ap-preciate the presence of those who hold high office in Church and School. We are grateful to the Presidents and delegates from sis-ter colleges who are honoring us tonight. We are especially grate-ful to the distinguished President of our great University for his presence here with us. All these are a cloud of witnesses whose service in the realm of education we ad-mire, and whose high idealism and intense devotion may well be the source of comfort and inspiration to one who is but a child among Col-lege Presidents. .

Hope College is one of a large body of Liberal Arts Colleges which are sometimes called Christian Col-leges. To be sure, we are controlled by a particular denomination and faithful in every degree to her, but we glory rather in the fact that we are a Christian Liberal Arts Col-lege. It will be our object tonight to reassert that value of such an in-stitution and to attempt to rededi-cate to you all to this cause. Of all the issues whioh confront educa-tional leadership today, none is more important than the mainten-ance a^d progress of the Christian College. We are inclined to believe that Dr. Robert Riley spoke truly when he said that "mankind has not yet discovered a more worthy instrument of progress than a thor-oughly Christian College." In colonial days, we saw men and wo-men of great faith and daring leav-ing old European shores to begin wearisome journeys across wild seas not only to build new homes in a virgin continent but also to erect meeting house and school, and so to lay the foundations for the great Colleges of our day. Harvard, Yale, Kings, Brown, Dartmounth were all dedicated by their founders to the

task of developing spiritual life and moral vigor through the educative process. Nor was the westward march of a virile and energetic peo-ple a mere desire to appropriate and develpp the resources of a lim-itless continent but rather to real-ize in the great open spaces, ideals of liberty and government of edu-cation and religion. The story of the beginnings of the Christian col-leges which closely followed the westward movement, is an intensely fascinating one. There is in it much of labor and sorrow, much of ro-mance and poetry, but lAove all there is in it the story of the dis-covery of great springs which have let loose currents of intellectual and moral energy which are still the moving forces in our civic and re-

ligious life. Mayflower Pilgrims

and'western pioneers looked upon education and religion as one and inseparable. Education that was not shot through with religion was con-sidered dangerous to both Church and State* Religion that was not fostered and cultivated through ed-ucation must needs die. Perhaps even the best of our leadership could not have foreseen the fact, that, even as the Christian Church was the one grea^bond of union amidst the chaos of feudalism in the Middle Ages in Europe, that even so the School and College were to be the great bond of union amidst the confusion of our relig-ious and civic life. Next to the Church, the College is our best American institution and the Chris-tian College among the Colleges has done most to determine the dominant type of our Christian civ-ilization.

Now, in the nature of the case, education must needs always be in a sort of flux and ferment which will at times try the temper of our educational institutions and put even the Colleges in jeopardy. All the smaller Liberal Arts Colleges are under fire today. And this is due not alone to the fact that with limited endowments and meager equipments, they find it difficult to justify their place in the educa-tional arena, but it is also due to the fact that cultural education is in the balance in an age when "things are in the saddle and ride man-kind." But it is extremely fortun-ate that in the main, the Liberal Arts Colleges in America have re-mained loyal to intellect and culture and character as the essential things in the curriculum. Dr. Ward of Western Maryland College wrote in the first number of the Liberal Arts College Bulletin that "cultural education for the American people is in the balance and waits for the turn that will swing the things of the spirit into the ascendancy among those who are called to lead-ership. The things o f t h e spirit are the things out of which nations and individuals are made. Nations as well as individuals are redeemed out of the precious things of the spirit. The College of Liberal Arts, in its essence stands for the re-demption of the human intellect and character." But even in spite of all the attacks upon them five hundred of the smaller colleges in America are still caring for one-half of the million students enroll-ed in our colleges and universities. It would appear, therefore, that the smaller college is still the backbone of our higher educational system. President Harper once said " that the smaller colleges are the natural and ineviable expression of the American spirit in the realm af higher education."

|But it is the Christian College that is facing the greatest on-slaught today not alone because it is small and poor but chiefly be-cause it is denominational. For ex-ample, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching will not extend the benefits of its grants to institutions under denomination-al control no matter how high the scholastic standing of the College may be. It has been explained, that in making this condition, "Mr. Car-negie did not seek to show his hos-tility to denominations, nor did he seek to hamper in any way the cause of religion. His purpose was to serve primarily the cause of ed-ucation, and as a matter of educa-tional policy it seemed to him un-wise to place a college under the control of another organization of whatever character, nor was he able to convince himself that the imposi-

tion upon a college of a condition which limited the choice of trustees, officers, or teachers, to a stated de-nomination, was calculated to ad-vance the larger interests of educa-tion." In the nature of the case, therefore, the denominational col-lege can secure its support alone from the • organization which con-trols it. Now it frequently happens that the membership of such an organization has no wise or sacrifi-cial plan which will enable it to face the situation squarely and in full*view of its obligation to the child it has brought into the world of education. The denomination as a result often leaves the colleg® ht-tween Scylla and Charybdis. I t must remain loyal to the denomina-tion which gave it birth and it must at the same time cater constantly to the accrediting agencies which set the scholastic standards. All of you who are at all acquainted with the problem know that it is no easy task to put the Christian College in its proper place in the scheme of education, so as to make it conform u) the best standards and articu-late it with all other Colleges and at the same time make it an intelli-gent and cultured defender of the Christian religion. And yet this must be done and I believe it can be done. Did I not think so, I should never have consented to take over the administration of Hope College And only when it is done, can the Christian College justify its exist ence. Only then can it properly make its appeal to the whole de nomination for support.

I am not in doubt about the place of the Christian Collcge. The rec ord of the years is abundant teati mony to the value of a work con ceived in faith and executed with courage and trust and heroism, cannot be that the future offers less of promise in this field than did the past. Religion is still the most im portant field of human experience and the men and women who are trained in the Christian College wil serve it best and become its most intelligent and consecrated defend ers. The Christian College must continue and prosper or the Church will find it impossible to cultivate the Kingdom of God. It was in-teresting to read an Editorial the Grand Rapids Press of January 13 commenting on the Church Col-leges. After enumerating such col-leges in the State of Michigan it said "'A great host of Michigan men and women, teachers, preach-ers, scholars and leaders in the State's life have proceeded from these Church founded institutions. It is an irony that the University of Michigan, whose President Tappan once fought smaller schools with all his might, is now only too happy that these institutions relieve it of part of its burden. There is prob-ably no more remarkable single contribution of religion to this State than its church-founded Col-leges; and it is well to remember that, for the stimulus of religion, the country at large would not have had such institutions such as Yale, Harvard, Brown, Dartmouth and Princeton—all founded with sim-ilar motives. The call for educated pastors and church laymen was the first great spur to American higher education and it had its important part in Michigan too."

I am well aware that ther^ may be a distinction between the terms denominational college and Chris-tian College. Dr. Prichett of Carne-gie Foundation once argued in an address that this distinction arises out of failure to dtscriminate be-tween religion and church member-ship. He reasoned^as follows: "The

(Continued on Page 5)

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(Ccntinued from Page 4)

essentials of religion are the same whether men belong to one religious organization or another. Religion is a life springing up in the soul which blossoms into forgetfulness of self-and into service of God and man. This life exists without any refer-ence to the denominational or ec-clesiastical definition of it. It has in fact, to this formal expression much the same relation that the stars have to the science of astron-omy, or that the flower has to Bot-any. Now shall Christian education mean the effort to bring into the minds and into the lives of students the conception of religion as life, or shall it mean the presentation of forms of worship of a particular de-nomination and the claims of a par-ticular view of truth ?" But in spite of what Dr. Prichett has said, it is a matter of common observation that the Colleges which have sev-ered their denominational ties have done so not because of a sincere de-sire to serve Christ (better but rather to drink more deeply from the financial fountains that flow from the large Foundations. There may be some question as to the wisdom of making Colleges sectar-ian or parochial, but there can hard-ly be any question about the fact that the really Christian colleges are the denominational colleges. Certainly as far as Hope College is concerned, it is proud of its denom-inational relationship, at the same time that it boasts of its Christian outlook and purpose, attempting through men, curriculum and wor-ship to saturate intellect and cul-ture with morality and christian-1 ity, and to introduce young men and women not only to science, litera-ture and the arts, but through these to introduce them to Christ and His service. And so while the denom-inational colleges of the Reformed Church in America relate themselv-es in every way to the general problems of education without re-serve, and according to the best traditions and standards they do not shrink from the duty and obligation to help the Church redeem the World to Christ.

Let us now consider more specifi-cally the functions of the Christian College. I am going to suggest that the first function is to introduce the student to the whole field of culture so that he may work and fight ef-fectively in the arena of life. We lay claim to the whole realm of culture. (We have no notion that any part of it is forbidden ground to the Christian student. The field of Natural Science awaits his ex-ploration. The field of our institu-tional life is his to possess and oc-cupy. Literature and the Arts in-vite him to drink at the esthetic springs. The world of ethics and morals is supremely his to conquer and command. History and biog-raphy were written for him. And all the accomplishments of the world are his to equip him to meet the problems that will come. Now I take it that our young men and women must be adequately equip-ped for their task. Today they are thrust into an age that is intensely complex as a result of a century of scientific discovery. The multiplic-ity of life bewilders us all. Read once again "'The Education of Henry Adams" one of the great books of this generation. Here was a name to conjure with. Two of his ancestors had been Presi-dent of the United States. His father was Charles Francis Adams who served the nation so brilliantly during the dark days of the Civil War. No man had a more com-manding inheritance. And yet when he i« seventy years old, he merely looks upon the arena of life with pathos and irony and cynicism. He confesses that he is a child totally unprepared for twentieth century life. It is the sad story of a great man without religious faith, spend-infir the greater part of his life in purrait of a career which he found not, and then spending the declin-

ing years trying to find unity in multiplicity, order in chaos, peace of mind in a world of riot and tumult. But the book is a very good picture of the complexity of our modern life in which we can move forward only under the leadership of men of knowledge and religion, thoroughly furnished,—those who hear in their ears the sound of the trumpet and those who can stand on their feet not as a dead weight but as a vital force.

Now If the college is to educate men thoroughly equipped for the work of life it must make them men who can stamp their individu-ality as a force into touch with other personalities. And to do this, the college must come to them first of all with inspiration enough to fire them with enthusiasm—an in-spiration which will not be a fleet-ing breath but a sustaining power all through lif^r' This is not always an easy task. Youth easily sur-rounds himself with impenetrable fortifications—quite immune to any Icind of attack. Only once in a while do we find a student whose mind is defenseless against the truth. And yet a good College must find a way to break down these defenses—to point the student to the trail—a trail which may seem perilous to timid souls afraid to climb,—but trails which will capture with de-ight those who attempt to make the ascent. A college will teach the ed-ucated man that a book is more than a book, that it is a ship laden with spoils from other shores sail-ing into mental ports. It must teach him that art is more than paint and canvas, music more than melody and rhythm, science more than ritual and ceremonial. The in-spiration that comes from all must be at the beginning of an enlarging education.

The College must touch the stu-dent with the touch of knowledge. We are not so much concerned with the amount of material the stu-dent colletcs as we are with the way he deals with the material he has acquired. The age into which he is going calls for intellectual honesty. The ability to sift the false from the true, the capacity for keen and alert criticism of things a& they are, the equipment to enter into the world of judgments and re-lationships, and the capacity for continuous mental growth,—these are the important things in the ed-ucative process. Much of modern traming does not even break the surface. Is it any wonder that we live in a riot of loose thinking and shifty opinion? Our religious life is suffering from it. Our social and political life is bewildering on ac-count of it. In a situation like this, the world needs leadership—the leadership of those who have been taught to think deeply about the problems ofjife,—the leadership of those who can think their way out of and into situations. And this leadership the Colleges must furn-ish.

Again we believe that the Chris-tian College must come to the stu-dent with the stamp of refinement, art and culture. God works that way. He does not merely allow the sun to set but he paints the sunset in glorious beauty^

"God is at his anvil, beating on the sun;

Where molten metal spills. At his forge among the hills. He has hammered out the beauty of

a day that's done. •

God is at his anvil, welding golden bars

In the scarlet-streaming flame. He is fashioning a frame For the shimmering silver beauty

of the evening stars.

Will Durant has told us that our culture is superficial today because we are rich in mechanics apd poor in the finer things of life. And be-cause it is poor in these, it is poSr in the real rewards and satisfac-tions of living. Some one has said that there are two great talents of the intellect, reason and imagina-tion. The first makes the philoso-pher, the second the poet, but both

together make the great artist, scientist, statesman, teacher, preacher. Poetry,' refinement, cul-ture are extremely valuable parts of the equipment of leadership. The Liberal Arts College must help to produce men and women of fine taste and appreciation, of vivid im-agination and kindly sympathy, of scholarship and culture, of prose and poetry. •

But all these things might con-ceivably t e accomplished iby any first class Liberal Arts College, even though it were not Christian. One thing1 in which the Christian Collegannust always be supreme is in the compulsion to carry to the student the torch of real religion and Christianity. If this is going to be done at all, it will have to be done by the Christian Colleges. Only one question remains to be answered and that is. Should it be done? Regardless of any answer that might be given by others, de-vout and sincere members of the Christian Church will insist that this is a primary function of higher education. The College is the in-strument which the Church will largely use to help it in its educa-tional task. Now we believe that the educational task of the Chris-tian Church is to lead men and women to Christ and to have them in the spirit of the Master offer themselves for the largest useful-ness in the extension of his King-dom. There is no other justification for our religious institutions. For-eign and domestic missions, evan-gelism, religious education. Church Schools, all these would cease to be without the Gospel motive. This job is begun in the Church School and must be continued by other in-stitutions when youth moves from one period of life to another. And at last when the young man or wo-man is committed to the care of the College, it must carry out its sol-emn obligation to oflfer that view of life and philosophy which will in-troduce them at an advantage into the circle of activity, and to send them out into the world with the meaning of Christ in their mind and heart. If intuitions of right are the surest foundations of righteous-ness, and if the religion of Jesus is the great need of the world, then it becomes the duty of the Christian College to be faithful to its trust and to assume large responsibility for the Christian nurture and de-velopment of growing young men and women, teaching them and guiding them to unfold the poten-tialities of youth and character into glorious actuality.

We have now considered the first function of the Christian College, namely, to introduce the student to the whole of life so that he may work and fight effectively in the sphere in which his lot will be cast. The second function of the Chris-tian College is to help the Church fulfill its mission in the world. The first might be considered as an at-tempt to assist the student to make the most of himself and to realize himself fully. The second looks at the problem from the standpoint of the Church. It is now an attempt to prepare the student fully so that he may give himself most fully to the cause of the Church. Without any doubt there will be those who maintain tha^ the Church has no right to enter the domain of educa-tion for that specific purpose. But we Christians feel that we must be propagandists. The marching or-ders of the Church are to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth and to these we must be faithful and use every agency to that end. And for this the Church must have effi-cient leadership—men and women whose education is there, broad, sincere, and Christian. Even as the earliest American colleges were founded for the training of Chris-tian leaders, so the Church today must produce those who are trained, for the service of the Church. We arc ready to admit that Christianity cannot be defined in terms of de-nominationalism and can never be claimed in Fee Simply by any sect to the exclusion of another. But the finest expression of Christianity fe

the desire of each denomination to appropriate the essence of the Gos-pel not for itself and lis exclusive use, but in order that it may, through the great cooperative en-terprise of all, offer it to the whole world. Certainly there is nothinj; sectarian in the way in which the Reformed Church in America has used its higher educational facili-ties. We believe that its motives are unsullied and that they must receive the sympathyv^nd support of all those who have the welfare of the Kingdom a t heart.

^ Let us briefly consider the matter of training for professional leader-ship. In the past the curriculum of the Christian Colleges has made provision for this specific training. But it is entirely possible that the changing age has made obsolete at least a part of the curriculum and makes demands for the intro-duction and enlargement of coures designed to fit men to meet the problems of the new age. Not that I am unduly impressed with the idea that this is a new age. Prob-lems are never new, they are etern-al. (Surely there is nothing in our history today so indicative of great change as marked some earlier crisis in history. And yet there is always a need of adaption to the present problem. Dr. Hite in his book "The Effective Christian Col-lege" suggests that certain forces are operative in the field of relig-ion that the College must take note of in setting up its curriculum for professional leadership. He notes the fact that the age is not strong-

Five seriously concerned with the prob-

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ly ecclesiastical nor dogmatic. t h a t | I n t h e s e ( . o n d t h e c u r r i c u | ^ it .s not primarily a preach,ng age Pmust b e d<!3igntd „ t h a t i t w i l l 3at_

men true t o their faith and loyal to the Church of their fathers. There is no question but that in the space of a few years, the level of life in the local Church could be lifted a great deal by a lay leadership alive to its duty and privilege. But in many cases the initial impulse, the j ^ca^P Treatments, Shampooing, intellectual equipment, and the Marcelling, Finger Waving^Facial spiritual urge will have to c o m e

out of th^ Christian Colleges of the W A R M FRIEND TAVERN land. | 2nd Floor

I have suggested that there are

two functions of the Church College, first to equip young people thor-oughly for every walk of life, sec-ond to equip them in order that they may help the Church in very definite ways to fulfill i ts mission. It is not within the province of this oaper to analyze carefully just hov this should be done. I should like to suggest, however, that three things are absolutely necessary to do it. ^ i r s t the atmosphere of the College must be Christian. Musi-cians are not trained in scientific schools. Doctors are not educated n machine shops. Lawyers do not

go to school in the chemical libora-tory. Religious leadership, Chris-tian young men and women will not flourish in the atmosphere of calcu-ating chance and materialistic phil-

osophy. But where Christ is actu-ally King of the Campus and slips everywhere into Dormitory Room and Classroom Halls, there Chris-tian men and women will begin to climb the slope that leads to God.

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but a teaching age. In line with that, he suggests that Community Problems, Organization Problems, Christian Sociology, Religious Edu-cation must more and more find their way into the program. Also that these courses should be fairly complete because of the fact that the great majority of ministers find it impossible to attend Graduate Schools. The thought that officers and administrators in the field of Christian Education can at least get out of this is that the Colleges must be thoroughly alive to these changes and must make an honest and intelligent effort to build the foundations for professional lead-ership very carefully, just as thor-oughly as we make our preparation for training in science and medicine and the other professions. The Re-formed Church has throughout its entire history stood for a learned ministry. Its pulpits are occupied by preachers of learning and pow-er. Its missionary enterprise is in the hands of leaders who are statesmen in their field. If the work of our Church is to continue and prosper in a field which is often bar-ren, in an age which is not essen-tially spiritual, it must be in the hands of men who are peers in the world of scholarship, and real pro-phets of righteousness in the age in which they are to move.

iBut what about the lay leadership of the Church? The professional leadership can hardly lift the level of the denominational life higher than the level of the various churches. In these churches, we must depend al/noat entirely upon lay leadership to lift the level of in-•formation, enthusiasm and zeal to the pitch required for progressive work and growing spiritual strength. Here the Christian Col-lege must revaluate its opportunity to be of real service. It is a tre-mendous indictment of our Colleges that they so seldom conserve to the Church the young people of College age. They come to the College out of fine homes and out of active ser-vice in the Church. The College should send them back not less in-terested and enthusiastic, but more prepared and more willing to take their proper place in the Church's life. It is, of course, not possible for the College to conserve them all to the Church. But the proportion of those conserved is sometimes al-together too small and certainly is a dangerous and serious factor as fa r as the welfare of the Church is concerned. The College most be

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isfy in every way the demands of accrediting agencies and good Col-lege standards, and at the same time offer that particular tyiTe of training necessary to the equipment of the professional and lay leader-ship of the Church. But there is one thing more important than all and that is that the teachers in our Colleges shall not be neutral in the great questions of life. They must also be sincere in life and conduct and must be thoroughly Christian in their convictions and philosophy. Only leaders of that type will be able to stamp themselves into touch with the characters of those whom they teach and seek to lead.

May I suggest a few things in conclusion. If we have established our case that the Church needs the denominational college, then it is clear that it is no part of wisdom for the denomination to continue to keep its control and allow it to

starve. Personally I feel very I John Dykema Jos. Borgman strongly that if the Church wishes p . to Jceep the Christian College it 0 n e

must be ready to maintain it with honor, so that the College can hold its head high in intellectual circles and at the same time be not asham-ed of the part that it plays in the redemption of the world. When the Church first entered into this rela-tionship and undertook to found col-leges, this support involved no ser-1 pjolland ious draft on the energy of the de- * nomination. Subjects taught were of such a character that they re-quired little expenditure beyond the stipend paid the kindly and good-natured gentlemen who taught the course. Expensive outlays for li-braries and laboratories were not thought of. Now all this is differ-ent. The running of a college is a heavy draf t on the energies of the denomination. But let us remember i ̂ << .1. 1 that the authority to control will | Smiling by trading here more and more be held to carry with it the obligation of proper support. I am appealing to the leadership of our Church life tonight Will you not resolve once again to enter into this relationship so purposefully and play your par t so royally and loyally tha t we of the college may be conscious of the fact that the whole Reformed Church is back of us? If the Church will do •bU, then I am convinced that we on our part, shall give ample assurance of a t rust well carried out and a ser-vice well planned and executed. Help us to make Hope College great —great in the things of the mind snd the spirit—great in the world of knowledge and service. ^


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a t h l e t i c s i

Hope Meets Alma Team




M . I. A . A . B R I E F S

Breaks Are About Even for Both Teams, and Outcome is


League Standings W.

Hope 1 Alma 1 Hillsdale 0 Kalamazoo 0 Olivet U

1 Albion 0 • • •

This Week's Games Hope versus Alma

Albion versus Ferris Kalamazoo versus Olivet

L. 0 0 0 0 1 1

The Hope vanity will meet its second M. I. A. A. opponent when it travels to Alma Saturday to meet the co-holders of the M. I. A. A. championship of last year. Hav-ing disposed of Albion in such a pleasing manner the Hope gridders will come forth in all their power so as to keep their M. I. A. A. slate clean. Alma, too ,is undefeated hav-ing won over Olivet by the score of 12-2 last Saturday. The Maroon and White eleven boasts a very heavy, but slow, line. Her backfield besides being very speedy, has a triple threat man in Brown. He passes, kicks and runs equally well.

Coach Hinga has been working his men very hard this week and ex-pects them to be in the prime of condition Saturday. It is still doubtful as to whether Dalman will be eligible but whether he plays or not the team will be fighting and giving all they've got for Hope this Saturday. Alma is no soft spot in anybody's schedule and a victory would indeed make Hope respected by the remaining teams she is to meet.

There will be a mass meeting of the students at seven o'clock Friday night at the Gym to give the men a send-off that will inspire them. Be there!



Football Exchanges


Gossard Corsets

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For Real Service Try - T h e -

White Cross Barber Shop

198 River Ave.

Ferris Institute took an unex-pected defeat at the hands of Hope College when they invaded the Dutch city Saturday, Oct. 3. The Crimson and Gold team entered the contest two to one favorites, but they received unlooked for reverses and suffered a 19 to 0 defeat from the Wooden Shoes.

The Institute found themselves pitted against a light team, but one that is without doubt one of the fastest college aggregations in the state. Although the Big Rapids team outweighed the Holland line by thirty pounds to the man, there was but one time in the game when the Dutch goal was seriously threatened; then the Hope team was saved from a certain score by the ending of the half.

—Ferris Weekly. • • •

Coach Campbell's "Fighting Pres-byterians" were no match for Jim-my Crowley's Spartans in their opening game at East Lansing last Saturday. The State backfield did just about as it pleased in running up a total of eleven touchdowns and 74 points.

Remembering the hard fight Alma gave them last year, State was all keyed up for this game, and consequently both their offense and

defense worked almost perfectly. The only plays that made any ground for Alma were passes and trick plays and State managed to break up most of those.

Early in the game, a State man touched one of Brown's punts and Alma recovered on State's 40 yard line. This was the only time that Alma had the ball in State's terri-tory. —The Almanian.

• • • y \ Several of the M. I. A. A. schools

got away from the past Saturday, — Alma taking a licking from State and Hillsdale trimming Chi-cago "U." Hope took a ride at the hands of Heidelberg while the Crimson looking like a million bucks knocked off Manchester. With little advance dope it's hard to figure the conference teams but one thing we are sure of, and that is we must stick in there and back our entry to the limit. The support that they get will be the ultimate factor in our winning drive so lets boost all we can. —Olivet Echo.


M.O.L. Finals To Be Held In



At the Michigan Oratorical and Debating Conference held in Lans-ing on Saturday, October 3, it was resolved that the final State Contest of the Michigan Oratorical League should be held in the Dimnent Me-morial Chapel at Hope College. This plan was accepted after its sugges-tion by Dr. J. B. Nykerk, Coach of Oratory at Hope. The contest takes place sometime during March, and is of intense interest to all Michi-gan Colleges.

The questions for Men's and Wo-mens' debate were also decided up-on. The subject for the men is: Resolved: That a substitute be es-tablished for the present Capitalis-tic system in the United States. The Women's subject is: Resolved: That

the United States accept cancella-tion of all inter-governmental war debts, including reparations.

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