10-1 Chapter Ten Key Human Resource Management Issues.

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Transcript of 10-1 Chapter Ten Key Human Resource Management Issues.


Chapter Ten

Key Human Resource

Management Issues


Chapter learning objectives

10.1 Appreciate the importance of human resources to the conduct of major events

10.2 Appreciate the difference between leadership and management and understand the key issues associated with leading and managing people

10.3 Understand the key issues and principled associated with leading employees and volunteers


Chapter learning objectives

10.4 Understand the key issues and principles associated with motivating employees and volunteers

10.5 Understand the key issues and principles associated with training employees and volunteers

10.6 Apply human resource management principles to the integration of the efforts of employees and volunteers.

10.7 Manage diversity in the workplace


Units of Competence and Elements

SITXHRM502 Manage volunteers1. Research, determine and define needs for volunteer involvement

2. Undertake volunteer recruitment

3. Maximise volunteer retention

4. Ensure a positive experience for volunteers

SITXHRM503 Monitor staff1. Monitor staff performance and provide feedback

2. Recognise and resolve performance problems

3. Implement performance management systems


Units of Competence and Elements

BSBHRM604A Manage employee relations 1. Implement employee relations strategy and policies for own work area

2. Build and maintain a productive culture

3. Resolve employee relations problems

4. Manage diversity

SITXHRM402 Lead and manage people1. Model high standards of performance and behaviour

2. Develop team commitment and cooperation

3. Manage team performance

Introduction and the importance of human resources

• Success requires capable and motivated people.

• Leadership, motivation and training of human resources is essential for events to run well.

• The intangibility of events makes human resource management crucial.

• Event managers need a product as standard and consistent as possible in order to deliver quality.

• Performance will rely on staff training.

• Short-term nature of events and reliance on volunteers changes the training dynamic.


Leading and managing employees and volunteers

• Who is being led and managed?

– Employees

• Full-time or part-time

• Hired under a contract outlining salary and benefits

– Volunteers

• Utilised on short-term or non-continuous basis for an event

• Gives unpaid help such as time, service or skills

• Motivations of volunteers are different to employees


Leading and managing employees and volunteers

• Leadership and management defined

– Leadership

• Leadership is primarily concerned with developing and articulating a clear vision for the future

• Leadership involves gaining acceptance of, and commitment to, a vision

• Leadership also involves operationalising a vision through the design of broad plans and strategies

• Hence, leaders are primarily involved with the provision of vision and strategy.


Leading and managing employees and volunteers

– Management

• Management is concerned with coping with complexity and the establishment of order and consistency through:

– the development and implementation of detailed plans

– the design of organisational structures, and

– the monitoring of results and organisational outcomes against plans.

• Organisational effectiveness requires both strong leadership and sound management.

• Leaders provide the vision and strategy while managers implement the vision and strategy.


Leading and managing employees and volunteers

• The path–goal theory of effective leadership

– The leader’s job is to assist followers in attaining goals

– In so doing leaders need to provide the necessary direction and support to ensure that their goals are compatible with organisational objectives.

– The leader’s key role is:

• To clarify the path for subordinates

• To facilitate achievement of their work goals

• To reduce any roadblocks or constraints

• To reward employees for appropriate levels of performance


Leading and managing employees and volunteers

In assisting followers to achieve their goals it is necessary for leaders to adopt leadership behaviours that are appropriate to the situation.

– Leaders need to adopt leadership styles that are consistent with the work environment and the nature of the subordinates.

– Leadership styles include:

• Directive

• Achievement-orientated

• Participative

• Supportive


Leading and managing employees and volunteers

• The four principles of leadership

1. Provide clear direction

• Set clear targets

• Provide clear instructions about work methods, etc.

• Clarify roles and responsibilities

• Develop time schedules, etc. for specific tasks

• Provide appropriate rewards and recognition


Leading and managing employees and volunteers

2. Empower employees to achieve

• Set specific, measurable and challenging goals that impact on all aspects of event success

• Set and demonstrate high standards in all aspects of the tasks to be completed

• Display faith in the ability of employees and volunteers to effectively carry out tasks and achieve goals.


Leading and managing employees and volunteers

3. Encourage participation and involvement

• Hold regular meetings to discuss progress

• Discuss work methods and approaches with subordinates

• Seek ideas and opinions amongst subordinates

• Adopt a group decision making approach

– particularly when decisions impact directly on the work of subordinates.


Leading and managing employees and volunteers

4. Demonstrate empathy and provide support

• Find ways to make the job more stimulating and interesting

• Act in a supportive and helpful manner

• Provide appropriate resources and organisational support

• Provide encouragement and increasing the subordinate’s self-esteem.

–All people have different needs. The challenge is to know what skills to apply to each situation.


Motivating employees and volunteers

• What motivates one staff member will mean nothing to another.

• The forces that account for the level, direction and persistence of effort put in by an individual.

• Motivational differences between employees and volunteers

– Employees

• usually extrinsic, such as a salary

– Volunteers

• usually intrinsic, such as social involvement, meeting someone famous or feeling useful.


Motivating employees and volunteers

• The eight principles of motivation

1. Recognise individual differences

• All people have different motivations

• Extrinsic motivation

• Intrinsic motivation

2. Understand the needs of employees and volunteers

• Get to know staff and their needs

• You can then motivate more effectively

• All event staff will have varying needs and expectations

• The more rewards on hand, the more likely managers are to satisfy needs


Motivating employees and volunteers

• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

– We are motivated to satisfy our needs

– Basic needs must be satisfied before moving to others

• Alderger’s ERG Theory

– Simplifies Maslow’s hierarchy into three steps

– Frustration–regression pattern applies


Motivating employees and volunteers

3. Demonstrate trust and delegate tasks

• Delegation makes people feel valued

• McGregor’s theory X and theory Y

– Theory X – lazy, avoid responsibility

– Theory Y – committed, seek responsibility

– Manager’s belief will direct motivations used

4. Be aware of equity considerations

• Perceived equity is important to motivation

• Applies to financial and non-financial means

• Adams’ equity theory

– Based on relative and absolute terms


Motivating employees and volunteers

5. Provide training and development opportunities

• Increases expectancy of task completion

• Training is an important intrinsic motivator and investment

• Vroom’s expectancy theory

– Questioning whether to exert more effort

– Answer depends on what is in it for them

6. Create a motivating work environment

• Vibrant, energising and productive

• Job design – job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment

• Job enrichment – skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback


Motivating employees and volunteers

7. Build teamwork and team spirit

• Teams result in motivated and inspired workplaces

• Stages of team development

– Forming

– Storming

– Norming

– Performing

– Adjourning


Motivating employees and volunteers

8. Manage performance effectively

• Performance management helps to focus motivation

• Set SMART goals which are monitored

• Performance appraisal process

– establish goals

– gain feedback

– provision of rewards, training, resources, improvement

– focus on outcomes and keep it balanced

– finish on a positive note


Motivating employees and volunteers

• Goal-setting theory

– Setting ambitious and challenging goals is a key to success

– Goals need to be specific and measurable

– Specific and difficult goals

• Focus attention on achievement

• Helps avoid distractions

• Energise

• Create satisfaction

– Feedback reinforces impact of goal-setting, particularly self-generated feedback.


Training employees and volunteers

• Providing subordinates with additional skills, knowledge and expertise has multiple motivational benefits:

– Firstly, it increases a subordinate’s expectancy that they can successfully complete a task

– Secondly, the process of training , learning and developing new knowledge and new skills is, in itself, an important intrinsic motivator.


Training employees and volunteers

• Induction

– Provides basic organisational and job information

– Allows staff to ease into role more effectively.

• Training

– Acquisition of skills, knowledge and expertise required

– On the job, job rotation, ‘classroom’ training.

• Development

– Long-term development of expertise.

• Education

– Long-term development of knowledge base.


Training employees and volunteers

• The four principles of training

1. Put the initiative for training on trainees

• Adults are self-directed – want to control their learning

• Motivated to learn by intrinsic needs e.g.: achievement

• Goal orientated – pursue their own learning goals

2. Link training to practical outcomes

• Make content relevant to trainees’ interests and needs

• Adults seek out information with a practical application


Training employees and volunteers

3. Recognise and take advantage of the experience and expertise of trainees

• Adults bring life experiences that can teach others

• Treat adult learners with dignity and respect in light of experience

4. Make learning experiential and problem-based

• People learn best by doing

• Most effective programs combine on the job learning with some theoretical approaches.


Integrating the efforts of employees and volunteers

• Providing direction, support and motivation.

• Recognising needs, interests and expectations.

• Adopting appropriate leadership styles.

• Delegating and creating jobs that are satisfying.

• Facilitating dynamic teams.

• Setting SMART and challenging goals.

• Managing performance to provide feedback and direction.

• Training and developing in a manner that recognises adult learning principles.


Managing workplace diversity

• The work environments of most organisations are now characterised by high levels of diversity in terms of:

– Culture

– Gender

– Age

– Other demographic and individual differences

• While these differences can represent a challenge they also represent a major opportunity.

– A diverse workforce is generally more creative, more innovative and more capable of solving complex problems.


Managing workplace diversity

• Organisations can harness the potential benefits of workplace diversity by:

– developing recruitment strategies that emphasise the value of a diverse workforce

– maintaining an organisational culture that values diversity, cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity, and fosters a sense of inclusiveness

– investing in cultural sensitivity and cross-cultural communication training

– encouraging open communication and teamwork


Chapter summary

• Event managers are more aware of the value of motivated, trained and capable staff and volunteers.

• Organisational effectiveness requires both strong leadership and sound management.

• Leaders provide the vision and strategy while managers implement the vision and strategy.

• Leadership means empowering staff and providing them with direction and support.

• Motivation is achieved through understanding of needs and interests of staff and volunteers.


Chapter summary

• Motivation is enhanced through a vibrant work environment, achieved through learning and development.

• The effective management of workplace diversity has the potential to significantly enhance organisational performance.
