1. Written communication = Verbal communication? 2. Define euphemism? Equivocation? 3. Difference...

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 1. Written communication = Verbal communication? 2. Define euphemism? Equivocation? 3. Difference...

  • Slide 1
  • 1. Written communication = Verbal communication? 2. Define euphemism? Equivocation? 3. Difference between connotative and denotative meaning? 4. In the communication process, the sender _______________ a message, while the receiver ________________ the message. a. Decodes, encodes b. Encodes, decodes c. Decodes, decodes d. Encodes, encodes
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  • Chapter 5 Recap/Lecture
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  • One cannot NOT communicate (aside from grammatical issues ) What does this mean? Communication = transactional
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  • Communicating without words Plays role in communicating effectively Helps with conversation management Intentional and unintentional Consciously and unconsciously (largely the latter) Shared meaning
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  • Often ambiguous More believable than verbal communication May conflict with verbal communication Mixed messages Can be used to regulate and adapt to conversation Interaction adaption theory (for the latter)
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  • Culture Gender Age Context
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  • Visual-Auditory Codes Contact Codes Place and Time Codes
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  • Body Movement (Kinesics) Body Orientation Gestures Delivery Citing Seeking Turn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA3QNM5eKNw
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  • Physical Appearance Physical Characteristics Level of attractiveness Body artifacts (e.g. jewelry, tattoos, body piercings) Examples Consider interacting with this person (interpersonal/impersonal communication) Think about your willingness to date interview work with on a project hang out with .trust approach
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  • Facial Communication Eye Contact Facial Expressions Smiling Voice (Paralanguage) How you say it Vocal qualities Pitch, rate, volume, tempo, pronunciation, etc Vocal distractors ums, uhs, ehs Vocal characterizers Crying, laughing, whining, muttering, etc. Silence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI4OCSYXPHM
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  • Touch = Haptics Functions of touch Positive Playful Control Ritualistic Task Hybrid Accidental
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  • Space = Proxemics Personal space How do we protect our personal space? Territoriality/Territorial Markers Distance Personal, intimate, social, or public How do we respond if our space is violated? Expectancy Violation Theory
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  • The Environment (e.g. color, lighting, room design) What do these colors usually communicate? Red Black Green Blue Pink Time (Chronemics) Late to your first date? Late to dinner with your best friend? Late to meeting with professor?
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  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh_ _g-ZZ6WA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh_ _g-ZZ6WA
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  • Differences between men and women, in terms of nonverbal communication? Your thoughts? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz- kykWD0a0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz- kykWD0a0
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  • What about in different settings? (Focus on INTERPERSONAL communication) Workplace? Church? Dance club? Are dance moves examples of nonverbal communication? What do they communicate in interpersonal communication? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7sRVSA-Nss (43:07 mark)
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  • Understand the relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication Be tentative with your interpretations Avoid nonverbal distractions Remember the role of context in nonverbal communication Pay attention to your own nonverbal behaviors Ask others about your nonverbal communication Application Exercise
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  • How difficult would it be to understand a full message by only observing nonverbal communication? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSJHdQMajfE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSJHdQMajfE How difficult would it be to communicate without nonverbal communication? ACTIVITY!!! Lets play TABOO!
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  • Which was more difficult? Communicating without verbal or without nonverbal? Explain. What did the two activities teach you about the importance of both nonverbal and verbal communication? Nonverbal communication happens even when you are sitting at your desk. What do you feel you communicated in class this week (through your nonverbal communication)? Was this intentional? What are you communicating today with your attire? Was this intentional? How do each impact others perceptions of you?
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  • Have a conversation with someone about any topic. Record yourself. Review the video. Evaluate your use of nonverbal communication. What messages were you trying to convey? Did you communicate what you wanted? Were you surprised? Must factor in textbook terminology; minimum of 2 paragraphs1 st, explain nonverbals; 2 nd, evaluate nonverbals If you dont have a camera phone, ask the person to evaluate your nonverbal communication (after your conversation). For example, ask: Was I supportive? Was I accommodating?