1. What’s happening in this picture? 2. Where are these events occurring?

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Transcript of 1. What’s happening in this picture? 2. Where are these events occurring?

1. What’s happening in this picture?

2. Where are these events occurring?

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 5-5, Copyright by The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 5-5, Copyright by The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.

Use the map on the previous page and answer the following questions

3. Which part of the empire was Gaul a part of?

4. Which part of the empire was Greece a part of?

5. What is the name of the area that Greece is located in?

6. What was the capital of the Eastern Empire?

7. Use the map on the next page. What name does this city become in the Middle Ages?

8. See slide 14 to find out what is the city’s name today.

476: Germanic tribes conquered the old Roman Empire Territories

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 5-5, Copyright by The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.

Use the map on the previous page and answer the following questions

9. What tribes are attacking Rome?

10. What tribes are attacking the Eastern half?

11. Which half of the Roman Empire is being attacked the most?

12. What will these attacks lead to?

By 395 AD, Diocletian had divided the Roman Empire Byzantium = eastern empire Rome = western empire

476, Germanic forces from the north conquered the Western Roman Empire

Byzantium survived for almost another 1000 years and carried on the Greco-Roman tradition.

Middle Ages = European history between the fall of the Roman Empire (476) and the Modern Era (1450)

Also called the Medieval Period (“Medium” is Latin for Middle; “aevum” is Latin for age)

Early Middle Ages = 500 – 1000 C.E.

High Middle Ages = 1000 – 1300 C.E.

Late Middle Ages = 1300 – 1500 C.E.

13. When were the Middle Ages?

14. Define Middle Ages.

15. The Medieval Period is divided into what 3 parts?

pestilence, war, famine, & death

Some believed thatwere also the times of the

• Instability after Rome’s fall

• Lawlessness, corruption, political assassinations, & starvation

• No national government; local regional lords held the power

• Lords controlled estates through feudalism

• Constant fear of plunderers and robbers

• High inflation and low trade

500-1000 C.E.

16. Write a paragraph describing the political situation in the Early Middle Ages.

Eastern ½ of the Roman Empire = Byzantium

Becomes the Byzantine Empire after Rome falls

Survives almost 1,000 years after Rome’s collapse

At 1st, the Byzantines controlled only a small area around the eastern Mediterranean

Justinian (527-565), expanded & recovered much of the territory of the old Roman empire

Constantinople was the capital of Byzantium for almost 1,000 years

Largest city in Medieval Europe

Major center of commerce

Constantinople is Istanbul today

17. Why is the city walled?

18. What is this building? See slide 25

Glencoe Chapter Transparency 9, Copyright by The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.

The Golden Horn = inlet off of the Bosporus that forms a natural harbor

19. Which 2 larger bodies of water are connected by the Bosporus, the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles?

20. Why is Constantinople in an ideal location for protection from attack?

21. Which rivers provided trading routes to inland areas of Europe and Asia?

Use the map on slide 16 to answer the following questions on a sheet of notebook paper.

The Golden Horn

Justinian = ruled as an autocrat

Autocrat – ruler who has complete authority

Justinian & Theodora created a huge Christian empire

The empire reached its greatest size under their rule

Queen Theodora

This map depicts the Empire at the death of Justinian I, who had reigned from 527 to 565 as sole Emperor, sometimes in concert, and sometimes in conflict, with his powerful wife Theodora.

Daily Focus Skills Transparency 9-4, Copyright by the McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.Number the questions below 22-24 and answer them in your notes

= “The New Rome” Wealthy

Produced: gold, silk, grain, olives and wine

Traded for spices, ivory and precious stones

Traders used the Silk Road and other trade routes

Traders traveled as far as China and India

22. What products did the Byzantines trade?

23. Where did the Silk Road begin in the east?

24. Name 3 deserts the Silk Road goes around.

25. What sea’s eastern shore does the Silk Road end on?

Sponsored a Rebuilding Program in Constantinople

Hagia Sophia (Church of Holy Wisdom)

• Most buildings were built by architects

• Justinian selected 2 Greek mathematicians

• Results = combines Greek balance & proportion with Roman engineering skills

• Great central dome is supported by 4 corners

The walls and ceiling are lined with golden mosaics and windows Mosaics are pictures made of tiny pieces of cut glass and stone

The mosaics illustrate stories from the Old Testament and from local history

The Virgin and Child with Emperors Justinian (left) and Constantine (right)

26. What is Justinian holding?

27. What is Constantine holding?

28. What are the dome and walls lined with?

29. How does this affect the lighting in the building?

Rebuilt the Hippodrome

Used for gladiator fights and chariot races

Justinian I organized the first written compilation of Roman law

Called The Justinian Code

Influenced the development of the civil law system in many countries

30. What is happening in this slide?

31. What are the men doing?

32. Who are the men?

Laws were fairer to women. They could own property and raise their own children after their husbands died.

Children were allowed to choose their own marriage partners.

Slavery was legal and slaves must obey their masters.

Punishments were detailed and fit the crime

Inspired the modern concept of “justice.”

33. Why was the Justinian Code important?

34. Summarize 3 major achievements of Justinian

Roman Law




Eastern Europe

Christian Art


eMiddle EastConques




Asia Africa


Classical and Christian Learning

Byzantine Empire


Islam spread throughout Africa, Asia, and Europe

In the 7th Century. Muslims, conquered Palestinewhere Jesus Christ had lived and preachedMuslims were tolerantlet Christians/Jews and keep their faithsChristian pilgrims visited the Christian 'Holy Land‘ & shrines freely

In the 11th century, the Seljuk Turks conquered JerusalemPersecuted Christian pilgrims1071, defeated the Byzantine army at the Battle of Manzikert; Threatened

Byzantine Empire; Emperor Alexius asked the Pope for help Pope Urban II called for a “Holy War” or “Crusade” against the Muslim

“infidels” (unbelievers) and occupiers of the Holy Lands1000s responded and pinned crosses on their tunics

The Crusade


The Crusades continuedBetween 1096-1212, there were 7 crusades

1000s responded and pinned crosses on their tunics & marched to fight/die for God

1st Crusade: (1096-1099) French, German, and Italian armies captured

Jerusalem Sacked the city, slaughtered many Muslims & Jews;

stole/ransacked goods Many Crusaders went home--left surrounding

territories vulnerable Muslim leader, Saladin captured Edessa

2nd Crusade: (1147-1149) 2nd Crusade failed to win Edessa backAdditionally, Saladin re-captured Jerusalem in 1187

for the Muslims

3rd Crusade: (1189-1192) Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of Germany drowned in a local river English King Richard & French King Philip II of France arrived by sea

captured the coastal cities unable to move inland & capture Jerusalem Saladin was impressed with King Richard’s fighting on the coast King Richard earned the nickname the “Lionhearted” here Saladin agreed to allow Christian pilgrims free access to Jerusalem

The Crusades continued

Saladin (1138-1193)

Muslim leader

Established the Ayyubid Dynasty

Very devout

Legendary chivalry

Defeated Europeans in the 2nd & 3rd Crusades

Spared Jerusalem

Made Cairo a vibrant medieval city

The Crusades continued

3rd Crusade (1202-1204) Venetian leaders used the opportunity to weaken their largest

economic competitor Diverted Crusaders to Constantinople; sacked the city and ruled it

until 1261 Byzantine army recaptured Constantinople in 1261 Byzantine Empire never regained their great power Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1453

3rd Crusade = 1204 Venetian merchants encouraged the Crusaders Jealous of Constantinople’s economic competition 1261, Byzantines regained control of the city Byzantine empire never regained its former glory “Limped along” until conquered by the Ottomans in 1453

What was the main effect of the Crusades?

Italian port cities prospered economically

Opened Europeans to a variety of goods and products: silks, spices, coffee, tea, science, and knowledge

Access to the compass/astrolabe provided Europeans with the means to travel away from the coastline and to seek new goods

Access to information about gun powder will enhance their more aggression and lead to imperialistic tendencies in Asia, Africa, and the Americas

3rd Crusade sacked Constantinople;

weakened the Byzantine Empire

Led to Anti-Semitism in Europe

Broke down feudalism;

Paved the way for the development of European nation-states

Lasting impact: bred centuries of distrust & enmity between Muslims &Christians

Crusaders sacked Constantinople

Collapse of the Byzantine Empire

1453 – the Muslim Ottoman Empire surrounded and conquered Constantinople

Constantinople was renamed Istanbul

Istanbul = the capital of the Ottoman Empire.

Mehmet II

Constantine XI

35. What were the Crusades?

36. What caused the Crusades?

37. What were the results of the Crusades?

38. What was the result of the 3rd Crusade?

39. Who was Saladin?

40. Who conquered Constantinople?

41. When did Constantinople fall?

Economic Influences Religious InfluencesP







Area – Geographic Influences

Social In



Intellectual Influences