1 Welcome to KU 121, Unit 7 Seminar Louisa Fordyce E-mail: Lfordyce@kaplan.edu IM user ID: LRFordyce...

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Transcript of 1 Welcome to KU 121, Unit 7 Seminar Louisa Fordyce E-mail: Lfordyce@kaplan.edu IM user ID: LRFordyce...


Welcome to KU 121, Unit 7 Seminar

Louisa FordyceE-mail: Lfordyce@kaplan.eduIM user ID: LRFordyceOffice Hour by appointment

Unit 8 Project

Unit 8’s project is due on Tuesday, January 11.

It’s important to send your paper to the WC as soon as possible so that you get it back in time to submit it to the dropbox.

The WC says it has a 24-48 hour return, but you can’t depend on that.


The WC is staffed with real people who read and comment on the papers, and they get bogged down just like the rest of us at times.

So send your paper to the WC ASAP.



Unit 7 Quiz

There are 5 questions. The questions concern drafting and

revising. There are questions about writing a

conclusion. There are questions about adding

material to your essay.

Purpose of the conclusion

What is the purpose of the conclusion? It adds new information. It balances the introduction. Your paper doesn’t need a conclusion;

just stop writing.


And the answer is ---

The conclusion balances the introduction.



How should you craft your conclusion? Sum up your strongest points and to tie

everything together.  Start it with, “That’s all I know. I hope

you enjoyed reading this.” Directly copy your thesis from the

introductory paragraph.


What is the purpose of drafting?

Drafting is the step in which extensive editing and revising take place.

Drafting is choosing the topic. Drafting is the determining stage.


And the answer is ---

Drafting is the determining stage.

But what does this mean?


According to Reading > Required Reading, a determining stage completes the process. You can add information, determine if something needs to be deleted, and so on.

You can read more about this in the Required Reading doc in Unit 7.


Adding information

How can you expand on a section of your paper if you think it needs more development? Add empty words. Look for additional facts or examples to

expand the focus of your essay.  Don’t worry about it; leave the reader



And the answer is ---

Look for additional facts or examples to expand the focus of your essay. 

For this essay, what additional information can you supply to make each paragraph about 100 words?

Start with meeting word count and determine if you need to add anything.


Have someone else read your paper to see if you need to add anything.



Unit 7 Project

Submit the complete rough draft of your essay.

This means the intro, the body, and the conclusion.

You should have feedback from the various projects by this point from your primary instructor about areas that need work on your essay.



It is extremely important to incorporate the changes I suggest as you revise.

I point out problems that need to be fixed.

I also suggest areas that need more information or areas that need information deleted.


It is frustrating for me to put my time and effort into making comments on student work and then receive the next project with the same errors left in.


Projects received with the same errors will receive lower grades.




You will post the rough draft of your autobiography by the end of Unit 7. You will take the informal ideas generated in previous units and formalize them for this draft, so you want to write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Check your spelling and grammar, but extensive edits for things like word choices can and should wait.



Requirements for the project: Project Description: Imagine that you

have completed your program at Kaplan University and been offered your dream job! The company or organization you will be working for wants to issue a press release announcing that you are joining them and in what capacity. In order to do so, they need an autobiographical statement from you. Your autobiography should include:


One paragraph that identifies who you are, where you live, the company or organization that has hired you, and your new job title.


One paragraph that gives professional details about you and your life – your age, family, hobbies, etc. (NOTE: this is a professional biography so you should limit personal details to what is appropriate).


One paragraph that talks about your education. You should include high school or your GED, any previous college experience, and your Kaplan program.


One paragraph that details professional experiences, honors and awards, or other related details.


One concluding paragraph hat reinforces where you will be working, your job title, and what you will be doing.


Since your autobiography will appear in the company newsletter and in local newspapers, it should be written in third person (no I or you), should use concrete nouns, descriptive adjectives, and active verbs, and should include effective transitions between paragraphs.


The project is called an autobiography but is really more of a biography.

Think about newspaper articles. Pretend that you are writing an

article about someone else. Use your name and refer to yourself

as “he,” “his,” “she,” or “her” instead of “I,” “my, or “me.”


Remember to use Microsoft Word to write your project and submit it as an attachment to the Dropbox.




Identify the correct sentence.a) Has anybody started repaying them student loan?b) Has anybody started repaying their student loan?c) Has anybody started repaying his or her student

loan?d) Has anybody started repaying they student loan?


c) Has anybody started repaying his or her student loan?

Anybody is a singular pronoun and needs singular pronouns following it.


Identify the correct sentence.a) Neither Santo nor Dominick offered to make us

famous spaghetti sauce.b) Neither Santo nor Dominick offered to make his

famous spaghetti sauce.c) Neither Santo nor Dominick offered to make them

famous spaghetti sauce.d) Neither Santo nor Dominick offered to make their

famous spaghetti sauce.


b) Neither Santo nor Dominick offered to make his famous spaghetti sauce.

We know that both people are male so we can use the male pronoun.